Paolo Bottarelli

After being educated in arts and music and graduated at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, Bottarelli rejected the art-world to enter the Chess game universe. For 11 years his obsession and his experimentation is the one of the chess- board, modal logic, math and physics. In 2008 Paolo Bottarelli comes back to exhibit: Epifanie Matematiche, Mind different Brain, Pentagram Project, Detour Moleskine and How To the ongoing collective projects, to the International Istanbul Biennal, Biennal of Marrakech, Momentum Nordic Biennal of Contemporary Art, Mueseum of Contemporary Art in Moscow, NGBK , Bethanien Berlin, Spinnerei Leipzig, Tehran Digital Art Annual Exhibition, Beijing Science Contemporary Art Center, Biennal of Marracheck, Biennal Cairo Off, Berlin Biennal. In Berlin, around the group of the Association of Neuroesthetics.

The AoN serves as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, bridging various approaches to art and human experience, cultivating interdisciplinary efforts and encouraging both a dialogue and lasting cooperation between the arts and the sciences. He studies and experiments the possibilities of perception and the potential of human mind. His work is intertwined with scientific researches and engaged with philosophical perspective. I collaborated with Max Plank Institute, Humbolt University and School of Mind And Brain in Berlin.

Born '75, Italy Lives and works in Berlin


1996-2001 Accademy of Fine Art, Venice Accademy of Chess, Venice, Italy , ,


- THE EDGE of the EDGE, Bolzano, Italy, 2016 (ongoing)

- THE ILLUSION OF THE SECOND SUN november 2 th.until 3th. Istant show, "Space Anni Luce", Milan, Italy

- HYPNEROTOMACHIA UNIVERSALIS july 3th 2011, April 24th 2012 BERLIN Biennal Stattbad, Berlin,

- AUTOPOIESIS A game of chess against oneself Oct. 8th 2010, Italienische Botschaft in Berlin, Special ART FORUM, Berlin, Germany

- MIND different BRAIN [ABOUT KURT GÖDEL and WERNER HEISENBERG] Oct. 16th 2008, 91 mQ, ABC special event, Berlin, Germany

- EPIFANIE MATEMATICHE February 1st - 20th 2008, Antiqum Oratorium Passionis, Milan, Italy

Main selected group exhibition (principal)

- BIENNAL Off, Cairo, Egypt Something Else´ 28 nov. 2015, Curator Simon Djiami

- FEEDBACK CONTROL MOD, Spinnerei Leipzig 12 Sept. - 08 Oct. 2015 Halle 14 SPINNEREI, Leipzig, Germany

- ST, MORITZ ART MASTERS 2015 21 Aug. - 30 Aug. 2015, St Moritz, Swiss M.Bonvicini, Burri, Fontana, J.Turrell, M. Kippenberger, P. Bottarelli

- THE ULTIMATE CAPITAL IS THE SUN 19 Sep. - 16 Nov. 2014 NGBK Berlin, Germany

- 5 th. BIENNALE of MARRAKECH 2014, Marrakech, Morocco 28th Feb. - 21 st. March 2014 is an exhibition project on the economics of knowledge in the framework: "IF YOU’RE SO SMART WHY AITN’T YOU RICH"

- ILLUSIONARY SPACES Curated by Point Project in collaboration with KUNST WERK, Berlin 21-28 march, 2014, Berlin, Germany

- KOD EPOI (Zeitgeist) Contemporary Art in the world of ideas The All-Russian Museum 14-24 march, 2013, Moscow, Russia

- WORK on PAPER Makingthinkshappen 26th January, 2013 Berlin, Germany

- NoN [ ] SAVVY CONTEMPORARY Feb 2nd-28th 2013, Berlin, Germany

- ENTERING THE MIND'S I (II) TEHRAN DIGITAL CONTEMPORARY ART ANNUAL In collaboration with the Association of Neuroesthetics and the NeuroBureau, -Berlin Paolo Bottarelli, Daniel Margulies, Chris Sharp, Shubigi Rao, Jeremy Shaw July 13th 2012, Tehran, Iran

- ENTERING THE MIND'S I (I) China National Convention Center during the meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Paolo Bottarelli, Li Yongbin, Luan Xiao, Shubigi Rao, Nathalie Regard, Chris Sharp, Jeremy Shaw June 1th-14th 2012, Beijing, China

- 6 th. BIENNAL MOMENTUM, Momentum, Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art IMAGINE BEING HERE NOW June 18 th October 2th 2011, Moss, Norway

- DUCHAMP and../ HIS HEIRS September 12th, October 9th 2010, Spinnerei, Leipzig, Germany

- The NiGHT OF THE PAWN About MARCHEL DUCHAMP Mirror paintings project October 18 2010, Forgotten Bar Project, Berlin, Germany

- MIND THE BRAIN Paolo Bottarelli, Reynold Reynolds, José Rufino 23rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society Achille Bonito Oliva, September 23rd, Pisa, Italy

- HOW TO 11th BIENNAL of ISTANBUL (p.e) September 6th-24th 2009, Organized by Italian Institute of Culture in Istanbul, Turkey Consulate-General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Point Istanbul, Turkey

Main publication

- The Ultimate Capital is the Sun, NGBK, neue Gesellshaft fürbildende kunst e.V. Berlin, Germany

- IMAGINE BEING HERE NOW Momentum, 2011 Nordic Biennial of Contemporary Art,, Reader and Reminder, edited by Markús Pór Andrésson, Theodor Ringborg, Aura Seikkula, Christian Skovbjerg Jensen and Marianne Zamecznik, MOUSSE Publishing, 2011, Oslo, Norway

- Paolo Bottarelli. The Chesscube Project, with essays by Susanne Prinz, Dennis Kirchhoff, The Greenbox, Kunst Editionen Berlin, 2011, KW, Germany

- Mind the Brain, with essays by Achille Bonito Oliva 23rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, 2009, Pisa, Italy

- L’esperesso, Berlin, 2014

- Diorama Magazine, Milan, 2014

- TEXT Magazine Berlin, 2013

- Kaleidoskope Magazine, Berlin, 2010

- Mousse Magazine, Catalogue, 2011

- Jacquelyn Davis, American-Swedish


. Akademie der Künste Berlin (AdK), The Metabolism of the Social Brain: A Psychosocial Approach to the Mind, Selfhood and Consciousness, October 25th, 2014, symposium in the framework of the nGbK exhibition The Ultimate Capital is the Sun.

- BIENNAL of VENICE 2009 Fare Mondi // Making Worlds, Peggy Guggenheim Collection, a dialogue between neuroscientists and artists, June 4th 2009, Parallel Events, Venice, Italy

- DA, Domus Academy, Milano, March 11th, 2010 Lecture “Photographic Archives and Cognitive Processes in the Arts”

- MIND in the BRAIN REYNOLD REYNOLDS, PAOLO BOTTARELLI, JOSE’ RUFINO 23rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Palazzo dei Congressi, Pisa, Italy, 2009, Paolo Bottarelli, Reynold Reynolds, José Rufino and 1000 scientists.

Main collector and Foundations

Private Collectoions : Switzerland, Italy, China, Germany, Russia, France, England, Norway, USA, U.K.

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