Ageing & Development, Issue 1

Issue 1 April 1998

International Year Ageing: the forgotten for Older People development issue The United Nations’ International Year of Older Persons (IYOP), When the International Year of Older More than half the world’s older starting in October 1998, is a unique Persons (IYOP) starts, on October people live in developing countries. opportunity to focus on ageing as a 1 1998, South African Asia is development issue. President Nelson expected to It is estimated that more than 20 Mandela will have for many of the 550 account for years will be added to the average turned 80. That puts him million people over 60 about 58 per life of an individual by the end of this in the category of the around the globe, age is cent of the century. If these years are not to be ‘oldest old’, probably the the label that makes global total of wasted, then policies must support last and most other aspects of their older people marginalised minority in by the year older people’s capabilities and value lives invisible. their contribution to development. today’s world. 2025. The over-80s are The overall objective of IYOP is to Among the qualities the fastest-growing group among promote the UN’s Principles for most noted both by Mandela’s older populations all over the world. Older Persons, adopted in 1991, admirers and critics, age rarely which are based on: independence; features. Yet for many of the 550 The impact of this global ageing is participation; care; self-fulfilment; million people over 60 around the widely feared as a burden, dignity. globe, age is the label that makes measured in terms of demand for The focus for activities within the UN other aspects of their lives invisible. health care, income and family system is around: The significant and changing needs, support. The benefits are hardly * the situation of older persons and contributions, of older people are noticed but they include the wealth * lifelong individual development routinely ignored in development, of skills and experience that older * multigenerational relationships much as previously ‘minority’ issues people bring to the workplace, to * development and the ageing of such as gender, the environment public life and the family. populations. and children’s rights are now Continued on Page 3 The UN has launched a newsletter, routinely considered. Countdown to 1999, and reformulated its Bulletin on Ageing to promote IYOP. International initiatives for 1999 are updated on Ageing: why this newsletter? the Internet at: http:// The capacity of older people to continue to support themselves and to dpcsd/dspd/ageing contribute to the wellbeing of those around them will make a crucial difference to prosperity and security in every country of the world. At the same time, the In this issue: availability of appropriate support systems for older people is becoming increasingly important with population ageing. • Global Ageing in the 21st Century Ageing is a mainstream development issue and one which has been ignored for far too long. • Old Age Does Not Mean Dependency In Ageing and Development we hope that all those concerned with development and poverty eradication will find issues of real interest. A&D will • Ageing Action be covering research, news from NGOs, governments and aid agencies and • Gender and Ageing progress towards mainstreaming ageing in projects, policies and institutions. Turn to the back page for a coupon and more information about the Ageing • The Ageing and and Developing Network. Development Network

1 Ageing & Development, Issue 1 Global Ageing in the 21st Century ! There is a pervasive belief, As a result of declining mortality For some Sub-Saharan African shared by many old people and lower and more stable fertility countries, the proportion of older themselves, that old age is a rates, the proportion of people over people is expected to fall over the next disease, which we catch in 60 in developing regions is 25 years, but the actual number will our sixties and never shake expected to increase from 7% to increase significantly. off. But poverty remains the more than 12% of the great disease for older general population by Oldest Old 2025. The number of the proportion of people in the developing The number of the older people will people over 60 in world, not old age " people over 75 is also more than double - developing regions is Introductory remarks at a increasing in growing from 330 expected to increase seminar on Nutritional developing countries. In million to 855 million. from 7% to more than Vulnerability of Older one person in a 12% of the general People. This growth is hundred is over 75 and population by 2025 happening with this is expected to rise unprecedented to 2.5% by 2025. It is a The African Gerontological speed. It took 115 myth that because life Society (AGES International) years for the proportion of France’s expectancy is low, older populations will be holding its 3rd older population to increase from do not exist in developing countries. A Regional Workshop in 7% to 14%. In some developing woman aged 65 in can Nairobi from 10 - 17 April countries, that degree of change expect to live for a further 13 years. will take just 20 years. Within that 1999. The workshop entitled Data largely taken from the excellent time, for example, in Bangladesh, Ageing in Changing publications produced under the the number of older people will Societies: Africa preparing auspices of Kevin Kinsella, US Bureau increase from six million to 17 for the next millenium will of the Census, National Institute on million (10% of the total examine migration, the AIDS Aging (see Contacts, page 7). pandemic, conflict and population). violence, changing household structures and social welfare issues. Contact: Professor Nana Apt, Fax: + 233 (21) 50-0940, email: Healthy Ageing is a Political Imperative [email protected] The Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) is working to raise awareness of the opportunities to mobilise the capabilities of older populations in social and economic policy. Building on its 1997 Montevideo Summit of Latin American Legislators on Ageing it plans a similar event for May 1998 in the Caribbean. WHO’s 1999 World Health Day on 7th April 1999 will The Caribbean forum will bring together senior officials from ministries responsible have as its theme ‘healthy for serving older people, together with representatives of non-governmental ageing’. organisations and international agencies. The objective will be to build on regional experience by identifying models of good practice in maintaining the health and autonomy of older people. The forum aims to draft a Caribbean Charter on Health ! Unlike other major social and Ageing in preparation for the International Year of Older Persons. Later in and economic changes, it is the year, at a Pan American conference of health ministers, PAHO will be possible to predict ageing mobilising interest and political will around a four year plan for healthy ageing. with a considerable degree of confidence. This gives policy PAHO argues that Governments need to revise their thinking: an makers an opportunity to ageing population is a resource not a burden - but it will become a develop and adapt strategies burden unless policy and investments are focused on the capacity to meet the needs of of older people. tomorrow’s elderly. If this is not done, population ageing PAHO will also co-sponsor a conference on Ageing and Development with the may indeed become the next Inter American Development Bank where they will be using results from a pilot social crisis to face the survey to demonstrate the returns from appropriate investments in ageing and developing world. " development. Peter Lloyd Sherlock For more information contact Martha Pelaez on [email protected]

2 Ageing & Development, Issue 1 The Doubly Marginal - Poor and Old Gender and Aging (Dec 97) Argentina is one of the few developing Individual case studies show that is an 8 page brief which economies that has already undergone most older villeros receive no family analyses demographic data rapid demographic support; many and trends, produced by the ageing. In research depend on International Programmes based on elderly Rapid acceleration of personal strategies Center (IPC) of the US ‘villeros’ - people demographic ageing has for a good part, if Bureau of the Census. Future living in pockets of generated insufficient not all, of their issues will cover health, urban poverty in interest from academics or income. A small economic security, care Buenos Aires - Peter policy makers but significant giving and societal responses Lloyd Sherlock number have no to old age. Another paper in examines how the income at all, the International Brief series State and other relying on the examines Aging Trends in institutions can combine to form charity of neighbours or the contents South Africa (Aug 97). patterns of resource opportunities and of rubbish tips. Contact US Bureau of the constraints. In his conclusions, Lloyd Sherlock Census - see Contacts His book reveals a wealth of information emphasises the importance of section, page 7. about the realities of life for the older inclusion. The old should be urban poor, making the case for policy considered as part of a household to be based on more understanding and unit and welfare policies targeted Ageing and Social Policy, less assumption. One set of case accordingly: ‘If the welfare of other Global Comparisons, edited studies explores the effects of local household members, particular by Peter Lloyd Sherlock and welfare initiatives, with detailed analysis young children is ignored, elderly Paul Johnson is a stimulating of the role of a range of grassroots individuals are themselves likely to set of papers on ageing and organisations. It argues that effective suffer’, he says. development LSE. Price welfare policy must take account of the £5.00 email: [email protected] potential value of participatory Old Age and Urban Poverty in the organisations, especially those Developing World, Peter Lloyd concerned with very poor older people. Sherlock, Macmillan, August 1997. Meeting the Challenges of Ageing Population in Developing Countries is the Ageing: the forgotten development issue final report of an Experts’ Group meeting held in Malta Continued from Page 1 in October 1995. It sets out recommendations for sustainable development for In poor communities especially, older people make a critical contribution to the older people in developing household, not least as carers for children and people with AIDS and disabilities. countries, covering national Channelling resources to enable old people to continue and develop such roles is policies, the family, older clearly an investment in society, not a burden. women, health, social security Policy makers and development practitioners must start to take account of ageing, & employment and not just as an issue of human rights and social justice but as a critical development international support. issue. The speed and scale with which our global population is ageing has Published by INIA, Malta (see unavoidable implications for effective use of resources. Contacts, page 7). At the same time, the facts that development programmes impact differently on older people than on other groups, and that older people are more likely to live in Crisis of ageing in less poverty, have implications for the design and implementation of programmes. developed countries: a Governments and the wider development community share a commitment to crisis for whom? Some International Development Targets - first and foremost halving the number of conceptual and policy people in extreme poverty by the year 2015. Policy and resources need to be issues is Working Paper No redirected to achieve two objectives, first to increase opportunities for older people 251 by Mahmood Messkoub to contribute their expertise, understanding and activity to sustainable human from the Institute of Social development, and second to equip disadvantaged older people to resist disease, Studies, The Hague, dependency, isolation and poverty. Netherlands, Fax +31 7042 60799.

3 Ageing & Development, Issue 1 Old Age Does Not Mean Dependency One of the challenges of NGOs and academics are arguing with ageing societies for social West Africa provides a good increasing force that the well-being of psychology is how to illustration. Burkina Faso has twice old people is not synonymous with social undertake research that is as many people aged over 60 per security provision. Much of the limited more gerontologically 100 people aged between 20 and 59 research and policy sensitive. Social as does Ivory work on ageing has Psychology in an Ageing Coast. But in been concerned World: Ageism and economic activity does not Burkina Faso with welfare Intergenerational Relations stop at any given age - 83% of adults institutions, rather (Asian Journal of Social especially in poor communities over 15 are than the daily Psychology, Jan 1998 Vol 1 and the non-formal sector. ILO economically economic realities of No 1) reviews studies on studies on 20 African countries active, the old. attitudes and stereotypes suggest that between 74% and compared to 66% in Ivory towards older adults. It also Yet economic 91% of people over 65 continue Coast. If Ivory examines intergenerational activity does not to work Coast could conflict and communication, stop at any given raise its activity highlighting the roles of social age - especially in poor communities and rates for women and older men, it communicative, intergroup the non-formal sector. ILO studies on 20 could experience significant and power processes. It calls African countries suggest that between population ageing without placing for a life-span approach to 74% and 91% of people over 65 continue any additional economic demands theoretical development. to work. on its younger population. Well-being before welfare For more information and discussion see Ageing and Social Policy, The United States Bureau of Paul Johnson argues that ‘dependency Global Comparisons, edited by the Census has produced an ratios’ (such as the ratio of people over Peter Lloyd Sherlock and Paul eyecatching data wallchart 60 to those between 20 and 59, or Johnson. STICERD email on older populations in 100 pensioners to contributors in pension [email protected] or fax + 44 171 242 nations worldwide The schemes) have been used to create the 2357. Global Aging into the 21st sense of an ‘old age crisis’. (see Century chart is intended as ‘Averting the Old Age Crisis’, World Bank A&D will be bringing news of other a quick reference on selected Policy Research Report, 1994) He research and policy initiatives on statistics. It includes data and believes policy makers need to look at livelihoods and older people and graphs on the changing overall issues of dependency - rather would very much like to hear from global age structure, elderly than assuming that the problem relates NGOs, the research community and population growth in only to older people. governments involved in this area. developing countries, the oldest old and the female advantage in life expectancy. Published free of charge by Older Refugees the United States Bureau of the Census (see Contacts, A 1997 study based on a survey of 69 UNHCR offices has found little recognition page 7.) of the needs and capabilities of older refugees. It shows an overwhelming focus on the risk to older people of being neglected, although country reports indicated that older people often remained leaders and decision-makers in the family and The UN Economic and Social community. Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has a The study highlights the importance of taking account of cultural approaches to Website which contains age (for example, local definitions of ‘old’ ranged from 46 to 73). abstracts of articles on ageing in developing The capabilities of older people could be supported using experience drawn countries from the Asia- from gender and development. Broadening economic opportunities and Pacific Population Studies involvement in organisations outside the household for instance have been Series (APSS). Countries shown to result in more participation in community life and greater bargaining covered include: Bangladesh, power at home. India, Indonesia, , Study of Older Refugees, Issues, Needs and Capabilities, Suzanne Oliver, and Vietnam. See 1997. UNHCR Community Services.

4 Ageing & Development, Issue 1 Ageing Action A&D will be monitoring action on ageing and development in the run up to International Year of Older Persons 1999. News from governments, aid agencies and NGOs would be welcome. Just email us at A&D using the addresses on page 7.

Ageing and Human Development NGO Launches Three Studies The feasibility of including ageing as part of UNDP’s Human Development HelpAge India has begun three Index is to be explored. The February 1998 meeting of the UN Commission collaborative research studies. for Social Development called for the UN Programme on Ageing to work on Family and Ageing, supported by the the issues in collaboration with UNDP. Ministry of Welfare, will study 1000 The CSD also raised the status on the support group for IYOP. A new older people in Delhi and its ‘Consultative Group for IYOP’ will be given scope to discuss national and periphery, to identify the kinds of international initiatives on ageing. Open to government, NGOs and UN bodies, support needed from family, society the Group has two coordinators, Ambassador Julia Tavares de Alvarez from and government. Productive Ageing, the Dominican Republic and Spanish Counsellor for Social Affairs, Aurelio in collaboration with the Calcutta Fernandez, Chair of the CSD. Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology, will look at what inhibits The UN Programme on Ageing is also drawing up proposals for an internet older people from seeking jobs after database on policies and programmes on ageing. retirement in both formal and informal sectors. The third study is on Old Age Homes. For further Britain Funds Major Research information fax Dr Shabeen Ara, HelpAge India on + 91 11 685 2916 The UK Department for International Development (DFID) is investing an or telephone +91 11 685 5675. initial tranche of quarter of a million dollars in research into the contribution of older people to development. Action on Older Women As part of its approach to poverty elimination, DFID aims to make policies The Women’s Development Centre and services more responsive to the needs and capabilities of poor and in hosted a six day regional disadvantaged older people in developing countries. The research will draw workshop on the role of older women on the views and experiences of poor, older people and present a picture of in Development in Asia in July 1997. the diverse, complex and dynamic ways in which they contribute to family Funded by the Norwegian aid and community. programme (NORAD) and the Dutch Embassy in Colombo, and in As the research proposal says, ‘Policies intended to lift people out of direct collaboration with HelpAge Sri Lanka poverty need to be based on a realistic appreciation of how older people and the Asia Training Centre on currently manage their lives and what contributions they are making to the Ageing (ATCOA) it focused on the lives of those around them.’ barriers to older women’s The research was proposed by HelpAge International, who will be undertaking participation in society and drew up the three-year programme of participatory work. a 15 point proposal for policy makers. Contact Annie Kurian, at For more information contact: Pat Holden, DFID email [email protected] ATCOA by email address Ageing and Development will report regularly on the progress and interim [email protected] findings of this research. For further information, please contact Amanda Heslop at HelpAge International on [email protected] or phone + 44 Coalition 99 (0)171 404 7201 fax + 44 (0)171 404 7203. ‘Focusing on the International Year of Older Persons - and Beyond’, Coalition 99 brings news of Global Campaign for Healthy Ageing government and NGO activity on ageing. It lists contacts and focal The catalytic WHO Programme on Ageing and Health is promoting inclusive points for IYOP. The January 1998 perspectives which recognise that health status is a product of the whole life bulletin covers activities planned for cycle, affected by issues such as gender and the circumstances in which the International Day of Older older people age. Persons on October 1 1998 as well Effective strategies have to maintain cohesion between generations and to as new initiatives such as Afro Elder be based on community-oriented approaches. International in Zambia - a new organisation set up to increase Fax Alex Kalache or Glen Carpentier on + 41 22 791 48 39 or email awareness among professionals. [email protected] Email: [email protected]

5 Ageing & Development, Issue 1 Ageing and Development Issues: The Journals Ageing and Development will be monitoring journals for selected articles relevant to ageing and development. We would particularly like to hear from people who have seen coverage of ageing and development in other development journals or who would like to suggest publications (articles, newsletters, books, websites) which should be included on a regular or occasional basis.

GLOBAL AGING REPORT Between respect and reciprocity: managing old age in Volume 3 No. 1 Jan/Feb 1998 Ghana S Van der Geest 6 issues per year published by the American Association Public alms solicitation among the Yoruba elderly in of Retired Persons (AARP), 601 E Street NW, Nigeria Funmi Togonu-Bickersteth, E.O. Akinnawo, O.S. Washington DC, 20049 USA Akinyele & Esther Ayeni Tel: +1 202 434-2402; Fax: +1 202 434-6494; Email Review article: Retirement policies and economic security [email protected]; Web http://www/ for older people in Africa O.K. Darkwa Who in the World: a brief resume of the Dalai Lama in Opinion: Ubuntu, African elderly and the African family connection with the ageing of Tibetan refugees in South crisis Maria G.Cattell Asia. Forum: Linking priorities for training, research and policy Aging on the Youngest Continent: Reports from Namibia, on ageing in sub-Saharan Africa A.O. Wilson & D.J. Ghana, South Africa and Cameroon Lucy Y Steinitz Adamchak Best Practices: Showing Compassion in Exile: Older BOLD Tibetan Refugees find Shelter and Support Volume 8 No. 1, November 1997 New Book: Old Age and Urban Poverty in the Developing Published by the International Institute on Ageing (United World: The Shanty Towns of Buenos Aires Peter Lloyd- Nations, Malta), 117 St Paul Street, Valletta, Malta. Tel: Sherlock 1997 St Martins Press, Inc. New York US$75 +356 243044; Fax: +356 230248; email: GLOBAL AGING REPORT [email protected]; Website: Volume 2 No. 6 Nov/Dec 1997 Language, Context and Elderly Rights: Linguistic Ageism The Theory and Practice of Grandparenting: Are Older in a Filipino Home for the Aged Rene D. Somera Women Essential to Human Survival? (Discussion of K RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT JOURNAL Hawkes et al: “Hadza Women’s Time Allocation, Offspring Volume 4 No. 1 October 1997 Provisioning and the Evolution of Long Postmenopausal Published by HelpAge India Tel: +91 6865675, Life Spans” Current Anthropology) 6867697, 6966641. Fax: +91 6852916 South America Responds to Aging Argentina and Geriatric Nutrition Pradeepa Prabhu Venezuela Income Security for the Elderly in Developing Countries: New Book: The Cultural Context of Aging: Worldwide Issues and Suggestions V. Sarveswara Naik Perspectives ed. Jay Sokolovsky 1997 US$79.50 Bergin Productive Ageing for the Young Old Dr. Vinod Kumar & Garvey, 88 Post Road West, Westport Connecticut. Mental Problems of Ageing and Care of them by their JOURNAL OF CROSS CULTURAL GERONTOLOGY family Dr Hitesh N. Patel Volume 12 No. 2 June 1997 Attitudes of the Aged towards selected Familial Issues Published quarterly by Kluwer Academic Publishers, POB in Rural Tamil Nadu: A Qualitative Approach Dr S. 322, 3300 AH Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Website: http:/ Sureender / AGEING INTERNATIONAL Reforming the Ghanaian social security system: Volume 23 No.s 3&4 Prospects and challenges O. K. Darkwa Published quarterly by the International Federation on Variations in preferred living arrangements among Ageing, 380 St Antoine Street West, Suite 3000, Montreal, Korean elderly parents C-S. Kim and K-O. Rhee QC, H2Y 3X7, Canada. Tel: +1 514 287 9679. Fax: +1 SOUTHERN AFRICAN JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY 514 987 1567 Volume 6 No. 2 October 1997 The Greying of Our Communities Worldwide Published twice yearly by HSRC.UCT Centre for Overview: The Greying of our Communities Worldwide Gerontology, University of Cape Town, Observatory Satya Brink 7925, South Africa (1997 subscription rates - R60 Housing for the Ageing Population of Singapore James institutions/libraries; R36 individuals; overseas, add D. Harrison postage R24 airmail, R8 surface) Housing and Family Care for the Elderly in Hong Kong Special Issue: Ageing in urban and rural Africa Iris Chi & Nelson Chow Gerontology in and out of Africa Monica Ferreira Housing Policies for the Elderly in Korea Manjae Kim Implications of AIDS for the South African age population AGEWAYS profile W.D. Myslik, A. Freeman & Janina Slawski Produced and circulated quarterly by HelpAge AIDS and older Zimbabweans: who will care for the International 67-74 Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8QX Tel: carers? R. Mupedziswa +44 (0)171 404 7201, Fax: +44 (0)171 404 7203 Urbanisation, ageing and migration: some evidence from Includes sections on Projects, Health, Caring, Action, African Settlements in Cape Town A. Sagner Rural and Training.

6 Ageing & Development, Issue 1 Gender and Ageing

Since women predominate in older available from HelpAge International or age groups and are likely to end up WHO - see Contacts.) CONTACTS unresourced and unpartnered, ‘Elderly Females in India’, published in Do you know of sources of policies should ensure that these New Delhi by the Society for information on different women are able to make decisions Gerontological Research and HelpAge aspects of Ageing and about their lives. Programmes India, includes a Development? should support, not focus on the undermine, their Let us know so that we can Participation in economic, deprivations women pass contacts on to other ability to cope. For suffer through their example, micro political, cultural and readers. community life is closely lifetimes. The finance rarely effects of these HelpAge International, 67-74 considers the related to maintenance of Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8QX, UK. include high levels health and self esteem in Fax: + 44 171 404 7203 Tel: + 44 needs of older of maternal mortality 171 404 7201 Email: women, despite older women (which account in [email protected] Website: http:// their engagement part for the smaller with trading. differential in UN Programme on Ageing, (Alexandre Sidorenko), Professor Nana Apt from the developing countries between International Year of Older Persons, University of Ghana argues that numbers of older men and older Room DC2 - 1358, 2 UN Plaza, New donors and governments must women) and the fact that women tend York, NY 10017. Fax: + 1 212 963 to spend more of their older years in a 3062. Website: concern themselves explicitly with dspd/ageing relationships between gender and disabled state. Kevin Kinsella, Chief, Aging ageing. Mental health, retirement Research on older women has been a Studies Branch, US Bureau of the policies, social expectations and low priority for mainstream social Census, Room 113, Washington family structures have a great impact science, and work on gender issues Plaza II, Centre for International on whether older individuals can Research, Washington DC. Email: has generally focused on females [email protected] maintain a productive place in within the reproductive lifespan. Fax: + 1 301 457 3034 society. She identifies women as the Martha Peláez, Pan American first of her three priority areas for A&D would like to hear from people Health Organisation, Regional action in ‘Ageing in Africa’ published engaged with issues of gender and old Office of the WHO, 525 Twenty- last year by the WHO, Ageing and age and will carry future articles on this third Street NW, Washington DC Health Programme. (Copies subject. 20037, USA. Fax: + 1 202 974 3143; Tel: + 1 202 974 3458 Email: [email protected] Alex Kalache, Ageing & Health, Nutritional Status in Older People World Health Organisation, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. Tel: 41 22 791 3404 Case studies in the urban slums of Mumbai, India, a refugee camp in Karagwe, Fax: + 41 22 791 4839 Email: Tanzania, and rural communities in Malawi formed the basis of a five-year research [email protected] programme on nutritional vulnerability of older people, concluded last year. International Institute on Ageing (United Nations, Malta), 117 St The research was seeking a simple but effective way of using anthropometric Paul Street, Valletta, Malta. Tel: measurement to assess malnutrition in older people in developing countries. It +356 243044 Fax: +356 230248 examined the relationship between nutritional status and functional ability and Email: [email protected] Website: concentrated on developing simple tools for screening nutritional status. Asia Training Centre On Ageing The four primary concerns of the work were: (ATCOA), Faculty of Nursing, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai 1) Ways that better nutrition could improve quality of life 50200. Thailand. Tel: + 66 53 894 2) Easy-to-use indicators to assess nutritional status 805 Fax: + 66 53 894 214 Email: [email protected] 3) Identification of nutritional status indicators based on good research African Gerontological Society, P.O. Box 01803, Osu-Accra, Ghana. 4) Use of the results of the research to advocate for greater attention to the Fax: +233 21 500940 Email: nutritional and other needs of older people [email protected] A report of the symposium held to discuss the research findings includes papers Elizabeth Mullen, American Association of Retired Persons, on: Research methods (Dorothy Chilima); Anthropometric Measurement (Simone 601 E Street, N.W. Washington DC Pieterse); Anaemia and morbidity (Pervin Anklesaria); Functional ability 20049 USA Fax + 1 202 434 6494 assessments (Mary Manandhar); Experience in the UK: risk factors and early Tel + 1 202 434 2402 warning signals, (Louise Davies). A field handbook in English and Spanish will Email: [email protected] be published later this year. Contact Karen Peachey on [email protected]

7 Ageing & Development, Issue 1 The Ageing and Development Network A Global Meeting of the Generations entitled “Vision This new network is intended to foster dialogue, learning, better and Action for Equitable use of research and be an access point for people starting to Development in the 21st take an interest in ageing as a development issue. Century” is being organised by the Washington-based The low profile of ageing is both a cause and effect of it being International Development considered less important than other development issues. Conference (IDC) from 13 to Twenty years ago, gender also had a low profile; today no policy- 15 January 1999. For details maker or practitioner would dare ignore it. Email [email protected] Website: Together, we hope that the network and newsletter will raise awareness and understanding of the importance of ageing. Linking people who share this concern can increase our capacity Network News is a newsletter to get ageing recognised on the development agenda. for NGOs working with older people in East & Central If you would like to be put in touch with other people and Europe. For info contact organisations interested in older people and development, please Jacek Putz, Medical Centre of tick the network box on the coupon below or the enclosed card. Postgraduate Education, 01- 826 Kleczewska 61, Warszawa, Poland, or Karen Ageing and Development is produced by HelpAge International as Peachey at part of its Advocacy programme on Older People and Development. [email protected]

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