Sandra Squire Executive Secretary Public Service Commission of WV 201 Brooks Street P.O. Box 812 Charleston, WV 25323

Re: Case No. 09-0903-T-PC Nexus Communications, Inc. dba TSI

Dear Ms. Squire:

Enclosed for filing in the above-styled matter are the original and twelve copies of the Affidavits of Publication for the following West Virginia newspapers:

(1) The Journal; (2) -Dispatch; (3) Mountain Messenger; (4) The Weirton Daily Times; (5) The Exponent Telegram; (6) The West Virginia Record (7) The Logan Banner; (8) Times West Virginian; (9) Moundsville Daily Echo; (1 0) Point Pleasant Register; (1 1) The Industrial News; (12) Bluefield Daily Telegraph; (13) News Tribune; (1 4) Williamson Daily News; KAUFFELT 8 KAUFFELT

(15) The Dominion Post; (1 6) Wheeling News Register; (1 7) The Register-Herald; (1 8) The Inter-Mountain; and (19) Parkersburg News and Sentinel.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Very truly yours,

ark E. Kauffelt

MEWmmw Enclosures xc: Chris Howard, Esq. Nexus Communications, Inc. PUBLIC SERVICE http$$mvw.reachout COMMISSION

~ OF WEST VIRGINIA Also, carriers seeking CHARLESTON ETC status must offer the supporting services NEXUS required by section COMMUNICATIONS, 214(e)(2). These services INC., doing business as include: voice-grade TSI, a corporation, access to the public Columbus, Ohio. switched telephone Certificate of Publication Petition for consent and I network; local usage; dual approval for Nexus Com- tone multi-frequency munications, dba TSI, to signaling or its functionai be designated an eiigibie equivalent; single party service or its functional This is to certify the annexed advertisement emergency servic Communications, Inc., a , access to operat Nexus Communications services; access interexchange service; Notice access to directory section 214(e)(2) of the assistance service; and Communications Act of toil limitation for qualifying appeared for 1 consecutive days/weeks in The Journal Publishing Company, a news- paper in the City of Martinsburg, WV in it's issue beginning: 12- 16-09 and ending

12-1 6-09

The Journal 207 W. King Street Martinsburg, WV 25 31

Fee($) 81*33


The foregoing imtrxnent was acknowledged before me this,& 1 8 0 9 -by AFFIDAVIT C I., PUBLICATi 0111111 STATE OF WEST VIRGINA,

being first duly sworn, depose and say that I am Legal Clerk for o publishes at Huntington, Cabell County, West Virginia, the newspaper: The Herald-Dispatch, an independent newspaper, the morning seven days each week, Monday through Sunday including New Year's Day, Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas; that I have been duly authorized by the Board of Directors of such corporation and the newspaper mentioned herein; that the legal advertisement attached in the left margin of this affidavit and made a part hereof and bearing number LH-747643 was duly published in

The Herald-Dispatch one time, once a week for , successive weeks, commencing with its issue of the 16 day of December, -2009 and ending with the issue of the day of December, 2009 and was posted at the East door of the Cabell County Courthouse on 16 day of December, 2009: that said legal advertisement

that the cost of publishing said annexed advertisement as aforesaid was $95.55; that such newspaper in which such legal advertisement was published has been and in now published regularly, at least as frequently as once a week for at least fifty weeks during the calendar year as prescribed by its mailing permit, and has been so published in the municipality of Huntington, Cabell County, West Virginia , for at least one year immediately preceding the date on which the legal advertisement set forth herein was delivered to such newspaper for publication; that such newspaper is a newspaper of "general circulation" as defined in Article 3, chapter 59, of the West Virginia Code, within the publication area or areas of the municipality of Huntington, Cabell and Wayne Counties, West Virginia, and that such newspaper is circulated to the general public at a definite price or consideration, that such newspaper on each date published consists of not less than four pages with out a cover; and that it is a newspaper to which the general public resorts for passing events of a political, religious, coinniercial and social nature, and for current happenings, announcements, iniscellaneous reading matters, advertisements and other notices,

ribed and sworn to before me in my said county this day of&! ~~~~~ (

My Cominission expires

Notajr Public I Cabell County West Virgnina . MOUNTAIN MESSENGER ...... P.O. Box 429, Lewisburg, WV 24901 (304) 647-5724 The Weekend Newspaper for the Greenbrier Valley Certificate of Publication

STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, COUNTY OF GREENBRIER, SS: the Editors or Agents of the Mountain Messenger, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published at Lewisburg, WV in the County of Greenbrier, State of West Virginia, do certifL that publication of the advertisement or advertisements (case # or description d Rrc s~rnbs attached hereto was made in 1 - issues of said newspaper, dated _De etrhw /9, RffH

Given under my hand this d8‘ day of -.dJEf/l.fb&v ,2002.

Editor or Publisher r433 Publication Fee

Subscribed and Sworn to before me

this =2f day of 9 2002. My commission expires: /2ty D4Adl’t3


I, LISA L. BOYER, bookkeeper for the publisher of THE WEIRTON DAILY TIMES a newspaper in the City of Weirton, State of West Virginia, hereby certify that the annexed publication was inserted in said newspaper on the following date:

Date: 12-18,2009

Given under my hand this 18th day of December 2009

Sworn to and subscribed before me on this 18th day of December ,2009 of, in and for HANCOCK COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA



I, L%rb V. Sh.iru\e~~, Classified Manager of THE EXPONkNT TELEGRAM, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Clarksburg, County and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that the annexed:


was published in THE EXPONENT-TELEGRAM 1 time(s) commencing on the 10th day of December 2009 and ending on the 10th day of December 2009 at the request of NEXUS COMMUNICATIONS. Given under my hand this 14th day of December 2009

The publisher's fee for said publication is: $54.60 for 420 words at $0.1300 per word per day.


Subscribed to and sworn to before me this 14th day of December 2009.

services, access to operator services: access to interex- Mv commission exiires on: change service, access to directory assistance service: and toll limitation for qualify- ing low income subscribers Nexus is capable of provid- ing a11 of these required service offerngs and cur- rently IS offering them service territory. By Recommended De ??EFL__o_n-1ecernber. 3,2009, Nexus' petition was granted. This Notice is being provided in accordance with tne Com- missson'sTequrements ana s not for the Duroose of seeking public comment or protest. - NEXUS COMMUNICATIONS, INC:, THE WEST VIRGINIA RECORD 218 Dickinson Street Charleston, WV 25301 (3041 345-2484


STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, COUNTY OF KANAWHA: I, Chris Dickerson, the editor of The West Virginia Record, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published at Charleston,W.Va., in the County of Kanawha, State of West Virginia, do certify that publication of the advertisement or advertisements -- WV PSC Notice of ETC Status - was made in 1 issue of said newspaper, dated Jan. 18,2010.

Given under my hand this *5@- day of flb4Gfr , 18 W

&aChris Dickerson Editor

$85.60 PubIication Fee

Subscribed and Sworn to before me TIC

Publirhsr ...... BlllnN I'IMIUNF. Editor ...... (illlls DICKEllhON Smlm Wlit., ...... SI EVE SOIIRIS touris ROQW~...... MYLAASRUIN Ides 6 Marketing Director. .... FI.I%ARRIII RLANCI) hl Dhntol ...... I\NOT;LAO(~DM Cootribut..r KY1.A ASRUIIY. r313'1H IlWllY, SULY lIOI,l.FllAN, JII.l.I.4N KCSNEK, OONN.4 K. CARISON, iMMCJN 14 M.4IIKS.JIXIN VOREN. CllRlS RIbO. R IKJ~lKRTShMFL.t~S. DENISE SIMIWIN, ILAWIIENCE SI*

We Can Help Cut Your Monthly Payments in half starting right NOW!

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Not Bankruptcy Not a High Priced Consolidation Loan Not a Refinance

Call 1-877-707-4141 today for a free no-obligation consultation.

more 1 I For I Credit Card Relief* t legal news, log onto I, James C. Jenkins, publisher of THE LOGAN BANNER, a newspapei lublished in Logan County, West Viginia, do hereby certify that the annex- .otice was published in said paper for 2 successive tirne(s) on tht ollowing date(s):

December 17th. 2009

Given under my hand this 22nd day ofJkcember, 2009

State of West Virginia County of Logan, to-wit:

Subscribed and sworn before me this 22nd day of December, 2009



4- I, &d&CLv A- , being first dilly sworn upon my oath, do dispose and say that I am bgd of the TIMES WEST VlRGlNlAN a corporation, publisher of the newspaper eddtled the TlMESMlESTVlRGlNiAN an Independent news- paper: that I have been duly authorized by the board of directors of such corporation to execute this affidavit of publication; that such newspaper has been published for more than one year prior to publication of the annexed notice described below, that such newspaper is regularly published daily except Saturday and Sunday, for at least fif-ty weeks during the calendar year, in the Municipality of Fairmont, Marion County, West Virginia; that such newspaper is a newspaper of "general circulation," as that term is defined in article three, chapter fifty-nine of the Code of West Virginia, 1931, as amended, within the publication area or areas of the aforementioned municipality and Marion County; that such newspaper averages in length four or more pages, exclusive of any cover, per issue; that such newspaper is circulated to the general public at a definite price or consideration; that such newspaper is a newspaper to which the general public resorts for passing events of a political, religious, commercial or social nature, and for current happenings, announcements, miscella- neous reading matter, advertisements and other notices. that the annexed notice of ecG, 5-5 was duly published in said newspaperonce fr/r I successive B3Lh-1, (Class 1, commencing with , , and ending with the issue of the 1%

nt door of the' Marion County Courthouse on

; that said annexed notice was

and the cost of publishing said annexed notice as aforesaid was $

P / unty this / day of &!& , -e., &a* At& Notary Public of Marion County, West Virginia

\ \ \ (304) 845-2660 lic switched telephone network; local P.O. BOX 369 .. ;,,,.., , ' usage; dual tone multi-frequency sig- MOUNDSVILLE naling or its functional equivalent; , "....': WEST VIRGINIA single party service or its hctional 26041 equivalent; access to emergency ser- I : vices; access to operator services; ac- ,, i cess to interexchange service; access AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION to directory assistance service; and toll limitation for qualifjilng low income STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, subscribers. Nexus is capable of pro- COUNTY OF MARSHALL, to wit: viding all of these required service of- ferings and currently is offering them in its service territory. By Recommended Decision en- tered,onDec'ember 3,2009, Nexus' pe- tition was granted. This Notice is being provided in accordance iYith the Commission's re- quirements and is not for the purpose of seeking public coment or protest. NEXUS COMMUNICATIONS, mc., doing business as TSI. PUBLISH: December 23,2009.

According to the Commission's guidelhes, a carrier seeking ETc sta- tus must advertise, on a quarterly ba- sis, in me&ia,targeted to the general residkntial market throughout the carrier's service areas and substan- tially sit-dar to the media in which the serv,ing incurbent local exchange car- rier advertises its service in the par- ,ticular'servicearea. In addition, such carriers nlust maintain an Internet site where members of the public can ob- tain informtion regarding services and rates provided by +e carrier. The Nexus ,site is located at http:// WW. ~.eac]~outrnobiie.COM . ~1~0,carriers seelung ETC status must offer the supportkg services re- -Id by P' 4(e)(2).- ' These servicec , include: voice-grade access to the pub. WAS PUBLISHED IN SAID NEWSPAPER AS FOLLOWS: line" and "f&Up" service to qualify- iig low income West Virginia com~- ers. Nexus indicated that it will not seek , access to funds from the federal Uni- versal Service Fund (USF) for the pur- pose of providmg service to high cost BY locales. Nexus provides commercial WORDS CHARGES mobile radio service (CMXS) in West Virginia and,otherstates, using its own I 533C5.115 I $61.30 facilities, and has been granted ETC stah inapproximately 14 other states. Nexus is able to provide all services and functiod ,supported by the uni- versal service program, as detailed in the Federal Communications CO~S-

sion(FCc>mles, 47 c,~~~§e4.20l(dXl)...-3 Nexus proposed, upon receiving ETC designation, t.0 providc Lifeline and Llnlt Up services to all qualifying CUS- tomers who request such service in West Virginia. - n Point Pleasant yyw mydailyregister .corn

The State'if West Virginia,

Masori Cmiity, SS:

I, Elizabeth Barnette, Advertising

Point Pleasant Register

Make solemn oath that notice, of which the attached is a

true copy, was published in The Point Pleasant Register, a

a Newspaper printed in the City of Point Pleasant in said

County of Mason, and of general circulation in said County, 1 , times beginning on bCa-3I ,2009 and

ending ,2009

Sworn to and subscribed before me this day. \ I

PRnter fees $ __-___- LEGAL NOTICE AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION: PUBLIC SERVICE CORlMISSlON OF WEST VIRGINIA State of West Virginia CHARLESTON County of McDowell, to wit: CASE NO 09-CX3-7-PC \EXUS COMKL'h CAT OhS INC cc ng b.S ness 2s I, Ruby F. McCoy, being first duly sworn upon my oath, do depose TSI. a corporal ?n Cs:moLi Ot o Pel * on for sorseni End apprcba cI hexus Corr- and say that I am the Asst. Editor of the Welch Daily News, Inc., a mLn cai ons, ooa TSI 'c oe oes'gnwec ~n e g c e 16 e commn cai ons carrier corporation, publisher of the newspaper entitled The Industrial News, NOTICE OF ETC STATUS a Democrat newspaper; that I have been duly authorized by the board On JLne 3 2099 hex-s Commx ca ons Inc 2 corpo:at on do ig usness 2s TSI (hexas) f ed an of directors of such corporation to execute this affidavit of publication; applcalcn uioer 6214(e:'2) 01 ire Comm.1 caiions Act of 1996.2s amenoec. SEQ< ns ces 3nat on oy in2 that such newspaper has been published for more than one year prior PJblic S$rv :e CJrT ss 3n 31 Wes V rg p. a as 27 D . gole Io ecomm-n car xscarr er 'ET) tor tne so e to publication of the annexed notice described below; that such news- pJrpose of pro! ding le1 ne anc L n( Up' ssrv ce paper is regularly published weekly, for at least fifty weeks during the to qJa fytng 01, Wesi V rg n a cons-iers NeXJS indicaieo inai I v. nL seed access to IJnds calendar year, in the Municipality of laeger, McDowell County, West ' om the leoe.61 Jn .e'sa Serv ce F-no USF: lor me purpose 01 ?.ob a rg serv ce 10 hqn cost xaes Virginia; that such newspaper is a newspaper of "general circulation," Ner.s probides commerc a1 mo3 e ranlo se'vce (CMRS) in Wes' V 'g -I a 2-10 cinx states LS ng 11s as that term is defined in article three, chapter fifty-nine of the Code of own fact ties. and has bsen grantez ETC siaiJs n West Virginia, 1931, as amended, within the publication area or ar- approximarely 14 oiler stalss Nexus IS ao'e to pro- vide a I serv ces ana I-nct on; sLppo-ted by ihe un . eas of the aforesaid municipality and McDowell County, West Vir- versa1 serv ce prop'am 3s cstewd tl-e Fede-ai Commun cat ons Ccinmtss 9- (FCC) 'I,es $7 C F R ginia; that such newspaper averages in length four or more pages, 554 20i(c)(-j r,?x-s Proposed "FO~rece v ng ETC deslgnat on io p ov OQ L feme and L nn Uo sei$ ces exclusive of any cover, per issue; that such newspaper is circulated loall qLal iy 12 c.stmers in3 reoJest s-ch services in West V ry- 2 to the general public at a definite price or consideration; that such Accoralng lo !ne Comm ss on s 9- oelines a car- newspaper is a newspaper to which the general public resorts for rier seemg ETC si?-s m JS. adven se. on a qJa.1e.y base, n meata :argeled to ine Ssnerai reslaent a, passing events of a political, religious, commercial and social nature, marrtei inrobgnoJ1 me carr e. s servtce areas 2ro su3- slani a y Siml ar IO we ined a in bnch ire serving ,n- and for current happenings, announcements, miscellaneous reading cJmDenl loca excnenge carr er advert ses .is serv ces in me parilcu 8r sari ce area In adc I 01. sucn car.. matters, advertisements, and other notices; that the annexed notice ers mUSl malnla n an Internet 3 te where mem06rs 0: the pub c cai obi6 n*ion regaro nS services of Petition for consent & approval for Nexus and raim ProviJfd 0)' Ine carr er Tne hexJs s le IS loceiea nit0 IIwb t reamoutm3b le c3m, A so, carr ers sewing ETC stares mJsi ofer tne Conn.. dba TSI to be desiqnated an elisible support'ng services recutre': oy 6214(e)(2) Thesa serv ces mlJde vo ce-grade access IO tne p~olic teleconnunications carrier. - swrcheo le epnone network, 1oza1 Lsage, UJal tone mLlti-freq-ency sipnallng or is f-ncuona eqJtva en1 single party service or Is fLnctiona eqJiva en!, access lo emergencj seruces, ECCDSS IO operaior services access io nterexcnange s6rv ce. access lo d rectory 1 ass Stance sew ce ana to mwe:lon for qual iynglo\v was duly published in said newspaper once a week for mome s'unscrioers Nexus IS capab e ai provlo ng a I of these reqmed serv ce oifermgs ano zurrenify ISor- fering ttiein in its serv ce terii-ory successive weeks, (Class ), commencing with the issue of , . By Recommendeo Dec slon enlereo cn December I 3, 2039. NexLs pew on bas grnnteo This Notice IS oeing provloer, ,n eccoraence i%tn the Commissm's reqxements and s not forine pJr- the 71 day of mr.. ,3() (79 , and ending with pose of seening p-o c comment or protest , NEXJS CONLldNICATlOhS. IhC ocing bLsiness a: TS, theissueofthe 23 dayof Dec. ,9oD9 (andwas posted 12/23/1tc

at the (if required)

on the

day of ,20 ); that said annexed notice was

published on the following dates: 12/23/09 and that the cost of

Dublishina said annexed noticeaaforesaid was $ , 56- 58 k

The Industrial News

Taken subscribed and sworn to before me in my said county this 23 day of Dec. ,-90 09 . .ea My Commission expires CERTIFICATE OF PUBLICATION

State of West Virginia, To-wit:- County of Mercer,

Kay Gilbert of the Bluefield Daily Telegraph, a daily newspaper published in the City of Bluefield, Mercer County, West Virginia, do certify that the notice attached hereto under the cqtion;

was published in the said Bluefield Daily Telegraph One (1) Time(s) on the following day(s), namely; December 28 in the year 2009. Publication Fee $6 1.23

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 28' day of December 2009.

My Commission expires 20

/ 17349 /X/O5- ,

DUPL ICAT E I, as an officer of the News- Tribune, a daily newspaper published at Keyser, Mineral County, West Virginia, hereby certify that the Bublic Ser vice C o mm i s s i o n o f W e s t Vir in the case of Nexus Communications, Inc. dba TSI

a copy whereof is hereto annexed has been published for 1 consecutive dav in said NEWS TRIBUNE, the first publication being on the 17th day of, December 2009 Given under my hand at Keyser this 17th

day of December ?

Publisher's Fee $ 53.56 State of West Virginia, Mingo County, to-wit:

I, Gaither Perry, Publisher of Williamson Daily News, a paper published in the County aforesaid, do affirm that Notice hereto attached was published in said paper for 1 successive weeks, the first publication thereof being on the 1gth day of December ,2009 and the subsequent pub- lication on the day of ,2009, the day of ,2009, the day of ,2009, and the day Qf ,2009.

State of West Virginia, Mingo, to-wit: being duly sworn, says that he posted a copy of the annexed- at the front door of the Court House of said County, on the day of 2009.

Taken, subscribed and sworn to before me, this 29th day of December 2009. Printer’s fee $-68.00-


- OFFICIAL SEAL - ili- STATESTATEOFWESTVIRGIN% OF WEST VIRGIN% 5 - P NOTARK BU BLIC e - -e - Rachel M. hppsUpps - 412 Talbtt St. -I - Williamson, WV 25666. 2 -0 v Gommisskm Expires Qct. 16,2018 2 PU B LI S HE R'S C E RTI FI CAT E

vs .


I Eric Wilson Advertising Director of

THE DOMINION POST, a newspaper of general circulation

published in the City of Morgantown, County and State

aforesaid, do hereby certify that the annexed

Legal Notice

was published in the said THE DOMINION POST once a week

for 1 successive weeks commencing on the

18th day of Dec. ,2009 and ending on the

18th day of Dec. 2009

The publisher's fee for said publication is $76.05

Given under my hand this 18th day of

December ,2009.



Advertising Director of THE DOMINION POST

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th

day of December ,2009.

ngalia County, W. Va.

My commission expires on the 13th day of


I for the publisher of the Wheeling News Register newspaper published in the CITY OF WHEELING, STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, hereby certify that the annexed publication was inserted in said newspaper on the following dates:

PVI2-A lcb9

Given under my hand this ak2.k

day of 7-

3,s+- Sworn to and subscribed before me this @ L" day of ,2- aq at WHEELING, OHIO COUNn WEST VIRGINIA


December 2 1,2009 COPY OF PUBLICATION STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA COUNTY OF RALEIGH, to wit: I, Tara Meyer, being duly sworn upon my oath, do depose and say that I am Legal Advertising Manager for Beckley Newspapers, a corporation, publisher of the newspaper entitled The Register-Herald, an Independent newspaper; that I have been duly authorized by the board of directors of such corporation to execute this affidavit of publication; that such newspaper has been published for more than one year prior to publication of the annexed notice described below; that such newspaper is regularly published daily for at least fifty weeks during the calendar year, in the municipality of Beckley ,Raleigh County, West Virginia; that such newspaper is a newspaper of "general circulation" as that term is de- fined in article three, chapter fifty-nine of the Code of West Virginia, i93 l, as amended, within the publication area or areas of the aforesaid municipality and county; that such newspaper averages in length four or more pages, exclusive of any cover, per issue; that such newspaper is circulated to the general public at a definite price of consideration; that such newspaper is a newspaper to which the general public resorts for passing events of a political, religious, commercial and social nature, and for current happenings, announcements, miscellaneous read- ing matters, advertisements and other notices; that the annexed notice of NOTICE (Description of notice) was ddy published in said newspaper once a week for ---One successive weeks (Class 1 ), commencing with the issue of the J&?m/ day of

December, 2009 , and ending with the issue of the .J?nd day of December, 2009 , that said annexed notice was published on the following dates:

12/22io9 and that the cost of publishing said annexed notice as aforesaid was $ 79 . C?


Legal Advertising Manager Beckley Newspapers

Taken, subscribed and sworn to before me in my said county this: 21st day of December, 2009 ,q

ETC status must ad- vertise, on a quarterly basis, in media target- ed to the general resi- dential market

State of West Virginia, County of Ran I, Donald W. Smith, General Manager of THE INTER-MOUNTAIN, a newspaper published at Elkins, in said county, do hereby certify that the annexed advertisement was published on the following dates:

2O_pj______as required by law.

Printer's Fee: $ -_$s-?_!?______

Subscribed and sworn to before me this ______day/'7t-h of ______id &%LEYL-!!UL --_-,20,2? ______. NEXUS COMMUNICATIONS, INC., doina business as TSI.

...... MARY J BUCK ......

Being first duly sworn, says that the


Hereto attached was printed in the

..XX ...The Parkersburg News and Sentinel,

...... The Marietta AM,

A daily newspaper published in the City of Parkersburg,

Wood County, West Virginia, for ...ONE., .. successive

Week(s), the first publication and posting thereon being on

the ...... 18TH ... day of ...DECEMBER ..... 2009 ..., and

subsequent publication on the ......

day (s) of ...... 20 ......

Printer’s Fee $...171.57...

Notarized Signature $ ...... 2.00 ...

Additional Copy Fee $......

ptalDue: % .....17 3.57 PD 12/15/09 VISA


Subscribed acd sworn to before me this

Notary Public for Wood Co ,West Virginia

MY commission expires ...... d..Y A?.d.,Y......