,,y- f '/, ",t, I f'l^: !• ~T •"-"-» »"•• •'•» THE EYE OF GENIUS. STORIES OF THE STAGE. aM la* »H*» «jr,t»ie Nwveve Systtf* - • Dw t* Oereetlv* Vista*. Aatar WKa Olna«l T«* W«M. oooqoooooooooocooooo JPO SANITARY MARKET lHrb Wai made In toe aewepapers la an iucWent tfcat was rotated mo*' year* ago of tbe part bad *r« by id* late Uram Stoker,' fur many ZnapMfakt'aiul paa*ed by D. a Government bare played to tbe lltw of great nin&l jm.ni luMugtr to Irrluv of ih* prtxliw- (tana and writers. What »«i «»H<*1 tluu «r '-lUiufet" at tbe I^rvwtn tu ; 7 •;! QMMim.lt I. i •tlie ejfe of genius'* waa Uluatntfol lu Lomton. many portrait*. notaMy the I^ntmrii . _<>»_ Uw fri'iMl nlt'W ?f <*•» pcrfvjrta- palntint*«r RlfhanJ Wacner. lu «Mih aotv (bo CUIIIMH) auittaaaador and Hlr HNANCIAL INDEPENDENCE one eye droo|»a. and la aomHindnl ht UttUtila)' Marartnp} c«iu» to ant lnrlua conrontrk wrlnkltw of {tain. TIH> sn<at In hit J^eMlnn room, and itreaentiy. tln> aijibaMailur. «bi> KM wnrlut "!»*• One of the best ways to establish financial nla, his shattered nerrrs aiul uu <iT ulltcnil ruiNr* «r inaudartu yetlaw, wau- vtoiwt tempftr. wore attrilitttwl tti-ov^ dl'TCMl HIT to the (llrrctlbn of tbo »t»B#. strain Th> illamiiwk ha*, ulurt- Nvu Tli« alutuwMilur wot claw to tbe wl«« independence is to have an, account with "arcrptml by hla t>l<iRrapurr, Klll»: l.lm of tbv^rob lit tk» l«rk of the areuo. •elf a, pnyalHan. Mliullnr ir hwt it>n >v hi-ro c>|>|iHU bad made ber entnuu-e the Cranford rust Company and pay all dualre «asea have. UH>H mmle .nit ti> nnrt irouU mike-her ertt, Mt- Rk explain tb» tlfrlonu nutTrrinu or<i<«>il.v "JUUIJMM ft>r him unit Ju«t »u«T*d«tl lu •bills by check. Klkit, llrownluc. II* Carblos. Ihirwln palchlHK him ln<f<>re he bait iwaawl tutu Huxh>y, Uvriwrt Spencer, t lJalmr tbo Watt ut Itw llmif|ifht. I o.ulil Talue~NItfiiicb>. ."T»i'^iiilkowtikj a tut fancy ltio authlwu nittuvBi^nt of Ih* othera. * j amtlimco Dud I In- n-IUI nutr of Isiighlpr Your account is cordially invited.* Tho stnlnlns of tint tn-rvnun «\«(.>iu Ibnt nouhl follow when lu tli« iiilibil due to tlffm-tUt* \IMmi In ti> tv (<<m<\ of till* uio«l mill ami I>aUu)llc at acvuw among; all wlu> n^tltflr oyr* Ml n-nfk- 4'iilvt uubvntlikil tU 'B*tff at luiiuT." "TI»> vyVwf iwuliw" I* «nt, i CRANTORD, NEW JERSEY. ataiiuatn«H>a a* -iiiii'uuj; llm uitixti'r \\a\v IniUrwt n irlileaprrad publicity splrita ot IIIIIDIO unil Ivt4i>n> It t" HItiot to tw «c<iulrwt hr onlluiry forinii fact, tnare roipu><>». for ulii'ivitt Ilii' fortututu ffM'nnk otilo t« < limmt* Ihcli Oil nnotliiT <x'cn«loii It rory dllTervnt J JL time nml plurtt of InlKjr, to 'IHnl fi'fl a.nU mr Jinltifttl contTPtemps" did w- nua riK'U|ii<rntl(>ii. MIIIMI (tn-j iinM It. car The n<u>r ulia-toafc tliv part of tlie many arts li>-lil fuat ti> IKIII; liuiim Polonlm ati «nti>riuK icaru his first llmi ,0 owl riKllnm il«J», "till tllP riiiillt Hull with »o strung mi Intonatluji that Irv- -ir tbi'y U<ix>mi' IU>P»II*»N, nt'r\initt wirrtin ing nt oiii'i" Klgiutliln tbo prompter to mid KO blind gr. mud. — Mi<tri>|Hjl|tnu let foil tin) net ilrojn mine forward and the Cranford Garage \) MUROXIDO. • r \ ntMiloulitil to tho uudlOHCp and rratHrt • J it- oil t lie |iln; «lth a uew AOBNTS I'OK THE ART OF FELTING. I,Clllll"l| It Wit Davtlaptd . Long'-Stfora tht WOMEN AND CARD GAMES. the OVERLAND WutirWli Fmt Known. vallss BIIBI t' ^^ ^ *^asBiBSafd|asaHsiBi^HHaHHalHHHaaBBiaHBBBBBBaB Felt la a fabric (ortnwl »llliinit In Chile Sueh a CamblnatloA Weuld * -.y Photographs allowing system of- cooling my'market by a ' woavInK py taking nilvaiK/i«i- uf the Create a Ssnaation. 1 ^two-Ion Brunawick refrigerating plant- in bimoinent, which Is ' tcadoncy of hair rind wool tu InliSrlno A woman who la it native of Chile PULLMAN W the beat and moBt up-to-date Bvateui of refrigerating known to 1' UDd clluR'tu I'lioli otber. AutlijiiarlniiH \YH» tnlkliig n-cvutly about the dim- AND 6- science. • All meats are at all" times protooUid from Just and I. State tftot tbe art of fcltlnK ^UH dt-Vf I cully nh« hid In nccuatomlng bctwlf |, flies by being inclosed in glaM cases. opedjonit lii-furo tiio weaver «n» flrxl to card plaslnit ainonic womon. wlitn known. Felting autmlatcn tbe CbrlH- the cumu to (lit* country. Bbe said; • FORD Meats, Fish, Butter, Eggs and Poultry. tlnn era-by niiinjf rvuturM. "In Chile i-nnl' playing among worn- ^ "If yon want it good get it nt Irving'a. AulilorMlm state that I'tliw fi-IHnK VII U undrpiiiutHl ilt.) I'orliapa It is not ".WITH A VAKIHTV OP MOUHl.H TO SliLI'.CT FROM. •» I* » I f quality of Iwlrtir wdol rwiulu fruin. <*o\> miicli to say thnt a t'hilcan woman » *li the natural utrulcturo of llm mateilnl. would mi woroiplay cards than a New Chio,balt of .uiqtt Aitluiala"tl> York "woman -«|IIUM -ftRer a-IJroau>ajr will l)rJiiKu«JotiH*»tr«llun, with ix : to IHI uioro or leNH notched or saloon, . It Itrnt that It la exactly or OrdtTH (iln^ml now will Inaiiro imrly ilollvory :v—!f . ou/iU) lurfncv. Thin In tint more up- uluilly a mutltir- iff inorals with us. Wrent whpu an ointnl.natloii of tli« II Jimt lon't Ihv thing to do, It la not EAST LAWN DAIRY inttcrlttl In uiado by. tbo nld uf « FRANK M. SMALLEY, Prop. : m|cro(ico[>e. In aouie ttiiluialu 'tli«rn 1 came to Ni»w 'Vork I appears hi I MI a' ftut of, Imrlm cm tbu Residence, 186 North Ave:, E. , CRANFORD, M. J. ruKl my dniiKlitprlu law with mo. bnlr, andtluw hnrha tire KO p1a«w| thMt n Thill-mi elrl. Hlie nud I were boUt NEWTON A. BARNETT, Prop. —'—' _ . SOLE DISTRIBUTOR ' itui tip fit Ktich iwluL» 4» flir <mt vC tl«H, li'.rftl.IJt^jWtiW! M-'ri^tflVe «Tt(tiWta!- hnlr. • I timi <<> n hrlilKc pnrty in ttio dajrllme. i, ' 27 NORTK AVENUE, East. It follow* mat wlii-n n IIIHIIIHT <>f It UIIH to* jniii'b fur us, and wo du- | Raritan Valley Farms Certified Mi & Cream Imlrs nro pn-nmit tnp'tlier lli(iH<>.»tili>ti dined. Ollu-r nlmlliir Invltnllwucaiuo llv In the oppunllu dlriK-tlon In' rai lian.] K«.|>t crtnlliiK. Klnaljy our eurlosl- FreulKCountry Bottled Milk, per,quart 9c tb i\UMrldLMishiS^it - "Frflsh Ooimt»x-BotUod O«Jaii»rb*aU pint .IZ.\4c~-~" oni) of Ilii'tw nlTalni.- ]{von nfter wo Cranford Property My Specialty. Certified Milk, per quart - - 15c tear tlleni nnUinlcr. When WH* Imlr linn pit CHIT our niiiftu of oiitraged . ^ CkrtifiedJJreaiutliaJf pint . r ^ -... -20c~." - a naturoKtrndoucy Kncuri tliu lulprJac vbjrfton 'fliS '•whole' Ing pruotw) which In'Valittl fi'ltlitK in 1 will also handle a high grade of Jersey Milk which will rloiu to nn - . Jfjprft easily accomplished. 'Tlio rminlcHt sight of all was tlin be sold at 10 cents per quart. AltbouKh the fcltlug properly Is |K«- wouiou »)lh lltl(o tnifa on them, aa If veaaed by wovl lu a upet-M <legrn>, marked '\>y ttutl rtprtM,' Or ruu^ilug Special dnllvorlra made durjOR th« day. Orders by telephone nra other animals liavu It In tliclr c<)Vi>rliiK v]> te> ;nnotliiT'.Vronian with a little Real Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged. given prompt ntientiou. ' Tbla la true of the guat, ot, lmn>, rub rand to IHI 'imilflUHl.'' Finally we itot bit and boarer,—New York Huu. nullirlcntly nccvu»toip«d to 'bike a v h»nd,' liut I'Tcn yet I never do it With. ANI> MANAOUMENT OH • EarljeJManuaerlpts. out n ruvcrt fooling that I am uniting The type of letters In early rauiniwrlpt myeolf U-jonil the pale."—New Yor)i PROPERTY PERSONALLY ATTGNOIiD TO. -• ••• -•-•-•-• i i was the same as that of tUcwu unwJ on Past _f_ tbo earlier metal plntea auQ wax tab- lets. All letters wero capitals. Minim- A Life Pestilent N. A. BARNETT, cule, or stpo.lt lettering, aa opirtsodlto Anuctte-Gthol,la aboot to accept a the majoscule, was Inrenttsd In thelifetime Job- of twonty-foor uoqra a Nevrnth century._ Before Its Invention r day. flotciico-lndeedl AnBetta-tss, J. C. W. RANKIN, North Avenue, Cranford N.J. "'~ tUvn wa* no apacuut Iwtwwn die Hlie is going to marry a mas to refona words. There waa no punctuation uu- blm,- Chicago Wewi. I 11 NORTH AVENUE, CRANrORD, N. J. tew possibly some mark .txtweeu oeu- TELEPMONB 164. Mtifti of tba tenth century/ tbe art was prac- ticed' by only a few blgbljr., tratund acrlbes. Thli, con tinned all through the middle ages. Tbo scribe* weru Hrt- B'ioyole Ista, and they carried their art to a ft--' -" - high degree of perfection. 'Many' if tbe manuscript* of that period arejrvry ..^_»!_—._-.-- _, "BeautHoJ' a~p«cisMoa'6f 'bandTwork ariif Berkshice Hills Butter. r aa perfect aa print f Prepared Under 5trictly Sanitary Conditions, < v«. 0?" The Piret LeaMn of an Arab Boy. Tbe very first leaton -which an Arab .,.,, Expert Horseshoeing. - - General Jobbing ' oaby fearne wben be begin* to talk IK • » to keep ftcta to btmaelf.
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