Journal of the Continental Congress Excerpts Related to the Post Office Rev. 1 (1-2011) The Journals of the Continental Congress are the records of the daily proceedings of the Congress as kept by the office of its secretary, Charles Thomson. All Acts, Resolves and other information relating to the running of the Government are contained within its pages or references. The Journals were transcribed and published by the Library of Congress in 34 volumes issued from 1904 to 1937. About 25 years ago, I spent about a week at the Library of Congress making photocopies of anything relating to Post Office operations. These have been invaluable in understanding how the Post Office functioned from 1775 until 1792. These Journals have now been digitized and are available on the Library of Congress website at: This file includes the transcipts of those records relating to the Post Office that I've found to date. I'm continuing to add to this file, so it should be considered a work in progress. Entries marked with {Rev1} were added during that revision. Ed Siskin Voorhees, NJ
[email protected] New Jersey Postal History Society 1 Free Digital File Journal of the Continental Congress 1774-1789 Excerpts Related to the Post Office WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1774, A.M. An address from William Goddard to the Congress was read and lie on the table. 1 MONDAY, MAY 29, 1775 As the present critical situation of the colonies renders it highly necessary that ways and means should be devised for the speedy and secure conveyance of Intelligence from one end of the Continent to the other, Resolved, That Mr.[Benjamin] Franklin, Mr.