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STABILITY and EXISTENCE of SURFACES in SYMPLECTIC 4-MANIFOLDS with B+ = 1 STABILITY AND EXISTENCE OF SURFACES IN SYMPLECTIC 4-MANIFOLDS WITH b+ = 1 JOSEF G. DORFMEISTER, TIAN-JUN LI, AND WEIWEI WU Abstract. We establish various stability results for symplectic sur- faces in symplectic 4¡manifolds with b+ = 1. These results are then applied to prove the existence of representatives of Lagrangian ADE- con¯gurations as well as to classify negative symplectic spheres in sym- plectic 4¡manifolds with · = ¡1. This involves the explicit construc- tion of spheres in rational manifolds via a new construction technique called the tilted transport. MSC classes: 53D05, 53D12, 57R17, 57R95 Keywords: smooth spheres, symplectic spheres, Lagrangian submanifolds Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. A Technical Existence Result 7 2.1. Generic Almost Complex Structures 8 2.2. Existence of Symplectic Submanifold 10 2.3. The Relative Symplectic Cone 14 3. Stability of symplectic curve con¯gurations 16 3.1. Smoothly isotopic surfaces under deformation{Theorem 1.3 16 3.2. Existence of Di®eomorphic surfaces 18 4. Lagrangian ADE-con¯gurations 20 4.1. Conifold transitions and stability of Lagrangian con¯gurations 20 4.2. Existence 23 5. Spheres in Rational Manifolds 25 5.1. Homology classes of smooth ¡4 spheres 25 5.2. Tilted transport: constructing symplectic (-4)-spheres 33 5.3. Spheres with self-intersection ¡1,¡2 and ¡3 37 5.4. Discussions 39 6. Spheres in irrational ruled manifolds 41 6.1. Smooth spheres 41 6.2. Symplectic spheres 44 JD was partially supported by the Simons Foundation #246043. TJL was partially supported by was partially supported by NSF Focused Research Grants DMS-0244663 and NSF grant DMS-1207037. WW was partially supported by NSF Focused Research Grants DMS-0244663 and AMS-Simons travel funds. 1 2 JOSEF G. DORFMEISTER, TIAN-JUN LI, AND WEIWEI WU References 45 1. Introduction Given a symplectic manifold (M; !), it is natural to ask whether a ho- mology/cohomology class A is represented by an embedded symplectic (La- grangian) submanifold. Even with the various advanced techniques currently available and emerging nowadays, this remains a very di±cult question. There are two particularly signi¯cant techniques in this direction: for the classes l[!] when [!] has integral period and l is a su±ciently high multiple, a general existence was obtained by Donaldson's asymptotic holomorphic section theory; for a homology class A 2 H2(M; Z) which is Gromov-Witten e®ective, the pseudo-holomorphic curve machinery often produces embedded symplectic representatives in this class. In dimension 4, Taubes' symplectic Seiberg-Witten theory [48, 49, 50] is especially powerful to establish the GW e®ectiveness. In the current paper, we investigate cases in dimension 4 not covered by the techniques mentioned above, e.g. we consider GW non-e®ective (or more precisely, not necessarily GW e®ective) classes. In fact, we approach this problem by answering a natural extension that is closely related but rarely seen in the literature: If there exists V ½ M which is an !-symplectic submanifold, can V be \propagated" to other symplectic forms !e? Such \propagation" can be interpreted in di®erent senses. For example, when !e is isotopic to !, this problem has no new content due to Moser's theorem. The main case we consider is when !e is deformation equivalent to !, that is, when there is a smooth family of symplectic forms f!tg such that !0 = ! and !1 = !e. When such propagation holds, we say (M; V; !) possesses the stability property. In this paper we establish several stability results for connected symplectic surfaces in symplectic manifolds (M; !) with b+ = 1, which allow us to address also the existence problem in rather general settings. To explain further our results, we ¯rst introduce some notions. De¯nition 1.1. Consider a graph G, where each vertex vi is labelled by an element Ai 2 H2(M; Z), and we denote aij := Ai ¢ Aj ¸ 0. Two vertices are connected by edges labeled by positive integers which sum up to aij when aij 6= 0 . Assume that jGj < 1. We will refer to G as a homological con¯guration. Let ! be a symplectic structure on M. (1) G is called simple if all labels on the edges are 1. (2) ! is called G-positive if !(Ai) > 0 for all i · jGj. SjGj (3) A curve con¯guration V = i=1 Vi is a realization of the ho- mological con¯guration G with respect to !, if it consists of the following: STABILITY AND EXISTENCE OF SURFACES 3 (a) a one-one correspondence from the vertices fvig of G to an em- bedded !-symplectic curve Vi ½ M, [Vi] = Ai for each i · jGj where Ai is the homology class labeled on vi; (b) a one-one correspondence from Vi \ Vj to the edges connecting vi and vj, and the intersection multiplicity equals the marking on the corresponding edges; (c) Vi \ Vj \ Vk = ; for all distinct i; j; k and (d) there exists an almost complex structure J compatible with ! making each Vi J-holomorphic simultaneously. Notice that the curve con¯guration need not be connected. Moreover, the last condition ensures that all intersections of components of V are isolated and positive. We consider stability for such con¯gurations. De¯nition 1.2. A curve con¯guration V realizing G with respect to ! is called !-stable if for any G-positive symplectic form !~ deformation equiv- alent to !, there is a curve con¯guration V~ realizing G with respect to !~. In some cases the relation between V~ and V can be made more precise. The following is the main stability result. Theorem 1.3. Let (M; !) be a symplectic manifold with b+ = 1 and G a homological con¯guration represented by a curve con¯guration V . Then V is !-stable. Moreover, V~ can be chosen to be smoothly isotopic to V . At the core of Theorem 1.3 are the existence and abundance of positive self-intersection symplectic surfaces along which inflation is carried out. The major source of such surfaces is Taubes' symplectic Seiberg-Witten theory. Moreover, the methods employed to prove Theorem 1.3 are rather robust and allow extensions in a number of directions. We describe details in Sections 2 and 3. In the rest of the paper we consider two applications of the stability result Theorem 1.3. The ¯rst one is to show the following: Corollary 1.4. In rational or ruled manifolds, any homological Lagrangian n ADE-con¯guration fligi=1 admits a Lagrangian ADE-con¯guration repre- sentative. In the case of An-con¯gurations, one may require the con¯gu- ration lie in MnD, where D is a symplectic divisor disjoint from a set of n+1 embedded symplectic representatives of the exceptional classes fEigi=1 The de¯nition of a homological Lagrangian con¯guration is given in Sec- tion 4. For more general symplectic manifolds with b+ = 1 we have: Corollary 1.5. Given a non-minimal symplectic 4-manifold (M; !) with + n+1 b = 1 and a set of exceptional classes fEigi=1 where !(Ei) are all equal. n Then there is a Lagrangian An-con¯guration of class fEi ¡ Ei+1gi=1. It is very tempting to assert the above corollary also holds for general symplectic 4-manifolds. But there is a (possibly technical) catch: in general 4 JOSEF G. DORFMEISTER, TIAN-JUN LI, AND WEIWEI WU we do not know whether two ball embeddings in a general symplectic 4- manifold are connected. That means it is possible that two symplectic blow- up forms are not even symplectomorphic. Therefore one needs to be more precise when performing symplectic blow-ups on these manifolds. Recall from Biran's stability of ball-packing in dimension 4 ([4]) that for any symplectic 4¡manifold (M; !), there exists a number N0(M; !) so that one may pack N balls with volume less than vol!(M)=N0, as long as [!] 2 H2(M; Q). The packing is constructed away from a isotropic skeleton de¯ned in [5]. We show that An-type con¯gurations still exist when these packed symplectic balls are blown-up. Corollary 1.6. Given a symplectic 4-manifold (M; !) with [!] 2 H2(M; Q) and a symplectic packing of n + 1 · N0 symplectic balls with equal vol- ume · vol!(M)=N0(M; !). Then there is a Lagrangian An-con¯guration in (M#(n + 1)CP2;!0), where !0 is obtained by blowing up the embedded symplectic balls when the packing is supported away from Biran's isotropic skeleton. Remark 1.7. The more interesting part of this series of corollaries lies in the case when the packing of M is very close to a full packing. In such sce- narios, the geometry of the packing is usually di±cult to understand in an explicit way. In particular, it would be very di±cult to construct these La- grangian spheres by hand. In contrast, our theorem does not only guarantee the existence of the Lagrangian spheres (which already appeared in [34]), we also have control over their geometric intersection patterns, which is usually di±cult for Lagrangian or symplectic non-e®ective objects. From our proof, one may also conclude the existence of symplectic ADE-plumbings when the involved classes have positive symplectic areas (in fact, this is much easier because we do not need to involve conifold transitions and can easily be ex- tended to many other types of plumbings). We leave the details for interested readers. As another application, we consider the classi¯cation of negative self- intersection spherical classes in symplectic rational or ruled surfaces. This is of interest for many di®erent reasons: on the one hand, solely the problem of existence of symplectic rational curves is already an intriguing question when the corresponding class is not GT-basic, which means its Gromov- Taubes dimension is less than zero.
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