Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Tetzave/Zachor 1 of 7

In This Issue

HAMER TIME 5772 Parshat Tetzave-Zachor WRAP-UP

Summer KollelDetails

Send Shalach Manot In HaRav Nebenzahl on Parshat Tetzave "The Ultimate Kedusha"

Staff Dvar Torah By Rav Chaim Rosenblatt "Zachor, Amalek, and Atheism"

Netiv HaChinuch - For Parents and Teachers "Leshem Shamayim"" Petuchei Chotam on Parshat To register click here. Zachor

Dedications, Visitors, Mazal T ov' s, T ehilim List

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Ask Rav Nebenzahl

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Alumni Update Form

Rabbanit Malke Bina´s Parsha Glimpse THE ANNUAL YNA ALUMNI SHABBATON IN WOODMERE WILL BE MARCH 23-24 PARSHAT VAYIKRA AT DRS. The Rabbanim attending will be HaRav Contact Us Aharon Bina, Rav Yaakov Darmoni, Rav Amos Luban, Rav Yoel Rackovsky, and Rav Will it snow? Zvi Ron.

~~~~~ The Forecast calls for See Rav Ron's PURIM TORAH and Shabbaton Message snow in Jerusalem tonight. Another false- alarm?

The Kotel during a past snowstorm Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Tetzave/Zachor 2 of 7

Shabbat Schedule "In" Shabbat

5:02 PM Candlelighting 5:20 PM Mincha in Beit Midrash followed by Kabbalat Shabbat at Porat Yosef

5:25 AM Vatikin 8:30 AM Second Shachrit 4:30 PM Mincha


The Hamer Banquet marking the culmination of six weeks of intensive learning took place this last week. Over 40 students participated in the program requiring them to learn a minimum of 45 hours per week. Each participant kept a detailed log charting how they made use of their time throughout the days and throughout the weeks. In addition to the mitzvah of Torah, this gave them valuable insights into how they use their time and taught them time-management skills which they could make use of for the rest of their lives.

A supporter of the who wishes to remain anonymous donated two watches which were awarded in a raffle to Ari Zucker (Kushner) and Shimmy Nabozny (Rambam Baltimore, MD), with two prizes of a 1000 shekel gift certificate each towards sefarim being awarded to Yoni Pollock (DRS) and Ben Yehoshua (North Shore Hebrew Academy).

The top matmidim logging the most hours were Adam Edelstein (SAR) and Chananya Dauber (Skokie), and they will have the privilege of having a private meeting with Rebbe David Abuchatzeira.


YNA Summer-Kollel dates have been set!

June 17 - July 15, 2012 ~ 27 Sivan - 25 Tammuz 5772

HaRav Chizkiyahu Nebenzahl, shlit"a, Chief Rabbi of the of Yerushalyim, together with Rav Chaim Eisenstein, Maggid Shiur at Netiv Aryeh and RIETS Israel Kollel will help you take your learning to higher levels. Recharge from College in the atmosphere of the Old City. Come and continue your Yeshiva experience with a summer of learning at an unbeatable location, overlooking the Kotel.

Program includes guest lecturers, visits to Gedolim, exciting Shabbatonim & Tiyulim across Israel. Other YNA Rebbeim will be giving shiurim and chugim. Modern dorms with A/C and catered-style food, however space is limited.

For more information or to obtain an application form, please contact Rav Chaim Eisenstein - (+972) (0)507 410 217 or email [email protected] or call 516-829-3120.

Send Shalach Manot in Israel

If you want to send Shalach manot to someone in Israel, here are two suggestions. (For informational purposes only- they are not affiliated with the Yeshiva.)

Gili's Goodies and Purim-Paks

HaRav Nebenzahl on Parshat Tetzave Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Tetzave/Zachor 3 of 7

HaRav Nebenzahl asks that his Divrei Torah are not read during Tefillah or the Rabbi's sermon.

Parshas Tetvave/Zachor 5772


This week's parsha describes the garments worn by the Kohanim while serving in the Mishkan and in the Beis HaMikdash. One of the garments worn by the Kohen Gadol was the tzitz - worn on the head of the Kohen Gadol with the inscription Kodesh LaHashem. The Kodesh LaHashem, sanctified to Hashem, is referring to the Kohen Gadol - though the tzitz certainly had kedusha it testified to the sanctity of the Kohen Gadol.

Similarly, the Netziv comments on the concluding pasuk of our parsha: "Aharon will cleans its horns once a year, from the blood of the sin-offering of the atonements, once a year shall he cleans it for your generations; it is holy of holies to Hashem" that "holy of holies" refers not to the mizbeach but to Aharon HaKohen - this too is a sign of the sanctity of the Kohen Gadol.

Rashi writes that Aharon HaKohen did not wear the bigdei kehuna for his own kavod, but for the kavod of Hashem. Similarly, when the Kohanim would partake from the sacrificial portions allotted to them, their eating was an avodah - it brought atonement to fellow Jews. The Kohen, therefore, did not eat for himself but rather because Hashem commanded him to.

This idea is not limited to Kohanim, for the Mishna writes: "vechol maasecha yihyu leShem Shamayim" "let all your deeds be for the sake of Heaven" (Avos 2:17). The Rambam rules that one who has violated a Torah prohibition which is punishable by death, for example he violated the Shabbos, is not believed to testify against himself. If there were no witnesses and he appeared in Beis Din, his testimony calling for his death would not be accepted. The Radbaz asks the following question: if the halacha regarding monetary cases is: hodaas baal din keme-ah eidim dami "the admission of a litigant is equivalent to the testimony of one hundred witnesses (Kiddushin 65b), why do we not apply the same ruling with regard to capital cases?

The Radbaz explains that we are servants of Hashem. The Torah therefore writes that we should not sell ourselves into slavery (the Gemara derives this from the pasuk in Parshas Behar (Vayikra 25:55) "avadai hem" - they are servants to Me and not servants to other servants - see Baba Metzia 10a). At first glance, it is not clear to me how this solves the problem - if we are servants of Hashem then everything we have belongs to Him, after all "ma shekana eved kana rabo" "whatever the slave acquires belongs to the Master (Pesachim 88b). If so, then we should not be believed for testimony against ourselves regarding our possessions just as we are not believed to incriminate ourselves.

I believe we can answer as follows: all objects belong to Hashem, regardless of whether it is in my pocket or in the next person's pocket. I am therefore not testifying any more on something of Hashem's whether it belongs to me or to another person.

We find in Chazal that during the days of Achashverosh, the people issued a moda'a rabba l'Oraysa "a notification regarding the acceptance of the Torah", that with regard to Matan Torah: "kafa aleiehm har kegigis ve-amar lahem: 'im atem mekablim hatorah mutav, veim lav sham tehei kevurashchem'" "Hashem covered them with the mountain as though it were an upturned vat and said to them: 'if you accept the Torah, fine, but if not, your burial will be there'" (Shabbos 88a) - they accepted the Torah under coercion and duress and they are therefore not bound to keep the Torah. If the Jewish people do not see themselves as servants of Hashem then it is permissible to sell them as slaves to Haman. However, Rava adds: "nevertheless, they accepted the Torah again in the days of Achashverosh" (ibid.), at which point the Jewish people would not become slaves of Haman and Charvona came suggested hanging Haman.

Chazal liken the relationship between Hashem and Knesses Yisrael as between a chosson and kallah - with the Jewish nation being the kallah. Klal Yisrael is therefore mekudeshes to Hashem. Regarding Kiddushin, Chazal teach us that the woman is forbidden to anyone else as if she were hekdesh (see Kiddushin 2b). We see from here that not only are the Kohanim sanctified, but every Jew is holy as the pasuk states: "you will be to Me a kingdom of ministers and a holy nation" (Shemos 19:6). Eretz Yisrael is holy and within Eretz Yisrael we have Yerushalayim which is more sanctified, and within Yerushalayim lies the Beis HaMikdash which also contains the Kodesh Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Tetzave/Zachor 4 of 7

Kodoshim - the Holy of Holies. By the same token, the entire Jewish nation is holy and within the Jewish nation there are Kohanim who are more sanctified, and among the Kohanim is the Kohen Gadol who is even holier.

There is, however, someone who is even holier than the Kohen Gadol and that is the Talmid Chacham. We find in Chazal that a mamzer who is a Talmid Chacham takes precedence over a Kohen Gadol who is an am ha'aretz (see Horayos 13a). The ultimate kedusha is associated with cleaving to the Torah, there is no greater kedusha in the world. The Torah is the wisdom of Hashem Himself so there is therefore nothing holier than the Torah. The Talmid Chacham who has Torah is therefore holier than the Kohen Gadol. The Beis HaMikdash is holy, the Kodesh HaKodoshim is holy - why? They are holy because they contain the luchos - the Torah written by Moshe Rabenu. We see that sanctity of the Beis HaMikdash is derived from its housing the Torah. The Torah is the holiest thing in the world - the first Beis HaMikdash housed the luchos while the second one's sanctity was derived from being the place where the luchos were kept in the first Beis HaMikdash.

We find in the Rambam that when Moshiach arrives, all of Neviim and Kesuvim will become nullified with one exception - Megillas Esther. The reason given is that these other sefarim are all explanations of what is found in the Torah. Esther, however, is not just an explanation of the Torah, it is a new acceptance of the Torah - "kiyemu vekiblu" - "they accepted the Torah again in the days of Achashverosh." Megillas Esther will therefore remain even during the days of Moshiach. We find in Chazal commenting on the pasuk: divrei sholom ve-emes (Esther 9:30) that the emes (truth) of the Megillah is the truth of Torah. This too can serve as a source for the eternity of Megillas Esther.

The Gemara presents a dispute between R' Yehoshua and R' Eliezer regarding how we should spend our Yom Tov: according to R' Yehoshua is should be "half for Hashem and half for you" - half of the day should be spent in spiritual pursuits (learning, davening), while the other half should be spent on physical celebration of the Yom Tov (having a festive meal). R' Eliezer is of the opinion that it should be either "all for Hashem" or "all for you". The Gemara continues that on Shavuos all are in agreement (even R' Eliezer) that we require lachem - "for you", because that is the day in which the Torah was given (see Pesachim 68b). On Shavuos we require a physical celebration of Matan Torah. The second Matan Torah took place on Yom Kippur when the second luchos were given. Why do we fast on Yom Kippur? Should we not celebrate the second Tablets by feasting as we do on Shavuos? The answer is that this Matan Torah only took place because of the Jewish nation's downfall with the chet haegel, this is not as much a cause for celebration. The third Matan Torah took place on Purim when we received the Torah willfully and were not coerced into it. Therefore on Purim we are certainly required to have a physical celebration.

Perhaps we can suggest the following highlighting the primary importance of the Torah. The Rambam and other poskim rule that the first kedusha of Eretz Yisrael was only temporary while the second kedusha remained even after the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash. What is the reason behind this distinction? The Rambam offers a halachic distinction, but perhaps we can offer another explanation. HaKadosh Baruch Hu gave us Eretz Yisrael as a place for learning and keeping the Torah. When the Jewish people declared their "moda'a rabba l'Oraysa" claiming that they were coerced into receiving the Torah then they lost their claim to Eretz Yisrael. The kedusha therefore had no basis. Once we received the Torah willfully during the days of Achashverosh, this kedusha has remained with us ever since.

Staff Dvar Torah By Rav Chaim Rosenblatt

Parshat Zachor, Amalek, and Atheism

Were one to ask: "Who is the most Amalek-like person in the world today?," the president of Iran and those like him (who, like Haman, desire to G-d forbid destroy every last Jew) would probably be among the first people to pop into our minds in response to the above question. The truth of the matter is, however, that if the essence of Amalek is understood, then it will become clear that the leading modern-atheists are far more characteristic of Amalek than Ahmadinejad.

The seforim ha'kedoshim note that the following concepts are associated with Amalek: arrogance, chutzpah, indifference to holiness, despising holiness, lack of fear, black magic, and the separation of "branches" from their "roots" - be it heaven from earth or the heart from the mind. Rabbi Dovid Cohen shlit"a, of the Gvul Yaavetz shul in Brooklyn, notes (in Ma'aseh Avos Seemon L'Banim vol. II, pg. 140) that the root of Amalek's evil is their belief in the heresy of two reshuyos - "Two Powers" - i.e., the belief that there are forces operating in the universe independently of G-d. It should be noted that this doesn't necessarily mean the full-blown denial of G-d as the original source (although Amalek easily comes to such a mindset), rather that EVEN IF G-d created them - BUT now that they exist, they exist as an independent entity. This root attitude explains the association of the above concepts Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Tetzave/Zachor 5 of 7

with Amalek. What bigger arrogance could there be than to think that you're on par with G-d. And such an attitude will obviously be accompanied by chutzpah, lack of fear of G-d, indifference and despising of holiness, as well black magic - which amounts to the manipulation of spiritual and physical forces independent of G-d's will. And as far as what the seforim say that Amalek splits "branches" from their "roots" - indeed; after all, what more fundamental splitting could there be than the splitting of the Creator from His creation, viewing the latter as being independent of the former.

Now, if Eid OD MiLivado (the idea that nothing exists or has any power whatsoever without G-d) is the ultimate truth, then the belief in "Two Powers" is the ultimate lie, and thus Amalek is the ultimate liar. Let us now quote a few short pieces from the Chassidic classic - Sheim MiShmuel, regarding these core aspects of Amalek: splitting heaven from earth and lying.

Sheim MiShmuel Shemos, vol. II pg. 111: Amalek is all about lies and trickery. Hence the Sages' teaching - based on the juxtaposition in the verses - if you cheat regarding weights, then Amalek will attack. He places falsehood and misguidance in man's heart in order that all his ways seem straight before him. He is thus compared to the pig who sticks out his split hooves to show that he's pure. We have been commanded to destroy him in order to rid the world of his falsehood. Sheim MiShmuel Shemos, vol. II pg. 135: Jacob is called Yisrael, which is from the word yashar/straight, whereas Amalek is related to the word me'ukal, meaning bent/curved (i.e. twisted and crooked). Indeed, the concept of truth is associated with Jacob, as per the verse "Give truth to Jacob." In contrast, ... Amalek ... inherited falsehood from Esau, and thus used trickery to deceive Jews in leaving the protection of the Clouds of Glory, as well as changing their language and dress to be disguised as Canaanites. He furthermore has a double lie; he's so twisted as to call bad "good," and he even tricks himself; even with all of his abominations, he considers himself righteous. In fact, though, he is complete falsehood. Sheim MiShmuel Shemos, vol. II pg. 212: When Esau is compared to a cloak of hair, the Sages explain that he was scattered and divided like the hair of the cloak. Scattered refers to within one's own energies, with one bad trait pulling in one direction, and other bad traits pulling in other directions, with no peace within. From this comes the external forces which separate between one man and another. Divided implies from one's root. And from this comes the external forces that lead one to rebel against his Maker, and to be free in one's thoughts. This deficiency of Esau was inherited by Amalek, who's therefore called [by the Sages] a cutter (kotzeitz), for he is the master of the evil force to cut, and make separation between that which should be together... Sheim MiShmuel Shemos, vol. II pg.196: Amalek is called kotzeitz ben kotzeitz (cutter descendant of a cutter). We have already explained that he was the concentrated core (tamtzis) of Esau, regarding which the Sages say that he emerged [at birth] scattered and divided like [the hairs of] a cloak. The implication of scattered is between man and fellow man. The implication of divided is between mind and heart - which parallels division between the upper dimension and the lower dimension. This is why Haman (a descendant of Amalek) stated that "There is one nation scattered and divided among the nations," because one who casts deficiencies on someone else does so in the same areas as HIS OWN deficiencies. Once the core of Amalek's character has been clarified - splitting heaven from earth, along with falling for one's own falsehood to the degree that one sees oneself as being righteousness - it should be clear how true it is what was stated in the beginning of this essay - that modern atheists are far closer to the essence of Amalek, than the haters of Israel.

We have been commanded to destroy Amalek. What can WE ourselves do to help the current spiritual war against this nation? Considering what Amalek is really all about, it follows that if one wants to truly destroy Amalek, they must be fought in their core. And the way to do this is by increasing our spiritual awareness. The more we realize that heaven and earth ARE totally connected, the more we take Amalek head on, thereby destroying him on the most fundamental level. May we merit seeing the destruction of this arch-evil nation, in all of its manifestations, speedily in our days.

Netiv HaChinuch - For Parents and Teachers

Netiv HaChinuch shares the insights and wisdom of an adam gadol whom we have recently lost - HaGaon HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz zt"l - Rosh Yeshivat Ponovezh l'Zeirim. From his early days in Ponovezh, HaRav Bina Shlit"a Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Tetzave/Zachor 6 of 7

maintained an especially close connection with HaRav Lefkowitz zt"l. Our weekly series will contain excerpts from Imrei Da'at - HaRav Lefkowitz' sichot and letters to educators in the area of chinuch.


An essential requirement in being privileged to establish worthy talmidim is found in Chazal: "all who exert themselves for the community should exert themselves for the sake of Heaven" (Avos 2:2). The Mashgiach (HaRav Yechezel Sarna) zt"l explained that Chazal made the privilege of being mezakeh the rabim conditional on every act being LeShem Shamayim. Although all observance of Torah and mitzvos should be LeShem Shamayim, here it is a prerequisite. The reason for this is found in the continuation of the Mishna "for the merit of the community's forefathers aids them" to act on behalf of the masses. One wishing to have the privilege of contributing to the nation requires the merit of the forefathers. Our ancestors, to provide their merit, insist that acts be performed LeShem Shamayim.

Petuchei Chotam on Parshat Zachor

Rav Chanan Bina will be teaching a passage from the sefer Petuchei Chotam each week on the parshat hashavua. The sefer was written by HaRav Yaakov Abuchatzeira zt"l.

Click here to listen.

Dedications, Visitors, Mazal Tov's, Tehilim List


Thursday Night Snack 8 Adar is sponsored by Natanel Junger (Shana Bet) in memory of his maternal grandparents, Yaakov Shlomo ben Moshe and Bluna Bat Binyamin. Thursday night mishmar 8 Adar is in memory of Rav Bina's mother Rachel Esther bat HaRav Yaakov. Ohr Hachaim Shiur 8 Adar is sponsored by Daniel Zweigbaum (5767) l'zchut for a refuah shleima for Tziral bas Devorah Bryna & Rochel Leah bas Tatul.

The following people visited the Yeshiva:

Tzvi Kimmel (5750) Moshe Karash (5756)

Mazal tov's

Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh would like to wish a mazal tov to:

Aryeh (5756-57) and Naomi Brickner on the birth of a baby boy. Rav Yitzchak Korn (staff) on the marriage of his daughter Sari (daughter of Taube a"h) to Zvi Ehrman.

Baruch Dayan Emet

Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh regrets to inform you of the passing of:

Gerald Yarrow, father of Alex (5743-44), Saul (5746) Yarrow, and David Yarrow. Mrs. Pearl Billet, mother of Rabbi Heshey Billet. Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh Newsletter Tetzave/Zachor 7 of 7

Tehilim List

The following members of our extended YNA family need our tefilot:

Michoel Pinchas ben Frachah Yaakov Dov ben Blima Chana Miriam Rivka bat Adina Leah Ada Bat Miriam Rachel bat Chana Reuven ben Tova Chaya Yehuda Pinchas ben Asna Aharon ben Simah Sagit bat Esther Shayna bat Chava Fruma bat Ita Zev Eliezer ben Chaya Shaindel Chaya bat Grunia Avram Gershon ben Tzippa Tamara Nechama bat Karmela Reuven HaLevi ben Sheina Ester bat Chaya Ari ben Rivka Binyamin Yonatan ben Leikah Yosef ben G ol da Chaya Chana bat Alta Rivkah Esther bat Brana Yosef ben Hilda Miriam bat Shulamit Maron ben Hadas Esther Rivka Chava bat Rachel Daniel ben Shira Tzvia Margalit Chaya bat Rachel Chinoam Rina bat Avital Hoday-ya David ben Leah Ditza bat Vardit Tali bat Devorah Bina Elizabeth bat Annette Akiva ben Gittel Yitzchak Shraga ben Chava Chaya bat Chana Shmuel Chai ben Hadassa Evelyn bat Dina Alyza Sarah bat Yehudit Avraham Elizar ben Chana Pesha Inbal bat Nelya Dovid Halevi ben Emunah Yeshaya Zalman Ben Elka Rivkah Mordechai Eliezer Hacohen ben Esther Rav Avraham Zev (Levi) ben Faiga Miriam Daniel ben Shira Tzivia Yesh aya Zal men ben E l ka Leah bat Malka Chaya Rivkah Bas Sheva bas Devorah

And of course we are always davening for the release of

Jonathan Pollard (Yehonatan ben Malka Pollard)

Submit Names to the list.

Send Us Your Announcements

Please, if you have any smachot or chas v'shalom, less happy occasions, let our office know so we can keep everybody updated. Are you visiting Israel?- let us know! We'd love to host you for a shabbat meal, davening, a shiur and would love for you to stop by.

Shabbat Shalom, Rav Bina, Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh

Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh | Western Wall Plaza | One Hakotel Street | POB 32017 | Jerusalem | 91319 | Israel