
Episode 3

1 Episode 3 Synopsis: Audré gives dating another try. In the midst of her newly found relationship, unexpected trouble is brewing.

Roman Kreyòl is a romantic magazine that highlights the choices we make in life and how modern day fads influence how we perceive our lives and those who care for us. The characters are fictitious, their encounters are fictitious, the advice provided throughout the stories are written for entertainment purpose.


Executive Producer [email protected]

2 - Recap - In the last episode, Audré was on a date with Red Hat. She excused herself to the restroom in order to do a bit of investigative work on his cell phone. While away from the table, Red Hat laced her drink with rooffies, a mind-altering substance.

Audré Julia Ed Red Hat The Roommate The Bar Tender The Bad Date

Boss Lady Alix 3 My phone is acting up, can I use your phone to place a call?

- As they enjoy their meal -

Sure. But didn’t you just buy a new phone a couple of days ago?

Just bad luck! I’ll get it checked out tomorrow.

4 I will be back shortly.

5 A little bit of motivation for tonight coming up. In 30 minutes she won’t be able to keep her hands off me.

6 Oh No. Not on my watch!

7 Excuse me, what kind of car do I believe that you drive? someone is breaking into your car. You might want to check it out.

A red sedan. Why? What? People are so terrible these days. 8 Hmmm… Not dissolved yet.

What should we do with you?

I think this dude needs a taste of his own medicine.

9 Now for the final act: switch the drink and Cant wait to see this clown straw. make a fool out of himself.

10 Dude, there was no one breaking into my car.

Thief must have changed his mind.

11 Impressive, nothing incriminating. I may have found a decent one.

Here you go. Thanks for letting me use it . I'm all set.

12 I think this is going to be a night you'll never forget. We'll go to my place in 30 minutes.

Awesome! 13 10 minutes later

Baby, Baby…… I’m about to rock your world tonight.

14 Feeling it yet buddy?

I am going to lick you up and down.

15 Careful you’re about to fall. #%@ Ready to go now booboo! Put some good stuff in that drink for you. Feeling it yet?! 16 Hummm….. I’m not going anywhere with you. Let me call you a cab.

17 I don’t need a cab. I just want to sleep with you. Your loss! You’re missing out on the best night of your life.

That’s too bad, but I’m good.

18 15 minutes later as Audré gets ready to pay the tab

Oh Lambert…. why did you stray from me?

There isn’t one decent soul left on this planet! 19 May I have the tab please?

That bad huh?

I just want to…

20 I’ve seen those before. How bad was it?

Can you tell me what is going on with men out there? Its like they are from another planet.

How much time do you have cause this will take a while.

Is there a two minute version? 21 You have 2 types. Type 1 “The illusion artists” gives you an illusion of happiness. It is short lived.

What is the second type? 22 Then you have the love artists. They risk it all. They sacrifice themselves for their partner and the well- being of their relationship. They paint happiness wherever they tread.

Well, I’m always stuck with the illusion artists. I’ve gotten nothing but heartaches. 23 Well, there are still a few guys out there in this world walking around with a glue gun…… ready to mend broken hearts.

So how will I know the guys with a glue gun from the illusion artists. 24 There is no easy answer to that. My best guess is wisdom, time and a little faith.

You are very eloquent with words. I think there is more than meets the eye here.

25 I like working here. It gives me a chance to listen to people’s story. As in our case here, I find our conversation very stimulating.

I’m flattered, however, today is officially my last day in the dating scene. 26 If you can spare 5 minutes, I’d like to change your mind by starting with one of my favorite wine selections.

Sure, I’ll be a good sport.

It was grown on kimmeridgian soil where the finest wine grapes are grown on earth.

27 Its effect is therapeutic, especially if it is mixed with great company.

Graceful and delicate! This is definitely a first for the flavor buds in my mouth. As for the company…… 28 Rules of thumb says to tip a bartender $1 for a simple drink and $2 for complicated drinks. The combination of your company and this wine deserves a solid $2 bill. 29 Should I grab my glue gun?

30 3 Weeks Later

31 You look lovely, such a pleasure to see you again.

32 A single yellow rose for friendship is fitting for our first date. I made sure to get one without thorn.

That is sweet. Thank you.

33 On the phone the other night it sounded like you really wanted to go bowling.

Yeah… You know, I was 10 years-old the last time I went.

I hope you’re a patient teacher.

34 You know, I could have picked you up instead of taking the cab.

I am still trying to figure you out. You might be one of those crazy people I've been meeting.

35 You are such a gentleman

I don’t mean to pry, but tell me about your last relationship?

That was four years ago. I dated someone for 3 years. 36 Why did you guys break up?

Money! I was not able to give her the lifestyle she wanted.

Being a provider is very important to me. When it ended, I decided to wait until I am ok financially.

Do you still have feelings for her? 37 I don’t know. I would wholeheartedly say no, but deep down inside, I feel that I let her down and I can’t forgive myself for not being able to give her the finer things in life that she desired.

Sounds more like remorse than anything. So you’re rich now?

Haha. Far from it……Just taking another chance. 38 Ok young lady, enough distraction. Lets turn you into a pro. I got you a 12 lb ball. It is perfect for your weight and it should give you plenty of hook potential for a strong back end reaction.

Impressive! You know your stuff. 39 This form will give you great balance between power and accuracy. Try it now.

I wont look at the first one.

You can look. I almost got all the pins.

40 A Few Minutes Later

Oh Yeah… Another strike!

I bow to the Queen of bowling 41 42 Ed, what is most important for you in a relationship?

Unconditional love! I’d like to be loved at least the same way in return.

43 So why are guys running away from you all the time?

I am a virgin


Yeah, Seriously!

I look forward to hear this story in its entirety in the near future. 44 You won both games. What would you like for your prize? There is a restaurant over there.

How about a hug?

Thank you. I haven’t had a descent hug in a while

45 WHAT??

46 Whoever this guy is…. He is going to wish that he was never born.

47 An Hour Later

This is is my place. Thanks for the ride.

Don’t mention it. I had a great time. 48 Whatever you say, I will not come up to your place tonight. I don’t want you taking advantage of me!

You’re silly! 49 Which unit are you?

I am up on third. 50 Look! It’s snowing.

First snow of the winter. 51 There is a saying that if you kiss on the first winter snow, you and your lover will be together forever.

52 Later that Night

Hello, Who’s this?

This is Alix, I have another job for you.

53 Who’s the job?

Audre’s new Boyfriend


54 How do you want this one done this time, soft or hard?

I’m a businessman. I can’t be involved with hard.

55 Hold on Alix.

One more step buster and you’re going to get it bad.

56 I’m in the middle of a contract re-negotiation. You already know my fees?

Money is not an issue.

Now, where were we?

57 Ed…… I……


58 EPISODE 4 – Alix, The Destroyer –

Who is he? What does he want? What will he do next?