Android 21 clothes xenoverse 2 switch

Continue Catalogue: Characters → villains → former villains No. 21'21Female Explorer 1 After 769 (creation or conversion) 2 (Good) Android 21 (Evil) Android 21 (z造間21号, Jinz'ningen Nij'ichi-G, illuminated. Artificial Man No. 21 is an android that appears as the main antagonist of Fighter when in her evil persona. Her intellect rivals Dr. Gero's intelligence, though she may be even smarter than he was. Android 21 was designed by . Toriyama's Appearance content show in the art of Android 21 without her lab coat Android 21 is described as a tall, curvy scientist in glasses and long thick brown hair. She has a gold ring on her middle finger and black nails. She wears hoop earrings, sleeveless, blue and red short dress with opaque black tights, black arm sleeves, and blue and red heel boots. Her eyes are similar to Dr. Hero's Android, such as . In her true form, Android 21 keeps her curvy body, her skin turns pink, her hair turns into a much paler palette of pink, her ears pointed out, her eyes change depending on if her evil half takes over, and gets a tail. Her outfit changed to a black tube top, keeping black arm sleeves as well as getting white baggy trousers. It is noted that most of all it looks like Magina in this form. Her appearance in her true form is the result of the fact that she has all the traits of fighter jets, , and rolled into one. Android 21 reveals in private conversation with the player that while she may have an adult appearance, she is actually less than ten years old and regrets not having adolescence, finding it embarrassing when young children call her ma'am. Personality Because of her biology, Android 21 has a natural, compulsive feed instinct (which has grown out of control due to the cells in her body going off and the heart). Like Magin Buu, she prefers sweets and confectionery, her favorite are pasta. However, she has no control over her hunger and is constantly struggling to keep herself from turning others into treats and devouring them. Her hunger is so great and painful that it has damaged the psyche of Android 21 and the manifestation of personality split. The longer it passes without feeding, the more the evil side of it gets control. When her true persona is under control, she behaves like a kind and maternal woman who was concerned about Android 18 and agreed to help her. However, when her evil personality is under control, she becomes a sadist and power-hungry sociopath, wanting to absorb all powerful fighters, approaching the point of almost madness. Her voracious lust for devouring powerful fighters is similar to the features of the majins inherited when Boo cells were added to it. Her the side is friendly to Good Buu presumably because of their shared biology and love of sweets. Her identity was later transferred Her two halves after her good self managed to use the division as a result of the emotional turmoil caused by the death of her adopted son, Android 16, who was killed by her evil hand as a result of her loss of control. Android 21 Transformed While the good side of Android 21 knows that its human template was the mother of the Android 16 template that makes her develop a maternal attachment to it, she admits that she has little memory of her former life as a person, although she likes to think about how the name and life of her template might be. She also apparently didn't know that Dr. Gero was the father of the Android 16 template or his relationship with her human template. During one of her conversations with the player, she notes that her creator while not a good person was a brilliant scientist and admits that she wanted to know the reason she was created, although admits that he can not answer her questions or that if he did she may not want to know the truth. Interestingly, she never mentions Dr. Gero's name directly, although it is obvious that he is the one she means. Presumably, her knowledge of it either comes from what little memories she possesses and what she was able to learn through researching herself and Android 16. By contrast, her evil side cares nothing about Android 16 and believes that androids have no use for things like family and loved ones as she orders Android 18 to attack her husband Creeline. She also appreciates Dr. Gero only for his labs and research. Although it focuses primarily on feeding, the evil side of the Android 21 personality does not reject the concept of finding galactic conquest, although this goal remains secondary to satisfy its hunger. Unlike its good side, Evil 21 only cares about itself and possesses a selfish bratty personality. Like Cell, her power forces her to treat other beings as beneath her, though additionally, she dismisses all other beings as little more than food to make her stronger. Although she is responsible for creating evil clone fighters as well as Nappa, Ginyu Force, Frieza, Cell (all of which she resurrected with Namekian Dragon Balls), and Kid Buu, they exist only as a food source to support her and her hunger, despite finding their taste to be unsatisfactory. It allows only fighters, resurrected villains, and androids to survive and become stronger in order to continue their goal of their consumption. However, she was outraged when fighters and villains led by Friza and Mail began hunting clones to deprive 21 of her food, forcing her to look for them in a blind rage driven by her hunger. After separating from her good half, the evil 21 ridiculed her kind half-refusal to eat others to increase her power and was confident she was a hypocrite who would eventually give in to her hunger and feed on her allies. Allies. The good 21 was able to associate with the human soul that was associated with Android 18, allowing her to maintain control over herself and confront her evil half without succumbing to hunger. However, the good 21 feared that she would one day lose control, and thus decided to sacrifice herself to stop her evil half, as well as prevent herself from losing control and hurting her newfound friends. Wis and Birus noted that over time the good 21 would have succumbed to hunger, so her sacrifice was ultimately for the common good. However, it is unclear if a good 21 could overcome hunger forever, though she may not have wanted to risk losing control. The self-confident aspect of the personality of a good 21 quite resembles her adopted son, Android 16. Von's biography Android 21 backstory is changing, and it seems she herself does not know the truth. In one case, she claims that she was originally a human-type earthling, transformed by Dr. Gero into Android. As a person, she had a son with Dr. Gero, who became a model for the design of Android 16. In another case, 21 notes that she is a new type of Bio-Android - superior to Cell - built in the image of a human woman with an adult intelligence, though she's not even a decade old - making her feel as if she missed out on her teenage years. Over time, the cells of numerous powerful warriors and clever explorers were added to it, and even such Boo cells were added to it. She claims that she has no recollection of her apparent life as a person, and it was often interesting to imagine what her original name was and what her life was. She didn't know why Hero created it as a unique new type of Android different from fur types (e.g. 16) and modified people (e.g. 17 and 18). Her good side didn't know much about her creator (only referring to him as a scientist), though she knew he was an evil man with great intelligence, though discussing him for some reason made her feel like crying; on the other hand, her evil side knew about Hero to such an extent, but took little care of him or Android built in the image of her son, although it is probably because of her views that androids do not have the need for loved ones and family, as she expressed Android 18 when her good personality lost control during the Android confrontation with husband 18 in Android 21 Doug as she found the idea funny (her lack of care can also be attributed to Frieza and the cage of the king of the cold, as father and son is shown to actually care very little about each other outside of the family respect and reputation of his clan, as shown in the reaction to the conjures to the death of Friza and Frieza rejecting the idea of reviving him after being resurrected, as well as his willingness to allow the souls of his family members to be erased provided that Universe 9's Supreme Kai At one point, 21 recalled remembering her - or her template - with her son when. When she realized that she wanted to see him so badly and have him by her side, she repaired Android 16 (an android whose design was modeled after her son) later and explained that she wanted to treat him like a family. Android 21 does not seem to know that Dr. Gero was the father of the son of her apparent human self and thus the exact nature of Dr. Hero's relationship with her apparent human self is unknown for the fact that they were parents to 16 human patterns. When 21 calls surfaced, she activated a reference system to use her functions to keep herself in check, suppressing her growing need to feed, and the persona that spawned from it. In the end, this led them to search Android 18 and Android 17 separately, with the system activated, in the hope that they would be able to successfully link them to another soul. According to Android 16, at some point, the cell at 21 may have come off the berserk, causing her uncontrollable urge to feed. It is likely that Majin Buu's cells may have been responsible. In addition, the hunger of Android 21 may be the result of its unique combination of Majin and Saiyan cells, as both Saiyans and Majins are known to have great appetites. Her evil persona may also be influenced by a combination of cells she acquired from Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu, as her evil side is known to be cold-blooded, like Frieza and Cell, showing signs of madness similar to Kid Buu. Evil 21 does not reject the idea of galactic conquest, which can also be influenced by Frieze cells. It should be noted that the activation of her evil wave machine personality has forced her original personality to regain control only going on in the timeline of the Android 21 arc, as her evil personality is in control and uses her original identity as a hostage to force Android 16 to serve her, even though he rebels, linking the human soul with in the timeline of the Super Warrior arch, while he accidentally ends the connection with the Frieza Warrior In the chronology of Android 21 Arc, her original personality works with Android 16 to find a way to suppress her evil side and hunger. Other stories of Dragon Ball Kakarot Home article: Dragon Ball: Kakarot woman who Android 21 was either founded, or previously was, appears in Kakarot under the name Female Explorer. Dr. Brief, introducing to a female researcher in Kakarota while studying Vegeta to become Super Sayan, Dr. Brief introduces him to his new collaborator - a female researcher - showing him updates made in the training room. The researcher explains to Veget how the new learning room works. Later, after working with Bulma on the gynius Force space pod, to which Goku returned to Earth, calls Goku a hire inform him that Bonyu's combat data had been recovered from the capsule and could be conducted at any time in the training hall. Fighter Super Warrior Doug Home article: Super Warrior Arc When giving a false story to Goku and Creelin, she claimed she was a researcher employed in the Red Army Tape who deserted using Android 18 and Android 18 was injured, protecting her from the cage, only to be rescued by Goka and Crillin, whom she says is a false backstory to avoid fighting them. Her true colors were later revealed when Team Dragon defeated Android 16, which was found to have tied the human soul with Goku against Android 21 desires forcing her to turn into her true form and destroy it with an absolute release ball. Goku tries to chase her, but she blows him out of the sky, forcing the soul associated with him to accidentally become associated with the Cage, with which Android 21 finds and with whom he fights. The cell does not correspond to it and is forced to retreat with the help of a solar flare. The cell is destroyed by its injuries, and the soul returns to Goka. She later consumes the revived villains of Nappa, Ginyu Force, Frieze and Cage before turning her attention to Team Dragons. To avoid the destruction of the Earth, Goku teleports the team to the Sacred World of Kai, where she encounters a team of dragons. Like Kid Buu, she was ultimately defeated by Goku's super-spiritual bomb. However, questions regarding her and Android 16 remain. The events of this arc seem to have stopped from happening when the spirit returns to the beginning of events, to possess someone else and learn more about the truth at the suggestion of Osis. This story arc was also adapted into Story Event in Dragon Ball: Dokkan Battle as part of a crossover with Fighter, with a player who was able to purchase a Conflicting Mind Android card #21 that could be transcendent Dokkan Awakened into Good Versus Evil Android #21 (Transformed, Good) map using Awakening Medals acquired from the same history event. Some parts of the arc are omitted or altered, such as the human soul associated with Goku, sharing the name of the invisible hero from the quest mode, and , rescued before colliding with Android 16 in Laboratory 21, which remains behind the player in Fighter. However, the role of Android 21 is almost the same as in Goku's film Superfighting Bomb. Enemy Warrior Doug's Main article: Enemy Warrior Arc Android 21 and Android 16 trips to New York and use Namekian Dragon Balls to cause Porunga with him to revive Frieza, Cell, Nappa, and Ginyu Force. Taking the revived villains back to Earth, 21 clones them before tying artificial souls with Cell, Nappa, Ginyu Force, Android 17 and Android 18, allowing her to control them. Eventually she discovers 16 inadvertently connected human soul Frieza (his original candidate Goku, as in the Super Warrior arc), who works with the soul, free to be freed he frees Nappa and Sila Ginyu by defeating them and using them to reform the resurgent Force of Frieze. Android 21 sends 18 to eliminate villains, but 18 is defeated and released. 21 confronts the villains and notes that she does not reject the idea of finding galactic conquest before they discover that it was set to deceive Crillin and Goku, believing that 18 were wounded defending her with 21 escapes, while the two factions were occupied. After defeating Goku and Crillin, Frieze and Celli converted 21 left and told Gok and Krilin that they had been deceived. 21 decides to punish 16 for betraying her by sending him to kill his enemies. However, she knew he would be defeated, and after converting in her true form, 21 feigned helplessness by causing 16 to shield 21 from Frieza and cell her only for her to brutally destroy him herself. Eventually, 21 is furious at the loss of her clones forcing her to resort to consuming the originals, resulting in a plan developed by Frieze to force her to confront her enemies. It then breaks down Goku, Frieze and Cage with a combined energy wave after using the Bulma machine at maximum power to restore enough energy. After her death, the soul leaves Friza, who, along with her henchmen and ally Cell ends the truce with the Dragon Team, although the result of this confrontation is not shown. The events of this arc seem to have ceased to occur when the spirit returns to the beginning of events to possess someone else and learn more about the truth. Android 21 Arc Main article: Android 21 Arc Android 21 appears immediately after the process of connecting Android 18 and another soul succeeded. Surprised by the results, she came and introduced herself to the 21st and told the soul inside 18 about her current condition and current situation, about how the clones created by the Red Ribbon Army, run in fury and destroy the Earth. 21 also tells the soul to communicate to 18. After that, 21 gives them the clothes 18 wore during Hero's service. While reluctant at first, 18 takes and 16, 21, 18, as well as Android 17, travel to defeat the Clones. Over time, however, 21 begins to lose more control over himself, and eventually when Creeline comes to save 18, 21 pounces and tries to feed Crillin. Fortunately, the group subdued her with the help of the soul inside 18. Although the mysterious essence inside 21 tells the soul that, eventually, 21 will give up. They then proceed to defeat more clones, with soul now interacting more with 21. At this time, the 21 would reveal some things about herself, and the soul would encourage her to keep fighting to keep her calls away. However, as promised by the organization, 21 began to lose control of their thirst to feed again. When the group collided with the Cage, which was restored to full force due to the connection with the artificial soul and the bending of its 21 turns into his true form and struggles with the cage along with 18 and 17, to the chagrin of 16. After the fight, 21 finally gives in to his urges and tries to eat the Cage. While the soul tried to associate with her, the essence within 21 rejected him. Having no other choice, the 16 tries to stop her, causing his death by her hand. 21, is now devastated that she killed an android modeled after her son screams in disbelief and sadness, finally pushing out the faces that have given her nothing but fear for so long. Later, in a conversation between her good and evil halves in the laboratory where the Wave Machine remote control is located, it was revealed that it was her evil personality that activated the Wave Machine, which caused her original personality to surface and regain control of her body due to the waves weakening her evil half. The main article is World Mission: Super : World Mission Android 21 Saga Activation In Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission, in the Arcade Mode Universe Mission Age Android 21 Saga: Activation has the player use the communication system to link their Avatar to either Goku or Frieze in the adaptation of Super Warrior and Enemy Warrior Arcs. Eventually Goku or Frieze confront Android 21 (Normal) and two clones. Goku faces her in The Boss Mission after defeating New Model 16, while Frieze faces her in the Super Boss mission after defeating clone himself, Cage and Kid Boo. In both missions, Android 21 cannot be captured by the Hero Robo capture module, so it cannot be turned into the Invocation Module, but the clones accompanying it can. Power Created from the cells of countless warriors and scientists, Android 21 is one of the most powerful androids in the series and the most powerful Android woman created through the research of Dr. Hero. Like Majin Buu and cells, she can increase its power by absorbing other life forms, which it does by turning them into sweets and eating them increasing her power. Super Warrior Arc It is able to easily defeat the cells without even using half its power. When braking by waves, it can easily defeat Nappa, the Gynu Force and the final shape of Frieze (which are also suppressed by waves). After absorbing Nappa, Cage, Sil Ginyu and Frieze, she was defeated by the combined power of Super Sayan Goku, Super Sayan Vegeta, Ultimate Gohan, , Krilin, Tian Shinhan, Yamchi, Super Sayyan 3 Gotenx and Goode Buu. Vegeta argues that if he had access to his full power, he would have been able to win 21 alone. Enemy Warrior Arc Even while inhibited by waves, its power in its base shape is enough to shock Krill. Even after absorbing many clones, it was destroyed by a combined attack by Final Form Frieza, Super Saiyan Goku and Perfect Cell when their full strength was awakened by Bulma, redefining the wave of suppression. Android 21 Arcs When waves, united united Androids 17, 18 and 16, 21 are able to defeat Cell - even after he is dramatically powered by the artificial soul he has been implanted with. Android 16 describes it as having more features than Cell ever had and being much stronger than it is. He states that she can endlessly feed herself by eating other beings, and that her desire to feed her is the most dangerous quality. Statements of guidebooks and authors It can compete with the strongest fighters of the series. Flight abilities - the ability to fly with the help of ki. Ki Blast is the most basic form of energy attack. Tail Attack - In its true form, Android 21 can attack enemies with its tail as part of some combo. It can also shove its tail into the ground and then erupt from the ground to deliver a sudden attack, taking advantage of its ability to extend its tail, which presumably can be attributed to either its Frieza Race, Namekian, and Majin cages or a combination of all three. Hungry Beam - Move Android 21 uses to turn people into food. Sweet Tooth is one of Android 21's Meteor Attack (Level 3 Super), which is said to work like Majin Buu, although shot like a finger beam like Majuub's version. Android 21 turns the enemy into a dessert (such as a doughnut, pasta or cupcake) and then bites off the opponent, restoring health. If this attack finish off the enemy, it eats the enemy completely. Absorption - In all scenarios, it absorbs many clones. In Super Warrior Arc, she absorbs Nappa, the Cage, the Power of Gina and finally Frieze. Like Chellin Boo, it makes her more powerful. The absorption of Android 21 resembles the combination of Candy Beam Majin Buu and the ability to absorb cells as it can increase its power by turning others into food and eating them. Connoisseur Cut is a move that allows Android 21 to absorb enemy energy and use up to four moves of its opponents. There is a pool of eight moves she can copy with their presence depending on the enemy she took ki from. Remarkably, the ki attacks are copied with this step of red and black. Solar Flash - One of the Android 21 moves can be used after using Connoisseur Cut. It is functionally identical to the Krilin version, but can be used in the air. Received from enemies somewhat connected with Goku. Kamehameha - One of the Android 21 moves can be used after using Connoisseur Cut. Received from enemies somewhat connected with Goku. Homing Energy Blast - One of the Android 21 moves can be used after using Connoisseur Cut. It's similar to Piccolo's version, but it can only conjure up one ball at a time. Received from alien or pious enemies. Ki Blast Rush - One of the android 21 moves you can use after using Connoisseur Cut. A series of rapid-fire explosions. Received from enemies associated with Vegeta. Energy Blast - One of the Android 21 moves can be used after using Connoisseur Cut. It's a team grab where she she is opponent throughout the arena. Received from enemies associated with Vegeta. Android Barrier - One of the Android 21 moves you can use after using Connoisseur Cut. Received from enemies associated with androids. Blast Energy Blast - One of the Android 21 moves can be used after using Connoisseur Cut. it's a pair of energy explosions fired on the ground. Received from enemies associated with androids. Instant Transmission - One of the Android 21 moves can be used after using Connoisseur Cut. Also used to teleport Android 21 to the Sacred World of Kai. Received from alien or pious enemies. In Super Warriors Arc, Android 21 recognizes him with mimicry after seeing that he used Goku to travel to the Sacred World of Kaisa. Hors d'Oeuvre Stab - Android 21 flies down to the enemy from the air and hits them into the ground. Total Detonation Ball - Android 21 launches a ball of ki that flies across the screen and explodes on impact. A heavy version of this move will discard all the moves it has purchased in exchange for additional power. Absolute Release Ball is a large version of Total Detonation Ball used by Android 21 to destroy Android 16. This is a normal Android 21 super attack in Dragon Ball Heroes. In Dokkan Battle, it uses Android 21 in its human form as its Super Attack, albeit with her good personality in managing her body. Photon Wave is a movement where Android 21 produces a Death Beam-like attack that explodes where it hits along the ground. Excellent full course - Android 21 is another Level 3 Super where it flies into the enemy, hitting them with a barrage of dash attacks before hitting them on the ground and shoots ki blast from above them. Survival - Thanks to the possession of cells from Frieza, Cell and Kid Buu, Android 21 has great survivability and endurance. Regeneration - With the possession of cells from Piccolo, Cell, Kid Buu and Good Buu, Android 21 has one of the greatest regenerative capabilities in the series. Cleavage - After destroying Android 16 in the Android 21 arc, Android 21 releases its evil hunger persona as a separate person. This ability appears to have inherited from her Majin cells instead of her Namekian cells, as good and evil halves are not bound by life, as shown by the good halves of the shows during a special conversation with Piccolo and Tian. Normal Android 21 art for Dragon Ball Legends form representing Android 21 original human self. In this form she appears to be a voluptuous attractive woman with brown hair, wears glasses, a blue-red dress with black sleeves and a lab coat with the Red Ribbon logo, blue and red heels. She has blue eyes and wears a pair of gold hoop earrings. It is unclear whether 21 can return to this form after converting into its true form. In Dokkan Battle, this form can be played under the name Android #21 (Normal) and his good personality in management. In Super Super Ball Heroes: World Mission, she appears in this form as the boss and super boss in the Arcade Mode Universe Mission Age Android 21 Saga: Activation. It cannot be captured with the modules capturing Hero Robo. However, the form has several playable cards that can be purchased from certain sets of Gacha Shop cards. Depending on the map, its human form can be reproduced with or without its lab coat. In Dragon Ball: Kakarot, the woman who had her template, or her original I, appears as an unnamed new capsule corporation employee, known only to her in-game nickname of the female explorer as her actual name unanswered. Transformed Android 21 Android 21 is able to transform into a shape that resembles Majin in body color and clothing, although it also features white hair, and spiked Namekian-like ears and tail similar to the final shape of Frieza. In this state, her evil side remains under control, she has red eyes and a black skler and with pink and white hair. This state is called Dragon Ball Heroes and Dokkan Battle, although many of the characters in Fighter call it true form. The converted, Good Toriyama Art Transformed Android 21 (Good) Android 21 is able to transform into a shape that resembles Majin's body color and clothing, although it also features white hair, and spiked Namekian-like ears and tail similar to the final shape of Frieza. Depending on which side of her personality dominates at the moment, her eyes in this form will change. In this good condition she keeps her blue eyes and white sclera with her hair completely white. This state is called Transformed, Good in Dokkan Battle. Transformed, Evil Evil Android 21 art for Dragon Ball Legends in Dragon Ball Legends Android 21 can transform from her transformed state into the shape of her evil side, received when she is absorbed by the cell. Android 21 (Good) Home Article: Android 21 (Good) Android 21 (Good) is the result of Android 21 after the release of its evil hunger persona. Being strong, she is much weaker than her evil half, who has taken on most of her power. This side of Android 21 was not only noticeably kind and caring, but extremely resentful and apologetic, and while weaker than its evil side in power, it was ready to become stronger to fight against its evil self, on the side of the warriors in the process. Although weaker than her evil self, after getting stronger by battling many enemies she was able to keep her from long enough for Goku to charge up the Spirit bomb, although eventually decided to die with her evil half to prevent her from starving from hurting her newfound friends as it was Android 16. Android 21 (Evil) Home Article: Android 21 (Evil) 21 (Evil) is the evil half of the Division of Android 21, and much more powerful, soaking up most of its power. After absorbing the cell it turns into a more powerful state, and in this state, it was capable of Goku's back is fully powered by the Spirit bomb after absorbing many clones. However, she was eventually destroyed by a said Spirit bomb as a result of her good half sacrificing herself. Power Suppression Wave Machine - Android 21 has access to the dr wave suppression machine. Gero, which it can activate and deactivate with a remote control that suppresses the power of any person with a high power level provided that they are not related to the soul (natural or artificial) or divine being such as Angel, God of Destruction, or Core Person (the mortal God-like Sayyan will still have an effect as they are mortals who have acquired divine power as exercised). Soul Link System - Android 21 has access to Dr. Hero's Soul Linking technology, which allows natural or artificial souls to be connected to another person, allowing them to own and control them. Buu-gi - In her transformed states, Android 21 wears Majin-style trousers similar to those worn by Majin Buu, albeit without an M sign on her belt, and she wears a pair of black and gold high heels. Like some Majin women, she wears a tube top to cover her breasts and a matching pair of black gloves with one strap that is wrapped around her middle finger. Video game Appearance UM2-060 Android 21 (Normal) cards for Super Dragon Ball Heroes in Super Dragon Ball Heroes, Android 21 is introduced and in the playoffs in its human form in the second mission of the Mission Series (UM2). Her clothes are available in 2 only for Japanese players who own both his and Dragon Ball Fighter. As part of ultra Pack 2 DLC, Android 21 is now a playable character in Xenoverse 2. Her clothes were later available worldwide as part of the event, which took place during December 21, 2019 - December 25, 2019. UMP-15 Android 21 (Normal) card from World Mission In Dokkan Battle, she plays both in her human form, with her original good personality in control, and in her converted state, which can absorb the cells to become the evil Android 21. In the World Mission, it is playable in its human form. In addition, her UMP-15 card allows her to play wearing a dress with her cloak removed. 21 - or her human pattern - also cameo in Kakarot, where she is identified as a female researcher. 21 appears in Dragon Ball Legends as a free device available in a gaming event. Japanese: Houko Kuwashima English: Ginny Tirado In Super Warrior Arc and Enemy Warrior Arc she destroys it for having a cloak, in the Android 21 arc she destroys it when she is overcome by her hunger, to the horror of her good side as soon as she pops up, causing her division. Nappa - Turned into food and consumed Android 21 during the Super Warrior arc. Ginyu Force - Turned into food and Android 21 during the Super Warrior arc. Cell - Turned into food and and on Android 21 during the Super Warrior arc. Frieza - Turned into food and consumed Android 21 during the Super Warrior arc. Clones - Android 21 turned several of its clones into food and consumed them to control their hunger. However, she doesn't like their taste. Android 21 is similar to Towa, as are both smart attractive female scientists who appear as video game antagonists. In addition, both were created by the author of the series Akira Toriyama. She is also similar to Aral Norimaki, as both are exceptionally powerful female androids (capable of taking on the likes of Vegeta and Goku) who wear glasses (although 21 wears only glasses in her human form). Android 21 is also similar to the launch as both attractive women with mixed personalities who appear as antagonists at first, then later hero. In addition, both were created by the author of the series Akira Toriyama. Since it is a hybrid of Namekian, Android 21 and its cracks are the only gender hybrids of Namekian, which is not a byproduct of interspecies EX-Fusion. It also makes her and her crack only artificially created Namekian hybrids that are biologically female (as the cell reproduces asexual cell mitosis). However, this is due to Android 21, originally being an earthy woman before being converted into a Bio-Android supercomputer by Dr. Hero. Android 21 reveal Theriama Art Android 21Toriyama Art Transformed Android 21 (Good)Toyota Art Android 21Dragon Garow Lee Art Android 21 with Aral Norimaki Android 21 and Android 16.Android 21 in HeroesAndroid 21 StampAndroid 21 in Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World MissionAndroid 21 in SDBHAndroid 21 in SDBHAndroid 21 in SDBHSDBHConflicting Mind Android #21 (Normal) map in Dokkan BattleArtwork Android 21 in Dokkan BattlePredatory Urge Android #21 (Transformed) map in Dokkan BattleAndroid 21 in Xeno verse 2Dr. A brief introduction of Vegeta for Women SearcherThe female researcher in KakarotThe female explorer in KakarotTransformed Android 21 Art for Dragon Ball LegendsAdd photo in this gallery android 21 clothes xenoverse 2. android 21 clothes xenoverse 2 mod

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