Bits & Pieces of The Big Apple Fascinating facts, frivolities Awful events & witty ditties Cliff Strome 1 Cover Photo The Statue of Liberty’s arms were raised and the tablet was put under lock and key during the soaring rate of crime from the 1970’s through the ‘90’s. It served as a warning that the city should take the crime surge seriously. The tablet is embossed: July IV MDCCLXXVI (July 4th 1776) the date of the signing of The Declaration of Independence. She is the enduring symbol our nation. “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Photo by Cliff Strome Photoshop by Evan Kimia Custom & Private New York Tours, Inc.
[email protected] 212-222-1441 “Providing fun, memorable and informative New York City experiences, targeting your interests, preferences and whims!” That’s my mission. 2 Welcome to Bits & Pieces of The Big Apple Bits & Pieces is an assortment of humorous snippets, amusing info, offbeat tales, tragedies, folklore, obscure historic facts and hilarities happenings in New York. Bits and Pieces This tour through “the city” will entertain, educate and amuse you. A table of contents is not provided to encourage you to read every Bit and Piece. What’s the difference between a bit and apiece? I don’t have a clue I just like the name! I’m not a writer however I like to tell stories. Throughout the book I provide my opinions and others may include my participation. Please don’t take everything too seriously, it’s intended to amuse, entertain and in form.