The Goodmans of Bolton, New York
The Goodmans of Bolton, New York Their Ancestry and Descendants By EDITH WILLOUGHBY GOODMAN WEST GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK PUBLISHED BY THE GOODMANS 1 9 3 0 Printed in the United States of America Copyright 1930 By EDITH WILLOUGHBY GOODMAN WEST ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The gratitude of the Goodman family is due Mrs. Clifford H. Allen, who as Chairman of the Committee of Publication, has made possible the publication of this book. Her practical expression of family loyalty and attachment makes available in permanent form these records and historical data, which have been gathered as a labor of love over a period of many years. The writer acknowledges with gratitude the cordial help of the members of the family in furnishing material and answering numerous letters, and especially that of Mrs. Charles B. Maxim and Mr. Samuel G. Boyd, whose fund of information and old stories has been of invaluable aid. Acknowledgments for information supplied are also due the Rev. F. G. Feetham, rector of St. Michael's Church, Hallaton, Leicestershire, Eng.; The Rev. C. E. Holmes, D.D., minister of the First Church, Hadley, Mass., and Mrs. Holmes; the Adjutant-Gen eral, State of Vermont; Miss Margaret Kanaly, curator of the Ver mont Historical Society; Mr. George P. Winship, assistant librarian, Harvard College Library; the Register of Probate of Hampshire County, Mass.; and 1\1:r. T. A. Wright, of Westfield, N. J., for the privilege of using the library of the New York Genealogical Society. A photograph of the family coat of arms, taken from a very old copy, was sent to the writer many years ago by the late Richard Goodman, of Lenox, Mass.
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