Professor Ff Bruce, Ma, Dd Light in the North
The Paterno.ster Ch11rch Hi.story, Vol. VI General Editor: PROFESSOR F. F. BRUCE, M.A., D.D. LIGHT IN THE NORTH In the Sam, Series: Vol. I. THE SPREADING FLAME The and Progre.r.r of Chri.rtianit_y by Proft.r.ror F. F. Bruce, M.A., D.D. Vol. II. THE GROWING STORM Sketche.r oJCh11nh Hi.rtoryfrom A.D. 600 to A.D. 1350 by G. S. M. Walker, M.A., B.D., Ph.D. Vol. VII. THE INEXTINGUISHABLE BLAZE Spiritual Renewal and Advance in the Eighteenth Century by A. Skevington Wood, B.A., Ph.D., F.R.Hi.rt.S. In Preparation: Vol. III. THE MORNING STAR Wydiff to LNther by G. H. W. Parker, M.A., M.litt. Vol. IV. THE GREAT LIGHT LNther and the Reformation by Jame.r Atkin.ran, M.A., M.litt., D.Th. Vol. V. THE REFINING FIRE The P11ritan Era by Jame.r Packer, M.A., D.Phil. Vol. VIII. THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD The Evangelical Awakening.r of the Nineteenth Century by]. Edwin O", M.A., D.Phil. LIGHT IN THE NORTH The Story of the S,ottish Covenanters by J. D. DOUGLAS M.A., B.D., S.T.M., Ph.D. Organizing Editor, New Bible Di.lion,zry British Editorial Dimtor, Christianity Today THE PATERNOSTER PRESS Madt and Printed in Great /Jritain for the Paternoster Preu Paternoster Ho11.1,, 3 Mosmt Rmifard Crescent EX411r, DMJn,. England, b., Ltm-. Trwtd o- Co Lid, P!,111t1tdb CONTENTS Chaphr Pag, FOREWORD 7 PREFACE • I0 I. INTRODUCTION • I 3 II.
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