Pedro Ortiz V.* Rudolf Jenny**

OTOGLOSSUM VIROLlNENSE P.Ortiz & R. Jenny, spec. nov.

Abstract: A new species from Colombia, Otoglossum virolinense, is described and illustrated.

Key words: Orchidaceae, Otoglossum, Colombia, .

Species haec distinguitur labello praedito callo protrudente bilobulato lobis cer- nosis et infra callo similiter protrudente trilobulato multo minore et columna alis valde amplis praedita. Secus inflorescentia et color florum similes illis Otoglossi candelabri.

Type: COLOMBIA: Santander, Charalá, Virolín, ea. 2400 m. Flor. in cult. L. E Álvarez, Guatavita, 2750 m. November 2010. P.Ortiz 1385 (Herbarium of the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá [HPUJ]).

Description: relatively large, with an ascending rhizome, pseudobulbs 7- 10 cm distant. Pseudobulbs ovate, complanate, 4 cm wide, 7 cm long, surroun- ded at the base by a green foliaceous sheath on each side, with blades 10-18 cm long, with several dry sheaths at the base, terminating in one 5.3 cm wide, 19 cm long, leaf. Inflorescence from the axil of one foliaceous sheath, 24 cm of total length, with 23 flowers. Floral bracts triangular-acute, 3 mm wide at the base, 10 mm long. Pedicel 2 mm wide, 17 mm long, ovary 4 mm thick, 10 mm long.

• Pontificia Universidad javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. [email protected]

[email protected], Suiza

198 ORQUIDEOLOGíA XXVII(2), 2010 Flowers: sepals deep brown with yellow margins, petals the same color but with yellow spots in the basal portion; lip yellow with brown spots at the base, around the callus, and in the middle section which becomes paler towards the apex; ca- Ilus white, column white with small brown spots at different places. Flowers of a semisphaeric, concave formo Sepals similar, approximately round, concave, with undulate margins, the apex slightly indented, with nerve dorsally prominent, 20 mm wide, 20 mm long. Petals broadly elliptic, slightly narrowed in the middle, 16 mm wide, 24 mm long, the margins undulate, the apex indented. Lip with two rounded, convex, lobes at the base, 7 mm wide, 4 mm long, midlobe large, the base narrow gradually broadening toward de apex (flabellate), 5 mm wide at the base, 15 mm wide at the apical part, 17 mm long, the apex indented. Callus extending forward in a straight form from the base of the lip, the apical portion bilobed, fleshy, curving down at a straight angle and terminating in a smaller tri- lobed structure, equally fleshy; there are also two small, cylindric, independent calli, one at each side, near the base of the main callus. Column more or less straight, 14 mm long, with broad, entire, wings, near the apex, 3 mm long (from the body outwards), 5 mm wide (from the base of the column toward its apex). Clinandrium prominent with toothed margins, foot short with a prominence near the base. Anther subquadrate with short apex, bilocular, 3 mm long, 3 mm wide. Pollinia 2, pear-shaped, yellow, 2 mm long, with short stipe (1 mm long) y visci- dium 1 mm long, brown. Rostellum triangular, stigma square.

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the place where the type specimen was found: Virolín (Santander, Colombia).

Distribution and habitat: Up to the present the species has been found only in Colombia, Department of Santander, Charalá, area of Virolín. There is also a plant of the same species in the garden of Colomborquídeas (near Medellín), but the origin is unknown. The plants grow in moss near the ground.

Commentary: This species is similar to others of the Otog/ossum cande/abrum (O. coronarium) group but the wings are very different and the lip callus is clearly distinct. literature

JENNY, RUDOLF, 2010. Otog/ossum, una revisión taxonómica. Orquideología XXVII(1): 63-95.

Otog/ossum cande/abrum (Linden ex Pérot) R. Jenny & L. A. Caray. In Orquideo- logía XXVII (1): 63. 2010.