Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

Myth and Feminine Identity in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’ The Palace of Illusions

Akshaya. J,

M. Phil English,

St. John’s Arts and Science College,



Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni holds a prominent place in Indian English

Writing. Divakaruni’s novel The Palace of Illusions, the re-telling of Vyasa’s

The has uniqueness of its own. The Palace of Illusions is about

women discrimination, their struggles, identity, male domination, unique

female perspectives and positions of women during the period of The

Mahabharata. ’s life shows, how women are expected and forced to

accept the concept of tradition and culture without any questions. The views of

Draupadi are totally different from those of ordinary women and the outcomes

are as powerful as she is. Her determination and courage has been explained

all through the novel. It has its own charm to hold on the reader. Whether it is

ancient or the modern period the life of women has not changed, it has had

only challenges to face and act according to the context. This paper deals with

how a woman born as a princess suffered in her life. Draupadi’s life seeks to

break the shackles of stereotypical concept of how women can be women. This

paper attempts to describe myth and modernity clashing with each other to

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 3475 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

give birth to a new face. It offers a new interpretation of the voice of Draupadi

as depicted by the novelist.

Keywords: Myth, Feminine, Religion, Primitive, Tradition.

The study of mythology needs no longer be looked on as an escape from

reality into the fantasies of primitive people, but as a search for the deeper

understanding of the human mind. It explicates the modern world of science

how myth is essential and how it functions in the lives of the people. Chitra

Banerjee Divakaruni explores and creates a new world through her novels

which are based on the platform of myth.

Most myths are instructive, teach human being how to live and act as a

guide to social norms. They are the explanation of facts and events, whether

natural or cultural. Through stories, the mankind can heal and renew their

strength to fight against their problems and lead a peaceful life. Myths give

self - confidence, and they inspire human to attain their goals like supernatural

heroes, who faced many obstacles in their journey.

The reappearance of myth has been presented with a modern perspective

in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s The Palace of Illusions. Indian history is

inseparable from myth. The narratives of the epic Mahabharata occupy a

major space in Indian popular culture. In the words of B. Black, “Mahabharata

is one of the defining cultural narratives in the construction of masculine and

feminine gender roles in ancient India, and its numerous telling and retellings

have helped shape Indian gender and social norms ever since” (11).

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 3476 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

In the novel, The Palace of Illusions is a magical place built by Maya,

the architect of the Rakshasas on receiving instructions from Maya for

Draupadi and her five husbands soon after their marriage. It plays very

important part in shaping Draupadi’s identity as an individual and provides her

the space to grow. That is the reason why Divakaruni titles her novel, The

Palace of Illusions.

The story begin with Draupadi’s birth from fire and it maturates from

reflecting on the life of Draupadi and ends with her final departure. The

grandmother DhaiMaa used to tell Draupadi the story of her birth. Draupadi

doesn’t like the way her father treats her when she comes out of the fire. Even

King Draupad feels suspicion about the prophecy, that she would change the

course of history. “Behold, we give you this girl, a gift beyond what you asked

for. Take good care of her, for she will change the course of history” (5).

Draupadi, is an offspring of his fire for vengeance against Drona, his

onetime friend-turned-foe. She is born out the sacrificial fire, which he lights

seeking revenge against Drona. He prays for a male progeny who would

achieve this end, and is blessed with a son name Dhristadyumna. Draupadi,

who comes immediately after her brother, is not expected by either the priests

who perform the ceremony of King Draupad. Her birth is accompanied by the

divine prophecy that she was born to change the history.

Draupadi’s first impact was on education, which is not given to her as

her brother was given priority over her. Her tutor told her brother to inform her

that “A Kshatriya woman’s highest purpose in life is to support the warriors in

her life” (26). Her father neglected her education. This shows that nobody

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 3477 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

cared about the education of women and women were required to do, what

men wanted them to do. Education was not given to women as for men

because their duty is to take care of their husbands and to pray that they die

with glory on the battlefield.

The position of women in the Indian society is restricted to the home and

all kinds of adventures like war, hunting, expeditions, and unlimited freedom

are meant only for men. This rigid social structure does not allow her the

opportunity which was given to her bother. The hegemonic patriarchal power

is manifested in the incident of Draupadi’s marriage. She has gained the

privilege of selecting her life partner in Swayamvar. But it became a turning

point in her life.

Arjun, the third Pandava wins the archery contest conducted by Draupad

to marry off his beautiful daughter. His attention in keeping this contest is to

allure Arjun to attend the swayamwara, because he knows that Arjun is the

greatest archer of the time. His wish fulfilled, but it brings him a problem,

when Yudhistra declares that all the five brothers will marry Draupadi,

according to the instructions of his mother Kunti, “All five of you must marry

this woman” (108), which was against the norm.

Polygamy was common among Kshatriya men but polyandry was

unheard of. It makes her astonish. Women were prescribed to be chaste, loyal

and dedicated to a single man in their lives. But here Draupadi for the first

time practiced polyandry. It was actually told by Kunti by mistake, but no one

considers her as a human being, She was shared by five men, as if she were an

object. But still she showed her strength and obedience towards her mother-in-

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 3478 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

law by marrying all five brothers. This shows women are always treated as the

other or secondary being despite of their birth as a mythical being and a


The same situation took place when she was gambled away by her

husband in Duryodhan’s court. Draupadi has been humiliated by Duryodhan’s

act of tyranny at the court in front of all the elders: “I found myself in court, a

hundred male eyes burning through me. Gathering my disordered saree around

me, I demanded help from my husbands” (191).It always told that the husband

should give his wife protection, shelter, love and care. But here she is a

princess and the wife of the Great Pandava brothers. She has five husbands to

take care of her, but none of the came to rescue her when she was humiliated

by Duryodhan.

In The Palace of Illusions, Draupadi is presented not only a strong

woman but also as a sorrowful person who could not marry Karna, just

because of his birth. Here she is portrayed as the victim of the society. Kunti’s

character is given as the plotting mother-in-law in the novel. Kunti always

think only about her children’s honour, wealth and happiness. But she failed to

understand the sufferings or feelings of her daughters-in-law.

The Palace of Illusions is a revisionist text which retells women’s value

in society and re-examines women’s lives. This revisionist literary text helps

to bring out the modern issues like identity, marginalization and discrimination

of women folk in the patriarchal society. In the original text, they had no

voice, choice or identity of her own but Divakaruni brings out all these and

give a life to these characters.

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 3479 Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ISSN No : 1006-7930

The Palace of Illusions highlights the neglected women character in the

Epic. Vyasa’s shows Draupadi as a character who took birth

to destroy the Kauravas. The Palace of Illusions shows her as a reasonable

person who was not able to stop the destruction of Karuvas. In a review Tariqa

Tandon says that “Divakaruni’s interpretation provides a humanistic touch to

the epic, making it more realistic, more relatable, and more personal” which

gives new insight to the epic. Draupadi is presented as having a very

impressive, brilliant and strong personality and is projected as the primary

cause for the battle of Kurukshetra.

Works Cited

Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee. The Palace of Illusions. London: Picador, 2008.


Black, B. “Eavesdropping on the Epic: Listeners in The Mahabharata.” Gender

and Narrative in the Mahabharata. (Eds) S. Brodbeck and B. Black.

London: Routledge, 2007. Print.

Tandon Tariqa. The Palace of Illusions: A Book Review, Alternatives

International Journals, Monday 2 March 2020.

Volume XII, Issue V, 2020 Page No: 3480