Android 21 Clothes Xenoverse 2 Switch
Android 21 clothes xenoverse 2 switch Continue Catalogue: Characters → villains → former villains No. 21'21Female Explorer 1 After 769 (creation or conversion) 2 Android 21 (Good) Android 21 (Evil) Android 21 (z造間21号, Jinz'ningen Nij'ichi-G, illuminated. Artificial Man No. 21 is an android that appears as the main antagonist of Dragon Ball Fighter when in her evil persona. Her intellect rivals Dr. Gero's intelligence, though she may be even smarter than he was. Android 21 was designed by Akira Toriyama. Toriyama's Appearance content show in the art of Android 21 without her lab coat Android 21 is described as a tall, curvy scientist in glasses and long thick brown hair. She has a gold ring on her middle finger and black nails. She wears hoop earrings, sleeveless, blue and red short dress with opaque black tights, black arm sleeves, and blue and red heel boots. Her eyes are similar to Dr. Hero's Android, such as Android 18. In her true form, Android 21 keeps her curvy body, her skin turns pink, her hair turns into a much paler palette of pink, her ears pointed out, her eyes change depending on if her evil half takes over, and gets a tail. Her outfit changed to a black tube top, keeping black arm sleeves as well as getting white baggy trousers. It is noted that most of all it looks like Magina in this form. Her appearance in her true form is the result of the fact that she has all the traits of fighter jets, Frieza, Cell and Majin Buu rolled into one.
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