»Á›¯Õúx Gzuøú Uáønpîà Ö\¾Zu¨£H ÷Ásk®? (A) 5 Uáønpò (B) 4 Uáønpò (C) 3 Uáønpò (D) 1 Uáøn
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1. Land revenue shall be remitted in how many dues? (A) 5 dues (B) 4 dues (C) 3 dues (D) 1 due {»Á›¯õÚx GzuøÚ uÁønPÎÀ ö\¾zu¨£h ÷Ásk®? (A) 5 uÁønPÒ (B) 4 uÁønPÒ (C) 3 uÁønPÒ (D) 1 uÁøn 2. Right to information Act enacted in the year of (A) 2005 (B) 2006 (C) 2007 (D) 2008 uPÁÀ AÔ²® E›ø©a \mh® C¯ØÓ¨£mh Bsk (A) 2005 (B) 2006 (C) 2007 (D) 2008 3. What is the minimum age should be attained to contest in Panchayat election? (A) 18 years (B) 19 years (C) 20 years (D) 21 years £g\õ¯zx ÷uºu¼À ÷£õmi°h ÷uøÁ¨£k® SøÓ¢u £m\ Á¯x Á쮦? (A) 18 BskPÒ (B) 19 BskPÒ (C) 20 BskPÒ (D) 21 BskPÒ 4. Who is the present Chief election commissioner of India? (A) Achal Kumar Joti (B) Nasim Zaidi (C) Sunil Arora (D) Om prakash Rawat C¢v¯ ÷uºuÀ Bøn¯zvß uØ÷£õøu¯ uø»ø© ÷uºuÀ Bøn¯º ¯õº? (A) Aa\À S©õº ÷áõv (B) |ã® øáv (C) _ÛÀ A÷μõμõ (D) K® ¤μõPõè μõÁm 3 119/DM/18 [Turn over 5. As per the constitution of India, retirement age of the Chief Election Commissioner of India is (A) 62 years (B) 65 years (C) 68 Years (D) 69 years C¢v¯ Aμ]¯»ø©¨¦a \mhzvߣi C¢v¯ uø»ø© ÷uºuÀ Bøn¯›ß K´Ä ö£Ö® Á¯x? (A) 62 Á¸h[PÒ (B) 65 Á¸h[PÒ (C) 68 Á¸h[PÒ (D) 69 Á¸h[PÒ 6. As per the Representation of People Act 1950, minimum voting age of election is (A) 17 years (B) 18 years (C) 19 years (D) 20 years ©UPÒ ¤μv{vzxÁ \mhzvߣi ÷uºuÀPÎÀ ÁõUPÎUP SøÓ¢u £m\ Á¯x Á쮦? (A) 17 Á¸h[PÒ (B) 18 Á¸h[PÒ (C) 19 Á¸h[PÒ (D) 20 Á¸h[PÒ 7. Who is the present Chairman of the Tamil Nadu Information Commission? (A) Thiru. Ramanujam (B) Thiru. Tamilselvan (C) Thiru. Dhakshinamoorthi (D) Tmt. Neelambigai uªÌ|õk uPÁÀ Bøn¯zvß uØ÷£õøu¯ uø»Áº ¯õº? (A) v¸. μõ©õÝ\® (B) v¸. uªÌaö\ÀÁß (C) v¸. um]nõ‰ºzv (D) v¸©v. }»õ®¤øP 8. At present who is empowered Under Indian Stamp Act to order to refund of unused non Judicial Stamp Papers? (A) District Registrar (B) Revenue Divisional Officer (C) Stamp Tahsildar (D) Sub- Registrar C¢v¯ •zvøμa \mhzvß RÌ E£÷¯õP¨£kzu¨£hõu •zvøμzuõÒPÎß öuõøP ÁÇ[P EzvμÂhUTi¯ A¾Á»º ¯õº? (A) ©õÁmh £vÁõͺ (B) Á¸Áõ´ ÷Põmhõm]¯º (C) Ámhõm]¯º (•zvøμ) (D) \õº£vÁõͺ 119/DM/18 4 9. Indian Stamp Act enacted in the year of (A) 1899 (B) 1900 (C) 1905 (D) 1947 C¢v¯ •zvøμa \mh® C¯ØÓ¨£mh Bsk? (A) 1899 (B) 1900 (C) 1905 (D) 1947 10. Deficit Stamp duty deal under which section of Indian Stamp Act? (A) Section 45 (B) Section 46 (C) Section 47 (D) Section 49 SøÓÄ •zvøμ wºøÁ C¢v¯ •zvøμa \mhzvß G¢u¨¤›Âß RÌ Á¸QÓx? (A) ¤›Ä 45 (B) ¤›Ä 46 (C) ¤›Ä 47 (D) ¤›Ä 49 11. Lease percentage charged for Government lands leased out to private for commercial uses is (A) 7% (B) 14% (C) 21% (D) 25% ÁoP ÷|õUPzvØPõP uÛ¯õ¸US SzuøPUS Âh¨£k® Aμ_ {ø»[PÎß «x ÂvUP¨£k® SzuøP \uÃu®? (A) 7% (B) 14% (C) 21% (D) 25% 12. Short Term lease means (A) 2 year lease (B) 3 year lease (C) 7 year lease (D) 10 year lease SÖQ¯ Põ» SzuøP Gߣx (A) 2 Á¸h SzuøP (B) 3 Á¸h SzuøP (C) 7 Á¸h SzuøP (D) 10 Á¸h SzuøP 5 119/DM/18 [Turn over 13. Track rent for use of Government poromboke land for construction of pipelines for carrying water levied to private individuals in village panchayat is (A) Rs. 400 per KM (B) Rs. 300 per KM (C) Rs. 200 per KM (D) Rs. 100 per KM Qμõ© £g\õ¯zxPÎÀ uÛ|£¸US Aμ_ {»[PÎÀ SÇõ´PÒ £vzx uspº öPõsk ö\À» ÂvUP¨£k® £õøu Á›? (A) ¹. 400/Q.«. (B) ¹. 300/Q.«. (C) ¹. 200/Q.«. (D) ¹. 100/Q.«. 14. Notional increase value for calculation land value per year is (A) 6% (B) 8% (C) 10% (D) 12% {»©v¨¦ PnURk ö\´¯ Á¸hzvØS PnUQö»kUP¨£k® TkuÀ Ámi Ãu® (A) 6% (B) 8% (C) 10% (D) 12% 15. As per Revenue Recovery Act name of the notice issued to seize Movable properties of the defauler (A) No : 1 Notice (B) No : 2 Notice (C) No : 3 Notice (D) No : 4 Notice Á¸Áõ´ Á`¼¨¦a \mhzvß RÌ Aø\²® ö\õzxUPøÍ á¨v ö\´¯ ÁÇ[P¨£k® ÷|õmjì Gx? (A) ö| : 1 ÷|õmjì (B) ö| : 2 ÷|õmjì (C) ö| : 3 ÷|õmjì (D) ö| : 4 ÷|õmjì 16. Fine Amount levied per hectare for unauthorized water drawal from Government irrigation source? (A) Rs. 500 (B) Rs. 600 (C) Rs. 700 (D) Rs. 800 Aμ_ }º Buõμ[Pμ¸¢x ö\´¯¨£k® •øÓ¯ØÓ }º £õ\ÚzvØPõP J¸ öíU÷hº Âìwμnzvß ushzwºøÁ? (A) ¹. 500 (B) ¹. 600 (C) ¹. 700 (D) ¹. 800 119/DM/18 6 17. Tax on imam lands remitted by the Inamdars to the Jamindars is known as (A) Beshkush (B) Jodi (C) Rupee (D) Jameen CÚõ®uõμμõÀ CÚõ® {»[PÐUS, á«ß uõμ¸US ö\¾zu¨£h ÷Ási¯ öuõøPUS –––––––––– GÚ¨ ö£¯º. (A) ÷£èSè (B) ÷áõi (C) ¹£õ´ (D) á«ß 18. Inams given to protect the income generated irrigation sources are called as (A) Devadayam (B) Dharmadayam (C) Dasabandam (D) Ryot Á¸Áõ´ uμUTi¯ £õ\Ú Buõμ[PøÍ £õxPõUP ÁÇ[P¨£mh CÚõ®PÒ? (A) ÷uÁuõ¯® (B) uº©uõ¯® (C) u\£¢u® (D) μ¯zx 19. The term Ryot means (A) Land (B) Theervai (C) Kudi (D) Lease μ¯z GßÓ ö\õÀ¼ß ö£õ¸Ò? (A) {»® (B) wºøÁ (C) Si (D) SzuøP 20. Village ‘A’ Register containing (A) 15 Columns (B) 12 Columns (C) 11 Columns (D) 10 Columns ‘A’ £v÷ÁmiÀ EÒÍ ö©õzu P»[PÎß GsoUøP GÆÁÍÄ? (A) 15 P»[PÒ (B) 12 P»[PÒ (C) 11 P»[PÒ (D) 10 P»[PÒ 7 119/DM/18 [Turn over 21. Four metre equal to (A) 40 links (B) 10 links (C) 15 links (D) 20 links |õßS «mhº Gߣx GzuøÚ ¼[ì AÍÂøÚU SÔUS®? (A) 40 ¼[ì (B) 10 ¼[ì (C) 15 ¼[ì (D) 20 ¼[ì 22. Who is the authority to rectify the corrections of Updating Registry scheme (UDR scheme)? (A) District Revenue Officer (B) Tahsildar (C) Zonal Deputy Tahsildar (D) Revenue Divisional Officer {» Ehø©¨ £v÷Ák ÷©®£õmkz vmhzvß RÌ HØ£mh uÁÖPøÍ \› ö\´¯ AvPõμ©õUP¨£mhÁº? (A) ©õÁmh Á¸Áõ´ A¾Á»º (B) Ámhõm]¯º (C) ©sh» xøn Ámhõm]¯º (D) ÷Põmhõm]¯º 23. Appeal against a Patta Transfer order issued by Tahsildar shall be made to whom and how long period? (A) District Revenue Officer –15 days (B) District Revenue Officer – 30 days (C) Revenue Divisional Officer – 15 days (D) Revenue Divisional Officer – 30 days J¸ Ámhõm]¯›ß £mhõ ©õÖuÀ Bønø¯ Gvºzx GzuøÚ |õmPÐUSÒ ¯õ›h® ÷©À•øÓ±k ö\´x öPõÒÍ»õ®? (A) ©õÁmh Á¸Áõ´ A¾Á»º – 15 |õmPÒ (B) ©õÁmh Á¸Áõ´ A¾Á»º – 30 |õmPÒ (C) ÷Põmhõm]¯º – 15 |õmPÒ (D) ÷Põmhõm]¯º – 30 |õmPÒ 119/DM/18 8 24. Power of Attorny Document should be registered with in –––––––––– days from the date of writing. (A) 30 days (B) 60 days (C) 90 days (D) 120 days ö£õx AvPõμ BÁn® GÊu¨£mh ÷uv°¼¸¢x GzuøÚ vÚ[PÐUSÒ £vÄ ö\´¯¨£h ÷Ásk®? (A) 30 |õmPÒ (B) 60 |õmPÒ (C) 90 |õmPÒ (D) 120 |õmPÒ 25. Alternate Record for Patta Pass book is (A) Computer 10(1) Chitta Copy (B) Adangal (C) Chitta (D) RSR £mhõ £õì ¦zuPzvØS ©õØÖ BÁn® (A) PoÛ 10(1) ]mhõ |PÀ (B) Ah[PÀ (C) ]mhõ (D) Bº.Gì.Bº. 26. Not involving subdivision patta transfer cases ordered by (A) Tahsildar (B) Zonal Deputy Tahsildar (C) Village Administrative Officer (D) Revenue Inspector £mhõ ©õÖuÀ Âsn¨£[PÎÀ Em¤›ÄUS Em£hõu CÚ[PÎÀ ¯õμõÀ BønPÒ ¤Ó¨¤UP¨£kQßÓÚ? (A) Ámhõm]¯º (B) ©sh» xøn Ámhõm]¯º (C) Qμõ© {ºÁõP A¾Á»º (D) Á¸Áõ´ B´Áõͺ 9 119/DM/18 [Turn over 27. RSO 31 deal with (A) Patta Transfer (B) Legalheirship (C) Land Transfer (D) Land Alienation Á¸Áõ´ {ø» Bøn 31 öuõhº¦øh¯x (A) £mhõ ©õÖuÀ (B) Áõ›_›ø© (C) {»©õØÓ® (D) {» E›ø© ©õØÓ® 28. Properties belongs to the Minor child below 18 years shall be saled by obtaining prior permission from (A) Parents (B) Guardians (C) Court (D) Tahsildar 18 Á¯x §ºzv¯øh¯õu ø©Úº ö\õzxUPøÍ ÂØ£øÚ ö\´¯ ¯õ›h® •ß AÝ©v ö£Ó ÷Ásk®? (A) ö£Ø÷Óõº (B) Põ¨£õͺ (C) }v©ßÓ® (D) Ámhõm]¯º 29. Controling authority of the Government lands in the state belongs to (A) Revenue Department (B) Judicial Department (C) Government (D) Public Work Department ©õ{»zvÀ EÒÍ Aμ_ {»[PÒ AøÚzx® GzxøÓ°ß Pmk¨£õmiÀ Á¸®? (A) Á¸Áõ´zxøÓ (B) }vzxøÓ (C) Aμ_ (D) ö£õx¨£ozxøÓ 119/DM/18 10 30. Collection of sales statistics from Sub-Registrar office is the duty of (A) Village Administrative officer (B) Revenue Inspector (C) Tahsildar (D) Zonal Deputy Tahsildar ÂØ£øÚ ¦ÒÎ ÂÁμ[PøÍ \õº£vÁõͺ A¾Á»P[PÎÀ ÷\P›UP ÷Ási¯x ¤ßÁ¸® G¢u A¾Á»›ß Phø©¯õS®? (A) Qμõ© {ºÁõP A¾Á»º (B) Á¸Áõ´ B´Áõͺ (C) Ámhõm]¯º (D) ©sh» xøn Ámhõm]¯º 31. Cultivation of assignment land should be started with in how many years from the date of receipt of land assignment? (A) 5 years (B) 3 years (C) 4 years (D) 7 years {»® J¨£øh ö£ØÓ |õμ¸¢x GzuøÚ BsiØSÒ ÂÁ\õ¯® ö\´¯¨£h ÷Ásk®? (A) 5 Á¸h[PÒ (B) 3 Á¸h[PÒ (C) 4 Á¸h[PÒ (D) 7 Á¸h[PÒ 32.