Laurie R. King | 358 pages | 24 Jun 2013 | ALLISON & BUSBY | 9780749013776 | English | London, United Kingdom GARMENT OF SHADOWS

I'm tired of amnesia as a plot device, and if she asked herself one more pointless question "Who am I? I particularly enjoyed how the idea and smell Garment of Shadows Bees follows her around and she's like, "Why is my messed up brain obsessed with the little blighters? More by Jess Kidd. Still, we see that he does truly care for Russell, even though he is not a publicly demonstrative person. Return to Book Page. Readers who begin with Garment of Shadows cannot help being confused and disappointed. The mystery was really good, I hadn't even guessed most of it and the whole part about Russell losing her memories was actually well handled. Overhead, warplanes pass ominously north. It was a solid Garment of Shadows As Death Draws Near. To ask other readers Garment of Shadows about Garment of Shadowsplease sign up. Although this is a stand- alone novel, it would have been better to have read the two prior mysteries first to get Garment of Shadows with some of the other characters. Mary Russell and Sh I started out loving this series. While I appreciate some history, several pages of exposition regarding the Rif Revolt, M. Page Count: Publisher: Bantam. Just a Garment of Shadows while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Honestly, I was confused a few times about the polical interplay between all the feuding countires. Read it. Garment of Shadows Holmes is reunited with her, they become involved in some international intrigue during the s Moroccan independence movement. I love the conceit in King's books that Russell is their author and King merely the editor. And the descriptions It's taken me a while to get over my disappointment with that particular offering. All of Laurie R King's books are good. Holmes is, again, quite impeccable. As the tale begins, however, Russell awakens from what was pretty clearly her abduction with no idea of where or who she is. Balancing them all within the narrative of her intrigue-minded characters kept m This proved a Mary Russell novel of top caliber. Other Editions More by Laurie R. As a Garment of Shadows note, I can't tell you who I'm talking about because I have no idea how to spell his name. Shelves: favoritesthe-shelf-of-awesomenessawesome-heroinesmysterysherlock- holmessherlock-holmes-pastichehistorical-fiction. A quicker response may be possible via email to info laurierking. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. This book is supposed to be her memoir of their time in Morocco in The history of Morocco and it's tribal factions is tota …more It will stand alone, but I agree that the earlier books add to the richness of the story line. Am I married? I Am Half-Sick of Shadows. Characters: Ah, some Garment of Shadows favorites mixed with new and exciting ones. It had me hooked and not able to foretell how things would play out, no matter how hard I tried. The last Laurie R. Consider the comments on Holmes as "husband material! I was lucky enough to recieve an advanced reader's copy of Garment of Shadows and devoured it in about 3 days! Not my favorite in the series, but, as usual, a solid read. Sign in using your Kirkus account Sign Garment of Shadows Keep me logged in. I had to read it twice jus I wanted to like this book. Mary Russell and are in Morocco, Mary has amnesia and friends from earlier in the series make a reappearance. Enjoy your reading! Too little time; too much to read. Meanwhile, Holmes is pulled by two old friends and a distant relation into the growing war between France, Spain, and the Rif Revolt led Garment of Shadows Emir Abd el-Krim--who may be a Robin Hood or a power mad tribesman. Looking for More Great Reads? Sep 05, Cheryl rated it it was ok. Garment of Shadows: A Novel of Suspense

Send me weekly book recommendations and inside scoop. Dreaming Spies. Out in the hivelike streets, she discovers herself strangely adept in the skills of the underworld, escaping through alleys and rooftops, picking pockets and locks. Sep 04, ISBN It's still a good read - just not the same caliber as her other recent work. Jun 17, Mainon rated it it was ok Shelves: historicalmysteryaudiobooks. Though King builds on what we have been Garment of Shadows by as the consummate detective, King does not ape his style, though she is careful to keep the general personalities of Sherlock Holmes, , Dr. Jun 02, Sheila Samuelson BookAddict29 on youtube rated Garment of Shadows it was amazing. As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust. Mary Russell and Sherlock Garment of Shadows are in Morocco, Garment of Shadows has amnesia and friends from earlier in the series make a reappearance. Sort order. Please note that Laurie checks her Goodreads inbox intermittently, Garment of Shadows it may take some time to receive a reply. Russell doesn't know where Russell is, nor whom for the matter of that. Read more This one was, like the last few have been, very quick. It had a very slow beginning and as I started coming up on the middle of the book, I couldn't take anymore. I keep reading these books because the ones at the beginning were so great hoping for a return to glory but it hasn't happened yet. She has amnesia and bumbles around a lot. While the travelogue is no where close to that Garment of Shadows their sojourn through Palestine, the author uses that time to build up Fez until you swear you can smell the spice and see the honeycomb streets. Defend Garment of Shadows Betray. Enlarge cover. Read it Forward Read it first. Until the last two books, it's been beautifully conceived, plotted, written. The rest of the novel traces how she gets back to Holmes and gradually gets back her memories and how the couple prevent war in Morocco, then a colonial territory under French rule in the south and Spanish rule to the north. Creepy, violent, and propulsive; a standout gothic mystery. This proved a Mary Russell novel of top caliber. While I appreciate some history, several pages of exposition regarding the Rif Revolt, M. Other Garment of Shadows in the series. The shadows Garment of Shadows war are drawing over the ancient city of Fez, and Holmes badly wants the wisdom and courage of his wife, whom he's learned, to his horror, has gone missing. Readers also enjoyed. Garment of Shadows

I can't think of another author who has written as many different kinds of protagonists and set stories in as many different kinds of settings as she has, or who has crossed genre lines as successfully. While not quite rising to the level of the best in the series e. Overhead, warplanes pass ominously north. Contact us: or email customercare kirkus. Other books in the series. Honestly, I was confused a Garment of Shadows times about the polical interplay between all the feuding countires. Download as PDF Printable version. I really did. I finished the book early due to the kind K. She reacts instinctively to avoid capture by a group of soldiers, and wonders how she acquired the knowledge needed to escape. Add to Cart. Too much exposition, too much background - all of it necessary for the plot, and perhaps if the book had been twice as long, with something else actually happening rather than just a lot of talking about the political situation in Morocco in the early s, I wouldn't have minded. Laurie has contests in which a donation to a charity may win you a character name. Cynthia K It will stand alone, but I agree that the earlier books add to the richness of the story line. She has awakened with shadows in her mind, blood on her hands, and soldiers pounding on the door. But the book seemed to have much more "telling" than Laurie usually allows. I rather long for a return to a rainy, English countryside and some mysteries of the more prosaic variety. Garment of Shadows plot is nicely full of twists and turns as the puzzle pieces fall into place. There are so many touches that make one feel they are experiencing Morocco in the s. Hidden categories: Articles needing additional references from August All articles needing additional references All stub articles. I was glad that we actually got to see Holmes' activities while he was away from Russell instead of the previously used "summarization of what happened off-stage", which I always find disappointing and somewhat annoying. Now she just needs to Garment of Shadows out who she is. Review Posted Online: Aug. King Laurie R. King Vi One of the many Garment of Shadows of Garment of Shadows is the historical detail King puts into it. Click here to learn more about this month's sponsor! But I totally recommend the earlier volumes in the series. As a side note, I don't think the machinations of a particular political figure should figure prominently in your plot if that figure is never going to make an appearance and interact with any of your characters. . It also leads to some priceless lines and moments. Open Preview See a Problem? Reader Writer Industry Professional. The skills she has worked to acquire startle her as she discovers them — the slightly sarcastic explanation her hurting brain Garment of Shadows to take all Garment of Shadows them into account is thieving circus performer. Her books have gotten The last Garment of Shadows was a pirate Garment of Shadows, this one is a straight-faced amnesia espionage story. I'm tired of amnesia as a plot device, and if she asked herself one more pointless question "Who am I? War may be coming to Morocco. Inspired by Garment of Shadows Browsing History. In fact, when she awakens in a strange room she does not know where or who she is, having taken a great blow to the head. Jun 17, Mainon rated it it was ok Shelves: historicalmysteryaudiobooks.