HBW - Sumérgete en el español todo el verano 2020

Aquí hay algunas ideas divertidas para practicar el español durante el verano:

⮚ Watch movies in Spanish: Either check out age appropriate videos from Netflix or other platforms or play your favorite DVDs with the Spanish sound track on! ⮚ Read articles and watch videos: Use the resources on the following pages. ⮚ Follow the Spanish language activities, songs and news of the amazing website of Zachary Jones at http://zachary-jones.com/zambombazo/ ⮚ Practice with one of these great online resources! o http://www.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/index.php o http://www.drlemon.com/Grammar101.html o http://www.bowdoin.edu/~eyepes/gramex_ats.htm o https://conjuguemos.com/ ⮚ Use Kahoot, Quizlet online or Duolingo or similar apps on your device to practice or add to your vocabulary! ⮚ Switch your cell phone settings to Spanish for the summer! It is fun and will help you every day to think a bit in Spanish. GPS in Spanish will sharpen your listening skills and remind you how commands work! ⮚ Listen to music: Look up a favorite Spanish language group or singer’s website and listen to music, create a playlist of new songs, learn the lyrics – there are so many fantastic musicians, singers, groups to discover! ⮚ Watch TEDTalks in Spanish. Go tohttps://www.ted.com/about/programs-initiatives/ted-en-espanol and find great topics to discover and strengthen your language skills at the same time! ⮚ Find a great podcast to enjoy and strengthen your Spanish: try one like Radio Ambulante at https://radioambulante.org/ or one of recommended sites below in the resource list!

⮚ Check out Spanish language children’s books from the local library! There are many wonderful books just waiting to be read! ⮚ Volunteer with your church, temple, place of worship or local community service organization. Service learning is mutually beneficial to you and your community!

Recursos para el trabajo del verano de las actualidades y para escuchar en general: The following are resources for reading and listening to current events in Spanish speaking communities as well as for general listening practice in Spanish:

Authentic Reading Resources: Here are some ideas – but there are many more resources available. You may use whatever site you want - but the site and the content of the site must be appropriate for you as high school students. http://www.diario.com.mx (México) www.laopinion.com (Los Angeles, CA) www.eldiario.net (Bolivia) http://www.laprensa.com.ar/ (Argentina) http://www.laprensa.com.ni/ (Nicaragua) http://www.prensalibre.com (Guatemala) http://www.prensalibre.co.cr/ (Costa Rica) www.nacion.com (Costa Rica) www.bbcmundo.com www.elmundo.es (España) http://www.rtve.es/ (España) https://digital.elmercurio.com/2020/06/02/A (Chile)

Authentic Listening Resources/ Radio Sources: Here are some ideas – but there are many more resources available. You may use whatever site you choose- but the site and the content of the site must be appropriate for you as high school students. (OJO – some sites listed below may have changed and may no longer be active): http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/spanish/programmes/programmes_2/?focuswin -- BBC programs http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/spanish/programmes/estudio_834/ --BBC Estudio 834 Unas entrevistas muy interesantes con autores, artistas de países hispanohablantes http://cnnespanol.cnn.com/ http://noticias.univision.com/ www.rtve.es (España) http://www.univision.com http://audio.urcm.net/ Spanish Audio Gazette http://lab.chass.utoronto.ca/rescentre/spanish/ - puedes escuchar acentos diferentes de países hispanohablantes http://www.un.org/radio/es/ Radio Naciones Unidas Radio Mitre () www.tve.es Live and archived radio from on six different stations. www.cadenaser.com Live and archived radio from Spain. www.elcastellano.org/radios.html A very complete list of Spanish Language radio stations indexed by country. www.comfm.com Links to thousands of radio and television stations from around the world. http://www.audiria.com/ - Language learning site – listening activities! http://www.laits.utexas.edu/spe/sup10.html - University of site with much to listen to! https://radiolingua.com/category/shows/coffee-break-spanish/ - Some materials are free. https://www.notesinspanish.com/ -Real Spanish conversations about real-life topics. http://www.podcastsinspanish.org/index.shtml - All podcasts are free to language learners and teachers. http://www.rtve.es/alacarta/programas/rne/todos/1/ Vast archive of TV and Radio programs from Spain https://radioambulante.org/ - Podcast of amazing human interest stories in Spanish

Authentic TV Sources: Here are some ideas – but there are many more resources available. You may use whatever site you choose- but the site and the content of the site must be appropriate for you as high school students.

Univision – las noticias: http://noticias.univision.com/ Live and archived television from Spain www.tve.es Television from Spain : www.rtve.es CNN en español: http://cnnespanol.cnn.com/ : http://www.telemundochicago.com/index.html TV Azteca: http://www.tvazteca.com/ Canal 13-la Argentina: http://www.eltrecetv.com.ar/ Teleamazonas: http://www.teleamazonas.com/ Noticieros : http://www.televisa.com/programas/noticieros-y-analisis/ CNN en México: http://mexico.cnn.com/

Y por fin - ¡Disfruten mucho del verano! Hemos tenido un año bastante raro pero sé que muchas aventuras positivas e increíbles nos esperan en el año que viene. ¡Saludos a todos y que tengan un verano tranquilo, sano y divertido!