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Programming Leftovers

By Roy Schestowitz Created 15/12/2020 - 1:47am Submitted by Roy Schestowitz on Tuesday 15th of December 2020 01:47:43 AM Filed under Development [1]

The Rust Programming Language Blog: Next steps for the Foundation Conversation[2]

Last week we kicked off the Foundation Conversation, a week-long period of Q&A forums and live broadcasts with the goal of explaining our vision for the Foundation and finding out what sorts of questions people had. We used those questions to help build a draft Foundation FAQ, and if you?ve not seen it yet, you should definitely take a look -- it?s chock full of good information. Thanks to everyone for asking such great questions!

We?ve created a new survey that asks about how people experienced the Foundation Conversation. Please take a moment to fill it out! We?re planning a similar event for this January, so your feedback will be really helpful.

This post is going to discuss how the Foundation and the Rust project relate to one another.

Changes to Rust compiler team | Inside Rust Blog [3]

Here is something very new for our team: We are rotating the leadership. Niko Matsakis will be stepping down from their role as co-lead, and Wesley Wiser will be joining Felix Klock as the co-leads for the team.

Niko remains a compiler team member and will continue his contributions, especially on the RFC 2229, Polonius and Chalk projects. Niko's blog post discusses their motivations for stepping down in more detail.

Advent of Rust 13: Lucky Numbers [4] It?s time for the 13th installment of the chronicle of me doing programming puzzles from Advent of Code 2020 to teach myself the Rust programming language.

Looking at the lessons that I learned from previous days, today I resolve to be more systematic about debugging. If I get the wrong answer I will try my program on the example input first, before changing up a bunch of other things.

Starting a new job - The Lego Mirror [5]

Last week I officially joined the Site Reliability Engineering team at the Wikimedia Foundation. I'll be working with the Service Operations team, which "...takes care of public and ?user-visible? services."


P.S.: I created a new userbox about Rust on

My journey at Mozilla [6]

During the spring of 2010, I applied for a job at Mozilla Labs. They were looking for a Python developer to re-write the Firefox Sync service (called Weave back then) into Python. They wanted to move all of their web services from PHP to Python, and looked for a Python expert to help them.

The interviews went very well, and they were planning to fly me over for an onsite day, and then everything went to a full stop because the Eyjafjallajökull volcano blocked all transatlantic flights. I was really worried I would miss that opportunity. But I was eventually able to fly there, on Castro street, at the Mozilla Office that used to be the Netscape office back in the old days.

Closures as objects [7]

Perl?s object system is not one of its most admired qualities. Included in the 1993 5.0 release, objects were a bolt-on. A big improvement at the time, in today?s context the Perl 5 object system requires too much boilerplate and is under-powered compared to other language offerings (no private state, no type checking, no traits, no multimethods). Perl programmers have been trying to upgrade it for years (Cor is a recent example).

Combining a few concepts can lead to great power; 60 years ago in the LISP Programmer?s Manual John McCarthy showed how a Lisp interpreter could be created from simple parsing rules, a few types and just five (!) elementary functions. Two things Perl 5 got right was its lexical scoping rules and support for anonymous functions (?lambdas?). Combine those features and you can closures. And just what are closures good for? Well it turns out they?re pretty damn powerful; powerful enough, in fact to make a better object system than Perl?s built-in offering.

Raku Challenge Week 91 ? Andrew Shitov [8]

Hi, here?s my Raku breakfast with the solutions of Week 91 of The Weekly Challenge.

2020.50 New on Wikipedia ? Rakudo Weekly News [9]

Ogniloud has added a number of Raku sections on Wikipedia, specifically to the Iterator and Iterator pattern lemmas. What a great idea! Yours truly is hoping to see more of these high quality additions to Wikipedia highlighting Raku features (/r/rakulang comments)!

The 20 Best Node.Js Books For Beginner and Expert Developers [10]

Node.js is an incredible platform for creating seamless high performing, and scalable websites. It is an excellent platform for connecting a huge range of devices in recent days through centralized API. Node.js has a wide range of applications in recent days for web application building and development. Thereby, to have a proper guideline for learning Node.js, a perfect set of Node.js books is indecipherably important. People who know basic node application wants to explore deeper and work with this interesting tool further.

Write in XML with the NetBeans text editor | [11]

I?ve spent a considerable amount of time in NetBeans, a Java IDE (integrated development environment) maintained by the Apache Foundation. I find it?s got a good mix of automated abstraction and manual configuration that helps me keep my Java projects organized and optimized. Not all IDEs give much thought to text files, but XML is frequently used in Java projects, so XML support in NetBeans is an important feature. It occurred to me that NetBeans, in addition to being an excellent Java IDE, could make for a nice XML editor, with the added benefit of being contained in a familiar application I already use.

git rebasing and lab books [12] For my PhD work, I've been working on preparing an experimental branch of StrIoT for merging down to the main branch. This has been a long-lived branch (a year!) within which I've been exploring some ideas. Some of the code I want to keep, and some I don't.

The history of the experimental branch is consequently messy. Looking it over and considering what a reviewer needs to see, there's a lot of things that are irrelevant and potentially distracting. And so, I've been going through an iterative process of steadily whittling down the history to the stuff that matters: some strings of commits are dropped, others squashed together, and others re-ordered. The resulting branch is a historic fiction.

parted-3.3.52 released [alpha] [13]

I've built a 3.3.52 alpha, this will become the stable 3.4 release in a few weeks if nothing critical is found. I'll be on vacation for a bit, I may not do this until mid-January. Here are the compressed sources and a GPG detached signature[*]: Use a mirror for higher download bandwidth: [*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the .sig suffix) is intact. First, be sure to download both the .sig file and the corresponding tarball. Then, run a command like this: gpg --verify parted-3.3.52.tar.xz.sig If that command fails because you don't have the required public key, then run this command to import it: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 117E8C168EFE3A7F and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command. This release was bootstrapped with the following tools: Autoconf 2.69 1.16.1 Gettext 0.21 Gnulib v0.1-4130-g8183682cc Gperf 3.1 NEWS Noteworthy changes in release 3.3.52 (2020-12-14) [alpha] New Features Add a new partition type flag, chromeos_kernel, for use with ChromeOS machines. This is a GPT-only flag and sets the type GUID to FE3A2A5D-4F32-41A7-B725-ACCC3285A309. Add a new partition flag for Boot Loader Specification /boot partitions. The bls_boot flag will set the msdos partition type to 0xea and the GPT partition type GUID to bc13c2ff-59e6-4262-a352-b275fd6f7172. Calamares website update | [bobulate] [14]

The Calamares team is happy to announce a re-vamp of the Calamares website. Thanks to Anke Boersma (better known as the driving force behind KaOS) the design, layout and technology behind the website have jumped forward.


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