Department of Electrical and Computer San Diego State University Spring 2005

EE 450 Transmission Lines for High Speed Electronics and

Instructor Prof. Madhu S. Gupta Room 403C, Engineering Building Telephone (619) 594-7015 e.mail [email protected]

Schedule Class : Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:00 – 5:15 p.m., Room E423 Final Examination : Wednesday, May 18, 2005, 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Midterm : Around the second week of March (date to be selected)

Pre-requisites (1) EE 330, or equiv. undergraduate electronics with devices, models, and circuits. (2) EE 340, or equiv. undergraduate electromagnetic fields and waves.

Textbook Peter A. Rizzi, Engineering – Passive Circuits (Prentice Hall, 1988).

Work Load 1. Readings : From textbook; and handouts taken from professional literature 2. Practice Problems : assigned problems, with a problem set per topic 3. Midterm and final examinations

Grading Letter grades, based on the composite of performance on each of the following factors (1) Homework 20% (2) Midterm 30% (3) Final Exam 50%

Policies 1. On Exams. : There are no makeup exams. Midterm and final exams are open-book. 2. On Homework : A problem set assigned on each topic; collected, graded, and returned.

Course The study of transmission lines in the EE curriculum has two different rationales: Philosophy A. Practical rationale: the transmission lines are useful in themselves, as a building block in high-speed circuits, and as a component in RF and microwave circuits. B. Conceptual rationale: the study of transmission lines serve as a vehicle for broadening the students’ range of thinking beyond the lumped parameter electrical circuits already encountered in earlier courses, to include the following generalizations: 1. Electrical circuits having distributed circuit elements with spatial extent. 2. Wave propagation phenomena in a one-dimensional setting, both in free space, and guided by transmission structures. 3. Interrelationship between and circuit level descriptions, and the range of validity of circuit theoretic concepts. 4. Description of electrical network performance in alternative terms, such as power waves, port-wise characterization, ; dispersion diagram. 5. Time and frequency domain response of systems with irrational system function; signal distortion due to propagation delay in dispersive systems. 6. Construction of circuit models for physical systems that display signal propagation delay effects in terms of transmission lines as idealized circuit elements.

Course The goal is to enable students to perform the following tasks Objective 1. Comprehend engineering terminology, specifications, and literature relevant to structures and components. 2. Analyze and calculate the performance of transmission line components and circuits. 3. Design transmission line components and circuits with prescribed specifications, and synthesize circuits composed of transmission lines and other components 4. Describe characteristics of common RF and microwave elements, components, and circuits, their applications, and their synthesis from transmission lines.

Scope of the Content of the course encompasses the following areas. Course 1. Wave propagation and related phenomena and parameters. 2. Lumped circuit models and circuit description of transmission lines. 3. Physical embodiment of transmission lines and its impact on line parameters 4. Port-level description of two- and multi-port networks, and network analysis 5. Frequency domain analysis; RF and microwave circuit applications and design 6. Time domain analysis; interconnects, signal distortion, and dispersive distortion 7. Circuit applications as impedance transformers, , filters, delay lines

Major Topics 1. Motivation for Transmission Lines Applications; illustrative examples; structure, characteristics, and features 2. Propagation of Waves in One Dimension Plane waves in lossless and lossy media; their reflection at interfaces 3. Lumped Circuit Models for Transmission Lines Wave equation for a lossless transmission line, and its solutions Transmission line parameters (characteristic impedance, propagation constant) 4. Wave Propagation along Transmission Lines Reflection, transmission, and propagation of step and sinusoidal signals , Current, and Power Flow along Terminated Transmission Lines Reflection coefficient and impedance variation along transmission line 5. Impedance Transformation with Transmission Lines Smith chart: purpose, construction, and applications Matching sections and quarter-wave transformers 6. Two-Port Network Analysis Two-port network parameters; matrix representation; transformations Performance measures of terminated two-port networks 7. Scattering Parameters and Signal Flow Graphs Power waves, [S] parameters, their properties, measurement, and analysis Signal flow graphs, applications to scattering parameter computations One-, two-, three-, four-, and six-port network examples 8. Physical Embodiments of TEM Lines Open-wire and coaxial transmission line characteristics Planar transmission Lines; stripline and microstrip transmission lines Non-TEM transmission Lines; rectangular and circular 9. Transmission Line Interconnects Pulse propagation and reflection; propagation of energy and wave packets, Delay, distortion, and dispersion, group and wave velocity 10. Linear Passive Reciprocal Components Terminations; transitions; attenuators; phase-shifters; line discontinuities; blocks Power Dividers, Couplers, and Hybrid Junctions 11. Filters Filter types; design methods; applications 12. Microwave Resonators Resonant circuits and their physical embodiment (lumped and distributed) Coupling, loading, dissipation, selectivity, and Q