Planning Regulatory Committee
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Planning Regulatory Committee Date: Friday 11 February 2011 Time: 10.00am Venue: Edwards Room, County Hall, Norwich Persons attending the meeting are requested to turn off mobile phones. Membership Mr B Bremner Mr B Iles Mr D Callaby Mr B Long Mr N Dixon Mr G Plant Mr Duigan Mr J Rogers - Chairman Mr A Gunson Mr J Shrimplin – Vice-Chairman Mr R Hanton Ms H Thompson Mr P Hardy Mr M Wilby Mr D Harrison Mr A Wright Mr M Hemsley For further details and general enquiries about this Agenda please contact the Committee Officer: Lesley Rudelhoff Scott on 01603 222963 or email [email protected] Where the County Council have received letters of objection in respect of any application, these are summarised in the report. If you wish to read them in full, Members can do so either at the meeting itself or beforehand in the Department of Environment Transport and Development on the 3rd Floor, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich. Planning Regulatory Committee 11 February 2011 A g e n d a 1. To receive apologies and details of any substitute members attending. 2. Minutes: (Page 1) To receive the Minutes of the last meeting held on 7 January 2011 3. Members to Declare any Interests Please indicate whether the interest is a personal one only or one which is prejudicial. A declaration of a personal interest should indicate the nature of the interest and the agenda item to which it relates. In the case of a personal interest, the member may speak and vote on the matter. Please note that if you are exempt from declaring a personal interest because it arises solely from your position on a body to which you were nominated by the County Council or a body exercising functions of a public nature (e.g. another local authority), you need only declare your interest if and when you intend to speak on a matter. If a prejudicial interest is declared, the member should withdraw from the room whilst the matter is discussed unless members of the public are allowed to make representations, give evidence or answer questions about the matter, in which case you may attend the meeting for that purpose. You must immediately leave the room when you have finished or the meeting decides you have finished, if earlier. These declarations apply to all those members present, whether the member is part of the meeting, attending to speak as a local member on an item or simply observing the meeting from the public seating area. 4. To receive any items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency 5. Applications referred to the Committee for Determination (Page 6 ) 5a Reports by the Director of Environment, Transport and Development North Norfolk District: C/1/2010/1005: Edgefield: Land adjacent to Edgefield Landfill Site: Erection of plant to accommodate an anaerobic digestion facility, provision of ancillary office and weighbridge, retention of existing landfill gas engines, construction of access road and provision of landscaping: Buyinfo Ltd 5b. Broadland District C/5/2010/5012: Mayton Wood Landfill Site: (Page 51 ) Variation of Condition 1 of Planning Permission C/5/2007/5006 to extend the operation and to restore the site by 31 December 2011: Norfolk County Council Planning Regulatory Committee 11 February 2011 6. Developments by the County Council Reports by the Director of Environment, Transport and Development 6a. Borough of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk: Application Y/2/2010/2008 (Page 61 ) Hillcrest Primary School, Hillcrest, Downham Market, Norfolk, PE38 9ND Construction of New Pedestrian Access and Pathway from Civray Avenue to Downham Market High School 6b Development by the County Council Kings Lynn and West Norfolk (Page 70 ) Application :Y/2/2010/2021Wiggenhall St Germans Primary School, School Road, Wiggenhall St Germans, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, PE34 3DZ Single storey extension to existing school, comprising new hall, extended classrooms, toilets and ancillary areas and circulation, external hard play and landscape scheme and boiler room 6c Broadland District : Application Y/5/2010/5011 (Page 83 ) Heather Avenue Infant School, Heather Avenue, Hellesdon, Norwich NR6 6LT Erection of a single storey extension to the northern elevation of existing school building to form a kitchen area. 6d Broadland District: Application Y/5/2010/5017 (Page 94 ) Cantley Primary School, School Lane, Cantley, Norfolk Erection of a single storey classroom with link to existing school building to the east of the school site on the hard stand area. 6e South Norfolk District: Application Y/7/2010/7030 (Page 105 ) Diss High School, Walcot Road, Diss, Norfolk, IP22 4DH Re-cladding of former Farm start building (Use Class D1) including insertion of additional roof lights and preparation for additional doors (retrospective); erection of single storey extension and extension of roof to form covered storage and entrance areas to the northern elevation of the former Farm building; provision of new doors to the western and northern elevations of the former Farm Start building; erection of single storey flat roof canopy to the eastern elevation of the former Farm start building. Erection of a single storey mono-pitched roofed building for educational purposes (Use Class D1) to the North of the existing Farm Start building. Relocation of 3 no. mobile buildings (retrospective) and the proposed relocation of 1 no. mobile building to the North of the existing canteen building. Construction of new and relocation of existing car parking areas to provide 7 new car parking spaces including 2 car parking spaces for the disabled. Relocation of existing recycling storage area and staff cycle shed from the west of the oval turning area to the east of the existing former Farm Start building. Provision of lighting, landscaping and security fencing to the areas adjacent to the proposed new and altered existing buildings. Chris Walton Head of Democratic Services County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH Date Agenda Published: 2 February 2010 If you need this report in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact 0344 800 8020 or Textphone 0344 8008011 and we will do our best to help. Planning Regulatory Committee Minutes of the Meeting Held on 7 January 2011 Present: Mr J Rogers - Chairman Mr B Bremner Mr D Harrison Mr D Callaby Mr M Hemsley Mr N Dixon Mr B Iles Mr P Duigan Mr B Long Mr A Gunson Ms H Thompson Mr R Hanton Mr M Wilby Mr P Hardy Substitute Member Present: Mr C Jordan for Mr J Shrimplin Officers in Attendance: Ms N Levett - Environment, Transport and Development Mr N Johnson - Environment, Transport and Development Mr M Potter - Environment, Transport and Development Mr R Webb - Environment, Transport and Development Ms F Croxen - Legal Services Mrs S Farrell - Democratic Services Mr T Shaw - Democratic Services 1. Apologies and Substitution 1.1 Apologies for absence were received from Mr G Plant, Mr J Shrimplin (with Mr C Jordan attending as Substitute) and from Mr A Wright. 2. Minutes 2.1 The minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2010 were confirmed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 3. Declaration of Interest 3.1 Mr R Hanton declared a personal interest in Item 5 as he was the local County Planning Regulatory Committee – 7 January 2011 1 Councillor for Caister-on-Sea. 4. Urgent Business 4.1 There were no items of urgent business. 5. Application C/6/2010/6005: Variation of Condition 1 of Planning Permission C/6/2009/6013 to Extend the Time Limit for the Use of Borrow Pit and Stockpile Field to 9 January 2012: Bloor Homes, Caister-on-Sea 5.1 The annexed report by the Director of Environment, Transport and Development was received. Planning permission was sought for the variation of condition 1 of planning permission C/6/2009/6013 in order to extend the use of the Borrow Pit and Stockpile Field to 9 January 2012. 5.2 The following comments were made in response to the report: Caister-on-Sea Parish Council had originally objected to this application. However, the proposal had been explained in more detail to the Parish Council and they had confirmed that they would agree to a further extension of time for 12 months, but at the end of the 12 months expect that piece of land to be restored and returned to the Parish Council for the Green Park Area that was originally agreed. The Parish Council also required a written agreement to this effect from the applicant and Norfolk County Council to confirm that no further extension of time applications would be allowed. Members were informed that if they approved the application, the Monitoring and Control Team of Environment, Transport and Development would continue to monitor the site and if it became apparent, around late summer 2011 that the expiry date could not be met, appropriate action would be instigated. One course of action could be to invite a further application for an extension of time. However, based upon the information that had been provided to Environment, Transport and Development the proposal was expected to be completed by 9 January 2012. Norfolk County Council could not enter into any agreements that no further extension of time applications would be submitted or allowed. Should the Parish Council require reassurance on this point, then it would be necessary for the Parish Council to enter into an agreement with Bloor Homes and they had been advised of this. When the Borough Council granted planning permission for the housing estate, a legal agreement was entered into requiring the application site to be restored to recreational open space and transferred to the Borough Council on its completion and prior to the 100th free market dwelling on the housing development being occupied.