The Roman Missal the Liturgy of the Hours the Roman Ritual the Roman Pontifical

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The Roman Missal the Liturgy of the Hours the Roman Ritual the Roman Pontifical 34 ___________________________________________________________________________ Library of Ritual Texts for the Roman Rite ________________________________________________________________ The Roman Missal The Liturgy of the Hours The Roman Ritual The Roman Pontifical Books approved for use in the Dioceses of the United States of America Revised June 2014 THE ROMAN MISSAL – [RM] GENERAL TEXTS RELATING TO ALL EDITIONS OF THE ROMAN MISSAL (See GIRM, no. 352, on pastoral effectiveness and organization of Mass texts) • General Instruction of the Roman Missal – [GIRM] • Universal Norms for the Liturgical Year and the General Roman Calendar – [UNLYC] • General Roman Calendar • Proper Calendar for the Dioceses of the United States of America – USCCB, annual • Particular Calendars (also known as, Ordo or Order of Prayer) Complementary volumes: • The Order of Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours and Celebration of the Eucharist – [Ordo] No. 5, for the Dioceses of Belleville, Peoria, Springfield in Illinois – annual, Paulist Press • Liturgical Calendar for the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois: Year of Grace – annual • The Year of Grace – LTP, annual A. THE READINGS • Lectionary for Mass, second typical edition – [LM] Sundays, 1998, and Weekdays, 2001 Decrees © 2014, 2012, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, Eliot Kapitan Introduction Principle CeleBrations of the Liturgical Year Order of the Second Reading for Sundays in Ordinary Time Texts o Volume I: Sundays, Solemnities, Feasts of the Lord and the Saints o Volume II: Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year I; Proper of Saints, Common of Saints o Volume III: Proper of Seasons for Weekdays, Year II; Proper of Saints, Common of Saints o Volume IV: Common of Saints; Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, Votive Masses, and Masses for the Dead • Book of the Gospels, second typical edition – [BG] 2000 Decrees Introduction Principle CeleBrations of the Liturgical Year Texts • Lectionary for Masses with Children – [LMC] 1992 Decrees and Foreword Introduction Texts NB: Second edition approved By the USCCB, awaiting recognition By the Apostolic See B. THE PRAYERS • Roman Missal, third typical edition – [RM] 2011 Decrees PAUL VI, Apostolic Constitution, promulgating the new Roman Missal – 1969 General Instruction of the Roman Missal – [GIRM] amended 2010 – includes within the adaptations for the USA Norms for the DistriBution and Reception of Communion under Both Kinds in the Dioceses of the United States of America – [NDRHC] 2001, emended 2003 and 2010 PAUL VI, Apostolic Letter issued Motu Proprio [on his own accord], approval of the universal norms on the liturgical year and the new General Roman calendar – 1969, amended 2010 Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the General Roman Calendar – [UNLYC] 1969, amended 2010 • TaBle of Liturgical Days o See also Ceremonial of Bishops, Appendix III: TaBle of RuBrics Governing Ritual Masses, ________________________________________________________ LiBrary of Ritual Texts for the Roman Rite – page 2 Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, and Massed for the Dead General Roman Calendar [including the Proper Calendar for the Dioceses of the USA] Special Days of Prayer for the Dioceses of the USA TaBle of Principal CeleBrations of the Liturgical Year Ritual texts o Not part of the RM3 2011, to Be reissued as a separate volume for use with the Missal: Directory for Masses with Children – [DMC] 1973 Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children, interim edition 2011 Complementary volumes: • USCCB, BCL. Introduction to the Order of Mass: A Pastoral Resource of the Bishops’ Committee on the Liturgy. Pastoral Liturgy Series 1 – 2003 • USCCB. Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship – 2007 C. THE LITURGICAL SONGS • Graduale Simplex (Simple Gradual) – 1968; editio typica altera, 1975 • Graduale Romanum (Roman Gradual) – 1972 • Liber Hymnarius –1983 • Liber Cantualis –1983 • Iubilate Deo – 1986 • Song Books and music approved for use OTHER • Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary – 1992, revised and reissued in 2012 Volume 1: Sacramentary Volume 2: Lectionary o NB: some of these texts are in the RM, some are not • Spanish editions for USA of Leccionario with mandatory use 24 May 2015 and Misal Romano, Tercera Edición will follow. Forthcoming texts: Roman Martyrology – Martyrologium Romanum, editio altera, 2004 Ceremonial for Parish Churches ________________________________________________________ LiBrary of Ritual Texts for the Roman Rite – page 3 THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS – [LH] • The Liturgy of the Hours – [LH] 1975 (puBlished 1976) o Four volumes containing the complete ritual text. PAUL VI, Apostolic Constitution, promulgating the revised Book of the liturgy of the hours – 1970 General Instruction of The Liturgy of the Hours [GILH] – 1971 TaBle of Liturgical Days Principal CeleBrations of the Liturgical Year General Roman Calendar Proper Calendar for the Dioceses of the United States of America • Christian Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours – 1976 o One volume containing Morning Prayer, Daytime Prayer selections, Evening Prayer, Night Prayer, Office of Readings selections • Shorter Christian Prayer: The Four-Week Psalter of the Liturgy of the Hours Containing Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer – 1988 • The Liturgy of the Hours Supplement – 1992 o Feast and memorials added the General Roman Calendar and the Proper Calendar for the Dioceses of the United States of America • Daytime Prayer: The Liturgy of the Hours –– 2007 o One volume containing Midday Prayer, Midmorning Prayer, and Midafternoon Prayer ________________________________________________________ LiBrary of Ritual Texts for the Roman Rite – page 4 THE ROMAN RITUAL [RR] • Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – [RCIA] 1988 • Rito de la Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos – 1991 Decrees and Forward Christian Initiation, General Introduction [CIGI] Introduction Ritual texts National Statutes for the Catechumenate – [NSC or NSUSA] • Rite of Baptism for Children – [RBC] 1970, 2004 with revised LM • Ritual para el Bautismo de los Niños, segunda edición típica - 2009 Decree Christian Initiation, General Introduction [CIGI] Introduction Ritual texts • Rite of Marriage – [RMar] 1970 • Ritual del Matrimonio, segunda edición típica – 2010 Decree Introduction Ritual texts • Latin second typical edition – 1990 • Order of Christian Funerals – [OCF] 1989 • Ritual de Exequias Cristianas – 2001 Decrees and Editorial Note General Introduction Ritual texts OCF Appendix, Cremation with Reflections on the Body, Cremation, and Catholic Funeral Rites By the Committee on the Liturgy – 1997 • Rite of Penance – [RPen] 1975, 2010 with revised Lectionary from LM Decree Introduction Ritual texts • Pastoral Care of the Sick: Rites of Anointing and Viaticum – [PCS] 1983 Decrees and Foreword PAUL VI, Apostolic Constitution, on the sacrament of anointing of the sick – 1972 General Introduction Ritual texts ________________________________________________________ LiBrary of Ritual Texts for the Roman Rite – page 5 • Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist outside Mass – [HCWEOM] 1976 Decree General Introduction Ritual texts Complementary volumes: • Order for the Solemn Exposition of the Holy Eucharist – [OSEHE] USA 1993 o How to Use this Book o Introductions o Ritual texts • Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest / Celebraciones Dominicales en la Ausencia de un Presbítero – [SCAP] USA, revised 2007 o Decree and Foreword o Introduction o Ritual Texts • Rite of Religious Profession – [RRP] 1989 Decree and Foreword Introduction Ritual texts • Book of Blessings – [BB] 1989 Decrees and Foreword General Introduction Ritual texts Complementary volumes: • Shorter Book of Blessings – 1990; an aBridged form of BB with most of the Blessings for outside Mass • Apostolic Penitentiary, Manual of Indulgences – 2006 • USCC, Catholic Household Blessings & Prayers – 1988 o USCCB, revised edition, 2007. ________________________________________________________ LiBrary of Ritual Texts for the Roman Rite – page 6 THE ROMAN PONTIFICAL [RP] • The Roman Pontifical, Part I – [RP] 1978 o Parts I-IV replaced By the 2012 edition except for: o Appendix IV: Reception of the Bishop in the Cathedral Church o Appendix V: Blessing of Pontifical Insignia • The Roman Pontifical, in Accord with The Roman Missal, Third Typical Edition – [RP] 2012 o Rites of Ordination of a Bishop, of Priest, and of Deacons PAUL VI, Apostolic Constitution – 1968 General Introduction Ritual texts Appendix: Hymns; Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Holy Orders o The Institution of Readers and Acolytes PAUL VI, Apostolic Letters issued Motu Proprio – 1972 Ritual texts o The Blessings of Abbots and Abbesses Ritual texts o The Consecration of Virgins Introduction Ritual texts o The Rite of Confirmation –1977 PAUL VI, Apostolic Constitution – 1971 Introduction Ritual texts o The Rite for the Blessing of Oils and the Consecration of Chrism Introduction Ritual text • Rite of Confirmation / Ritual para la Confirmación – 2006 Contents as aBove except no appendix of presidential prayers • Dedication of a Church and an Altar – [DCA] revised 1989 Decree Ritual texts OTHER OFFICIAL BOOKS • Ceremonial of Bishops – [CB] 1989 Decree and Preface Texts ________________________________________________________ LiBrary of Ritual Texts for the Roman Rite – page 7 LITURGICAL DOCUMENTS • The Code of Canon Law – [CCL] Latin 1983; new English translation 1998 • Documents on the Liturgy, 1963-1979: Conciliar,
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