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Special features: leather·wrapped wheel, wood·grain style Detroit News' 2002 Car 01 the Yea r. Mi sce llaneou s: Revamped lor 200 3.A llordable, DEPARTMENTS trim, driver's si de mirror automatically adiusts when the car Miscellaneous: Redesigned in 2002 . with six models rangi ng lrom $13,855 to $15,905. behi nd you has its brightson. A LOHA FROM SO. CALIFORNIA. .. .. 13 CALENDAR ............ , .. , . , ... 21 CLASSIFIED . ...... ...... .. .. .. .. 22 EDITOR'S NOTES ..... ... ... ... .. ... 4 GAMING .. ...... .... ... .. .. ....... 25 2003 TOYOTA MATRIX 2002 TOYOTA SEOUOIA 2002 TOYOTA TUNDRA ISLAND HOPPiNG ... ...... .... 10 LV POTPOURRI .... .. ... .. .. ' .. 16 Transmiss ion: Au tom atic or live and six·speed manual. Engine: 240 horsepower Uliter DDHC 32 ·valve En gine: 245 horsepower 47-l iter OOH CifORCr VB . Special features: 115·voit power outlet lor all your gadgets ifO RCf VB. Special abilities: SeMs sixcomlortab lv LETTER S TO THE EDITOR . .. ... · · .12 Definition: It'snot mere Iv another utilitv vehicle.I t'snOl Roo mavailable : full ·size SUV seats eighl. Honors: Insurance Institute lor Highwav Salety's highest MARCH TO LITERACY .. , . .. ... .. 24 simpIV the latest hot rod. It'sno t iust an allordahle se dan. It's Special abilities: [Qually adept on·ro ad as all. overa ll sale tyrating lor Pickups, JO. Power &Associates all 01 the above and then some. mas! appealing lull sizePickup lor the second stralglll year. NINTH I SLAND ... .. .. ... · · 25 ® RECIPES ... .... .................... 31 IN THE VALLEY AUTO M ALL APR 20: EASTER, ROO/ay 566-2000 A DAY TO REVERE ........ .. ... 32 www.findfaytoyota.com TOYOTA M AL AKI ! A PE LILA 2003 3 A Note from the Editor MEL O ZEKI. PH.D. __~ ~~Vancouver, Canada I've come to the conclus ion that VO LUME 7 ISS UE ~ Mar/A pr 0 3 every year we he ar the same trite Publisher I Editor Mel Ozeki , Ph.D. s tatements s uch a s a re "We have to do more w ith less:' "" Thi s las Vegas [email protected] year's budget w ill be a n au s te re ~' I a n aging EdilOr Emily Ozeki o ne," o r "The re's no fat in the ~ Phoenix [email protected] budget; it 's bare- bo ncs:' T hese and s imilar s tate ments, ~~~~~~~~u:r~ba;nk Art Di rector I Design Cindy Temple through the decades, arc li ke c a lling ""wo lf:' Everybody's complacen t or too busy tryi ng tu keep the ir own affairs in cindy@cbgrfx .com order that there is almost no lime le ft fo r things o uts ide of Marketing a family's kit/eOI/O (jurisdic tion or responsibilily), If Suzan ne Aguiar (Kaua' i) 808-651-1251 everyone in A m erica adopte d Scott ish politic al economist Va nce Cannon (Las Vegas) 702-892-8111 and phi losophe r Adam Smith ' s adage nearl y 200 years ago to practice " the law o f the inv is ible hand:' we'd even­ tually a ll be okay. In essencc, if everyone d id w hat was Hawaiian Accounting Linda Temple best for self and family, the orde r or soc ie ty as a whole Islands woul d become bette r-orr. Photography Brian lanisIPhototechnik • Don' t be s urpri sed if the sou nd of c langing coi ns o r Las phototcchnik.com Vegas' s lo t machines evo lve m o rc to a sl ip o f paper when Kwajalein you "eas h o ut." We found that to he the c a se in the twO Film Output I Printer Nevada Color Litho newest casinos th a t wc were in vi tc d to preview - The Majuro Cannery in north Las Vegas and the Tuscany, jus t east of Atoll Ball y's o n Flamingo. S imil a rl y, those "penny s lo ts" arc Christmas Web site: ohanamagazine.com bet in pennies, but you d o n't feed penn ies into the s lo t - Island 'OI'IANA (fami/y)® Magazine (lSSN 1090-5 189) ror on ly paper money. The n w he n you've completed your March/Apri l 2003. Publi shed hi-monthly (six session, cas h o ut w ith a c redi t s lip tha t you redeem at the Rarotonga timeslyci.lr) by 'OHANA . 2485 W. Wigwa m Avc. # 112 cashier's cage. The re's als o a "change mac hine" at The Las Vegas, NV 89 123-1 684. Ph 702-434-0544: Fax C alifornia - dump your pai l o f coins into the counter ilnd 702-435-856 1. Periodi cals postage paid at Las Vegas. it converts the coin s into paper. send ing it o ut like an ATM NY. Entric!<. abo in Honolulu, HI. POSTMASTER: w ith the fraction o f dol lar re turned a s c ha nge. Welcome to Pl ca~e ~c nd addrc!'.s changes to 'OHANA . P.O. Box the age of improved techno logy ! 2309 10, La s Vegas, NV 89 123-00 16, SUIlSCRIP­ • We presented a li s t of local resta urants that we know of TION: A nnu al suh!'.cription is $25 mainland US: $27 that serve is land food s a nd tas tes in Las Vegas. We knoW \-l awa ii . Pel'!'.ollal check or money order. All change of th at th e li s t doesn' t in c lude all e ate ri es. We don't know add rc!'.!'.e!<. must be received by lan. 15, March 15, etc. the m a ll. but also. at least onc did not rcspo nd bilCk. Fly one of Aloha Air li nes'" daily non-stop flights to Hawa i'i from Oakland, Orange County, Bu rbank and Vancouver, Canada , New ... ubscript ion requests after Periodi cal mai li ng in Neverthe less. please le ll us of ot hers that were no t li sted January. Marth. etc. will geL first magazine about 60 and you'll experience th e convenience of uncongested airports wi th quick, easy access to you r final destination. Aloha also so we can ma intain a comprehc ns ive li s t. In the sa me day ... later. unl c~!>. add iti onal $3 fo r first-das!>. pu!>.tage breath. pl e ase te ll us Df a ll hO'olaulc 'a hy March .5 so it's provides equally convenient, dai ly di rect service from La s Vegas and Phoenix. And once in Hawai'i, we offer conven ie nt .,e n!. FiN had i.,.., ue. $5: additional copie!'.. $3 cacho in cl us ive. service throughout the Islands . In fact, there's no need to end your island-hopping here because we al so fly to Rarotonga and • We certai nl y c nj oycd oll r v i:-. it to the Big Is land in other Pacific destinations, Decemhe r. A!-. o n each previou .... t rip. there is no p lace on the planet like I--{;.I\-vai · j - thc pe ople. p laces, hi s tory. cultu re, te mperate climate - iJl"L' no 1\(1 oi ( the hest. tops). Of course, no matter where you fly with us, you'll enjoy a choice of United Mileage Plus'" or Aloh aPa ss" miles. And a level of You can. indeed . tahe me lIu t III' Haw ai'i hut you' ll never service that's second to none , take I-lawai' i out of I11 L' ~ For reservations , call your travel agent or Aloha Ai rlines toll-free at Me Ke(/I"",, I'I/I/wlllll/" 11d Okh. 1-877-TRY-ALOHA {1-877-879-25641, Or visit www.alohaairlines.com. Spread a /irrl e Aloha amulld tht' world.
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