BY :






MEDAN 2019






Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D Dr.Drs.Umar Mono,Dipl.Trans,M.Hum. NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002 NIP.195706261983032001

Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara Medan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of SarjanaSastra from Department of English


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,

Prof. T. SilvanaSinar, M.A., Ph.D. RahmadsyahRangkuti, M.A. Ph.D NIP. 19540916 198003 2 003 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002

UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of SarjanaSastra from the Department of English, Faculty of

Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara, Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara on Sunday, January 21th,2019

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies

University of Sumatera Utara

Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S.

NIP.19600805 198703 1 001

Board of Examiners

RahmadsyahRangkuti, M.A. Ph.D ______

Prof.Dr.Syahron Lubis,M.A ______

Dr. Muhizar Muchtar,M.S. ______




Signed :

Date : January 21th, 2019.









Signed :

Date : January 21th, 2019


First of all, I would like thanks to the Almighty God, ALLAH SWT for the guidance and blessing to accomplish this thesis as one of the requirements for graduating from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies,

University of Sumatera Utara Medan can be finished timely. Here i would also like to express my gratitude, love, appreciation, honors and thank to :

1. My parents Adian Rahmat and Elmi Hamidah , my single brother Ari

saputra and to big family of Lubis‟s family and Hasibuan‟s family who

always pray, encourage, and support me during the academic years.

2. My supervisor and also the secretary of Department of English

Rahmadsyah Rangkuti,M.A,Ph.D, Your attitude is always positive and

inspiring, and your door is always open. Thank you for everything!,and my

co-supervisor, Dr.Drs. Umar Mono,Dipl.Trans,M.Hum, He willingness to

spend their valuable time in supervising me during the improvement of my

thesis, as well as to Dr. Budi Agustono,M.S, the dean of Faculty of Cultural

Studies University of Sumatera Utara, and Prof. T. Silvana

Sinar,M.A.,Ph.D, the Head of Department of English for their advice and

encouragement during my study in this faculty and also to Mr. Sukirno for

his help in the administration prodedure and requirements.

3. My best friend Danger‟s group Lily Fahlillah Hadipuro, Endang Rubianti,

and Sutrajaya Simanullang for all their support and their kindness with all

the greatest time that already spent.

iii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4. Yayasan Karya Salemba Empat Nusantara and PGN energy for life for the

Scholarship and all the experience that‟s very valuable. My family

Paguyuban KSE USU,EO Division for trust me and give the real meanings

of family in paguyuban which is unforgetable. Also for all my friends from

PGN Leadership Camp bath 1 and paguyuban KSE Nusantara.

5. My best friends in the GEMA PAKANTAN and my true friends , Farida

Hanum and Wahyuni Lubis for the voluntering experience and the kindness

that teach me many things.

6. Last but no the least is to all of my friends in Department of English who

always stand by me and to my class English Literature A 2014.

Medan, January 21th, 2019

The Researcher

Holidah Hanum



Skripsi ini berjudul „‟ A Semiotic Analysis of International Airline Emblems’’ merupakan penelitian tentang makna dari lambang – lambang dalan pesawat internasional. Penelitian ini didukung oleh teori semiotik yang dikemukakan oleh

C.S.Pierce . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi makna semiotik yang digunakan di lambang – lambang pesawat dan untuk mendeskripsikan bagaimana makna dari lambang tersebut menggambarkan identitas dari sebuah perusahaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian adalah lambang – lambang dalam pesawat internasional.

Sumber data adalah sepuluh lambang pesawat yang menggunakan lambang burung, sepuluh lambang tersebut adalah Egyptair, Japan Airline,

Airline, Air China, Garuda Indonesia, Lufthansa, Gulf Air, Aerolineas Argentinas, and American Airlines. Didalam menganalisis makna dari lambang – lambng pesawat internasional ini ditemukan bahwa dari sepuluh data ini menunjukkan bahwa sebuah Negara memiliki budaya dan kepercayaan sendiri mengenai makna sebuah lambang – lambang di negaranya, hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sebuah Negara menonjolkan identitas dan kekuatan mereka pada lambang

– lambang pesawat yang mereka gunakan. Dari sepuluh lambang – lambang pesawat internasional ini lebih dominan mereka mempromosikan kepecayaan / agama, budaya dan sejarah yang dimiliki oleh negara itu.

Kata kunci :semiotik, lambang – lambang pesawat international, objek, menggambarkan, menjelaskan dan makna.


The thesis Entitled „‟ A Semiotic Analysis of International Airline Emblems ‘‟ is a study about the meaning of emblems in Internatinal airline, This research suppported by semiotic theory proposed by triadict Charles Sander Pierce‟s theory. The objectives of this research are to identify semiotics meaning that used in emblems and discribe how to found meaning of the emblem represent the identity of each company in international airline. The method of this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research are verbal and visual emblems. The sources of data are ten emblems of international airline which used image of bird emblems and supported by the official link of airlines. Those ten emblems are Egyptair, Japan Airline, Singapore Airline, Air China, Garuda

Indonesia, Lufthansa, Gulf Air, Aerolineas Argentinas, and American Airlines.

The meaning of ten data represented state‟s identity from promotion a culture, religious, and history of them.

Keyword : semiotic,international airline emblems, object, representament , interpretant and meaning.


AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ...... i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ...... ii ACKNOWLEDGEGEMENT ...... iii ABSTRAK ...... v ABSTRACT ...... vi THE TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... vii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...... 1 1.1 Background of the Study ...... 1 1.2 Problem of the Study ...... 4 1.3 Objective of the Study ...... 5 1.4 Scope of the Study ...... 5 1.5 Significance of the Study ...... 5 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 6 2.1 Defenition of Emblem ...... 6 2.1.1 History of Emblem ...... 6 2.2.Defenition of Logo ...... 8 2.2.1 History of Logo ...... 8 2.3Emblem and Logo ...... 12 2.4Meaning ...... 14 2.4.1 Representament ...... 15 Qualisign ...... 16 Sinsign ...... 16 Legisign ...... 16 2.4.2 The Interpretant ...... 16 Rheme ...... 16 Dicent Sign ...... 16 Argument ...... 17 2.4.3 The Object ...... 17 Symbol ...... 17 Icon ...... 17 Index ...... 17

vii UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.5 Airline ...... 18 2.6 Color Term by Ann Wierzbicka ...... 19 2.7 Previous Related Studies ...... 24 CHAPTER III METHOD OF RESEARCH ...... 27 3.1 Research Design ...... 27 3.2 Data and Source of Data ...... 28 3.3 Technique of Collecting Data ...... 31 3.4 Technique of Analyzing Data ...... 31 3.4.1 Data Condentation ...... 33 3.4.2 Data Display ...... 34 3.4.3 Drawing and Verifying Conclusion ...... 35 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING...... 36 4.1 Data Analysis ...... 36 4.2 The Table of Finding Data ...... 78 4.3 Finding ...... 79 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ...... 83 5.1 Conclusion ...... 83 5.2 Suggestion ...... 84 REFERENCES ...... 85 AFFENDICES ...... 88




1.1. Background of the Study

The major purpose of communication is to disseminate information throughlanguage. Language therefore is a means of communication between two or more people in which one is either a sender or a receiver or vice versa.

Language could be written or spoken, it is a symbol of complex signs which are peculiar to human beings and it is used in disseminating information, ideas, feelings or emotion. Communication as a means of interaction between a sender and a receiver or vice versa may be achieved through linguistic elements such as symbols, graphics style, gestures, pictures, colours and others. According to

Daramola (2011: 144), he differentiates communication from language. To him,

"communication involves the process of the exchange of information (or massages) that are linguistic and non-linguistic or exchange of messages in forms of language and non-language resources such as symbols, signs, gestures, drawings, pictures, photos including technologically mediated processes." From the above difference between language and communication, it is obvious that communication comprises linguistic and non-linguistic resources.

Semiotics is the methodology for conducting this analysis. By and large, semiotics refers to the study of signs and symbols (Eco, 1979, 1986). Semiotics is a useful tool to concentrateon (a) the development of signs that help identify and differentiate the meanings of design, and (b) the explanation of sign functions and consumer meaning processes, including business, motivational, and affective


UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA factors (Sebeok, 1991).Semiotics, also called semiotic or semiology, is the study of sign processes (semiosis), or signification and communication, signs and symbols, both individually and grouped into sign systems. It includes the study of how meaning is constructed and understood.

Although sign language uses hand gestures to communicate words in a non- verbal way, it should not be confused with emblems. Sign language contains linguistic properties, similar to those used in verbal languages, and is used to communicate entire conversations.Linguistic properties are verbs, nouns, pronouns, adverbs, adjectives, etc.In contrast with sign language, emblems are a non-linguistic form of communication. Emblems are single gestures which are meant to get a short non-verbal message to another individual.

The words emblem and symbol are often used interchangeably, an emblem is a pattern that is used to represent an idea or an individual. An emblem crystallizes in concrete, visual terms some abstraction: a deity, a tribe or nation, or a virtue or vice.wehave the emblem. Design figures prominently here, too, but unlike a mark or brand, an emblem isn‟t exclusively related to the business, marketing and advertising industries. In fact, it‟s more of an abstract and representative image of a broader concept like a moral truth, an allegory or even a person.It‟s important not to confuse an emblem with a symbol, as the distinction is as follows:

- An emblem is a design that stands for a broad idea or concept or a specific individual and represents the abstract in visual terms.

2 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA - A symbol is more straightforward in that it simply substitutes one thing for another (like the Golden Arches of McDonald‟s as a substitute for the fast food of burgers and fries

Airline emblemsare great examples of visual corporate branding and an useful inspiration resource to budding designers. But you don‟t have to be a professional designer to have an interest in airline emblems. As the use of international airline emblems, they have close relation with meaning to indicate or understand the pictures or symbols found in emblems. For getting how meaning is created, this study chooses semiotics as the object to analyze the emblems. https://beebom.com/popular-airline-logos/

The uninformed would say that Korean Air‟s logo looks like the Pepsi logo.

However, itsinspiration is purely traditional and much older than the USA itself, let alone Pepsi. The symbol in the logo is called Taegeuk, and it stands for the

“ultimate reality from which everything is derived”. It‟s also a part of the South

Korean flag. Korean Air‟s logo was designed in 1984.

But the problems found are:International airline emblems, in this system provide a recognizable picture of entities, as they exist in the world, so the emblems must be sufficiently clear and simple to be understood. But to „read‟ such a script, emblems, there is thus a great deal of possible ambiguity and many of the scripts have proved difficult or impossible to decipher. Others, no truly uniform of international airline emblems in the world, it is showed by different

3 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA form foundin public places, example some of the large public places only use symbols (non linguistic sign) or words (linguistic sign), even some of public places use multilingual language to present the meaning of emblem of airline but others only use one language.Related to theexplanations above, international airline emblems face the problem to reach their function as a means of communication. It can make misinterpreting for some people, especially for common people who seldom use them or in other words not all the people will know or understand about the airline emblems.

As the function of meaning in airline emblems ,there are many airline emblems that used to help the develoving of business , tourism,and culture of airline emblems country‟s origin. There is a reason why reseach chosen this topic A SEMIOTIC ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL AIRLINE EMBLEMS By analyzing how to understanding meaning of internatinal airline emblems and the writer want to show the meaning of emblems in international airline but only the airline emblems which used of bird emblem because bird is image of something can fly in the sky.

1.2.Problem of the Study

In writting this research , the writer has question that need to be answered.

The question is :

1. How are the understanding of the elements of the international airline

emblems ?

2. What is the meaning of each elements of the international airline

emblems ?

4 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 1.3 Objective of the Study

Based on the problem on the study to reach as follows :

1. To describe theelements of the international airline emblems.

2. To describe the meaning of each elements of the internatinal airline


1.4 Scope of the Study

The focus of this analysis are to meanings of international airline emblems..

The writerdescribe about the meaning of ten international airline emblems used

C.S.Pierce‟s theory.

1.5 Significance of the Study

In conducting this research, the writer intends to present some benefit to the readers. Theoreticallycan enrich the study on semiotics for language learner and increase the knowledge of the reader‟s comprehension of the emblems used in internatinal airline. Practically ,forstudents are expected to be useful for the students especially to understand the meaning of the emblems used in international airline, for lectures can give additional reference in teaching

Linguistics. In addition it can be used as further referencesabout linguisticstudy, in particular the meaning of emblems, For Other researchers can be used as a stimulus to conduct further research related to this research in more details or from other point of view.



2.1 Defenition of Emblem

An emblem is a symbol that conveys your participation in a certain industry, the ideas you stand for, and the values you share. On the other hand, logos perform a promotion function. Emblems do not aim to boost sales.

Nonetheless, you can effectively use emblems to stand out among your competitors and get noticed by your audience. Emblem is a representative symbol, such as a trademark or logo while logo is a symbol or emblem that acts as a trademark or a means of identification of an institution or other entity.

2.1.2 History of Emblem

Since the 15th century the terms of emblem (emblema; from Greek:

ἔμβλημα, meaning "embossed ornament") and emblematura belong to the termini technici of architecture. They mean an iconic painted, drawn, or sculptural representation of a concept affixed to houses and belong like the inscriptions to the architectural ornaments (ornamenta). Since the publication of De Re Aedificatoria (1452, Ten Books of Architecture),[8] by Leon Battista

Alberti (1404–1472), patterned after the De architectura by the Roman architect and engineer Vitruvius, emblema are related to Egyptian hieroglyphics and are considered as being the lost universal language

Therefore, the emblems belong to the Renaissance knowledge of antiquity which comprises not only Greek and Roman antiquity but also Egyptian

6 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA antiquity as proven by the numerous obelisks built in 16th and 17th century


The first emblem came into being in 1864. The governments attending the diplomatic conference, which adopted the First Geneva Convention in

1864, decided that a clear neutral sign was needed on the battlefield to protect medical staff and facilities. They opted for a red cross on a white background, the exact reverse of the flag of neutral Switzerland. The resulting symbol had the advantage of being easily produced and recognizable at a distance because of its contrasting colours. In the years that followed, a number of national relief organizations started to be called “red cross societies” and the indicative use of the emblem became established.

The original intent of the 1864 conference was to create a universal, neutral and distinctive sign of protection, used and recognized by everyone. But just over a decade later, during the Russo Turkish war, the Ottoman empire adopted the red crescent as its protective sign, while still recognizing and respecting the red cross. Persia, too, adopted its own sign and in 1929 governments formally recognized all three.This situation lasted until 1980 when Iran dropped the old Persian sign the red lion and sun in favour of the red crescent. Since the 1990s there had been concern about respect for the neutrality of the red cross or red crescent in certain difficult conflicts. In 1992, the then president of the ICRC called publicly for the creation of an additional emblem devoid of any national, political or religious connotation. In 2005 governments adopted an additional protective sign, the red crystal.

7 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 2.2. Defenition of Logo

A logo is a graphic mark, emblem, symbol or stylized name used to identify a company, organization, product or brand. It may take the form of an abstract or figurative design, or a stylized version of the company‟s name, as in a wordmark. A logo may also be used as a substitute for a company's name, if it has sufficient brand recognition.

2.2.1 History of Logo

Numerous inventions and techniques have contributed to the contemporary logo, including cylinder seals (c. 2300 BCE), coins (c. 600

BCE), trans-cultural diffusion of logographic languages, coats of arms, watermarks, silver hallmarks, and the development of printing technology.

As the industrial revolution converted western societies from agrarian to industrial in the 18th and 19th centuries, photography and lithography contributed to the boom of an advertising industry that integrated typography and imagery together on the page. Simultaneously, typography itself was undergoing a revolution of form and expression that expanded beyond the modest, serif typefaces used in books, to bold, ornamental typefaces used on broadsheet posters.

The arts were expanding in purpose from expression and decoration of an artistic, storytelling nature, to a differentiation of brands and products that the growing middle classes were consuming. Consultancies and trades-groups in the commercial arts were growing and organizing; by 1890, the US had 700

8 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA lithographic printing firms employing more than 8,000 people. Artistic credit tended to be assigned to the lithographic company, as opposed to the individual artists who usually performed less important jobs.

A coin from early 6th century BC Lydia bearing the head of a roaring lion with sun rays

Innovators in the visual arts and lithographic process such as French printing firm Rouchon in the 1840s, Joseph Morse of New York in the 1850s,

Frederick Walker of England in the 1870s, and Jules Chéret of France in the

1870s developed an illustrative style that went beyond tonal, representational art to figurative imagery with sections of bright, flat colors.Playful children‟s books, authoritative newspapers, and conversational periodicals developed their own visual and editorial styles for unique, expanding audiences. As printing costs decreased, literacy rates increased, and visual styles changed, the

Victorian decorative arts led to an expansion of typographic styles and methods of representing businesses.

9 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The first logo to be trademarked was the Bass red triangle in 1876

The Arts and Crafts Movement of late-19th century, partially in response to the excesses of Victorian typography, aimed to restore an honest sense of craftsmanship to the mass-produced goods of the era.A renewal of interest in craftsmanship and quality also provided the artists and companies with a greater interest in credit, leading to the creation of unique logos and marks.

By the 1950s, Modernism had shed its roots as an avant-garde artistic movement in Europe to become an international, commercialized movement with adherents in the United States and elsewhere. The visual simplicity and conceptual clarity that were the hallmarks of Modernism as an artistic movement formed a powerful toolset for a new generation of graphic designers whose logos embodied Ludwig Mies van der Rohe‟s dictum, "Less is more."

Modernist-inspired logos proved successful in the era of mass visual communication ushered in by television, improvements in printing technology, and digital innovations.

The current era of logo design began in the 1870s with the first abstract logo, the Bass red triangle. As of 2014, many corporations, products, brands, services, agencies, and other entities use an ideogram (sign, icon) or an emblem

(symbol) or a combination of sign and emblem as a logo. As a result, only a few of the thousands of ideograms in circulation are recognizable without a name. An effective logo may consist of both an ideogram and the company name (logotype) to emphasize the name over the graphic, and employ a unique design via the use of letters, colors, and additional graphic elements.


The Coca-Cola logo is identifiable in other writing-systems, here written in


Ideograms and symbols may be more effective than written names

(logotypes), especially for logos translated into many alphabets in increasingly globalized markets. For instance, a name written in Arabic script might have little resonance in most European markets. By contrast, ideograms keep the general proprietary nature of a product in both markets. In non-profit areas, the

Red Cross (varied as the Red Crescent in Muslim countries and as the Red Star of David in Israel) exemplifies a well-known emblem that does not need an accompanying name. The red cross and red crescent are among the best- recognized symbols in the world. National Red Cross and Red Crescent

Societies and their Federation as well as the International Committee of the

Red Cross include these symbols in their logos. Branding can aim to facilitate cross-language marketing.Consumers and potential consumers can identify the

Coca-Cola name written in different alphabets because of the standard color and "ribbon wave" design of its logo. The text was written in Spencerian Script, which was a popular writing style when the Coca Cola Logo was being designed.


An emblem is a symbol that conveys your participant in a certain industry. On the other hand, logos perform a promotion function. Emblem do not aim to bost sale. Nonetheless, we can effectively use emblems to stand out among our competitors and get noticed by our audience. The usefulness of emblem, it have a variety of applications. Versatile and flexible, they are used for both marketing and non commercial purposes. It is the reason the why the function of logo and emblem are same.

A logo is important because :

1. Reveals your identity

Remember those old Westerns where cowboys branded cattle? They did it to mark ownership. Your logo should do the same thing (minus the pain of a red hot branding iron). Imprinted on your products, your business card and your website, your logo communicates ownership. It can tell the world/potential customers who you are, what type of product or service you sell, or what benefit you offer consumers.

2. Invites new customers to get to know you

We do not live in a monochromatic world. People are drawn to interesting design and color. The logo that marks your package or adorns your storefront should be designed to draw interest and pique the curiosity of your potential customers, prompting them to at least look, and hopefully purchase your product.

12 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3. Distinguishes you from the competition

There are certain symbols that come to represent particular industries or products. For example, how many pizza places have you seen with a logo that features an Italian, mustachioed chef with a tall white hat and a wide grin?

Maybe holding a ridiculously huge pizza? A good logo reflects who you are, but it should also distinguish you from everybody else. A good logo should dare to be different.

4. Facilitates brand loyalty

From time to time, a company will redesign their logo, perhaps to update their look or reflect some other corporate change. As a marketer, I get this. As a consumer, I hate it. When I‟ve become accustomed to my favorite brands‟ logo and they change it, I feel a little betrayed. Now I‟ve got to retrain my brain to look for something new. Brand loyalty is huge and something every business needs to foster. A recognizable and familiar logo goes a long way toward building brand loyalty.

5. Can be everywhere

Placing your logo on all of your marketing, packaging, products, social media, website, etc. is a way to advertise your brand and your message consistently, whether it‟s in the store, in your customers‟ homes, online, i.e., everywhere you want to be. If you‟ve developed your brand message and successfully tied it to your logo, everything you do and create becomes associated with the logo and the brand.

13 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Emblem is a pictorial device from pre-heraldic times that has stayed with us. An emblem represented an allegory, a body of people or a single person or

Saint. So it is in every sense a logo.

The difference is that a logo is a modern use term that has been more popular in polar culture.Emblem is symbol that which have physical structrue

(Object) Logo is Just picture which they have released as their logo.They are the same thing exactly. An emblem is not (as other suggest) a physical thing.

That is a badge. An emblem is simply a more old fashioned word. (Differencess of logo and mblem.Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/Whats-the- difference-between-a-logo-and-an-emblem. accesssed on Oktober 30th,2018).

2.4 Meaning

In the philosophy of language, the nature of meaning, its definition, elements, and types, was discussed by philosophersAristotle, Augustine, and

Aquinas. According to them "meaning is a relationship between two sorts of things: signs and the kinds of things they mean (intend, express or signify)". One term in the relationship of meaning necessarily causes something else to come to the mind. In other words: "a sign is defined as an entity that indicates another entity to some agent for some purpose". In this theses, the writer used denotative and conotative meaning for give understanding about meaning in emblems.

The denotative meanings include things pointed to by words, or explicit relationships between marks with reference or reality in denotative denoting. For example there are pictures of humans, animals, trees, houses with red, yellow,

14 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA blue, and white. At the denotative stage only data information is submitted

(Piliang Tinarbuko,2008). While connotative meanings include the colour aspect relating to the feelings and emotions as well as the cultural values and perspectives of a community group, for example: a smiley face image can be interpreted as a joy or expression of contempt, to understand connotative meaning, the other elementsmust be understood also (Piliang in Tinarbuko,2008).

In the search to find out the meaning in semiotic, the writer apply the

Pierce‟s theory for accuracy of the research on emblem in internatinal airline.

Based on standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2006) , signs can be regarded as triadic relation of a group of three. Any sign can be regarded as a media which can represent an object, and imply something to an interpreter.



Representament Object

2.4.1 The Representament

The representament in Pierce‟s theory is the form the sign takes, which is not necessarily a material or concreate object. Based on this explanation, the representament has three classification. There are qualisign, sinsign, and legisiign.


Qualisign is the quality of the sign. The quality means are from the form, color, and words which are found in this sign, for example is the color on sign

(green light in traffic light).

Sinsign is the existence of object or fact. The sinsign means it is an actual existent thing or event which is a sign, for example a trafict light that turns green.

Legisign is the sign that has a meaning deriving from habit and law. It is not a single object but a general type which, it has been agreed and shall be significant. The example of this legisign is when the traffict light is green, it means the driver can start diving.

2.4.2 The Interpretant

The interpretant in Pierce‟s theory is the sign which has same value or sometimes has higher development and occurs in people‟s mind who interpret it.

The interpretant has three classification. There are rheme, dicent sign, and argument. Rheme

Rheme is a sign that allows people to interpret it based on option. It means this sign is a kind of the possibility of the an object, for example a person has a red eye, can be said that person is crying or just woke up. Dicent Sign

16 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Dicent Sign is a sign based on reality. It means there is a truth designated sign and the reality that referencedto the sign. Argument

Argument is the sign that direct give spesific reason. It means every sign has a reason why it can be created, the position tht found in this place, and others.

2.4.3 The object

Based on Pierce‟s statement, the object is symbol, icon, and index. Object is what the sign represents. The sign can only represent the object, it can not furnish acquaintance with it. Symbol

Sign‟s symbolic exemplication is made possible by means of convention and by habitual relation in terms of the sign‟s generality. Symbol is a sign based on convention, regulation, or agreement that mutually agreed. A symbol has no resemblance between the signifier and signified. The connection between them must be culturally learned. Example of the symbol is picture shows that belong to

„‟No‟‟ Icon

Icon is a sign which would posses the character which renders it significant, even though this object had no existence. Icon looks like the referent it represents, sound like the referent or retain an image similar to the referent. The term icon does not refer to just a visual image, but includes a variety of signs. Example of showing icon about „‟toilet‟‟. Index

17 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Index is a sign that show about the meaning. It also called as instruction sign and it is show evidence of what is being represented. Index as informative makes one think about such a possible sense.

Pierce declares that nothing is a sign unless, it is interpreted as a sign.

Anything can be a sign as long as someone interprets it as „signifying‟ something referring to or standing for something other than itself.

2.5 Airline

An airline is a company that provides air transport services for traveling passengers and freight. Airlines utilize aircraft to supply these services and may form partnerships or alliances with other airlines for codeshare agreements.

Generally, airline companies are recognized with an air operating certificate or license issued by a governmental aviation body. Airlines vary in size, from small domestic airlines to full-service international airlines.Groups such as the

International Civil Aviation Organization establish worldwide standards for safety and other vital concerns. Most international air traffic is regulated by bilateral agreements between countries, which designate specific carriers to operate on specific routes. The model of such an agreement was the Bermuda Agreement between the US and UK following World War II, which designated airports to be used for transatlantic flights and gave each government the authority to nominate carriers to operate routes.Bilateral agreements are based on the "freedoms of the air", a group of generalized traffic rights ranging from the freedom to overfly a country to the freedom to provide domestic flights within a country (a very rarely granted right known as cabotage). Most agreements permit airlines to fly from

18 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA their home country to designated airports in the other country: some also extend the freedom to provide continuing service to a third country, or to another destination in the other country while carrying passengers from overseas.

2.6 Color Terms by Anna Wierzbicka

Wierzbicka (1996 – 287) proposed that „color‟ is not a universal human concept, but it is correlated to the seeing which considered universal, because color is definable only via seeeing. The color conceptualization is different in different culture although there are also some some striking similarities. There are six basic color terms and they are regarded incompatible in the same way and to the same degree. They are :

1. Black and White, Dark and light

Black and white are felt to be opposites and closely related to the dark and light. The words dark and light ( as color destinations) are link to the darkness of night and the light of day respectively. Seeing dark object remains people of the expression of seeing things at time when it is dark ; and seeing light objects reminds „them of the experience of seeing things a time when it is light. The following lines can elaborate the words dark and light :

X is dark At sometimes people can‟t see much When one sees things like X one can think of this.

X is light At sometimes can be see many things When one sees things like X one can think of this (Wierzbicka ; 1996)

19 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA On the hand, the semantic structure of English word black and white reflect both their status of „‟basic color terms learnt by Ostentation‟‟ and their association with the concept „ dark‟ and „light‟. Leonardo da Vinci‟s comment made in this

„‟treatise on Painting‟‟as cited in Wieizbicka (1996 : 303) states that : „‟ we shall set down white for representative of light, without which no color can be seen.

And black for total darkness‟‟. The lines to explicate the meaning of black are :

X is black [partial explication] When people see some things they say of them : this is black

X is like this At sometimes people cann‟t see any thing Because the sun is not in the sky When one sees things like X one can think of this (Wierzbicka: 1996)

For white, it is initially considering a symmetrical explication :

X is white [partial explication] When people see somethings they say of them : this is white

X is like this At sometimes people cann‟t see anything Because the sun is not in the sky When one sees things like X one can think of this (Wierbicka : 1996)

Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mistery. In the other hand, white is associated with light, goodness, innocence, puirity, and virginity. It is concidered to be the color of perfection, white means safety, purity, and cleaness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning. In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity. In advertising, white is associated with coolness and

20 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA cleaness because it‟s the color of snow. You can use white to suggest simplicity in high – tech products.

2. Green

In many language of the world, the nearest equivalent of the English word green is either morphologically or etymologycally related to the words for grass, herbs or vegetation in general. They asssociated the concept encapsulated in the word green can be partially explicated in the following :

X is green, in some place many things grow out of the ground When one sees like X one can think of the plant on the ground ( Wierzbicka : 1996)

Dark green is associated with ambition, greed, and jealousy. Yellow-green can indicate sickness, cowardice, discod, and jealousy. Aqua is associated with emotional healing and protection. Live green is the traditional color of peace.

3. Blue

In numerous languages of the worlds, the nearest equivalent of the English word blue is morphologycally, or etymologically, related to the word for sky.

Beside sky, people also associated the word blue with naturally occuring „‟big water places‟‟ such as sea or lakes. The following semantic component of the

English word blue attempts to elaborate the meaning of this „‟ basic color terms‟‟.

X is blue : a. At sometimes people can see the sun above them in the sky When one sees things like X one can think of the sky at these times

21 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA b. In some place there is a lot of ( very much) water When people are far from these places they can see this water When one sees things like X one can think of oceans (Wierzbicka : 1996)

Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness, dark blue represent knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness.

4. Red

The nearest equivalent of the English word red is in many language, etymologically relaated to the word for „‟blood‟‟, however, the English word red is not synchronically analyzable. Meaning as cited in Wierzbacka ( 1996: 315) declares taht red is „‟ a rich Warm color‟‟ of course the word „rich‟ and „warm‟ are used here metephorically. Red is thought as warm because it is associated with tire, when people are asked about wich color makes them think of tire, many of them replay red. It is worth nothing that tire engines and other paraphernalia used by tire brigades are often painted red; that fires extinguishers are also painted red; that red is generally used as a symbol of danger or warning.

It seems reasonable to suppose that all of these facts reflect a common association between tire and red. The color initially can be explained along the following lines :

X is red When one sees thing like X one can think of tire When one sees thing like X one can think of blood ( Wierzbicka : 1996)

22 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Light red represent joy, sexuality,passion, sensitivity, and love. Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminime qualities and passiveness. Dark red is associated with vigor, will power, rage, anger, ledership, courage,longing, malice, and wrath.

5. Yellow

Beside red, yellow is also considered as a „warm‟ because it is associated with the sun. Unlike red, yellow is though as a light color. A fuller explication of the concept „yellow‟ :

X is yellow When one sees things like X one can think often sun At sometimes people can see many things When one sees things like X one can think of this ( Wierzbicka : 1996)

Dull (dingy) yellow represents caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy. Light yellow is associated with intellect, freshness, and joy.

6. Brown

Like pink, orange, grey, and purple, „ brown‟ is often regarded as a composite color, a kind visual mixture of yellow and black with an admixture of red that is, in effect, mixture of orange and black.

Hurvich in Wierzbicka (1996:327) writes „‟ Brown is mainly dark – grayish orange and dark-grayish or blackish yellow colors. There are many browns in our environment. The earth, wood, leather, and human skin appear to contain different proportions of black and white.


The English word is conceptualized in term of a „‟mixture‟‟ of other colors but rather have a positive model in real word. Obviously , brown can be thought of as the color of the ground; or at least as that color, which is likely to make people think of the ground. The partial explication of the concept of the English word is in the following:

X is brown: When one sees things like X one can think of the ground (earth) At sometimes people can not see much When one sees things like X one can think of this (Wierzbicka : 1996)

2.7Previous Related studies

The research about semiotics has been done by many researches. There are many object that researches used to completed their thesis. Relevant studies in this research for reviewed in this research.

Marline Romaito Situmorang (2010) entitle „’The Pictograms used in

Polonia Airport:A Semiotic Analysis’’.in his research .Basically, Pictograms as conventional form that used uniform in most of the public places in the world found some problems in this airport, in presenting their form or language that sometimes can be problem for some people who seldom to see or use the pictograms. Such as for using the language, some of pictograms use in one language, other two languages, for form sometimes one pictogram presented in different forms such as; by picture and written text, others presented only by picture or written text, no truly uniform in one public place. The contribution of

24 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA this theses is to increase ressearcher‟s knowledge about pictogram and sign by

Pierce‟s theory but He tell about pictogram and this theses tell about meaning in international airline emblems.

Festus Moses Onipede (2003)entitle „’ A Semiotic of Selected Nigerian

Chruch Logos’’. In his research examine the selected Nigerian Church logos by using Kress and Van Leeuwen's 'Social Semiotic Approach to Multimodality.' He analysed the semiotic resources of the selected Church's logos to know whether the producer or designer of each Church's logo made use of similar and effective symbols or images and colours for their design. It is very obvious from his analysis that the Church's logo producer or designer used different style in their design but used semiotic resources relating to christianity. For instance, colours red, yellow, blue, green, black, white, gold, violet, and pink, are randomly selected by each logo producer as a means of recognition and disseminating the intended messages the Church claims to propagate. Symbols or images such as

Bible, dove, cross, lamb, angels, staff, Jesus, fire and circle, are used to associate with Christianity. The contribution of this theses is help the researher to understand of symbol or image in international airline emblems, but Festus Moses

Onipede tell about Church's logos and this theses tell about meaning in international airline emblems.

James Hoopes (1991) in his edited book Pierce on Sign: Writings on

Semiotic by Charles Sanders Pierce (1991: 8) tell the treadict nature of thingking is exemplified in the process through which the concept of the self is, itself, created. The contribution of this book is help the researcher to understand the explanation abouttriadict model sign by Pierce.

25 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Alex Sobur (2003) in his book Semiotika Komunikasi tell the complete explanation about semiotic, especially about semiotic from Charles Sanders

Pierce. The contribution of this book is increas researcher‟s knowledge about semiotic and kinds of sign.



3.1 Reseach Design

Etymologically , research is drived from „re‟ and „search‟; „re‟ means repeatand „search‟ means studyorlook for. By this reason, literally „research‟ means to search, to find out, to study, to study repeatedly in order to find out or formulate law or test or prove the theories. Dane (1990:4) says “Researchis used to sort out the various theories and explanations that already have, as well as to point the way to more useful theories and explanations”.However, there are many kinds of research, such as quasi-experimental research, field research, and archival research.

In this study,library research method has been applied by using relevant theories to support analysis. The data collected through some steps. The first step was by downloading the picture of international airline emblems from the sites on the internet,second by observing semiotic sign from the international airline emblems such as text, colour, form, etc.third, by observing the signs, a message which was realized in the international airline emblems can be found. The collected data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively based on the theory of semiotics.

In order to be able to answer the problems of the study or the research questions, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method as the umbrella of the study. According to Creswell (2007: 36), qualitative research as an investigation process of comprehension based on distinctive methodological

27 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA traditions which explore a social or human problem. Qualitative research studies things in natural setting, attempting to make sense of, or interpreting phenomena in terms of the meaning people bring to them. Thus, the researcher builds a complex, holistic picture, analyzes words, reports detail information and conducts.

The study in a natural setting. In addition to the concept of natural inquiry, a qualitative descriptiveresearcher is unable to manipulate the data as he or she only describes or explains a phenomenon as its fact.

3.2 Data and source of Data

By browsing the airline emblems in this article, we will probably notice some patterns. Many emblems feature traditional emblems and national colors.

Airline companies love to use motifs of flying and birds in their logos to send a message that you can travel quickly and safely with them.Based on the unit analysis of this thesis, the object that analyzed in this study is 10 (ten) international airline emblems which its emblem using pictures of bird emblems because the bird identical had wings and can fly.

The writer downloaded all the international airline emblems in world which

. The writer obtained the data from the official webside of , https://beebom.com/popular-airline-logos/.

The table below shows the data which obtained and analyzed in this thesis based on their year of publication.

28 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA No The name Years Source Emblems

of airline designed

1. AgyptAir 2008 https://www.egyptair.co


2. Japan 1985 www.jal.com


3. Singapore 1947 https://www.singaporea

Airline ir.com

4. Air China 2007 www.Airchina.com

5. Garuda 1949 https://www.garuda-

Indonesia indonesia.com

6. Lutfhansa 1954 www.Lufthansa.com

7. TAM 1986 www.Latam.com


8. Gulf Air 2010 https://www.Gilfair.com

9. Aerolinea 2008 https://aerolineasargent s Argentini ines.com an

29 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 10. American https://www.americanai

Airlines rline.com

Table 3.2 Data Collection Based on years Designed

The data of semiotic sign were analyzed by using Pierce‟s Theory namely

Diagram of semiosis known as Triangle Semiosis also supported by concept of

Verbal and Visual by Gillian Dryer, also the color components were analyzed by using Wierzbicka‟s Color Term.whereas, the data analysis model based on the interactive model analysis by Miles,Huberman and Saldana (2014).

The semiosis process belong to Pierce‟s theory of semiotic more obvious to trichotomy of sign which be related to the relationship between represenmen and its object. The symbol in the advertisement may become word, sentences, or language that written on the advertisement.whereas the icon is the picture, imagers, or photos that used to make the attractive advertisement. Meanwhile , index is not analyzed because of index related to the influence of casuality which need more time in analyzed it. Following the defenition, both symbol and icon which are found in the tagline and image of the advertisement are analyzed in this thesis to search every hidden meaning containing in the selected emblem in airline.

30 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3.3 Technique of Collecting Data

The writer save the picture of international airline emblems in the folder of laptop as a file.In the folder is also written each years of publication of international airline emblems. Total of all data international airline emblems are

10 airline.Data collecting method using observation and documentation technique.


Observation is done by copied the source of data from internet.the data are analyzed with the relevant theory to get conclution. Then, the writer observes the data to find the relevant concept to anlyzed.


Documentation is written sources, archives, document, article in the internet that suppport research analysis. The writer get the documentation from supporting books, article in the internet, journal, and thesis.

3.4 Technique of Analyzing Data

In this research using the interactive model of qualitative data analysis introduced by Miles and Huberman (2014). The reason for choosing this data analysis model is because the analysis step is in accordance with the research plan. In this study used data selection that is suitable with the issue raised. The existence of data is grouped and also the end result of this research can be reviewed by adding previous data of relevan studies.


Data Collection

( Pengumpulan Data) (Penyajian Data)

Conclusion : Drawing/Verifying Data Condensation

(Gambaran (Kondensasi Data) KesimpulanPeninjauan Ulang)

Figure 3.2 M&H Component of Data Analysis (2014)

In the early stages of the study is data collection, collected data is displayed as the initial reference material before it is condensed. The data collection has been describe in the previous sub-chapter. In line with the preliminary data presentation, after the data has been collected, the data is condensed according to the condentatin step and the research needs. The results of condentation data can be restated as data ready to be analyzed to address the research problem. The result of data condensation and presentation of data that have been analyzed can bring the picture of the conclusion. However , in the conclusion of the conclusions, if not fully able to answer the problems in the research, can be collected back the appropriate data to complete the conclusion of this research later.

32 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3.4.1 Data Condensation

In this stage there are several sub-stages. Because the data consists of selecting data, focusing the data that has been selected, simplifying the data according to the type, problem and theory to be used, abstracting the data in accordance with the theory used to answer the promblems and transform the form of data that was in the table or other forms into a qualitative description that describes the content.

„‟ Data condentation refers to the process of selecting, focusing, simplifying,abstracting,and/or transforming the data that appear in the full corpus

(body) of written-up field notes,interview transcripts,documents and other empirical materials‟‟(Miles,Hubberman ,Saldana 2014).

The semiotic sign that had been collected as data for this study is explained with synopsis that represent each airline emblems according to plane as developer.


The data is selected based on verbal and visual emblems in international airline.Verbal data using Pierce‟s theory and Visual data is supported by Dyer‟s concept and Wierzbicka‟s color terms.


After selecting the appropriate data in aswering the research problem, futhur data is focused to find the message conveyed in airline emblems.


33 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The data had been selected some of pictures and texts in international airline emblems. Then it had been noted kind of linguistic and Visual and Verbal signs that include from the data analysis into theory.


The data had been analyzed using Pierce‟s Theory, Dyer‟s Concept and

Wierzbicka color terms. The analysis theories were analysis of Visual and Verbal sign of international airline emblems.


After the data have been transformed into separate of picture and texts. They are merged in one table to become model analysis by using the theory.

3.4.2 Data Display

Data display means organizing assembly of information that allow conclusion drawing. Usually in a form of table or diagram to make the data looks more organized and easir to observe so it helps conclusion drawing. In this study, the writer using table as model analysis.


Sign Representamen Object

Diagram 3.2 Model Analysis based on Pierce‟s tradic model

34 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA In this research, the datadisplayed in the form of diagram that show the relation of representament,object and interpretantin the airline, also describe the colour, background , text and shape, icon and symbol, and also it relation with related people, organization or event in real world.

3.4.3 Drawing & Verifying conclusion

Concluson drawing from the start of data collection until data display has been verified. Conclusion from this study focused on the semiotic signs in the airline emblem also a way of semiotic sign realized the message in a airline emblem as a language for communication in order to draw the interest of the people. People are more awere about international airline emblems that display or describe a certain emblems because every part of that international airline emblems has meaning to learn. Verification has been done by the supervisor.



4.1 Data Analysis

Pierce‟s theory used to find meaning of emblems, the complete analysis of all elements in the international airline emblems and to find the identity of the country from the airline emblems. Sign, object, and interpretant were the elements that analyze to find how the sign delivered the meanings. The data were analyzed based on their meanings.there are 3 types of traffic emblem that used in internatioal airline emblems. Based on the Pierce‟s theory, The analysis of data using triadict model sign. There are representamen, interpretant and object. The color contained in the poster is analyze by using Wierzbicka‟s concept of color terms.

Data 1

1. The understanding Egyptair emblems based on C.S.Pierce’s theory

the symbol offace falcon

„‟Egypt‟‟ word blue colors

Figure 4.1 the emblems of Egypt Airline

36 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The data is analyzed using Triadict semiosis by Pierce. The followingdata are explained in the diagram below :

The blue Falcon head give you image naturally , simple and strong in the sky. [R]


This falcon head will have the Strong, naturally, and impressions of strong and simple. [O] simple like as image a horus. .[I]

Diagram 4.1 realization of Pierce’s Triadict model in data 1


The qualisign found in data 1 is blue color of the all word and emblem.The sinsign found in data 1 is the posision of the falcon head, it is facing right.The legisign of sign is based Wierzbicka‟s color terms that representing the meaning of color. Blue represent to the word for sky, naturally


The icon found in data 1 is a horusrepresent God of the sun / sky sun. The symbol in this sign is a Horus , falcon head. The index found in data is Horus considered to contain the sun and moon. It became said that the sun was his right eye and moon his left, and that they traversed the sky when he, a falcon, flew across it. Later, the reason that the moon was not as bright as the sun was explained by a tale, known as the contendings of Horus and Seth. In this tale, it was said said that Set, the patron of Upper Egypt, and Horus, the patron of

Lower Egypt, had battled for Egypt brutally, with neither side voctorious, until eventually the Gods sided with Horus.


The interpretant found in data 1 is dicent sign supporting from webside of history of Horus and link on http://www.egyptair.com.The rheme, falcon is a king of all bird.The argument in data 1, the symbol of Egypt Air or the national airline is horus, a figure ancient Egyptian religion represented as a falcon.

2. The meaning of elements in Egyptair emblem

1. Egypt

A country linking northeast Africa with the middle East, dates to the time of the pharaohs. Religion played a big part in the lives of the Ancient

Egyptians. They believed in a wide variety of gods and goddesses. There were important and promienth than other. The first, Ra was the sun god and the most important god to the Ancient Egyptian. Ra was drawn as a man with a hawk

38 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA head and a headdress with a sun disk. At one point Ra was combined with another god Amun and the two made an even more powerful god. The second,Isis was the mother goddess. It was thought that she would protect and help people in need. She was drawn as a woman with a headdress in the shape of a throne. The third, Orisis was ruler of the underworld and god of the dead.

He was the husband of Isis and father of Horus. Orisis was drawn as a mummified man with a feathered headdress.Horus, Horus was the god of the sky. The fourth , Horus was the son of Isis and Orisis. He was drawn as a man with the head of a hawk. The ruler of the Egyptian, Pharaoh, was thought to be the living version Horus. In this way Pharaoh was the leader of the Egyptian religion and the people‟s representetive to the gods.

2. Face falcon

The figure of „‟face falcon‟‟ is figure the horus or sky God. More people would see the figure is represents a falcon but actually the fact are likely to seethe figure as a man with a falcon head. As a symbol of kingship over the entire kingdom of Egypt. Since horus was said to be the sky. He was considered to also contain the sun and moon.

3. Blue

Blue is morphologycally, or etymologically, related to the word for sky.

Beside sky, people also associated the word blue with naturally occuring „‟big water places‟‟ such as sea or lakes. The following semantic component of the

39 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA English word blue attempts to elaborate the meaning of this „‟ basic color terms‟‟.

Data 2

1. The understanding Japan Airlines emblems based on C.S.Pierce’s


„‟Japan‟‟ word red color the emblem of crane

black color

Figure 4.1 the emblems of Japan Airline

The data is analyzed using Triadict semiosis by Pierce. The following data are explained in the diagram below :


The ideas for the emblem came from Japanese tradition, which views the crane as a symbol of long life, prosperity and good health because crane is oldest bird on earth. [I]


A red crane with the left Happiness, wing and right wing at luck, longevity one give and strong. impressionshappiness, ‟[O] luck, longevity, and strong.[R]

Diagram 4.1 realization of Pierce’s Triadict model in data 2


The qualisign found in data 2 is red color of the bird, and the color of the word are white and black.The sinsign found in data 2, crane has been a symbol of happiness in Japanese.The legisign of emblem is based on Wierzbicka‟s color terms thatrepresenting the meaning of color. Red represent rage, power, anger, leadership, courage, longing. Black represents power, elegance, formality,death, evil, and mistery. White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, coolness, cleanness, and virginity.


The icon found in data 2 is a red crane with word „‟JAL (Japan airlines)‟‟ , symbol of happiness and eternal youth.the index foun in data 2, In

Japanese, Chiness, and Korean tradition, crane stand for good fortune and longevity because of its fabled life span of a thousand years.


The interpretant found in data 2 are dicentsign and argument, but no rheme found in data 2. The dicent sign found in data 2 is information for the customer the airline and meaning based on the legend of the crane.2013.https://operationmigration.org/inTheField/2013/07/28/legend-of- the-crane/.and webside http://www.jal.com.The argument in data 2, in Japanese art, the crane is frequently featured alongside the seven luck Gods of Japan ( shichifukujin), at weddings it is customary for someone, usually the father of the bride, to make 1000 paper „‟love birds‟‟ as a wedding gift to wish to couple a long and happy merriage.

3. The meaning of elements in Japan Airlines emblem

1. Japan

Japan is an island country in East Asia. Japanese is Nihon or Nippon and literally means „‟the origin of the sun‟‟.located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies off the easttern coast of the Asian continent and stretches from the sea of Okhotsk in the north to East China sea and Philippine Sea in the south.


In Japan, the crane or tsuru, is a national treasure. It is the symbol of longevity and good luck because it was thought to have a life span of a thousand years. Tsuruare also monogamous, therefore, often used for wedding decor. An example of this is seen on formal wedding kimonos, and the uchikake, a decorative kimono that goes over the actual kimono, where beautiful images of tsuru are often embroidered.Crane is commonly associated with resurrection, renewal, and physical and spiritual rejuvenation. It is also a symbol of healing and peacefulness. Yet another symbolic representation of crane is that of creation through deep focus. Seeing it could be taken to mean that the person is eager to take charge of the situation and get matters into his/her hands. In Asia, cranes symbolize long life and happiness.

3. Red

The nearest equivalent of the English word red is in many language, etymologically relaated to the word for „‟blood‟‟, however, the English word red is not synchronically analyzable. Meaning as cited in Wierzbacka ( 1996: 315) declares taht red is „‟ a rich Warm color‟‟ of course the word „rich‟ and „warm‟ are used here metephorically. Red is thought as warm because it is associated with tire, when people are asked about wich color makes them think of tire, many of them replay red. It is worth nothing that tire engines and other paraphernalia used by tire brigades are often painted red; that fires extinguishers are also painted red; that red is generally used as a symbol of danger or warning.


Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mistery. In the other hand, white is associated with light, goodness, innocence, puirity, and virginity. It is concidered to be the color of perfection, white means safety, purity, and cleaness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning. In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity. In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleaness because it‟s the color of snow

Data 3

1. The understanding Singapore Airlines emblems based on

C.S.Pierce’s theory

Pigeon yellow and blue singapore

Figure 4.1 the emblems of Singapore Airline

44 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The data is analyzed using Triadict semiosis by Pierce. The following data are explained in the diagram below :

A pigeon is a symbol of peace, honest, loving, soft, do not replay, not hurt, [I]

Only yellow pigeon seems has impressions of simple Simple and and clear.[R] Sign clear [O]

Diagram 4.1 realization of Pierce’s Triadict model in data 3


The qualisign found in data 3 is yellow color of the bird, and the color of the word is blue.The sinsign found in data 3 is the image of yellow give impression a peace.The legisign of emblem is based on Wierzbicka‟s color terms that representing the meaning of color. Yellow represent caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy. Blue represents of sky.


The icon found in data 3 is a yellow pigeon with word „‟ SINGAPORE

AIRLINES‟‟ , symbol of peace, honest, loving, soft, do not replay, and not hurt. The index in data 3,we normally think of the pigeon as being an

45 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA unwelcome guest in our towns and cities, but most of us are unware that racing pigeons can be worth huge sums of money.


The dicent sign found in data 3 are dicent sign and argument, but no rheme found in data 3. The argument found in data 3 is information for the customer the airline and meaning based on meaning of pigeons meaning

.http://dreamingandsleeping.com.and webside http://www.singaporeair.com.

Argument in data 3, christian religion , the pigeon is both a symbol pf peace and holy spirit. India religious groups believe that when a person died his or her soul assumes the form of a bird (normally a pigeon) and therefore by feeching pigeons and other birds they are caring for the soul of their departed.

2. The meaning of elements in Singapore Airlines emblem

1. Singapore

The English name of Singapore is an anglicisation of the native Malay name for the country, Singapura, which was in turn derived from Sanskrit

(Siṃhapura; siṃha is "lion", pura is "town" or "city"), hence the customary reference to the nation as the Lion City, and its inclusion in many of the nation's symbols (e.g., its coat of arms, Merlion emblem). However, it is unlikely that lions ever lived on the island; Sang NilaUtama, the Srivijayan prince said to have founded and named the island Singapura, perhaps saw a Malayan tiger.

There are however other suggestions for the origin of the name and scholars do

46 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA not believe that the origin of the name is firmly established. The central island has also been called PulauUjong as far back as the third century CE, literally

"island at the end" (of the Malay Peninsula) in Malay.

2. Pigeon

Pigeons have lived alongside man for thousands of years with the first images of pigeons being found by archaeologists in Mesopotamia (modern

Iraq). It was the Sumerians in Mesopotamia that first started to breed white doves from the wild pigeon that we see in our towns and cities today and this undoubtedly accounts, certainly in part, for the amazing variety of colours that are commonly found in the average flock of urban pigeons.To ancient peoples a white pigeon would have seemed miraculous and this explains why the bird was widely worshipped and considered to be sacred. Throughout human history the pigeon has adopted many roles ranging from symbols of gods and goddesses through to sacrificial victims, messengers, pets, food and even war heroes. Pigeons are considered to be one of the most intelligent birds on the planet and able to undertake tasks previously thought to be the sole preserve of humans and primates. The pigeon has also been found to pass the „mirror test‟

(being able to recognise its reflection in a mirror) and is one of only 6 species, and the only non-mammal, that has this ability. The pigeon can also recognise all 26 letters of the English language as well as being able to conceptualise. In scientific tests pigeons have been found to be able to differentiate between photographs and even differentiate between two different human beings in a photograph when rewarded with food for doing so.


Dull (dingy) yellow represents caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy.

Light yellow is associated with intellect, freshness, and joy.

4. Blue

Blue is morphologycally, or etymologically, related to the word for sky.

Beside sky, people also associated the word blue with naturally occuring „‟big water places‟‟ such as sea or lakes. The following semantic component of the

English word blue attempts to elaborate the meaning of this „‟ basic color terms‟‟.

Data 4

1. The understanding Air China emblems based on C.S.Pierce’s theory

The emblem of phoenix „‟China‟‟ word

Red color „‟hong/longfeng‟‟ word

Figure 4.1 the emblems of Air China

48 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The data is analyzed using Triadict semiosis by Pierce. The following data are explained in the diagram below :

A phoenix gives expressions of luck and piece. [R]

A word VIP used Sign emblem of phoenix will make VIP service, luck and Luck and peace peace.[I] [O]

Diagram 4.1 realization of Pierce’s Triadict model in data 4


The qualisign found in data 4 is red color of the bird.the color of words in emblem is black.The sinsign found in data 4 is red for Chinese give impression luck.The legisign of emblem is based on Wierzbicka‟s color terms that representing the meaning of color. Red represent rage, power, anger, leadership, courage, longing. Black represents power, elegance, formality,death, evil, and mistery.


The icon found in data 4 is a red bird with sentences „‟hong/longfeng‟‟ and the symbol of word VIP used symbol of bird (phoenix). The index in data 4

,The „‟phoenix‟‟ represents luck and piece and VIP represent VIP service in airlines.


The rheme found in data 4 is a service VIP , can be said this is airline is give best service.The dicent sign found in data 4 is information for the customer the airline and meaning based on article by Nurhalim.Randi.2008. http://kabarpenumpang.com.and webside https://www.airchina.com.And gotravelyourways.com.Argument in data 4, the sentences „‟hong/longfeng‟‟ is the combination of feng (male bird) and huang (female bird).

2. The meaning of elements Air China emblem

1. China

The name China has been in use for thousands of years and is not easy to trace. It probably derives from the Sanskrit word „Chinasthana‟ (meaning country to the East of India) or it might be possibly connected to the Qin (pronounced

„Chin‟) kingdom. The Chiness are strongly influenced by confucianism, which emphasises respect for education, authority and age. Although modern urban

Chinese to confucian principles as rigidly as previous generation. China is one of the few existing countrries that also flourished economically and culturally in the earliest stages of world civilization. Despite the political and social upheavals that

50 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA frequently have ravaged the country. Building good business relationship and trust are very important in China, expect to spend plenty of time at meetings and baquents with potential business partners.

2. Phoenix

The phoenix is such an important bird in Chinese symbolism that we have a separate section dedicated to it, it put in the same section as dragons as the phoenix and dragon are paired, the dragon represents the Emperor and yang; the phoenix the Empress and yin. To use the name „phoenix‟ is bit misleading as there is no legend in China about reincarnation from ashes as there is about the Egyptian mythical bird . In China it was a god of the winds.

The vermillion (red) phoenix represents the most important of directions - south. In symbolism the dragon and phoenix together represent a married couple. The phoenix alone is a symbol of joy and peace, it heralds the coming of auspicious days just like the qilin.

The mythical bird, Phoenix is believed to die by fire and then emerge after 500 years from its ashes. As such, it is a symbol of resurrection, immortality, indomitable spirit, transition, and spiritual re-birth. It also represents aggressive behavior. It is believed that seeing a phoenix in your dream could mean overcoming adversity.

3. Black

Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mistery. In the other hand, white is associated with light, goodness, innocence,

51 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA puirity, and virginity. It is concidered to be the color of perfection, white means safety, purity, and cleaness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning. In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity. In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleaness because it‟s the color of snow

4. Red

The nearest equivalent of the English word red is in many language, etymologically relaated to the word for „‟blood‟‟, however, the English word red is not synchronically analyzable. Meaning as cited in Wierzbacka ( 1996: 315) declares taht red is „‟ a rich Warm color‟‟ of course the word „rich‟ and „warm‟ are used here metephorically. Red is thought as warm because it is associated with tire, when people are asked about wich color makes them think of tire, many of them replay red. It is worth nothing that tire engines and other paraphernalia used by tire brigades are often painted red; that fires extinguishers are also painted red; that red is generally used as a symbol of danger or warning.

Data 5

1. The understanding Garuda Indonesia emblems based on C.S.Pierce’s


52 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Blue color the emblem of five feather wings the emblem of eagle

„‟Indonesia‟‟ word

Figure 4.1 the emblems of Garuda Indonesia

The data is analyzed using Triadict semiosis by Pierce. The following data are explained in the diagram below :

A blueeaglewith 5 feather wings give impressions of unique, heroic and brave. [R]

A bird with 5 feather wing like as pancasila , blue color in wing expressions of naturally of blue sky, and the Sign Unique,Heroic marker of worldwide and brave. [O] target from symbol of a body leaning forward .[I]

Diagram 4.1 realization of Pierce’s Triadict model in data 5


The qualisign found in data 5 is blue of the bird.The color of words in emblem is blue.The sinsign found in data 5 , Garuda is the image of eagle.The legisign of emblem is based on Wierzbicka‟s color terms that representing the meaning of color. Blue represent the naturally.


The icon found in data 5 is a eagle with five feather wings like as pancasila (the ideology of the indonesian nation). naturally of blue sky, and the body leaning forward is symbol of worldwide target of Garuda Indonesia.


The rheme found in data 5 is eagle is king in air.The dicent sign found in data 5 is information for the customer the airline and meaning based on webside https://www.garuda-indonesia.com.and article by Febi.Imam.S.Makna logo Garuda Indonesia Airlines dan Membuat Perubahan Logo

Indonesia:Universitas Gunadarma.Argument found in data 5, Garuda is the image of a eagle. Pancasila used image of Garuda, so, Ideology of indonesian nation is a eagle, the king of bird.

2. The meaning of elements in Egyptair emblem

1. Indonesia

Indonesia officially the Republic of Indonesia (Indonesian:Republik

Indonesiais a country in , between the Indian and Pacific oceans.

54 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The name Indonesia, meaning Indian Islands, was coined by an Englishman,

J.R.Logan, in Malaya in 1850. National symbols of Indonesia thar represent

Indonesia nationhood. These symbols are recognised as official symbols that represent Republic od Indonesia and usually displayed in Indonesian government institution buildings, Indonesian embassies, Indonesian passport, or held by Indonesian representetives in international events, such as diplomatic or sporting events.

2. Eagle

The eagle is sometimes used to symbolize strength. Eagle tail feathers were considered a potent charm. An eagle and bear together symbolize a hero.

Theeagle in a pine tree wishes strength in old age; while an eagle on a rock symbolizes a lonely struggle.

3. Five Feather wings (pancasila)

Pancasila is theindonesian‟s ideology, foundational. Pancasila comprises two Old Javanese words originally derived from Sanskrit: "pañca" ("five") and

"sīla" ("principles").

4. Garuda

The Garuda claws gripping a white ribbon scroll inscribed with the national motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika .Garuda is describe as the king of birds. He is shown either in zoomorphic form (gian bird with partially open wings) or an antropomorphic form (man with wings and some bird features).Garuda is

55 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA protector with power to swiftly go anywhere, ever watchful and an enemy of the serpent.

5. Blue In numerous languages of the worlds, the nearest equivalent of the English word blue is morphologycally, or etymologically, related to the word for sky.

Beside sky, people also associated the word blue with naturally occuring „‟big water places‟‟ such as sea or lakes. The following semantic component of the

English word blue attempts to elaborate the meaning of this „‟ basic color terms‟‟.

Data 6

1. The understanding Lufthansa emblems based on C.S.Pierce’s theory

The emblem of circled crane yellow and blue colors

„‟Luft and hansa‟‟ words

Figure 4.1 the emblems of Lufthansa

The data is analyzed using Triadict semiosis by Pierce. The following data are explained in the diagram below :


A blue circled crane gives expressions of bravery, optimism and responsibility. [R]

A yellow background wich give meaning of a bravely, and a word „lufthansa‟ ,Luft is air and Sign Strong,Bravery, Hansa is a strongest optimism,respon commerce group in sibitilty[O] middle ages .[I]

Diagram 4.1 realization of Pierce’s Triadict model in data 6


The qualisign found in data 6 is blue color of the bird, and the color background of the emblem is white.The sinsign found in data 6 , yellow is image of bravery.The legisign of emblem is based on Wierzbicka‟s color terms that representing the meaning of color. Blue represent the natural in bird emblem. The yellow color represent caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy.


The icon found in data 6 blue circle. The symbol found in data 6 is a word „‟Lufthansa‟‟. It is the strongest commerce group in middle age. Index found in data 6, the Germany give name „‟Lufthansa‟‟ in their airline because

57 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA they are believe lufthansa can supporting economic growth like as commerce group.


The rheme found in data 6 is a word „‟lutfhansa‟, can be said hansa is a strongest commerce in middle ages.The dicent sign found in data 6 is information for the customer the airline and meaning based on the websides www.lufthansa.com.rgument found in data 6, Germany is a state boldly, they are give yellow color in background airline emblem for impression of bravery.

1. The meaning of elements in Lufthansa emblem

1. Lufthansa

Lufthansa ( Lufthansa Germany Airlines), is the largest Germany airline and, when combined with its subsidiaries, also the largest airline in Europeboth in terms of fleet size and passengers carried during 2017. The name of the company is derived from the German word, Luft 'air' and Hansa, the Hanseatic

League. Lufthansa is one of the five founding members of Star Alliance, the world's largest airline alliance, formed in 1997. Besides its own services, and owning subsidiary passenger airlines Austrian Airlines, Swiss International Air

Lines, Brussels Airlines, and Eurowings including Germanwings (referred to in

English by Lufthansa as its Passenger Airline Group), Deutsche Lufthansa AG owns several aviation-related companies, such as Lufthansa Technik, as part of the Lufthansa Group. In total, the group has over 600 aircraft, making it one of

58 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the largest airline fleets in the world. Lufthansa's registered office and corporate headquarters are in Cologne. The main operations base, called

Lufthansa Aviation Center, is at Lufthansa's primary hub at Frankfurt Airport, and its secondary hub is at Munich Airport where a secondary Flight

Operations Center is maintained

„‟Luft‟‟ is Germany for air. The meaning of „‟hansa‟‟ is more abstract.

„‟hansa‟‟ in the tittle Lufthansa means something like merchants of the

Hanseatic League, who took their businesses to the world in speedy clipper ship merchant vessels. Like many German words, the meaning depends very much on context, which means the best translation, in English, for Lufthansa is something like high speed airborne international commerce.

2. Crane

Crane is commonly associated with resurrection, renewal, and physical and spiritual rejuvenation. It is also a symbol of healing and peacefulness. Yet another symbolic representation of crane is that of creation through deep focus.

Seeing it could be taken to mean that the person is eager to take charge of the situation and get matters into his/her hands. In Asia, cranes symbolize long life and happiness.

3. Yellow

Yellow represents caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy. Light yellow is associated with intellect, freshness, and joy.


Blue is morphologycally, or etymologically, related to the word for sky.

Beside sky, people also associated the word blue with naturally occuring „‟big water places‟‟ such as sea or lakes. The following semantic component of the

English word blue attempts to elaborate the meaning of this „‟ basic color terms‟‟.

Data 7

1. The understanding TAM Airlines emblems based on

C.S.Pierce’s theory

TAM Blue bird red and blue

Figure 4.1 the emblems of TAM Airline

60 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The data is analyzed using Triadict semiosis by Pierce. The following data are explained in the diagram below :

A blue bird seem fly to front of with opened two wings give impressions of simple and clear. [R]

This word „TAM‟ will make you trust of this technology for used a Sign simple flying.[I] Simple and clear[O]

Diagram 4.1 realization of Pierce’s Triadict model in data 7


The qualisign found in data 7 is blue color of the bird. The color of words in emblem is red..The sinsign found in data 7, TAM isa technology acceptance model for a alyze expediency the first used technology of computer in Brazil.The legisign of emblem is based on Wierzbicka‟s color terms that representing the meaning of color. Blue represent to the word for sky, naturally.

Red represent rage, power, anger, leadership, courage, longing


The icon found in data 7 is a simple flying blue bird, it tell about a bird fly in the sky ( so simple ).Index found in data 7 is used word „‟TAM‟‟ give impression of the best technology in TAM airline.


The rheme found in data 7 is a blue bird flying in front of, can be said that airline is simple but clear.The dicent sign found in data 7 is information for the customer the airline and meaning based on webside www.

Latam.com.Argument found in data 7, TAM is the best technology company because TAM has been countrinuously studied and expanded. The two major upgrades being the TAM 2 ( Venkatesh and Davis 2000 and Venkatesh 2000) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (or

UTAUT,Verkatesh et al.2003). A TAM 3 has also been proposed, in the context of e – commerce with a inclusion of the effects of trust and perceived risk on system use ( Verkatesh and Bala 2008).

2. The meaning of elements in TAM Airlines emblem

1. TAM

The technology acceptance model (TAM) is an information systems theory that models how users come to accept and use a technology. The model suggests that when users are presented with a new technology, a number of factors influence their decision about how and when they will use it. TAM is one of the most influential extensions of Ajzen and Fishbein‟s theory of

62 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA resoned action (TRA) in the literature. TAM replaces many of TRA‟s attitude measures ease of use and usefulness. TRA and TAM , both of which have strong behavioural elements, assume that when someone forms an intention to act, that they will be free to act without limitation. In the real world there will be many constraints, such as limeted freedom to act. TAM extended to include variables that account for change processes and that this could be achieved through adoption of the innovation model into TAM. In general , TAM focusses on the individual user of a computer, with the concept of perceived usefulness, with extension to bring in more and more factors to explain how a user perceives usefulness, and ignores the essentially social processes.

2. Blue bird

Blue bird is symbolic of spiritual awakening, transformation, joy, contentedness,and hope. It is considered a good omen, predicting happy occurences in the coming times. The blue bird is also associated with hard work, unassu ming confidence, modesty, and innocence.

3. Red

The nearest equivalent of the English word red is in many language, etymologically relaated to the word for „‟blood‟‟, however, the English word red is not synchronically analyzable. Meaning as cited in Wierzbacka ( 1996: 315) declares taht red is „‟ a rich Warm color‟‟ of course the word „rich‟ and „warm‟ are used here metephorically. Red is thought as warm because it is associated with tire, when people are asked about wich color makes them think of tire, many of

63 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA them replay red. It is worth nothing that tire engines and other paraphernalia used by tire brigades are often painted red; that fires extinguishers are also painted red; that red is generally used as a symbol of danger or warning.

4. Blue

Blue is morphologycally, or etymologically, related to the word for sky.

Beside sky, people also associated the word blue with naturally occuring „‟big water places‟‟ such as sea or lakes. The following semantic component of the

English word blue attempts to elaborate the meaning of this „‟ basic color terms‟‟.

Data 8

1. The understanding Gulf Air emblems based on C.S.Pierce’s theory

Falcon gold Gulf black

Figure 4.1 the emblems of Gulf Air

64 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The data is analyzed using Triadict semiosis by Pierce. The following data are explained in the diagram below :

A gold bird fly seem give impressions of valuable. [R]

A simple airline with high facilities from Sign image of gold falcon Gold and fly .[I] highcalss.[O]

Diagram 4.3 realization of Pierce’s Triadict model in data 8


The qualisign found in data 8 is gold color of the bird.the color of words in emblem is black.The sinsign found in data 8 is the image gold falcon.The legisign of emblem is based on Wierzbicka‟s color terms that representing the meaning of color. Black represents power, elegance, formality,death, evil, and mistery.


The icon found in data 8 is a gold bird with sentences „‟tayaran al khalij‟‟ the king airline with high class seem in the symbol of gold represent of high class in service of airline and falcon is king of the air.The index found in data 8, Gulf Air is a high class because Gulf Air have member tier. we also

65 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA get tier bonuses for silver, gold, and black members earned at a rate of

25%,50%, and 70% respectively.


The rheme found in data 8 is a color gold , can be said that airline is high class.The dicent sign found in data 8 is information for the customer the airline and meaning based on webside https://www.Gulfair.com.The argument found in data 8, passagers who wish wish to donate can place their spare change in special envelopes located in their seat pockets on board all Gulf Air flight.

2. The meaning of elements in Gulf Air emblem

1. Gulf Air

The national carrier of the Kingdom of Bahrain, commenced operations in 1950, becoming one of the first commercial airlines established in the

Middle East. Today, Gulf Air is a major international carrier serving 47 cities in 26 countries spanning three continents. Gulf Air is committed to being an industry leader and developing products and services that reflect the evolving needs and aspirations of its passengers.Gulf Air connects Bahrain to the world and, as such, is a key national infrastructure asset, serving as a powerful driver for the economy and supporting the Kingdom's on-going economic growth.

A gulf is a large inlet from the ocean into the landmass, typically with a narrower opening than a bay, though this is not observable in all geographic areas so named. The term gulf was traditionally used for large, highly indented,

66 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA navigable bodles of salt water which are enclosed by the coastline.p Persian gulf is politically and economycally important. It is hemmed in by Iran, Iraq,

Bahrain, Kuwait, and United Arab emirates.

2. Falcon

Falcon symbolizes independence, freedom, endurance, courage, determination, control, authority, focus, skill, mental acuity and also opportunism. Though falcon are quite commonly seen, sighting them is associated with diverse things, such as achieving success and prosperity, doing an act of kindness and generosity, or being contemplative and enlightened.

3. Gold

Gold represent of completeness, wealth, metal, and God consciousness.

4. Black

Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mistery. In the other hand, white is associated with light, goodness, innocence, puirity, and virginity. It is concidered to be the color of perfection, white means safety, purity, and cleaness.

Data 9

1. The understanding Aerolineas Argentinas emblems based on

C.S.Pierce’s theory

67 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Blue and white colors the emblem of simple bird


Figure 4.1 the emblems of Aerolineas Argentinas

The data is analyzed using Triadict semiosis by Pierce. The following data are explained in the diagram below :

A blue bird used flag color in emblem seem give impressions of simple and unique. [R]

A bird typically found in Argentina and color flag represent of natural and Sign

cleanliness seems from Unique , elips, blue is sky , rio de natural, and la plata is river ( the simple .[O] meaning of Argentinas‟s flag .[I]

Diagram 4.1 realization of Pierce’s Triadict model in data 9


The qualisign found in data 9 is blue color of the bird.The color of words in emblem is blue and white.The sinsign found in data 9 is blue and white are image of Argentinas‟s flag.The legisign of emblem is based on Wierzbicka‟s color terms that representing the meaning of color. Blue represent the naturally.White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, coolness, cleanness, and virginity.


The icon found in data 9 is a blue bird with sentences „‟Aerolineas

Argentinas‟‟ the translate is airline Argentina. The symbol found in data 9

,Blue and white identical with flag of Argentinas, represent of elips is blue and white is rio de la plata , a bigest river in Argentina.The index found in data

9,the reason why the Argentinas used the color of their flag in airline emblem because the flag is special thing for Argentina.


The dicent sign found in data 9 is information for the customer the airline and meaning based on webside https://www.aerogineasargentines.com.The argument found in data 10, the flag of Argentinas used blue and white. Blue is elips, image of sky and white is rio de plata, image of la plata‟s river.

2. The meaning of elements in Egyptair emblem

1. Argentina

69 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA Argentina (Spanish: [aɾxenˈtina]), officially named the Argentine

Republic (Spanish: República Argentina), is a country located mostly in the southern half of South America. Sharing the bulk of the Southern Cone with

Chile to the west, the country is also bordered by Bolivia and Paraguay to the north, Brazil to the northeast, Uruguay and the South Atlantic Ocean to the east, and the Drake Passage to the south. With a mainland area of

2,780,400 km2 (1,073,500 sq mi),Argentina is the eighth-largest country in the world, the fourth largest in the Americas, and the largest Spanish- speakingnation. The sovereign state is subdivided into twenty-three provinces

(Spanish: provincias, singular provincia) and one autonomous city (ciudad autónoma), Buenos Aires, which is the federal capital of the nation (Spanish:

Capital Federal) as decided by Congress.The provinces and the capital have their own constitutions, but exist under a federal system. Argentina claims sovereignty over part of Antarctica, the Falkland Islands (Spanish: Islas

Malvinas), and South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.

In English the name "Argentina" comes from the Spanish language, however the naming itself is not Spanish, but Italian. Argentina

(masculineargentino) means in Italian "(made) of silver, silver coloured", probably borrowed from the Old French adjective argentine "(made) of silver" .

"silver coloured" already mentioned in the 12th century.The French word argentine is the feminine form of argentin and derives from argent "silver" with the suffix-in (same construction as Old French acerin "(made) of steel", from acier "steel" + -in or sapin "(made) of fir wood", from OF sap "fir" + -in).

The Italian naming "Argentina" for the country implies Terra Argentina "land

70 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA of silver" or Costa Argentina "coast of silver". In Italian, the adjective or the proper noun is often used in an autonomous way as a substantive and replaces it and it is said Argentina.

2. Blue and white (Argentinas‟s flag)

The flag of Argentina is a triband, composed of three equally wide horizontal bands coloured light blue and white. There are multiple interpretations on the reasons for those colors. The flag was created by Manuel

Belgrano, in line with the creation of the Cockade of Argentina, and was first raised at the city of Rosario on February 27, 1812, during the Argentine War of

Independence. The National Flag Memorial was later built on the site. The First

Triumvirate did not approve the use of the flag, but the AsambleadelAño XIII allowed the use of the flag as a war flag. It was the Congress of Tucumán which finally designated it as the national flag, in 1816. A yellow Sun of May was added to the center in 1818.

The full flag featuring the sun is called the Official Ceremonial Flag

(Spanish: Bandera Oficial de Ceremonia). The flag without the sun is considered the Ornamental Flag (Bandera de Ornato). While both versions are equally considered the national flag, the ornamental version must always be hoisted below the Official Ceremony Flag. In vexillological terms, the Official

Ceremonial Flag is the civil, state and war flag and ensign, while the

Ornamental Flag is an alternative civil flag and ensign. There is controversy of

71 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA the true colour of the first flag, between scientist and the descendants of

Manuel Belgrano between blue and pale blue.

3. Blue bird

Blue bird is symbolic of spiritual awakening, transformation, joy, contentedness,and hope. It is considered a good omen, predicting happy occurences in the coming times. The blue bird is also associated with hard work, unassu ming confidence, modesty, and innocence.

Data 10

1. The understanding American Airlines emblems based on C.S.Pierce’s


the emblem of aegle blue, red and white color

‘’American’’ word

Figure 4.1 the emblems of American Airlines

72 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA The data is analyzed using Triadict semiosis by Pierce. The following data are explained in the diagram below :

A colorfull of bird seem impressions of simple, will power and natural. [R]

Sign A king of air with icon of American country seem from flying eagle with red, Simple, will blue and white color. So it power , is represent of bravery, naturally. .[O] holiness and justice. [I]

Diagram 4.1 realization of Pierce’s Triadict model in data 10


The qualisign found in data 10 is colorfull of the bird.The color of words in emblem is blue.The sinsign found in data 10 , red, blue and white are image of American‟s flag color.The legisign of emblem is based on

Wierzbicka‟s color terms that representing the meaning of color. Red represent rage, power, anger, leadership, courage, longing .Blue represent the naturally.

73 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, coolness, cleanness, and virginity.


The icon found in data 10 is a eagle with American‟s flag color .the symbol found in data 10, red, blue and white in emblem is symbol of

American‟s flag color.The index found in data 10 , the image of eagle used in

American airline emblem because eagle is a king of air.


The dicent sign found in data 10 is information for the customer the airline and meaning based on webside https://www.americanairline.com.andhttp://www.ef.co.id.Argument found in data 10, the reason why used red, blue and white in American‟s flag because red is bravery, blue is justice, and white is holiness.

2. The meaning of elements in American Airlines emblem

1. America

The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United

States (U.S. or US) or America, is a country composed of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions. At

3.8 million square miles (9.8 million km2), the United States is the world's third- or fourth-largest country by total area and slightly smaller than the entire

74 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA continent of Europe's 3.9 million square miles (10.1 million km2). With a population of over 325 million people, the U.S. is the third most populous country. The capital is Washington, D.C., and the largest city by population is

New York City. Forty eight states and the capital's federal district are contiguous in North America between Canada and Mexico. The State of Alaska is in the northwest corner of North America, bordered by Canada to the east and across the Bering Strait from Russia to the west. The State of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The U.S. territories are scattered about the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, stretching across nine official time zones. The extremely diverse geography, climate, and wildlife of the United

States make it one of the world's 17 megadiverse countries.

2. Red, blue and white (American‟s flag)

The flag of the United States of America, often referred to as the

American flag, is the national flag of the United States. It consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) alternating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton (referred to specifically as the "union") bearing fifty small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows, where rows of six stars (top and bottom) alternate with rows of five stars. The

50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the United States of America, and the 13 stripes represent the thirteen British colonies that declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and became the first states in the U.S.

Nicknames for the flag include the Stars and Stripes, Old Glory, and the Star-

Spangled Banner. The flag of the United States is one of the nation's most

75 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA widely recognized symbols. Within the United States, flags are frequently displayed not only on public buildings but on private residences. The flag is a common motif on decals for car windows, and on clothing ornamentation such as badges and lapel pins. Throughout the world the flag has been used in public discourse to refer to the United States.The flag has become a powerful symbol of Americanism, and is flown on many occasions, with giant outdoor flags used by retail outlets to draw customers. Reverence for the flag has at times reached religion-like fervor: in 1919 William Norman 's book The Religion of

Old Glory discussed "the cult of the flag"and formally proposed vexillolatry.

Despite a number of attempts to ban the practice, desecration of the flag remains protected as free speech. Scholars have noted the irony that the flag is so revered because it represents the land of the free, and that freedom includes the ability to use or abuse that flag in protest". Comparing practice worldwide,

Testi noted in 2010 that the United States was not unique in adoring its banner, for the flags of Scandinavian countries are also "beloved, domesticated, commercialized and sacralized objects".This nationalist attitude around the flag is a shift from earlier sentiments; the US flag was largely a "military ensign or a convenient marking of American territory" that rarely appeared outside of forts, embassies, and the like until the opening of the American Civil War in April

1861, when Major Robert Anderson was forced to surrender Fort Sumter in

Charleston Harbor to Confederates. Anderson was celebrated in the North as a hero. and U.S. citizens throughout Northern states co-opted the national flag to symbolize U.S. nationalism and rejection of secessionism ,For the first time

American flags were mass-produced rather than individually stitched and even

76 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA so, manufacturers could not keep up with demand. As the long winter of 1861 turned into spring, that old flag meant something new.

3. Eagle

Eagle symbolizes independence, freedom, endurance, courage, determination, control, authority, focus, skill, mental acuity and also opportunism. Though eagles are quite commonly seen, sighting them is associated with diverse things, such as achieving success and prosperity, doing an act of kindness and generosity, or being contemplative and enlightened.

77 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 4.2 The Table of Finding Data


1 EgyptAir        

2 Japan Airlines         

3 Singapore Airline         

4 Air China         

5 Garuda Indonesia         

6 Lufthansa         

7 TAM Air         

8 Gulf Air        

9 Aerolineas Argentinas         

10 American Airline         



The reseach found verbal and visual sign in international airline emblems

.the verbal signs are the written text of the emblem such as the name of the airline and also name of the city of the airlines. The visual signs are the image or figure that supported the verbal signs. The airline used some kinds of visual signs such as figure of animals, icon of a country, figure of war equipment‟s, colors of the emblem and any others in order to make the emblem looks powerful, colorful, and meaningful for the airline. The verbal and visual signs are absolutely refered to the identity of the airline .Researcher found the dominant emblem bird and color used in international airline emblems, we can be seen below :

No International Airline The Color The used in Emblems Emblem focussed emblems s Bird of



1. Falcon Blue The


of Horus

in Egypt



of function

crane in


3. Pigeon Yellow The


of pigeon



4. Phoenix Red The


of phoenix

in China

5. Eagle Blue The




eagle and


6. Crane Blue The





7. Blue Blue The

Bird meaning




8. Falcon Gold The


of gold

facilities in

Gulf Air


Bird meaing of


s flag

10. Eagle Red,blue The

and white meaning



s flag

From the table,researcher explain the dominat emblem bird and colors used of ten international airline emblems ,There are four emblems of falcon or eagle, two emblems of crane, two emblems of blue bird, one phoenix and one pigeon in international airline emblems . there are six blue color which used of emblems, three red color, one yellow, one white and one gold color. The table give impression foccused meaning of each elements in airline emblems.




5.1 Conclusion

Emblem is a pattern that is used to represent an idea or an individual. An emblem crystallizes in concrete, visual terms some abstraction: a deity, a tribe or nation, or a virtue or vice.wehave the emblem. Design figures prominently but unlike a mark or brand, an emblem isn‟t exclusively related to the business, marketing and advertising industries.

Totally there are ten emblems of airline found in this research which used bird , as we know that a bird got the wings and can fly. Eagle often used in airline emblems because it identical to be a king of the sky, and blue is the most used in color of emblems because the meaning of blue is natural from

Wierzbacka‟s concept of the color terms and blue is the image of the sky.

Airline is a econoni assets of a company or country, so, the all of state try to give the best service and technology for passager by means of promotion of airline emblems. From the research with theory of C.S.Pierce, generally the meaning of each elements in international airline emblems are:

1. Every state have icon and culture itself which is different with

state others.

2. The international airline emblems always tell about intensity of a


83 UNIVERSITAS SUMATERA UTARA 3. From the meaning of international airline emblems, they always

trying to promotion a religious, culture, technology and all of

kinds business .

4. From the ten bird emblems in international airline emblems,

Eagle is more used because it is a king in the air and blue is

dominat color used in emblems because blue is image of sky.

5.2 Suggestion

Research function of airline emblems as means of communiction is going to happen if they are presented understanded meaning and informative formemblems in big companies, so the main purpose of airline emblems to developing of business and give a best service to passenger.

Last in for us as user of airline emblems or as reader of this research can understand and realize the icon of country in every airline company, so can be used to get some information or others and undertanding of the purpose of airline emblems. Hopefully this reseach can give a great deal of contributions of semiotics fields to every researcher who interested to conduct a reseach dealing with semiotics theory of Charles Sander Pierce.


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Data 1: Egyptair emblem of Egypt’s airline

Data 2 : Japan Airlines emblem of Japan’s airline

Data 3 : Singapore Airlines emblem of Singapore’s airline

Data 4 : Air China emblem of China’s airline


Data 5 : Garuda Indonesia emblem of Indonesia’s airline

Data 6 : Lufthansa emblem of Jerman’s airline

Data 7 : TAM Airlines emblem of Brazil’s airline


Data 8 : Gulf Air emblem of Saudi Arabia/ Bahrain’s airline

Data 9 : Aerolineas Argentinas emblem of Argentina’s airline

Data 10 : American Airlines emblem of America’s airline


All these sentences and pictures are really beneficial for researcher to finishing research start from explanation about theories from linguist, collecting data and analyzing data.