A Night of Love Songs to Benefit WHS Choir Continuo Arts

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A Night of Love Songs to Benefit WHS Choir Continuo Arts A WATCHUNG COMMUNICATIONS, INC. PUBLICATION The Westfield Leader and The Scotch Plains – Fanwood TIMES Thursday, January 26, 2017 Page 17 POPCORN Hidden Figures Amounts to an Important Tale 3 popcorns One Popcorn, Poor — Two Popcorns, Fair — Three Popcorns, Good — Four Popcorns, Excellent By MICHAEL S. GOLDBERGER suffer foolery. So, when he discovers film critic that Katherine is away from her desk Watching director Theodore Melfi’s for inordinate amounts of time be- Hidden Figures, about the African- cause she has to run a half mile each American women working for NASA way to the “colored only” bathroom, who were instrumental if not indis- we cheer his abashment and resolu- TOP PLAYERS...Seven Westfield High School (WHS) Band students were pensable to getting our first man in tion. accepted to the 2017 New Jersey Music Education Association Region Band or space, we scratch our heads and can’t In smart, contextual contrast to the Orchestra. Three of the seven students placed first overall in their instrument: help but ask ourselves, “How come I hard work of tearing down the unpro- Dale Beyert - Wind Ensemble and Orchestra, Trumpet; Michael Hauge - Wind didn’t know this?” But figuring the ductive, age-old injustice of discrimi- Ensemble, Eb and Bb Clarinet, and Brooke Walden - Wind Ensemble and truth here isn’t rocket science. So many nation that Katherine, Dorothy and Orchestra, Piccolo and Flute. In addition, Austin Chen performed on trumpet years after the fact, it’s the same depth Mary devote themselves to, director LOVE IS IN THE AIR...The Westfield High School choirs will reprise their with the Symphonic Band; Matthew Schiff - Wind Ensemble, Alto and Bass of prejudice that hampered Katherine Melfi intersperses the drama with real- annual Night of Love Songs on Saturday, February 11 at 7 p.m. Clarinet; Sara Shen - Symphonic Band, Flute; and Daniel Shenker - Symphonic Band, Alto Saxophone. The performances took place on January 8 and January G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary life images from the era. Footage of 15 – both at Montgomery High School. Pictured, from left to right, at the January Jackson and their sister colleagues from President John F. Kennedy exhorting 15 regional concert are: Trevor Sindorf – WHS Band Director, Matthew Schiff, convincing the space agency of their us to noble deeds cannot help but bring A Night of Love Songs Brooke Walden, Sara Shen, Dale Beyert, Austin Chen, Michael Hauge, Daniel genius that has squirreled away their a tear as we are reminded of the hope Shenker, and Chris Vitale, WHS Band Director. The seven students also audi- story. for social enlightenment that was tioned for All-State on January 21. This is a civics lesson, especially snatched from us. To Benefit WHS Choir important at this tremulous juncture Putting it in perspective, while we when a sizable portion of our popula- Americans at that time, both Demo- WESTFIELD – The Westfield High is being sponsored by the Westfield tion wishes to forego the humanitarian crat and Republican, were of course School (WHS) Choir Department will Choral Parents Association, Inc., and Continuo Arts Celebrates advancement of our species for the devoted to our partisan ideologies, we perform “A Night of Love Songs” on the proceeds will be applied toward sake of a personal interest that they’ve were not so divided that we couldn’t Saturday, February 11 at 7 p.m. (door choral performance opportunities for been tricked into believing is at war imagine a greater good… one we knew opens at 6:30 p.m. in WHS Cafeteria the students, such as trips, clinicians A Decade of Music with all progressive thought. As such, we were capable of attaining if we B) under the direction of John and special events.Planning is under- its dramatically satisfying treatise on selflessly sought it. But the assassina- Brzozowski, Choir Director. While way for the choir's spring 2018 trip to SUMMIT – The Continuo Arts summer programs. In addition to the the snail’s pace of civil rights is just as tion launched a cynicism that eroded having coffee and desserts, enjoy an Helsinki and the Baltic States. Foundation begins its 10th anniver- Foundation office and studios, the much pragmatic as it is sweetly ideal- the postwar feeling of renewed inno- evening of wonderful solo and group For more information, or to make a sary year and celebrates a decade of Continuo Conservatory Hall is home istic. By personalizing the tale through cence, vitality and goodwill, causing performances by members of the monetary or other charitable dona- music, inspiration and opportunity. to the seven weekly choir rehearsals. the eyes of its three protagonists, the us a suspicion of conspiracy at almost WHS Choir. In addition, there will be tion, please contact Holly Zakharenko In its relatively short tenure, the “We are excited to celebrate with screenplay studies the stresses, fears every turn, too often corroborated. It many beautiful gift baskets to raffle at [email protected], Eliana Continuo Arts notable impact includes the community and to expand our and ingrained mysteries of bigotry. helped fuel the revolutionary 1960s, as well as a 50/50 raffle. Tickets will Carvajal at [email protected] or the establishment of New Jersey’s musical offerings and outreach to lo- Thus we shockingly learn that, at was held at bay, but has now again be sold at the door and are $5 per Karna Cestero at most comprehensive cal singers, artists and composers Langley Research Center in Hampton, reared its ugly head. student and $10 per adult. This event [email protected]. intergenerational choral program with across greater New Jersey,” says Virginia, where Al Harrison, played Our story takes place at the nexus seven choirs for singers of all ages; Candace Wicke, Executive Director by Kevin Costner, heads the Space between these two epochs, when the producing concerts and premiering and Principal Conductor. “This year’s Task Group of the era’s supposed Best country still has an appetite for real, Local Student Named to major choral and orchestral works in first event takes place Sunday, Febru- and the Brightest, Jim Crow is very honest-to-goodness heroes and anx- Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, the ary 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the Continuo much alive and at work, keeping hu- iously anticipates our astronauts catch- Music Center at Strathmore, making Arts Conservatory Hall and the pub- mankind from its destiny. There, work- ing up with and surpassing those darn Hamilton College Dean's List history as the first US organization to lic is invited to our 2017 Annual Fund ing at the segregated West Area Com- Russian cosmonauts. The Cold War is present a concert inside the Sistine Kick-off Cabaret. There will be per- puters section, circa 1962, Katherine, being played out in the heavens. Man- CLINTON, N.Y. – Brian P. Burns, Mr. Burns, a senior majoring in Chapel, on the Paper Mill Playhouse formances by Conservatory and mem- a math wiz played by Taraji P. Henson; aging a balancing act between suing son of Laura and Jeffrey Burns of cinema and media studies and litera- main stage for 42 shows premiering ber soloists, ensembles, as well as Dorothy, a team leader portrayed by for their rights and nonetheless cham- Scotch Plains, has been named to the ture, is a graduate of Scotch Plains- Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre hors d’oeuvres and beverages. There Octavia Spencer; and Janelle Monáe’s pioning the pioneering efforts of a Dean's List at Hamilton College for Fanwood High School. Dame, producing the Minuetto Mu- will be entertainment for everyone to Mary Jackson, an engineer, crunch land that once counted them as 3/5ths the 2016 fall semester. sic Festival and serving as musical enjoy!” important numbers in relative obscu- of a citizen, the story of our math- To be named to the Dean's List, a ADS PLACED IN ambassadors around the world at pres- Opportunities for local singers in- rity. ematical troika is an uplifting, educa- student must have carried throughout tigious international music festivals clude choirs for children, youth, But, as necessity is the mother of tional and compelling lesson in patrio- the semester a course load of four or THE LEADER/TIMES in Rome, Vatican City, Ireland, Czech adults, seniors and professionals; call invention, sometimes it can also be the tism. more graded credits with an average BRING RESULTS Republic, and other world stages of to schedule your audition today. Pri- arbitrator of racial tolerance: i.e. - As Coupled with the technical ins and of 3.5 or above. note. vate lessons are available for begin- admirable as Branch Rickey’s deci- outs of putting a manned rocket out Opening their new facilities this ners to advanced students with a free sion was to have Jackie Robinson break among the stars, this PG-rated cornu- September at 36 Chatham Road in introductory lesson and assesment, the Major League Baseball color line, copia of human potential should be Summit, Continuo launched a Con- music theory and audition prep, mas- it was essentially a way for the sport to liberally shown in schools wherever LEADER/TIMES servatory of Music offering music ter classes and music theater work- at last avail itself of the vast talent pool parents want their children to be able lessons in voice, piano, instrumental shops. For additional information visit swelling the Negro leagues. Likewise, to say, “Yes we can.” Indeed, we are QUESTIONS & ANSWERS as well as music theory and audition continuoarts.com or call (908) 264- when it’s discovered just how brilliant impressed as well as thankful when we prep, musical theater workshops and 5324.
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