,,y- f '/, ",t, I f'l^:


~T •"-"-» »"•• •'•» THE EYE OF GENIUS. STORIES OF THE STAGE. aM la* »H*» «jr,t»ie Nwveve Systtf* - • Dw t* Oereetlv* Vista*. Aatar WKa Olna«l T«* W«M. oooqoooooooooocooooo JPO SANITARY MARKET lHrb Wai made In toe aewepapers la an iucWent tfcat was rotated mo*' year* ago of tbe part bad *r« by id* late Uram Stoker,' fur many ZnapMfakt'aiul paa*ed by D. a Government bare played to tbe lltw of great nin&l jm.ni luMugtr to Irrluv of ih* prtxliw- (tana and writers. What »«i «»H<*1 tluu «r '-lUiufet" at tbe I^rvwtn tu ; 7 •;! QMMim.lt I. i •tlie ejfe of genius'* waa Uluatntfol lu Lomton. many portrait*. notaMy the I^ntmrii . _<>»_ Uw fri'iMl nlt'W ?f <*•» pcrfvjrta- palntint*«r RlfhanJ Wacner. lu «Mih aotv (bo CUIIIMH) auittaaaador and Hlr HNANCIAL INDEPENDENCE one eye droo|»a. and la aomHindnl ht UttUtila)' Marartnp} c«iu» to ant lnrlua conrontrk wrlnkltw of {tain. TIH> sn aijibaMailur. «bi> KM wnrlut "!»*• One of the best ways to establish financial nla, his shattered nerrrs aiul uu illamiiwk ha*, ulurt- Nvu Tli« alutuwMilur wot claw to tbe wl«« independence is to have an, account with "arcrptml by hla t>ln >v hi-ro c>|>|iHU bad made ber entnuu-e the Cranford rust Company and pay all dualre «asea have. UH>H mmle .nit ti> nnrt irouU mike-her ertt, Mt- Rk explain tb» tlfrlonu nutTrrinu oril.v "JUUIJMM ft>r him unit Ju«t »u«T*d«tl lu •bills by check. Klkit, llrownluc. II* Carblos. Ihirwln palchlHK him lnre he bait iwaawl tutu Huxh>y, Uvriwrt Spencer, t lJalmr tbo Watt ut Itw llmif|ifht. I o.ulil Talue~NItfiiicb>. ."T»i'^iiilkowtikj a tut fancy ltio authlwu nittuvBi^nt of Ih* othera. * j amtlimco Dud I In- n-IUI nutr of Isiighlpr Your account is cordially invited.* Tho stnlnlns of tint tn-rvnun «\«(.>iu Ibnt nouhl follow when lu tli« iiilibil due to tlffm-tUt* \IMmi In ti> tv (<aUu)llc at acvuw among; all wlu> n^tltflr oyr* Ml n-nfk- 4'iilvt uubvntlikil tU 'B*tff at luiiuT." "TI»> vyVwf iwuliw" I*

«nt, i CRANTORD, NEW JERSEY. ataiiuatn«H>a a* -iiiii'uuj; llm uitixti'r \\a\v IniUrwt n irlileaprrad publicity splrita ot IIIIIDIO unil Ivt4i>n> It t" HItiot to tw «c<>». for ulii'ivitt Ilii' fortututu ffM'nnk otilo t« < limmt* Ihcli Oil nnotliiT ii. MIIIMI (tn-j iinM It. car The nr ulia-toafc tliv part of tlie many arts li>-lil fuat ti> IKIII; liuiim Polonlm ati «nti>riuK icaru his first llmi ,0 owl riKllnm il«J», "till tllP riiiillt Hull with »o strung mi Intonatluji that Irv- -ir tbi'y Umi' IU>P»II*»N, nt'r\initt wirrtin ing nt oiii'i" Klgiutliln tbo prompter to mid KO blind gr. mud. — Mi|Hjl|tnu let foil tin) net ilrojn mine forward and the Cranford Garage \) MUROXIDO. • r \ ntMiloulitil to tho uudlOHCp and rratHrt • J it- oil t lie |iln; «lth a uew AOBNTS I'OK THE ART OF FELTING. I,Clllll"l| It Wit Davtlaptd . Long'-Stfora tht WOMEN AND CARD GAMES. the OVERLAND WutirWli Fmt Known. vallss BIIBI t' ^^ ^ *^asBiBSafd|asaHsiBi^HHaHHalHHHaaBBiaHBBBBBBaB Felt la a fabric (ortnwl »llliinit In Chile Sueh a CamblnatloA Weuld * -.y Photographs allowing system of- cooling my'market by a ' woavInK py taking nilvaiK/i«i- uf the Create a Ssnaation. 1 ^two-Ion Brunawick refrigerating plant- in bimoinent, which Is ' tcadoncy of hair rind wool tu InliSrlno A woman who la it native of Chile PULLMAN W the beat and moBt up-to-date Bvateui of refrigerating known to 1' UDd clluR'tu I'lioli otber. AutlijiiarlniiH \YH» tnlkliig n-cvutly about the dim- AND 6- science. • All meats are at all" times protooUid from Just and I. State tftot tbe art of fcltlnK ^UH dt-Vf I cully nh« hid In nccuatomlng bctwlf |, flies by being inclosed in glaM cases. opedjonit lii-furo tiio weaver «n» flrxl to card plaslnit ainonic womon. wlitn known. Felting autmlatcn tbe CbrlH- the cumu to (lit* country. Bbe said; • FORD Meats, Fish, Butter, Eggs and Poultry. tlnn era-by niiinjf rvuturM. "In Chile i-nnl' playing among worn- ^ "If yon want it good get it nt Irving'a. AulilorMlm state that I'tliw fi-IHnK VII U undrpiiiutHl ilt.) I'orliapa It is not ".WITH A VAKIHTV OP MOUHl.H TO SliLI'.CT FROM. •» I* » I f quality of Iwlrtir wdol rwiulu fruin. <*o\> miicli to say thnt a t'hilcan woman » *li the natural utrulcturo of llm mateilnl. would mi woroiplay cards than a New Chio,balt of .uiqtt Aitluiala"tl> York "woman -«|IIUM -ftRer a-IJroau>ajr will l)rJiiKu«JotiH*»tr«llun, with ix : to IHI uioro or leNH notched or saloon, . It Itrnt that It la exactly or OrdtTH (iln^ml now will Inaiiro imrly ilollvory :v—!f . ou/iU) lurfncv. Thin In tint more up- uluilly a mutltir- iff inorals with us. Wrent whpu an ointnl.natloii of tli« II Jimt lon't Ihv thing to do, It la not EAST LAWN DAIRY inttcrlttl In uiado by. tbo nld uf « FRANK M. SMALLEY, Prop. : m|cro(ico[>e. In aouie ttiiluialu 'tli«rn 1 came to Ni»w 'Vork I appears hi I MI a' ftut of, Imrlm cm tbu Residence, 186 North Ave:, E. , CRANFORD, M. J. ruKl my dniiKlitprlu law with mo. bnlr, andtluw hnrha tire KO p1a«w| thMt n Thill-mi elrl. Hlie nud I were boUt NEWTON A. BARNETT, Prop. —'—' _ . SOLE DISTRIBUTOR ' itui tip fit Ktich iwluL» 4» flir n hrlilKc pnrty in ttio dajrllme. i, ' 27 NORTK AVENUE, East. It follow* mat wlii-n n IIIHIIIHT <>f It UIIH to* jniii'b fur us, and wo du- | Raritan Valley Farms Certified Mi & Cream Imlrs nro pn-nmit tnp'tlier lli(iH<>.»tili>ti dined. Ollu-r nlmlliir Invltnllwucaiuo llv In the oppunllu dlriK-tlon In' rai lian.] K«.|>t crtnlliiK. Klnaljy our eurlosl- FreulKCountry Bottled Milk, per,quart 9c tb i\UMrldLMishiS^it - "Frflsh Ooimt»x-BotUod O«Jaii»rb*aU pint .IZ.\4c~-~" oni) of Ilii'tw nlTalni.- ]{von nfter wo Cranford Property My Specialty. Certified Milk, per quart - - 15c tear tlleni nnUinlcr. When WH* Imlr linn pit CHIT our niiiftu of oiitraged . ^ CkrtifiedJJreaiutliaJf pint . r ^ -... -20c~." - a naturoKtrndoucy Kncuri tliu lulprJac vbjrfton 'fliS '•whole' Ing pruotw) which In'Valittl fi'ltlitK in 1 will also handle a high grade of Jersey Milk which will rloiu to nn - . Jfjprft easily accomplished. 'Tlio rminlcHt sight of all was tlin be sold at 10 cents per quart. AltbouKh the fcltlug properly Is |K«- wouiou »)lh lltl(o tnifa on them, aa If veaaed by wovl lu a upet-M , marked '\>y ttutl rtprtM,' Or ruu^ilug Special dnllvorlra made durjOR th« day. Orders by telephone nra other animals liavu It In tliclr c<)Vi>rliiK v]> te> ;nnotliiT'.Vronian with a little Real Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged. given prompt ntientiou. ' Tbla la true of the guat, ot, lmn>, rub rand to IHI 'imilflUHl.'' Finally we itot bit and boarer,—New York Huu. nullirlcntly nccvu»toip«d to 'bike a v h»nd,' liut I'Tcn yet I never do it With. ANI> MANAOUMENT OH • EarljeJManuaerlpts. out n ruvcrt fooling that I am uniting The type of letters In early rauiniwrlpt myeolf U-jonil the pale."—New Yor)i PROPERTY PERSONALLY ATTGNOIiD TO. -• ••• -•-•-•-• i i was the same as that of tUcwu unwJ on Past _f_ tbo earlier metal plntea auQ wax tab- lets. All letters wero capitals. Minim- A Life Pestilent N. A. BARNETT, cule, or stpo.lt lettering, aa opirtsodlto Anuctte-Gthol,la aboot to accept a the majoscule, was Inrenttsd In thelifetime Job- of twonty-foor uoqra a Nevrnth century._ Before Its Invention r day. flotciico-lndeedl AnBetta-tss, J. C. W. RANKIN, North Avenue, Cranford N.J. "'~ tUvn wa* no apacuut Iwtwwn die Hlie is going to marry a mas to refona words. There waa no punctuation uu- blm,- Chicago Wewi. I 11 NORTH AVENUE, CRANrORD, N. J. tew possibly some mark .txtweeu oeu- TELEPMONB 164. Mtifti

of tba tenth century/ tbe art was prac- ticed' by only a few blgbljr., tratund acrlbes. Thli, con tinned all through the middle ages. Tbo scribe* weru Hrt- B'ioyole Ista, and they carried their art to a ft--' -" - high degree of perfection. 'Many' if tbe manuscript* of that period arejrvry ..^_»!_—._-.-- _, "BeautHoJ' a~p«cisMoa'6f 'bandTwork ariif Berkshice Hills Butter. r aa perfect aa print

f Prepared Under 5trictly Sanitary Conditions, < v«. 0?" The Piret LeaMn of an Arab Boy. Tbe very first leaton -which an Arab .,.,, Expert Horseshoeing. - - General Jobbing ' oaby fearne wben be begin* to talk IK • » to keep ftcta to btmaelf. It doe* not aotnad rery frieadiy pot In that way. but It aaves n_djal ot trouble. For- % ' eignera do not nndenitand Arsbti. They a»k them pointed qnuitlona and \- 0«altr in Hardware & Housefurnlshjng Goods recelre peculiar auvwera. Tbey ron- atrue tbe answera to pleaiw tbtiiijielre» GARDEN Nti MOWERtf, and cometway to tell (lie world Unit SEEDS; SCREEN WJP*^ tbe Anbe anr a nation of llunt, Tb«y OBOOKEBy, , POUKTBYN: are not a nation of Han. I'erbapa If * OLAB9WABE, AOATK-WiE tlKWABE tbey should tell tbo forelKtiprn to \ ' 'MECHANIC'S _„ mind tbelr own affairs and let them 11 «It will be worth r your time,to try me before buying elsewnen'ssTmy prioes and UwIlK alone tbe foreigner* wirald \ an low a«d quality tna best, F , anderataad them beti«v-EUcbanxe. , 3 ^CHRONICLE BLOCK. CRANFORD. ' \ On Prlnelpfe.' DIEORICH KREIE, Carpenter and Builder^ Bert (nenrotMly>-l beard pa teU ma h* waa goin' to Dos meUw principle aft- er prayata tenigbt.~Wfiit's principle, o. i. VMVUAXV Blllyt BdIy^rtMoktt'r»oniewbere«t ^JBOBSBV RJNDELL. to* Hi*. Bert. The laat, --~ ••- Schafer-^ Neunrajnri, doo Tit-Blta. shigh Coal, Lumber IMasohs ajnd Contraetors. , s :\ •' • One Way te Leek^a* lt> i j*;*v P fcATHT/Pt-ASTER^^rc "A nan always gel* on easier by jLisJalri^iLraisVlsW ' L UaiiMr kl* wife's adrtce.'1' " AVENUE. . answwed ttt. Meektpn. things torn e«t badly ^jl^ Oraiiford, »

•*•> '.1* *" •* y .">~f """** * JtV mtT V" 1 T — 4^ ~w- j.T

o f Sbuimmin/f Time\«~?^~&i Oft* JCS;ON BASEBAUL ., ' . -AA »WD;WOOL:.. . HriD^jn'K.aitJ)lrio8\in~K-ailJ>j CaCaroIln M /Art lx»*t« ljis,t tier ttatu bat tb» Uryeat lire'eak* io'lUe »or!d." She dl(eor«re"l .By L M. A. FAN > la a ropjr of Country Ufa In _Am*rie« a f*-rur» of a California tree labeled >hop IS* funliwitb 8ew to tbe <1efeii«e M I>bllH«* tbroojlioaf tbe to *lHe; bDrM9*»rc-all. b*-mast tfa4> Carolinian liralii; rooufh to nnder»tanS Jtttf wto* • HMilli'itt! I'lii<-« on Ilio \s *tit fa and bow io take cliauee,* and «h*ii - h**jr. D«rar.<"ti3rl write*. youth. f." ja be ,1* now faoill- to do- xov | -nffivd MJlw«*pti-liiwn* that will (nit lnr>)~<*al~ed. irai cccumttiPixled To the A ?killHl ami ditrlne tia-e ronser can • ifah famuti* r»lifirriila (r*s? to third'" PhflarleljihtA rluh ISKI WIIMII>, aod ¥»• often ploy .luiroowltti the |X>ar» of j f«*rrh iriarr -im fftp town of (.•el iltinipdintPlj cot Ul« nlgiultiire to a mind of ofipotwnts If he i* able ts get ton. Ware "h#re \fn.ad» tbe vorerelgn of (•outran TIIIK (ontnit-t tailed for de- on In a i|-ik-k!--J» to Me a' runner on , kn.i»l«lg« (>f nun Tne man before ti'ii. hue trenta bs»* one moment- and caught nippitur. w«l«t of HIP iru-ik mearftm* thirty fix i lub to huwtiparouodfor or nlpiml while taking a fooJImrdy. ~ •ix Ju< li« lt« spread from lip !•> tnletil.' fiteinlirenner'n i baure Up Is 1J>; feet Till* !•>. .is fur ns I ran too to rontlitne tils whnlartle l«-irn. and I Imr Imestlxntpd <•<"'**>* a Imr, lifter ifllUlnBiuotrcm. over with wlih llnrty j !>.!. the lir^eat »nk trre I i the norhL " flip I'lilllte-' itrvrtAfnt, derided to let Iwlrler, who ; "Another JIMiilrti'ii I'lnre flpwiuien hln son Join the fonr. Itwai tb« -j i* f-MJnMr tin* rno-i Irfmrlflil Iji ex- Rntnn finoilrH bVtr'ooW••<•)<« nhh • • --- and>>«•<.ntidjn |i-dnt of «l»<" h.i\- tie In hK telpiiooiie ami itnrtMl for Injr a trunk tni-iity-wren,fii't f*i ijiv. '"'•'" nrtiere, upon nrrifnl. he ' iimfervnre. Inuihf-r iiotiU4p- itvtr-txik prp*eutpil hliniiflf at tlie offlp* of the I.U IU-.IJK fowl on /me tif th» tprrni+i t-lul» wrth lh»» omimtili'emji'nr. **rtnthfl iw.ir the pan el re !t» rrnlut mettiiurp- iu«-nl !> null tnctm three fee( four un» sltnied, iinil without flnr Im tins, liut II Jws irsprp.nl fiiiin lip Io ; Inilulnu lie "uuiiml fntn the tl;i of 17,1 r,-ot Hip day ICnnlip wan out null POI-- I "1 litMrd lr Ihc rich''man In Cli'VeliHiil, mid HIP IIIL'IIIIIIKII'IH II.-IIC a Hue |iln.\er In ,., , tint mhrneTilipr mw nor 'ftrdniT The \V.i«liln¥toim linip nn ,' ln-ird »f nn ..ik Hec Ui.'ie lltil n-is us ''Inp-pcrlenr i-il limn In fnnitlushniu. At V" •>« thii! on the linn .it Mlddviuii lhl' (>"(l "f (lli>i -'•"•"">' ;oull lind tti.it ColliilH, I.IIIOIP mid fi'ni -lnpr h.i\p out- clnsspd the ntlierx In tin' most Impress- fro iiiitutM^r "

Wnrd Miller.- tin- Clili IRO Culw1 cen- 5"porf /n Which the ter tl.cldl'r. (Mill Ullck tt'l'MIT, I IIP I'111 young and the Crotunup ul!."'i Mud leans'jilmrt llehlcr. me reii- deiluir hiiod iiiiouuts of ihpuwel\cs I'huto liv A'tiirlcnn t*r>» A»ocjiitlon Exfince Equal Enthusi- Miller Is «triniK .it HIP hut, rfnd We.n IT Ri'u^en Marquard', th* Glints' Cltvar asm — HoU> to Learn. IH n re^iilnr HIOIIC \\alt "U defttnst' , (Left Hand«d Twklar.__ Practical First Aid to ' IliiL'lKkY .leiinlii^s his never liet a thlul jI'IIr lefme Miiri|ii:iril pltclipil I nlcl.cl mi ii lull •.Mine , .-. P ni|skp\ or Hie While S|i\ in lyi - _ The utu mill IhirVinUi |«MI<1, I HI' Hill-mi, wliiini IIciir \ ()'|M\ Hailed lirtmk, Ihl' hike, Ktri'iuu a I'd U-iil-h-llciulii. ii fct rlvrr mid the I h.is a M:IIM. II'II.-I.I. mi tin. t.ile rims, aiul Inlet, nil hate a miiKlei harm im lh< h'cil irivullv 'i Ml lianiter, and one fer In liaichall anil HUH uf Illi torrid ra.iK of Ihc ncofchliii: nun < nusji Sonda l.ituev Hill.im Is :i suiitlipiu Henry s|iceil iitvu hunt* In HIP -ran hiliuiudty Io KWcller. IIw-i? Inch or; ,lnty,. lfl Uiis^iii/iiiiu'i Wiid—tful Into rljhl ami left. ti'lcui.ipht'il hoiuewhere to nne f' M In til Jiiuiyy, S»..y-J J^luJn, f,, U l t 1 1 1 l(i wnter, iiu mutter how miiull,.coine-i ln,j thv uati-u IHIV >* "-/J|ywi n'l m il»y >•** } dint irrtt^Sh 'rpsi^uisi - MT 'fi^t Tmif^ ei>: nelulit, I1"" poiiiuN. uiilll f>n-i«*nT-i iiinir Iiu hci uf I luirlcs i'. _(i(U.im. a U^llt Tor the iiilciillon'of-Uiii hulhot.ln lliw'. join- Mile. *- " •-**^ Hie water, us nolliliij; s.. u-nJ-' to r.u-i.*., llClsltt. li fepl IE hinder, whii Mid lie unt the Ich-urnm •UUiluer tluip, in The-city ••\mh HIP up nrouiKl the chest ThHi, wl-th n -full tthh e I.lli -The ulijcil U to <..-'p HiH. i Provtrbs and Saw«. I!M; p HIUIII. Oiipofthp public fountain in Jhe |mrk_4i nut IliilluuiiiK of the j.iculh, thiiiw the «H III-III l> h..i'1/.n.tnl us IHX , j. Tmtnp *i'ii kn iu HiVv K:I\ In*, muni. ami »:ii i'.>iU|K'teii4 In Hiiip the Clnntx, j^est hnll-Jilll.\e|7ilii Ilii- uiajor U'JBJ limly lint), lulu HIP wntei' with Hie iiil f .!_^H« ,-|wt »n»-Hi ttl Ille IKmr Iptnll'lh to •corned by llie^ii|»ill I my with no L>ct 771 N'T" !^", (ilnan(, «ln)"ls left, Is IS* pouuils hiiiid of the iiHilslimt t-hynlil he plmcil mound In the inmeiuciit di"w.rtt«sl the I.- "r"- *inl'i»nb«-\pri true And HIIICI* . from (ihln. tfll.ij n.ihl lip would try tbd "rop'a" bnrk la turned (ienreo MnmhU'c-lli'lElit. H under the miiull of Ihe" l>m Ii. when It Inni-i- Iliiihs me BlIlTciied uud l,nui»lit !""" -l*">k '" l'""t'il'> I II refer jou-ln • uluht" Cill.iui out, but he \yiii|pij n While hundreds of thounniidn or till ivlll,J;u founi^lhiU-ik luitl.c.ik'ii^illli'-i' 1 nrmlv tH-Ttiit-r. " ' '* lamitliw »W*«r • •"- •• -^ * ''* feTt h.uiilei ' ' ' Tine While- Ili-isht. ii reel: ItUttltty are ItiUii Keek'hiir'-feller from tTi'e lircHsiui* nlll he hiillli Iciil ln'in^l rtu lllvlnu In .1 spm( nhli h h is ln-i-ii Ink • Trmii|>-UhMi one l« tlit. iniiiii'' -. - , I.IIO ponHils. beat uj cooling pluuceit 11 In puly Io be Iln> Iciiinci 111 Hint jM'illli'ti ,\-<>.unic vu up with ciitliii-ii.iHiii ui>n:iil,iis l.y Mr» S.-The ..in* I. »k lit the iml^ The stni»l h.'-J' luniici inu-l lip.learn- l-'Miit I.anse- llclclil. ."i reel expected Hint noinc. Mill couie Io uilcf n IICIIII) Imrl/untiil pnxllliiu. ullh nil Ainciiiilii swliiimers Then' lire ,il»jul nhtsl lU'Stnn Tr.mvi rtpt cd In the ml or j-clllni.' an.iy friun the Im IIPM; weight. IS.*, poiiiuls. through mVldcul or caiclci.8ui'»a Miin> pill IH nf the head but led exi cpl Hie ll\e dl-IIiift jlhes the plain fwiil. tin- •*. Of these unuual <-inJuaUlcs could be imujth ami -nu-c l.cus MIIUIIIII lie e\ liliiln li.uk the fiuiit JuUkiu're. the avoided If tlie Uctiiu had Acquired tho leiidcd IIKIIII) mill l.e|it |nst l>clou the Imck Jiikkiilfc mid tin' one nud a h.itf mil fare. The Imck of the heail limit •it of iwlmiulni; (Jhnrlcn M. Ihiulcln, dl\c TIIP-M* aiv umde from dllTrreiil IK' Hiiluiierved, else the inuntli anil nnve the (Teateal Hnliumer (ho woihl has cannol he ki pi alni\e Ihc Hiuf.ue •Ter known, him pointed out the nig- In a Spirit of "Raillery Aflef a inoineni.or Iwn In tho ilc ulflcant fact that BO per cent uf the Kcllhctl pi»lllon Iheil'.iUliinl xlinllld ir SAVING THE DROWNING daatba by drowulnif are those of per- uunc hit. mippiiiMni; haml Kiilhcr, he Chang* in Ptaix,- i Frund Indaad. Taking Thair M«a»urt. «. To fixskt a iliotwuni; person the res- - •oaa who oervr learned to mvliii. ulioiilil KUHIUMIIJ nud luipt -plltil) n>- .Mm. 'Xeiiritih- ,S...top .lip.ird'Tniin | "There cues ItlnVIx Jlc s n C IIIMI'I'IIPHHI . To awim, (lout, dlie nud trend "liter Uline (lip pi'cstiiie ri'i|Ulieil ti> keep the tint iie:iiss Hie hull sci'in to he (fe-li:ili|i» »fruii;ht ton'nrd hliu mid atteuifit to Iripnrri^-? " [Jriui sn^v ui>.Mlilii^ iiiiklud nliout jue.V la the ambition of ever)' boy nud nianj unlinincr aflmit Tbo pmludle effect IIPIKIIIIDIS'-' i^ked tho man. tr.ili thp tin'fo'rtuiMte from the fruiil SIlw Young—Well, she. nroip "lli.it I "I np\er lime. Ajul. strnnge to»ny, he uf Mil" ulll he Unit the b.1;limrr will j. nnge to»ny, he ••\<).",rp|illeil the woman; "I vvutrhel —. 'IMilj inljflit |,MI1. tu Oliaaler. fb* sttcltratltras xtUdh hh'Hi "l liuwedliHel,\ heuln to •jtnVr 'The nnlr H'»««••< you quite ~Ve.ll."-THruilni;li.iiii pvei-jllihij; thnt raw out nf (he Inn,-. clepwuli oy tlie dKHMihik- one will clutch at oujlldu- terra flrm.i. I I'll Km i fur tills |M the knowliMuf th.it I Ace Herald. IHR uin They liuteii"! it tiling thai w»' nate working of thy mind uud body, for mid hold fust. He pivici.ts the rcsTuer unleu tbe uilud then mu —«n^iitt =A^^eisoti," s.iyH n ctiniuplon HHiinoicr Fatal ti the lioily nhen In Ibe water upon Iho "Wlmt sueiess have you hud nlili coniff * awimmtr. anil II former life »ii\er. Ftni, tu'get Hopeful - What* did convlollou nffordeil h) (hemlml ' ', tbe portriilt of your-ino^her-iii-hitv?" to ii drownliU! niau, swim nreuiHl btnt be, raid ,10 .that I'rnctlce tlont-ln« until the body rnn :-Trvmciii'ou^ It Is vuih u speaking iiml NPIU> him iHMit'ath the imnplts IiiHtimily n*«tni)i<'(he |x«ltloii7Tf tal- "Vou've CTt a CIKXI likeness tlmt rny. hrolher, wheu he LKARNINQ TO SWIM from behind. Tlien j on ' t'^Tt iinie, then piviare to tnl;e the rtrst UotttufMawnut-Me jj,-ot n.fiOod price enmeto look-nt II. Instinctively pat his In learning to swim ibc tlrnt eftorl rciiiii of his iirjn*,11114 i-nn.hold him up nnlhnnlii); p far Komo.laud he oolil, pj (IjL'ttr liebiiKl lilt* Imck-."— abpuld bo umde to Hunt. Ku-Otblnt: Mini, tiviul miter. Mii tiul it' 'A*^ ttlrntl M ono roust JfeJtf1ii «l«J iMl TRFTilTicr nie,i?is pf ma. baa Ibe nervaut fflrl thoroughly li'arned Keur of the "liter BACK SWIMMING " tonic land low? A Barnyard S6er«L deparU wheu It la mice learned that imir nd\lie to kei't> still uud nlll wrtis- The niLslstiint gliiuild ncdiiupmi.t Ihc Jinc nit— \\ L> do the, hens go «> ron«t KIP urouinf niul ti"y to MHre you t>t (lie li'tilnner JD»I to vnlui the fenr. As- Sup«rfluou« Initruction. •MI euh? KRIM>II-TO Eel old iHmHIon of Boiilluc. e,\- Haven't you notleed liow pjrly Hi there Is nothing left to Icurn but tlie rase IsMo deal Mm n UW on the oept Hint tho nrtns ore now to lie ev roustiT* IM'CMI "(rowlngr— Yonkct TA/jjau* luo^eioeiita to propel the lnKh of the nose nud htun him. Theu the Statesman. ' .'""" , throtu^h the water ami some cxcrt-Uei teiulcil lieyond the head, but uot lifted lest Is pusj. from Ihe^rhter. ip ^reJilhlns that am cuoio luiportuut "Aiiothw Important feature la' the Already Don*. i than, may appear at nn>t «laine. The llrst tuoremcut l» to dntw HIP HMcue work N -that of sett IDS rid «.f •*" "-'"te Unit le*»ou let a liersou In Iptfi up'lo the Imily, nt'the mime time the n.iter and rcetv>ilii£ ,r«»plnitii>n,- i-.T*': tho Kpreiuilin; Ihcm apart us wide a« im» W'holi I he rpscihjil (K-rstut u oil .shore the In" the t-hunicter' of iiisirni'lvr! "llllt' Wlu>j| (lint part of Ihc nu»i- tlrnt thltiq; |o dn Is to Mnud hlui on his * M« mailer If tho so culled hi- "tnrtlt~••• iii'rtini|ill«heil Hie less abnitld head and hold Ms feet straight UP tu S»»tiot'Ny nn- iipilii luul- HWfes, anil when It stop* Honing stand are a bright- itwl, tip well a< hl« help |u prop- Miuti(l itinl rlcld licheath (he. surface him on liK fret with, his. buck tonnrd Do you take after your _ k ««*utjilir u few plalnlv dewrll)ed us the iutiM tuS'iiu|ta.ttpd iiv you mid by holdiiiL- him ntioitt the Hb- "Gee whit, nol With bin npppi,,t - ' ilV'*"* ' • ''"' *U~*-*^'i"»«* nAvw *>t is i'xhrtu""Hl domen nl'ivft him to lift JK»W so. Hut It would ' k loj fsfMmf ( In lirlu^lUK the nrtos uicL no t.'uclL,eiiy'er. [(>r_-ue -ji rpmore.' flo(aj[mi ''i-Jie >n-wt fnto tlfe luii^s. . 'tl«' Ituly.h. llelit'cr ._ Nqt-rftlKtandiii {,\v\el, tm immhij: Uke t>v«rjthinj; else.' e\en n Lov* and Splnack. ji-«laii'.iif ilt*i_v~uti-r Jt wiii^df*- you'al.ways tell a. "Don't you t]£tk you could lenrn to T"ie air Inijie Innps it r.p»|xm- „__,..,_ on the Ilnksl " " love me.?" 1 thlw^Qtmtlty: IHMKH.'Jt-'fiillow'si V^*.-«u4 (*«lf«F-4'>ywi; as T»-ruk?, von I might I oftce lejirned to ljjoi-t^7i]r flipfe'ls lifjhi" lung's can't tell 'hlnx tniK h. ], • like splnnch- nfter a cood deal of ef- liiiomii! tli^fHHly will IH! hi fort." answered the gltl k'cr A • mi'hiii vlinuid Ite *|>okcii t > " AnAvansV* *. * "" '" I tn^ p|pllifiiii -\yoru 'In * *** ——*-- the luxia. tlie level tm-ost (to Judllinnp-tiU—.'"VhJlt «- I mope lie •man tbJtv nud fl| dH ; ami 'a,."few ^wtJotu-ot ,. .v.,j.- har* ytta to offer'forriitliintnjt' \ ke^cp-him on ton jtpif about a' f^»ur.Hte*e powlwrion*»«*tW(tli-idT*«W|r ( ami In t'llt time V*" '"' m»'nj Vhaofr: J 'Agmt—"VeIC i*m twain-, Ite^ Volp-" id mr cnuuUatiier. . -if. to

.-•it ^ •*.**£&

;j^j m»Smm^mjt^^


a .-jpt^'sm §3SC?'*'' ;i '* ' T'^.^I ^"'if >***

oTa«r«llc«rfcvtcbaaw«*^at<«i> • *»• a*4 btyoaal that rm tte* trai* :af •> • tare* tir* TMa raiBtirtiwd *twm aa «,»f»-*r» tun relflnc m* trothf I eaaM

.| tea** ** la* door- op>m.» "Poll Ib* aoff without tb* ellcntmt in „ _..,_ *bd to* maotel »wun; in audderily I barely .• iMearwd twlrtj at ruck. Th* p*it Initaut, lamera'•'' • ' •

W0m I haatlly, frrting uutblug mint k>n£sr !.d*la.j> my p'au*. — ".Vo, you if* "v^ to to Into that bole (tone. Tl)ir« i* aomo-

I ~w ••• a u_,, (nn» wader tola i aow«r lucfc .nod ondaciryT I wa* wito I thing utymeriuua about the paaaage; x« ifonml lMittaid wttti sir throat aj«ah«dl. * fwepasine to,r«(l»«w»' ihr«iiir,h .ti*'t«wrsa» 1»A Itefo** he rflUid draw-1 fetartty *i InbM'ttihVr* w*«. only aa ; wcvd* lions ith-, r»«. of tin- «ntp* j on «*eant>& I mk«1 numrilj: . •• •till irren. aud I better* will recocer. ! arbor, |' Wt^./it»nTliM-nl "That ib* j "la I'bhi Captoiu ItoduT . . .1 I mrttn to (ak* you to him In a mo- - i tare* -of ,anarlin,; Coofrdehrtea | "S noi I. an) an'olJlPWof Johoufna'ajf f UMUI. wit' you muat wait her* nnui .4 wookl...b*..drawn•-.»• I*IM- to l»f t-o* | atatt.'" prvrtng forward an a vain ya- j il ctiuie lMi*r juiy ttit, "\V}w»r* j I can truai yooT* . ' ' j I becan irnrtnlog my na.t In lownrd I ywu> \V»ai do you «anlr" Her fin* waa white, her eye* foil of [ tba gran* arbor'. di*m*»nn~ «*.«..-- . • -. • • rtrwnP i ' 01 •i to proerp**.- Th-"iKi"i!"'"" i ' ""**' •**•" ** '".want by Oat* j Yea. yn, but—but ar» ]roa certain j nfibe * anally m VPOIPU further ! b« lato'hnac hi* nmn •' • i ha wiir llr«T* ibia Kri>n thro thra* word*, tha-dwp fr*l' rn lu Itir tnict, hUlt, altSOlt U>gef*A e er* ta cast *o black- a «h.,!,, itW | :5B« j «mi^ VVnW., ,, i(lii|tf .>. ' gellH-r pi«'fl»niiily' "Tber* l» nothlnn f-tim-'t"—^iiaMi^iiV-i.i-'ii-1-.-..'—•••• •-'"•-•—•-.•-*'•—i .lx?JWOI)»rly.-wr4uua. atxim fala Injorlpi trunk l*f"flp t>e«vnilns nwnrr to far «» I cuuld.dlaWirrr, A aurgnin tiro (nttn wer» «inndlne illeiv .I* a inn tor order* an u _.....-. and » iliirw -ranlii- hrtug htm. Wrou'nd gVber.. t.bejy' hark* inward we, Th* "Well, burry uack' and Orma him up | ; In nhori order '1 hp. lw|Hirtant mnttrr sound of i mitt rirvi un£iVvtii*d. mw You know ID* #ay, don f-youf ' I •t.f* lo tfvt back' to ti I in Jual an noon in lu llie |>rrll of ibe |MMiit|»n In nhVb I Marti! oO Into the black nlRht. aa ' |HK'IIII« So. .MK«» Df'nalww," .and- X I hail unnltilBBiy (tljtrrd uii«flf J tbuiietrll hid a (bounaml ih.raterirtt. ^ktuun rnught her by thfi nrm lu rutralnt, ' '•Thrl.'ro ce/lslnly *tl| i»-'i..-r* l>y ' "HWI, I don t eiBPtl.T'kurtw," I ron> ".ton «r» ni|i io rpitttir* 'Into that paj- dajlttii, a»«J thfii «•< ".liili, hut* fp»««d tinyrlliltiiily, -I cot ncfe all I « Ml* Mtf sloint, Infiuil t« buck b*r* la a CXM»yRlGHT. l«9. BY A. C MeCLURG ngnt bt»aua» tue tlfipg from thi> ca •men In turn II , j lliiouit'tii ! lo- Wccoiurmriy you," Thin i miner guided rm«, but tbeui WPM you reach the orrhara. I- PROLOGUE 01* THE 8T0RY. • aiPKM-aepr *bo ju«t I Vi. . nii. 'Hut why cannot^l got Ton My h» fr" I mlohi. w...»..-'tiiufmln.- - an I -rw'koo n will' ,„„,„ -. "filbert King, a northern aoldler left ... - Ihla ••IJow Diucb of « ffinw w niiy ffforl tu tirnii, aivny'oi nlng, and jla hurt, aud atiffprlng,. and yet order b.id o|wn«l thp.flrriiliu'e and -l«rtHi!Jf—u-traw.Catrsn" l»uui lute IIU> a light naiad-trull* to-tlmii msy vn.r MOM* i ui» ««(Wjfo-bfhftn/*^"~J'>^r " "" T for dead oo a southern battlefield, re- wuy nock Hjinlu >o» t-uulilu I no " '!iV"t-rm tffT,mrri^m.- Sl, eoreirs consciousness near a fivrnihous*, Kos llththiu lb<* Innlfrii . trbVo vnur asknl ih« <|!Mi>rloii Sipp out ! "I miTPiy requeat yori to remain hi-r* lining, i-oiild y»ur'i , lli..|,v nuw „,,)> |H, ,,„„,, v , ... j • • -••'; ..-Mura* yoa „, remain hpr* where he heara Jean IX'iisk.w, A beau- men cniue, and I >(olc luirk' no. far as "t)p •h'JUlJ bare a liiiudre)! mug, i-oiiid your:, - '••'•' I iM'iird him »>v.-«i-inu ir « «««•»• •-••• the bend of the malr* lo.lrarn tvhat waa o _„.= . imiwrm tijpii. • 'ihp-rp.wa''I here .waiat nothinnol'hilig Inn the-WHiMth*.rpntiN'ti tt(o hlr hrciiib,.-hiit'-hy pu»l» Uful daughter of thc-jsouth. tf|l her wltb'my. reiltt«mi|rkpil u)< «u IIIH »t.r. -anrnxe i>ii«plcion.^e(.,jw.ie •ii»plcion.1ipt.h<»jiip«i»'>""» ""'""'•"; Ui>r.i' i " "" , •_,•• -!• i or | "liimr"linnrd inin.* r hrr eye. jeareblpe the He no« wo! <>t«f in Killer CnvW lu iwri'llllj 01 Mn>l Incilneil tu ipfll"»! rk ,„„„!„»- M Jnarry Lieutenant cflvcrt-Pinn. nliom your mtwagp, nnd I dn'ldnl' lo crape : •We ullpiwul ..wllhli/lbe.ahpltpr [ daMi o|»-nlng- Kfoln wn* »juicKly. a* [wiswHde. - w4viar>ii,X4«kin<'Trvirr"^*wluii- Oflrlw» i ***Mpr----• - 'I .ay Mi>..r*r- , ' ••' (be dpea not lore. King tearna of n 'rtirre-'-wi* a pauw:. Ounu lj|<-l;ed ui-m,ti ni> dtgulty, ~ ..-.•;'' held ii*. nV'.wllh .Ipv'eiejl'pnrbln*. W Having no .lonKor any thnughl .of: 'llfl|l«*tl ..-, „„.«, lilll U II movement to aurprlae the Federals. r»»iit^i-l> al i!iik f».>t i and tnowlne the way lier.feeliy^.' f ud i'MJcw. for you to attvtmit m ir*»- Aoiiuua to get awaj with- the lufor- - "\VH!I. It »riwt'''e, I blew out ihl'llshi nnii carne_down I srne nioiie i;«IH nbl.pennli It. Se»|. the laddPr It) the dark- I hare lii.ide ! hour iw* utilll rttli tilvp nil>'an<-«] f . "Thill . i rpjiirtlnluj! «ltji*ri» hi- u*iji«.;hut ntHM'tj: liMHiirien afivrwnfd. Vt-| pti«n of his dl«(;iil«e nnd tn isnvc himself ho > i ..0. .•.-, In.thai *lmrrifiiri'i ni4nfk' In mar'rleil to'Jean lieiulow. Still im- turui'gh tin- lunui'i for u liiiiiUrfUfi-et • 1 tin'.*." ' l-' ' or more, one hunt] loiuhlng, the trail Itfru droftpluc In, iiviv ail nielli HIKI f UurHi'il t"r«.inl "ini~.il lilln -uMiilciliii-' nir ri.ijc niiO ••onucuird to luucr the detat^ad. he B^rtH .on horsebJit'li 'witb joil tii-nughl' Hi* mil. t..n ',,:' [ If I" «iu«'wil, , ! ' • !i'|.'iiii HI Itch ivn» JtltMiueil, HffnllKt liijr .She nr.'eptcvl It, nur hand* Intirhiuir his bride l» UnniiTi ImuTo. Kn mule to Lw|i the dlrwllou. whsu aom*thU)g ' ' M'"u * r) "I dldu tr ri|>Mf" in-iuit knti< ihl» mitt j '"Ilin^ laiRp * f((o-p hasp roiij' MuriiHl. ||iiiiinl|l hud lint riicv'vml cull for nil Iniinnt. before n vngui- «i» the tllseovers (lie. dfipepllim-atiil, ftiri utruck liitf «o Tinerpectedl,y. .r.«tbar; . VIHIPIII <1I» - "A.fi'iv U«-I>J n .ImndrVtt. I rH-knn " » [ili'lon of my rpal" purpoa* •' da*«' »..D uinuini uie. urcepilciii ami, furl- u V r ] v reelem-led .J«ckwar backward nnnod fell. I b«»*-rnb'. WHOo Ij •*Zt\2.T»t. n m^rety-.aui,* '"**. «.v " .'" '*" "'** " "IIIIOKIH^M. I' I'ini-ml limn riiuiiKl! In j Ujnii, tier,-- • ^. --•--;*•.• ':" rous,- gnKrfps off'to trarij* llie '(toiifei)- b ''""*•'"""—"•'-of HWlng nnylhlng-; only ) " " *"«"* I'rt-wr "Vv • Vii. i.ttni* 'in: I II: ilioiv j'nti iii th* few lii» piijii.', M'lili'h. iippwirwi raplil | .iVWluii-^w-liBl'., nr» »jrtm planntnu m eralea., .Her horse fallaiiuiJ liroaksi lla » ..ujMiiug; oniy WlS ...,m |«J~' u !•• IJIJIII ; of feeling the blow nnd reall.l..*.!---- « """""'" " i psllr Viiilyuiild follow timl with your' nliil iitroiig. jH-ilii-ri- Hun nuKiiug- inijilD? T«kp Jour men ibroiigji liertif neck, while1 Jena injure* licr titilj.U-. nl feeling the blow nnd renllilujf I waa ! Old yaU'roUUt tllr ftlUf ln'l)|p«, Itiere »re «(«ull t« j yfvt liHiiillolilfd '" ' • . ' •':,'... j .iimld llti to-'Mliive Ills i-oiiilllloli |i»- J. "Vi«," I .nrkomrlnlKril, nlrcnily at llopelensly she, accepts Klucr'a -|>r6ffer, fnlllni;K. The unit J remember' la look- '.So: but,ll)i-r» are nfwull twoiny ! I Imd (orffoHi'i(,J|ie_«ar mr*p|f, or. ; , ~ -"»• HUU tuvy Iilll4| fiiiuliUf •a|i|ilii'ailnii"ur wntvr. I imiil LHw linnrl of lh» »talr*. "TliU U our of naaUtance to Dunu'a home. KIIIK'J l,,^I wall.. "int .o Your_face. . wonderin,, . ... g wher.j *<%>J £^£LL*Z r t' ! rnllipr. thV-nlclii iiiiifiHi-d m* »» U>lU*d up 'tuelruionel «-r tiHd ^^^tlm,n«»l«giil>ihed:tnii«rll f *' . - •' ^ "- " ' Jcru ..Upnai.d.,;a. Confwlrrnis ^m-ri-ilt !Tn»-] «nd. gr«|H4l Jii> w«y HJown tb* abort j v^ , ,„„ ,„ „„ m>nnpr in ^hlft ' tiio. eiiVdltlpn ionUi liliis; u Mixm.iliii [Jmldprjo tin- IIUIHUI Imin.-L^lual/iir^^jj^.^-^jt^iMftlf T>rt-tn1 "Mf~ 7 """3*0.0, who lead* him -Into'n ira'pl'.ilu 'Uporo-orrrSaTre-reaTrSlfhir^owtf^'n ___ .,._-„ ,..w .^«" .^nutir uv um ^^^ ^-,-sm^^uM.M^^9nr^rtt^r^»,_.^..SOiiuai.M i'«in|i» Iff Will way unleaa yni d<*llb- outnlde knew of tbl« pawnee, or c!»« !H> t.liu.lirli action.of ih» pant otennea, only to atuiuli'e. flcrona the Ye.. Idld. fXidi bu,„„,;., .^.j tfaJ'ii'i:;7 '* "'• •"'•»> begin. |«d liour 'hud riiiivly < IHHIMI tu kill me. Y6(i van do tJium. If liewai prc»*>nt n»U In cota n la fb rt -k rvcil «ompHlMit '.-.-; liody- of ii alnln t."oufcH iTriTiTSIiiifliy'woiuiii^iTTiiciimill iiuunt- rrlluo, he toluijtarlly »urrendera to Big dlrectlup »urh «u a^uUluB party, *•**"**' ****<****•.«» ll.»t.»-ii..ie.r^{gS3a*K*^sy&j - r«u wining (Drto thai for the Caafrd- 1 111 "ll flll.l(njk^ |IM* .fiini' In nip.".ufarlug • -)! IIIH. nnd. !• fell l!» InrlinnlltMt l<>.nt • Jem Donald nnd In nccn»ed :b,r Cal- Whichever wawaii.lhis the^^' cnusecnusej^ l1 dealred"to.-...aT^w^**"dealred to j " " ipuipi ihiiipii'<«iiu» iiliine in i(ii>'ilnrk- frafy)' • * (wtfrfr mj.scir—I mini ncal the tunuei. iMMrontf lifuir ••\VhcM' did you iny the ...vwFtDunn; •KMifir%ho\vs light, liut Is j Hitrance «n«?": tiinia,. Tli« pon.Hilllile. ut uiiinler lurk- I raw the f!n»h. *we*p Into her nubdued find Hilda hlmaVlf .-i i iir el«%°*rnie Idea Coming 'io iiieii^ n'o.[ - . , . <•'! nt evwy «l»'|i, HAII« «til(« I wpa li(it flioek*. ,lb* gray biu* *y«a falUng b» In tlie cellar of the* house until VWIUMI 'l!i*plr»ll(>ai lend » norlle through IL f "Itlcbl hern. In frtijn,"-.-half ungrliy truly alrulii, I f.'ltmy IIPKII crevp jit loru ivitii... \ • .. ' M izliy-Jean, who-wants iirotectlou.-«jB nil mid tlm.i f2k»' the unconiciuu* bo-[ "Ulml 1» ihe jiiaiii'r with vnur illiiiylyiiilr IIOIP" | «nfe nt Hie. foot of 'lu* 'ladder, lluli)-* Irtenlro to inks yon with M to tb* aa> . I (|Upst|oni'd. . ... \ ' • •'.'w~dMv of Boftof not to eacnp*. While j He Krl|i|».il Jim alPfrp.'' forcing me UIII l! well'. In nilranre', y'W not •<> »» •Ittanc* of Colon*! Donald.. Dot If It n-otchlng lie hna an encounter with "Not orer\8fty feet. I. ahoniji nay. f ilvlajW uiiill (tflt-r ilayllght and the uarnealn*** with which 1 apoka IUB succeeding In liftliu.fMjn»e.lf,-iiftlU.! n] tpnt!oni_.:'riiey..flnd ^w-^HHt^lWn-iiK^ i'M-^-crthM^nirj death llvbp'.\Ho! Juitirh nt ijiun'if. VVh.-n- 'riiP|liM/«ji:oiijjtUJiiid.aj'il>*d^')«nNWlila» »1»li>o:!IVr)wt."'bul"filii iuurement* were I fwtitiiiirriit^iivf.iiiirein: «iHIr. woultVi.lll.dt I .ii>* e,....--••n ligh•t i«'»-^Ilk*:roi- - -a mln* for.; Ooe (lugle qa**Uonltia' la. «<> uncertain ibnt I grouped him atao. j Ten lliinu rrtn ha io yii»«iH'i<»pd. de/i, Kim.-, nld.van;ire8 with soldiers. '.W|K> • IIIIU ..Hut If UP could- nipt atnnt. •••..'•'•.'••'•'•:•:''.<'<'•?• •-TTT"-,"•?••

, _. ,^_ .»-.,.»!»juircuiD them „ «.,. j,anpsiis,; .i ••ic* we permit- nelrcs trltHn the libuse, wbyre King led him to He back on the packed earth ... ,.,.,,...... I .d ... I wouid far ralbtr yoo fWt ttwav Viand .O'Brien seeh to Ulacorer (be «»• floor to rest, He wnirawaylrigdfzillyi llghily 'bupltled hhj. wnlit()t>lt ndont hit hrirttli(lng awity. nml hy itivlfi: iiiorchlng Mliui Uemlow," l retarigied quietly, iCrirt pnasage through irUlcb-boualden. whPti we finally aitalapd the foot of a arum, binding llA'Uiiivlpli'Mly. agnliul nlt/iln uur own linen In "nfely. Thla "than to be utterly Indlffarent towari :~V-nj*rf.- Held- up liy Jean, they are ihort ladder leading upwards- The trap, tb*'bwdy.;.:..V. v\....;••:-:f.;';; :' ,. ;.' wfTerwl » flgliliii'g I'hnnceat letiaf, •Hut" .•••' '•'•,':•• .." . ':- :-.'.:/W'.:''>''., .•'••- .locked lt> » room, from which they e«- waa dqtttil, yet aa I held the Intilcrn "starry-to f»p co'mpellpd-fo Yr«if you niid HIP more I kindled It tlie atrunger I caught her anddM look otaarprfae, : yx{iv «ilh dllIIcu.rt.V. dla^rioing and Im- blgber I could perce|T« the oinliuw'oil lo ibl*; ipflUurC' I reiuarked coolly. uD ll wiipenl. , tb» gMlck opllft of b*r face, bot b*» 1 ;S iirlajiilng Jean..;.Searching for !li« bid Uie door;' >'-. ; htfl— ' '' - '— litlt It srviu* lo Jb* your iucfc ly gel In I orrlred nt ih/ hotfom nf rh. fore abw could find espressloo la word* M» ihe trap lockedr ray way coii«lniitiy. lltwldi'it. I i^lli'M I Mil allnnxl •" •"-- '-•' ^veSHtiB the ^•lone^Mnlla, anil'ihs bard' dJ,y' »t 1 ..y*llfi*r.' siuyi of Ui* Innleru. Jtut at rarlouB doorway*, blackened with pow" aid den, giiM of a'ngrl :(V»«-r'''tni»' hi*, pot dcnr.P. )'leldlu« bltn vole*:' tit ln Arfibonl till*! hn'if?' l.'llehl radlatliiK froiii; helow. y« iti» . - :•: • ...-'..V '-.- ' • • "' Y****lti* '• mnPl HOIIII'•<••I tii'i-er ,ba»» _ awung unlfonn 1 worn had an lmiu«j|fli* rf-, m.»Bd be uiadea'weaki^ort to FIP KjulrujuwjalriBHl) ounded r thbe pfj*"te>r <>' amall ro«n». lutowhlrb my bead pro- •^rx'ct, oo»»i.i; tumi i*>tt* mnrrr.' l>Di-k 1nro iHi-l >a H'llhoiit,unman aa>. /ect. afld:|ibey -reotaioMl 'fpjipi^tfolly ; the gwn ^harrpl/biit. compi-... ». .•—,,;:•—--.' '<|bi'certalpiy.: i r». Jecjed aiyifofed unoccupied. Katl»aod: TBBkei ouiflt ««*»y, Wit J('a_betier to > in ib* bou*tt would (•ileii^ Ifaolog op fh*lr.parblu««J.wait- Ta* lo this, -I feturttcd iwlotir. cuoiid- (j« twi«rty/f«r nil lliiBirdlii lv » Mo i/pernl? Il «*i wait abd m.ike it dsoa Joii. Ai(.llifogn fMnjut 'kitty"'."'" .ppi bly puijled as lo; bo V lioonld wa» f» they caii'tpoitslbljr get away." . " , ! Tb«' (Kwalblflty of fsm • to tie jpof tip tbe laddir. •; Water"frum 1 "AH'T)«oald * Hint "WPT« ^$JW± ^n»t ;nad ocrwrwi;: to; him "Some of •'em "wlU 'stire ««rt bwrt If j ;H»rpjitrth.e the caDtwn opplled ei-ternnll*. vrith Well. Tin golo" rodtxl | Whb.me.7.;. • bad, ...... _. ,,. tlip l»jit -Ureis of the brandy fla*k( a* '-'-• • JaayiieM SH-ttWay, :£»;«i^^» aHwilu^ 1 to' mev yet her* t»aa "•"-•-•"^lo Mf. «ld^uoioit^i>onald InwardKtlmulnpt. Lmusht the Injnreil •ner* I can tlod j much, and-DfDl(!if«. "" te iu '''w maq once osaln to bl.< ff+L 1 boctlrd , ^*M««Mirf'toeini|ts.;|nC> III* ntWi on the ullne, atrapor ibe cnrWne'beneaUj Theflrn; will *trtl<« tof wh«n 6« conx*. ou gun/d wilhln. i rapped '••'• nrms." ta^lei^tUiiC^iyS'.Vpfitn He'll follow that pa0 op from tbe •i]W»»fte^gf.««:«»!e,-ii8diWaa" ' op *a. _ / , , ;i he fKirit,; af':• titt>' vhlmnpy; ""/'ifrr«°; i"'*p-togptiipr,-'-jiw. M. i^J^M^ba^iio^^n;:, from heloir'nnii that. '«&$£;*&»• llkely."b' •••'.'' '"'V':\' ''> .„. ;ta i|«iwi, nui .iinirini' oo 1 : ; : Ko patrol* Ihroirn fit my' ' W|lb il kiuilll w|ll:nl rfwnrwt:^ dro«lo<: "'« ««noat'lbert acroaa hl»i ahoolcftr. naoa -' retnaloed'

""••«»--' 8a»S?ifS -ittaii ,fcMI*sfitBI ,—•«• mnj. «craicwog «. match. A :-^are..-yoij. ,n»;fr*• - •• lar window otib* boiur *plt fiao»9 toth e mem ^ot-er, n If »» can- 'theiii: for '••tlUhp'Mfiti of a'-carttte'tlHiii'tilii"l*Sr»' ...... Wl'uiJeVfyTiJii. .,„tlip.'iwfl, „„r ,„... lm^U*git»tMrkitf^ti^^ ;;.WB«^J-of-;luir-.-iiA«Aii-i'.s(.-i'»-.vr-J-i;-^,--] '•fit ira^^^tua^enitt^^ ;m/nut(«,:y;''>^,::^riri^^r^v..../. ^^,,i^^i!to«»3»|ihpT)i. nips V'-f&fi'i WEI; JiniatfFpfliiuj^JaMom ^^iL, THB CRANPORD CITIZBN'.THWWPAT

tUOet af dranforb 1iifi|eit outing on Aflgatt UHa'to Boekswsr B«Mb tb« mart «Meeaf at in tb* Utterf :.v ;e«wooo wore. rT TSUSSO'AT *r of these f^caAwi. '/ha «tMm«r "la*. It is nrssorwl MM* Vn Chris. QntM- j OBANFORD • CITIZEN. bel" wfll iMra the recraaHun I** toUs,of Willow amrnoMhmcMtiie Hboljethport »t itio'claeka.nLflatar- f^ Boose ta?«> Sir Henrr H. Staa. w OsJss avssst, Onaford, I. dajr. August l*l does not thereby auumt any dtatnent «nd-qolt«\onjWe to star the You'll' patronize this market—its TmtSUfOtt*.mttit,tt*'mtttiut>-iipK retpo/uibUitv for-opinloni which maf th« Oormni champion, and the contractor*. Messrs. Sharp * Dam- advice otP» BMMI across the river,who - CoaerMo Curt) Md flalta*." a b* tmprtued. tbe otherwiM enoellent field, abdold tbe market that eaten' to your utttii u arMnwU l» brosso,.. ... •' , ."'.'•• wera banning directions-to them how most exacting wants-tbat keeps as make thia Umnamimt one to be reinem- to msasg* tbdr ctnoe. iwr PUM. l*noid Lean arama, «Md Mr. and Mra. A. D. Waahbora, Anoth«*»tnp« to U) Iwred In Chew bl*tory. Oar AiMrfaan North a**me, will celebrate their ttt tire, Marehill, ba« mad* •trad from ' punishment berans* bis the finest Roasts, Steaks, Chops, tha owtmrmol — »er wedding on .Aug. *tb. Poultry, Hams, Bscons, Etc—that m atnata wbhto ti» buuxlarlM 1 Hot weather isa poor time to talk.excellent ttort, defeating TurtMcfa in BdsUkea were so sbsnrd. One day we ahaUoooatniet the oorbaand pitMsnlafnat' polltios .tat "evarybpdjr'* Coin' it'.' them tlwflmt round. ' With" ihV NeVT York- Mm; MM Winkleman and Mbs Be^ were floating down tbe Kongo.- Near is sanitary and clean—that charges ' " * elln loM ur t/aow of,bvnd,ia days, * In National affair* Hie Ih-molluyona tournttinent driiwinft nearer it •ie Qray, of Second areaoe, are spend tamping time, as he happened to beprioes as low as the wholesal now man, I bade bus atand.by aod tt»T»^5?ti5Sy^?SS-" crate have put in nomination the oyndi- ing tbe SotBDMr at Oak Waod,_L. I. prices permit ' / '" " fS* Una at AnMn aotkw to «. oooatrort «ha' would receive" quite a boon if an when 1 called oot aelxe the grasa 00 aaai* «t«wd by;, tin berk-oUhvT ••p , • Amnrirtin *b*rold Trin at Br«*Uu. : Oar^ recently appototed asscssnr M The above is so- you'll know 1 tha«-«Bolr DOtlot abatl be ffronJ. Uw ta £•*• rr UM bink to step the boat In a little tluw ts aaeb uroperty ownen by t. " The, JlepuWienna, liavu- renotninutod Holfnrof IXJIHIOD, teetta to James. Birrf, U very busy now, making after a trial. • * Clerk, when of President Toft, while the Dull iloamtt Bjijirovu of tliu nuifgoiition to hare the penonaj vi«IU iooar property bwoera. cried, "Bold band, Klrango!" Phone 133. • each, notfc* aeail be aeeomiauil«t are trying to decide mill' tinlt« world '• clmmpionnhlp go to tbe winner Chris Hayes has. gone into -toe real -•"Pleas* 0OBV; nusw," be replied and with s copy or thai ordinance, and "hall ouatala J a hifprane* ta tb* lajar undiw which prop*rtr some third partj producing lio* the lin« «f the KTf7f estati) boateeat. 'forthwith •prang'oD shore and seized I.MILCH&CO., oVH" 'Ktut n r«dDlr«l. to conatni0t*uclicarba Out will help the syndicate".candidate the gr*a£ with both hands while we, of ilgnliw*. ./• " '•-, .:•.••••• «r'« opinion in *ncb matters should not Don't forget to attend the ptenks and Bank »ufirtlr>iz. diJ«ct|oDl l IncaWaaidawiwrgrovmnahal most, .apparently will plea*) Ibo.backflni be treated lightly. ' coor»«,JweM rapidly swept on dowu fall tofwnatraol anch curb and gutter aeeard* Hammernight's '.festival 'of th« local stwam.r - • ; lot to tlMuequinaicnta of tbkt unUnanca, tha of Ibo tiilrO term movement beat; Therj". The game* of the' Queen's Osmbit Turn Vereln on, Saturday,'at Brits Twoahlp Commit t<» ahall eauae lb» work ta v The boat's CMW roared at the rl'dlcu- ba dooo, and thx coat; thenaf.oiin inteml, r : ore to be filial at tun genarul election it Tour/yy, iu whloli Manihall and Scalec- hotel. There will be price A. C. PIKE'S fcliall be aawaauil ^apon ttktt, \ot or.lptifc of 1 *JU number of oftlces af direct luolil import- •tor drew for first position, »e*m to' the loos alfht NevertheleM his stupidity In from oTiirhltfil aaM gprba ana g*otfe/9 Ahall t rifle .shootingh , dancing, etc. cost the tired awn s hard'pall np river, Hardwaure Stire, ance, cblof iiiiion/j tli«w bning. llm new' " ' i lie void of My special Interest, fori»t erer/ place ws» ar«il«bl* for, <• Ifooni of J'ruelwWnrn, i _,„ ^•ntt may be mada In , ln« U«i (Jounty ut l^rj(«, irifitfldiJ *Miua| annoal lnatallmeat*,^ uot to «xc*«ad tan.'' with lntantt theraon' at Ihu r»to of «U , ' asaS 11a- tini* Oottiied Stsoss attended ICEBOUNO ANTARCTICA. H»TlwtaUllianl», each uetitkjnLT to>tat«iii a»KSSR^-15d CJnwifotd, Uur- tournoy wax to tbraxb out oertaih hla application ihu leuxih ur' Uoio wbkihha -1 vrortli linvo. l*x:u uiofct wai Mr. Fred Miller's 3Kb" birthday party Twice as Carps) a* AH Europe Is the ' ln«ln-whlclr^ta-nui|i>j paym«*ntH, prorkldd .. .^0r«r, Much petition' iit priweutul tu< tha aUy'r»iir(»i(ijiU>ii during tlio |«uit two po«iil>le. .•..•-'•'••• at Picton lost ,Snnday. All report hav- Smith Pdar Continent. •1 uwiiahlp Oommittwi i»)thln W ilaya artoroon ing boil a Una time. The antarctic continent has been es- flnpation of tha aaaHtatuuq^ -• . years by Kruoholilor Toller uiid- h • During tbe haf weather It in Mwtlona. Thli) onllnanw >hall take effect asniotw oii tlio Hoard Imvu i fiir- tli(»«i of m who are not ''dyed in tbe Paul Qninn,. an employe of the Oar- rjmsted to be at least twice n» lurgo nnlttllatelr. as Burope. ;Th« evidence of paleoro- DaU«lJulr24tb,19tZ. • eat vaiuo to. (bo Ooiiqtv in a direct liiml-. wool" frlptidn, U) keep up our chess wood Electric 004 in confined to his • ALVAN K. pgNMAN. .uww proposition. Uncitjr (lift noiKyrteiaj ;inl7lmia«m, At loant once a week the home 00 Second avenue on account of tl Is to' the effect that Antarctica wsa once connected with tbe more HEADQUARTERS FOB ' . '' < ' . .'.. - . Tovrnshlp 1'lurk. uf cltfctiiiK" Fn»)l)olil(in« nt lurifo,. a. rift but w/IUir-tfuU a' coinplaint from Homebody, sustaining a severe, sprain in bis rigbt northern lands,- at least with South SHB1UFFB HALE-fnlon Ooonty • (limit •oven of tlioin a.ltogiitfierl;tha~~dmiioM jiliiyirig in the Oreatef-Mow York Oor- '««',.'" .' •• •'• •• . "••'.,-i* America, and thst In prehistoric ugeti Window and Door Screens Uonrt. U11I01Union1 Inreatmeii" t Cutotiany vn are ngalnat C'runfciftJ Imvin,: imy ~t.. IWltacker: Cliom orKimization'. There Is little Mr. and Mrs. Anher Estell have A Matter of Record. moved from Ocean Orove to tbe Bor- Island."' . • j, • ' •• lli.'iK»froin tald twKlnnlDK and binding on Uunlit tmt that I'lainileld and Wostflold Kxploratlpns nave, proved that In lsnda of mid Wltanki-r aoutn fortytluwi W) Mr. (loorifd 1-. Kowrd, the chief ough. • iltitinm thirteen (111) 'mlnut«; wmt- ni-iUc" .will both bo up and doing. We shall flmee before the advent of tun 11 u[um chalnHandiwfiintr-tira llnlu to a ntake In tho Btro.teKint'ui)(J tiu'llcliin of tlio Tiiinl Hess Bros. Inoof uuub) of lluiJauiln F, Ham: Iliwioo MjSi- Hlas Helen R. Bui is speeding he the earth this most southern laud Nil T«nn iKirt/. In Now : JoriMiy," remlliipi omloavor to send a copy of this Issue to ng nn «akl Ham'n lino of land north forty-all vacation at Ocean Orove. temperate or even a warmer cli- rirnc* thim inlnntm west twelve chain* admirably cAiititilnt «o tbu .pri bvory cliom player In towii that we ghtj-Mglit llnka to a stake or th» akl« or and know vd und wuroc|Uflat tbe|ri one and Silas LyUla Wood is spending sevoral mate. There are foMlls, both aiilmul which liiivo chttntcteriwid bin and_ Teif^taple, wMch indicate tbla.^ natt'mannualha; thureon norXaawrly wren Ktklad aiitKir, At the A»luip/y I'arklvm- ull to mini in Miolr nainos, or tho names weeks' at JUal^Oeora^t..^,^^ _ twn otuln>. more or ltm, Uia torn Inaakl road; t : : The forttmtloin)rtbe"r5cIS In.iAutarc- hiHW Mill binUlnitou tho aald rut a south volition ^LlV uf luiy.- f Heads '?w»^nMSy ' -ha' "~ "" *"' fi" omting a new bouse on Uca also Is of volcanic origin, and vol- fiwti'rly eour»oulorBnx'halii« eighty four links Heating and Tinning. o tb« pluca »l benlnnlng^ Cuutsliiinc twanty to Ho ehitif orjfttn, tlio plan of \cui'npui)(ii tliut w« muy tinroll them aiid prepare Second avenue.. - canic activity,-notably in the*case of me UUHM rnore ur lem llli'l^ iilxu'i his i tlio way fora mooting in the early Fall Nick Begnsse.'Sr;. is seriously ill a Mount Ersbus, which la not yet ex- wo* thus oxjiretuftxl; ~ • ut which a poniianent assocl^ion may his borne on Second avenue. - tinct -A vast mountain range, per- 7 S. Union Avanuo» l«tus try to win In Uiojtoinililican bo prKitiilzotl, Do hot bo be buabf ul If haps at one time's continuation of thf ^ exlm'lu 'Antarctic*. American GftANfOftOrr |n»rty at. Ihu priiiiurim if wo ran,,bu yot u uro it DcglnnBr. - WB of Reviews. m. IMtrn lloaaunah D, Lajihaju.1. If »o don't HIII, UIUH lot in put our own and tbo ladles hunk. OP Mtw>L.MBd lawnmmV pdTomut.J llckot. , _,'_„...,,„. lofendnutM, vt. fa. fur nalg uf morli tlio uip^ln's oillco." fullof wmg and •toteroit ,u g in the Publfo'Eyi. Thai 'is \o any, tlm Tlilnl Trriiittn iiro Opinions regarding what constitutes ( Hy-Hrtueof the abuvui.— .. .. f • Ourciilunin will* glvo you more to Sunday," p.8O a. m., Sunday-school. laHisWlfi nxn dTrVSyfikn HixaU VXIMMM for nil la bv to fffoU'nO, uvuii to the extant of |H r iie pubHe may rdryr titlt pabllp vonduB. at lli« Bh^rilTV offlw in tha __ Jury, toiwlouff'toupurty' to «hieb in intwoat >ou in tbe way of jfumOL soil yg one bTansts .City negro who-prvsUles Uourf Houao, In thu City of Klltabeth, N. J., on ;_• .-/ttotllwy .fcrltof-bolOfiS-t*.; iTi~orH«Kff probioHliUHnoon "iw'tho Summer has 10,48 u. m., morning servica. Sermon •overyhe buffet In a-certain Kuusn* Crarifordi DAY |io*.H)I(i, tuotcal :orKuril piuuod «nd tlih'wo hope will tend to by pastor, [i.-a p. m,, song service, City club has an opinion .which Is Union -and ^ bring a<) all close together and make jir. -tbe^imt. 3Ht» JTVgm' uiHiwt or uarrvl of land and iirvmhui. altu- ration. Uajt Jl they do not in with a IS minute talk by tbo pastor. Accommodations for_ Perman- ti<, lying nnd being In thttToHnehlp of 1. ndau U^4i Y and a customer were engaged In a [now thu Borouxh of Itowlls.) in tho Cottntr ^TOrdtiU4irVi«06^re»ienu^ tii friendly dabate regarding the former's ent and Transient ur Union and Bute of New Jeriey. ' rjtbo jprJinijitiiM ili which get going'you will' nnd It vory con- to this "town to attend .tbeno ser UegtnnliiK »t the nortbuwlerly corner of tairlous, und'yet'not deadly. '., age a few 'lays ago. Their reBpectlve Fifth Avrnuu olid Locnat Street .runnlna- thenca thuynavil jliiftlciiiuUil, aiid lwlt. opinions varied about trweuty years, Rooms nicely fumlahoj, beatoil ""•wlj1 Hlpng tho northerly aid« of fifth are- • Addrow* ull ctmiiuunlcatloai to S. il. by stonin, lighted by electricity ini«nrtjr(WW)) fsetfoot; thenthencc ^ nurthwlthyl uinUklkll •It has bitliorto lieon Mr. Hmml'N rule tbe negro holding out for the smaller with txionat Stnwl, two hundred 'noSTlw*. of conduct to roniuin "loyul" to ji jiurly "Chmlwkk, Crauforil. N. J,: SL PBUI'S Churdi;/_.•' number; of years, - - - - nnd In lespuu'ts mlnpted 10 pro- ;«nc« « witerly larallcl with flrtl, a»«na« dfty mote oomrort und conwnicuco. u) feet tufht>«ut«rly aide DMXXHUI ,-- - «mly no loiig aa (boro wiis uutiiully of Mornlujcworship 10 80. Eveniiuj wir you've been around Kaniias City thuaoa MiDtharly along rald.-»ldu l>roa|wctivoly "Mimotliing in it" for snip 8.00. l^rwiching both morning and twenty years, and you can't make me .Meals Served at all Hours. Itrwt two bundrad (iwTfMt to the believe you're young," tho customer brRlmiillll Winjudf, and il In ijulto ilttlnV tlmt bo' I'rof. A. It. Wullin of Upsolu College evening by tho pastor. . FRED HASSIG, Prop. nbowld |iro*:iibi» tlio KUIIIV »tbldul pW- in i-iiWtalniiig blN brother Mr, E. D. iiunduy Scowl at 12 noon. argued. Being knuwn and 3S Ah knows An've been In b&ilnetm t«nd 1U» fw lbolut(«t rarliun in wliich ho IK Wullin or Qtilncy, Mam. this wnek. Epworth Loogno dovotloilal service at «l),onthoniai>oruie' nooklng mlviiiiTOiiu'iil and lulvuntugo." iere for a great many years," wus tbe Mm, Clias,.\V. Dollar ban returned 7. P.M. l, "but tbaf s not saying Ah'in old. Tbe Icatfon of it ull, v0 auppuao, l» tlmt frouiu twodii^s visit with rqlativs-ut Ladloa' Aid Socioty meeting Friday Vou see* AJti's been befoh do public so tor aald County of tTnlon!' Htnondlraol: .- 1 , the Third Torm jmrty Iwa a i!ioiioj»ily KoU Bunk, N, J. aftenioon at the chapol. long people Jest natriOy things Ah'ui P.O. Box 02. Tel. 28-W.' '•-^1 of High Old Morality in Mm. A. Urlppo and. family left town older than Ah am." —Kaugaa CIO' Linden (now ths " ' Ulw.-N. Y.;rrlbimo. on Tuesday for afvto 'week* vacation Old-Feather Beds, bought, W. Han Journal. . Y." sen,KlIiabeth. P. oTftw, 181., Send - Republican Headquarters Open. p^ Though the first match appeared In England a# late as i827, the Idea seiz- Ounnty " Ooiuiulttoo bavolwou Kundity with relutlvos in tho Borough, R. 8. OAKEY, ed a genius yean, before thnf date. BAaQAOB EXPRESS. opened for businom." An announce while unrouto to MontroM, Pa. .where This adrsrtlsenient In a Londou l'ost meat WM uuulo today that prior to thetbuy will Npend their vocations. Sanitary Wlk 4 Cream of 1788 gives evidence; "Jfor travelers, Furniture rioived^and Stored opening of tho caiupaiKti theofllw lioum Tito regular monthly meeting oi the mariners, etc. Prometbesn lira ami IJonnl of Gducatton will be held in the UIlK ana Oream: preporsd ami bottled' poosphoros: a. Watts respectfully itc Prompt and RollableService. would bo from twelve to ono etch tiny. under the most sanitary methods. I<«ter Ibo lieadijuiirtltn AVillbo;opwi at Mt'Kiiiley School Building noxt Wednes- qusinti s thhe DublJplJ p —^ —HensonabioTetar day ovonlng. ,— P..O.-Boj lfll ed a" Isrgtt -Quantity of machines of a all hoursand^huctunrnuui or »onroineui* iwrtstrit-^nrt-aofsSr-WnC^lYuT Iw-Of-tbe V methean Are, paper and match inclos- yKy fjo yostordajr; and'during the (into will enjoy the cool breexes in the OKOBRS ed, most admirably calculate! to pre- '.,_.; juation on the subjoct of election laws FOB vent those dlsagssetble sensations New Jersey Central or tho campaign. The uuartum now Adirondack)!. ' which most frequently, arise lu tbe (UtANKOlU) TO KUZABKTH, NKV ooeoupiep d byy tho oopuiittoooipuiittoe aroMNo. . Mr._ond Mia. Joseph" Oow of 80th. dreary hour oMnldnlgbVfroin sudden - pet«Jit resident carutukor is owi- Frank J. Kipling who pierced bit. BEST QUALITY <- 489, 5 37, 1 |«aoUy in CIIUTKO, and while it Is not bis foSt v. lib a rusty nail'while at work PULL* WB1OHT . Polly—Ibu can never tell much about A, am- » s«uu« . 1U. J Si, plntmded that tbo hsudyuartore should in tho Singer Sowing Mauhine^M^ory man ftom his speech. Belle—That's 10 t» P. M. . RIOHT PRICE ,,5"'WalnWd -1 tt * WJI«.» M.I SW gJbejnoBBklerod as a club tbe plan of tho about two woolen ago Is on tb*' road to right -There's ChoUle, tor Uuteiipt, _ recovery and again ablo to walk about. ho stutters ttrriblr.^He proposed^ J'n, IMS. ' opnwUUeiU e is to use tbol m for is Uro atln.tttss after we met, and It * • /functions oT a soiiial and c4\iq natpre. Himry L. Piokol h.a.1 returned fioni a W.RDRYSDALE, took Jack, who U the most voluble 1,11 i days' btulnota" trip to Ocean sirl'ss?: ^JTbo recent election laws Uav» created 23 Eastman Street' /Pbone 19s fellow In ths world, three jear*.-Phll- . • so many matters of detail to be handled tirove. idpbia'BMora. .far. Beth Much 1> :i' |» {he Cbnnty Oommitloo of a political A new lOO^horse powor frawlino motor UP THC.HUIVSOW Proposals For Coal. «:'-^ ..orjpatttMUen that larger quarters than cor Is being demonstrated, vn tbe Rah- •Spellsdtheasm*. . ' POIHJLAR EXCURSION j;,ti»as formerly occupied by the oomuilt- way Valley i{. U, by the Railway "We-mad* a rule in'our card club - It) _ * s- £?Jiesia the Pix building and clerical us- Motor C»r Company, with a view toIt s that no msmbcr shoulb; be allowed to t v£ win, more than two prbes during the >ii indispeasiule. The public is adoption for geileru) uu in caring for •For Atlutlb Cltj-I M,« u A.M_ f t* a HtUir- to visit the' boadquartetra and the passenger sertloe over the lias from WESTPOINT '•be1 weloome at any time during Summit to AUena. In appearance tha I ' 1 boors. car is not unllka the Improved •roUsyJ rotltf^fi^ IVss Press.'. may be from etheeither end. It tmnu.ru from porsons has a luggage [Compartment, seats iti ) , TWs Life of Outs. rlntaresud in,the. principles people, is lighted by ajcetylene, and has CAMILLOmm At-tha-sad of, llfs w% dteoror tost jrty and Urn oouimltta. vfonld a hot water system of hooting. It ii w» have passed nearly oneJiaU of.lt In roUiged to any'person sola- said to ho able to make 49 miles an boar, General Contractor. oslag happr without reaUsln* it and ^o>operate in^maintaini tbe.othsrtn bxsgtokig-that we .were n»jiters'in keeping vvith WASHING. AND IRONDfO_WUl '' CMtcrete Work, lM ; go out by the d»y or take clothes borne. and dignity to oontrib- AkJoQ cure of.Just, Bomside Ave. CeUarfjBnavatcd. ,-_-",. ". ' . CouHtat •«• Tjisf*." •'- !• pommitteB of through Joke 8eUtr-Dld you' ncsivt my let- embartbereoi;:* ' ' AJf KSPEBIKNCfiO CHRR wiU tutor dprirg tho suu All ri aCasd that hatch'of Jok«aOMlW. of tlio (\uniniltn> al gnupmar imdljib sub CRANFORO N. i.' recerrsd tbs lsttsr. but X «Mat sss a an toward making Ui- Ks.c^Crn^^^.' kftp


">•.. J *•m A Cool Proposition You will enjoy yo"f lce^.Te* If yod our Extra Fancy

•***. s ri hi* tmro. |iiiHii toiKf ^ihrupt Mid with retar] d Ttio norlal ihrttPt sniounta lo na (imr max »*4 an byJaeoMMitiw*, -talent ny> atinaTti tl«o tbrx-tbat the kird ibaintwr- » kil perfect- the last meeting of the .Towmhin < Vmi l«iu ha* iusiK> an Inquiry lulu jour an- ! mittee. stated that oni?r» hjj la«u KO'l foimil finihlujL'* in tbrlr WALTlfti" f roam. MSWAK *»i hl>torr tu cauw »>miui>et In ttxr >J»W tiJak *W . iMMd to trainsMia to nducv -« hUihng; n propoai 1 Y Aui«*rl(-Aiiit lh^ iiujutry cannot tM to the katit pomtble amount m[oiml w.vthlii( t>ul in-rfuiKlun nxju- part of traina.*o fw it turn; at I Science Ion st rnnrt I* d.U-iw til [[castu titS.OOO. form mil ir an tnfnstitxi lo ih«> ui>tt >.!ate illiy. t of WI.W0, HIT ir lhi> null »t»i« fonrprt or'th* ftt «ta!r ti-n nuit uiiilllii* Nothing uf (ML 'i' kind- I ell liutat attain <>r ibbxit 8warkbtuutor ban .VII>I>M.HI Old Hod and •iittdhc tu wm« iruy twfom th« KS nraitanandfamby jrf Forest fain towmeot fur t'fau >.«mr for t "tun 3nD|went,'i ord Township, tha tabulation •howing: k*Amw aresojonrninj in OonnectkujL. lindi ti < CM cb fluke. l'ri'wntalliin I* n itrytty talxirlous; SMUSTER Bt=?OS.| ' tr. and Mrs. Philip W. Hall of t.Mi la bird ndjMfvnjIvi' rwviuonj'. «l(rnlf)lii|t to I Street^anenjgyiega_vacation *T""of7ihe anf'on*'.win> i« not In tho Itiiwr aoclsl rlim Iti'-loiidi'n iwthlnic. — .N»w Yurk , but one thii Habi the fish , 10a Haul Smith and aunt. Miss i fdjwi catch. (• )|T I lepurt* fn Smith of Wyoming, Nr J,, are visiting I* good bel<«tti Tbi» dm* not indiiUo rallrxnul Ills* Alberta Realgar on Ketfbti! Ave. bait was not Two tun* rfturn«l by tb« Sliitn iWnl . '.X COLOSSAL_HARP. SPECIAL for FRIDAY und SATURDAY j - Tbe Sunday School excursion on r find things urnM inl«l ear at ft'5.«36. The incrrosa «•' riilua- V«r/Un'» Awlian ifllmit Mad Jti-inga ' Tuesday of last week, was a financial eteriuw were tbe te* sufferers ton own1 lttli; eatcliaire of j can. Ahont Pi was .realised., rttuttwd a** If Mail Carrier Alfred a JUng •ntfell1 thia ywu-Jn tbe "ami-unt of"CVilhty tiu, i>rol'.r SIsE O.UK eiRCUUARS oooan bnwxm at Aabur? ;lades of the ttabwaf " »Lt w!W>M»PJ»ar-.thatiCrajifi|rd'dd thtCfir6iJli'»l .sntlttu Wiilniit Hint Ntnitl'i Miss, "'/I- Ii; wn-HWf.vt iH.I-uKthaud WM > of ticket* promises to I s lart ywr, iiutwitlutanilliiK ; (lf U lnv m r CKANEOWI). N. J . Dell* Makmey and'Mls* Margaret Hess, t if you want a good ruiuirdd incmnw In rn " " ' '' " '" . will leave on Saturday for New London, nber and he'll try to gj»t' Oonn. • Till* harp ooimUt^l ot tlftwii Irou ibuardwalkatOanqr Baseball Notes: vlrr*, .XX> fvetln. liwtrtb, atrftrhwl Iw- L. 8. Fink nnd family of North Av» ho greater attractiona, Last Saturday ttfternuon on the ('run- \v |«li'/i. The wlnii wi»r» from iae,East, left Tuesday for Clinton, fticbwiil be the Vickjay ord Avenuo groundu, tbe Dixln t)i»nU two to thrty< Inrhf* Bl>nrt, tho-lsettvit - where they will xpqnd some time visit- s good thitigt toea t cromed bats with Kcnilworlli, mid ni, [•j- j»iTi» |ilniisl In tho illnvtlim of William Isleib, and wife wUI leave for Ucdfton, W. f momentotu'event, si nd nil le tbe Oiiinti playod gtxni lull. net 111 nnd xmitli mill IIKIIIIIMI In aui'h a -Va., where thej will spend the month. unuiiiT n- in fxriu mi angle of from I wagon or take any wo ton' hoy wrta mitclaawd in Ih'IdlnK, by • PLUMBING . Of A'ugnst,, ' * Jrn Centennial Avenue urn gel unit) to thirty ilpurrm with the hurl lieir' ouioniinu Hut initon, . IM'IIIK «lri'l< IHM.I hjr lllfnua »f roll- Rev. I). Khineunith i» spending the ove," all in u|l, it uas the Uwl Kamu week at Nyack, ICY., attending tbe •ni |iro|XMlv ill-i-wil fur Hie PIIF|HM<> Heating A. Tinning hat has Ixiin plu)'t<<|| on tbu boimt Whl'limtT Ilif »iialhin ulri'H Kuiinilcd nllh am Ii Imiilnwa that and Mlssienury Alliance. •Off Tuesday, July 80th, thi re wtil )» ,luly i mis hni>!nill>lt) Lo mijiu _^i'Aa wu- of All nform* us tbitt i»'»t Sutunlny, At The Misses Lottie and Ueue WuUoh nligbt excursion to tnnrtihd iCeliii i rt In t hi* hoilBC Tho auuui] soiuellllii-a of Walnnt Ave., left lastJSaturday_for ler il* tmni oi) tin* bcrnio nrjiuniU unit tf OunfurU »n> dixiiruun uf WMUMK >I Paul Rsvarti, Dantlat. be," held Aug. 21f two weeks earlier WalnuHand South avenues at H |i d, fast Kuinti tboy •umild nuku it ii than nsual. Indlcaliuna are that even U'IIK 1'iinl llcmrii a di'iilhl? Tho sharp, (rickets, Meant*. l loulU'ml, fnlliiulnif lid*11tl'tiiiij^nt |'inlillHh< Ml III more; interest than wool will this year ; Nextfaturduy a roturn gunio will Ii* "- - —^ • ^ - — hi> iiuHliui i*,(i.mlti «/nl.<'umitrx. ' nm.Kiuii-uL center in the week's festivities. OIJ I.IMl'f played •itth \he, Uaokurs and Urukon un Report of Cominuters' Commttlec. uul 'of III'M-IIIH Hum In IK-III>< IIMII lie Him "WhcrraH. iiinny !JIJ fliulr their grounds on Hamilton tivenuo. ut ephltiK tocnir IBIIIT IIH Walnut Avo , and 'Mr. and Mm. K.3.IW *ba|». Those ground* havo 4 IIM> mi iiuriirtiliintc na 10 IIMH) Jiu}rry Similar "H^ llvlidav H4IEL MTHAl turning I»J both llStlxI |lll|m>>l'llll'lllN III tllltM'll Ii Jli.'it. llii'V mar li*te IIH>IIII n>~ Npni-lnl Jlsln" [" •»••"«* »rjp l» J . "A beautifully ongromed rowlution into- hi -detail' hnt 11 »Hli mrilUJal uniut. Unit iouks Thej the t««»4e«m»df Choice ..-.Jtroni tbe^ejj^fjulaj OaBarry 'i^und inipcmtihla in VIHW of th» (in n.'ll ii M I In' .Niitural A HIISHHS the the Men'(J ldnb Jost Saturday afternoon ' and Clears. "* Ing tbe appreciation of the Board .ofended in I IV defeaf t fur tbe itnifticin «oi{k'\at Jersey ('it> Hinl ut f'nilT "llinT'fv, Uolilaiiillli. nmr Ihenil iliilia, \m n in fhlldrrn U0 .It * Trade fartbe Wwtfleld Fire Do|Mrtment teanifjvit 1 it »oorn ul UtaOUt (uvvruf head "f lir f'lnrkij'a Wharf, lloainn. liiiint'iit mul ir;kii»l^tit tfiift „..-,- for *enrtaa, rendered at tha. tw~b~recent Cajit. Uonllng's team. Thin is tbo third [in«wnt tiwit At our MiKK'idluh Mr,, a* is on display in the windows of owoirixl iM Out bo umilii tuliii All I'lirwIM Hlto Unit) hfld falao TI'HIII Hti-nui IM'II! -iml >•(••! In.- li game playil) in tho supper nerjm. »nd hy Mr. John linker, Hurifwn !>>•»- , Kaay's drug store. ho luuitor ii|> nilti thu 'l'nun|«irlji,t.i(«i Atlantic City record nuwjitandi ii to I in fat or uf tlm Kill h«M» («» Sarah Jackson (colored) aged 70 years, Denning ad l l ft < Mill III tlliH'l, limy linvn Itlom rait Sunday, July 21st n.iTie fourtl gamu will bo jiloyeU Ilia 'ruply hernnitli IIUIIIIIIIIHI WV by thi) nlxxc nlm Ion rut I lie Milhud, r afternoon. Funeral services wern promised tlmt ut tlm compli'lion ut'nitUK thiiiu from Mr. -Uuker." | Hound Trip 'I'rnlii •»•••••»»»«»»»*>•«»>**»*•• -wereheld 8unuay afternoon and the Allss Fan*|)urand'or Mount Holly, is f th«») rlimwi «11 uouldiiutu morn (,'rHnftvii, JOHN T. KANANE, i remains taken to Enninvllle, Va., for visiting MrtlChariest.. Bell. llruins nnd exprvm w-rvicin tu anil from Monty Brsad. $2.50 Interment Deoeased i* survived -by Frank A. Itompson uf North Ave. Now Yurk, In Hurop*. whiTi>. tu* food valur of Hf H 11II III two son*and. four daughters. is spending s|veral weeks ut Green Pond Kespoctfully siilimiltMl, liunoy SIUMIIS tu ho much beltpr 'und»r Real lisialciunl Insurance ?• ..'Sergeant Jennings of tbe police force N. J. C'IIAS W Tlill'l', stood Ih/in In the United Htatu*. i-nor- •nun* i)iianlltlc» are uwd. >H hiti< , ^was "stung to action" by a nrst of Philip Powlr. son of E. B. Power, it , riecn'lary Clmicd iloiiKtH ami h'f«,r- / of Mr, Blalpslee exterminated tbe pests Mrs. Ainbll Davis, of Pboonitvillo, ANI* HiWrctiry. Ouinuiittou of tin) Com-food and slso «* to It* prM«rv«ti»» f C'MMIHMJONKIC OK '"-''"after night bad catued tbe little yellow Pa, baa lawn Iflatting her mother, Mrs mtfteni of Cnuiford, C'ranford, N. .1. Cskss and *w»«thr«sdii boys toretire., ' „ K-iS. Crane, U tbe post ten days, Dear Sir:—Itefornng to - Tubl* Kuuiiar* O'llnr A Cuff H*!s >eeeeeeeeeeeeeee»e«eeeeee ing; WM, also',, enjoyed. During the pest* and to I to have same nhofliciaLiuf-our TramporUitivn Uepurt- Mrred to tbst Just mad*. They *»D, I'illotr Tops (Jlnlilrair«DrHM»a *nih dauity refresbmenbi «ere moved, and in a^ iber of instance* in mentand notwitlistonding our desire to"ft lia* riiwnod." Jt la tbe preavna- 1'm.uh Work lt<««u r, "time*, performance ot, ir official duties IUPUI your wisho* and fihortort up llic tlvi>, ur rather tho uncuanglnK 'iiisllty jj at the home caused as much' rouble a» the peat*time of this train, our Tronsportatiiiu uf bouey, tbst mtkrn It so iwpular WEWER S MdHANON with th* bmit confectioners—Cfaristlsii :',1 of tho.bride, Blanche Jrene, daughter of themselves. Ja H. Bryant; the iwuple fe«| that it would IK) a JiAituko H.nild. MASONS M^kGMrr(an^kra.uitafNeadofGarwodd , barber, tUinkshtUinkse* l tht eg greatest suffer- to niuku tiiy change in it* schedule was united in, marriage to Raymond er and of tbetwo'elils would have much under tbo ipranent'conditions. If t XARUWAKSIWSKI- graftcis Meyer of Montclair. by l(ev. E.rather have bemjAx and JJ^- Spider* tn not Insects, as most [*p- qnlfoosT ''vfim^keefcii a valuable lot o L , •- p j^t^to"tf*PrM:Epp : could makeWter time wltli it, but It l T M h tbXW Painter and Decorator CONTRACTORS pet fowui and as. bm has no fountain, pie Oilnk. Tn* spMer has tttbX.WK*. Chorph, The young ooople will reside is an exceoduigly heavy train and «lra- ,v)ythe, ladiw of the Oitabeth lected toempty.'tbe trlugh.iuid the in Crunford wrll hear with uo - until tb» Uun. Tbe eyes^sT different. ib« )u- 4}6'Burn«ldc *»« Telephone 24 Weat Lincoln Aveniit spectors seebag what tltoy thought stag- secU having m>n> oompduod e/etjud fMaennerchor Society, last Thursday changes, which Vo liave in hand at Jef CRANFORO. H. J. afternoon, ,Twenty ladle* were,praatmt nant water entered tab' hennery and »ey City and Crarifonlttni cumplaked, \ Uut »i(U»r jwrer bavins; more than emptied the basin. Ainhis would not ond/tii] of thein simple. Th*u « Cranford. H. I. 155-R ftomliew York/Union Bill, OUabeth feel that we will Wablo to give, jou u fplder has no separate bead, tl/e ImiO After spending. «n^-en- have mattered much bad they not -rvice which wilftx) entirely Ki)i»(at- neglected to fasten tbe Ma house dour, and iha'thoroji being fu*sd (rb* In I'M. Y/xi uiut kax^w 700 Munson-VVbittaker tbereia. B I* reported thatV'Jjm" jrili those fearful coughs which only a will got br '»,r enmiuttitt. W« mUl» full and truB dlscwwtoi\ ot ;tlm matters man who bsa oven close to sucb ation and concrete *ldew«Jk«; lot been.bosy this,week,spraying appear before the township Vathers at presented by^yod. 1 tlv> repoat tllfoami ouke it a iK>!a[>la'«i*>a!IU>*l their next meeta* toas k their.opinion btwMt can appreciate.- It waa stevsn50x125; ' Urraced lawn; best »* MI) (Ire. & trees ««; jmfor^ the. Cottony express^nithat It is our Ira and desire feet Joog^-Loudon iltandard. . .maple scall e h AS to who will reimburse for fan *ectloo ot borough. Price, $4,200. uue ; togiveonr patron* puwibkr ' darnke TTbo matter wa*;v*ake(ni upp loiw.' At another boMiabold altab fall aemce, but oar btuinewi mat ejpunded BURT0ilM.GALtOWA r ay Ht^jt/tHMtM^jat/th el > lasl*** ofblack water was eoconnleW At» rapidly that We have j o£ the. Township Committee thif place the Olf' <* Jhe_Jon»e_jvajk , 3flpruo»Avenu», West, P..:* n»atelt»ab««*b?dbymei •atisfactorily operate in out of oar £to»#-herbusbandlias hi* soltof cloth*» and reipeJ*etL#J'caU'.', tat oegligonoe. 1 P4 iJ It looks just UAHWOOD, N-.J." J. B. REAY, JJerse y Cltjr TerminaTi dl during ^ tb« rush 16 Union Av»., (raifeW titmtcj '< • She adtoitiedtbe water did look Uadc hour*, but this limitation a* good"** aewr-DfUoU JTrve Pr***, be re- uopooooooooopooffcsoobopppoo tnfaefieoataked -abont^-* quart of movidwith the comptetioff bt% work M. F. WHEELER. «ta»«ammoiii«didBO«hink which "we now have in WILU C. W. RAUKJN. itadmncb chance for We thieie. Per very kind regard*, I am, * ' b^iytoitoi«dlq l ' " . YuorstrWy, \\" Too Ml'D aelU. W*/r« tnea stv Lehigfa Valley Coal e tt», matt bothersome W. C. 1 {-•.*»" »v* might- h»v«;beea,w«n General Paweager. Kindling Wood r«fth»i Office>Hperry filoek. North And -'-.. • •pending the Boml .Cranfordaford,, N. J yard :|C*qt«nof*l|A«fc, OrsnftnfcJ*. J. i vtoiting friend*.

.-V- >y •-->

1 ~i \ -••

s' • - .'-•'*"' DISPLAY YOUR GOODS TO iryey of the World's News THE BEST ADVANTAGE* Ji—*. B ftett COBITM. win tmr* tou anntrol of ill land idjtrriit to lb» ca- Merchant Whs Slews'This Rul* la j to_the^rig to 4o. -Politicatical pyrotechnil thci nal Mine (hat lulgnt be needi-d for run- j the On* Who Oeto Cream ef •re sflfre- to suit when the rttruMlnn. maintenance, o|»r«tl"n, •«»• HOW TO SAVE POTATOES: . . statesmen at tVanufngcn rake Itntl.ifi mid (irotertlnn of the MjdIJ/h I OAROCNtNa _•••* •' ">• rwolullw to Jiarttd lu« W lute K was not known at first now I y To *«iw large rhubarb aU the Spraying F»r' E«rty Blight Has CPMdtutioD to •• to eitend Hie term mmh Jnu<] nould I* rV'iulred. It win m>' dlfferenee In toe be cut Found Prafitablaw *f Uw nrmlrtfnt l««U Ti-ar» «!•(! nmkr i^TyM^^TAt^^^^T^^^^^^^^^^ wliAratstrtp one every other year. 1 «» potato crop af ib> time ,„„„ j,- -j- •? the i'snama canal ore ii.1 it* irlbliia'rleA -.V"^:"^ »«>.!- I ^^ J ' •»»»h«« »a,a 1^ For prach ralnlni; eJiooie a; to,"utU. tb. «op u ribe, but 1* mou .M. of Itoj,^ *«7 ,» P"W"^ Pn*. { ™^ The pro,pect, , c»«o»er ,. '2. _,. _"*•'' *° t°h up right along until the T Oe M<> t0 cation with suitable noil, well' »«lou»ly destructire. In Joly | , «n»4l« .i,*t,p,i. Then. |be"«. will d>nt<(f tr •*""«•'»*' hl» »OT« •1 ' " •• Aether It Will elevated Jhd near the top of a ap( Att ££<*V iurMNIon •„„, th Jt ittack. the foliar. Prof««dr t»» pcrpetiisl tariff itiiftienr, in arts I'll, preferably, on a uortbern e i_**^ "TirrHMj and Ilie-pnn ^ !_°LS?_JtLnneMl» OUier"|.r.ij«i.ed leilnlatl.ji >i <-n.iu.-tit l»Ji«-"lnk^ »nd -rru^ 7 »UHoa doubu |f | ^ , rri l 5S1 When apple trees commence t win profl abla -«jms«rv,Uon |,, I,, „,«*,. W,, ,.,,, U;«. >,,", ". *»".. (lil uu to bear use a fertilizer rh-h iu to tpray early pIaBtiDBS of early varle- Sioti* f»ir*suj^—- "iiltluimHni Mf , ' . potash. W«*> |,es afthh time b0Wever 1 1 ns * - o^ers desire to do >PI|itojr«- V . '""""" "f lil".r " I '*'• * can be applied to good advan- ' PrJfW b ;!(""':iit" OREAT .VICTORY taw. •••.•_..•• .-.',', Tf/ - «*«of uU, 'Ittje unlphiir. added

-. ntsaheaTT f 1 Ol" Iq plain appilcaHon of stable" manure * -••exhibit lfiein: f should be given theco yearly and T 111* "".ft fourth year. * * While asparesnvaoes well on 2 .almost any pood, well drained ? s w g*,- l«-p.*- rich, loose !oam.-Ame-I- P >"-'njr 'or early it on late va, lllK ami um -"O•«""r• «f cnn Qiltlvator."'- fU?> of tie Rma! , ! , !•' '"-'"P.v a pr.,mlii. Vorker type '(. flit* nniHI ftfirndi- •"'••«•, l'> KIIIII* an Old Apple Orchard . A HUMAN FISH NET/ m mm frequently;

^^^•^^^[fU^ Q'y» Qrasa t» ihs H.hs.

-througE dippings SIBERIAN 8M0OT 'CUTS If tho orchard Is mnlMiiis been In fiiil III " "u"l|)cr of >™r» Plow In tho ' ^ '"nih'ri,'1"1"0 fn"or ™^ "Pr"w '•I twelve to " vut ou from »manure-per iu-re, or onit load to from imm 0 vetct>1 THE 8RORT.WORLD- •• -•'•'- -1 !"J " -"' Another plan Is to 8f-nltrnto of soda, 30U..to 500 pouuds ,„ Ami over »,V ,]m..||» ;|«f ucid phosphate and ino to 300 1 "!'M.""^ .""'""•|""""'>. rmii,.., pound.. Of siilphate or muriate of ,wV llii'ic I dead — —.e, head nt.rHneire-||nHMr'ttnii tBnl"1the ' to ndmit Biinllcht. llroi"rh

th Ii?'."' " ''I"1' '"T^Iil11 Wins toqth I at row. KW|Iu p ,nls cu|UvnUon J til midsummer. T

jf ="A«er*««tv<,ttofl-ce«se.'"ftt Ut*.^. son sow n cover or ereen manure/crop s ft I:'":;,'"" "••—"-..' to plow under tbo follor-1— • w. rioieris ono of the best Abstntm.ndsd Aniwtr crops Iu the north, whllo 'ihc 1*51 u otlcctl tlmt one »• Idelv/Utie u,.ir tho j the snutb. for n *" ' *• « R'UOlliv I

^ " * ••• f *S tl JJI J«'"'B man. did 111)t ..«...... W.-V1I i.iniiiKMI Tim lil.. . . AA«Tr?i°. AI^BAS8*DORSHIP Spray the trees in accwaahca KouTument.tind state direction* Kliiro he mmm puinted to" tho »l Ibree


, lnmi oud bind them In bun-

ifilATION'8 PRESS Versej -S 3o"-^The* paa w«T" i^r-'"™9 °ltll e W-"or Ueillt fl SODS Itjllcll It ^nfnrnul ».._* »•... _

Tbo parable of the tires PH« that the ,n mu 7, Sl socd an / , Kood «t*d had been *,wn. /uut a „„ of willM had also beou ^rfonned by anLn««r t,f tho owner. *U0 iutent to damage his hariest. One of the i btat ife l M e /Elm**- w«iS r ^ i ^'W «"» I»«bte «e,chw b must bo prepared for Iu life and be patfeut w|tU th "Gooa scod." Clean ana healthy calculate to produce a provable n W. "WhilemeusK.pt." Uurlnfi after .h» tolls of the Jlyf teitu:

|»"-'20NE WIOEN,NO

l»B "«e««rr tile ,Z,5. Unl»«l sthtea of "Kr« Verse. *WS.- (he canal xoue. Thu 1! blade was

,-;• 'f came- ~ 'U


neither HOW WIRELESS WORKS. W'e&'s Illustrated Story toman's Section of the Paper]. •**B**ti«n* aa t» th« Way tK* •jnttam la OpM-ate*. APPEARANCE, I *»V <»rr*»P«K»»al«. «yi the Phllt Fichu of Beauty and Utility .' detphla lBgulrer. at* »»ktt>f for a de- In Seareh of Solitude Uaw W Oia—Mwl and Marfcltftty f at* Thofactuf anrD, a ha* T- lUsy wvnMM .fMWl tb*t the Blind . By ELEANORA MASTER5ON 1 ha* . aixanear effMi on «ijBn«m* iu«.' OJiillg . ••muMiule.l, hi-n* '1 li» than any external attention Tlwvra k mnv h.u. in l-p In-r ..liTUlKlTt If "lit- ••• ** worwllir l.n*r pr jpnxt iVrmsnl f .rnilintitu* «f tiTboprtul. cheerful »,W ,l)i !b Juur i'ii*(rl • iilji'io 1 iJU 'ml hkp t.. tfr .ir In r Ut ' »ir»w.i IIIMI tiimfurl ililj* in • muni" l.-llrr • '- iljtlum for I hi- s,u'|itmt*r uml If? ru. i! '* l.f hi lllrlt: II.IIIIH' < !a to k~p m «D. aad ,»l«i.u! oauuuk .' lhlV in-line*.! T Tn tl i U'iflii t.i rf til !'!•• • oa life, eay* • woman wrltrr In tp» •tuilr ' Ctfiemgo Tribune. No taiM to rlollwa known. light nml heal tn In i ti-Mk I hut nt ""'iH < v'l-K m M Ill i(uu' •»•". li.i.i'.d for -i |.li." or wclteoo hi look* will «ire beauty I *n turn- lemrtbs tan l*i* ni**fl«ur**d nlttilti lur hri wtwr. dlaeooteat and uwrbldlt) allow ' Thua the .uu II»M out ft, -.-rv dim- Aftrr tuui'h i uli.i«. «lif «MIIII i'i -l'i''< """•• I'1"" l 1 r ' nml M r.ir.. %ho . I.III.I I'lllt}!*' II.d..Ill Mil Ut ' to mite It that ihewlaeia «"£».' "*•"". whllh »>•', '*'• »""• '• •»«'" fllfllll tl tlnii i n I-JMI in |,.i,«n,k' ihi i.h.],|.-!i «'"» •• t|N.l I on HiMllt< •:ul>ii- li.v trul 11, firm h id lh.,iii.-lil 'I »..uliI I- ju,t il .. f«vt thnl wlwu H IDi-t Iditi at.thi' slntlo.n Hi liN !•!« nilUml of. plaiv.»!»• irm.-il ,m>l HM »m artweaorl**, whether tbeJdroM hpch*a.i' '•'* wp" *"' , or *xpu>inr*, te alway* In p-wi tatfe. j VU«i"i> In thrown liitn a ,m*»o.h poi-l of rah mill fbi-j' *PJHI I|".»IU » lutMil. ilusl ti'it-lii-r nt«nii it.-•. -, "wlilli> ijijjjiMiij , • • Sunn* (if Orrlllu'o lrrltnrn>u miil>h,'.l lf ltt u be»t ofbwaWf 1* attll with u». tb.>ush,.j <™ » " OirtvHi*.,.!.. ••" «•'>: 'i.k» tltltklV - Or t!|*on hi'urlni: Iho-lolti'i IIHMI. \i it i( ever In lUimnnlMi; ih«.r vlllv uUAloitKly. _ iii.li' of niM'i'nl In It. rf>i'i«Hy bow SU uilli'i* "fiirtlior hi* turni'il Into u" '" try It. Mr« l.ll.l.l.'u jDeot.-hor, but when «be |*ntronUea nu.,1 i thi-*..* -wim-n pa»« tlirouub thn itlmuit- /Tos»mail %\ lib fiirtiilioii^i'K l, "nnil If l- riml lu'i pii- i'ltlM you she toucliM. tbe Ilinlt i>* j |'lwij"-.1« tinl^-n-hnllj- unilriatixHl, lint II Ml^i-AC liufky for'Hii If ttii' > I1* U'UKVIHI thiit they.h'nr.e IHIIIII* o-ln- 1 ••Tt.iN ln.liftrrr." i[i'i'l!iffil. one lie only frleml' or no- i HO" W; Hi* ethvr of H|VHI<. .'"l-t.'ttltl iityp K«-i'iiiK l*il.i'f from (juamtanc*. If »ht' lyf n rplatlvp thru' W&S^SSX3^!=tt ilfa Juiinwr* Uiaii'ita 'IV- 111 to iv li n t' l/'oj; II I (. i I >r i I|U; lu wlili-U I'VITVIIIIIIR li mnirtil ij Jjk..akiiUMiJ , . . . , . ,. ••• , •••" 'Vou il'iti'J, thU Ii :i .itifid V tl» TSinrffirSil ruur IxriulPiii ''•""""'"' '"* I'l'lfrh'".;.-."iii'rt..j—nt,|--n^-rtty"I- ».t b«attt.<- rtill.mV. will TtFe UIHi'lmrKiiJ from lliii.lop »f II.IKIlll'M till' llIU Mill I ajwn >

"Tb«>re Vould be nu ni«r« iinjuiil alti- 1M«I l.i,«ll:-.ll.rvotlmw n.i.l -util™. llmlr w|l|i., ,,,,-fr;^^ „.,„,,„ , u«<» WW.:\ I than tlmt of ttirleaj hrvhtllily fnini p y. ipmrloM for vou, - Th<*. illlihliiiH wonimi to nuitllH'r;- i*o«ii»«' Ml "*.»" ^rTiHii^JflfiH'ra In ifii* ri'rclvprli nf wlr ! ilu'ii'. l.iit ii'iit nut tlo'ii' HI to mot<- Ibf Ix'Ht ftf lonka nml l.'y li'li'Bm|i|iy JlwlriiniMit. • . u. v.ltlili. i .l l i Hii'ii' nlli pi! no 'hi'lp' I'U'U -| .iodb«s urn! rlrruitftliiun-*. Luckily It iour.-Jii»( n "" »-«v«..dwurb ••i»i>.^J,i..iVi.i-..i liiirtir,,-,,.,; li'uihii .;.„....I.* ! rj; idaj- UsvmluR IPIW oil . ii . |H*lnl. ,'"•", "'•"', ""''filva-rv in i.iWk .lie iiunnilou,, I • • on Ihn iilnn-i>Mt— lo lulpUro tbrri» 1« lii'VO- (I |M*ll.!Ji»r lHi.S^t!f5i -.IHtftl - H — oirllnnry .Morxii roilti h>; .uttt'Sh lu Ji of Votl 4 ll|l trft. l)r«*l t<> ( ilW HW'III nt.Hl.'Ukf'' "pliK'lJ'ir'iirtlnpuNi'H Hilt IVKIIIIIIIM] 'mi" u* Hw-fwMhat tt t» -Ili>« i iif. a u-om- (III* little ^Irt jlj the KHMtf, liliV*** '1)II|MMI>^ to Hpi*!! wordfi tii'iHirtlliitf'to it fixlt*. |>U'lur«»(|ue nfTalr \* Tills bl({ tlrhu make, tbf lu-rnfjlf nml tlmt I'llteli 10 iiitnlt»r:V -• f s /. 1 In i'(%'ii|it .vrart 'iiitiny -klinU of ri>. lt~niay If ta»hl»p."il i I 1 ci'lvi'rm btf^f* 1K*'*II ii**t'*t, nud lli<> prm*- aauie muterlal nalbe KOWII ami. lluklietl ivilli frills of lirtNVn rit>t*>n, A Brtni'jdulj ." ' • . III!*?" t'jiH'ltllHnl tit)' ,f ni||}^ [MlttU'C UN j like tills h useful In liliiuic vurli'ly to the nuninifr; warilrobe. fur-It, maj Im j . : ' —;-..,._„....,. CMn IK now uluiplt>r Huili f"liiii-i.lv. I.ut tiny *iuroti|iHflll IrilliHUIlFWloll of lilllrn tilt* rid' ht\tiii|M^| d-nvn Uj»))l ft": made of some luconuplcuoiis uiaterialu that will bnrtuouli*. vritb a oumtwr of j «•••••••••#•«•##«#•••.»••« 1 ili'lx'iidii n Ijiood ih'iiI on ihi' ulnti' of |HM1>M* IH<*i)t (1 illllillte "thfl til !***. . dlff.rentcd.tume,. ~ . * THE COOKING SCHOOL ! tbti litluoaplii'iv.iilit'frlt'iil nloi'ii . Vlutniy |i

• •••'.'•• tlii'ii li'tiirui'il lo lowii. iiilli 11 I'liHntiii:, NICETIES OF DINING ROOM. :.', ivlri'li'im outllla lire 'norklun - hi I ho nnuit* xotVo iniu-li.iiinfunion riiHiiilx, nnil hinllo Huhlliut bl* fin•».•• • ' > f rrrurh Frliil l'otntoe!i.-.-Wniih nud ; 4. Way' of Arranging flfflitlia ofri'ii uli'iu'iKi'ii 'mi' liniiiuilili1,! ultli Tin' ptinii pi'ou'd lili'iit for Drvllti'V ) ( of Serving Gutst*. Thar* ara tan thmgi for -.h.ch J • Mi.li lln'\ IIMII viir*mulii Admiration of tha l\e*« l\ liri iMorlnoK xdlli^ls till a T'lant Oiapla/td. j / '. \ " ^ Doing good to aill ^ Hi IMiiii n'jjii nf l.i cud In Hiri'l' uilii io\i'ili"i of < 11 iiii'nl dvlullH III tin* Ui'utlor i.f •vcttlii.- lln'\, Spaakmg avil of nana IOIIK*. Hip i mill of innklliK tllii "lulriii lilt**!tuptH IIM «orU lit fiuv wny wi*i.m» tulilr 1 'Illi'lf Is H IIKM H.H us mil '".\ Honna bafara judging. . ^ ..n.nii pfipi-r iluM nilfh milt nml UTIH Uln'll llllllKi-t ill nil. llllll fmlli 111' nolk pOKKllllll. ni.1. Mil Allin !•» inU'i her lu '!'((•>> It \\ ronir t>j\ hi IhH Itriiuh if i.ooil ^\ Thinking bafor** i " it ..in «• mi innlti'r u lull I In* li'itii uil^hl IHJ- lioUM'ki-i'plui; lit In I'M-rjIhliiK H** • \ Held.nji an •unajjj-toi'sua. f lutvt* oilii'l' liofliili.'rM, fti'nl I Itiiilltliu' -.In' 19 to - i I'an llrulbtl Mcnk WI|N> ulcnk nub fnini mil. pitipilli'd ullllnlll nil oliji'i' 'J'bc |ilncln<; of tIt** vllu-r 1- u m I(I>T". r ; jit" ' •••••'•aamad For You. inoil.litt K**t thr <|llli't Hn'li' llml •hV "9*- •J . n il.-uiipi l.'ili Urnt ;i fn luir jmti »i|iob, UrirTiill I .-nirtir r.nirM'lliii'^jv «.p I'llili'iult nmilH I II ti'll .inn 11I111I •« • ii, vi Nml II mn In* M'IIUII nil OUT At il )I.I my iiuiHiiift iim Htiav f 11 rin 11V11I lu ri' nl I'lo 1H< lv 1I11 III,' iviia olhr-r In Hint »l pl.tiliiR tin- knlu-s u,,) • "8t^p^nB „„.., .,„ lo ,. " ' ' —TiThT 1u.1l IIIIIIKH ilonn ai., 1 ni> mil • Turn • ^ E apuoi i to IIIP rlxtit of I In- pliili> .mil Ih I 1 onl.l fohxi't foi x.tur il'ni f.iiH*i IIII1II 11)1 (bo ihpi linnK nti*i 1I0 m niiK". fur Aicnk »».' uml 4 'i 111* IIIIHIN di' linn, r | ;» Oia|ialia\in mo»t el tbe tv.l 'Jili utlrr • mttlltifaii und tti ]i« „— l nor-n Ibi'if 9 mi ui'» (bli L n|n*u drilri'd i,in* nml *i'lopiil null unfolifi'il 1 hurhitii 'li. to tin* rlcblof plati* uouh! hi' iiliniifj . report!.' \ flf *vrf^ !'>PH I ili'r hm i t 1 )li* prni 1 t'lli'il lo 1 nrrv nut MM* phut Mt-rti mfnilli'* « hen «cll ihini. Sprlu Wlnit" rmilil I iml |.MI!H Mr x>u? Tlu-ii lln'li' 1 iiiui' Ilii' inn II11 lili' I'lul tbe u«'ut kuire and butter »lireml.-llii*iii'J' ' "VChieaao TfTbuna. nml ri'iiinliii'il In hlN !)••» .|iiiir(iiM,(lt>i kli* ujth Kjilt mill iM'pprr, * >i n In*; foi I lie i | Z i ) iV. TZ1 - "- I'.JJi* 11 ftt"' ll"1' '•^"^"nt tiiu-i-r fuih m»irrttrfB:1"bnr"mriiiii"«i'iiriii ihi- "In'irp|n'iin il nt IIIH fjiniihoii-.>i for >OIIIII Ilium in 11.11 •*^^*^*J*A*A*' itoMr Hsttr'- Tfl o inMiiidV'hm'ir tn nhil intiakfi in) fm f pimlolllii. finliiy, uml lin fnuiul 11 h'llcr er for the sulnd ...uw If IH-.HM I i ,J""-..:..^ -V*-- - '• ' '-"7 »-•""- 1 «o i-nniid*. In I Tur % our fair hnkv I wmhl f ir(,rt( j fioni 11 •OIIUJC hi(l,\ In Ihi ivfi Win la 'Hlii'rt ii|^wlr>,' lohinlfCCrd ,Mr" hn n ell lf J hfi IHUHN nr Iff** itntl • Huf> (in-r frrl • Illililm Hln.« nufully. 'OIIIIK nml 6Biinro.nnm.'.THW-hvIrfr..it>,.\u!iii • GOOD THINClS TO KNOW. l\' * "'"" """•• » 1 " •"""" 1111 urtlHl iiinl lo roiuu Iti'ri' to JSinr fur*. If '1f*nflj «*»r«« fiilm or tnt* prulu I ti^hM)iir_l ImiT u Ki'illlfinuii or llllle m.. k . lam, tin- »,««/.,,V-rk ' • A • ' f™".^*- """ '»Pt»iMU»K «ul.'r. What r.uij.i I n..( fnrnf-1 fnr>otlf pnl 111 nud {it IM> IIIOIU. " would he pl.ue*f—**•• ^ • *»»^ ^-^•« - |I|I1U*M "boiild IM> pipitMitid at llu* 1 In* l.irifi* lu tbo «ai*t 'IIH! (An l.i lh» T M r< J t lw I >tti (OU'IIDTIIJII' 111 "ln.< lvuii'" |pft baud of cvi'iv t!Ui*«i li'iuiiiitJiiK 1 lumt. but |oi'g«»T yie.J«t[>*\p»l/fit«s "'L" '£! 'i'V ? J ;' - wmi-HH* l**fc«-j"7» * lmpr»atfnj(-"itfii""Honia Foil.a. I'liJ 'oil doiilili' Hill Onllln 1111*1 liifiot mi a I'oiupll- j-witli llit'-Tn-^T'fVntrii'" with tiiCl/itlj lil'^o'iir'tlH' iiMoineu" \ emfii Illl uiiHw al*oirt one 11 nd one | 'UolUK """I for >otii i in ml,111 thin • II n loo. bid'," mild' Mri Olldilfii alr Uur /t<> 1 1 1/HIMI HIIIIIIIII.II In IIIK |,.mk nud pa,ld ua flid rlKht of HiV lio-l inWtlun ji.i-.lnu' I'l.i, e ,. pi.-..- of nbli- tt:ni:\»tw ' " " '»" " fi»m.lli|iild mid j joiir?. , , • • ,,u ,,.*, if... Irlli'r- niU ...rllti-i. ,1 bi'i'd hi 11 Im I Mi Idiidlndy win miyliiK. lu rru-uliii onh-r us Hit! Ky.-.tH m- ,...11 ' i,1M|t.r , UI*M> "!..rttoli.!..-.- nii«..r.\lf "' " T" ••••••'-l-""f> il'tkW «« "In, boi.in nml 1 uwk nco \V.' ([••« 'mr mall \nt> on..- ll 1 1 'lliri'K dniH nml tilithlii HitiTH'lii'd ed \fler I lib net u.ur.-.;* tin* il|<|ir<, Uf)I iibh.irli IIUJ- luilVlurK »bUb 1 \i "''* *'"' ' '" "''" "l-i oil*- lii'lf tabli>< [let Ihi* hruni' u.i'n Juml* m-i- iin- llnull 11 j In nnhllf. Hbi< wild If nln< didn't dear J > u lirr- I'tm.'l donu lu tin*, oii'limd lfo|JUMM*t| «l\*i I IK- IIIII.V nt tli*> ilirlit of I lu- _j Huili itlii-.iril*M| oi^j^rHl^r*. .11.-. lii.fnr.* It fur miiiH* (IUIM, lo»l In mlnilrn- ho>*l, for tin* IUUII' pi'iioii iuu»l not n|- 1 |M[(1 e|X|j* \n, \, p|f.<>, IUMI w-i\'T" lion of Ihn fulfill dlipluyud. Then h«- nal» lit' left In In' lielpi'il ln«t. 1 v|Jm of luulltrvs w use u» IML inillnil 011 tii^lm river That Nltfbt bo Tlirr<> urt* until} IIOIIIM »lnTe tin* 1 ||<>-> «lll \*-s a irrt/at . outi nlea- Him iiniilfli* I1111 rile. Meuiurie* by way Children's Department / rule ol.taliiH of sonlni: tln> ln)*>li>«^ 11 rM. | luniliirf tin1 n,uirrt"-i «t(HI.((l to xtltlB wi>re mvnk»aed by t(i» ami (his Is 11 nil** Hint Im'liN J^KI nltll ^ rioinow .-.)«>.• ..r <-re:im itatin bit nf |niiilmti|*'t h.. had vlevuxl. or ^Itbout iouipun> ftili'Irrn I rn In dpiluito nlk or MIOI.-II ful.rl.» iir»t Iv OLD WAN OF THE SKIES. , A Playground at the Seashore next iliornlng an Uu wan *e«ttf* 1 ouslilfrnl tti*.r. tii"» Viable \h?to7trmzr«w'*a'*r < * " Cto»*» of Stara Ara Sub- ffiff in rone«ntnit« bl* • mill uilli i nf un bla work b* heard to* , . >**r-in*Htt3aIfiMraB^ «"t lotbi'lr »1lll WIUIHI II* of •owe, oar runuliia;, il« •yiT~ p •!% 0 A lilaii luil^r iK.ttr*. Vnw>;oo»taniiy •••* « •>«•••>' "fVnra »hl<-h Ibej (till ' , ' UDIMI umiii l»* I* il<"»i.nl hy P--/0110I it always Lmm nht JOJa Tlivj It'll ihU (iiaferlnU runiihiR toward tb« c4bln lo fen- dn>p> uf ammonia lie added once . llttlf Uni'ir.ir Into tbv tfittl** and add j »t»ry of lili miAllun thin to ataitd [ "crrat Muc ulorraui'" \ . "Ob." uliii if.pi|M'dA with n iialf-nob. are watered. Tbe water abould be ' for iMiteral hours. tb<-o rlntc with clear <.)d fblpf vca* «lre«I ht life and of "•imi inn. Ilo'll follow am in h#r»f\ lukeYinrm. £'» I'HJ'IC lie lofck hlnViudJp nud Iii 1111 i/mt«)ii (,/rvllle'a »Ooag rlfht wolkluj: «tli ii nud wprtt lo V f firm w JIN ubout hi-r uhlr^rlng form. Wuff ''hen* I« tnnc lit' pl« follotrrd. Mil A»alto coir him *\o«lf rji lxinri)»r^fhii one I'm falulor- Xli» djilrH .of th* faui; fnun-t". ralvd him to th»"i;rpnt »Ur ">•>», but It'll HID what frlahteihil lie «raa «lreu a plae# among • 'Ihe Mill! fie ilinsed me dowii herr ^jilOK form, lila >Uff «nd bun- •Uc ate' sow pojutcd iiut to ImJIau chll- I Orvllltt placed her In-a clialr and ulep drrti a* tn^j- watrb the-«t«r» at ulgit. 1 IHiJ outjilde. in n woment jj« returned Craftumao." ! »lib tbi* ptrll of paint* iilid'brunljeK. , "If. ull rl(dit, JJBUII»,» be main rw; Tha Lett C*ld«n^6p««n/ ' mirluKly; "tho pall, Mitipoaod lo couu.I.i A Udjr atttnOed a »tal* ball in.n j iiourlilnu.'ut, win the attraty'io. T-),r drw« Jhe nilrf of which ir«i Brranttfd (reature J found, attUDJitr >iu»pl- (al«null«/ cow.1- raft*** la one of these ftockeUlfce foldi , "ilkilk" , dmnaJlJd d ffalotl^l , »r»lrff TI>JT 4 is Uw clatb. Of. «rtJr»e tticre •raa one ; Owll« and dull lion«"» nntl t»/fflnilturc|MorrBi_Wr-aii)f-i.lianc»>kn»w-TwtTi-tTr after ll* ball, add Tb# THE FIRST TOYS. , wurd ritr»fullf lio,rl«d"»rini flk'lr luioir. |,nrB7" _ fart caoMd (treat pertorl«itlon 10 It)* ^yfi*^'" Ttargf iff <>" r"1'' r'^f - - - iwMhw-if-fBmirrmrrtfrrj',,,,, ..^^ , wn>,ojjjn. to ^ „,.0 ,, of CWWran'a Pla/thinaa la a« ,«J»'iMir«w re — .~No one kuowa Ju.t wb«-i. r^|dr«n 1 " ""'• wouw ja rtrinbowa wliere X roola be. aintn dntrioe room In (be drew «b« had began 1« jtlny wltll .tiwlr «lrri -rude , »•»•- "•«l|r j.liiy«il«wi alou)" lb •ornjit tbe state ll«l Into mw»-« him I warned ji fahuaoute wbere I b*r pfclrt ezpaDdnl, ami tbe soli] «J>oou eiettt Unatm wfal«b mi&trn tvtvbtOutn «"<« <*«» *».ta tliafc could lie quite alone and point. Dkkr ltd at tbo queoi'n feet. hare diacoterrd niid forced tipeu cbll- lu the iHirinT platv* of (lie early •/Ddtr'Tom vraaw«t» torturjs ylyiAti drdn'a toy* hose lw«u fouixJ, C'hriatbin*, whom religion hid IUL port woproaCbyW*^1" Iti tbe old belief, -ilu V» Jrtd ttrsnge . An A'tf to th* Memory. Very atraoK* Are thn dolla uocarthed plan work out a*.JT "1 know a var to remember toy tea- iBjtbe lomWof Eaypt— nomejuami-to- w«r forfttvii and.' aoo*." M>d Jlmmie. ''I kooir a T WiasuiioTKtuttiitve, otUtrn eviflcnt- Atnertcan- irhnverer. 1 ae« tt~I>evainw H** 'an 4' 1y iuiaoded ht.be pretty* all Hie jirop- two. Trttbat not ««J h. * A "Q" tn an '01 Wltb crty of Httl« girl*, print-etna? ami cottf " ' 1, who llrMlatid lorisd and ploy- AT HOME. AT THE PICNIC. i L AB 'U') j* a •!•* wltU aj»- moper*, W}K» llredabd lorfed anil ploy-' }Vby "« •ffk/ «Jttnb(«*,ra^ay« nl«, nod 'W J» to'X'(um*> ed with tbent ttw>o*SJHl*tx>f 5*ai» J>«o* agVewniU people••Jp^i^i^B^^j^ T THB CRANPORr CI1 iis jntm in AWQEH liSti gf^H •* Hamcrtet Waa a Voleane ; ! :: ^^Hi^ipiyfcw:-He>>relie t.e«ee, -*,.'- •'•'" >^a»»S5*^^^^Tg**^ ^ '-W«aiiias;itia'."wtUi- -sewer- .-pipe. : »•;»« aothona are usually' poor g W»4er. •e?^-d£ZZJ!-* ***»P«S4R'i«jS^2B8 -* :'»*«.vwaat«.,-«., vent:. 55-.atiaiO..1)e..deB.*«rea;.»a>. c»--^ •—~ recejttadea prorlded by piiliftii "syetr MTMirlt "Twain,' ** " •N"l*le0l> •«• •*« to Hal- no rs*e *ball' any »oen .... iHPMia« to millainlL HMclu* In his __.jn«t blow-off. mrf; b* again used ftr- Uw <• • subUc ami Mean bailer, BO- milk or rrtara to sby other pane "lla«y OeJebrttlea and a Pew Other*/' » thereof irit OTH »*»*! eoaaect directly a with Uie •ewer.- .— -. persons uoOlthoretufcly cleaned. knew nl» own ra-Ioe and,'had no on *V* Hut lit require plans "for i -jy. JB. flfo person «ball place or d«- See. tL' Everything about • famw*' bmrinaaanire Indifference t« the «ul. '-•"ras-:S* l poalfVln any wpler closet, of S-asle. noil. stablCT.'dairy, milk wa«ons, ^liF S-- •*ur/ drawing* aa . .„..,,„,-MlatUfc, ,w|3v , teefeea or vctKaUnc pipe refuse material*. pots of dealer* deter busineaa in tBe" be submitted CifeKT board for inspec- lanre pieces of paper- or otter sub^ Borough o^ Garwood, must at all time* tion and spiff oval, sad to revulr* all stance. Hkely t« eta* Ine —— —• • — be open to inspection of ttoe Board of s P^ESJ-w* foreman plumbers anfl all,^_„ - •.- Sec. 39, iMPM and Jtwpected And bbeyed wa» w*S, eontraclam to ruliur th«lr JSJ A*! bis wife," VndrrueatJr Ills humor lay * ad aodr««« at l£a offlc*. of I »«llea»j deepjly eertoua nature. Mr. Itldcfnc tw: n"|"'nTfnvJlBlS l# that lltti* placfiux « "*l,«rwiiare "a "flnsT tearing will •ISKJs-'-M!.- ii artlcU must be menta hereinafter set .forth, everywhere and on all oreasio jnv*' n "10 ""ni11" lM irsona Interested In the aCn» thtckneas and welfht aa (a) • Any portion of a barn via.": i a aoHtary mountain lf*JU feet ppo*«p^d d ordjnance, «M 1> Pounpound *0 bOuncet s •JT eorrtspondinr pip, branchea. , ,., puruon or a narn UJKK! »I t tltude and point of j ordinance, th's provision* 41. In cow. atable shall be tinhtly celled mer- > rearing. Itself from Uie midst whfcli are a« follows: pound 12 ounce* where a building bea/l, shall be- entirely, partitioned off > Yet oo thla lonely apffk of rock and Kectlon 1. Emrx -peraon eoiracBi In - I«uh«s 8 ounces unsanitary r on di- from the rent of the l«rn and shall not f the Irwltteaii or doiaf work aa » inaaler ve plumbing; or be used for the atoraire of farm u|en- earth there. Urea a community •eetn- o yooroold corporate limit* uf said Borough of Oar- - Diameter. W»l«ht; el«ttt: eee tla lean figure conlrnrt. era, cattle raiser* and anepberds. ID wood- appear In penun at the office of Hi inenee 0 poundW»Welis l«r and blslfjj, ..'raller* »f the laiatid the Board of Health and reid»ter fji. 9 l; laobaab - 0 pounds » ounces . ,».H,.uiiijLiiiica wi eyea ominously, ar'rewied edlnir oae hundred dol t (r) stables shall-have at-leant two Into their nocketa,. Kverjr flWr In him fleldf, where potatoes' mainly ' forma t» I* furnished bv saiaald BoardBoard,. 1. pound g ounces any-one conviction. •- . *n and In case of removr.1 3 Inchea 2 pounds o ouncM. Sec. 43. The owners of •property square feet of uriolMtrilctM . window; quivered, and tor I be moment bla voice grown. Tbe food of the people rorisfst* in any auch 4 Uh Ktasji per five hundred cuWe feet of air reilstersd address, to make change In J^POUIMJ., »c-uIU:e, along tbe llns of any newer jrjow con- *par«, the wlntlou's to im arranged KO became acid and aUilUnt. and out of for the most part of beef, muilon, ..Hec." lflT. All "was">*V , —'11»; vent.«i..,. st eucted or that may hereafter !» i-on- and supply Pipe* ahall be *r"i«nect and atructed, shall conne« thrtr hou»«i o«" to lieht JIM portlmis >«f. the"-8tnt)l» ' tune—almost a -whine,",~ * fowterpotptoetFajid t»b, reici*>tered!ura master rultfnifiu tiluiol'tr effectlvelyr ... . - shall makeandes«cute unto the uorouaih concentrated a* poasfble. protected and other, building* therewith wltfiln V mliT plumber (elAI In" -«-pll'*d tin epHBelV one followliiir am.it.lier' eaped from a ship Iliat anchored there of all the plumbing work, both intlde wlifi 'a' tlRht. dry fliM>r HIMI the'manure wltji cumula.ttre rlRur and ill'llnctr and wblrb the people; hare bxeb-un- and outside buildings done .by him drofui or urine jrutlern nlutll IH* —--"" wloiln the corporate limits of the «s.lJ tletlt and Kl'mif be thurr/ • cleanedl neiw and' the distjimlnif and Illurulnn- 4blo, It la said, ever entirely to «iter- Ciorou

  • or do work a* a ff) .No manure, (iitrha^e.- nor olher i>";-.-_ .."Aa4 iot * word inhwd If* tnnrk; master or .foreman.plumb*r..-wltiitn-ttra pii'tiesrriliis matter shall I* «!|<)W<«J:..: r corporals limits, of said Borough until •vlthtrt-ohi«~hnn-arftj feet' of nny cnvr rbot a word awm'il.inificrflviotia t«r es suou bond shall be filed with and Ap- (table, uiilK })oum*,-.t)r rtiollnfc rmitn; - changeable for nny'other word., Emb A FORTRESS. Of THORNS. proved by .said JJoard of Health, .." .no*, six ruet mil ,thi» tlntlnniiw fnmi fmlil. hulldlnffs ': : Uec. 'L flefure. any portion of the « the ro0f, ^ch length ahall Ixt ihall- ht> nui'h that. *i« Ili'lilitl wautea. can. titled the «•<• lie made of It plumbing' and drainajce syatem .of any or wrely fastened, -and each line o1/ soil Curious Neat of .the Little strewn Wren mortem or .nrrsimidaT. . • i olli'ci wltjiln (hlH >llntaiu-v. tridire Oil • ride or a revol building shall, be constructed or any ex- a pie'as.tQ.pli>r or f 9 shall r^bt'at Its foot uon N'ntlce i» Iwrehy- Klven tlial It is' the •floe ta. Milk "kejit fi"- ••uil»- I"*'•"••*•- *r Central America. isting aysteiD altered or added .tu...or All Jointif or sfoundatio undatioIn -ca*ln Irutlo npreven draint seollh*-settlingsoil or. Intention or the Hoard of Health of -MO.'' '.;;,.• •;_,..• . ' •-•- - any- (•Mange' made of the fixtures, tiiere wastwast e u* aa«-llgni. . : the plumber, showing the ««ld plum' HtcBee. 17. .E,, '•"•hi.. - and that . BATTLERELDS. Ions7.'.to'a litrd flrn or »!*-. limes— wiieh c Every :.p!uroblng syatem ht •Jm*.

    j ,1 TU 1iWy. in IIIIM I en a Naval Force. Jt la nway It'ldillds «a a protsclloi r -tlr(ir h " "'? W,' At. -. ,...»IH-IVJ, . iHill tile n^ > : by- an |VI to in^it !. i'}', "'^.MexicaiZ™!**?^"n war, our trooi'w were nhle .'""ten (o ' ffi'^'iooka: tor l) of tliH Jtoutil Li^^.,;^Efl«i«n»iMlJtl»<^-J«tr««*l*- nf -iho :r|ty Midi .ho£M*-*We,-»ay» -Ti-wrtterifi"" tlie""S their artillery, Jint' they ei|H>rleiieeil .Maria, she. aolocta a .tree wbero two much dlffleulty In drlvliu." Uin Mesli'tina branche* Ire parallel about two feet ];; from their iRiuwa, • Act'ortllnitly, fi« the upart.. Across ttie*t> two bmnrheii she '; city win liullt ot sfone or nd'nlie, thu mill Iier mnt«'lay a llttlo platfnnri ; Atneiicana . broke thrmiKh tin- witlla Hhoiit IIvn fwt In letiKtb. Near the , Hec. a, When plumbing work shall con- All changes indirection In .,.I«I«T boards, of health and A btm-jiu from one house to nnother, flfclitlnir iitul trunk of.th* e tree Is l/ullt n doijie sist only of soil' pipe and one or more cas^ t- -. wrought iron pipe* Hhall be of vital HtutlHtU-N," and to iletlne thflr ^"'i- diivluB oitt the eimny n« they pniewd- KIUIIMHI nest alifiut a foot In urmui. sinks tire fee shall' be one dollar. - made with curved - pipes or UehdH, and respecllve powerH nnil ilutlen. iiMprttvi'd. t all connection* with *V • hrancheM aiiil March :ilst, IHHJ, and Hi*- nevi-nil -""- til Milk b, For doll pipe, one or more sinks rnntain ,-; e4. Tbiw. It apiienni, llin litltll* of I Tllri allies of thlii iHwt are all Inter I une-Hlxthtnenlh or ofte-eJH*htli bend*, if plemen.ui. theniio unil. uninmtr nyer •11,'K"! hnct. and water closet, the fee,shall.be two u . I U 6.. .-Montwi'y wan inrgely foiiKlH inilwrs. I wuven with thorna. , •; •• i possible. ' . . ^ ,.,- , « 'tWu III' o icriti- dollar*. ' • • OIlillNANCR iiiore itlrTo c, Tlio same with' further fixtures, Hec. 10. SOU, waste, anil •-••• "'• (Suitplen)entary wil"IIIl 1Hhe> exclii'h'icxcluih'ill from ttini - HoroitKh of ^-; In the Umi! of Wlllniu llm Silent; .Next a covered puaanictrwiiyli built lo tliu Code ) t!tirivo«> ri'H^ou- the Hpmiliinl". n nuinlier. nf HJUIIIIKII form In «» crmiked. a wanner ua \xm whether connected tn.cesspooroc aetver. Section,. .:.CBHA1I.-. libly cxpi'i'ted. to foqtnfn JCJ»H thiin tlii*4 c. 4. Thej lioard iiuinher nf Lmcterfit -i.YwiaeU beenmc frnxon In ou thu Zuy- allili*. Thorn* atlck out In all illnv- Hoc. 4. Thej lioard of Health , shall (i) N ; Iw notified -promptly by ...the. piunUwr u|ch on home tlonn Just an In the neat Itself.' mid Whvir trie plumbing nd dr«lnln« work *r talntnjf from ' the Hoard *.i-»»••— rirnl lontrth of .;;:, l(ird«. Tlrla la prulrntily- tho only duilli* and teat- kitchen HinKH n, ui permit for micli sale or Oel.lvery... ••'" " In such u way that ln«» shall 6e •made durlnaT ;• bualnra• a ^.. .,UIUI u»at,(iarKe> bo nf JjiV . of iworfl .wherein nivnlry wan ' houra as auon o»jiosiiipleMafUr_*u«* least th'ree incheH In • diameter.Jjiuceeameter. . Sue, 2 No permit, as vtHiulreil In tl UUttMMrt- ....- »«» iHiasug imltflcntlTOrrATrg-jiuc)i ayatem ^kjihv^^wHy-flsmmjrt- I and covered ,be| syatem r ,„ celvJiiB-Ihe-wxunr orftvo or tuoro Kinks I hit llciuril of lienllli until thero HIIUII IW Tbero Unye liwn lintlli-n fuiiflit mi- wljl iret Iwdly privkfld. Flunlly^a *——ynlallve of - tnspecMon by a re- and shall have two Inch branchoM. paid to the mild -rionril of Hpallh Yur ? dcrground.' Ohiefeat of tlieTmi MJII the (lie outer end nf the tunuvl la/* be unuove; the. lioard of Health conneat the IsHUlng theren/ ami /or n proper waste j ; iJerco ennnintw IXfrtnlnlnit. to the able gateway of tborna. vertical vent lilillpll«M -" •' ' ' • •lego of ifaarlem In the Uiitch tvnrx. lighteKter -.thanthan: >~Tlie Bjmnlnrtls iiiliii-d nlul tjm Iiulrli 1« inbhea / ' Pountla r HI, Bothared by Plural*^ Hi IIncliui * preceding Khali expire mir/i tKA.tf. No cream rthaH'he countMTBlned with e«junl Idilnatry, and J Ivolies pouifds of September of each ytilfr, •'Hull ilay In tin. . — for sn'le nr delivered with-- • Thp Nonvi'Klim waltfSaa^who waa pound* I»rov'' . , ... nit* HormiKh of fJarwood belbw the Kro»iid-» terrlflo conflict eii- Ubhea that If any person grantml eil. | lu- proilMri-.l uriil I •• • - it learning English had- uu>r trouble Pounds irrnlt with hep plurals than with after the coininuneV the Ver * .— .„,../,. it seemed lmpuaatblo for) u>ok Pnrl" h«r tt> iicqulro the trick of puttlniputtluif tomn I f«rco» to tlu> 'tb> letter "a" at thee rlBhrlgbt »lmtim«e au••«'d l jiJ. ui..t-J iKiut a Hrat help- _Now york Vrv 'Vlll you cat more L "^^••''•'•'•VVharie'Happ'IneMf.' \7 napplm-sa la the grenlest pnrritlcis In would take pnin, to ttnk, "Will you nature. If can grow In miy noil, live Imre one boun?" and "Will you e«t under any conditions. It .•Orfli-* eijvl "tie.liuc-klelHUTyr: Finally the

    • life «a light nod bent proclulin tlie out. Tliero were nuestri siajiiiK •un front which they radiate. Ilm>i>l S>\'vr tbu wii'k «tid, and lujfn ttjdk the • new coMlata uotof hnrlni;. hut of be- lndi''« onter for it aoft boiled emr. then •—Hot vt iraueaaluK, but of enjoy. tlio liualMiiui'R f/>r nnotber. The girl, afteer a wuiuuutjt hosltaUon, wnlked to lhtt*d il> nnlter and aald to the kltcu Ufe,4Vut-^oft •4«NM'**ffir>»M' N'ew-York l'reaa. .' -' purpose- „„., DURTON'.M. • - -•, •_•»_.n»u ine-7gijlnts; •SLJi!?.' "PeeUU vent A" Emperor's Strange Faney. pmtiurly cuulkcd With Jtail. , .v... i>i«a.niuai. bo in- crelnr> Sec. II, Wliere thn »6H consUta-of oreased. oa It paaxm upward »u -UH to -~^S '- Kor i> fiiuvlce havu tukau iiuld'bf a, -natural bed-of loam, *nnu. or rock corresponU to the coniblned «rt'u.o( ,»ll soino ... -.._— lh(). n^g^, I,, the drain may be haril, salt-glaxed an< branch vents poaalni; Into it. Moclianl- . from g O'llmtiical .«•.»«•••«••»— -'- • — cai. trapa or'yenta may he HtibHtltuted Sec' 0. Utonalls used for the collec- hlU1 aIolle Wll where It la neceasary or 'advisable, but FRED H. |AHN, £i« il-i!*"^ aIolle-- "t '"• ol... whlvh lioo>ea wer....e. .tu buov disposeutsposetdi tion, and .transportation of milk, Ulnita Ufa la but o«jul»ltlon; M|,HI h,. of lifter deu'.'i mid the cereuioules to unly after, approval by the Utmrd.~.of ; (Succeaaor to PhilippjJabn) cl1 H.alth. Where a ^P" or '<>i 8" trap |V obaerved u< their fuiienla. The I ^ ?" t» UMd Olo«- •« •• '.-.nlllMM-.. -•• -•• nrrVat Kiuperor Chnrlea V. Imd the curl House, Sign, and Miaglbla,.-WUIUm Ocorgc; Jordan, oiiioUwi of ceiebnitlnc bjs own ^ —~—• iieral. Hhorlly lM*fure his deittt! us Fresco Painting,, ciiilso! a tomb to bu made in thoebauel A Praotiul Huaband. Plain and Decorative Blmou p*m. „ I. or .wrougnt •vtmmmr'w..^r,,-wi cy--meatia or an aerator^. The ; above mentioned rooni'MhalL^be..nruper*' jWW.witahjko IH what bo ri, cofflir*tid~aw%nrpauied by « procc» in fo.ur Inthu •;., ondonsatlon. ly vehtlKileit and Ilghfoa. anJ Rhall bo BIOII, ho wtia borne alonj, while cfiauta B ^m^M^^£^must extend, two used for no other- purpose UiaK^that. «#«'»»•«: TUo only w'omicr Is w fi!^o ?n.^t;' rtfalns'can bi I feet above th Indlcatld above, and ijhali at all time* •8.Oil;Paint:Varrii8he v-FW'an could bo induoMl to werb ni'nitr, pruyera said and tettrs n.heil. bo kept In a clean condition. ' . After the aolcuin farcu was over he to the reJula* ^m uimuiiiler to avoid and Wall Paper. him irlth.»uch a;throat U-fore 00 ll 8oc. R All milk shall be delivered. J WHS left alpno In tbe chmiol where he .hr : -* Where thmVrain"^mmMmmms " "™ ' I obstruction A«m frost •> No vent pipe In bottles, nut no' milk In partially Tbo exact dale of thin rliiR *n* »"wt la which"th™15":a - or In I shall "be used a-» a waata'or soil pipe. filled bpttle.i shnll be iiold or oiTered Cranford. n,-but« 1» priyvionK to" lUo" *.>hoit time before -tWug .J'm.l.t..19.nct-MBnry to *ioi!aj^ Sea. wf, O»efHow pipe* from fixture* for sale. No tickets ahn.ll bo used In New J, out of tbe colllii. *te eewer to cbnnVet' flv., I nvuai in each case be connected on theconnectio. n -with the sale or tlellvery century.—Cbaoiliers' jour: Telephone 28-B. Von|)»l«' alJe of the trap ot (ho Dnme fix- shalof milil k more tha_.n. once..,«t. nNo bottlenn"'s— sid•hulel .»»•«••—•filled,• capped or recapped out- « 'dairy; building regularly uscd- for thin purpose ami said nottllhK room The Uat Word. fihnll at all times be kept In a clean «very word in thl. and .sanitary, condition.' Milk bottles ahdll JOB used for no othn- purpos«» —e thtuv : '" : ;t --••*-;•••••/;»»•• IpJt^Uttle whlle^ ibiw Mi-.ons h "#lto;.'ijtAe': liuieiwitb.. Hol,|,y_ dairy, or winnil f *any connection with o °r any realwitd h the handllnc or milk,' .jJJtnettteat word, pa? r«-kl«y ilclent member of: thtlio familfamllyv j How could It °' ."^y perso i^WIWH^ell you. She n|WBy, tJWofqv^'-y. ; ,...•'•'-,••- -."• know whether he had left ,00 tno com- iSS 1 tbliig or uotr wouldu't your

    ,,v. .M .. 4P a Btrttiiicvr In _ ,«f .it* uv .uan- ^imm^^^^^foot and ^ore If, poaalnlK Wl •,-eraus to the public health, notice xhnll .. had no hymulwok. jxiiltelv pipe pft»BC» undejtmeAlfalrTirTr be given to aald'Boar4 Immediately by, Ing there shall •>• "•»•""'—'— M the owner or owners of auch dairies, g^5p»e.;tif^auiks.» 'aaid (he and said Board may order th« *ale of f^fW^Rj^Hvlty; ."J Wl- ' ,-."..:••- What Intereatee! Him. - ^ auch milk dlaconllnueJ for such, time aii it deematnecessary.,: No milk pro- .^\^at .luter*st(Hl me moat.ia wy duced from the dairy or any p«r«on travels," aalil Henpeck, "waa tbe,mun> «l«se; unher make ;; ^Slto and plungBr closela ar« I 1m&B&''"W'.'W the aUh, n^ takte a woiuawoman drvy rin' up an • »*d ati-" y• 'aa. ^TaUr, cloaeu whea placed •."—rhlladelnhis P«—. •-• •'•'••-'

    : Doubtful §0^m:;*-^ < m Residence anfJ tlloaia nuat be Immediately, WJ i "" lsoo d of and the alabiv* disinfected tin '8e^.l0.a"Iri::^i.;eaJ!CT;wherW!'nillit:,or;| K. ADAMS " cream ahall, be delivered or Mid" to the I >••-•'—- imt«<^-a»)febona»::-or:;:houae,*:' l^'.l :the*e.m*Siabis-«>«»"'''~-- "*— -r

    muat Bortto^Jn||>*5«SS5t5ae.' * 308OMONAVCNOE m JWWtiWSIIBChS-IBJuS mm