MOUs SIGNED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB LAHORE INTERNATIONAL Last updated February, 2018 (Total MoUs = 135) S. N. Name of University Name of Local/Foreign Date of Institution Organization Signing Authorities Contact & E-mail Duration Signing Departments Linked with University University of Science & Technology University of the Punjab No.96, JinZhai Road Baohe District, Hefei, Prof. Dr. Zaffar Mueen Nasar Anhui, 230026, P.R.China. University of Science & 1. University of the Punjab Lahore VC Tel: +86-551-63602184 -- 26 Dec., 2017 Technology, China University of Science & Technology Fax: +86-551-63631760 President Web: Email:
[email protected] University of the Punjab (Party A) Prof. Dr. Zaffar Mueen Nasar Jiangxi University of Science and VC Technology Jiangxi University of Science Jiangxi University of Science & Technology 86 Hongqi Ave., Zhanggong District, Ganzhou 2. University of the Punjab Lahore 5 years 22 Nov., 2017 and Technology, China (Party B) City, Jiangxi Province, P.R.China, 341000 Prof. Dr. Wen Herui, Vice-President Tel: 0086-797-8312455 (Party C) Lu Dongsheng, CEO Email:
[email protected] Conforming: Qin Guobin, Board Chairman University of the Punjab University of the Gambia Prof. Dr. Zaffar Mueen Nasar MDI Road, Kanifing P.O. Box 3031, VC Kanifing, The Gambia 3. University of the Punjab Lahore University of the Gambia 5 years 16 Sept., 2017 University of the Gambia Tele: +220 4382002 /3 +220 438200 Prof. Dr. Faqir M. Anjum Chudhry Mob: +220 365005 Vice Chancellor web: University of the Punjab Nanjing University, China Prof. Dr.