Seamless between CDMA2000 and 802.11 WLAN using msctp Ashish Kumar Tripathi Raashid Ali Dr. C.V. Raman University Dr. C.V. Raman University Bilaspur,Chhattisgarh,India Bilaspur,Chhattisgarh,India [email protected] [email protected] M.No 88172 - 53002 M.No. 99071-78623

Neelam Sahu Dr. C.V. Raman University Bilaspur,Chhattisgarh,India [email protected] M.No 97550 - 25925

Abstract:- The invention of mobile devices such as addressing scheme of the has been designed laptops, hand-held computers, and cellular phones has based on the assumption that any only has one changed the whole Internet world. The main feature of fixed and permanent IP address in the Internet. mobile devices is that they can access the Internet Consequently, any node could be easily identified by wirelessly by different air interfaces using different this unique IP address and its location is directly technologies while . This makes mobile devices recognized in the Internet become increasingly popular. However, the traditional When a mobile device comes to the Internet, it Internet does not support any needed features and will move from one sub-network to another sub- architectural structures for . network. However, the IP address of the mobile device When a mobile device comes to the Internet, it will keep unchanged and the IP address can not reflect will move from one sub-network to another sub- the new location due to the traditional addressing network. However, the IP address of the mobile device scheme of the Internet. As a result, the packets from will keep unchanged and the IP address can not reflect the new location will not be routed to the destination the new location due to the traditional addressing and the packets to the new location of the mobile scheme of the Internet. As a result, the packets from the device will be forwarded to the old location by the new location will not be routed to the destination and traditional Internet protocols. All the connections for the packets to the new location of the mobile device the mobile device will be lost during the movement and will be forwarded to the old location by the traditional this is regarded as IP mobility management issues. IP Internet protocols. mobility issues have been regarded as the core technology required to provide seamless mobility in the Keywords: Mobile IP , Access Interfaces, wireless mobile networks such as WLAN, Cellular networks. IP mobility issues can be classified into SCTP, DAR, Mobile IP, Session Initiation Protocol Location Management and Handover Management. T,20-"3!2'-, Location management is used to identify the current 1 location of mobile devices and also to keep the track of The invention of mobile devices such as laptops, hand- their location as they move in the network while held computers, and cellular phones has changed the handover management is to maintain the on-going whole Internet world. The main feature of mobile connections no matter where they move in the network. devices is that they can access the Internet wirelessly In this thesis, we will focus on the latter: performance by different air interfaces using different technologies of handover management. The main objective of the while roaming This makes mobile devices become handover management is to minimize the service increasingly popular. However, the traditional Internet disruption by reducing data loss and handover latency does not support any needed features and architectural during handover period.[2]. structures for mobility management. The traditional Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Advances in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Editor In Chief Sahil Seth. Copyright © 2012 Universal Association of Computer and Electronics Engineers. All rights reserved. ISBN: 978-981-07-1403-1 doi:10.3850/978-981-07-1403-1 887 398 Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Advances in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering

Handover management can be implemented in '0#*#11!!#11,2#0$ !#1VV different layers of the Internet architecture based on the 2. OSI-reference model. The OSI model [3] is based on a TRRR ,"ZRTTSS  proposal developed by the International Standards Organization as the first step toward international  standardization of the protocols used in the various layers of communication architecture. The OSI model IEEE 802.11 WLAN has gained increasing is designed as a 7-layer hierarchy, with each layer recognition over wired networking in recent years responsible for a specific task. and it makes the communications world The two lowest layers handle issues progressively more mobile. On the other hand concerning physical medium and raw data CDMA2000 is a significant advance in the transmission.The two highest layers cover presentation evolution of cellular wireless and application problems. Currently, the focus of into 3G networks. Both of these two technologies mobility management is not from these four layers employ wireless access air interfaces for data while there are quite a few mobility management communication; however they have vastly protocols developed from the rest three layers Network different characteristics. This chapter describes layer provides switching and routing technologies and these two wireless technologies in terms of creating logical paths to transmit data from one network architectures and highlight differences endpoint to another endpoint. (IP) between them. protocol is working this layer to provide routing and forwarding functions , as well as addressing, • Overview of CDMA2000 internetworking, error handling, congestion control and • Overview of 802.11b WLAN packet sequencing. Most IP mobility researches • focused on this layer at the beginning and there are WLAN and CDMA2000 many brand new protocols in this layer which can support IP mobility management such as Host Identity UT - '*# !" ,"'21 Payload (HIP), Handoff Aware Wireless Access Internet Infrastructure (HAWAII), Cellular IP, and "4 ,2 %#1$-0- '*'27 Intra-domain Management Protocol (IDMP). [4] [5]  , %#+#,2 [6]. The most significant protocol in this layer for we describe three mobility management solutions: a mobility management is mobile IP (MIP) and it has network layer approach, Mobile IP (MIP) including been used very commercially and widely. MIPv4 and MIPv6, a transport layer approach,mSCTP The function of transport layer is to provide transparent and an application layer approach, Session Initiation transfer of data between two endpoints. Moreover, it is Protocol (SIP). Firstly, thenew features of SCTP and responsible for end-to-end error recovery and flow the DAR extension of SCTP are covered to examine control. Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) mSCTP handover mechanism. Then, the basic is a new Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) mechanism and handover procedure of MIP and SIP proposed standard protocol for the transport layer. It is are described. At the end, a comparison of these three the third protocol for the function of transport layer is mobility protocols shows the advantages of mSCTP to provide transparent transfer of data between two for mobility management. endpoints. Moreover, it is responsible for end-to-end Mobile SCTP is the transport layer handover error recovery and flow control. Stream Control solution based on the multi-homing feature of SCTP Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a new Internet and its dynamic address reconfiguration extension Engineering Task Force (IETF) proposed standard (DAR). Multi-homing is the concept that SCTP protocol for the transport layer. It is the third protocol endpoints can hold multiple IP addresses while DAR for Session layer establishes, manages and terminates extension provides mSCTP a method to reconfigure the the connections between the applications running on the endpoints. During the session establishment, the status of IP address on an ongoing SCTP association endpoints need to exchange the location information. SCTP is another general-purpose transport Accordingly, when a mobile device in a session moves protocol for IP network data communications and it is to other location, it will send the new location to the regarded as the third transport protocol after TCP and other endpoint to establish a new session. Based on UDP this, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has been Using the multi-homing feature, a SCTP designed recently to support IP mobility. endpoint can use multiple IP addresses for an  association with other endpoint at a given moment. The problem is that basic SCTP does not have a function to

399 Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Advances in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering add a newly coming IP address to the existing Packet loss is the total number of lost pockets during association or change the backup IP address to be handover epochs. It also depends on the handover primary IP address without disconnecting the delay. Since we can make the packet size fixed, say S, endpoint. These problems motivated the DAR the packet losses can be defined as the total data loss extension of SCTP. DAR extension defines three major divided by the packet size. In the previous section, we parameters to change the status of IP address for an already defined the data loss during handover, so the association: Add IP Address (Add-IP), Set Primary IP packet loss for handover can be expressed as follows: Address (Set-Primary-IP) and Delete IP address Smsctp 1 –Pmsctp *(T Msctp1/Ts)/ S (Delete-IP). Also, two special chunks are defined in the Smsctp 2–Pmsctp *(T Msctp2/Ts)/ S DAR extension to carry these parameters between SCTP endpoints. Thus the DAR extension provides the Where Smsctp1 is the packet loss for handover from following function to an SCTP association [16]: CDMA2000 to WLAN and Smsctp2 is the packet loss 1. Dynamic addition of a newly coming IP addresses to for handover from WLAN to CDMA2000. From this an existing association. equation, we can draw the same conclusion to the MN- 2. Dynamic deletion of IP an old and unused addresses to-CN transmission throughput. When the handover is from an existing association. seamless, the handover delay is almost zero and almost 3. Change the primary IP address of an existing no packets are lost during handover, whereas when the association. handover delay is high, many packets are lost during • DAR extension parameters handover. The retransmission of these packets cause network congestion and lowers the service quality • DAR extension chunks 5 !#12 #" ," -$25 0# • Mobile IP #4#*-.+#,2 • Session Initiation Protocol first describe how to set up our handover testbed • between CDMA2000 and WLAN networks, which Mobility protocol comparison includes how to configure mSCTP as well as the CDMA2000 and WLAN interfaces on a Linux - '*# !"- '*'27 platform. Then the handover software is 4. presented, including the core ideas and the  , %#+#,2 #25##, software requirements TRRR ,"ZRTTSS  • Testbed development Handover delay • Linux Setting Handover delay is the most significant measurement • Hardware Settings for the handover. It can affect other handover quality • CDMA2000 Gtran Modem metrics like packet loss and the end-to-end throughput. • Dlink USB WiFi Card Handover delay is defined as the period of time • Server setting between two given moments. The first one is the • Software development moment when the MN move to a new subnet and the current primary IP address becomes inaccessible or less preferred for data transmission. The second one is the 6T)#13*21 ,"'1!311'-, moment when the endpoint switches the primary IP We have presented the development of our address to the new IP address the MN obtains from the handover testbed and its software in the last new subnet. More specifically, for our project, the chapter. In this chapter, we focus on the handover delay when a MN moves into a WLAN is the performance of mSCTP handover on the testbed. period of time between the moment when the MN Handover delay, end-to-end throughput and packet receives the last packet using CDMA_IP and the loss are the major parameters for mSCTP moment when the MN receives the first packet using . Total handover delay: In order to WLAN_IP. On the other hand, the handover delay obtain a handover delay from the testbed. We use when a MN moves away from the WLAN is the period ethereal [30] to capture all the packets coming into of time between the moment when the MN receives the or going out from the server. The handover delay last packet using WLAN_IP and the moment when the is measured by the time difference between the MN receives the first packet using CDMA_IP. time a handover it triggered and the time a data • Handover Throughput packet is received successfully after the handover • Handover Packet Losses period. End-to-end throughput: From the trace of 400 Proc. of the Intl. Conf. on Advances in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering all the packets for the server, we account the amount of packets transmitted by TSN.Packet loss: The packet loss is measured by counting the number of packets loss during the handover period. ST )#$#0#,!#1

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