YNA Newsletter Parshat Metzora - Hagadol 1 of 8

In This Issue Parshat Metzora-HaGadol April 14, 2016 Visitors - Life Events

HaRav Nebenzahl on Parshat Shabbat HaGadol Please continue to daven for Malka Bat Chana Staff Dvar Torah by Rav Leah, Aryeh ben Rina, Ido ben Tali, Chaim Shaul Wiesner Avishalom ben Blanka (the Chalban), and The Story Of The Jewish Shimon Ben Miriam Hendal. People by Rav Shai Gerson - Sefer Shoftim Dedications Tehillim List The Kiddush at the Shabbaton was sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Links Harold and Bonnie Schertz, Liluei Moshe ben Tzvi yna.edu A"H

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Reb Zev's Parsha Riddle

Who am I? Although I did punish, for speech that's forbidden; I also revealed gold, This past Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5776, the Yeshivat Netiv that the Emorim had hidden. Aryeh Alumni Shabbaton was held in the DRS High School in the 5 Towns. It was not only a reunion but also a family ~~~ reunion. Last week's answer I've done all I can, To send the Tumah away; Eight rebbeim, including the Rav Aharon Bina, and But I cannot eat Trumah more than 200 alumni got together to have a Shabbat filled with until the end of the day. holiness and inspiration. T'vul Yom With spiritual growth as the Shabbat's theme, the program Contact Reb Zev consisted of interesting and practical shiurim (classes) from our rebbeim that dealt with the age-old question, "How to be a YNA Newsletter Parshat Metzora - Hagadol 2 of 8

Join Our List healthy, well-balanced Jew?" Davening Times Alongside the extremely powerful message of the day was the @ the Yeshiva with palpable energy of our alumni. 6:32 Candle-lighting PM The walls of the Beis Medrash and the lunchroom shook during 6:50 Mincha Kabbalat Shabbat, morning Hallel, and Shabbat Zemiros as we PM Kabbalat Shabbat locked arms to welcome in the Shabbat and the new month with Ma'ariv utter joy and excitement. It felt as if we were back in yeshiva davening across from the Holy of Holies. SHABBAT DAY 8:30 Shacharit The highlight of the Shabbat, however, was the opportunity to AM speak with our role models for life, our rebbeim. Each rebbe made 6:30 Mincha himself available to speak with each of his talmidim to answer PM questions or just to chat and catch up. We all truly felt the love that our yeshiva has for each and every person who walks through Pic of the Week the doors of Netiv Aryeh.

The day ended off with a panel where each rebbe discussed his own approach for healthy service to Hashem, the greatest testament to Netiv Aryeh's unbelievable and diverse staff (colloquially termed the "Netiv-Kebab"). The discussion then shifted towards helping the alumni find the best way to incorporate Hashem into daily life, an ongoing struggle for all Jews in the world today.

Rav Bina always says," Once you come to Netiv Aryeh, you never leave." This Shabbat really showed the absolute truth of that statement.

Fifty students and staff are On behalf of all the alumni, thank you to all of our rebbeim for currently touring Poland always being there for us. The warmth of Netiv Aryeh and the with Heritage Seminars. dedication of its staff has made Netiv Aryeh more than a Yeshiva Shown here are Shana Alef for us. Netiv Aryeh is our home. students in front of Yeshivat Chochmei Lublin. (L-R) Josh Fink, Ari We would like to thank all those who made this past Shabbat's Mashiach, Daniel Yager, Shabbaton such a success. First of all to the organizers, Josh Yosef Naiman, Shimon Jaspan and Chai Rosner. Thank you to the many families that Kanter, Avi Lekowsky. hosted the Rebbeim and the many alumni who came from out to Woodmere. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schertz for sponsoring the Kiddush after davening on Shabbat day. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu repay you all with Siata Dishmaya in all of your endeavors.

Visitors - Life Events

Mazal Tov

Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh would like to wish a mazal tov to:

Oren Goldhaber (5760-61) on his marriage to Ayelet Schreiber. Scott (5766-67) and Lee-Ron Kaye on the birth of a baby girl, Aviyah. Darren Goldschmidt (5771-73)on his marriage to Sara Goldberg. Jonathan Zar (5771-72) on his engagement to Abby Kashi. Dov (5757-58) and Shira Katz on the Bar Mitzvah of their twin sons. YNA Newsletter Parshat Metzora - Hagadol 3 of 8

Yaakov and Chaya (Bina) Katz on his being named new Jerusalem Post editor-in-chief . Etai (5769-70) and Penina Stern (5769-70) on the birth of a baby boy. Danny (5770-71) and Hadassah Pincus on the birth of a baby boy. Ben Hershkowitz (5772-73) on his engagement to Yudit Gluck.

Baruch Dayan Emet

The Yeshiva wishes condolences to:

Judah (5769-70) and Max (5771-72) Spector on the passing of their maternal grandfather.

Send Us Your Announcements Please, if you have any smachot or chas v'shalom, less happy occasions, let our office know so we can keep everybody updated.

Pesach in the Yeshiva

If you would like to join the Yeshiva's Seder on the second night of Pesach (run by the students!) please contact our Director of Student life, Elisha Porat. Families of students and alumni are welcome to join.

Alumni planning to stay at the yeshiva over the Pesach break who have not yet informed Elisha should do so ASAP.

HaRav Nebenzahl on Shabbat HaGadol



"The blood shall be a sign for you upon the houses where you are; when I shall see the blood and I shall pass over you; there shall not be a plague of destruction upon you when I strike in the land of Egypt" (Shemos 12:13). What is the meaning of the verb upasachti "I shall pass over you? Rashi cites an opinion that it means vechamalti - I will have mercy (Onkelos has a similar interpretation). Rashi then offers his own interpretation: "the root pasach expresses skipping and jumping - thus the word pasachti in our verse means He would skip from the houses of to the houses of Egypt as they were situated among each other". Rashi did not mean that Hashem literally jumped from one Egyptian house to another in order to skip over Jewish homes, for Hashem is everywhere at the same time and has no need to jump from one place to another. Rather, the intent here is that in the eyes of observers who witnessed the results of makas bechoros it appeared as if the Jewish homes had been skipped over while the Egyptian houses on either side were struck.

The skipping over of the Egyptian homes (which we explained above is not to be taken literally) can be understood on a spiritual level as well. What do we mean by spiritually skipping over? Chazal teach us: "Hashem said to the Jewish people: 'my children, open for me a small opening of teshuva, as big as the eye of a needle, and I will open for you openings that wagons and caravans can enter'" (see YNA Newsletter Parshat Metzora - Hagadol 4 of 8

Shir Hashirim Rabba 5:2).

To merit salvation, general as well as individual, man must create even the minutest opening - to come close to Hashem by making some effort of his own. Once he does so he will be rewarded with incredible Siyata D'Shmaya, Hashem will take it from there, but man must make the first move. The baalei mussar added that this small opening must be open from end to end - a complete opening. Hashem redeemed Am Yisrael from Egypt even though they did not create such an opening (as we will soon see). Hashem redeemed them with "awakening from Above", even though there was no "awakening from below" - no "opening of a needle." Hashem "skipped over" His general rules of Providence and saved the Jewish firstborn even though by their not creating an initial opening this meant they did not merit heavenly assistance for they did not attempt to come closer to the Creator. The Hassidim explain that this is the meaning of the "passing over" in the following pasuk: "Hashem will pass through to smite Egypt, and He will see the blood that is on the lintel and the two doorposts; and Hashem will pass over the entrance and He will not permit the destroyer to enter your homes to smite" (Shemos 12:23) - Hashem passed (He yielded) and did not demand that small opening that man is supposed to create on his own, and saved the Jewish nation in spite of their not having prepared themselves.


How do we know that Am Yisrael did not sufficiently attempt to initiate a relationship with HaKadosh Baruch Hu to be worthy of redemption? Chazal discuss the pasuk: "or has any god ever miraculously come to take for himself a nation from amidst a nation" (Devarim 4:34): What is meant by "a nation from amidst a nation"? Chazal write: "this nation and that nation were uncircumcised, this nation and that nation grow their hair, they wear kilayim and they wear kilayim. If so, the attribute of judgment would never have let the Jewish people be redeemed from Egypt" (Vayikra Rabba 23:2). They were totally so immersed in the forty-nine gates of impurity that from the pure perspective of justice they did not deserve any assistance.


Who struck with His anger all the firstborn of Egypt and removed His" ,ה :We declare every evening nation Israel from their midst to eternal freedom" - what is "eternal freedom"? Am Yisrael was destined to know so much enslavement from the time of the exodus from Egypt - beginning with Kushan Rishatayim king of Aram Naharayim who enslaved the Jewish people at the beginning of the period of the Shoftim (see Shoftim 3). There were many more subsequent enemies as well - Ashur exiled the ten tribes, Bavel exiled whoever remained. Then there was Greece, Rome, the Inquisition, the Communists, all the way up till the evil Germans of the last generation. How then can we declare that He "removed His nation Israel from their midst to eternal freedom"?

What is eternal freedom? While we have not merited physical eternal freedom, we have merited spiritual freedom. The spiritual enslavement suffered in Egypt, brought the Jewish nation down to so low that they almost totally assimilated into Egypt to a level they would have been unable to emerge from. It is true there were Hellenists, and others who assimilated in later generations as well as today's Reform movement , but the Jewish nation as a whole stands firm in its desire to keep Torah and mitzvos. Many died al Kiddush Hashem during the days of the Greeks, the Romans, the Inquisition, the Crusades, the Communists, and the Germans. Yet the nation as a whole has preserved its spiritual character which was not the case in Egypt. Although there were tzaddikim in Egypt, the nation as a whole did not stand spiritually tall. "He removed His nation Israel from their midst to eternal freedom" means that never again did Am Yisrael return to the spiritual enslavement of Egypt - the nation has since preserved their character and is not in danger of entirely assimilating.


The Torah states: "and it shall be for you a sign on your arm and a reminder between your eyes ... for with a strong hand Hashem removed you from Egypt" (Shemos 13:9). Why is there a need for two signs - one on the arm and one on the head? Is one not sufficient? The Shulchan Aruch explains that YNA Newsletter Parshat Metzora - Hagadol 5 of 8

the two signs are necessary in order to subordinate the mind as well as the heart to serving Hashem. The tefillin on the head correspond to the mind, while the tefillin on the arm correspond to the heart.

Perhaps there is an additional reason the Torah commands us to lay tefillin on the head as well as next to the heart - to remind us that the exodus is one of the foundations of our faith from two perspectives - intellectually and emotionally. Intellectually - in Egypt we saw with our own eyes that Hashem is All-Powerful and is able to transform water into blood and blood into water, light to darkness and darkness to light, and all the other miracles we witnessed in Egypt. We are able to understand intellectually that Hashem guides the world and that nature has no significance, as the Ramban writes: "from the great and known miracles (in Egypt), man acknowledges the hidden miracles which are the foundation of the entire Torah, a person has no portion in the Torah of Moshe until we believe that all that happens to us is miracles, there is no nature or order of the world" (Ramban end of Parshas Bo)


Unlike the tefillin shel rosh which obligate us intellectually to believe in Hashem, the tefillin shel yad are the emotional basis of our faith. Hashem saved us from the difficult bondage we were suffering from in Egypt and we therefore must feel a sense of gratitude obligating us to serve Him. Not only must we be grateful to Hashem for having taken us from slavery to freedom, but for everything which He created and does for us. With every cup of water we drink we express our thanks with the bracha "through Whose word everything came to be". The exodus is the basis of our gratitude - we were lowly slaves, they threw our children into the river, did to us as they wished, yet Hashem in His great mercy protected us from annihilation in Egypt and took us out of Egypt to eternal freedom. The Torah therefore commanded us to lay tefillin on the head as well as on the arm so that we will both remember the lessons of the exodus intellectually as well as emotionally by feeling gratitude to the One Who brought us to eternal freedom.


How deeply must this feeling of gratitude for everything we receive, extend? The story is told of Rav Yisrael Salanter who once arrived at an inn and asked for a cup of tea. He was served his cup of tea with a hefty bill for services rendered. He inquired of the owner why he must pay so much for a cup of tea. After all, the water costs next to nothing, and the teaspoon of sugar is of little significance. The price therefore should not be more than 10 0r 20 kopecks, "why did you charge me several rubles?" The innkeeper responded: "in reality if you were to drink a cup of tea in your house that is all it would cost, but when you drink here at the inn you are paying not only for the tea but for the ambience as well. What about the waiters who served you?"

Rav Yisrael answered: now I understand why when I drink a cup of tea, Chazal enacted that I recite the bracha "through Whose word everything came to be." Why must I make reference to the entire world when drinking a cup of tea? The answer is because I am thanking Hashem not only for the cup of tea but for the "surrounding décor". Hashem created a world of mountains and valleys, oceans and rivers, trees, grass, flowers and so much more. I must thank Him for all of this when I drink my cup of tea for this is the ambience surrounding my drink.

This ambience must be treated with respect. HaRav Yechezkel Sarna zt"l asked why in Birkas HaMazon we thank Hashem "Who nourishes the entire world in His goodness - with grace, with kindness, and with mercy" - what does it mean to sustain us with grace? Hashem could have created a world in which everyone eats only vitamin pills. Hashem did not do this. He gives us food that has a good taste, an appetizing appearance, as well as a pleasant fragrance. A banana, for example, in addition to its nutrients has beauty and taste. This is Who nourishes the entire world in His goodness - with grace.


Hashem provided us with a "décor" which includes food which is beautiful and tasty - for this we must YNA Newsletter Parshat Metzora - Hagadol 6 of 8

be grateful. How much more so must we be grateful for the eternal life that He has given us, that He has taken us out from Egypt, given us the Torah of Truth, and implanted eternal life within us. When "it shall be for you a sign on your arm and a reminder between your eyes", when we recognize intellectually and emotionally that only Hashem guides the world as the tefillin testify, then "Hashem's Torah may be in your mouth" (Shemos 13:9), then we will conclude that there is nothing worthwhile to involve ourselves in other than learning Torah and serving Hashem. All the sciences - physics, chemistry, biology, are all nothing, for when Hashem wishes He can make all the chemistry disappear - the water will turn to blood and the blood will turn to water. Only the Torah is stable and the only true science is the will of Hashem.

Had it not been for the exodus from Egypt it would have been harder for us to understand why it is so important to concentrate all our efforts on learning Torah. The exodus must convince us intellectually and emotionally of the value of learning Torah: "and it shall be for you a sign on your arm and a reminder between your eyes so that Hashem's Torah may be in your mouth, for with a strong hand Hashem removed you from Egypt." I am not implying that we must not try to understand the laws of nature, after all we must know that water is boiled on the fire not in the refrigerator but the true science is the Torah, "the knowledge of G-d" (Mishle 2:5).

In one of the eulogies given for my revered teacher HaGaon HaRav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach zt"l they cited the Gemara: "Since the day the Temple was destroyed, HaKadosh Baruch Hu has nothing in His world but the four amos of halacha" (Berachos 8a). Chazal do not imply here that the world is filled with space but Hashem is only found in the four amos of halacha. Rather it means that the entire world consists of only four amos of halacha. There is nothing else in the world outside of Torah, the rest is imaginary.

Prior to the destruction, the Beis HaMikdash provided a place for Torah and yiras Shamayim. Avraham Avinu said to Hashem: "If you do not give me a Beis HaMikdash of 500 by 500 amos, you have not given me anything (Shemos Rabba 15:8). The central point of Eretz Yisrael is the mikdash. From where does its sanctity emanate? From being a housing for the aron where the luchos and the Torah are placed (see Menachos 27b) - it all stems from the Torah - Since the day the Temple was destroyed, HaKadosh Baruch Hu has nothing in His world but the four amos of halacha.

"And it shall be for you a sign on your arm and a reminder between your eyes, so that Hashem's Torah may be in your mouth." When the Torah of Hashem is in our mouth then we will merit, with Hashem's help, the building of the Beis HaMikdash speedily in our day, and all the good this world and the Next World have to offer.

Staff Dvar Torah by Rav Shaul Wiesner

Shabbos Hagadol - Unleash Your Potential

In Yeshiva we find ourselves in the middle of "bein hazmanim", a time to reflect and assess the winter zman which just ended and to prepare for the summer zman which begins after Pesach. Many current talmidim, as well as alumni, have challenging decisions to make about next zman - I would like to share with you some of the challenges they've posed:

I could switch to a shiur that I will get a lot more from, but I will have to work much harder. The minyan I daven in is too fast, but going to a better one would require me to wake up earlier. I have an opportunity to get a great chavrusa for night seder, but with school work / day job, night seder is a real tough commitment.

In Mitzrayim, the medrash tells us, Am Yisroel worshipped idols along with the Egyptians - to the extent that the Satan argued against the splitting of the Yam Suf, why should they be saved - "Haim ovdai kochavim, v'haim ovdai kochavim", they is no difference between them and the Egyptians. In YNA Newsletter Parshat Metzora - Hagadol 7 of 8

contrast, when we left Mitzrayim, Klal Yisroel had the trust in Hashem to travel into a barren desert with nothing more than some Matza.

When and how did we make that switch?

Am Yisroel always possessed the ability to achieve greatness. But overworked (and underpaid) beaten and tortured, we were simply spiritually asleep. Klal Yisroel needed to be challenged - to wake them up.

Hashem tells Klal Yisroel to take a sheep, on Shabbos Hagadol, tie it to the bed post and slaughter it on the 14th of Nissan. The medrash tell us that Moshe Rabbenu argued - it's the Egyptian god, once they find out, they'll stone us all!


Klal Yisroel was terrified. "We'll hide the whole thing, the Egyptians will never know" we said. "Take from the blood and smear it all over your doorposts" (Shmos 12:7) Hashem commanded.


"Okay, we'll chop it into small pieces, eat it raw or cook it in a pot- if the Egyptians will not be able to see it or smell it, they'll never know we ate it" we thought. "You shall not eat it raw, nor cooked," said Hashem, "Only roasted on an open fire, whole, head and insides intact." (Shmos 12:9)


They took the sheep, slaughtered it and followed every halacha. With real mesirus nefesh, they risked their lives and placed their trust in Hashem. The Am Yisroel that worshipped idols was no longer.

Klal Yisroel woke up!

The next morning, accepting the challenge, a nation heads for the desert with a little matza and a little water - totally trusting in Hashem.

Potential Unleashed!

Just a week later, the last day of Pesach, we'll cross the yam suf. With water up to our noses, Klal Yisroel accepts the challenge and continues to walk, in G-d we trust.

Greatness realized!

And it all began with accepting the challenge of Shabbos Hagadol.

And that's my advice to our talmidim. When faced with challenges in your personal growth, accept the challenges in your avodas Hashem. Yes! Push yourself and go to the shiur which is more suitable for you. Yes! Get up earlier and go to the minyan which is best for your spiritual growth. Yes! Commit to the tougher schedule and get a great night seder chavrusa.

Accept the challenges. Unleash your potential and realize your greatness! The time to start is now - this Shabbos - Shabbos Hagadol!

Good Shabbos!

The Story Of The Jewish People by Rav Shai Gerson YNA Newsletter Parshat Metzora - Hagadol 8 of 8

The story of the Jewish people as told by Tanach through the eyes of Chazal.


Chazal teach us that the incident we have been discussing took place during Pesach. At the conclusion of the revelation the angel wishes him well: "peace to you, do not be afraid, you will not die" (Shoftim 6:23) which could be understood as referring to the present or to the future that he should not fear the mission he was sent to accomplish. To eternalize this revelation, Gideon erected an altar at the place and gave it the name "Hashem Peace" (ibid. 24) to commemorate the blessing he received (see Metzudos) or perhaps as an introduction to a new period of time where he would spread the word that Hashem is with us similar to the way He was with our forefathers who also erected altars in order to spread Hashem's Name in Eretz Yisrael. If so, Gideon presents the alternative to Avoda Zara - Hashem Sholom and proceeds to battle the avoda zara itself.

He destroys the central location for Avoda Zara which was on top Maoz which was either a valley, a mountain, or a rock upon which they offered and changes it for a place to serve Hashem. Here Chazal point out that Gideon's actions are not in keeping completely with the halachah and explained that this was a need of the hour which was within the framework of the battle against avoda zarah. There are two deviations from the accepted halacha as Rashi points - there were eight things that he was warned about at night. The damage that Gideon caused to the center of Avoda Zara was discovered and they wished to punish him. His father Yoash was forced to defend him by used of a clever scheme - he gives over judgment to the Baal (the "injured" idol).

It is as if Gideon contended with Baal and thus is not given over to human judgment. Of course the Baal does not do anything to Gideon (we are familiar with how the prophets mocked avoda zara). Gideon emerges unscathed and now begins the process of salvation.

Tehillim List

The following members of our extended YNA family need our tefilot: Chana bat Bina Tzipporah bat Tzirel Sara bat Devorah Eliyahu Haim ben Chana Raizel Alter Mordechai Tzvi ben Eka Bryna Esther Miriam bat Chana Raitza Chana bat Rochel Leah Ora Leah bat Haya Rachel Rivka bat Esther Yitzchak bat Hinda Mazal bat Hanna David Zev ben Perl Yerachmiel Dovid ben Leah Rivka bat Leah Yisroel Aron ben Zisel Chaim Yonaton Mordechai ben Pesha Elka

Submit Names to the tehillim list.

Are you visiting Israel? - Let us know ! We'd love to host you for a Shabbat meal, davening, a shiur and would love for you to stop by.

Shabbat Shalom, Rav Bina, Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh