January 31, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E93 PERSONAL EXPLANATION ton, own a ranch in east . Senior Officer votes because I was in my district highlighting Orr plans to spend his retirement raising cattle the importance of manufacturing to rebuilding HON. RANDY NEUGEBAUER and shoeing horses, a trade he learned from Iowa’s economy and supporting good-paying OF TEXAS his father and has passed on to his son, Iowa jobs. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bruce Orr. Bruce is a junior in the honors pro- If I had been present, I would have voted gram at Tarleton State University. ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 10 and ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 11. Tuesday, January 31, 2012 I am very proud of the Grapevine Police De- In addition, on the occasion of her resigna- Mr. NEUGEBAUER. Mr. Speaker, due to an partment, and I am honored to recognize Sen- tion from the House of Representatives, I unforeseen delay, I was unable to vote on roll- ior Officer Orr for his contribution to the com- would also like to honor Congresswoman Gif- call votes 906 and 907 during the 1st session munity. Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 24th fords’ service to our country and her constitu- of the 112th Congress. Had I been present, I Congressional District of Texas, I ask all my ents. I had the honor of sitting next to Con- would have voted the following way on H.R. distinguished colleagues to join me in thanking gresswoman Giffords on the House Armed 1633: rollcall No. 906, Amendment by Mr. Warren Orr for his service as a police officer. Services Committee. Her dedication to our RUSH— ‘‘no’’; rollcall No. 907, Amendment by f troops and to her constituents will be missed. Mrs. CHRISTENSEN—‘‘no.’’ IN COMMEMORATION OF f f CORPORAL KEVIN REINHARD OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL HONORING THE ROCK BRIDGE DEBT HIGH SCHOOL CHEERLEADERS HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. OF NEW JERSEY HON. MIKE COFFMAN HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO OF Tuesday, January 31, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Tuesday, January 31, 2012 commemorate the life of Marine Corporal Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Kevin J. Reinhard of Colonia, New Jersey. On on January 26, 1995, when the last attempt at today to ask my colleagues to join me in con- January 19, 2012, Corporal Reinhard was on a balanced budget amendment passed the gratulating the Rock Bridge High School var- a helicopter mission in the southern Afghani- House by a bipartisan vote of 300–132, the sity cheerleaders on its state championship. stan province of Helmand, Afghanistan, when national debt was $4,801,405,175,294.28. On October 1, 2011, the squad of 25 young his aircraft went down, killing the Corporal and Today, it is $15,295,052,578,718.01. We’ve women placed first in the 5A Super Large divi- five of his fellow Marines. He was 25 years added $10,493,647,403,423.73 to our debt in sion at the Missouri Cheerleading Coaches old. Corporal Reinhard’s valiant and heroic ac- 16 years. This is $10 trillion in debt our Na- Association’s state competition. It was the first tions during his deployment in Afghanistan are tion, our economy, and our children could time the squad has won a state cheerleading truly worthy of this body’s recognition. have avoided with a balanced budget amend- championship. These young women and their Marine Corporal Kevin Reinhard is remem- ment. coaches should be commended for all their bered as a loving son who was committed to hard work and dedication. his family and friends. A resident of the f I ask that you join me in recognizing the tre- Colonia section of Woodbridge, New Jersey, LILLY LEDBETTER FAIR PAY ACT mendous effort of the Rock Bridge High Corporal Reinhard is a proud alumnus of St. ANNIVERSARY School’s varsity cheerleaders and congratu- Joseph’s High School in Metuchen, New Jer- lating them on a job well done! sey. He attended Ramapo College and later HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ f transferred to Middlesex County College in Edison, New Jersey where he majored in OF FLORIDA HONORING GRAPEVINE SENIOR Criminal Science. In the spring of 2008, he ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OFFICER WARREN ORR mirably enlisted in the Marine Tuesday, January 31, 2012 HON. Corps and was stationed in Hawaii. He soon Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, rose to the rank of Corporal and proudly this weekend we celebrated an important anni- OF TEXAS served as a Crew Chief, flying on a Sikorsky versary in our nation’s history. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Sea Stallion with HMEI 363, also known as Three years ago, only nine days after taking Tuesday, January 31, 2012 the ‘‘Lucky Red Lions.’’ In January 2012, Cor- the oath of office, President poral Reinhard was serving his second de- Mr. MARCHANT. Mr. Speaker, it is with signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into ployment in Afghanistan when his helicopter great pride that I recognize retiring Grapevine law. It was the first bill he signed into law as crashed, tragically taking his life and the lives Senior Officer Warren Orr for his 24 years of President, solidifying this Administration’s of five other Marines. Corporal Reinhard service as a police officer. commitment to women’s equality. Senior Officer Orr began his law enforce- leaves behind his mother, Kathleen Rose, his I met Lilly Ledbetter during a Judiciary Com- ment career with the Bonham, Texas Police father, James, sister, Kathleen Marie, as well mittee hearing in 2007. She told us then how Department. He served as a Bonham police as his paternal grandparents, James and Mary after working at her company for more than officer from December 1987 to November Ann Reinhard. He is pre-deceased by his ma- twenty years, she learned of the long-standing 1994. ternal grandparents, John and Veronica pay discrimination against her based on gen- In November 1994, Senior Officer Orr joined Gerrity of Colonia. Corporal Reinhard was an der. Unfortunately, this type of workplace dis- the Grapevine Police Department where he outstanding individual who proudly embodied crimination occurs all too frequently across our continued his career until he retired in January the motto of the United States Marine Corps. country. Women still make just three-quarters 2012. During his tenure at the Grapevine Po- Mr. Speaker, once again, please join me in of a man’s salary for the same work. Fortu- lice Department, Senior Officer Orr served as commemorating the life of Corporal Kevin J. nately, for women all across the country, Lilly a patrol officer, motorcycle officer and detec- Reinhard, an American hero who coura- Ledbetter found out about the discrimination tive. In addition to his normal duties, Senior geously served his country. His legacy has carried out against her and took action. Officer Orr served as a hostage negotiator for served as an inspiration to us all and he will As a result of her courage and strength, many years and obtained a Master of Peace truly be missed. President Obama and the Democratic-led Officer certification from the Texas Commis- f Congress passed this important piece of legis- sion on Law Enforcement Standards and Edu- PERSONAL EXPLANATION lation that protects women and addresses a cation. While assigned as a motorcycle officer, critical aspect of the wage gap in our country. Senior Officer Orr received extensive training HON. DAVID LOEBSACK The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act closes nu- merous loopholes and clarifies that an em- in crash reconstruction and became one of OF IOWA ployee is discriminated against each and only three hundred worldwide members of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES International Network of Collision Reconstruc- every time she receives an unfair paycheck. It tionists. Tuesday, January 31, 2012 also makes modest, common-sense reforms Senior Officer Orr and his wife, Grapevine Mr. LOEBSACK. Mr. Speaker, on January that hold employers accountable for their ac- Police Department Senior Officer Darcey Sut- 25, 2012, I was not present for two recorded tions.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:37 Feb 01, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A31JA8.010 E31JAPT1 tjames on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E94 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks January 31, 2012 But our fight is not over. We have a long ing food and toy drives. In addition, the Lions Rivers. It is without doubt that the Board’s in- way to go until women reach true wage equal- Club has been vital in building the morale and vestment decisions have helped improve the ity, which is why we must support legislation closeness of the community by hosting the safety for each of us that call Sacramento like the Paycheck Fairness Act, which builds Miss Artesia Royal Court Contest, the Miss home. on previous efforts and continues to address Cerritos Scholarship Contest, Flag Day In 2007, the California Legislature and the wage disparities. events, and annual Easter Egg Hunts. governor signed legislation that changed the Lilly’s story is proof that progress can be The Artesia-Cerritos Lions Club has pro- name of the Central Valley Flood Protection made on this front, and just as importantly, vided life changing services and opportunities and expanded the Board’s responsibilities and she is a testament to how one person can cre- for youth of Artesia and Cerritos. The Lions authorities. The Board remains responsible to ate a lasting legacy of change. Club has provided eyeglasses for children in the citizens of California to ensure that the Today, we celebrate Lily Ledbetter’s cour- the ABC Unified School District, sponsored the flood management system within the Central age by commemorating the anniversary of this annual track meet for all of the elementary Valley meets the ever-mounting challenges of essential legislation becoming law, and by re- schools in the school district, and have hosted the 21st Century. This includes working with membering that in America, one person can a student speaker contest for local high the Corps of Engineers on vegetation man- make a difference. schools. In addition, The Lions Club has been agement and the California Department of f a sponsor of the Cerritos High School Leos Water Resources on a new Central Valley Club, a youth volunteer group, which has in- Flood Protection Plan. CONGRATULATING NDSU BISON ON spired young people to assume leadership The Board is led by Chair Benjamin Carter, WINNING 2011 FCS CHAMPIONSHIP roles by giving them a chance to learn, grow, who serves alongside Jane Dolan, Teri Rice, and serve by participating in community serv- Francis ‘‘Butch’’ Hodgkins, Emma Suarez, HON. RICK BERG ice projects. John Brown and Michael Villines. The Board’s OF NORTH DAKOTA The Artesia-Cerritos Lions Club, driven by Executive Officer is Jay Punia. Mr. Speaker, I am honored to pay tribute to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their motto ‘‘We Serve’’, has been a model for organizing and empowering volunteers in the Central Valley Flood Protection Board and Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Artesia and Cerritos to serve their community. their continuous commitment to providing the Mr. BERG. Mr. Speaker, today I want to The contributions and achievements of the Central Valley with ever-improving levels of congratulate the North Dakota State Bison on Lions Club members are far too many to flood protection. The Board has contributed an incredible football season that led to win- count, but the enrichment and sense of com- immensely to the safety and vitality of Califor- ning the 2011 FCS championship. munity they have created is something to be nia’s Central Valley. As Board members and More than 10,000 Bison fans cheered on acknowledged. For that reason, I would like to staff gather to celebrate their 100th anniver- NDSU in Frisco, Texas, where the Bison recognize the Artesia-Cerritos Lions Club for sary, I ask all my colleagues to join me in hon- capped off a 14–1 season and defeated the 65 years of honorable deeds and good work. oring their outstanding work in providing flood protection for the residents of the Central Val- Sam Houston Bearkats in the championship f game 17–6 on January 7, 2012. ley. The Bison, Coach Craig Bohl and his staff IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH AN- f worked hard this season, and their determina- NIVERSARY OF THE CENTRAL VALLEY FLOOD PROTECTION SISTERS OF LORETTO CELEBRATE tion resulted in NDSU’s 9th football champion- 200TH JUBILEE YEAR ship, and the first at the Division I level. BOARD These student athletes represent NDSU’s commitment to both academic and athletic ex- HON. HON. DORIS O. MATSUI OF TEXAS cellence. Their character and perseverance OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES truly exemplify the North Dakota spirit, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES they have made our state proud. These young Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Tuesday, January 31, 2012 men will be remembered for a lifetime. Their Mr. REYES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in efforts brought our state closer together, and Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in recognition of a truly American story of faith we celebrate their athletic and academic suc- recognition of the Central Valley Flood Protec- and service, a tradition that has served, edu- cesses. tion Board as they celebrate their 100th Anni- cated, and upheld true values in my district of Congratulations to the Bison players, coach- versary. It is a great pleasure to recognize the El Paso, Texas. During this Catholic Schools es, NDSU staff, and Bison fans everywhere on Board’s long standing dedication to flood pro- Week, I would like to congratulate the Sisters an excellent season. You’ve made North Da- tection projects and flood management in the of Loretto celebrating their 200th Jubilee Year kota proud! Central Valley. As Board members, staff and this April. Thank you, and Go Bison! agency partners gather to celebrate this mile- On April 25, 1812, three frontier women, f stone, I ask all my colleagues to join me in Sisters Mary Rhodes, Nancy Havern and honoring the key role the organization plays in Christina Stuart, with the help of their Catholic HONORING THE ARTESIA- protecting millions of Californians from a po- pastor, the Rev. Charles Nerinckx, came to- CERRITOS LIONS CLUB 65TH AN- tentially devastating flood. gether to found the Sisters of Loretto at the NIVERSARY The Central Valley Flood Protection Board Foot of the Cross, on Hardin’s Creek in central was created by the California Legislature in Kentucky, marking the beginning of a uniquely HON. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ 1911. The Board’s role is to serve as a liaison American community of faith and service. Mo- OF CALIFORNIA between the State of California, local resi- tivated by faith and charity, they were soon IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dents, property owners, cities and counties, joined by many others, taking as their purpose and the United States government. The Board Tuesday, January 31, 2012 the instruction of girls and young women of works closely with the Army Corps of Engi- every faith and economic means, even wel- Ms. LINDA T. SA´ NCHEZ of California. Mr. neers to ensure that the Central Valley re- coming enslaved persons. Speaker, I rise today to recognize and con- ceives the highest level of flood protection The Sisters of Loretto expanded the work of gratulate the Artesia-Cerritos Lions Club for possible, while addressing a number of finan- education westward, first by steamboat to Mis- their 65th anniversary. This is a remarkable cial, environmental, and engineering chal- souri and Louisiana, and then by wagon train milestone that deserves our recognition and lenges. to New Mexico, by mail-coach to Colorado, praise. Over the last century, the Board has main- and by train to Texas, Arizona, and California, For 65 years, the Artesia-Cerritos Lions tained a wide variety of Central Valley flood ultimately contributing to American education Club has maintained the reputation of being a protection systems and infrastructure along in more than 40 states. In the 20th century, keystone in local communities due to their the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, and they reached out to girls in Asia, South Amer- steadfast response of donations and services their tributaries. This encompasses 1,600 ica, and Central America. Their members now to residents in need. The Lions Club has been miles of levees, 107 million acres of land, and serve throughout the United States, as well as at the forefront of health and safety, offering 1,300 miles of designated floodways. The in Europe, Guatemala, Bolivia, Nicaragua, their services to local public safety fairs and Congressional District that I represent is home Uganda, Ghana, and Pakistan. Relay for Life events. They have also orga- to the City of Sacramento, which sits at the In their 200 years of work, the Sisters of nized support efforts for the needy by arrang- confluence of the American and Sacramento Loretto and their colleagues have founded

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