Phoenix – The First Mars Scout Mission Barry Goldstein Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology Pasadena CA
[email protected] Robert Shotwell Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology
[email protected] Abstract —1 2As the first of the new Mars Scouts missions, 4) Characterize the history of water, ice, and the polar the Phoenix project was select ed by NASA in August of climate. Determine the past and present biological potential 2003. Four years later, almost to the day, Phoenix was of the surface and subsurface environments. launched from Cape Canaveral Air Station and successfully injected into an interplanetary trajectory on its way to Mars. TABLE OF CONTENTS On May 25, 2008 Phoenix conducted the first successful 1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 1 powered decent on Mars in over 30 years. This paper will 2. DEVELOPMENT PHASE ACTIVITIES ..................... 3 highlight some of the key changes since the 2008 IEEE 3. ENTRY DESCENT & LANDING MATURITY .......... 11 paper of the same name, as well as performance through 4. CONCLUSION ....................................................... 18 cruise, landing at the north pole of Mars and some of the REFERENCES ........................................................... 19 preliminary results of the surface mission. BIOGRAPHIES .......................................................... 20 Phoenix “Follows the water” responding directly to the recently published data from Dr. William Boynton, PI (and 1. INTRODUCTION Phoenix co-I) of the Mars Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer (GRS). GRS data indicate extremely large The first of a new series of highly ambitious missions to quantities of water ice (up to 50% by mass) within the upper explore Mars, Phoenix was selected in August 2003 to 50 cm of the northern polar regolith.