f intien lerus-WliBtrutr The Lir.O EN NEWS, established 1927, combined with The LINDEN OBSERVER, established 1920.

Vol. IV, No. 4 8 PAGES LINDEN, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 24,1958 Entered as second claas mail matter at the Post Office at Linden. N. J. PRICE: 5 Cents “ Open Your Hearts Rahway Lack of Two‘ Thirds Hospital For The Carharts” Accredited Majority Kills West Thomas Vamounj, of Seven Gables, anrounced this week the formation of a committee that will siK>nsor a benefit spaghetti The Rahway Hospital has just dinner, with all of the money raised donated to the “ Carhart been adyisepe ploy the mo.st thoroughly tested field, Councilman Paul Werkmei.ster received from the Po.st Office De­ tributing to the many floode-ear: Mrs. Car­ cha.ses and other realty invest­ honor its past commanders on Sat- tion prior to the time of the meet­ (Contlnued on Page Eight! i.- now getting the required at- I tabli.sheer rules of conduct it does not mean that all chil­ proup.s of citizens have a right — a third party, who has an interest, * ♦ ♦ on July 10 at the Elizabeth Gen­ ance regulating parking on Vaux- Hoard of Freeholders, County of for Government officials. dren can and shouhl ilo it. both legally and ethically — to direct or indirect, in any action or A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. eral Hospital. Air.'. Kertis is the hall Roacommittee, and the Sub­ Chevrolet Dealer Small portion.s also help. -A .Mr.s. Hubeny is the former Janet Ji'.ne ki.'ue. ! to the Pro.secutor’s Office, one At this time a motion was made child will enjoy finishing up his Harris. The open treatment is ued only 1958 Oldsmobile, 4 Door Sedan, to take up for further considera­ committee’s highly irregular tac­ CHEVROLET ♦ ♦ ♦ tics in accepting “ hearsay” and • OK USED CARS food while he becomes overwhelm­ in ho.spitalizelif- effective Feb. 3, 1958. was anyone who w-i.shed to speak Kenneth Repkie of 835 E. Eliza- mild soapsuds over it. Rinse with ference does it make? Everybody Purchasing .Agent, advising relative to sa.me. No one wi.shed : beth avenue on Friday, July 11 at clean, warm water. If clothing is do-"? it '” quotation receiveii for a 1958 to be heard. ^ Insurance? St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. Mrs. stuck to the burn, do no: pull it Or the ec)ually cynical attitu.le, OPEN SUNDAYS Chevrolet, four door Sedan for the F'reeholder Herlich made a mo­ i Repkie is the former Rose Shapiro. away. Cut away cloth around the a.s sometimes expressed to me, Bridge Department and recom­ tion that the hearing be clo.sed Call ♦ * ♦ wound ami soak what i.s left witli "Why did you get into politic.s, 9 A. M. TO 11 P. M. mending purchase of same from j which was duly seconded by Free­ ■A boy was bom to Mr. and Mrs. the soap-and-water solution. F3o ? Don’t you know you can’t H U NTER 6-3085 Sullivan Chevrolet, Inc., of RosePe holder Hickok and unonimou.sly . James J. .Mite of 1203 Clinton 2. Clo.se the wound against air atay honest?” ' Park, was referred to Purchasing carrieil. CITY HALl ’ street on Friday, July 11 at St. a.- quickly as pos.-ible, particularly ■fo which I wouhi give three Committee. Following resolutions were on Elizabeth’s Ho.spital. Mrs. Mite emphatic answers: PHARMACY if the bum has opened the skin. Board of Freeholders of Alorris roll call adopteil;- Louis W. i.s the former Joan Moros. Insistence on the highest moral For very small, light burns a County, enclosing resolution in op- [ (1) FreehoMer Herlich for Fi­ PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE » . » standanls in government, and it coating of ointment may be suf­ ; position to the proposed creation nance Committee, finally adopting A girl wa.^ bora to Mr. and Mrs. makes a great deal of difference OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 11 P.M. FREE DELIVERY Shumsky ficient, but for any except the of a Aletropolitan Rapid Transit the R(inEIN USED CARS tMHbn • CvHm • SiaBaf CEM ETERIES J E W E I ^ • FULLER BRUSH Telephone; FUltcn 1-0300 HUNTER 6-4990 FREE ESTIMATE U. S. HWY. No. I LINDEN ELIZABETH 3-0210 477 W. MILTON AVE. RAHWAY a . 3-1700 Air Conditioners will provide more cool air if your home has For 2-7153 Full HOUSEPOWER! To give ail your appliances new Z-l-P STEIN’S RAYMOND MOTOR . . . to end fuse "black-outs"— you need at least a 100 AMP FULLER BRUSH ROSEHILL CEMETERY Jewelry — Diamonds SALES and CREMATORY SERVICE and separate circuits for heavy-duty appliances! Hamilton-Gruen-Elgin PRODUCTS Authorized Beautifiil URNS and NICHES Bulova Watches In The Celumbarium m a a a a r jr mercury Call Your Electrician for a free Wiring Estimate! CaU Large Cemetery Clientele ^Halnss A Edwards aad aM SALES & SERVICE Perpetual Care of Lota Biakss sf Silverware—Tslsvlslsa^ Telephone: Linden 3-3900 Telephone: HUnter 6-8200 PVBLIC(S)SERV1CE! ELizabeth 4-2049 U. S. Hwy. No. I LINDEN •4 FIRST ST., ELIZABETH 314 E. ST. GEO. AVE., LINDEN “ HARRIS 645 Nrw Point Re).. Eliiobeth A-195-58 THE LINDEN NEWS-OBSERVER, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1958 PAGE THREE

REPORT TO PEOPLE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL .NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Low Calorie Desserts rind, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and Brook .street; Mr.s, Wilfred Cro- (Conti nue<-l from Paf^e 2) one and three-fourths cups sweet­ Sister Mary Pascal tean of 2117 Alberta avenue. CITY OF LINDEN vkvlation of the provisions of this in annual inatallments, the first of which Add to Summer Pleasure ened apple.sauce. Philip Nerges, 602 Orchard situation is thereby created where PASSED ORDINANCE ordinance on the part of the ap­ shall be payable not more than one year ------♦------Given Art Decree AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN plicant end aJso on the j>art of the from the date t)f the bonds, and n o a n ­ straet, Rahway; Ernest Nerges an official’s responsibility to the ORDINANCE ENTITLED. "AN ORD­ persons occupying or changing said nual in»tallment shall exceed by more Low-calorie deissert.'! help you and Mrs. Stephen Schwab of INANCE TO BE KNOWN AND persons to the penalties hereinelse- than fifty per cent the amount of the .'itay cool. Any if you’re a weight- State CIO Cancels g:eneral public is or could be sac­ where provided. Nothing herein con­ Sister Mary Pa.scal, O.S.B., for­ Rochester, N. Y., and Mr. Frank CITED AS THE BUILDING CODE,” smallest prior instaUment, and the same ; watcher, they help you stay within rificed to the interefft of the pri­ APPROVED JUNE 23, 192S, AS tained shall prohibit an applicant shall be raised and paid for by taxa­ merly Julia Nerges of Linden, has Nerges of .Albemarle, N. C. vate third party. AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTED. from withplemen'tal debt statem ent re- i be regarded as a part of Uie ap- loupe slices, blueberries and fresh The meeting will be re-scheduled » Nothing could be so wrong! The Buiidinjt Inspector. No use of any pHcation whether filed therewith or quireart6 of ordin­ ver.sely affect attendance. avenue; Mrs. Emma Stiedler, 60S issued by the Building Inspector. ances inconsistent herewith are hereby tations prescribed by said Act, and it ! little bunches of green grapes, crimination. The Building Inspector, within ten repealed. i« ie further determined that the gross , days after notification that the debt defined by said Act is in- ; halves of pears and quartered ap­ (3) It is no more proper for as­ PASSED: July 22. 1958. premises are ready for inspeotion JEROME KRUEGER. cre«u*ed by the sum of Eight TIaouRand ! ples. Then there are bananas, sistants or emplayees of public of- and the filing of the required ap­ Dodlara ($8,000.00). President of Council orange,', grapefruit, dark Bing ficiahs to receive valuable gifts plication. if one has not previously APPROVED: July 23. 1958. Section 10. This ordinance shell take been filed, shall deny or issue the WILLIAM J. HURST effect in the manner provided by law. cherries, nerAarines and many than it i.s for officials themselves. certificates ef occupancy on the A LITTLE BUYS A “LOT” M ayor PASSED: July 22. 1958. more. Their .sole re.sponsifoilily, also, is basis of the following standards: ATTEST: a. If the buiklmg is incoan- FRANCIS H. DANN, JEROME KRUEGER. to the general public through thier pleted and the oomplerted build­ City Clerk. President of Council Frozen fruits, thawed but still In emplayer.s. They are likewise ing and the use to be made APPROVED: July 23. 1958. icy, are fine for fruit plates. .And thereof, as set forth in the ap­ W IL L IA M J. HURST STATEMENT ade<|uately paid from the .same) plication for the certificate of M ayor many of the canned fruits can be FABULOUS PORT CHARUOITE, FLORIDA The ordinance published herewith has ATTEST: general tax revenues, and are sub­ occupany, comply with the ord­ been finally r^ssAl and the 20-day per­ happily coml)ined with fresh or inances of the City of lAnden. FRAN CIS H. DANN iod of limitation within which a suit, City Clerk. .rozen ones. (As Advertised in LIFE, LOOK and SATURDAY EVENING POST) ject to the .same conflict-of-inter­ the Hoard of Health of the action or proceeding can be commenced, est prohibitions. More iver, and City of Linden and the laws of as provided in The Local Bond Act, has Savings in calories are easy, the State of New Jersey which begun to run from the date of the first STATEMENT this is sometimes overlooked, when may be in force and effect at publication of this Statement. The ordinance pubHshed herewith ha* with a medium apple, orange or staff members .speak or act in such time relating to the oon- been finally posaed and the 2C-day per­ cantaloupe providing only 75, a KING SIZE . . . N. M. PAUSBMO, INC. Htrucftion. location, use and o c ­ iod of limitation within which a suit, place of their emplayers they cupany of buildings. lands and action or proceeding can be commenced, raw peach 45, and a banana about 7 No. Woo4 Ajtnmt, N. J. carry much of the same influcrKe premi-ijes. fh e certificate o f o c ­ CITY OF LINDEN as provided in The Local Bond Act. has S»0 calories. A one-inch cube of 80 ft. X 125 ft. LOT cupancy shall issue aa aforesaid PASSED ORDINANCE begun to run from the date t>f the first Please send your free 18 and authority. Thus, t.ie .same provided the fee therefore shall AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR publication of this Statement. Cheddar chee.se -serv'ed with the re.s-pon.sibilities and obli.gations al­ have been paid and the applica­ THE IMPROVEMENT OF PRICE fruit would add 113 calories, the brochure on Port Charlotte, U or- so must re.st on them. tion shall be complete as here­ STREET FROM WOOD AVENUE TO New Jersey State University .spec- $10 Down - $10 A Month idcu 1 am interested in owniac inafter specified. ROSELLE STREET BY THE RE­ No “quid pro quo" b. If the building and the MOVAL AND RECONSTRUCTION OF CITY OF LINDEN iali.st points out. land for (chock on e): PORTIONS OF EXISTING PAVE­ PASSED ORDINANCE (4) Candidate.s for public office utf e to be made thereof, as set Here is a recipe for Apple.sauce forth in the application for the MENT AND THE RESURFACING OF AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN Full Price — $895. □ VacatioB □ Build a homo and their authorized supporters certificate of occupancy, fail to PRICE STREET FROM WOOD AVE­ ORDINANCE ENTITLED. AN ORD­ Snow that provides only 72 calor­ have a right to solicit and accept meeit the requirem ents in sub­ NUE TO ROSELLE STREET. AS A INANCE DESIGNATING LIGHT ies per .serving. □ Retiremeint □ Inveotmont section "a” above enumerated GENERAL IMPROVEMENT. MAK­ TRAFFIC STREETS. ONE-WAY campaign contributions. But even or if the developer, contractor ING AN APPROPRIATION THERE­ STREETS AND THROUGH STREETS Combine 1 envelope unflavored Come See Our “Florida Room” this unobjectionable generalization or owner has entered into bond FOR AND AUTHORIZING THE FI­ IN THE CITY OF LINDEN. AND gelatine, one-fourth cup sugar and with the City of Linden secur­ NANCING THEREOF. PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR must be carefully qualified. Con­ ing the constructioB of roads, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL VlULAllONS.” AJ'PROVED APRIL one-fourth tea.spoon salt in lop tributions must not be .-'olicited or sidewalks, utilities or other im­ OF THE CITY OF LINDEN: 2. 1952. AS AMENDED AND SUP­ of double boiler. .Adwing reapecXs: Part I. Section 6. sub-section D 1,000 gallons of rapid curing asphait. succe-ssfully legislate morality. is paid for each inspection Section 3. ONE-WAY STREETS Section 2. That the foregoing im- b- The following streets or por- made at the reques-t of the ap­ What is really involved here is a j-rovem ent shall be oon6.tru<^ed as a tiona thereof, in addition to those plicant in oonneotion with the sincere effort to face the facts of general improvement to be paid for by heretofore enumerated in the ord- application for a certificate of the City at I^arge. LINDEN TRUST Banking Quiz ir«.nce hereby amended, as amended occupany prior to each insi>ec- human nature; to recognize as in­ Section 3. The foreg».>ing im prove­ and supplemented, are hereby desig_ tion. The denial of an appli- ment shall be in accordance with the natel^rrt ($8,000.00), and there shall be tween lyinden Avenue and Ash­ cupany of any buikling or portion and hereby is authorized the issuance ton .\venue. whereon traffic thereof without first obtaining the BAKER-WILMOTT o f bonds and notes of the City of Lin­ shall pixK’eed in a northeoeterly isauance of the certificate of oc- den in an amount not exceeding Eight HOW cui»any herein provided shall be direction only. Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00). being the Section 2. Any and all portime of ENGAGED TO WED guilty of a violation of the pro­ es.timat€Hl maximum am ount o f m-mey to any ordinances heretofore enacted in visions of this ordinance and shall be raised from all sources for the consistent herewith shall be the same be subject to the penalties here- ' piirTKise o f financing the im provem ent hereby axe r^’peoJed. Mr. and Mr.s. George P. Baker elsewhere provided. authorized by this ordinance. Section 3. This amendment shall be YOU of Avon have made known the en­ 2. The aixplication fo r a ce r tif­ Section 5. That obligations to finance icate of occupancy shall be filled submitted to the Ck>mmiask>ner of inspection costs, k'gal expenses, and the Motor Vehiclea for approval and shall gagement of their daughter, Mi.ss and the inspection fee shall be paid coat of the issuance of the obligation*, take effect as providere«aid impr-rvement. for the FRANCIS H. DANN. ployed by Jersey Central Power & the provisions of this ordinance. No financing of whicb the obligations City Clerk Light Co., .Allenhurst. building permit shall hereafter be hereby authorized shall be issued, is issued unleas application for the Mr. Wilmott is a graduate of the period of ten (10) years, to 1^ INTERESTING certificate of occupancy is made at computed from the date of the issuance Thomas A. Edison Vocational and such time. The occupancy of any of the bonds. JAMES E. DAVIS premises. theretofore unoccupied i Section 7. The bonds authorized to Technical High School, Elizabeth, following the making of an appli­ be issued herein shaH beer interest at U. S. .Sixth Heet (FHTNC) — and is employed by Barker Engi­ cation for a certificate of occu­ not exceeding four per cent per annum QUIZ neering Corp., Kenilworth. pancy and prior to the issuance of and shall mature and be paid within tJ»e James E. Davis, aviation machin­ such certificate, shall oonstitute a aforesaid period of ten (10) years and ist’s mate first class, USN, .son of LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Mr. and Mr.s. Roo.sevelt Davi.s of - i 1800 S. Wood avenue, and husband TEST YOUR B. E. 0. CITY OF LINDEN I of the former Mi.ss Nellie M. , White of Norfolk, Va., aboard the Is your banking efficiency rating GOOD - amphibious force flagship USS FAIR - POOR? Score honestly and see if SUM M ARY OR SYNOPSIS OF 1957 AUDIT REPORT Pocono, took part in the U. S. j Sixth Fleet amphibiou.s operation you are helping yourself and your family AS REQUIRED BY R.S. 40:4-2 that landed a .second reinforced with up to date bank relationship. battalion of 1,800 U. S. Marices Combined Comparative Balance Sheet over the beach at Beirut, Lebanon, at 2:30 A.M. (EDT) July 16. Do I have a REGULAR CHECKING ACCOUNT Am I banking where both "DRIVE IN" and December 31 Decem ber 31 The Marines making the landing or THRIFTICHECK ACCOUNT to pay bilU? □ 8 . Year 1957 Y ear 1956 □ 1 . "WALK UP W INDOW " service is available ASSETS were members of the 3rd Battalion j Cash and Investment daily irom 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.. and where $ 1.587.721.92 $ 1,684.162.00 State Road Aid AJliXtTnenllected I CIUTIES, MANY OF WHICH COST YOU NOTHING — BEING 1.844.30 1,769.50 ; now what’ll I do with the Ker- Am I benefiting from the service of a bonk EXTRAS TO WHICH YOU ARE ENTITLED AS OUR CUS­ $ 8,136,996.73 $ 7,094.582.74 ‘ nel.s.” □ 6 . PERSONAL CREDIT DEPT, to kelp me own a TOMER. new car. finance home improvements or ob­ EXPFjNDITURES: RANK HAS ITS PRIVILEGES, Appropriation* tain personal loans at lowest possible rates. BUT IF YOU SCORE SIX OH LESS, YOU MAY BE SACHIFIC- $ 3,735.598.45 IxxiaJ School Tax $ 3.413.406.57 BUT NONE SO REWARDING C ounty Tax 2.943^047.83 2,439.186.99 INK BANKING HELP AND WE INVITE YOUR CONSIDERA­ Refund of Prior Year’s Revenue 1.110,067.07 901,008.35 TION OF AN ACCOUNT OH BORROWING RELATIONSHIP AS A GOOD NAME. Have I secured my valuable papers and pos­ Deduction Income — Commission Paid on Sale of Property Acquired 55.75 by Tax Title Lien Liquidation ...... sessions in a SAFE DEPOSIT BOX at a cost WITH LINDEN TRUST COMPANY. 322.55 473.00 □ 7. KOPPERS COKE of pennies a day. ' *B. E. Q. MEANS "BANK EFFICIENCY QUOTIENT" $ 7,789.045.90 $ 6.754.130.66 COAL SURPLUS FROM OPERATION $ 347,950.83 Add: Statutory Addition to Income from Current Def«?rred Charjre© $ 340,432.08 i MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. -ME.MBER FEDER.4L RESERVE SYSTEM A bove Expenditures ...... 5.000.00 2,000.00 ’

SURPLUS REVENUE: $ 352,950.83 $ 342,432.08 | lialance, January 1 3 CONVENIENT OFFICES 351,369.47 305.537.39 Assets EXC EED IN G $29,000,000. SUB-TOTAL . I TO BETTER SERVE YOU Leas; Amount Appropriated in Budg^ $ 704.320.30 $ 647,969.47 j FUEL OIL 343.300.00 296,600.00 1 HEATING MAIN OFFICE BALANCE. DECEMBER 31 ...... ------I $ 361.020.30 $ 351.369.47 ! ------I Call Wood Avenue at Price Street HUnter 6-4030 SUNNYSIDE BRANCH ELizabeth 8-4577 St. George Avenue at DeWitt Terrace


MR. ED. SAMMOND MARIANNE LENTZ I.T. FISCHGRLND IN HAW.UI fiiiDcu llfi05-(DlJ6crucr / ELEANOR DeKARSKI •JOHN STASNY, JR. •Army l.st Lt. Milton L. Fi.sch- . . . CHURCH NEWS . . ' * ARE MARRIED STATE BETROTHAL grund, whose wife, Rona, lives at An Iniiepernient Taper 907 DeWitt street, recently arrived LINDEN .METHODIST CHURCH Vacation Bible School July 14-25, The Linden N^‘ws, estalflished 1927 in Hawaii and is now a member 325 N. AVood .Avenue hours 9-11:80 -A.M. Children 3-12 Mi.'S Eleanor lOorence DeKar- The enga.gement of Miss Mar­ 'J'he Linden Observer, esiab. 1920 of the staff of Triplet U. S. .Army ' Rev. W. Gilbert Bowering, Pastor year.' invites. .An­ ianne Lentz to John .Stasny, Jr., ______games. Regi.stration blank.s ob- (CV)mbined in 19.95) thony P. D.Kaiski of 080 E. Hospital in Monolulu, Hawaii. --on of Mr. ami Mrs. John Stasny Summer services — June 22 to , tainable at church, or will be sent Blanckc -r.rei ;, b: came the bride .A medical officer in the hos-! July 20, Union Service.', Reform- : on reciuest. I’ublished Lvery 'I'hursday .if Edward Cliui'le- Sammond, ,.,in Ilf Finland, Pa., has been announc­ pital, P'ischgrund entered the' ed Church. Anyone neevling min------♦------— Publication Office — of .Mr. ami Mr . Geortre S. S.sm- ed by her jiurents .Mr. and Mrs. ■Army last month. 1 i.'terial services during Rev. W. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN r u t f mond of 175,' W'hittier .'treet, Jiihii Lentz 0’' 918 Hampden St. The 25-year-old officer is a 1950 ! 11 \V. BLANCKK STHKET Al tr Gilbert Bowering’s vacation may- CHURCH :iiiway, at .8 o’clock .Satunlay graduate of Franklin High School, LINDEN, NEW JERSEY Mis' Lentz, a graduate of Lin­ contact Rev. John Bowering at Linden N. J. ufternuon, July 19. in St. Eliza- a 1954 graduate of Rutgers Uni- den High .School, is employed by the Parsonage. Rev F'loyd P. Milleman, Pa.stor Telephone: IIUnterC-4848 belh'-' Church. vei'ity. New Brunswick, and a General Motots .Acceptance Corp., 195iS graduate of New A'ork Meil- .ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL Published bv THE I.INDEN NEWS ITBLISHINO (OM PANV Rev. Loui.- Sei.'er, O.S.B., pa.-- , On .Sunday at 9:00 .A.M.. the Newark. ical Colle.ge. CHURCH tor, officiated at the ceremony. ' .-ernion topic will be: “ The Real Entered at the Post Office at Linden, New .Jersey, a.s Second Robbinwood and DeWitt Ter. Tile bride wa.-- e.A Sprinis mel, refreshments; Harold Chub Tile Kiwanis wa.- one of the past ■ ion during the .ie.--ion.- were the .Mr. Poliakoff was a native of -1 Convenient Parking coiii 1 ibutor- in aiding the forma­ newest developments in the field Uu.' -ia. He lived here 26 year.', buck, transportation; Paul Bou- Mon. & Thurs. 'Til 9 P.M. Sam Nunis, Trenton .'^peeilway even tiiough another 25-mile cl.i.'- tion of liic league. Roger Shot- of estate planning for the con.-er- previously residing in Po.'ello for blis, safety; Sister .Anne Theresa, 4 N. UNION AVE. Fromritional Manager, announced ,'ic has been .■•dde.i to tho tlretidy well presided. i..ition of both tiusine.-.- and per- many year'. He was a retired prizes; Mrs. Lucille O'Donnell, Cranford New Jer.sey that he has expanded hi.- N.AS- 'Olid pi.igrani. Tho addition will ■ nal a.- et.'. clothing [ir&sser. and Sister Ruth Mary, tickets. CAR-.ARDC combination jirogram feature the URC .'[iiioi car 'pec- Mr. Poliakoff was a member of .'Ct for Sumlay afternoon, July 27 iulists. m;iking the card a tremend- l.(Qnianl Lipmaii Included wa.' a detaile F It \% LHL nilii Oo Mm E for children, all taxes included, for car events. Three-ahreast .'tar:-- CHILDRENS PHOTOGRAPH Toe ■■hiilai-iiip i.' 'pon.sored by ■It till Nortii Wood avenue, which HU 6 - 2 6 2 6 any .seat in the house. I are planneil for the stocks and CONTEST. ELIZABETH. N J D. Kaltman A: Co., a New Jer.'py is under the supervision of Man­ No price change has been made, ' midgets. -,v'. h-sale drug firm. ager .Michael J. Trapani. ^301 E. BL.ANCKE ST . UNDEN, N J.

This is Texas Eastern,

La Gloria Oil and

^ I - '. « - '

Like its parent Texas Eastern, subsidiary La Gloria Oil and Gas Company is versatile... having a variety of interests in several fields of activity.

La Gloria owns and operates one of the largest natural gas cycling plants in the world, at Falfurrias, Texas, It processes some 320 million cubic feet of natural gas each day to recover approximately 10,500 barrels of liquids including natural gasoline, kerosene, butane and propane.

As a production and exploration company. La Gloria occupies a commanding position. The company has under lease approximately 68,000 producing acres and some 103.000 acres of land as yet undeveloped for production, in the states of Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma. During 1957 La Gloria accounted for production of 2.588,300 barrels of crude oil and 25 billion cubic feet of natural gas from it.s producing wells.

Early In 1957, La Gloria acquired McMurrey Refining Company, Tyler, Texas. La Gloria now has one of the nation’s most modem refineries at Tyler. This refinery is a custom producer of automotive and aviation gasolines in the high octane range. The Tyler refinery also produces a multitude of by-products, including petroleum coke for industry... aromatic distillate for paint solvents... carbon black oil essential in manufacturing tires and inks... specialty products for fertilizers and insecticides .. high purity hydrocarbons and alkylates for top-quality fuels for today’s modern jet aircraft.

The activities of La Gloria typify the Texas Eastern diversification pattern, which has enabled the company to keep pace with the fast changing national economy.



OIL AND GAS: Exploration and Production NATURAL GAS: Processing and Transmission

OIL I^ROOUCTSl Refining and Transmission " r i TH E LINDEN N EW S-OBSERVER, JULY 24, 1958 YOU CAN MAKE YOUR PAYCHECK GO FURTHER BECAUSE... BERTHA MYSZKA, C lassified JOHN PISARSKI EXCHANGE VOWS KMrLoyMENT WANTE!) World War FT Veteran, back­ Miss Bertha Myszka, ilaughter ground in BookeepiiiR; Accountine; of Mr. George Mayor, of 1175 treneral clerical & statistical work. Elizabeth avenue, Elizabeth, and Good at figures, can operate elec­ the late Mrs. .Antonina Mayor, be­ trical cauculator, typewriter & came the bride of -Mr. John Pis- 10-key adding machine. College arski, of 117.5 Elizabeth avenue, education. Desires position Elizabeth, in a double ring cere­ mony, Friday, July IS, 4:30 P..M., a (/ou Sum M -Acct. or Bookeeper wi^'i a large IN EVERY ^DEPARTMENT THROUGHOUT THE STORE! private company. Phone David at the Polish National Catholic Click - EL .o-9Si»5 or write same, Church, E. Elizabeth avenue. 153 W. Jer.sey St., Elizabeth, N. J. Rev. Joseph Rekas officiated at It’s plain common sense: if you want to stretch few specials or other inducements. It’s worth the ceremony. Mrs. Mamie M. your food money, you have to get plenty of low Ga.'sler was the bride's matron Mazola Oil rememhering: nothing takes the place of cash of honor. The bride was e.scorteJ prices! That’s why A&P fills the store with Ft)R RENT For cooking and tatads savings, when you want to stretch a paycheck by her father. -A room for gentlemen wiEi a “ hiiys,” rather than trying to sway you with a . . . and get praise from your spouse! private bath. Phone H U . (i-!hi75. j LEGAL NOTICE gallon 2 0 9 can

HOUSE FOR SALE NOTICE TO ABSENT DEFENDANTS A&P’s Famous ^'Super-Right'' Quality CRANFORD SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY ' CHANCERY DIVISION — UNION COUNTY — DOCKET No. C-2372-57. Borden’s STATE OF NEW JERSEY TO: PITR SCHC6ZYGIELSKI and MARY SCHCSZYGIELSKI. his wife, their, his, her and each of their Grated Cheese heirs, devisees and personal American representatives, and their, or 11$ O F B E E F and of their successors m right. 4 oz. R (L. S.) title and interest. MRS. PITR pkg HUStNlLSS TRANSFER necessitates SCHCSZYGIELSKI. wife of Pitr i>chszy gieiski, and MR SUH- welliriK my home in S. Cranford. REGULAR STYLE OVEN-READY Fruits a 9-nx>m cuN.io'm-tiniilt ; 27-fot>t CSZYGlELSKI, husband of Mary living roimi : screened p orch ; 3 kir.^e Schcszy gielski. l)edr plus maid's rm ; all com- You are hereby summoned and re- 10” CUT ‘luirtd to serve uj>on Irving V. Schwartz, 7” CUT 10” CUT 7 ” CUT liioation wimlows and doors; 4 k ft. Fluffo attic fan ; «>il ht>a.t; new carpc-tint!:: Diaiiut iff's attorney, whose adtlress is dishwasher and water softener, ^>last<^r 100 Ni>rth W o«h1 Avenue, Linden. New Gold-colored shorfenlng Jersey, an answer to the complaint filed PEACHES waH.s; many other extras; corner lot; 2 blocks from Unami Park. in a civil action, in which Anna H err- I lb. 35c iih gic maii IS the plaintiff, and Pitr Schcszy- ■Pc Ripe . . . Luscious can A 1X>T OF HOUSE FOR $28,500 giekski. et aL-i. are defendants. jH*ndmjr CALL OWNER. BR 6.S384. in the Superior Court of New Jersey, Large Size 3 2 5 < within 35 days after Augus-t 14th, 1058, exclusive of .such date. If you fail to d > 53> S9 ‘ 63 ‘ 6 judgment by default may be render­ ed against you for the relief d RED RIPE SWEET in the complaint. You shall file your Angel Soft answer and proof of service in daiihcate "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY BEEF with the Clerk of th»- Superior Court. Facial Tissue State House Annex. Trenton, New Jer­ BONELESS CHUCK sey. in ac-conlance with the rules of W hit. WATERMELON civil practice arid procedure. The action has been instituted for the pkgi. 2 0 c NO FAT ADDED lb. Halves oi whole puriK>se o f quieting the title to. and fix ­ ot400 POT ROAST BT SI NESS OPrORTENiTY ing and determining what rights and Quarters melon 5 9 c equities, if any, you and each of you 59 Local area .Man or Laily wanted have in the lands and premises dt^scribed “ Super-Right" Quality Beef “ Super-Right” Quality — BONELESS to .service and collect from coin- in the com plaint, and in the event that it is determined that you have no right Hudson operated dispensing ei|uipment. 4 or equity, for the entry of a judgment lb. to 9 hours weekly earns operator that you and each of y-m have no es­ RIB STEAKS ^ 7 5 ‘ STEWING BEEF 59' tate, inheritance. lien or encumbrance in Facial Tissues CANTALOUPE up to $200 monthly. No age limit or upon the said lands and premis€«s, “ Super-Right” Quality Beef Fresh or .selling but must have car, ref- des-cribed as follows: WbR# or Colon Situate. lying and being in the City All Extra erence.s and $S0d working capital. lb. lb. of Linden. C-ounty of Union and State p^9‘ M o GROUND CHUCK . 59' Large Size 2 ^ 3 9 . For interview give personal par­ of New Jersey. of 400 FLOUNDER FILLET 59' Kno’wn and d«.-signated as Lots num­ 2 ticulars, phone number. Write Bo.x bers three hundred! and eighty-five 1 r 4872, Dallas 0, Texas. ( 3 s5> and three hundred and eighty-eix HELP YOUR PAYCHECK Nearby farms (3 8 6 ) in bb>ck number eleven (1 1) on Golden sweet a map entitle*! "Realty Trust Map No. GO FURTHER . . . Buy A&P's Dependable Groceries! CORN 25' 22 of 963 1 its at St. George. Township Ivory Soap LKGAL NOTICE of Linden. Union County. N- J.” filed in W .if . rn farms large the Union County Register’s Office, For dlshei. laundry or bath LETTUCE iceberg head •May 16th. 1906 as Map 6sA. 1 7 ' CITY OF LINDEN Said premis<^s are further known and medium O O o 16 oz. Red carton NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS tlesignate*! as 3>5 and 3'<6 in Block SEALED BIDS will be received by 23h. a.s shown on the otTicial Tax .Yllas 3 bar* cans the Board of Education of the City TOMATOES Ripe 3 to 4 25' -Maps of the City o f Linden DEL MONTE 2 3 7 . of Linden, County of Union, State of New Jersey, at a meeting to be held ' ^ ^»de de^ Firm . XT. ... V. O .. V. r... 1 vj t I ndant.s in the above entitled artion be- stalk the Board Room, High School. St Crisp George Avenue. Linden. New Jersey, you may claim to have -ome 18 oz. PASCAL CELERY 19 on Monday evening July 2^. 1958. at Tight, title or inler«-'.t affecting the «*ight o'clo<*k. D aylight Saving Time, ; r-irc-iaid real estate by virtue o f ow n­ Ivory Soap jars for the following: ership. inherttaiii e. descent. inU'^tacy. B^M BEANS 2 , 29' l-LB. BAG City of Linden l-LB. 3-LB. BAG Jersey, i’laintiff, vs. ROGER AI..STON Ann Page County of Union and VIRGINIA AUSTON. his wife. All-purpose Assorted Colors 2.19 BAS 79 ' 2.31 State of New Jersey. Defendants. CIVIL .ACTION EXI-X'U- J u ly 24— It TION — FOR SALE OF MORTGAG- pint 37o q“*HC*C pkg>- 2 7 ^ ______I ED PREMISE.S. boWa»* boHI.'W GELATIN ' 4 HUDSON TISSUE 4 45 j Hy virtue of the alKjve-atated writ of CITY OF LINDEN execution to me directed I shall exjxjee PASSED ORDINANCE | 'Ilf A SUPPLEMENT TO AN ORDIN.' ■ 1" V?*: C.'Il' l'-l'’^beth, N. J., on Jane Parker Baked Goods! ANCE ENTITLED. AN ORD- ^ FROZEN FOODS! INANCE O F TH E C ITY OF LIN DEN , ^ A.D., 195>'. Dial PRESCRIBING AND DEFINING THEiJ*^ o clock in the afternom of said DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF AS- ^ n A Refreshing Fruit Puuch SESSORS. FIXING THEIR COMPEN- , ^ ^ ^ following tract or parcel of Deodorant Soap SATION. APPOINTING THE MEM- premises hereinafter par- 6 oz. BERS OF THE BOARD OF ASSESS-' d»^cnbeint being 75.0 feet .■‘outhcasterJy price? Flaky-light crust, juicy-fruit RASPBERRIES pkgi. 39' fr «m the comer formed by the intersec- size 2 Sedition 1. That W alter J. Gerhard filled . . . DELICIOUS! reaiding at 839 Worth Avenue, in the | „ northwesterly side line of Dial A&P Brand City a t Linden, shall be and he hereby ! .Street with th e Houtheast- Streel; thence 55< 10 OI. is appointed to the Board of Tax As-jA s ^ -‘’t Ji m Parker — FRUIT & NUT seseors, which Board is3 also known a s ' running (1 ) South 41 de^-rdegrees 55 m in- Deodorant Soap Jane Parker — SOLD of MARBLE the Board of Assessorss. to hold office ri”* "O'-'-hw'jsterly siide BROCCOLI 2 'Zpkgs. 35' \ p .c ia lly for fh . bath of July 1, 1958 tot June____ 30__ 1962_____ McCandle-^s Street 2u,0 feet to DANISH RING eiioN 45c POUNDCAKE and until his successor isW appointedanl'hn.into«^ and,«nH • Whencethence (2)(-(south south 48 degrees :95 bath e y o ":;,“ 49e qualifies; that he shall receive such ^ “ P^nni; JaiM Parker—SLICED Libby’f Lemonade 3 35® compen«atif)*n and shall perform such n 41 degree.'^ .>5 m inutes 2 caU i Jane Parker— SLICED duties as are set forth in the ordinance; to a ptjnt; thence (4) HAMBURGER OR pkg. er^titled. "AN ORDINANCE OF THE degrees or, minutes east thru ROLLS FRANKFURTER of Libby’s Whole Strawberries tr39cup CITY OF LINDEN PRESCRIBING AND I ® to the north- 8 0 23c WHITE BREAD nai 17c ’ 24c DEFINING TH E DUTIEvS OF TIH E ' McCandless Street HOARD OF ASSESSORS, FIXING the point or place of BEGINNING. U n it Libby’s Kale a . . 2 X 35« THEIR COMPENSATION, APPOINT- BEING known as 1109 McCandiess ING THE MEMBER.S OF THE BOARD ' Jersey. Swanson’s Pies Oh A.SSESSORS, AND FIXING THEIR There is -lue approximately $9,544,46 Liquid Starch More Grocery Buys! * 5 9 ' RESPECTIVE TERMS OF OFFICE," with interest from June 26. 195.K and approved January 21. 1925. as amended an Downyflake Waffles . 2 3i« journ this sale. Kellogg’s Variety Cereals 35« Sunshine Cookies Butter flavored law. bo ttle" ■ pkg. 29« Section 2. All onlinances or parts of i r C-AMPBELT.. Sheriff, 9 o z .« 7 c Birds Eye Fish Sticks . * 3 5 « H -•'•I'y- Nestle’s Decaf ■ . . Crispo Cookies Chocolate chip hereby repealetl. KDJ & I.N -0 CX-.IO C (.5) F’ee s: $28.05 pkg. * * Section 3. This ordinance shall take July 24-:il-Auif. 7-14— 4t effect immerliately. Vermont Maid Syrup ::z55<^ pkgs. P A SS E D : July 22. 195*' Joy Detergent Q-T Instant Frosting . 2 33^ JEROME KRUEGER. TAKE NOTICE THAT applica­ Stuffed Olives Sultana Brand— Small ^ 29® Mb 3 9 c President of Council bspaolally for Dishai — Liquid jar Corned Beef Hash Broadcast DAIRY VALUES! APPHOVflD: July 23, 1958. tion ha.s been made to the Munici- can W IL L IA M J. HURST jral Board of Alcoholic Beveraire It ox. 4 0 0 °4 -C Q c JuiciOrink Heart .O a ghf 7 oz. ' M ayor Tuna 1 A&P Brand — NATURAL ATTEST: Control of Linden, N. .1,. to trans­ bof+I.V^ bottl.W Light meat — solid pack can 33^= FRAN CIS H. DANK. fer to John J. Gomolka and Vic­ Zarex Syrup p.-r.fruitfi«vor. pkgs. Domestic 8 oz. City Clerk. Marcal Paper Hankies ^ ph 3 toria E. Gomolka, a partneivhip, of 50 23<= SWISS SLICES Rindieis pkg. 3 r Choc, flavor 12 oz. 24 oi. I t/a Frankie and Johnnie’s Tavern Cocoa Marsh i 5 01. syrup |ar 3S' ”jar " 5 9 ' Daily Brand Cat Food 3 Sliced OP Chunk NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT for an addition to preini.er, Helen Zbranak, administratrix ■ , . , „ , ---- For Outdoor Eating! Sliced Cheese of the estate of Joseph zbranak. de-i J.icense number Cl!) heretofore All varieties 29oz, OQc American, Swi»s 245' eea-sed. will be audited and sta-ted fay the ?ued to John J. Gomolka, an intice Dog Food Super Marketi and is hereby g-iven to .the credi.boTB o f said JOHN J. GOMOLKA gallon ' Self - Service .tore, decease:! to exhibit to the subscriber (Res.) Chicken 15 oz Super M arkets under oath or affirmation their claims can 1.89 only. and demands afrainsit the estate of said 800 -Allen Street, parts cans 43*^ deceased within six months from the Linden. N. J. 3EPI»10ABlt FOOD RITAIlIRS SINCE 1859 (late of said order, or they will be forever barred from prosecubinK or re- (Sifrned) coverintr the same against the sub­ VICTORIA E. GOMOLKA 350 WEST ST. GEORGES AVENUE, LINDEN scriber. (Res.) Air Conditioned 320 NORTH WOOD AVENUE, LINDEN JACOB R. BAUER. Attxrmey, pro se (On Route 27 Two Blocks West of High School) 286 N. Broad St.. 800 Allen Street, (Opposite City Hall) Elizabeth, N. J. Linden, N. J. o a w 4 w Fees — $11.70 For July 24-31-Aug. $-8— 4t July 24-31— 2t LARGE FREE PARKING AREAS Shopping Comfort OPEN TUES., WED. & THURS. TIL 9 P.M. - FRIDAY TIL 10 P.M. PAGE SIX THE LINDEN NEWS-OBSERVER, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1958

cius, Arlene Rozbor.ski, Valerie Rozborski; 2nd team, Dorothy Contests Staged A t City Playfields Gagliardi, Jean Kerry, Rosemarie Pedro; 3rd team, Linda Pedro, Sudnick Hurls His 4th Two dolls entered in a show They were from all countries and E.sther Burke were in charge of Renay LaPrete, Vita Palmier!. conducted at one of the city play­ made a very interesting display; ♦ » ♦ grounds last week have quite an Jeanie Partyka had a beautiful the group. • interesting background associated di.splay O'f 22 dolls. Some of them The next outing will be to John Ring Tennis Straight Shut-out with them. were set on a platform above her Russel Wheeler Park on July 23, then a v-i.sit to the Trailside Mu- Fourth Ward Park — Junior It’s getting so that all the Babb Flyers have to do is get one The dolls entered at the Fourth carriage. .seum at Watchung Re.servation on Boys — l.st, Dan Garrich; 2nd, run per game and they’re in. The way George “ Whitey” Sudnick Ward Park contest by Lorraine 12th St. — Three most unu.sual July 29. Other trips are .scheduled Joseph Netlelsky; 3rd, James Fal­ has been hurling it prove.s quite sufficient. Sudnick continue