Osteopathic Truth July 1919 Vol. 3, No. 12

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Osteopathic Truth July 1919 Vol. 3, No. 12 Osteopathic Truth July 1919 Vol. 3, No. 12 Reproduced with a gift from the Advocates for the American Osteopathic Association (AAOA Special Projects Fund) May not be reproduced in any format without the permission of the Museum of Osteopathic Medicine,SM ~ateopathtc (truth • A MONTHLY MAGAZINE FOR THE OSTEOPATHIC PROFESSION Pledged to the TRUTH which Father Andrew saw" No favor sways us, and no fear shall awe. Volume III JULY, 1919 Number 12 Judge Orrin N. Carter Says- "Deliver the Goods" Hon. Orrin N. Carter, Judge of the he do for Infantile Paralysis, and twen­ The Law and Our Needs Supreme Court of the State of lIJinois, ty-five or thirty other conditions? Judge Carter brought out another was the chief speaker at the annual Are we becoming opinionated? point. He said "the glory of our coun­ banquet of the American Osteopathic try has always been to fit the laws to Xo individual connected with "OSTE­ Association, and his subject was apro­ our needs." Therefore, as we educate OPATHIC TRUTH" is advocating any­ pos: "Osteopathy and the La\v." the public through our deeds and other­ thing more than what Dr. Andrew Tay­ Every, osteopathic physician should wise we teach them our needs, and with lor Still elaims each and everyone of. have heard this one speech. Judge Car­ the needs recognized by the people it us can do with Osteopathy. 'i~Te are ter is a believer in Osteopathy, and his won't be long before the law wiII be not asking for laws which will confer family and he are treated when neces­ made to fit those needs. more rights than Dr. Still would have sary. He also stated that all of the "Work Out Your Own Salvation" us possess. \Ye do not for a minute judges of the • upreme Court or their Judge Carter says, "Work out your think we know it all, but we do believe families have been cared for osteopath­ own salvation, for it is the keynote of that Dr. Still knew what he wanted to ically. advancement and success." be included in the practice of Osteop­ Deliver the Goods athy better than any other person on \Vork out our own salvation means In speaking of the' laws governing Os­ the face of the earth today. first to arrive at a single standard for teopathy or the laws we would here­ all members of our profession. after seek, he intimated that we would We of "OSTEOPATHIC TRUTH" are The Board of Trustees of the A. O. A. have little trouble in securing what we merely trying to keep our profession voted as being against the "Unlimited wished if we but followed this simple from becoming opinionated to the ex­ License." Since the Bo~rd of Trustees axiom: "Success in the world depends tent that no one else knows a thing, is our highest executive body let every upon the individual delivering the and leading on to what happened here member abide by their decision and stop goods." a few days ago. Two M. D.'s (those quibbling, but put their shoulder to the The Judge meant that we should in­ that some of us would emulate) took wheel and get Osteopathy somewhere. dividually, each and everyone, deliver a woman patilmt to the hospital for an The 'vote against "unlimited license" the goods alike. He did not include the operation. Uterian tumor was the diag­ means no drugs. Judge Carter says that slightest deviation to drugs given with nosis. The abdomen was opened and a our success depends upon the individual an object of cure. seven months' baby (fetus is the cor­ delivering the goods. Let each individ­ "The great trouble," said Judge Car­ rect term) was doing its best to be­ ual deliver real Osteopathy during the ter, "in the world today is due to indi­ come a child in two months. They coming year, and at the end of the year viduals becoming opinionated- they sewed the incision, and the woman will take inventory to see what has been think they know it alL" be retmned home in a short time to gained for our profession. There is no reason under the shining await developments. "Work out your own salvation" cer­ un why we as osteopathic physicians Ycs, we agree with you, they should tainly puts it squarely up to us to set should try to make the \vorld think we have known better-but they did not. a single standard for all, and when we know it all through the addition of the Those doctors did not deliver the have that single standard advancement right to give any drug, chemical com­ goods, and the people today are looking will be a natural consequence. Is there pound, tincture, powder, pill, elixir, or for the D. O. to develop into something a better single standard than Dr. Still's what-not for the five or six things some better than a mere dollar chaser. They platform? of us say we cannot reach with our ten are looking for the development of a Judge Carter concluded with the fingerS. Have we ever figured what the real physician. Will we live up to the thought that the great American spirit M. D. cannot reach without Osteopathy world's expectations or let the M. D. of today will help us solve our prob­ -which he does not possess. 'iVhat can drag us down? lems. Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO OSTEOPATHIC TRUTH The Banquet The annual bl!-nquet was presided Col. Davis attributes the intelligence, pens and.Hot other weapons. He states over by Dr. H. H. Fryette, the Presi­ courage, and resourcefulness of the that America won the war, and in glow­ dent, who first introduced the President­ American soldier as the characteristics ing terms told of the marvelous prowess elect, Dr. Hugh Conklin of Battle Creek, which make him the best. of our soldiers. and then the toastmaster, Mr. Perry S. Judge Carter was the next speaker. :Mr. Gibbons said that the hyphe­ Patterson. The last speaker was Floyd Gibbons, Hated American reminded him of the Mr. Patterson, with fitting remarks, war correspondent for the Chicago Trib­ introduced Col. Abel Davis, who has re­ minus sign? and that hyphenated Ameri­ une. Mr. Pattersol~ paid him a tribute cently returned .from li1·ance. Col. Davis cans were minus Aluericans. paid a very high tribute to the Ameri­ for his courage to "go ovcr the top" for can soldier in saying tllat they made a the news first hand. better contribution to the war than any Mr. Gibbons stated that the Germans Hyphenated Ostcopathic physici'ans other soldier .in France. have at last reached Paris, but with are minus Osteopathic physicians. 1919-Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Convention-1919 Held at Chicago College of Osteopathy There were about 250 members at­ dy did a cataract operation, sub-mucous .formed by Drs. Ruddy and Deason and a tending the program which lasted from resection and a number of tonsi I cases, number of toasts by prominent physi­ June 23rd to 27th inclusive. It was using his own anesthetie--nodolar. cians helped to make it a very enjoyable divided into morning a.nd afternoon ses­ Tn the afternoon, papers were read. evening. Dr. Deason was the toastmas­ sions. Thcse brought forth very lively qiscus­ ter. The dinner was followed by danc­ In the a. m. there were many examina­ siuns and contentions in the way of ing with the best orchestra available in tions of clinic cases and a large number an Open Foru!l1. the city. of surgical cases were handled. Those The Annual Banquet, held at the Chi­ \vho performed them were: Drs. Ruddy, cago Beach Hotel, was a "rip-roaring" Dr. Larrimore was elected president Larrimore. Moore, Scmones, Lynd, Mar­ success. There were about 200 members fIJI' the enSiling year to take the place shall, Deason and Goodfellow. Dr. Rud- present. A clairvoyant stunt was per- of Dr. Deason, the retiring president. Museum of Osteopathic Medicine, Kirksville, MO OSTEOPATHIC TRUTH 195 Every D. O. Invited to PUBLICITY A. L. Evans, D.O., Miami, Fia. "Brush Up and Cool Off" The wise old saw which says tlult a Third Annual Rocky Mountain Osteopathic Conference lie will travel a league while truth is putting on its boots finds exemplification in two recent instances. Not so very long ago the lay press of "Brush Up and Cool Otf"-Boulder, trip and will extend their visit several the country heralded from one end of the Colo., August 4th°to 8th Inclusive weeks spending the time in the moun­ land to the other the rather spectacular tains about Boulder and other parts of cure of a case of blindness by a physi­ cian in IYashington, D. C. The lie in this The tremendous success of last year's the State. Last year many of the statement was none the less effective be­ Rocky Mountain Osteopathic Conference yisitors expressed themselves as having cause it insidiously withheld a vital part held at Colorltdo Springs during the first contracted the "Colorado habit"; it is of the truth. Many of the papers and week in August,o has encouraged those the best hot weather habit we know. During the week of the meeting the some of the magazines stated that the who have this °years' meeting in charge cure was performed by a "IYashington program is to be held during the af~er­ to make bigger preparations than ever. specialist." The whole truth was, and oit noon, the morning is to be devoted to Next to the national meeting, this meet­ would have been of immense advantage recreation and sightseeing.
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