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, GOY. LINDA LINGLE IS All-CAR TEAM! "FIRST LADY" " .. " ., ., .. , ...... 6 · BIG ISLAND HAS COME SEE THE TALENTED FOLI(S . . . . . , ...... 8 lLIHE TODAY. · HAWAII'S TOP TEN STORIES IN2002 ...... · · ·· 11

· 442ND'S RESCUE OF "LOST BATTA LION" .. .. , ...... 5 LAS VEGAS -


2002 TOYOTA AVAlON 2002 TOYOTA CAMRY 2003 TOYOTA COROLlA · ISLE Engine: 210 horsepower 30·liter 24 valve DDHCW1·i VO. Engine: 192 horsepower 3D·liter DDHC 24·valve VO. Engin e: 130 horsepower l.8·liter DOHC 16·valveWH 1

CALENDAR ...... , .. . , . , ... . . 21

CLASSIFIED ...... 22


GAMING ...... 25

2003 TOYOTA MATRIX 2002 TOYOTA SEOUOIA 2002 TOYOTA TUNDRA ISLAND HOPPiNG ...... 10 LV POTPOURRI ...... ' .. . . 16 Transmiss ion: Au tom atic or live and six·speed manual. Engine: 240 horsepower Uliter DDHC 32 ·valve En gine: 245 horsepower 47-l iter OOH CifORCr VB . Special features: 115·voit power outlet lor all your gadgets ifO RCf VB. Special abilities: SeMs sixcomlortab lv LETTER S TO THE EDITOR ...... · · .12 Definition: It'snot mere Iv another utilitv vehicle.I t'snOl Roo mavailable : full ·size SUV seats eighl. Honors: Insurance Institute lor Highwav Salety's highest MARCH TO LITERACY .. . . , ...... 24 simpIV the latest hot rod. It'sno t iust an allordahle se dan. It's Special abilities: [Qually adept on·ro ad as all. overa ll sale tyrating lor Pickups, JO. Power &Associates all 01 the above and then some. mas! appealing lull sizePickup lor the second stralglll year. NINTH I SLAND ...... · · 25 ® RECIPES ...... 31 IN THE VALLEY AUTO M ALL APR 20: EASTER, ROO/ay 566-2000 A DAY TO REVERE ...... 32 TOYOTA M AL AKI ! A PE LILA 2003 3 A Note from the Editor


__~ ~~Vancouver, Canada I've come to the conclus ion that VO LUME 7 ISS UE ~ Mar/A pr 0 3 every year we he ar the same trite Publisher I Editor Mel Ozeki , Ph.D. s tatements s uch a s a re "We have to do more w ith less:' "" Thi s las Vegas [email protected] year's budget w ill be a n au s te re ~' I a n aging EdilOr Emily Ozeki o ne," o r "The re's no fat in the ~ Phoenix [email protected] budget; it 's bare- bo ncs:' T hese and s imilar s tate ments, ~~~~~~~~u:r~ba;nk Art Di rector I Design Cindy Temple through the decades, arc li ke c a lling ""wo lf:' Everybody's complacen t or too busy tryi ng tu keep the ir own affairs in cindy@cbgrfx .com order that there is almost no lime le ft fo r things o uts ide of Marketing a family's kit/eOI/O (jurisdic tion or responsibilily), If Suzan ne Aguiar (Kaua' i) 808-651-1251 everyone in A m erica adopte d Scott ish politic al economist Va nce Cannon (Las Vegas) 702-892-8111 and phi losophe r Adam Smith ' s adage nearl y 200 years ago to practice " the law o f the inv is ible hand:' we'd even­ tually a ll be okay. In essencc, if everyone d id w hat was Hawaiian Accounting Linda Temple best for self and family, the orde r or soc ie ty as a whole Islands woul d become bette r-orr. Photography Brian lanisIPhototechnik • Don' t be s urpri sed if the sou nd of c langing coi ns o r Las Vegas' s lo t machines evo lve m o rc to a sl ip o f paper when Kwajalein you "eas h o ut." We found that to he the c a se in the twO Film Output I Printer Nevada Color Litho newest casinos th a t wc were in vi tc d to preview - The Majuro Cannery in north Las Vegas and the Tuscany, jus t east of Atoll Ball y's o n Flamingo. S imil a rl y, those "penny s lo ts" arc Christmas Web site: bet in pennies, but you d o n't feed penn ies into the s lo t - Island 'OI'IANA (fami/y)® Magazine (lSSN 1090-5 189) ror on ly paper money. The n w he n you've completed your March/Apri l 2003. Publi shed hi-monthly (six session, cas h o ut w ith a c redi t s lip tha t you redeem at the Rarotonga by 'OHANA . 2485 W. Wigwa m Avc. # 112 cashier's cage. The re's als o a "change mac hine" at The Las Vegas, NV 89 123-1 684. Ph 702-434-0544: Fax C alifornia - dump your pai l o f coins into the counter ilnd 702-435-856 1. Periodi cals postage paid at Las Vegas. it converts the coin s into paper. send ing it o ut like an ATM NY. Entric!<. abo in Honolulu, HI. POSTMASTER: w ith the fraction o f dol lar re turned a s c ha nge. Welcome to Pl ca~e ~c nd addrc!'.s changes to 'OHANA . P.O. Box the age of improved techno logy ! 2309 10, La s Vegas, NV 89 123-00 16, SUIlSCRIP­ • We presented a li s t of local resta urants that we know of TION: A nnu al suh!'.cription is $25 mainland US: $27 that serve is land food s a nd tas tes in Las Vegas. We knoW \-l awa ii . Pel'!'.ollal check or money order. All change of th at th e li s t doesn' t in c lude all e ate ri es. We don't know add rc!'.!'.e!<. must be received by lan. 15, March 15, etc. the m a ll. but also. at least onc did not rcspo nd bilCk. Fly one of Aloha Air li nes'" daily non-stop flights to Hawa i'i from Oakland, Orange County, Bu rbank and Vancouver, Canada , New ... ubscript ion requests after Periodi cal mai li ng in Neverthe less. please le ll us of ot hers that were no t li sted January. Marth. etc. will geL first magazine about 60 and you'll experience th e convenience of uncongested airports wi th quick, easy access to you r final destination. Aloha also so we can ma intain a comprehc ns ive li s t. In the sa me day ... later. unl c~!>. add iti onal $3 fo r first-das!>. pu!>.tage breath. pl e ase te ll us Df a ll hO'olaulc 'a hy March .5 so it's provides equally convenient, dai ly di rect service from La s Vegas and Phoenix. And once in Hawai'i, we offer conven ie nt .,e n!. FiN had i.,.., ue. $5: additional copie!'.. $3 cacho in cl us ive. service throughout the Islands . In fact, there's no need to end your island-hopping here because we al so fly to Rarotonga and • We certai nl y c nj oycd oll r v i:-. it to the Big Is land in other Pacific destinations, Decemhe r. A!-. o n each previou .... t rip. there is no p lace on the planet like I--{;.I\-vai · j - thc pe ople. p laces, hi s tory. cultu re, te mperate climate - iJl"L' no 1\(1 oi ( the hest. tops). Of course, no matter where you fly with us, you'll enjoy a choice of United Mileage Plus'" or Aloh aPa ss" miles. And a level of You can. indeed . tahe me lIu t III' Haw ai'i hut you' ll never service that's second to none , take I-lawai' i out of I11 L' ~ For reservations , call your travel agent or Aloha Ai rlines toll-free at Me Ke(/I"",, I'I/I/wlllll/" 11d Okh. 1-877-TRY-ALOHA {1-877-879-25641, Or visit Spread a /irrl e Aloha amulld tht' world.

' O HAN A !fffauuUi'fY Twa 1F~ (J€UJ!er1U!¥ 1(nJ;eJu/& • )) ((~~78~'

by Mel O:eki, edilO/'

for work to suppo rt the ir families. (\! he's the new torch-bearer who \.lJ wants to Imp rove a S he r ecogni zes tha i public disjoin ted perce ption of eu ucatio n aff ec ts the quality of politics in Ha wai ' j . life 1'01' future gene ratio ns. She sees the U ni vers ity of Hawni ' i New ly-elec ted Gove rn or as the eco no mi c driver to Li nda Lingle sil enced di vers i I'y Ih e economy, skeptics thro ugh incredible grassroots Gov. Ling le is also inte nt hu stling. against on h o no rin g the state's nearly In sur­ oblioatione to e ns ure that mounlable odd s, 10 Nati ve Hawaiians receive become Ih e Aloha Ihe ho m esle ad lands Ihey State's first fe male a rc e ntitled to under governo r. f eucral a nd s tate law. In doing so, Gov. One of he r firs t acts was Lingle. 49. racked up to work with the state th ree mag nificent legis lat ure to re le ase more " fir sls" III Island Ihan $ 10 million in polilics: cede d-land revenues owed to the Office o f Hawa ii an • First female govern or. A flairs , • First Republi ca n "We c an't move forward as a govern or sin ce 1962, s ta te until we reso lve the issues • First mayor (M au i Cou nt y) and promises of o ur pas t:" s he said. (0 be clec Led govern or. Gov. L in g le w a s born in S1. L ouis. Li ng le's trek to th e govern or's Mi ssouri. A ft e r graduating frOI11 re~ iclc n ce. Wa shinoton Phce 110 ' e <. weve r. Califo rnia S tate U ni v. at Northridge in was a lOll£!. arduous fjoht thaI e ' . '-. 0. ncompassed 1975 w ith a degree 111 journalis m, she :" I.X years. bel-ore hailineo (' I I"cpu' bl'l ean Part y m oved to Hawa i ' i. victory aller 40 years of Demo" ' Cl alle ent rench ment that L1. Gov. A iona. 55. g raduatc u from S 1. Loui s Hi g h Scbool. controlled th e govern or's office ' . S . . Sidle e nate and slate He earned hi s unde rg raduate d egree from the U ni v. or H Oll~e 0 1 Representatives H . ' . . . . CJ VI S ion and purpose Pa cific in Califo rnia. then wenl 011 to the William S. th ro llg hout her s l x~yea r w'lit " I ' ' < W d S anc still re mains _ Richardson School of Law at U H . re!-. tore th e fHJl/O (well -be in g) ill I..J , ,. . ,. '- ~d W d l I , A rt er law schoo l. Aiona c le rke d for a circuit court judge Her theme 1'0 1' chan oe - "A Nc\ 13 ' . e V cg ll1nll1 o' _ was th e be fore hecoming a pro:-'L'C utoL H e the n w ork.ed as a corner stone 01 he r campaion Sh e t d e , ' I I . . . I:; In en ~ to dl vC I ~ lI y and corporatioll counse l for the C it y and C ounty of Hono lulu . CX pdll C t lC economy, Improvc pu bl d ' , . . . '. Ie C lIcatlon and restore He was the n appointed a fami l y court and latc r c ircuit tl LIst clnd Illlcgrt ty 111 government. court judge. Be fore he in g e lec te d L1. G() v. A iona also was Gov, Li nglc and Ll. Gov J am cs " D k " A' . . II e 1011£1 ha ve the fir:-. t judge in Hawaii ':-. drug court . alread y dec lared that II ' 1] . l ey c a ~ l aside pan y affili ati o n Gov. Lingle said :-. he is intl'lIt (In lllaJ.\ing gi ant s trides to and work Wit h everyon e to help governme nt ()perat e unite th e :-. Ialc and I' l· .... I D IT it:-. fhll/O . J r ", he dues. s he cou ld more smoothly, he viewed a :-. Ha v,/aii · .... Illodern day QU l'ell Lili ·uoka lan i. For th e economy. she wa nb to , .. 'I w h(l w i :-.c l y ruled Ilaw;li ' i .... (IIIl L' 10 '-:=; year", ag ll . . . · .... 1 e d e a more fri end Iy atlll {l ..... ph crc l{lr hU SI Il CSSC!-.. One sl)'nI 1'1' I " . . ~ O ~ l e en v l slon :-. 1:-' hL'lping 10 revcr -.c the cyclc of i s lallcl e r ~ Icavi ng 1 ~ l awa j ' j

6 'O HANA Sil New Nevada Sports Heroes for '02 IlY Mel & EII/ily O:eki by Mel O:eki. ediror oing to th e Bi g Island 10 write a few short slOries had " o lan i Hig h graduate. in valet he Southern Nevada Sports Hall G a recurring theme thm is common fo r man y is landers parking. H e e arned a Bachelor Tof Fame installed five more - either they mi ss "home" so much that they return , or, iF of Fine Arts degree frum athletes and the LV Convention an opportun ity allows them 10 return, they do ! UNLV in 1983: he played on and V isitors Authority as the sixth A special Tip of th e 'OHANA Coconut Papale to Aloha the football tea m two ye ars. inductee at the annual 2002 Airlines fo r interi sland transportation; adverli sin g agency banquet o n Feb. 7 in Las Vegas. SO UTHERN M ilici Valenti Ng Pack and Current Events For their The five Nevadans each have story lea ds. superb accompli shments on the baseball diamond. They were: SPORTS HALL OF FAME Rodger Fairless, Lori Harrigan , brothers Greg and Mike Maddux, and Mike Morgan. A sketch: • Rodger Fairless is the w inningest Visit the high school coach in Nevada history, 86 percent. He developed Hall at Public Relations Direc tor p itcher Greg Maddux, won 12 Donna Kimura. a state championships, including six Findlay I-Ionoka 'a High and UH consecutive over a 17-year g raduate, u sed Cachero's career at Eldorado, Valley and Toyota pain ti ng as the hOle l's Green Vall ey high schools. Other 2002 Chri stmas card to .,.h;.1 illlet [mlllJ Kall(l fJeach I/()/el. C lIc/II'J'O'.\· p{lil/lillK {IS lite FOllr SI' {/,I/llil c urrent major leaguers he 2002 Cllri.I/III(/.1 eliI'd. c lients and g uests, mentored are M ike Morgan and We visited Kana . staying at bo th the Kana Beac h Hotel in We also met Senior Souse C he f H: )'an Val'gas w ho c laims Tyler Houston (a Pi rate prospect) Kailua-Kana and Four Sea sons in Hua lalai. The Kana to be "a simple local bo y." Va rgas. 30. is a local boy who and three 1998 draftees. Fairless' Beac h is centrally- located. its rat es are afford ab le an d has already attaine d hi s s tardo m 111 the Isle prep teams were nationally­ suited for famili es. Mark McG uffie, direc tor of hotel c u linary indus try. He's thus raj" ranked 10 times from the 1984-98 o pe rations. says that its has been name d won top honors tw ice in the seasons. He was selected a s the "Favori te hOlel Sam Choy Poke compelition NO . 2 coach fo r the century. and shaped t he me nus of restaurant - Neig hbor • Lori Harrigan, the most prolific H awai i's major resorts s ue h a s Island" fo r tile pa st female softball p itcher in UNLV Mauna Lani Bay, Ritz Car lto n three years. history, set a total of 15 UNLV Kapa lu<-I. and ' Ihi lani R esort. If you've Ilever s tayed pitching records and led the He "opened" th e Four Seasons at a "Five D iamond" Rebels to two berths in the NCAA Hualalai in 1l)t)6 and a fine­ hotel. the hi ghes t Women 's COll ege World Series. dining restaurant at Be ll a g io in rating in the indu stry. The top UNLV female athlete in 1999. After one yea r in Las we hope th at you get 1992 had her jersey retired in Vegas. howeve r. he c ho se " to that opportunity to 1998. She won gold medals in the re turn 10 his rooh." a .... he sa ys. ex pe ri ence it. Every­ 1996 and 2000 Olympics. In the Four Sea s ()n ~ welcomed h i m thing a l Fou r Sca~o n s '96 Olympics, Harrigan pitched hack, too, Hual alai cll i ~ in c scoreless ball; in 2000, she tossed food. al11c nili c~ !-i llch He has journeyed the world a complete game no-hitter in the as f,'ve . . ~\v 11ll1l1Jll g ovc r a nd cooked for ce lch rili c~ and di g nilaries. including opening game. She has another poob and cx qui :-, itc Presi de nt Cl in lon twice . Varga ...... a y:-- til a l he kncw at age dozen other gold medals fr o m Players Choice for Outstanding National League land sca ping. great fi ve he \l.,la nt e d to he f..: omc a c he f. Spcciali / ing in upscale international competition with the U.S. pitcher in '94 and '98. Known for his masterful roo l1l .... c rvice. ~ p a ­ tui ~ in e w ith a H aw aiian nair. he abu enjoy:-- cnoking for national team. control. M addux has pitched in eight All -Star ciuu !-., we ll-appointed hi ~ famil y and e ating " local g rilld :-- .. · Favorite s nack',> Spam • G reg Maddux's four consecutive Cy Young games. Hi s 10 consec utive Gold G love awards rooms - i ~ to pnotch. l1lu ~ Llhi , Var ga~ .... aid Ihal he' JI UIl)]" U ~ dinnc r n il o llr nex t Awards from 1992-95 assures him a spot in the also attests to his sk ill in fielding. Rodger Fairless , vi:-- il. We w on ' l rtlrgc l~ We mel [hrel' elllployees al Fuur Sc a ~n n ~ w ho were Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. The 1984 Madd ux's former high school baseball coach ' 1e llllllc(':-," fnlJl1 I he Illai nland. Curtis Cachero, a 1<) 7<) Valley High g raduate was named by his peers as > C'Ollf;lIllt't! Oil I}({ge 17

8 ' OHANA MALAKI/ ' APE LILA 2003 o JCCH. 2454 South Berctani a Street. Honolulu. Hawai 'i 96826. 808- 945-7633 Women Politicians Make Top "02 Stories JC PE NN EY CLOSES I S L A IN D by H OllO/II/II Star-Blilletill Staff Thc Ilagship Ala Moana store opened in 1966. In later ye ar,. Tex as- ba sed J.e. Penney Co. from the ballot in the Nov. 5 general e lection, hile 2002 started with traffic c ameras p I n ~. opened stores in Pea rl ridge Center ,lI1d which she won posthumously. Forme r State Rep. H o P I N G \VII1(hva rd Mall all O'ahu and in the Pri nce W infuriating motorists and ended with a girl's Ed Case, a Democrat , won the first spec ial p ­ Kuh io Plaza in Hilo and the Queen Ka 'ahu­ slaying that shocked the state, '02 in Hawai'i election to finish the last five weeks of her current Sponsored by: AlfiJloy l11anu Ce nter in Ka hului. The Windward Mall likely w ill be remembered m o st for being the store closed in 199 R. Now the rest are closing, term. viclims or a corpora te need to cut cos ts and political year of the woman. COillpiledJivm HOllO/it'll Ad\'(' rriser TOYOTA The candidacy of Hirano was mode find /-follo/ulll Sf{lr-Bullerin in crease profits. NO ll e of the Hawai'j stores Leading those women - and the state - was possible afte r Mayor Je re m y Harri s were profitable. according to the company, Li nda Lin g le, whose e lection as governor was dropped a political bombshell on May 30. No. 1 in the Ho nolulu Star-Bulletin's list of top U.S. REP. CASE WINS SPECIAL ELECTION struct ures arc the same: seve n days before trav­ NURSES "BAC K- TO -WORK" The presu med front-runner for the Former state Rep. Ed Case defcated fellow local news stori es in 2002. Running w ith a el. 566 each way: three days. S70: unrestricted Nu rses fro m the O'ahu "Big Fi ve" hospitals ­ Democ rat gub ernatorial nomination, Harris Dem,acral Mati Matsunaga in a w;nner-lake-all is 575. Also. there is a $25 charge for "paper" campaign theme t hat promised "A New SI. Franc is. Queen·s. Kuaki ni. Kaise r and dropped out of the race. citing p olls that put him specml election to fill the two-year term of the ticke ts and 515 for change in bookings. Kap i 'olani ~ we re ex pected to resume thei r Beginning," the former Maui mayor mode a late U.S. Rep. Patsy Mink. far b ehind Lingle. Th e move negated the need du ti es by latc Janu ary. The nurses struck 0 11 major issue of political corruption among CULTURAL CENTER SPARED for a mayoral race t hat already had a field of Case rece ived 33.002 votes. or 43 percenl of December 1 for about seven wee ks. The Democrats, which a lso dominated headlines the vote to 23.050 votes for fonner Sen. Some 7,DOD donors respo nd ed ge neroll sly to a conlri.lcts are fo r three ye ars. potential cand idates. including Hirono, who t hro ugho ut the year. Mat sunaga for the 2nd Congressiona l Di strict public appeal to save the Japa nese Cult ural Immediately jumped bock into the gubernatorial Center in Hono lulu from de fau lt on Dec. 3 1. Even th ough nllrses belong to the Huwa i'j seat. Se,n. Colleen Hanabusa. also a Democrat. Nu rses Assoc.. each hospital negotiated Lingle gained natio nal attention for becoming race. Harris' 2000 mayoral campaign. was adIStant thi rd wi th 6.046 votes. Mink died General Chai rman Colbert Matsumoto of th e diffe rent terms. Coll ectively. th e hourly Hawaii 's first female governor, not to mention the meanwhile. continues to be the subject of a Sept. 28. just after winn ine the primary on Committee LO Save the Ce nter praised the fo ur compensation al1lon g the Big Fi ve nurses ftrst Republican to lead the sta te si nce 1962. She c rim inal investigation involving city contractors. Sept. 21. Mi nk posthumously won re-election banks - Central Pac ifi c. City Ba nk . Bank of nlllges from 520.55 - $38.86. The annua l beat the Democrat nominee, then-Lt. Gov. Mazie He has denied any w rongdoing. on Nov. 5. Thai elec tion drew 76.328 volers. Hnwai'j and First Hawa iian - th at coll ectively sa lary. before overtim e. ra nges from abUI Hira no, in o nly the nation's second matc hup of about 22 percent of the distri ct's 348.342 forgave S 1.5 milli on in interest instead of fore­ 543.000 to $S I.OOO. O n Dec. 10. 11-year-old Kahealanl regi stered voters. cl os ing the centcr. So mc 56 mi lli on was rai sed t wo women in a gubernato rial election. The first Indreginal was reported missing from her from mid-Novembe r until the final day from Ot her negotiated it ems we re reti ree med ica l was in Nebraska in 1986. ALOHA & HAWA II AN HAVE SAM E FAR ES donors in Hawai'j, the mainland and Japa n. care. whi ch will be initially paid by ...... 1" Makalapa housing complex. An intensive A ~ ol~a and Hawa iian Ai rl ines have uni laterally empl oyees. that the !l umber of nurses on each After lOSing the 1998 race to then-Gov. Ben police search e nded Dec. 13 when her The Com minee to Save the Ce nrer contin ues cllmlllated cOllpon ~ for in tcri !o. land travel and ward remain at ClilTent levels. and language Cayetano b y about 5.000 votes. Lingle came body was fo und by a hiker off 'aiea Loop Trail. to rai se the remaini ng S 1.5 mill ion to repay rai ~ed fare for last-minute book ings as new that guards a gai n ~ t excessive overti me, bock w ith a w ar c hest of nearly $5 million a nd other creditors, Donati ons arc still we lcome at Later that night, police arrested Christopher co~ t -"i.l\'ing mea:.u rcs. Both airline'~ fare beat Hirano by more than 17,000 votes. C layburn Aki. the 20-year-old boyfriend o f the In h e r inauguration speech, the Republi can g irl 's half sister. Aki has b een charged with declared that Hawaii is "open for business." and second-degree murder. "Fun" Social Security Retirem ent Age Now Higher pledged to improve the sta te's reputatio n in the In the fi rst week of 2002. white vans parked Pc r~ o n ~ born to 1938 or later now have to wait two morc months (3 years) before age 65 . business world. along major roadwa ys on O'ahu began mont hs to reach "full" Social Security retirement uge. People Persons born in 1938 reach 65 in 2003. but must wait twO The o ther big stories of 2002: taking pictures of speeding vehicles. born on Jan. I. 1937 or carli er. reach full ret iremen t aoe on morc months to receive fu ll re tire me nt be ne fit s . A n additional Tickets were mailed to the cars' registered hi ,lher 65 th bi nhd ay. Accordin gly. for persons bo rn or In t he middle o f the fall election season, 19'~17 two mont hs is added eac h year ulltil pe rsons bo rn in 1960 and owners, and a political and legal firestorm earl ier. about .555 perce nt each 1110nth "penalty;' or a total of another powerful woman in Haw ai 'i later, whe n you must wait to age 07 for " rull" re tire me nt. ensued. In a month, Cayetano had put the 20 percent " penalty" is assessed 1'0 1' drawin g benefit s 36 p o litics, U.S. Rep. Patsy Mink, d ied, leaving program o n hold, and b y April it was killed a lega cy o f unabashed libera lism and a Social Security Full Retirement and Reduc ti o ns hy Age a ltogether. political free-for-all for he r office. Year or Birth Full Retirement Age 62 Mtlilthly Iff Tota l ('Ir On Aug. 9. a boulder fell from a Mink died o n Sept. 28 after a month-long bout ! II rn,rn"nJ,m 1' 1. Age ( 1\ IOll lh, I'c h'fe RcduL'ti (1I1 RL"u uuioll rain-soaked Nu 'uanu cliff and slammed Idcr Ip PI"!!\ j"U, ) o: " r t :ILt :nlllng 6:? t with viral pneumonia brought on by c hickenpox. _ru,", into a home , kill ing 26-year-old Dara Onishi Ill:'7 or earli cr 6S 3(\ .555 211 .110 The longtime Democra t was remembered for as she slept. The accident hod many isle 1 ~3H 65 an d 2 mo nth s 3H 54X 20.X3 many accomplishments in her fight for c ivi l ri ghts 1931) 65 and 4 months .54 I 2 1.117 reside nts looking warily at the c liffs above their 40 for wom e n and m inorities, including co-authoring 14411 6S anti 6 months .5:':'1 12.50 homes. On Th anksgiving those fears were 4" 1972's Title IX of the Education Act , which IY41 65 an cl H month " 44 .5.10 reinforced w he n boulders fell onto two parked mandated gender equality in any education 194 2 65 and I 0 1llolllh~ 40 ..')25 ~4 . 17 p rogram or activity receiving federal financial cars at the Lalea condominium projec t in Hawai' i IY41 - 1454 66 4X .52Cl ~:) . ()() Kai. Twenty-six families have been reloc ated from 195." (,6 Hnd 2 1110nth :-. )1) 5 1h 1iJ<-J assistance. Lalea because of the danger. ILJ56 66 and 4 month ... 52 .5 12 ~6 . 66 But political opponents and others criticized the 195 7 00 and h 1llonth ~ 54 5 1I '! 2750 secrecy surrounding her il lness. the seriousness of 1") 5X (,6 and N lllolltl1'- :')(, .505 2~.JJ which was nat disc losed until after she won the > c'o/lflll//e d 011 /wge I] 195 9 66 COIII;Illled '/;'0/1/ page II Gary Rodrigues, one o f Hawaii 's most ing a fo ur-year, t hree-mon th prison sen tence for RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL powerful labor leaders, was convicted o n receiving $6,884 in kickbacks from c ity employ­ WHAT IS "OLD?" 101 federal charges of m ail fra ud, money ees. Oth e r polit ic ians sufferi ng legal t roubles "Old" is when - - 1916 W. 150th Street, Gardena, CA 90249 laundering and embezzle m ent on Nov. 19. inclu ded former state Sen . M arshall Ige, w ho Your sweetie says. ""L e t's go upstairs and make Jove," The conviction has led to a power struggle w it hin served six m o nt h s in p rison after pleading g uilty to and you answer. "'Pick o ne, I ca n'l do both! " Free Estimate On New Roofs the local United Public Workers union, where he second-degree theft , attempting t o evade t axes Your friends com p lime l1l you on had been state director, and failure t o fil e tox returns. Also, Honolulu C ity your new alligato r shoes and Roofing C o nti-actor State lie. # 623446 HIC, C39 On Feb. 19, a jury found former Hono lulu Councilm an Jon Yoshimura wos suspended fro m you're barefool. police officer C lyde A rakawa guilty of p ractiCing law for six months by t h e st a t e A sexy babe catches your eye 310-329-2600 ,4I~i. mansloughter in the drunk-driving death o f Supreme Cou rt fo r ly ing about a car accident. and your pacem aker ope ns lh e 19-year-old DOha Ambrose in an Oct. 7, Fina lly, the p li ght of the wayward dog garage door. (Office) ~ 2000 c ar crash. The case had gained notoriety Hok Get coptivated dog lovers in after Honolulu police officials admitted that Hawai' i a n d worl dwide. The t wo-year­ Goi ng b ra- le ss p ull s all the wrinkles out o r your face . 310-730-0274 ~ Arakawa had been granted "courtesies" by the .....Jo./ o ld terri er, who was left aboard the investigatin g police officers. Those "courtesies" burned-out tanker Insinko 1907, survived o n You dun't care w here your (Pager) included being allowed to freely roam the rainwater and rats for nearly a month before the spoll se goes, j ust as lo ng as you accident scene and having a union lawyer Coast Guard tugboat American Quest rescu ed don't have lo go along. Member of Better Business Bureau call ed to the scene. Arakawa was sentenced in her. She was welcomed to Honolulu by a media • You are Glutioned to slmv dnwil Fully In sured For Li abil ity and Apri l to 20 years in prison . frenzy and the state's mandatory 120-day pet by th e doctnr insteau ur by the Wad

I? O H ANA MALAKI / APELILA 2003 13 >col1Iinued from page 9 who is also a 2002 inductee, says that Maddux's automobiles at half-times. Among three former 442nd Rescue of humbleness in success is a credit to him and UNLV coaches is former football coach Rich baseball. Abajian, who is the general manager at the- "lost- ~ - • Mike Maddux, who is olde r than G reg, Findlay's. completed an illustrious pitching career with Findlay, a fifth generation Nevadan, was a nine teams over 15 seasons. His best season was basketball standout at Western High and UNLV. Battalion" in 1991 as a reliever for the San Diego Padres, At 6'8", Findlay was invited to p lay for the NBA by Burr Ttlkcl/chi appearing in 64 games, winning seven games Portland Trailblazers, but opted to stay with his and posting an impressive 2.46 ERA. Mike and father's car business. n late October 1944. the 15t Batt<1lion/141 st II nfantry Regiment. a Texas Army National Greg opposed each other on September 29, Abajian is the creator of the Hall of Fame. A Guard unit of the 36th Texas Division. was 1986, marking the first time that b rothers, as longtime Nevadan himself, Abajian said that he surrounded by the Germans. Battles were rookie pitchers, opposed each other. (Greg's was inspired by David Humm's athletic team won.) Mike is highly revered in the fo ught 111 th e dense ly wooded Vosges accomplishments on the gridiron. Humm was the mountains in northern France. Gen. Clayton community for helping disadvantaged famili es first (and only) inductee in 1997, the first year w ith fundraisers that benefit them. Dahlquist, the division commander, ordered that the hall was established . He's still arguably the 442nd Regimental Combat Tea m, which • Mike Morgan, a 1978 Valley High the best prep football player from Southern was composed of about 3.000 men. to resc ue graduate, was drafted by the Oakland Athletics Nevada. immediately after graduating; pitching a week th e " Lost Battal ion." later In the Majors. Morgan is among an ,-______--= The 442nd ReT's motto wa s "Go for Broke." elite group of 25 players to p lay in four Litera lly. it meant "go all-out. complete th e decades. He p itches for the Arizona 51. Dit! Area , Frallct!. A Jap{lllesl' -Amcricall IIlIil 1I/00 'e.'O illlO a new cO lllmand POSI which \I 'm ' Imill miss ion !" jor Ihelll by Ih e U.S. Army Ellgin ee r.I-. Thi.~ IIllir is holdiflN {/ .I"frar eg icjrmlllillt! posirioll. Diamondbacks, his 12th team. As such CompllllY ··F". 211d Balta/iOIl. -I42ml Rl'g imcllwl Combal Team. NOI·emiJer 13. 19-1-1 . he holds the distinction of playing fo ; On the other hand. Adolf Hitler ordered hi s more teams than any other athlete in all German soldiers "to defend the Vosges at all costs." IDS- millimeter howitzers thai were used to support th e professional sports. After 24 years pitch­ American intellige nce be lieved that th ere were few 442nd infantry ass aults up th e rolling hills. Prior to th e battle, Ito rece ived a battlefield commiss ion to lieute nant. Ing, hiS notable recent accomplishment German soldiers defending the hills: th ere were over w as winning the first game of the 2002 8,000. Th e re sc ue mi ss ion wou ld be one of th e bloodiest It was rare for a Nisei to be promoted to officer stat us. He World Ser.ies against the New Yo rk battles in the hi story of the U.S. Army. won it fo r heroi sm in th e Italian Campaign. Yankees With eight scoreless innings. 1st Lt. Robert Foote led an infantry platoon in K Company Sgt. Wally NUllotani. a volunteer from H awai ·i. was a • The Las Vegas Convention and sect ion chi ef in th e artillery unit. The battery fi red short­ Visitors Authority for its marketing mag' 442nd. General ly, all officers attached to th e 442nd were white but the NCOs (sergea nt rank s) were all Nisei barreled I OS-mm gUlls for fire SUppOrl at close ranges. The that conSistently achieves almol~ battery was ve ry close to th e fighting. "Sometimes we ( sec ond-generation Japanese American). '" I always felt annual. new highs in visitors, sa fe as long as I had one live Nisei so ldier left in my didn't want to shoot. \Ve could hit our own gu ys .. ' conventions, and speCial events such Nunolani sa id. as the National Finals Rodeo that it company. They wou ld take ca re of me," said Foote. He was taken out of action early in the battle when hi s platoon w restled from another city. It generated During th e co ld rainy ni ghts. the N isei so ldi ers slept in $4.8 bill ion in non-gaming revenue in attempted to race across railroad tracks oLit side the town of foxhol es. "It was co ld espec iall y for N ise i w ho ca me from 200 1. The LV Convention Center has two Bruyeres. Foote was "biowil in to th e air by a German warm places. Water would accu mulate in fox. holes so guys mortar shell that literall y landed in hi s hip pocke t." millio n square feet exhibit space and would make ro ofs over th em. The roofs would also protect Tyle r Corder (left). ShreW!"y. (/111/ (·(1 -/01111(/1'1".' Cliff FindlflY (cI'/If1'r ! (/1/(1 Ridl AIII/jiol/ nearly 400,000 m o re for meetings. Severely wounded . he was evacuated to a hosp ital. "In to the so ldiers from 'tree bursts' (when artillery shells hit the "jS(III(lil' l"II N('\'w/" S//lIl"/.l· J-f (/II I~ f' F/I/I/l'. th e val ley of death." co mment ed Foote. The Hall of Fame trees and shower th e ground w ith th ousand s of splinters and shrapn el). Th ese roofs would protec t us fro m this type "I was inspired by David's athletic Lt. Marty Hi ggin s. a former "horse so ldier" (cavalry). The Southern Nevada Sports Hall of Fame is of altac k:' Nunotani added. located on the second floor of Findlay Toyota. accomplishments," Abajian says. " He starred at formed a strong defensive positi on on a hill and du g in. AdmiSS ion IS free and available six days a week. Bishop Gorman High , was an All-American at Some 50 vo luntee rs attempted to fig ht th eir way back to Sh ig Doi from I Compan y was heavil y in vo lve d in th e Since it s inception in 1997 , the Hall has donated Nebraska, played 10 seasons in the NFl, and two th e American lines. They were ambushed, only five fi ghting to resc ue th e Los t Battali on. "The G erman s had return ed . I-li gg in s initially w anted to fight hi s way out of about S 130,000 to local youth groups and Super Bowls w ith the Oakland Raiders. After machine gun nes ts in cam oullaged pos it ion~ so th ey had 10 th e trap but rul ed againsl it bec au se he didn' t want to leave c harities, as stipulated in its charter as a retirement, he was very a ctive w ith helping local be pinpointed first. You had to wo rk yo ur se lf fo rwa rd no n-profit organization. c haritable organizations for more than 20 years. th ei r wounded behind. A lthough surrounded. moral e was toward th em. th en use a hand grenade to knock them out. The Hall was establish ed for youths to emulate hi gh. Meanwhi le food. med icine. ammunition and time If you fired your weapon you ca n ex pose yourself to C li ff Findlay is perhaps the most visible booster of loc al athletes such as David. We needed a was running out. enemy fire (from th e muzz le fla sh anu sllloke.) If you fired UNLV a thletics. His dealerships are especially place 10 perpetuate o ur h eritage of special too soon it was like saying. H ere I < Ul 1~ When ri ghting in a Lt. Susumll 11 0 was a forwaru obse rve r in th e 522nd fi eld prevalent during football and basketball season, people like him." art illery batt ali oll . H e w as th e art illery spotter for th e giving locals opport u nities to win new >ClIlIrili/(ed 0/1 p({ge ~8

I~ O HANA MALAKI I APElILA 2003 15 r ..

>colllillued ji'ol1l pnge 8 and also supplies Harry & Dav id. a mail-order business on • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • the mainland. We me t several Hiloans. They He was nominated for a national award in sustainable were: LAS VEGAS POTPOU RRI agricultural practice. As a hobby. which somewhat • Richard Ha is the banana coin cides with lifting bananas, Ha power-lifts: he has king of Hawai' i. He's also a ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• seven state record s in the 55-59 age group. COURTEH Of ANll-lOf\JYcurms, lAS VEGAS ADVISOR • ~ • ~ COMPILED ElY EMILY Ol(KI, MANAGING EDITOR fellow Hila High '62 graduate. • Gail Tsunehiro reLUrn ed aft er graduating from the UH to After completing army service, continue another famil y business, Cafe I 00, which has the CASINOS that volley residents can get a slice of Shock, opened at Bourbon Street. including a tOllr in Vietnam. Ha distinction of trade-marking an island favorite. Loco Gaughan Properties. In a surprise move, Americana and good, old-fashioned tickets are 525. returned to he lp hi s father run customer service. Maca, which is rice, lots of brown gravy, hamburger patty, downtown casino mogul Jackie Sapphire, the world's largest gentlemen's th e family chi cken farm. With a Gaughan, 82, has sold four of his five cosi­ club, opened on Industrial Rd. behind the and egg on th e top in a saimin bowl. She claims that even DINING degree in accounting, he calcu­ nos~-the Plaza, Los Vegas Club, Gold Stardust. th ough her parents popularized Loco Maca about 1946. Spike. and Western, to Barrick Gaming for The little d ining room in the Eureka slot lated onl y a marginal return In A laddin's Center Stage. Hawaii's she beli eves that th e "Lincoln Gri ll" restaurant may have S82 million. The deal also includes 35 house on Sahara has three excellent Society of Seven, Tues - Sunday, 534.95 a nd convinced hi s father lO acres of land downtown, two 24-hour specials; a hamburger and fries through the fall. .. ~ "sell the farm," Ha sold the devised it fi rst. Ambassador motels, and a first-refusal (S 1.50). a NY steak & eggs (S2.99). and li-:·l' Bobby Rydell & Steve Rossi, Suncoast. ~. . Rudy Legaspi and May Goya, who operated a third option to buy Gaughan's remaining a 16-ounce porterhouse dinner with big business in th e Illost unusual Feb 21 - Feb 23. S39.95. hotel-casino, his flagship EI Cortez. salad and choice af potato ($4.95). way. and then swit ched to popular restaurant in Hila called "May's Fountain" in the The Fob Four, LV Hilton, Feb 25 - April 6, Arizona Charlie's. Arizona Charlie's East The Hard Rock may seem li ke the earl y 1950s, both say that Loco Maca was created to Aug 5-24. S32.20. and West have officially changed their ultimate adult casino, but its 24-hour banana farming. " I remember accommodate youthS who didn't have enough money to George Carlin, MGM Grand, Mar 6 - 19. names. to Arizona Charlie's Boulder and Mr. Lucky's restaurant has one o f the the in credible traffic jam he bu y full-size lunches. The " mid-size" snack fit perfectly. Arizona Charlie's Decatur. most well-conceived kid 's menus in S60. created," says Harvey Tajiri, The trademark ? "We just did it for fun. and it's now a MGM Condos, MGM Mirage has teamed town. Youngsters 12 and under get their Kenny Loggins, Poris, Mar 7 - 8, TBA. own (guitar-shaped, of course) with the also a fe llow Hila c lassmate. favorite state-wide," Tsunehiro says with a hean y laugh. up with luxury-condominium developer Roy Romano, Mirage. Mar 14~ 15, S70. Turnberry Associates to build a "condo cheese pizza, hamburger, , and " He advertised that folks could B-52s, LV Hilton, Mar 28 - 29, S50/560, • John Clark is th e president o f Hawai'i Pride. a hotel H on the site of MGM Grand's so forth. come to the farm in Wa i °akea The Pretenders, Mandalay Bay. Feb 22, company located in Kea'au that uses electricit y and low now-defunct theme park, Binion's Ranch Steak House has been Uka for three 'live' chickens around forever and some swear it still 540/S50/S60. dose-x-ray to sterile fruit fo r shipping to th e mai nl and. The Plans include up to six 40 story towers on For free." I-Ia re members giving 14 ocres of theme park property. serves the best steaks in town. Located Stars on the Rise: Los Vegas Philharmonic, facility is the first in the world built specificall y for fru its on the 24th floor, the restaurant is UNLV, 520/S40/560, away 15.000 birds in a hurry. The Cannery held its gala opening to the and vegetabl es. The process is an innovati on to hot-and reached by way of one of Las Vegas' public 10 pm January 2 to throngs of Yanni, Mandalay Bay. Mar 1. S65/S 100, few glass elevators, which overlooks Kea 'au Banana is a famil y- run cold-water treatments used earli er. Papaya from Puna locals The Cannery touts itself as a casino the Fremont Street Experi ence. Larry Gatlin & The Gatlin Brothers, Boulder bu siness w ith wife June and fanners are treated and air-shipped to th e west coast and Formerly a major high-end bargain Station, Mar 28. children, Tracy and Brian and distributed to local markets. in clu ding Las Vegas. The play. Binion' s Ranch is now a pricey Engelbert Humperdinck, LV Hilton, April the ir spollses. With more than fllII"l'l!y TlIjiri Hawai' i Papaya Industry Assoc. shi ps about 85 percent of night out. 8~27. July 15 ~ Aug 3. 530/S40. 600 acres and 70 e mployees, it s crop outside the state. C OURTE SY OF ANTHONY CURTIS, EDITOR, Sheena Easton, LV Hilton. June 3-July 13. ENTERTAINMEN T Ha ships about 6.500 40-pound boxes of banana weekly. LAs VEGAS ADVISOR Sept 23~Ocf 26. S30/S40. >conrinued on page 20 C OMPILED BY EMI LY OZE KI, MANAGING EDITOR, Chara moved her Bravo Show to the The Smothers Brothers, LV Hilton. May 'OHANA M AGAZINE Aladdin and affiliate with the new 6~June I, Aug 26-Sepf 14 . S30/S40, 1. Complete Steak Dinner $4.95 Latin-themed nightspot Sevilla. which Ellis Island 24 hours opened in January at the Desert no relatives, there are no grandparents, no aunts Passage Mall. 2. Shrimp Cocktoil 99 cents or uncles, no cousins, Coming from such humble Golden Gate 24 hours Mayor Kim beginnings made Harry and hi5 siblings stronger by Elaine Ogara 3. Superbuffet $4.45 - $8.95,$9.95 and through education they have become Gold Coost Daily 'OHANA (family) 'Magazine (Editor's Note: Longtime personal achievers, Harry is the first mayor friends, Elaine Ogata, visited Big 4. Mac King Show $6.95 - $16.45 of Korean ancestry in America, Island Mayor Kim and submitted Harrah's Tues . • Sat. EDITORIAL CALENI9AR for'2003 He and his wife raised two sons, this article as a supplement to our 5. Hamburger $1.99 ISSUE ROCUS DEADLIINE visit.) one li ves on the mainland. the Wi ld Wild West 24 hours other is a paramedic in Hil o, arry Kim, mayor of the city of 6. Snack Bars $3.00-$4.50 After his retirement as the Binio n 's Horseshoe Daily May/Jun 03 Ho'ola,ule'a Season Marc.h 12 H Hilo, Hawai' i. is a soft-spoken director of c ivil d efense on t he man who is easy to converse with, 7. 24/7 Happy Hour 50 cents-$2, 50 Big Island, his friends urged him Key largo 24 hours July/Aug 03 Maui , Moloka'i & Lana,'i May 12 The story of his family and to seek public office. He was childhood is unique, As he says, he w idely known t hroughout the 8. Roberta's Specials $11.50-$19,95 was " raise d in the woods" of EI Cortez Monday-Thursday Sep/Oct 03 UH/UNLV football game in Las Vegas July 12 island so he was a very popular , I I Kea'au, 9. Caffee candidate. Harry ran his 5 c ents Hi s parents c ame from Korea Westward Ho 8om- lOpm Nov/Dec 03 Christmas in Hawai'i and Las Vegas Sep 12 campaign on his own money. I because of the conflict raging 10. Hot Dogs 75 cents there, Because of this, Harry has C oast Casinos Doily

16 O HANA MALAKI / ' APE LILA 2003 17 J:.c!kl' >fifallRaiicutt- 7878{2 'l.w»,'rS, 687 N. Stephanie, Henderson 620 E, Flamingo Rd. 1t~ral!liw ~ a (,),'h}tney' Ranch Target/Vans Center, Ph: 691.2053; fax , 69 1-2072 ,,/ west of Galleria Mall) Open daily, 5 - 10 ; Sat-Sun . 5 - I I. I Ph: 433-0240; fax 433-0097. "- / T~ 'if~4rf~/i f l un -Thur, 9 - 9; Fri - Sat, 9 - 10. / Opened 111 August, 2002, this was L&L's busiest orand . ... I . I 0 opentng 111 Its hI story (47 in Hawaj'i, 15 CalifornIa,) Evis Kam-Pamintuan is general manager. We're known for ve ry ~ iib/L1J! large porti ons, freshly-cooked foods, and reasonable prices. ( I Our most popular dishes are chi cken katsu plate lunch, BBQ ..-/' ./ nu X', beef curry, loco maca and katsu musubi. The seco'hd Las OdEi&tia Spedalitie& qffqamiiallV qff ale" / " ~ I '(egas L&L will open in April in the Albertson' s Shop,Ping Mezzani ne of Cali forn ia Hotel \ 2439 S,.Valley View # 120 Center, Saha\'a & Maryland. I I Ph: 382-0338; fax , 388-2695 Pj1 ~ 3'62-6922 J:.atiaina ([tildeen / / Sun - Thu, 9 - 9; Fri - Sat, 9 -10\ Sun "-:: Thu, 9:30 - 8; Fri, 9 - 10; Sat, 9-9. , ./ \ /Boul evard Mall Food Coun John a ~ d Michelle Teanio own and manage their restauranL It Ph: 737- 18 [2 / opened' in April" I 995. Their most popular meal is th e I Mon - Sar, [0 - 9; Sun, ]0 - 6. Hawai ian special (Iaulau, kalua pig, poi, rice). Other favorites ! lJ,re" shrilnR tempura, crispy gau gee min, and teriyaki. I Mallaged by Paul and E laine Cha , Opened in November, / Hawaiian Hale claims to have the largest mentl of islana style 2002. Started in Hawai' i, this restau rant is the/ first on the mainland. 'It serves fresh food Of hi ohest quality' fresh roast food in toWn. JoIln)s a Waialu 'a '69 graduate. . I , ' ~ 0 ' c IHCKen, nbeye wast and wast pbrk are its top ~s lan d favorites. ",f) .. . <"':::.,___ __ . ' "/I[a( 1PuuuallallV Other entrees are baby back , fried chi cken, creamy 10940 S, Eastern / mushroom chicken and ono hamburger steak. Ph: fa x, 990-6348 ~ 90-6 :\4 1 ; 7PacifiG Seafa&d Mar/eel, I / Open 2417. / 1647 W. }Varm Springs Rd, Henderson Jeff McDerm ott is th e managing panner. Our most popular Chef Craig Connole, Fred Johnson and Norm Schuhardt are Ph: 434-2522 mea,: Items are herb Hawaii an Opakapaka served with a ~, the tri-owners. ,[,hey came from the Ritz Carlton in Kapalua . Man _ Sat, 10 _ 9; Sun, 1-2 _ 6. / teardrop tomato pistou, macadamia nitt crusted mahi mahi Maui to open this c1as"sy isle-theme restaurant in February Roy and Jean Sogabe, formerl y fro m Kaua'i, opened for with lobster butter 'sauce, and boursin cheese stuffed filet }'amagata 'obcma at Aloha Specialties - CO-OWl'"'' La,' ,. c , 2002. The restaurant gained superb credibility when it was ., fi -"'" ry all( ".:. \'e yll busll1ess in February 200 I. This market sell s seafood from tIle mi gnon A,vith a onioo pommery cabern et sauce. We have two 011 rig It. /r.\'/ am/third fellows 011 left. S9I1S, Greg mul Deaw rated among only a handful of other local restaurants with Joey Hawisfri lind K(lwika Gols, secolld ~I/d [Ol/rllI. ' East and West coasts and fre sh fi sh from Haw{i' i. A Japanese pri,{ate dining rooms: The Aloha R0091 holds 65 people, The straight 'Ns in 2002. "Quality, freshness in a warm tropical chef with more than 30 years experience, Sogabe, prellare's Ohana Room, 30. Our first anniversary party wlU be sometime ambk nce is what you will experi e nce at th e Hawaiian sashuni, sushi and drjed goose. The best selling items are in June featuring a special menu. RoY Yamaguchi wi ll be here Opening this restaurant in 1985, Larry Yamagata is the dean of Plantation House in Henderson:' says Schuharat. "You will Island eatenes 111 Las Vegas. Yamagata previously worked as maki-sushi , cone sushi , and an array of poki _ Iimu.' s oy~ taka to cook. sign cookbooks, and say "Aloha" to our ouests that tind lha! quality in every dish." Fi sh is the mainstay of a new and smoke salmon, Cateling service avail able, Sogabe easil y evenin g, We hosted the dino6- for UNLV'footbalr team last an executI ve chef . for,. 20 years with vari ous S"n era to n ha te Is Hawaiian fare with th e emphasis on fres h fi sh flown in dail y. er th roug IlOU t HaWill I. from Kona and V,ol . . creates new items to meet cllstomer needs. I August before their season open.. as part of our commitment ] I d' cano 00 the BIg ppakapaka, mahi mahi, ahi , and ono are customers' favori tes. to work and support our communjty. Other charity .events were s an , to Maul and several presti giou s properti es on"O'ah u. Chef Conn ole will dazzle you with a unique daily special s 'l.Wy)& th e Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation .and Nathan Some 27 employees serve hundreds of locals d 'l ' I Y such as the coconut poached Opakapaka. You ' ll find prices favorites such as saimin, spam mu subi and b kaJr WI,lkt 1 8701 W. Charleston Blvd. ' Ade[son Hospice. F home It I d' h , rea ast I e surprisingly reasonable. Karaoke wit h Uncle Paul or Brudda . . s popu ar IS es are "Bento" (teriyaki steak s d Guy weekends. Genuine island hospitality, Catering available, Ph, 838-3620; fax 838-362 1 ~ ~~~~n ~ ~ to,~ o(~ ri ce with furikake with ta~ua n and ~~~ :~d Man - Thu, 5-10; Fri - Sat, 5-11 ; Sun , 4:30-9:30. 445 1 E. Sunset Rd, #4 & 5" (next to Renata's CaslITa) . a ate. . spam mllsubj s, macaroni salad, teri aki 'llfaaeaiian Style ([aft Dan Shrum is managing partller. The first ROY's 0peried in 'Ph: 435-5600 chIcken an d bIte-sIze terl yaki meaL) y 136 S, Rainbow 1988 on O 'ahu in Hawai'i Kai, Our specialty is Hawaiian Man - Sat; 10:00 - 9; Sun, 10 - 3, se afood. Roy Yamaguchi 's is base d V'Po n th e (jraa/& >fIfamaiial1' ([af~ Ph: 3 19-8400; fax 3 19-8401 Dean and D ~ bra Yamagata co-man­ Mon - Sat, 10 - 8. European cooking techniques. particularly the wi ne-fri endl y 2129 [ndustrial Road age Ross J's, whic,h opened in I ~Iu a h ty Of. French sauces in which Roy was trained, whye Ph: 38-G.RACE (384-7223) Co-owners Dayna Lam Ho and Jolene Machado opened In March 2001. They itre Larry IIlc?rporat 1l1 g a full range of Asian season in g'S ana the fres hes t Mon. - Fri. 10 - 8, Malch, 2001, Form erl y from Kaneohe, O 'ahu . th ey movcd to Yamagata' s (0.(, 1>. loha reg ionall y grown food ava ilab le, A s in our restarlrant L as Vegas to bring the ono cuisine of th e island s to loca ls. The Hawa i'i , Special,ries) eldest son and Grace & James Rodrigues opened for business Dec ., 200 I ca fe offers an array of Asian deli cacies sli ch as sushi. 1l111 subi . also hi ghl ight s fres h li sh and other in gre di e nt ~l direc tl y fr,e1TI daughter. The reslaurant is based on th e cultnary ex perti se of Joy Okada (Da Cook) T hi ~ tCJnpura and saimin, to Ameri can deli ght s slich as fri ed th e Hawaii an Islands and th e Pacific Ocean. Partn er and!=hp{ tlie namesake fo r Debra's ~; s not a n easy task to hand le bu t we have managed t~ s t a~ Cim s Falc oner. who att ended th e Cali forn ia Cullll ary chi cken and hamburge r steak. The menu consists or son ~o ,,;as fat~ lI y injured Academy in San Fran cisco. ha s created such dishes such, as ~ ' \I~~l w ; t~ th~ help of fri ends and famil y lend ing a helpin o "okazu-style" or ala carte it ems with a large variety of plate in an accidentr in 1998 6n trll.flled ahi poke. haby aru gul a and roqu cfo rt salad and ~ a.n e)~ t e gr~~e of God. So how do we do it? Fi rst. ou~ lunches soch as chi cke n kat sli . teri yak i bee r. hee l' . roast garli c IMa'uj. ' JMm e IS qUIte famlltar to th e "Iocals" - "A' splIlach and gorgonzola oak grilled sword fi sh. Roy's Grace's like back ho ",. "K' Ie you th e same pork, shoyu chi cken, and th e ever-popul ar garlic chicken. Summerlin features wine dinners with different guest wine The favori'tes are cli'icJ;:en f d . . " mc, II1d of, we got more Hawa i ian Hawaii an se lec tions incl ude lau lau. ka lua pi g. fri ed ahi. limi l~ l ak e rs for what has become a favorite. They feature wines 1mtsu, Kalua pig and cab.!?age, 00 oveJ hele, Second, we try to make everyone feel at salmon, poi. and ahi poke. They ca n marin ate mea t for parti es. home. And the last but most ImpOltan l factor of success is th e h UIll th e different w in eries pai red with hi s fa vori te dishes . butterfis spioy korean Lunch. dinner. caterin g or just a snack. chicken, mahi mahi. quaitty' . quanlllyf . and flavor of Our food ' We hope [k0 ee l' your Reservations suggested. [ uml\1 les uli for many years to come. ka l-bi. l11 0chika chicken and roast pork , 18 OHANA MALAKI! ' APEL I LA 2003 ~~~-----

>coll linlled f r01ll page 17 This humble and shy musician • Mele Spencer contacted us to o f pure Hawaii a n descent is the talk w ith her about finding a consumma te artis t o f is land heritage. He e mbraces the FEB 14·15 MAR 14-16 MAY 2 & 3 commercial use for breadfruit Lily Chai Chinese Dance Co. at Leeward CC. Tahiti Fete. Hila. HI. 808-935-2002. 6th George Noope Northwest Hula Festiva l. spirit o f al o ha with hi s music. Pearl City. HI. 808-A55-0385. Seattle, WA. A25-787-0928. (ulul. Her counterpart, Ellane MAR 15-16 Baker of Kaua ' i. told her o f His " feel good mus ic" still has FEB 14 9th Arizona Aloha Festivol, Phoenix, N . MAY 3-4 tha t mag ic to uc h that sere nades • Valentine's Day. 602-592-5228. Lei Day Ho'oloule·o. California Hotel. our visit to th e Big I sland. O f • UNLV Women's Volleyball Golf Fundraiser at 702-385- 1222. a li ste ne r into a sense o f total Nellis AFB , NV. MAR 17 Hawaii a n descent. Mele St. Patrick's Day. MAY 11 welcomes recipes and ideas. c uphoria. FEB 14-16 Mother's Day. Keali'i Reichel with Maul Symphony Orchestra, MAR 21 Kamehameha Schools Songfest, Honolulu, HI. MAY 16 H e had athlelic sc holarships Kahului. MauL 808-242-7469. The cut-fl owe r " anthurium" 800-8A2-4682. Hono Houl Hwn. Music Series, Uluwehi fo r baseball at Punahou FEB 15 Guerrero, Honolulu, HI. 808-528-0506. industry In Hawai ' j is Lantern Festival and Parade, Chinese New MAR 26 Academ y and football at th e Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana'ole Memorial MAY 17 highly-competiti ve . Four key Year. Honolulu. 808-595-6417, UH. Seri o us knee injuries , Services, Honolulu, HI. 808-536-7602. Armed Forces Day. entities in Hawai ' j are: FEB 15 - 16 MAR 29 MAY 24-25 ='-:-:--",-~~~---l however. dashed his drea ms to Kona Whale Watch Cruise. Kailua-Kona . • Keali'i Reichel Concert, Tempe, Al. Hapo Hoole Hula competition. Cox • Harold Tanouye, Gree n Hew:r K apOHO. 808-329-7286. Mele Spl'IICl'r poss ibly play profess io nally. A80-965-3A3A. Pavilion, NV. Point Nurseries (Hilol . FE B 17 • George Kuo, Aaron Mahl & Martin Pahinui MAY 25 " Ente rtaining troops Concert . Whittier, CA. 562-907-4203. • Presidents' Day. Brothers Cazimero Concert, Whittier, CA • Grayson Inouye, Pac ific Fl oral Exchange (Hilol . • 19th G reat Aloha Run. Honolulu, Vi e tn am in 1970-7 1 gavc me profound inspiration that has APR 3-6 562-907-4203. 808-528-7388. 442nd RCT 60th reunion. Honolulu, HI. • Vern Inouy e, Floral Resources/H awai'i (I-Ii 10), affec ted my music, appreciation of life and love of all MAY 26 FEB 22 808-9A9-7997. people," K apono says, Memorial Day (observed). • Simply Hawai' i, a group of five morc growers who are Lu'au and Daniel Ho and George Kahumoku concert. Ventura, CA. 805-687-4027: APRIL11&12 MAY29-31 Honolulu Symphony Orchestra Pops Series, state-sponsored. They are Leland Anderson, Polynes ian To ce lebrate th eir 30lh anniversary Ihis year. Cecilio 805-320-3826. 3rd Mal Kohlki Moi Hulo, Oli and Falsetto Amy Gilliom & Barry Flanagan, Honolulu, HI. Singing Competition. Tacoma, WA. O rch ids and A nthuriums ( Kurti stown, HI): Joseph Booth, Rodri gues, w ho formed the other half o f Ihe FEB 23 808-792-2000. 253-66 1-7705. • Maui Whale Festival, Ma'alea Harbor. Maui. Grea t Exportation - H awai'i (Mt. View, HI): Creighton ultra-s uccessful duo . "Cecili a a nd Kapono," team to APRil 13 800-9A2-531 1. JUNE 14 Palm Sunday. Mow, Hawai'i Rainbow Orchids (Honolulu): Elton 1\10w, present a concert o n A ug. 23-24 at Ka po no 's. A • Steel guitar workshop, then George UH Alumni Chapter/California Hotel 3rd O rchid Plantati on- Kapoho (Pahoa, HI ): Carvel' Wilson, performa nce in Las Vegas is a lso planned lhi s year. Kahumoku concert . 805-962-7776. APR 20-26 Scholarship Golf Tourney at Highlond Falls Merrie Monarch Festival. Hilo, HI. 808-935-9 168. Course. Los Vegas. Hiroshi Go. 702-263-7239, Maui Fl oral ( Kula). Las Vegas o ffice, hea ded by COO FEB 25-MAR 11 Elderhostel program explores wonders of APRil 20 Ray Tagliaferri, supplies many of th e hOlels and model volcano activity on island. 808-967-8222. Easter Sunday. bomes. a mong oth er de mands. Thanks to Hiloan, Mel MAR 5 MAY 1 Ash Wednesday. Brothers Cazimero May Day Concert, O n O'ahu. we stayed at Ge ne ral Manager Paul TOJ11 onari 's Recovers Own "Fumble" MAR 7 Honolulu. HI. 808-597-1888. Park Sh or es in Wai k iki, on Ihe co rn er of K alakaua and Brothers Cazimero. Honolulu, HI. 808-528-0506. MAY 2 I dropped my VISA credit card after filling gasoline at MAR 8 Brothers Cazimero Concert, MouL HI. K apahu l u. L ocaled ac ross from Ihe Honolulu Zoo, Ih e 808-597- 1888. the Tes oro stali on on Kanoel ebu ' a and Puakino (Prince Sons of Hawai'i Scholarship Lu'au. Gardena, view o f Diamond Hea d is unobslructed. The sta fr. like Ihe CA. 31O·635-A783. o ther hotels. were courteoll s and professiollni in every Kuhio Plaza) . Finally! " Ah, I filled gas there and paid at aspect. the pump." As soon as J wa lked in, a c le rk say s, eve n before I as ked ) with he r big Hawaiia n s mile, " You look­ • Henry K a po no, who owns K apono's at the Aloha Tower in g for your card? A c usto me r found it on the g round," Markel. w a~ :-,ce n at a performance at hi s place. First. you Isle High School Reunions M ahalo, fellow Hiloan! And T think, " One (pidgin for s hould vi~ i ( the A luha Tower - it's fir st-class in shops and "only," pronounced o-nay) in (-Iawai ' i." Main Street r e~ t a uran t s - aweso me. bea utiful ! California Hotel Station Hotel Jan 27: Waip a hu '63 Feb 4: Roosevelt ' 45 Feb 25: Kaimuki '49. The UNLV Rebels will host the UH Warriors Mar 8: Kailua '61 Apr 9: Roosevelt' 50 Mar 10 & 11 : Ho noka'a '48 Apr 15: Ko nawaena '55 in a titanic battle September 20 Mar 12: Paha la May 13: McKinley' 50 at Sam Boyd Stadium, Apr 4: Waimea '58 May 14: Baldwin '51 Coach June Jones and Coach John Robinson Apr 7 & 9: Fa rrington '53 May 17: Waimea '56 Apr 21: Konawaena '50 June 13: Wa imea' 50 have rejuvenated their football programs Apr 23: Baldwin '45 June 14: Hilo High School over the past four years, Apr 24: Kaimuki '53 'OHANA Magazine will present stories Apr 29 & 30: Waipahu '53 about these powerful football teams in the May 6: Farrin gton '49 A closs reunion is when I, May 7 & 8: Lahaina luna nothing helps you Fresh rraplcal !lowers blooming orchid planl 'i May/June, July/August and Sept/Oct issues, '46-'60 recognize your old 100% pure Klllla co\lee aloha silinS flower lel\ Contact 'OHANA for game sponsorships May 13: Maui '51 classmates as much an Jewelry ilnd so much morel and tic ket info, May 24: Fa rrington . 58 as their nome togs. editor@ohanamagazine,com, 702-434-0544, May 31: Le il ehua '59 Ama Hawaiian Tropical Products ~ 175 East Kawallam Street" Hdo, HawaI'I 96720 '8'

20 O HANA MALAKI / APE LILA 2003 21 r------


Barley Grl'l'II Lr organically gron'lI . col1Willillg a nalural SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BUSINESSES TO OUR READERS. balcmrt of mil1<'r(l/x. amino (wids. , _11 :),1111'5. rl!l()~f:hyll & LARRY YAMAGATA t--I awaii ai'\ Style Cafe \'llIImil1s. h'ilh WI (/lka/il1l' pH. Mix \"ill1l1'lIIer o r Jltlet'. OWNER BARLEY GREEN O kc\2l.1-\!L, Plate Lunches Shaved Ice Qu ality You Can Tru st LOCATED IN THE Saimin Hawaiian CD's :1$.\ j Authorized- Since 1886 ... .Irom The Ideal _ II is an £3 S ~' Way 10 ge l )'o ur CAUfORNlA HOTEl & CASINO Hong Kong America 's Larg est 1ST & OGDEN Dayna ..I\; Jolene c:(() o,,' .. c~ ..... -.. Dail~' Grecns _ Like ha\' ing a salad in a glass! LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89101 ()"",.,, Bakery & Deli Aoofin g Manulacturer J OE KOSHI a.t:. ~ 002) )1'J·II-tOO n6 s . IbillOOW 1111"11. Servillg IIII' [Jesl MWI(I/I//{/ ill Ca/{(omill 310-530-3513. 310-530-2910 · 888-236-2514 (702) 382-0338 Sowllenl KST Roofing Co., Inc. rleygreen-h ea llhfoad .co m (702) 319·8~O I Fax LJ.o; Vc~a s . ,'\V 89145 Teriyaki Hawaii FAX (702) 388-2695 Deliciolls Hm1"lliilll/ PIli Ie LIIIICh l'.\". Chilll'.,·C' Deli. 1916 150th Street email: joekoshi@holma '" II ",skynaf)'.comfha\\ Jiianoblu E·mail: hi~lyl~ @. w. Dilll SIIIII. Cakes OI/{l P{I ,l'Iril's (310) 327-0307 Gardena, CA 90249 Open Daily: l) :~Oa. ll1 . - 8 : ~O p.m. * 310·329-2600 GAFMC CERT. f 21720 Vermont A\'c .. #110 Torr:IIl(I,.·. CA 90502 1425 ArteSIa Blvd #34 ~~_ AU0131l9 G' ''pMc ",15 ' Pri"ti"g • P"bIi5/,j"X 310-730·0274 Pager CA lie. ;623446 (3 10) ~18-8353 or .128-8354 Gardena, CA 90248 S"trilll Pro;U15 • SIII/iounry Dt5;1''' Mavis N. Matsumoto, M.D. Brae/lUTts · CMIt/OKS • AfltX"=;"U Canotl Exit, 11 0 Fa' C' lroy Myles & Harnet Yonekawa Kenneth S_ Tasaka, President A"d Morr ... Board Certified Internal Medicine Ci"d~ L Te'''ple Alft'1IIfc" O l lT1i..'T/D~ji/r111!f 23722 S. \\7t-stt'm Harbor Cit)" Califon/ia 907 iO ., 5006 S. i\1.ul\,[""d (702) 312-9140 Trlepbolll': (3 10) 326-3843 L\~ Vr : (702) 257-6380 'OHANA® (FAMILY) MAGAZINE I NVITES ALL BUSINE SS ES 1 I ~g 35th Avenue al (916) E.Mai l: $li!ki!bj15 b H~ 39J <"mil So. Land Park Dr. Web: " .... ',,·.homeinHg"'",c"m TO SHARE AND PROMOTE ITS PRODUCT OR SERVICE WITH 'OHANA READERS . Sac ramento. CA 393-3320 45SOW. Spri ~ ~1 ""n""" RO>

'OHANA MAGAZINE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE LOCATIONS: Comt' USYOII ar.'. Garry R. Lee, M.D. Lenllt: lIS you 71'J11l1 10 he ... "V~ "Vcueu 7lUtJUt Hawai'i Pill Box Pharmacy Southern California Family Practice Adding a New Dimension 10 Your 7-11 Shiigi Dru g #2 Da Kine's Plate lun ches C)-----~ Las Vegas Visil. Jeff McDermott Managing Partner Star Market (2 lo cations) ...... ---o#"fwi:. rizon ri,.{;'e Vance "Pukuniahi" Cannon Bestsellers we{(ness cfilli cWtJ Family Class Re(Jnions • Conventions 620 East Flamingo Road Big Save Sure Save Hong Ko ng Bakery & Deli Parries ' Senior Groups ' Clubs r~A[)1I11 l:-"AI ALrt ~NATIVf. AND MSTHETIC ~.1lDIClN E Las Vegas, NV 89119 Islan d Grinds Tel : (702) 691-2053 Fax: (702) 69 1-2072 Book Ends Tim es .,1 (,]{I VI, H"'H"" R,d~ , ' Pkwy . 111011 (71121 'UfHll 'IQ (702) 866-6666 e·mail [email protected] 11('11(/('''' '" .... t " ,u(J 1\'J1l'.!.!1l,1 4 f ,J\ 170! ) 'J 18·01 89 3053 ConqulsJa Court, Las Vega s NV 89121 rasvegas Daiei Tower Reco rd s King's Hawaiian Bakery & Foodl and Village Market Restaurant - FP - lam ont's Waipahu Dru gs Teriyaki Hawai'i Pacific Seafo od Inc. Haleiwa Super Market Three Brothers Restaurant t!) Fresh Searood Market & Takeout Sushi Las Vegas Wholesale & Retail Hickam Mai & Catering 2sland Ls"mas Vegasm"" " Aloha Specialties ~ENTALCENTER Dan Shrum Hilo Airpo rt Newlland orSulllmuJin , Managing Partner Roy R. SogHbe Kahuku Superette California Hotel 7!Tw/Hfel,Y 7"mila. I) {) (). ~~.. (}~" I II ' " '\'011 ,') 7!,kew. I) I), \ Kaimuki Sundries Hawaiian Planta tion Restaurant If you'd like 8701 We st Charleston Blvd., Las Vegas. NV 8911 7 1647 W. Warm Spring~ Rd. 'r~ II ("V",):'UH I "'" A"l'"'''' ~u",· III" ..... I ~l> Veg>', N\' 8'l1'liI Tel: (702) 838-3620 Fax: (702) 838·3621 Hcndcf<.on. NY fW() 14 Hawaiian Style Cafe ( lft;c<'· 7')2, i41 ~'r') . .... 103.. . , 7 (1 2.1~1 'II~II Kapa'a Super Shell www.roysreslau (702) 434·2521 1.- ... ")~,,,l

SfILL. If BEAfS fHE COMMUfE fl(OM LONG ISLAND! From Our Brilliant Tourist Q uestions Dept.: Daniel Century 21 Clancy, who works at the Ritz C arlton Kapalu 'a , When ' OHANA (family)® published its Akamine Rainbow Corporation Jon-Barry Nishi da premier issue in 1996, the tremendous Jim Akamin e w rites, "If I've heard this once, I've heard it 10 times: 2625 N. Green Va lley Pkwy, Ste150 growth in is landers moving to Las Vegas 10 1 S. Rainbow Blvd. Ste #21 'Do you live here?' (It's a long commute from gave us the no ti on of coining "Ninth Henderson, NV 89014 Las Vegas, NV 89145 California!)" Island." Ha wai'i w hich is composed of eight is lands, w hen combin ed w ith many 702-259-7587 Isle Nine Specialty Food expatri ated islanders moving to Las Vegas, Marlon Rimando, M.D. NO WaNDEl( CAI(MEN NEVEl( GElS INVIfEO HOME The Lamplighter made it a " natural". 11 0 Ba nk st. SE Ste 801 Perry Ca rl e fOI( fAMILY I(EUNIONS! However, the comparative ly high Minneapolis, MN 55414 outmigration from Parad ise because of a 4 North Th eri Ct. 612-379-7761 From Our Brilliant Tourist Statements Dept.: Carmen prolonged economic slu m p has caused Columbus, GA. 31907 Suzuki says, "When I was a flight attendant for island residents to b egi n new lives 706-561-9670 Kalani Sanders Accepting most in. 'ura nces. through-out the conti nenta l U.S. Michael J. Tomita, D.D.S. Mid-Pacific Air li nes. I mentioned to another flight Accordingly, the term N inth Is land now Aloha Dental Networking and Train ing Stan S. Askew, D.D.S. attendant that I still lived in Ho no uliuli (in Waipahu refers to the United States. Dr. Drew Ric hards 8689 Moody St. Cypress, CA. 90630 on island of O'ahu). A to urist tapped m e on the Jeffery w, Hadley, D.D,S, 3955 S. Durango Dr. Ste B-3 shoulder and said, "Dear, I think its p ronounced Pines Profess ional Park, Sui te A- 140 Las Vegas, NV 89147 Honolulu." 706·561-9670 39 10 Pecos McLead Th ese business listings are published Las Vegas, NV 8912 1 Ys/and .... And always remember these words o f wisdom Vegas Events Online,net Iree 01 charge with a subscription. 702-454-7695 s DENTAL s~~r~l~ from an old Jewish parable: "Two farmers each Mae Ru sse ll II you 're already a subscriber and 1930 Village Center Cir. 3204 ~c/(J-ltiI9' .. ( ;jJf}(XYlI (!III. •. 7?eutf)u(J6Ic c laimed to own a certain cow. While one pulled on Medved wish to list YOll r business, Las Vegas, NV 89134 its head and the other pulled on its tail, the cow Kent Kahanu or il a listing is incorrect, 1404 South W il cox St. Ste 21 702-279-2956 9750 t"ovington C ross Drive. Suite 100 was m il ked by a lawyer " please contact ' OHANA Magazine, (noor Summerl in Parkwa~' &. Town Ccnl(:r Drive} Castle Rock, CO 80104 Will Hoover 800-762-11 03.

14 O H A NA MA L AKI / A PH ILA 2003 25 ------

Pu blic Se rvice A nnouncement

Non-Fiction lessons of th e 1990s. Unive rsity of Hawai'i Press. o Born in the USA, Frank Ch in. This unique oral o Stars Over Hawai'i, E.H. Bryan, Jr. Presents an hi story presents th e Japanese American sag a as overview of current knowledge about the night sky told by those who lived through it. The heart of his above us and th e vast universe beyond. Petroglyph story is th e tragedy that foll owed th e bombing of Press . . Pearl Harb or, when Japanese Am erican citize ns o Other Oceans, Ph otographs by Wayne Levlll, lost th eir homes and property and were forced into introducti on by Thomas Fa rb er, essays by Bruce A,: internment camps. This shameful epi sode in Carl so n and Frank Stewart. University of Hawal I Ameri can hi story res onates deeply today as we Press. witn ess similar erosions of ci vil rights in th e name o Hawaiian Gardens are to Go to, Clayton and of wa rtime security. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Michele Oslund. A treasury of tropical. plants and Gro up. gard ens. A guide book th at gi ves directions to o Death and Taxes, David C. Larsen. Qu esti ons and gard ens open to th e public on The Big Island , answe rs on wills, trusts, and probate . University of Kaua'i, Maui and O 'ahu. Plant Pics, Duluth, MN . Hawai 'i Press. o Okinawan Diaspora, edited by Ronald Y CDs . Nakasone. Unive rsity of Hawai'i Press. o "Satisfied," Keahiwai, Pacific Hawaii a n MusIC o Tsunami Man, Anthony D. Fredericks. Learning Di stribution. about killer waves with Wa lter Dudley. Unive rsity of o B.E.T. Vol. 3, by B.E.T. , Booklines Hawai 'i. .,' Hawai'i Press. o Cruizin' Wit Da Boyz, Ho'okani. Bookllnes Haw

W~ • Let 's Rock, The Next Generation, Booklines Lynnwood (425) 771 -7629 1/Dw Ofw

' OHA NA MA LA KI ! APE LILA 2003 27 >col1finlled / r0111 page /5 dense forest everybody looks for 'Tommy Guns' (Thompson sub mac hine g un). A handy. close-in fi g hting weapon w ith lots of knockout power from its heavy 45-cali ber s lugs." Doi said.

The fi ghting was from tree-to-tree and ridge-to-ridge. The 442nd fought for yards a t a time through dense woods shro uded with fog a nd ra in. On October 30, 1944, the 442nd c harged " Banzai Hill" and broke-through the German lines to resc ue 2 1 I besieged Texan so ldiers. "We took a lot of losses," said Do i. A German sniper shot a N ise i so ldier right in front of him. His frie nd moving near him was struck in the head and seriouSly wounded. "The snipe r could have picked me off at the same place. Somet i mes I wonder how come I survived:' commented Doi. Sr. Die A rea. Frallet.'. A jlll)(lIIe.I't'-Alllerinllllll{lchillc ~l lII lI e r k l' ('f1.~ hil/l .H' ~r . (/ .l'ight (If (/ Germall. '. IIlIil c()mp o.~ ed eillirdy of j(lI)(III C.~ ( '- AllleriC (/II .~, (lrc IlOldillf.: 1I .1"('('liOI/ (}f IIII' f mlll lille.I·. C(/lI/pallY .. F". 211d BOIII/lilll/. 4-12"d R('f.:imClllal COlllb(// I t.'IIIII. NOl 'i'mbt'r 13. 19-14. A her the allack. Compani es I, K. a ncl L. were down to less than 20 men each from 200 per company when at "full stre ngth ." This is a "very foolhardy action" comme nted Nunotani. If Only a hand fu l of Nise i that were still able to walk made the Bush administrati o n goes in to get Hussein they w ill co ntac t with the Lost Battalion. have to fight the w hole country. Some times the U.S. is like a bully in the world . tryi ng to impose it s own way of li fe " I d id not witness the first CO ntact that was made by our onto other c ultures:' rifl emen bu t I did see several 36th Di visio n fellows c raw ling out o f their deep foxholes. Bearded and " I went through it (war). being bombed and shell ed. These be wilde red. they greeted us w ith del ight and re li ef:' noted politicians g lo rify war but th ey are not the ones (that are) I to. "Say in g we we re thrilled is a n understate me nt:' goin g. War should be a last resort. Lots of c ivilians. comme nt ed Hi gg in s . innocent peopl e would be killed in Iraq." Doi fe a red.

A ft e r th e ballie. Gen. Dahlquist ord e red the 442nd to "Pass WW II ve te ran s are passin g o n at an a larming rate . Many in review" (a cere mo nial parade). He asked. " Where are all arc in th eir early 80s. Prell y soon th e re wi ll be very few the me n?" "SO. ~ TY sir. thi s is all we ha ve left:' re plied a Nisei ve ts to te ll the sto ry of the ir he roic days fighting in te m'y-eyed o ffi ce r. The fa mous "Go for Broke" unit the hill s of It aly and France. As thc 442nd passes into leg­ suffe red nea rl y 1000 casualli es: 200 so ldi e rs we re killed in end their story of courage w ill a lways he remcmhered ac ti o n (or mi ~s i n g) with over 800 seri ously wounded. despite th ei r own country di scrimi nated against the m.

N uno ta ni does not know the reason th at the 442nd was (Editor's Note: Burt Take uc hi is a hi storical w ri ter who ~e l et.: t e d for the rescue mi ssion. "There were othe r reoi­ writes about the As ian American e xperi e nce. The -+-l2nd me nts that could have been used . Sometimes war is I~ e 60th Reuniun is in Honolulu o n A pril 3-6. X0 8-9.J9-7997.) be in g u na foutba llteam . You go with the best a nd hope ror / IIIC/Tiell'ees: Shig [)oi, [(ohert Foote. Marty Higgins. th e best. stated Nunotani . The 442nd for it s he ro ic action S U SUI11U Ito, and Wally Nunotan;' in the V() sge~ received fi ve Preside nti al Uni t C it ations. Special l"allk.l: George Oiye, Rudy Tokiwa, National What's th eir o pinion or a U.S. in vasion o f Ira'l " Some or Jal)aneSe American Historical Society. .Ial)anese the vc t ~ comme nt ed th ai they we re against an in v a ~ io n American Resource Cenler, and And)' Ono (442nd hccau..;c the Bu sh admini:-. tration 's objecti ves arc not c lear. historian).

28 O HANA .. Pu1u a la Keeps an Spewing Lava

u·u 0·0 on Ihe Bi 2 Isla nd has crealed new black sand P beac hes and a n ever-changing coastline since It first Spamguine Salad Spam Quiche bega n erupling on Ja n. 3. 1983. As Ki lauea's 551h eruPl ive Z packages litlguitle tloodles 9 itlch u~baked pie shell episode. i ts th e most voluminous out-pouring of lava on I bottle Tropics or other bratld Orietltal dressitlg I cup half e- half Ihe volcano·s e a sl rifl zo ne in Ihe pas I 600 years, 3 to 4- slices MOllterey Jack cheese a ccordi ng to the U .S. G eolog ical S urvey Hawaiian Z mediul\\ cucul\\bers, I tblsp. flour Volc ano Observalory. cut itl half letlgthwise, seeded atld sliced thitl I cup ch. fresh spillach Va ri o ll s e ruptions duri ng thi s pe riod have caused lava to Z packages il\\itatiotl crab, shredded lIZ call Spal\\, diced fille flow dow n d iffe rent s lopes. providing a marvelous I catl Spal\\, sliced thitl I cup sliced fresh lIIushroollls speclacle fo r Ihose w illing 10 Irek several miles in Ihe 3/-4 bottle tlori furikake I cup shredded cheddar cheese Hawaiia n night. 4- eggs, beatell It has th us far buried 43 ac res. destroying mostl y 8reak noodles in half and boil 7-9 lIIitlutes. 4- slices baco~, fried , drai~ed alld chopped vegelati o n. inc luding so me rainforest that was habitat to Rinse, drain and place in large bowl. liZ tsp salt rare bi rds o n its journey to the ocean. T he lava fl ow has Add dressing and I\\ix well. Place slices of cheese 011 the bottolll of pie shell. al so inc ine ra ted a lmost 200 stru ctures. mostl y homes. lOSS itl remaining ingredients. Sprillkle a layer of spillach, thell lIIushroollls over cheese. Lava a lso destroyed the sma ll town of Kalapana and its Cover and refrigerate I hour. Serves ZOo COlllbi~e eggs, salt half e- half alld flou r. fa mous B lack SancI Beach a nd Queen's Balh. a pond Ih al Pour over spillach alld lIIushroollls. was c o nstan tl y heated fro111 the molte n lava be neath. T he ~orene Rodrigues, first prize in Hawaii's entry in Natiollal ~aye r Spall\, thell cheddar o~ top, sprillkle bacoll over all. bath. accordi ng to Hawaii an legend. was used o nl y by 6est Spal\\ Kecipe COlllpetition. ~ake 350 degrees 30 lIIillutes. royall y. Anelle Onishi, secolld prize ill Hawaii's elltry i ~ Natiollal If you have a great reCipe, send it to 'OHANA Magazine ~est Spalll Kecipe COlli petitio II.

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,II O H A NA MALAKI / APELIL A 2003 31 ------

ri g ht with God." he cannot com e into the prese nc e of by Jim A1cGl/ire. PaslOr God. Furthe rmore, Anyone w h o has faced the challenges of move by taking the time to learn their the Bible states that mov ing t o or from Hawai'i knows how difficult customer's needs and wants, then tailoring "For I delivered 1/nto y01/ first of all that which I also the e nd result of sin and expensive it can be. Movers Pak-Man, the service so the costs meet the customer's received, how tilat Christ died for O1/r sins according to is a lways de ath, not family-owned and operated w ith 25 years budget. Shippe rs also save with the Hawai'i the scriptures; alld that he was buried, alld that he rose physical death , but experience, establi shed the Ha w ai' i Express Express program because many national again the third day according to the SC:J'iptllres." e te rnal de ath, Moving Program 15 years ago to specialize in m oving companies use its services. Co rinthians 15:3-4 e te rnal separation moving people between the 50th State and Movers Pak-Man has facilities in MauL HI, Las the mainland. Jesli s Christ "died fo r our sins;' a nd "rose again the thi rd for the ho ly and Vegas, NV, and Seattle, WA to help their day." ri g hte ous God. When the Haw ai'i Express Program start ed , it headquarters in Oakland, CA provide service De ath is the only was o nly a f ew shippers w ho spilled over from to all shipments. Movers Pak-Man's trucking T he re have been millions o f people w ho have sacrificed atoneme nt for si n . Matson w hen they fo und their sh ipments division also works to economically move the ir lives for o th e rs. We ofte n hear of heroi c me n and When Jesus Christ were too small for a containe r or realized the shipments anywhere in the United States. wome n w ho have w illingly di ed for othe rs. The unique ness sacrificed Hi s li fe . difficulty to make a ll the arrangements by Hotels, restaurants and logistiC companies in the execution o f Jesus C h ri st is not that He was an themselves. Some cam e w ith a truckload of He paid the price of also use Hawai'i Express. It has proven many innoce nt m an or that H e died for oth ers. b o xe s, others call ed w ith a home full of sin. In Hi s de ath s in was a to ne d. the pric e w as paid. times over that everyone can be sure that T he uniq ue ness of Jesus Christ's death is the purpose for belongings. Movers Pak-Man' s Hawai'i furniture , fixtures and equipment arrive in the But th e death of Jesus C hrist is o nl y part of the drama. For Hi s death. He sac ri fi ced Hi s life. not only to preserve the Express Division made the ir m oves simple and right place at the right time. in th e de ath o f Je sus C hrist we find not m c re ly the de at h of affordable . life of ot he rs. bu t to preserve the ir eternity. He was the Th e Hawai'i Express Program treats every th e innocent dying for the g uilty. W ith Hi s resurrec ti on on r ig hteous w ho d ied fo r the unrig hteolls. thus preparing the Hawai ' i Express has cust o m -designed c ustomer like 'ohana and ensures that every th e third da y_ ete rnal separation from God was de fe ated. m eans w he re by the un ri g hteo us mig ht be found ri ght eo ll S programs to a c commodate Shipments of all shipment arrives safely. It understands that a He became the li ving sav ior w ho s its at the ri g ht ha nd of sizes; it has moved tens of thousands of be fo re a ho ly and ri ght eous G od . house is not a home until you have your G od in te rceding on the be half o r be li e ve rs . sh ipments and saved c usto mers from precious belongings in place. It guarantees Man cannot come i nto th e presence o f God as long as the re Easte r is the time o f re me mbrance of the pri ce tha t was hundreds to thousands of dollars on m oves. that your move is affordable and succe ssfu l. is s in in hi s life. Si nce "al l have sinned and come short of paid by Jesll s C hrist fo r s in a nd a time of c e le brati o n or the They reduce the expenses of each family's 800-273-3662, or the glory o r G od : " making him unrighteous. mean ing " un - new found hope that is obtai ne d through fai th in Him. ID€4) MOV GTO OR FROM HAWAII? NEVADA COLOR LITHO ., Door to door Service To ., Automobile Shipping e .com ______MORE THAN PRINT ... and From Every Island ., Motorcycle Crating & Shipping A L O H A 'LIFE,ST Y L E ., Full Truckloads or Small FINE QUALITY, Shipments ., Computerized Tracking FULL SERVICE PRINTING ., Weekly Sailings to Any ., Over 300 Agents Worldwide 6 Color Heide lben! Prinlill !.! 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MALAKI / A PELIL A 20 0 3 35