Jamaica a Country Profile
Jamaica A Country Profile 1983 Offlc'e of U.S,. Foreign Disaster Assistance Agency for International Development Washington, D.C. 2052L 78000' .71Q 7703P 7700,76-30' E~~~ahm-oulth CAR I B;BEANi.. SEA [ i/: LueMneoByRunaway Bay -f18030 , eadingSaint Anns Bay ~Montpelier.. JAM ES TRELA / SA.IPort, Maria WEOEL N" M Annotto Bay Fr an kfi e l d : SA T hri ,CLWalkTw"" ! \ - --... ,. H \ % i\ Chapelton'-¥ " AI T " ',. _ ZeOO0 Black River THE Nr.¥EI AN k T 'O0 •~~~ sil Half Way T a'r e J[ ' - 8 JA MA ICA. .liao.:587 ' ,L,; d.-:, " I.i HarA,u[ ay'.-" 0 20 A0 f-I Ameter SEA ( National capital 0 Parish capital -. :- . - Railroad ... "", ." .. .. ' -"Ra: AN E7EP' Pe -. 6 o 0 o,o .o.,.. ~ CA R-IZBB E A N- • "O 0 20 Kilometers S E A.::+f . : :., i,: ...:. _ - V 710-1 . :!.:.:. """i! : ; (-6.:,Of: " •Base 58783 11.6B8 JAMAICA: A COUNTRY PROFILE prepared for The Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance Agency for International Development Department of State Vashington, D.C. 20523 by Evaluation Technologies, Inc. Arlington, Virginia under contract AID/SOD/PDC-C-2112 The Country Profile Series is designed to provide baseline country data in support of the planning and relief operations of the Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA). Format and content have evolved over the last several years to emphasize disaster vulnerability, planning, and resources. We hope th&t the information provided is also useful to other individuals and organizations involved in disaster-relatod activities. Every effort is made to obtain current, reliable data; unfortunately it is not possible to issue updates as fast as changes would warrant.
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