Sports RVBMJGZGPS&BTU3FHJPOBMQMBZ 4FFQBHF# ThePublished News since 1890 every Monday and Tursday forReporter the County of Columbus and her people. Monday, October 17, 2011 Parents call Aging in-home on city for Volume 121, Number 31 services issues Whiteville, North Carolina more rec not solved 50 Cents support nMore than 70 so-called “contract By JEFFERSON WEAVER workers” eligible for retirement. Staff Writer By NICOLE CARTRETTE Inside Today Parents and supporters Staff Writer 4-A of youth athletic programs r&BTUFSOSFTJEFOUT turned out Tuesday to encour- An emotionally charged meeting Thursday age the Whiteville City Council between management and nurse aides at the WJDUJNTPG#&T to provide more funding for Columbus County Department of Aging ap- r4IPPUJOH TUBCCJOH youth sports. pears to have created more animosity between WJDUJNTSFDPWFSJOH Whiteville is in the midst of the county and 100 or more workers whose job a series of public forums that classification and benefits have been in limbo will help determine long-range for weeks. plans for the city’s parks and Deborah Hollingsworth, a certified nurse recreation department. Infor- aide who has been with the department for mation from an exhaustive 15 or more years, said Friday she and fellow survey and the forums will be co-workers were told they will not be called used to create the city’s master contract workers but “special” employees. recreation plan, which will in The nurse aides go into the homes of turn be used to help the city disabled and elderly patients throughout the qualify for grants and loans. county to help them with bathing, cleaning City Council candidate Sara and meal preparation, among other tasks. Thompson criticized the coun- “They have used us,” Hollingsworth said, cil at an earlier meeting for not pointing out for years they have been called attending the parks and recre- contract workers and denied benefits given Today’s ation forums. Several members to other employees, although the county has of the board Tuesday indicated for tax purposes treated them as regular em- American Pro- they planned to attend this ployees. fle features “Hey, week’s forum if the council It has been more than a month since Colum- meeting adjourned in time. bus County commissioners voted to make as Lefy!” Blessings Willie Wilkins told the City many as 100 or more aides at the department and curses of being Council Tuesday that with independent contract workers. additional financial support It was a decision that came on the heels of a a Southpaw. from the city, Whiteville could huge loss within the Department of Aging this become a hub of Dixie Youth year. Expenses were greater than revenues, baseball and softball action. resulting in at one time a more than $800,000 DIDYOB? loss. Officials later recorded additional income See Support, page 2-A leading to a loss of about $500,000. Did you observe ... Officials believed part of the problem Ella and Santee Reg- See Aging, page 2-A Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist ister celebrating their Orange 60th wedding an- Fair wrap up not just for The Body Beautiful team fghts for every inch in the ladies tug-o-war niversary Saturday? Sunday at the Columbus County Agricultural Fair. They came in sec- No action at Tey attribute their hunters ond place after N.C. Pink Heals, a group of women frefghters and long marriage to love rescue personnel. and faith. ... Laurie anymore DSS special Roy fnding a 1987 By JEFFERSON WEAVER Perdue says battle ongoing can of Campbell’s veg- Staff Writer called meet n etarian vegetable soup Conventional deer season for ‘heart and soul’ of state Director remains on paid leave. in her fling cabinet? started Saturday, but not every person wearing an orange cap By NICOLE CARTRETTE Perdue said she met a professor By NICOLE CARTRETTE It cost 43 cents from or vest in the woods this fall Staff Writer who won the prestigious Milken Staff Writer the old Red and White will be chasing whitetails. Award, which is given to engage stu- The N.C. Wildlife Resources Gov. Bev Perdue told supporters dents and interest them in the field of It has been weeks since Columbus County grocery store. ... An Commission (WRC) is urging who gathered at Vineland Station teaching. He told her in a meeting he DSS Director Gerald Fogle was put on “non- irritated goose at the anyone who enjoys the out- Thursday that there is a battle going might lose his job for telling the truth disciplinary” paid leave as a result of a probe doors to consider wearing an on in North Carolina. but he had told a student uncertain into Fogle’s termination of an employee who county fair nibbling orange safety garment of some In a speech that focused on educa- about the teaching field to “continue made profane Facebook posts and other public at any errant fngers kind while walking, biking, tion and job creation, Perdue said: to pursue her degree, then move to a complaints. horseback riding, or just enjoy- “This state can be a Mississippi if state (not North Carolina) where she Tuesday, the DSS board met in yet another that made it into his ing the woods during hunting you want it to be. There is a battle would be valued for her work.” of a series of recent special-called closed meet- cage? ... season. going on in North Carolina for the “You can never turn your back on ings to further discuss personnel. Saturday was one of the heart and soul of this state.” an investment in jobs and in educa- The board is investigating complaints and busiest days of the year for Perdue said the educational sys- tion,” Perdue said, adding that she plans to continue that investigation with addi- hunters, as seasons for white- tem is a priority and the ultimate has great concern over what was tional interviews next week in a special-called County Deaths tail deer, squirrel, raccoon, job creator. going on in the state. closed session at 9 a.m. Monday. opossum, and bobcat begin. “Education is why North Carolina Perdue emphasized that the reces- “We have a few more people to interview,” Whiteville Quail and rabbit seasons start is different from our other Southern sion is felt not only in North Caro- DSS board chairman Michael Lewis said. “We states. You live in the greatest state lina, but globally. will finish wrapping up our investigation, Sylvia Covington next month, along with sev- eral waterfowl seasons. Bear in America and our constitution “I moved into the worst economy compile everything and go from there.” Eula Estelle White guarantees a free public education,” season opens in December in See Perdue, page 3-A Lewis said he expects no action to be taken Perdue said. Bolton See Hunters, page 12-A Marjorie Helen Kendall See DSS, page 9-A Lake Wacamaw Ivory Oliver Chadbourn J.W. “Jake” Gore Longacre works to bring Clark house back to 1892 By RAY WYCHE one had lived in for about 12 years expense in his quest to be authentic Staff Writer – and since he began his restoration with his restoration efforts, replaced Index effort, he’s added to the debris with those pillars that were beyond On his first trip through the town the painstaking work of bringing repair, had supporting brick struc- &EJUPSJBMT" of Clarkton two years ago, David the old house to the glory it had in tures built around the remaining 0CJUVBSJFT" Longacre took a long look as he 1892. crumbling pillars, and put in new 4QPSUT# passed by the decaying Oscar Clark There was a lot of fundamental sills where the old originals had house and said to himself, ”I’ve got work to be done before the restora- fallen victim to dry-rot. $SJNF" to have that house.” tion could be undertaken in the big The foundation repair work, a -JGFTUZMFT" He was looking for a place to live, house located on a spacious lot at process many old house restorers an older place he could restore to its the corner of U.S. 701 Business and bypass, resulted in slight movement former stately condition. N.C. 211. of the plastered walls throughout Longacre, a Pennsylvania native “The big thing was trying to level the structure. The result was sheets who is transferring his insurance the house,” Longacre says. of 110-year-old plaster the size of agency to Whiteville, took posses- The two-story plus attic dwelling, blankets came crashing to the floor, sion of the old house, built in 1892 roughly in the style called colonial adding to the debris to be removed. by one of the early businessmen of revival, was giving in to crumbling The plastering still adhering to Clarkton. brick foundation pillars, causing the laths on the walls had innumer- He also took on what most people portions of the house to become able cracks that will be patched would say was a hopeless task – unleveled. before the final paint job. Longacre, sparing no time or cleaning out the big house that no See Longacre, page 3-A David Longacrein period garb. 2-A – The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011

This week, on... This week, on... Lake, Whiteville sewer situation settles By JEFFERSON WEAVER Lake Waccamaw originally contract with the Whiteville. conversation regarding the emergency diversion of Lake Staff Writer signed on to the multi-million Faison and Currie said emergency agreement. sewerage and was prepared dollar regional sewer project Lake Waccamaw has sent “We do want to have an to do so for a second service to provide additional funding wastewater to the city once, agreement in place so if a outage,” Faison wrote in an October 17, 2011 Lake Waccamaw will con- tinue treating its own sewage for the overall project and and was prepared to do so situation warrants it, we can email. for the foreseeable future, because growth at the lake during another emergency, use the line within those situ- Currie and Faison agreed except in emergencies. threatened to overwhelm the but never had to do so. ations with little effort or that the two towns “want to Your ‘civic duty’ Lake Waccamaw Town town’s wastewater plant in The towns are negotiating hassle during a time of need,” get along.” We at The News Reporter Darren Currie and coming years. an emergency agreement for Currie explained. “It will only “We’re neighbors,” Currie recognize the value of civic Whiteville City Manager Lar- However, the housing crisis those times when storms or protect both parties and of said, “and you want to get clubs to our community, and ry Faison said Friday that that accompanied the reces- other problems prevent the course would be approved by along with each other. We have we publish a directory of the two municipalities have sion slowed growth to a crawl lake from operating its plant. the respective boards.” a long history with Whiteville, area clubs on Whiteville. taken steps toward penning at the lake. Currie said the terms of the Faison said that the recent and both Whiteville and Lake com. This can be accessed an emergency wastewater Town officials exercised an agreement are still being dis- wastewater emergency was Waccamaw have benefitted by clicking on the blue “Civ- agreement. The lake withdrew escape clause in their contract cussed. handled at the staff level. from that. Everyone wants to ic” button on our menu bar. from the Bolton-to-Whiteville with the city when rates were “I have sent something over Terms for the emergency con- see that continue.” The directory can be use- project earlier this year, opting raised to the standard bulk to the city for review,” Currie tract are being worked up the ful for people looking to join Jefferson Weaver instead to continue improving sewer rate, which was sig- wrote Friday, “and the city same way. a club or to recruit one for 910-642-4104 ext. 227 its own wastewater system nificantly higher than the rate has sent some comments back. “The city staff has ac- a fund raiser or other event, [email protected] and using its old plant. agreed upon in the original We have not had any further commodated a request for an but we need help from the clubs to keep the informa- tion current. Members of civic groups are invited to e-mail up- dated information to Mark County crop harvests about equal to state’s Gilchrist using the link that By RAY WYCHE about 800,000 acres, down about ever seen,” Shaw said. Long- “I think we did better than cotton harvest statewide was can be found on the Civic Staff Writer 40,000 acres from 2010. lasting dry weather in the that,” Shaw said of the yield up 23 percent from the 2010 Directory page. Columbus County did not corn-growing season is blamed estimates. harvest. Columbus County farmers’ meet the forecast average for for the poor harvests. County In soybean yields, county County farmers grew cotton Whiteville.com yields from main cash crops the state. farmers planted about 41,787 growers beat the state aver- on about 5,711 acres this year. grown in the county this year ‘I don’t think our yield is acres in corn this year. age of 31 bushels per acre, up Peanut growers in Colum- Biser Ball are about in line with those that good,” said Extension County tobacco growers five bushels from last year’s bus County harvested about Sports Trivia estimated by the U.S. Depart- Row Crop Agent Michael Shaw. probably beat the state aver- harvest. 3,400 pounds per acre, accord- Question #118: Damien ment of Agriculture (USDA) “Ours was more like 60 bushels age in harvested pounds, Shaw “I think we’ll do a little ing to the statewide yield esti- Hall, a standout in foot- for North Carolina. per acre.” reported. The USDA reported better than that,” Shaw said. mate. About 5,190 acres were ball, basketball and track The USDA forecast for corn The corn crop in the county that flu-cured tobacco yields County growers planted grown in the county this year. at Whiteville High School, grown in North Carolina this has been mostly harvested. were forecast at 1,700 pounds 44,821 acres in soybeans this Statewide, this year’s pea- before graduating in crop year stands at 84 bushels Some farmers weeks ago re- per acre, down from last year’s year. nut harvest was up about 700 1993, went to on play per acre, compared to a 10-year ported that their crop was so 2,100 pounds acre yield. Columbus County’s cotton pounds from that of 2010. football at what South state average of 106 bushels poor it would not be economi- The county’s tobacco crop, yield was about 750 pounds per Carolina college? per acre. cally feasible to combine their once the mainstay of cash acre, Shaw said, compared to Ray Wyche Acres devoted to corn pro- fields. crops for area farmers, totaled USDA estimates of 702 pounds 910-642-4104 ext. 229 Answer: Find the answer duction in the state totaled “It’s the worst corn crop I’ve about 3,570 acres. per acre, statewide. This year’s today, at Whiteville.com, in our Sports Section. Support Whiteville.com Continued from page 1-A The Number Simply expanding the city’s county because there just isn’t almost any flat surface,” he will you support it?” parents in attendance to speak baseball and softball fields room here,” he said. said. “A diamond requires Wilkins said he was not at out at the forums. could make a big difference, “A lot of county residents, investing some money before the meeting to “bash Parks “They were set up so you he said. like me, pay for their chil- you can play ball.” and Recreation,” but he said could express your ideas and 95,107 “Almost every weekend dren to participate in city If the city will take the first the agency should provide opinions,” Mann said. “The during the travel softball sea- recreation. We owe it to those step, he said, the national DYB more support for DYB athlet- council always wants to hear Visitors to Whiteville.com son,” he said, “we are driving kids to give them more op- leadership and other groups ics. from our citizens, and every- during September, an av- erage of 3,170 each day. somewhere. We spend money portunity.” might follow through with “I know they do what they thing at the forums will go to in those places. We stay in Wilkins said that while grants to pay part of the cost can with what you give them,” helping build that long-range motels, eat in restaurants. soccer is a big part of the for a larger baseball/softball Wilkins said. “But we are talk- plan.” Whiteville.com We need to bring that money city’s recreation program, “it complex. ing about our children here. Jefferson Weaver back home. doesn’t require as much as “Tabor City just got a They are our future.” Poll Question 910-642-4104 ext. 227 of the Week “Currently we have to have baseball. grant,” he said. “The money Mayor Terry Mann en- [email protected] What if you found a fat roll tournaments elsewhere in the “You can play soccer on is out there. The question is, couraged Wilkins and other of $20s with illegal drugs? The clear anonymity of our Aging polls allows our readers to Continued from page 1-A be very candid with their responses, and last week’s question opened up a real stemmed from a decrease in It appears the county wants they could not be called inde- of the workers jeered; ‘close decrease. By Jan. 1, 2012 re- “candor of worms.” While Medicaid reimbursements to now enroll those employees pendent contractors and were it down.’ imbursement rates of $14.16 more than half of our re- dating back two years and the in the pension plan after Janu- employees. “We can’t be any worse off. per hour drop to $13.80. Before spondents said they would fact that many certified and ary of next year but Holling- Hollingsworth said the They are taking everything Oct. 2010 the rate was $14.88. “call the police and wait for non-certified nurse aides that sworth questions all the years group of nurse aides was told from us,” Hollingsworth said. All in-home aides that my reward,” nearly a third work for the department’s she and fellow workers never Thursday there were several Rackley is quick to admit are not certified will be paid said they would “take the in-home services programs knew they were entitled to choices but none look good for she is only part time, doesn’t $7.96 per hour under the plan cash and .” Five percent were receiving travel pay, those benefits. the employees, she said. have the number of years in proposed and certified nurse would “call the police and some paid sick leave and paid County documents show It appears that Aging Di- that some of her co-workers aides will earn $9 per hour run,” 5 percent would “take holidays. that from September 2010 to rector Ed Worley will ask have but she believes her co- – some earn more than $9.50 it all and run,” and only 3 The county for decades has September 2011 more than 70 commissioners to designate workers are being mistreated. per hour currently. percent would “leave it all called those employees – some aides and nurse aides worked the nurse aides “special em- “It’s the principle of it,” Under that plan the aides there and run.” who have worked as many as 1,000 or more hours a year. ployees” and cut their pay. Rackley said. would bring in at estimated 39 hours a week for 20 years or “You are talking about a Worley told them another “I kept raising my hand at $1.9 million and cost the coun- This Week: Yam up! more – as “contract” workers pension plan now?” Holling- option was the department the meeting but I never got ty about $1.4 million in salary, and not allowed them to par- sworth declared. “Our rights contracting with a staffing noticed,” she said. “Are we FICA and retirement with the ticipate in the local govern- have been violated all these agency. nothing?” difference “to be used to cover ment employees pension plan. years. Look at the people who At one point during the Tonight commissioners the cost of overhead for the Under federal law, employees have left this job and retired meeting Hollingsworth said will be asked to name those program.” who work 1,000 or more hours with no health insurance, no she and several of her co- nurse aides at the Depart- A second option would call Your questions answered at Whiteville.com in a year are entitled to partial pension and no benefits.” workers were anything but ment of Aging “special em- for the county to contract pension benefits if the em- A vote this year to do away quiet and Worley was frus- ployees” but Rackley believes with a staffing agency at $9.76 Whiteville.com ployer offers a pension plan. with travel pay and vacation trated. there will not be a vote taken per hour for services with Photos benefits has led Hollingsworth “’I’ll just close the whole without many of those nurse aides receiving $8 an hour. of the Week to be very vocal at commis- place up,’” Katie Rackley, an- aides to watch it. Ultimately it would cost the sioner meetings about how other nurse aide recalled Wor- “From what I have heard county about $1.4 million an- Candlelight vigil she and fellow coworkers have ley declaring when nurses there is going to be more than nually also. to honor victims been treated. began to speak up at the meet- a house full,” Rackey said. “I think the IRS has done ing. “It was like a threat,” According to the request Nicole Cartrette Victims who lost their lives gotten to their behinds,” Hol- Rackley said. “That’s when for board action, Medicaid 910-642-4104 ext. 225 [email protected] to domestic violence this past lingsworth said. She told com- the girls really got ticked off.” rates that have dropped in year will be remembered and missioners in recent meetings Hollingsworth said many recent years will continue to honored in a candlelight vigil FRANK THEATRES at Vineland Station Depot COASTAL • S Robeson @ WCHS Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m. Spon- Football sored by Families First, Co- STADIUM 10 lumbus County’s domestic Showtimes (910) 754-7469 Questions sent to candidates www.FRANKTHEATRES.com violence agency and shelter, will also honor local law en- Questionnaires went out without competition this year. dates are encouraged to par- 5200 Bridgers Road forcement officers and busi- to municipal candidates in If you have not received ticipate in the survey, as it ness owners who have gone Columbus County Monday. a questionnaire by U.S. Mail will give voters a chance to above and beyond in helping With early voting starting or e-mail, contact Jefferson learn more about their elected domestic violence victims this Oct. 20 for the Nov. 8, candi- Weaver at jeffweaver@white- officials. Happy 15th Birthday • WCHS @ past year. dates for town and city offices ville.com, or 910.632.4822, Ext. Write-in candidates should Waccamaw Academy Felecia Featherson, daugh- are encouraged to return their 227, immediately. contact Weaver via either of Summer Nicole Soccer ter of Joan Everette, will share questionnaires by Friday. Even unopposed candi- the above methods as well. how the death of her mother The surveys in contested Hinson has affected their family. races will be published first, October 18 The Edgewood Elementary followed by those candidates School chorus will perform, Whiteville High School will present the colors and White- DEBT RELIEF ville Juniorettes will help as Bankruptcy • Columbus County well. Stop Foreclosures Agricultural Fair The public is invited to join in for this special event to let Get A Fresh Start families and friends of these Attorney FREE victims know that their loved standard James ones are remembered. SHIPPING Robbins on all orders over $20 at Latest Photos, COLUMBUS COUNTY 922 S. Madison St. Whiteville.com. AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY Whiteville meets monthly on the third Thursday Check back here, on page 2-A night of each month at 7 pm. of The News Reporter each week Columbus Co. Emergency Services Ofce CALL 642-4860 We Love You, for the latest on Whiteville.com. 608 N. Thompson St., Whiteville www.bankruptcylawwebsite.com Mom and Dad #2274 The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 – 3-A Perdue Continued from page 1-A

since the Great Depression. work, find jobs, grow jobs and interested in well-trained Everybody knows somebody get rid of what might stop a engineers from the state’s who has lost a job,” Perdue company from coming here. universities and properly said, adding that the state’s “We’ve got to have incen- funded schools where em- budget situation was signifi- tives. Nobody likes incen- ployees’ children would at- cant. tives but the bottom line is, tend. “We owed $1 billion and 49 other governors have that Perdue said she promised I had $226 million in our ability,” Perdue said. him but later that night told checking account. Don’t tell Perdue suggested that herself: “I hope I didn’t lie to Proud parents are ready to cheer their babies on at the start line of one heat of the me I didn’t make tough deci- doing away with incentives that man.” Columbus County Fair Diaper Derby Wednesday. sions,” Perdue said of mea- would be “walking jobs to sures she took to reduce Georgia and South Caro- Nicole Cartrette spending. lina.” 910-642-4104 ext. 225 Perdue said the state “In Asheville we had a [email protected] would retain a Triple A bond firm that we worked as hard Diaper Derby champs prevail rating – something just five as we did on Project Soccer other states in the country (Continental Tire) here,” City band By NICOLE CARTRETTE have that affects the state’s Perdue said. Staff Writer ability to borrow money. She added that she had “That’s good for the re- convinced decision-makers boosters to Carter Martin, 1, of Cerro covery of North Carolina,” that North Carolina “was the meet tonight Gordo made his mother Brit- Perdue said. right place to live, work and tany Jernigan and dad Edwin Perdue said she promised raise a family.” The Whitevlle Band Boost- Martin proud Wednesday herself “I’d make no deci- Perdue said a business ers will meet tonight at 6:30 night. sion to leave North Carolina leader told her he “knew p.m. in the Whiteville High The bright-eyed, cheerful worse off then when I was what was going on in North School band room. tot took first place in the Co- sworn in.” Carolina. Agenda topics include the lumbus County Fair Diaper “Don’t let anybody tell you “We want to come here new band uniforms, fundrais- Derby and was all smiles. she is the typical old Demo- but give me your word there ers and the remainder of the “He is the happiest baby crat,” Perdue said. “Let me will be an educated work- band’s fall schedule. I have ever seen,” Jernigan be very direct with you. We force.” Band parents and band said. “He wakes up smiling Mom Destiny Berdman have to put people back to Perdue said the man was supporters are invited. and goes to bed smiling. He is steals a kiss from her sec- Kesia Biebel, 11 months, ond place winner in the Co- all around a great baby.” made it into the fnal So what was the secret to lumbus County Diaper Der- heat of the diaper derby by, Noel Bellamy, 8 months. his success? at the Columbus County “We didn’t practice at all,” fair Wednesday night but Jernigan said of her little paused for a moment on her short stretch. said. “I just enjoy the fair in champ, who loves playing with general and last night I saw his Mickey Mouse drum set some of my former students and eating mac and cheese. who are parents now and had 1ST ANNUAL the finish line in four separate Noel Bellamy, 8 months, babies crawling.” heats. Despite pep talks from had an impressive crawl, The Pick of the Litter com- dads, grandmas and moms coming in second overall. petition gives those little ones alike, at times it appeared a BREAST CANCER Mom Destiny Berdman of who participated an opportu- crying match was going on. Hallsboro was thrilled with nity to win a trophy just for be- The Diaper Derby has been the second place win. Third ing themselves and this year’s place went to Brylan Floyd, one of the many popular AWARENESS winner was Brinkley Tur- events at the County Fair for 11-months, of Cerro Gordo beville, 8 months. She is the about 20 years and Kathryn who made parents Rikki Floyd daughter of Bradley and Kim Faulk has helped oversee it and J.C. Lowery proud. Turbeville of Chadbourn. CAMPAIGN The race drew a lot of ex- each year. cited parents and family mem- “I just enjoy seeing the bers cheering on their little babies and parents. I love see- Nicole Cartrette crawlers for the top prize of ing the parents try to get their 910-642-4104 ext. 225 baby to come to them,” Faulk [email protected] $65 but most never made it to FREE Baseline Mammograms Longacre Continued from page 1-A for Women over 40

At the present, Longacre is wood-burning fireplaces most mirrors with its cabinetry in in the midst of removing some Bladenites used for heat. the Eastlake style popular in 9 If you are 40 or older and never had that first mammogram, “improvements” added over The house boasted of such this period, and which Lon- let your physician know! the years, working around the refinements as a butler call gacre competently plays. A handsome Chippendale repro- system, put in during a large- parlor furniture set consisting 9 Whether you’re nervous or can’t afford it, or your insurance duction furniture he has been scale remodeling project about of a settee and two large chairs accumulating for the house. 1920, Longacre says. with caned backs, dating from does not pay, on National Mammography Day we will pro- When he purchased the The system consists of a the late 1800s, is ready to be vide that 1st mammogram at no cost to you! house, he got a dwelling and switch button concealed under placed in this room. little else; apparently, each a carpet in the dining room All floors in Belle Camille 9 All you need is a physician referral, we’ll handle the rest! of the rooms had a high-end connected to a buzzer in the are made of quarter-sawn chandelier in the center of its butler’s pantry, a small room oak—boards with the edge of 9 Early detection is the key! ceiling, as well as appropriate between the kitchen and the the grain facing upward that top-grade furniture. dining room. presents an attractive appear- 9 There are only 40 appointments available, get “There was absolutely A touch of the button by ance as well as being better scheduled NOW! nothing left inside this house the toe of the host signaled the able to handle wear than the except for three chandeliers,” butler to bring the next course standard flat-grain boards. he says. of the meal. Most windows in the house All furniture and lighting It was during this extensive feature “wavy” glass panes, fixtures other than the three remodeling of the house that it indicating that the panes were Longacre got with the house received its first running wa- manufactured before glass fac- CRHS Mammography Department had been removed, their pres- ter, with bathrooms installed tories had mastered the art of ent whereabouts unknown. on the first and second floors. making distortion-free panes. October 20 & 21, 2011 Oscar Leslie Clark was The fireplaces in each bed- In its day, the house was the grandson of Hector Clark, room are identical, and each probably the finest dwelling a prominent civic leader and original mantel is still in in Bladen County, featuring Call 910-642-9372 wealthy planter in Bladen place. The fireplace surrounds workmanship and refinements for appointments County. Oscar Clark was show an understated elegance, such as picture-hanging mold- owner of several businesses in while the fireplaces in the ing about one foot below the Clarkton as well as numerous music room, dining room and ceiling in some rooms, not Sponsored by tracts of farmland. parlor all boast of cast iron normally seen in southeastern He later became a district fireplace fronts to prevent North Carolina. manager of Standard Oil Co. smoky fumes from entering “This was a very expensive (Esso), working out of Wilm- the room. house in its day,” Longacre ington. Even the most sophisticat- says. When he built his dwell- ed Bladen County dwellings of And David Longacre is ing, he was able to afford the the l890s did not have separate working hard to bring it back best. The house began life rooms devoted only to music, to that level of refinement and with a gas lighting system, a but Belle Camille, as the house good taste Oscar Clark built definite luxury as most Bladen has been named for the prolific into his dwelling. County homes were lighted camellias surrounding it, was with kerosene-fueled lamps. built with such a room. Each room in the house has a It contains an 1874 foot- Ray Wyche fireplace equipped with coal pumped organ decorated with 910-642-4104 ext. 229 grates, considered a step above silver-backed, beveled glass

The News Reporter (USPS 387-600) Published twice weekly by Happy Boss’s Day The News Reporter Co. Inc. 127 W. Columbus St. Whiteville N.C. 28472 Melody Campbell Mailing address: Carolinas Home Care P.O. Box 707, Agency, Inc. Whiteville, N.C. 28472-0707 You have been in business Periodical postage paid at for 17 years. We want Whiteville, N.C., 28472-0707 to thank you for all your Postmaster: send address long hours, hard work and changes to P.O. Box 707, dedicated service. You help Whiteville, N.C. 28472 provide numerous jobs Jim High, Publisher throughout Mail Subscriptions Columbus, Bladen and [email protected] (Columbus County) Robeson counties. $30.00 year Other N.C. Counties We Really SINGLETARY LAWNMOWER $46.00 year Appreciate YOU! & SMALL ENGINES Home Delivery $40.00 year Love, 9511 James B. White Hwy. S. • Whiteville, NC 28472 Out of State $55.00 year ©2008, The News Reporter Co., Inc. Staff of Carolinas Home Care Agency, Inc. 910-642-3278 4A - The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 Crime briefs Shot, stabbing victims East residents report many break-ins, thefs Beer Pills recover from wounds Several residents of com- pect fled when the victims be- A beer can, tossed from a Lisa Cole A Thompson Town Road, Whiteville, man is recov- passing vehicle, damaged the ering from a shot to his chest during a burglary at his munities in the eastern end gan yelling. Tucker, 51, of the county, particularly s/CTn'ERPHINE(OOPER windshield of a vehicle driven of Glenwood home Friday, and a Cerro Gordo man is recovering from by Danielle Lawrence of Na- two stab wounds made with a key Saturday. Riegelwood, reported break- Graham of Andrews Lane, Trail, Halls- ins and/or thefts during the Riegelwood, reported a bur- kina, as she was turning onto boro, was ar- Sheriff ’s reports show David Edward Little, 26, of Slippery Log Road here at Thompson Town Road, was by one of three pistol weekend, according to sher- glary at 7:55 a.m. by someone rested here iff ’s reports. who forced entry to the home. 11:39 p.m. Sunday, according Friday on shots fired by an intruder of the home at 4:20 p.m. Friday. to local police. Little and girlfriend Kay Bryant, 29, were in the home The reports include one There was no theft noted in charges of filed Oct. 14 by James Dale the report. possession when two black males entered. Bryant, who was in the Tucker bathroom, said she heard one of the suspects yell, “Get Garver of N.C. 87, Riegelwood, s /CT  n "ARTY *EROME of prescrip- that showed the theft of five Jacobs, Willie Jacobs Avenue, Pumpkin tion tablets with intent to his money! Get his money,” before she heard the three Christy Lynn Woody of shots. firearms – a German .30 rifle, Lake Waccamaw, reported the sell, and possession of drug an AK-47, Mossberg shotgun, break-in of a storage build- North Myrtle Beach, S.C., paraphernalia, according to Bryant told a deputy she heard one of the males hol- reported Friday the theft of ler, “Just shoot him, man! Just shoot him,” as they strug- Rossi .38 pistol and Beretta ing and theft of a Goodman warrants obtained by White- pistol, plus a diamond ring central air unit, Campbell a pumpkin, solar-powered ville Police Detective Jeffrey gled with Little over his wallet. cross, bow and other decora- The suspects fled after the shots, and Bryant took with three stones and a TV. compressor and a pressure Singletary. Ten more firearms, includ- washer. tions from a grave in White- Tucker had six Methadone Little to Columbus Regional Healthcare. Little was de- ville Memorial Cemetery, ac- scribed as “alert, and talking” at the hospital. ing four pistols, were reported s /CT  n *AMES # #OLE- and two Oxycontin pills, plus stolen on Oct. 15, according to man, Brinkley Road, Delco, cording to local police. a straw that had “residue” in The stabbing of Jonathan Albert Inman, 27, took place outside a vehicle in the 100 block of Blackwell Gerald Linzey Jr. of Waterline was the victim of a break- it. The “residue” was not de- Way, Riegelwood. A Mossberg in, and theft of a Remington scribed. Road, Chadbourn, at 9 p.m. Saturday, another report showed. 12-gauge shotgun, Winchester 12-gauge shotgun. Revoked Nicolette Frink Inman, the victim’s wife, told a dep- .30-30 rifle, a combination .22 s /CT  n ,OUIS 2ONALD Proba- uty she and her husband were being taken home by a and .410 firearm, a Makarov Ramsey, Leland, reported the tion was male friend when Albert Inman and the man began ar- .380 pistol, Ruger 9mm pis- theft of an aluminum dog box revoked re- Probation guing. The man stopped the car, and both men got out. tol, Keystone .22 rifle, Rossi from his full-size pickup truck cently for Nicolette Inman said she got out of the vehicle, and .38 and ACP .45 pistols, plus a parked along Riegel Course J a s p e r New England 20-gauge shot- Road, Riegelwood, while he Davey Dev- D e v o n began walking home. She said she heard the men fight- on Benton, ing as she walked away. A passing motorist took her gun, and a New England .410 was hunting. “ S h o r t y ” shotgun were stolen. s /CT  n *AMES !LBERT 35, White- Arthur, 21, home. ville, and Benton The deputy described Albert and Nicolette Inman as Other theft reports involv- Freeman, Old Lake Road, of Tabor ing residents living east of Bolton, reported a break-in he was sent to prison for six City, was “intoxicated,” and noted Albert was “extremely” drunk. to eight months with a credit Albert Inman was treated at the hospital for wounds Lake Waccamaw included: and theft of a Timex watch, r e c e n t l y s /CT  n !NGELO ,ONELL turquoise ring with eagle, of 180 days. His violations placed on Arthur to the left side of his neck and chest made with a key. including failing to report, The suspect could not be located Saturday night, the re- Walker, Creek Ridge Way, Rie- Whirlpool washer and refrig- probation for two years after gelwood – attempted burglary erator, and medication. not making court-ordered he admitted he committed port showed. payments, moving without at 8:30 a.m. The report showed Other break-ins and/or fraud in cashing a check at there was “pounding at the thefts reported by various notice, and using controlled the Tabor City IGA store in substances. rear door,” before an attempt- law enforcement agencies in- May 2010. ed entry at the front. The sus- cluded: Benton was convicted in Arthur, who had no prior 2009 of pawning a stolen item criminal record, had a prison ADR rescue worker in 2007 and getting $40 for it, term of five to six months sus- records show. pended. Break-ins, thefs noted ejected from vehicle The following were victims ers, Pleasant Plains Church of a break-in and/or theft re- Road, Whiteville – theft of Be- McIntyre says, cut the Tabitha Reaves, 16, of Del- Chadbourn, lost control of ported on date shown: retta .380 pistol. co-Prosper Road, Delco, was the vehicle she was driving s/CTn$AVID,EE'RACE s /CT  n %UGENE -C+EN- ejected from her overturning on Braswell Road at 4:45 p.m., Old Wilmington Road, White- zie Smith, Chadbourn – theft red tape to create jobs car Sunday afternoon as she and it went off the road into a ville – break-in, theft of of farm equipment and other Have you ever been shackled by red tape and the regulatory was responding to a call about ditch, and traveled 85 feet in 12-gauge pump shotgun, pock- items from Bladen Loop Road, bureaucracy too often imposed by the federal government? another wreck at the Bruns- the ditch before stopping. etbook, checkbooks; check- including old coal heater, Chances are you answered yes if you ever ran a small business. wick-Columbus County line Griffin was transferred to books, some personal items fireplace insert, 1954 stain- It’s time to change that. in Delco, according to a High- New Hanover Regional Medi- recovered. less steel tailgate for Cadillac While our nation still grapples with a lagging economy, way Patrol report. cal Center in Wilmington by s /CT  n 3IDNEY 7ILLIAM hearse, tobacco curers, metal overzealous regulation is stifling job growth and is of par- Reaves was about four medical helicopter. Carr, Chadbourn – break-in porch railing, steering wheel ticular concern for the small businesses who are struggling miles from her home when she Dickerson said Griffin told of vehicle along Jack Hayes and column for Ford Model to meet payrolls every month. Complying with environmen- lost control of the 2006 Mazda him she “blacked out,” and Road, Whiteville, theft of Hi- A car, hand-operated Farmall tal regulations alone costs small businesses 364 percent more and crashed into a ditch at couldn’t remember what hap- Point 9mm rifle. tractor lift, cast iron hous- than large firms according to Small Business Administration 1:23 p.m., and the car flipped. pened in the crash. s/CTn#LINTARIUS,AMAR ings, ramp for trailer, cultivat- (SBA) estimates. She was not wearing her seat Other wrecks include: Jones, Williams Road, Claren- ing equipment, storm drain While some regulation is necessary to protect consumers belt, according to Highway Pa- s /CT  n #HRISTOPHER don – break-in, theft of Nin- covers, child’s pedal 1960 fire from such things as fraud and misrepresentation, we must trol Trooper Brett Baxley. Scott Moore, 39, of Whiteville, tendo Xbox system, cash. truck, tiller, scrap metal. not throw out reason and common sense. We must carefully Reaves was taken to New was injured in an 8:22 p.m. s/CTn3HOE&AIR 3OUTH s /CT  n 2ENEE 'RIS- consider the costs and benefits of excessive regulation before Hanover Regional Medical crash on North Thompson Madison Street, Whiteville – sett Simmons, Poley Bridge sending out yet another mandate from Washington. Center in Wilmington where Street here. Police said Moore theft of pair of clogs. Church Road, Nakina – at- Much debate has taken place in Congress regarding the En- she was treated for a punc- swerved to avoid a dog, and s/CTn3TEVEN*OHN-UL- tempted break-in. vironmental Protection Agency (EPA) and many of the rules tured lung and other injuries. drove off to the left and hit a lins, South Franklin Street, s /CT  n -ERITA -ERLE that have been implemented in recent years. In order to curtail Reaves was responding to utility pole. Whiteville – theft of 2007 Su- Bullock, Old 74, Evergreen – the unintended consequences that often arise from bureau- a 12:46 p.m. crash on U.S. 74-76 s /CT  n 4HERE WERE MI- zuki motorcycle. break-in, theft of Toshiba TV. cratic rule makings, I joined 248 of my U.S. House colleagues to near the intersection of Pine- nor injuries in a 3:454 p.m. s /CT  n 2OY 2ICHARD s /CT  n #HRISTY *ARRELL support passage of the Transparency in Regulatory Analysis land Drive at the county line, wreck on U.S. 701 South at the Jernigan, Cedar Grove Lexington – break-in at Sand- of Impacts on the Nation Act (TRAIN Act). Baxley said. entrance to Food Lion. Driv- Church Road, Cerro Gordo ers Street, Tabor City, theft of The TRAIN Act would require that specified pending EPA Trooper Bill Rogers said ers were Marilyn Campbell – theft of 150 feet of welding Viore TV, Magnavox TV-VCR. regulations be delayed until an interagency panel could thor- vehicles driven by James Spaulding, 53, of Clarkton, wire. s/CTn-ERITA"7RIGHT oughly review and consider the economic consequences of Sowers of Livingston Chapel and Terrie Kay Smith, 50, of s/CTn(AROLD7ILLIAMS Worth Street, Tabor City – implementation. Road, Delco, and Jean True- Whiteville. Both were using Farm Service, N.C. 410, Chad- break-in, theft of cash, miscel- Restoring our economic health and spurring job growth has love, 68, of Holly Springs, seat belts. bourn – break-in, theft of laneous jewelry, trophy. been at the forefront of my legislative agenda, but if the EPA is were involved in the rear-end cash. s /CT  n *OHN (IRAM permitted to continue to add to the uncertainty in the business crash. s /CT  n $ESIREE -ARION Fowler, Elizabeth Street, Ta- sector by imposing rules that stifle job growth and increase The officer said there were County Fatalities Marie Daniels, Washington bor City – break-in, theft of manufacturing costs, we as a nation may never fully recover. minor injuries, and all oc- Street, Whiteville – theft of Stihl chainsaw, Porter Cable The current economic crisis has brought home the fact that cupants of the two vehicles, To this date man’s ring. drill and accessories, drop government has, in many cases, been more of a hindrance were using seat belts. 2011 ……………10 s/CTn3HELBY+AY3ELL- cord. than a help. With national unemployment still exceeding 9%, Another rural wreck, re- 2010 ..….……...22 the EPA and other agencies under the President’s control need ported Thursday, caused in- to support policies that promote job creation and encourage juries to the driver, Trooper Total 2010...... 26 economic growth. George Dickerson said. Total 2009...... 28 One way to do this is to have thorough review and proper Alice Britt Griffin, 52, of www.whiteville.com oversight of new government rules and regulations. The TRAIN Act would provide for just such a review and analysis. Additionally, it would allow for a more open and transparent evaluation process when these rule makings are proposed. Despite the rhetoric from some in the Administration, the threat to our economy from the EPA is serious and must be addressed. The U.S. House of Representatives has done its part to ensure that the EPA would not be given a blank check to im- pose job-killing rules on American businesses. Now it is the U.S. Senate’s turn to act on this legislation and put an end to the overly burdensome regulation that is perva- sive in the nation’s capital. The TRAIN Act provides a unique opportunity to speak with one voice and get our country on the right track. We should be in the business of creating jobs, not destroying them with more and more unnecessary government regulation and red tape. Please visit my website at www.mcintyre.house.gov for more information about our legislative record and other important issues that affect Southeastern North Carolina. Sports to Business News Find all the news that matters to you in one handy resource. The News Reporter is jam- packed with informative features covering the topics that Columbus County readers care about. Subscribe today.

The News Reporter 642-4104 Ext. 270 Lifestyles Te News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 -- 5A TC Baptist honors retiring music director Jim Smith By CLARA CARTRETTE Jim leading us, God always News Editor brought us through, teach- ing us each time a lesson in Tabor City Baptist Church faith. We remember ‘The Life paid tribute to the Jim Smith of Christ’ with such fondness, family on Oct. 8 with a cov- not because of the numbers ered dish luncheon and pro- of people who came night af- gram that chronicled the ter night and year after year, youth and music director’s ca- it was because God was in our reer through more than three midst, moving among us and decades of service. within us and that was in part Pastor Bruce Schmidt an- because of our leader. Thank nounced the program and you, Jim, for coming to our Paul Rogers, who served on tiny little town and making it the music search commit- your home. Because of this, tee with Beth Woody and Joe we are all changed for the bet- Coleman when Smith was ter.” hired, told how the Smith fam- Joey Ray said Jim has mel- ily came to Tabor City on Feb. lowed a lot, but one theme 1, 1998. After going through a song that has lasted through number of applications, they youth choir days is “Love contacted Smith and asked if Grows Here.” He asked all for- he would be interested in tak- The Smith children: Mary Beth, Carolina, Emily, Jenny and Adam. mer youth choir members to ing the position. stand and sing the song. family; they have always sup- izing that she knew the music. “I’ll go anywhere the Lord to the Smith family for bring- Ronny Stevens sang a solo, Ronny Stevens sang ported me.” She recalled getting on the leads me, even to Tabor City,” ing out my talent. They’re the followed by a youth choir his- “Preach the Word” and Mer- Helen Bush offered the bus at daybreak wondering he replied. “Where is Tabor reason I wear this uniform to- tory during Smith’s years. edith Jones Lay said she was benediction and blessing of what the consequences would City?” day. The church was special as Joey Ray told how the youth able to stand there because the food and Joey Ray emceed be and soon learned that she Rogers said Smith’s first well.” choir was one of 12 to 15 across Jim Smith gave her a part in the luncheon program. and others who missed a prac- assignment was directing the Jeremy was a member of a the nation selected from taped a play. Caroline Rogers, a former tice must write the words to music for his father’s funer- high school male group Smith auditions to sing at the 1982 Joey Ray said “Probably choir member, said “Jim’s all of the 11 practiced songs 10 al, and apologized to Rogers’ organized, “A Few Good Men” World’s Fair in Knoxville, next to my mother and father, commitment to presenting times, sweep and the activity mother for wearing a bright and is now in the Army band. Tenn. They won the competi- Jim has had more influence in music that lifts the listener, bus every day and help cook red sport coat but it was the “They found a case at the tion and their accompanist, my life than anyone. Someone causes changes in the singer’s breakfast each morning at the only one he had. Smithsonian that might be- Margaret Jo Willoughby, was wrote in my annual, ‘Try not heart and magnifies our Lord church where they were stay- “Mother told him it was long to Jim,” said Joey Ray, asked to accompany the com- to be so much like Jim Smith’ are uppermost in his minis- ing. great, that they would make entering the fellowship hall bined choirs. Smith noted that Thank you for 35 years. I try. There is a vast difference “I was not a happy camper a Tabor City Red Devil out of carrying a brief case. He went a covered dish supper awaited think the world of you and between the person who can but not the least bit surprised him,” Rogers said. on to explain that on Smith’s the group when they returned your family,” he said to Smith. derive some personal enjoy- because I had learned that you He noted that Jim and first youth trip the group on Sunday evening, a tradi- He presented Smith a gift ment from self-expression don’t tug on Superman’s cape, Donna Smith’s daughter stopped in Washington, D.C. tion that has continued each from the choir. Smith said he you don’t spit into the wind, Jenny was a toddler and son year when the youth choir re- couldn’t read the card because you don’t pull the mask off Adam was three weeks old turns from its summer trip. he might cry, but he did. that ole Lone Ranger and you when they arrived. The fam- Choir member Cathy Someone commented that don’t get your way with Jim,” ily would eventually include Stocks noted that she went on Jim had always said, “There she said. three more daughters, Caro- several youth trips and recalls are Smiths and there are those Stocks said it was never the line, Emily and Mary Beth. that she was in eighth grade who want to be Smiths.” It amusement parks or sightsee- The five children sang a song, and was playing tennis at the was noted that there were life ing that made the lasting im- accompanied by their father, church when Jim and Donna size photos of Smith’s face on pressions. “It was Jim trying and his wife Donna sang a arrived in their blue Malibu each table so everyone could to teach us to put our faith solo with the chancel choir. with their two children. be a Smith. in action and he demonstrat- Deacon chairman Ronnie “I recall our first practice Raising two of them to his ed that by the way he lived. Jones, a choir member who when he asked us not to call face, Smith said he had always Anyone who has ever sung made a special presentation him Mr. Smith, but Jim. He wanted to be two-faced and in ‘The Life of Christ’ knows from the church, noted that began to do things that terri- now he could. He thanked ev- that there were many times one of the toughest things the fied us such as taking us one eryone for taking part of the we felt ill prepared and very choir ever had to do was sing by one to the old fellowship Sunday afternoon for the pro- stressed about the two and a at C.B. Stanley’s funeral. “Jim hall to sing (by ourselves) for gram, “but there’s a ballgame half to three hours of sing- said you’ve got to be strong, him. Carolyn Hughes and I coming on at 4 p.m.” ing from memory but there think of the music,” Jones tied ourselves together so we The Smiths were presented was always a special time said. Stanley was a dedicated would not have to sing alone. a book of memories, notes of prayer and dedication of church member who played Our youth trips soon ensued that their friends wrote. the role of Jesus in several and we were the guinea pigs. the service of God and with musical productions under “Our first trip to Atlanta Smith’s direction. had us all very excited but our Jones said the Bible says enthusiasm diminished when “Make a joyful shout to the we learned that we would be Lord” and in another passage spending the night in homes it says “Make a joyful noise.” of total strangers. We poked “You always want to do a out our lips, stomped our little better than that for Jim,” feet, crossed our arms and de- he said. Addressing Smith, Jim Smith with Kathy Stocks, who gave a tribute to her clared we were not going to go Jones said: “You have put a lot former youth choir director. along with this. Jim was more of your life into us, our chil- stubborn and we reluctantly dren, our grandchildren, and through music and the one When Jim realized he had went our separate ways with many who have gone on to be who definitely gives pleasure left the group’s moneybag in host families. The next morn- with the Lord. I stand here to others and glory to God by the Smithsonian restroom, ing on the bus everyone was as humbly as I know how to a combination of special tal- they returned but did not find abuzz about their wonderful thank you for the seeds you ent and hard work. Jim and the $600. Visibly upset, Smith host families, their homes, have planted.” Donna certainly exemplify called the church and had their breakfasts…each able to Smith talked about staff these characteristics. Thank money wired to him to finish grasp the concept of brothers members he has worked with, you both from our family and the trip. in Christ.” choir members and the con- for the many years of service “It was a long, sad day,” Ray Stocks said Smith warned gregation. “You have been a and dedication.” said. “That was the last time them not to miss a practice be- blessing to my heart,” he said. Jeremy Brown, dressed in all the trip money was kept in fore going on a trip to Florida “My favorite part is standing his military uniform, thanked one place. It was distributed to teach Bible school, or there here hearing you sing. I thank Jim and Donna for his home among the chaperones.” would be consequences. She you all, and I thank my favor- away from home. “I was a It was later revealed that missed the last one to see her ite choir member, Donna. If young kid from and a Smith insisted on paying the friends at the beach, rational- Ronny Stevens sings a solo. I did something wrong at re- neighbor,” he said. “Your men- money back and took out a hearsal or was not so nice to torship with me was one of bank loan, but a generous somebody, I’d hear about it at the greatest things that ever church member went by and home. I thank my kids and happened to me. I owe a lot paid off his note.

Jim Smith said he always wanted to be two-faced, and he could at a luncheon in his Joey Ray presents to Jim Smith the frst place trophy that his youth choir won at the honor. The paper faces were used because Smith always said there were Smiths, and Knoxville World’s Fair. others who wanted to be Smiths. 6A--The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 Walters-Sanders vows pledged in Mount Olive Kelsea Leanne Sanders and John William Walters were united in marriage on Sept. 24 in a 5 p.m. ceremony in First Pentecostal Holiness Church in Mount Olive. Pastor Doug Bartlett performed the ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Angela McNamara Sanders and James Thomas Sanders III of Dudley. She graduated Pecan Belles from Southern Wayne High Pecan Belles for the 2011 Pecan Harvest Festival are, front row: Madison Hinson, School and East Carolina Ashley Carter, Chaley Honeycutt and Emmie Conner: back row: Jane Woodard Haw- University with a Bachelor thorne, Sara Rain Thompson and Madia Brown. The Belles will be recognized at the of Science degree in elemen- tary education and licensure luncheon on Friday, Nov. 4, and will also serve as greeters during the house tour. in middle grade mathematics. They will also ride with the celebrity queen, Monique Flowers, in the parade. She is a sixth grade teacher at Grifton School. The groom is the son of Linda Brown Walters and Jo- Symphony will perform seph West Walters of Bladen- boro. He graduated from West Bladen High School and UNC- Pembroke and is a field repre- here Tuesday for students sentative for Woodmen of the Every year, The North Car- World. ed by the Southeastern Com- from The Right Stuff to The olina Symphony and its small They are residing in Kin- munity College Foundation. Hunt for Red October —the ensembles present more than ston after honeymooning in The concert features spe- Russian Sailor’s Dance from 45 free education performanc- Maui, Hawaii and Las Vegas. cial demonstrations by the The Red Poppy ballet. es to elementary and middle The bride was given in mar- symphony’s renowned staff “It’s so exciting to see stu- school-age students across riage by her parents. She wore of conductors and world-class dents’ faces light up when they North Carolina. The series a strapless gown with a fan– musicians. Along the way, stu- realize how these individual Mrs. John William Walters forms the core of the most ex- shaped pattern and notched dents and teachers are asked pieces relate to them,” says tensive education programs of V in the center, asymmetrical “What Makes Music Music?” Nalbone. “These concerts are any U.S. orchestra. pleating on the waist, trumpet skirts. John Keimig of Middletown, with a rich and engaging mu- an enriching educational mo- Two of those concerts will skirt with extensive ruffled Honorary bridesmaids Md., Jordan McPherson of sical lineup that highlights ment that will remain with be performed in Columbus floral patterns, and button-up were Stephanie Sykes and Ra- Clarendon, Travis Pait of the building blocks of the art them for the rest of their County Tuesday for school stu- back closure with a Tiffany chel Varga, both of Greenville. Bladenboro, brother-in-law of form: rhythm, dynamics, tex- lives.” dents. The first performance train. Her headpiece was a Megan Pait and Jackson the groom; Gabe Pinkston of ture, tempo, form and melody. “For some this is the only will be at Bowers Auditorium two-tiered fingertip veil edged Pait, both of Bladenboro, Aberdeen, Nolan Sanders of “We break down music to time they will see and hear a at 10:45 a.m. for firth graders with drop crystals. niece and nephew of the Dudley, brother of the bride; its fundamentals to provide symphony orchestra live,” said in Whiteville City and Colum- Tara Tillman of Wilming- groom, were flower girl and and Craig Walters of Bladen- students with the essential an elementary teacher who at- bus County schools, and the ton was maid of honor. Brides- ring bearer. boro, brother of the groom. tools for understanding the to- tends the symphony workshop second will be at East Colum- maids were Kristen Beaman, Music was provided by Carlos Vega of Colchester, tal influence of orchestral mu- for teachers every year. “For bus High School at 1:15 p.m. Danielle Keel, Kelsey Rath- Pastor Kevin Mooring, pianist Vt., was usher. sic in their lives,” says Sym- others it sparks their interest It will be a chamber orches- bone, Courtney Taylor and and vocalist; Amy Mooring, A reception was held at phony Director of Education to learning how to play an in- tra string quartet for a small Hannah Westbrook, all of pianist; and Brandi Worth, vo- Wayne Shrine Club in Dud- Jessica Nalbone. strument. Students love to talk group of ECHS students and Mount Olive; Haley Gardner calist. The groom sang “Only ley. Wild Hearts DJ provided This year’s lineup includes about everything after the con- possibly some from Hallsboro of Raleigh, Heather Pait, sis- You Can Love Me This Way” dance music. selections by Mozart, Haydn cert: the musicians, the instru- Middle School. ter of the groom, and Stepha- to his bride. Robin Hall directed the and Strauss. Students will rec- ments, the conductor and the The symphony will perform nie Walters, sister-in-law of The groom’s father was best wedding. Register attendants ognize one of music’s most fa- music they have just heard.” two concerts in Wilmington the groom, both of Bladen- man. Groomsmen were Jere- were Mandy Warren and Kar- mous melodies in Beethoven’s “Classical music is just as Wednesday. Associate Conduc- boro, and Alex Walters of my Carroll of Lynchburg, Va., en Morgan. “Ode to Joy” and get a little entertaining as any other kind tor Sarah Hicks leads the sym- Lumberton. They wore floor and Adam Walters of Lum- A rehearsal dinner hosted American flavor in Scott Jop- of music,” said Resident Con- phony in the 2011/12 edition of length strapless gowns of berton, cousins of the groom; by the groom’s parents was lin’s “The Entertainer,” well- ductor William Henry Curry. this concert program. turquoise satin with tiered Jordan Carter of Whiteville, held at the church. known as the theme to the “That, to me, is our number Education concerts are Paul Newman and Robert Red- one mission at the concert.” presented free in schools or ford film, “The Sting.” Founded in 1932, the North concert halls for school groups The cinematic thrills do not Carolina Symphony performs and are closed to the public. end there. All of the day’s les- more than 175 concerts annu- They are supported across the sons are brought together in ally to adults and school chil- state by the North Carolina the concert’s stirring finale, dren. General Assembly as well as Reinhold Glière’s most famous For more information about BB&T, GlaxoSmithKline and work—one of classical music’s the symphony and its concerts Progress Energy. Education most frequently quoted scores visit www.ncsymphony.org. concerts here are also support- and one featured in movies SUBSCRIBE NOW AND ! The News Reporter Kendra Bowen is shown with Sen. Kay Hagen, left, and Rep. Mike McIntyre while at- tending Model Congress in Washington D.C. More Local News ECHS junior attends Model Congress for Your Money After attending the six-day students were appointed to dif- At East Columbus High Washington Workshop Foun- ferent committees. Questions Kendra takes honors classes, dation’s Model Congress in were referred to the commit- is a member of the National 104 ISSUES Washington, D.C. this past tees in the same fashion that Honor Society and Beta Club, summer, Kendra Bowen’s ob- bills are referred to in the U.S. and is a consistent member of servation was that “Capitol House, and the students were the Principal’s List. During A YEAR! Hill stays very, very busy.” responsible for writing a bill her high school career she has She said she enjoyed the ex- in response. Kendra was ap- played basketball, volleyball, perience and it made her feel pointed to the House of Rep- softball, run track and been more mature, like a college resentatives Select Commit- a cheerleader. She is active in 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES student. She said she made tee on Energy Independence Victory in Jesus Ministries lots of friends and it was an and Global Warming and her and is on the church’s praise Home Delivery (where available) ...... $40 opportunity to see people question was, “How should dance team. The minister, share different views, conser- Congress legislate to achieve Tracy Troy, is her godmother. US Mail: vative and liberal. energy independence in the Sometimes Kendra tutors at Columbus County ...... $30 “They had lots of argu- U.S.?” school and at church. ments,” she added. Other NC Counties by Mail ...... $46 A junior honor student at East Columbus High School, Outside of NC ...... $55 Kendra is the daughter of Kenji and Mamie Bowen of The News Reporter.....PO Box 707, Whiteville, NC 28472.....910-642-4104, ext. 270 Hallsboro and granddaugh- ter of Mamie Beatty and the Short on Money? I’m enclosing payment of ______for the amount due according to the information listed above. late Marvin Beatty of Bolton NAME ______and Dorothy and Kenneth An- drews of Virginia. We Can Help! ADDRESS ______During Model Congress We Offer Personal Loans from ______Dog walk for $1,000.00 to $3,000.00* EMAIL ADDRESS ______PHONE ______Sr. project We like to say YES! COMPLETE, CLIP AND RETURN Whiteville High School ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED! senior Ripley Billeaud has Tax Return Subscription payments accepted also at Whiteville.com chosen animal cruelty as the focus for her senior project. Preparation Available Call 642-4104, ext. 270 She will sponsor a dog walk on Saturday, Oct. 22 and give the proceeds to the Columbus The Holidays will be fast upon us. Humane Society. Titled Paws Prints Dog What could be better than Walk, the event will be held 9 a.m. until noon at the 1615 S J K Powell Blvd Ste A Whiteville High School soccer a Gift Subscription to field and track. The cost is $3 Whiteville NC 28472 per dog. (910) 641-0189 For more information con- www.security-fnance.com The News Reporter tact Ripley at 840-4856 or 642- 5331. *All loans are subject to our liberal credit policy and credit limitations, if any. The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011--7A

CGHS reunion The Cerro Gordo High School Class of 1959 celebrated its annual reunion Aug., 27 at Dale’s Seafood in Whiteville. Classmates attending were, seated, left to right: Lin- da Strickland Collins, Elaine Purvis Johnson, Fannie Powell Blackwell, Betty Brown Three Rivers FFA Goodman, Vivian Blackwell Williamson; standing: Judy Worley Williams, C. Burnett New offcers of the Three Rivers FFA are, front row, left to right: Bryan Hickman, Coleman, Carroll Johnson, Simp Franklin Coleman and Sue Greene Enzor. reporter, West Bladen High; Emilee Wilkinson, treasurer, Whiteville; Laura Willis, stu- dent advisor, Bladen Agriscience Academy; Rebekah Norris, vice president, South Columbus High; back row: Zack Wilson, secretary, West Columbus High; Paul Young Pecan Harvest Jr. sentinel, East Columbus High; Luke Hill, president, Bladen Agriscience Academy; Sawyer Strickland, chaplain, West Columbus High; not pictured: Jesse Burroughs, Luncheon and historian, West Columbus High; Olivia Watson, parliamentarian, South Columbus High. Tour of Homes slated Nov. 4 The N.C. Pecan Harvest Festival Queen’s Luncheon and Youthfest planned Oct. 22 Tour of Homes will be held in Whiteville on Friday, Nov. 4. The luncheon will be held during Yam Festival weekend at Vineland Station from 11:30 Ten years ago, Pastor Da- come from as far as New Bern, York Life. Thanks go out to a a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Tickets for vid Coleman, Coley Greene, Raleigh and Clemson, S.C. large number of other busi- the tour are $10, and a tour-lun- and several others who loved People ask how a small nesses and individuals, too cheon combo ticket is $15. For Christian music had a vision town such as Tabor City can numerous to mention, who tickets call 642-9732 or 642-4299. to have a Christian concert host such an event this size. have come alongside Youth- Five interesting homes and for young people. First held at The answer is having commu- fest Ministries in this endeav- house of worship will be on South Columbus High School or to offer this large local con- the tour, from 1 to 4 p.m. and with local talent and atten- temporary Christian music 5 to 7 p.m. They include the dance of 200 to 300, Youthfest festival. following: has grown to hosting national Each year a theme has been Ed and Linda Shelburne, 504 Christian recording artists established around a Bible Woodfield Drive; along with local groups, and verse. This year’s verse comes John and Sandy Turner, 131 attendance averages around from Exodus 34:14: “You must Fuller Street; 2,000 people. worship no other gods, but David and Jenny Greco, 415 Youthfest is held each year only the Lord, for he is a god $500 scholarship Holly Circle; during the North Carolina who is passionate about His Columbus Humane Society President Teresa Hopkins, McLean and Erin Thomp- Yam Festival, and will be held relationship with you.” right, presents the Columbus Humane Society’s $500 son, 331 Timber Cove Drive; this year on Saturday, Oct. 22 For additional information Rebecca Strickland Scholarship to Jenny Thompson. Beth-Israel Synagogue, 269 West Frink Street; at the Tabor City Sports Com- nity and churches, businesses about Youthfest visit www. Jenny is a senior at Whiteville High School and plans Carey and Vince Patrick, plex in Tabor City at the in- and individuals work together youthfest.cc or to pursue a career as a veterinarian. She works part 316 Larilin Estates. tersection of N.C. 904 east and to accomplish the goal. Many time at Elizabethtown Veterinary Hospital. The scholar- Complex Street behind Food churches around the county ship is awarded annually to someone who is dedicated Lion. Gates open at 5 p.m. and Arts/crafs fair at have been involved over the to saving animals. Jenny’s sister Amanda received the the concert begins at 6 p.m. years and those that have Brunswick House Admission is $5. frst CHS scholarship several years ago and graduated been dedicated to the longevi- The annual Brunswick The main attraction will from Fayetteville State University with a degree in el- Happy 15th Birthday ty of Youthfest are Tabor City Plantation Arts and Crafts be the One True God Tour fea- ementary education. They are the daughters of Wendy Baptist, Old Zion Wesleyan, Fair will be held Saturday, Oct. turing popular groups NewS- Welcome FWBC, Sweet Home 22 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. at the and John Thompson of Hallsboro. Morris Strickland of Chelsea ong and Kutless, with special Baptist, Clarendon Baptist Brunswick House in Calabash. Lake Waccamaw donates the scholarship in memory of guests Anthem Lights and and Forest Lawn Baptist. In addition to a wide selec- his wife Rebecca, longtime animal advocate through the Dara MacLean. Some of the Nicole Britt Youthfest has been sup- tion of handmade crafts and Humane Society. October 18, 2011 groups and tours hosted in ported by many businesses. creations, there will be home- the past are Big Daddy Weave, George Wooten of W.E. Bailey made baked goods to benefit NewSong, Overflow, Aaron Produce in Chadbourn has charities and non-profits. Shust, Francesca Battistelli, been the major supporter con- For more information call St. James plans festival Andy Kirk, Day of Fire, Andy sistently over the years. Oth- 287-4604. The St. James Festival will Fried Chicken (mentioned on Roy, Nate Sallie, Consumed, ers who have played a big part be held on Friday and Satur- Oprah) will be available. and the Cruzaiders. are the late David Williford of day, Nov. 11-12 on the Wacca- Youth groups have come Vets invited for Thee Furniture Warehouse, maw Siouan Tribal Grounds regularly from Lumberton, William Cox with Aerial Solu- in eastern Columbus County Wallace, Roseboro, George- morning social tions, Beth S. Cribb, CPA, Dr. at St. James Fire Department. town, Myrtle Beach, Shal- Vineland Wesley Teal of Carolina Den- All veterans are invited to The crowning of the king lotte and Ash and many other tal Care of Loris, S.C., John enjoy fellowship, coffee and and queen will be held Friday, towns scattered along the Watson with McNeill’s Long doughnuts on Wednesday, Oct. along with a fashion show. Hot Station Carolinas. People who follow Term Health Care Whiteville 26 from 8 a.m. until noon at dogs, fry bread and soft drinks Available for wedding certain singing groups have and Dennis Jones with New Chapter 962, Vietnam Veter- will be available. receptions & other ans of America Hut, 1028 S. The parade will be held events We Love You, #2266 Madison St., Whiteville. Saturday at 11 a.m. followed 640-2030 Mama, Daddy, & Brittany by entertainment and games, including slippery pole, sack SCC TV Schedule Veterans meet races, Bingo, duck pond, bal- EDU-Cable programming can be viewed locally on Time Vietnam Veterans of Amer- loon dart and more. Hayrides, Protect Yourself Warner Cable of Whiteville and surrounding areas, CH. 6. ica meet the first Tuesday of a quilt show and deer tasting Tune in weekly from 9 a.m. – midnight or view online at each month at 7 p.m. at 1028 S. contest will be held, and chick- And Your www.sccnc.edu Madison St., Whiteville. en dinners featuring Durk’s This week on EDU-Cable: Family With A Monday - Wednesday - Friday - Sunday 9 a.m., 2 & 6 p.m. - The Reading Room 9:30 a.m., 2:30 & 6:30 p.m. - our Health Matters – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) - Terrie Priest, FLU Charlotte McDuffie, and Christa White 11 a.m., 4 & 7 p.m. - Spotlight North Carolina Cooperative Extension – Down East Connect – Howard Wallace 11:30 a.m., 4:30 & 7:30 p.m. – Columbus County Cooks with SHOT Harry Foley – Steak Tapas Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday - SCC Presents 9 a.m., 2 & 7 p.m. – 19th Annual N.C. Pecan Harvest Monday Festival – Sue Hawks, Suzanne King, Kate Carter $ and Nut E. Squirrel only Oct. 17 9:30 a.m., 2:30 & 7:30 p.m. - Water Quality Monitoring 10 am till 2 pm Program for the Waccamaw Watershed – Sue 30 Hawks, Rebecca Westbrooks, Christine Ellis, Pneumonia Jonathan Short, Julie Stocks and Kristen Howell Tuesday Tuesday - Thursday - Saturday - Special Program Oct. 18 11 a.m., 4 & 9 p.m. – VIP for a VIP – Volunteer Connection $ with Dr. Melody Prevatte – Individuals Making a 65 10 am till 2 pm Difference – John C. Worthington and Marguerite Lennon Thank you for visiting the Pawn South Fair Booth. The winning numbers are: A24, A50, B30, B90, C10, C80, Going Pink D25, and D75 THIS WEEK! Come by with your number and get a

FREE T-Shirt! 612-4 Jeferson Street, Whiteville 15% off Whiteville Location Only 642-3009 433 South Madison Street, Whiteville GIFTS & INTERIORS Everything Pink 3-ADISON3Ts  ~ Very limited exclusions apply ~ 910-914-0055 NO Co-Pay for Medicare Part B Participants Deaths The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 -- Page 8A

JAMES HUBERT LEWIS SYLVIA COVINGTON IVORY OLIVER J.W. ‘JAKE’ GORE EULA ESTELLE WHITE DEATH NOTICE CURRIE -- James Hubert WHITEVILLE -- Sylvia Cov- LAKE WACCAMAW -- Ivo- CHADBOURN -- J.W. “Jake” WHITEVILLE -- Eula Es- Lewis, 83, of Currie and for- ington died Monday, Oct. 10, ry Oliver, 82, a resident of Gore, 68, died Sunday, Oct. telle White, 91, died Satur- merly of Columbus County, 2011 at Columbus Regional Premier Living, formerly of 16, 2011 at Lower Cape Fear day Oct. 15, 2011 at Shoreland died Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2011 Healthcare. Whiteville, died Thursday, Hospice and LifeCare Center Healthcare of Whiteville. She at Huntington Health Care in Final rites will be held at 2 Oct. 13, at Columbus Regional in Whiteville. He was the son was the daughter of the late Burgaw. p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18 at Pittman Healthcare. of the late Montrose and Mary Norwood White and Nevada He was born Chapel Church, Abbottsburg The funeral will be held at Lucille Gore and the husband Norris White. She was a mem- Oct. 14, 1927 with Pastor Doris Shipman of- 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19, at of the late Linda Gay Garvey ber of Pleasant Plains Baptist i n C o l u m bu s ficiating. Burial will follow in Central Missionary Baptist Gore. He was also preceded in Church. County, the son Round Branch Cemetery, Blad- Church, 443 West Virgil Street, death by four siblings, Mildred A graveside service will be of the late T. L. and Lois Carter enboro. Smith Funeral Home Whiteville, with Rev. David A. Gore, M.R. Gore, Harold Wayne held at 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17, Lewis. James was preceded in of Whiteville is handling the Flowers officiating. Burial will Gore and Effie Love Gore Nor- 2011 at Columbus Memorial death by his wife, Flora Belle arrangements. Viewing will be be in Cherry Grove Cemetery. ris. Park with Dr. Dave Heller of- Rasberry Lewis; one step-son, held from noon-7 p.m. Monday, Viewing will be from noon-7 Arrangements are incom- ficiating. McKenzie Mortuary Jerry Rasberry; one brother. Oct. 17 at the funeral home p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18 and from plete and will be announced by of Whiteville is handling the James was a member of chapel and again Tuesday, Oct. 9-11 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19 Worthington Funeral Home in arrangements. Bethlehem Baptist Church and 18 one hour prior to the service at Peoples Funeral Home of Chadbourn. She is survived by one ALVIN O. WILSON JR. was a retired Pender County at the church. The family will Whiteville. Viewing will also He is survived by a daugh- brother, Houston White of MATTHEWS -- Alvin O. farmer. He served his country receive friends at the home of be held Wednesday, Oct. 19 one ter, Pamela G. Taylor of the Whiteville; and two sisters, Wilson Jr., 70, died Oct. proudly with valor in the U.S. Rosa Pittman, 970 Campground hour prior to the service at the home; three sons, Wayne Jack- Mildred W. Bumgardner and 14, 2011 at Hospice House Army during WWII and for Road, Whiteville. church. There will be no view- son, Jerry D. Gore and Jeffery Ann Soloman, both of White- of Union County, after a a number of years following She is survived by one son, ing after the service. W. Gore, all of Whiteville; ville. six year battle with cancer. the war. Marcus A. Wharton of White- Surviving are his wife, An- three sisters, Mary G. Nor- Memorials may be made He enjoyed life and was an The family received friends ville; his mother, Rosa Pittman nie Marie Bell Oliver; six sis- ris of Brunswick, Frances G. to Pleasant Plains Baptist inspiration to many who Saturday, Oct. 15, at Quinn- of Whiteville; two brothers, ters, Morene Archibald and Faulk of Tabor City and Patri- Church. knew him. He never met a McGowen Funeral Home and Cecil Wharton Jr. of Lum- Evelyn Turnage, both of New cia G. Medlen of Whiteville; stranger and was loved by Cremation Center in Burgaw. berton, Terry Lee Wharton York, N.Y., Louvenia Scott and six grandchildren; and three many friends. It was a mir- Following the visitation there of Tennessee; and one sister, Hilda Felder, both of Bronx, great-grandchildren. Costa Rica acle that he lived so long was a graveside memorial Willie Rebecca Peterson of N.Y., Shirley Greene of Wind- with small cell carcinoma. service at Woodcock Cemetery, Bladenboro. sor, Conn., and Annie Gibson MARJORIE HELEN trip ofered He gave the credit to God Beattys Bridge Road, Atkinson of Philadelphia, Pa.; two broth- KENDALL and his great doctors. He with the Rev. Horace Hall of- JAMES MICHAEL WHITE ers, Charles Scott and James BOLTON -- Marjorie Helen next summer always had a positive atti- ficiating. BLADENBORO -- James Mi- Scott, both of New York, N.Y. Kendall died Friday, Oct. 14, Lake Waccamaw Depot Mu- tude. His favorite scripture James is survived by his chael White, 55, died Wednes- Friends may visit the fam- 2011. seum will join with EF Educa- was Micah 6:8. daughter, Janice L. Casey of day, Oct. 12, 2011. He was pre- ily at the home of Kimberly Arrangements will be an- tional Tours for a nine-day trip Special thanks to Dr. Gary Riegelwood; four sons, Terry ceded in death by his father, Bell, 315 West Williamson nounced by Peacock Funeral to Costa Rica June 18-26, 2012. Frenette and Dr. Kenneth Lewis of White Lake, Bobby Donald E. White. Street, Whiteville. Home of Whiteville. Visit such sites as Lake Coggins who have treated James Lewis, Greg Lewis and Final rites were held Sat- Arenal and hot springs, La him since December of Jimmy Lewis, all of Currie; urday, Oct. 15 at First Baptist CHRISTOPHER D. SMALL Fortuna Waterfall, rain for- 2005. Also, thanks to all of one brother, Thomas Lewis; Church of Bladenboro with CONWAY, S.C. -- Christo- El-Bethel to celebrate est canopy tour and Manuel the doctors, nurses and oth- and two sisters, Maedee Shade Rev. Bert Young officiating. pher D. Small, 42, died Mon- 5th year choir anniversary Antonio National Park. Cities er medical staff at CMC and of Winterville and Jessie Lee Burial followed in Pinecrest day, Oct. 17 at Grand Strand The voices of El-Bethel will on the tour include San Jose, Hospice of Union County, Mitchell of Pensacola, Fla.; 10 Cemetery. Bladen-Gaskins Fu- Regional Hospital. celebrate its 5th year choir Monteverde, Carara and Cen- who have helped make the grandchildren; and six great neral Home of Elizabethtown Funeral arrangements are anniversary at 3 p.m. Sunday, tral Pacific Coast and Sarchi. journey easier. grandchildren. handled the arrangements. incomplete and will be an- Oct. 23 at 415 West Walter Cost of the trip is $2,097 Alvin was born Nov. 21, He is survived by his moth- nounced later by Inman Fu- Street. for students (junior high and 1940 in Forsyth, Ga., a son er, Wilma White of the home; neral Home of Tabor City. Elder Robert D. Williams older) and $2,447 for adults, of the late Alvin Otis Wil- one brother, Donald Edward Fair Bluf UMC Fish Sr. is the pastor. which includes round trip son Sr. and Laura Bennett White Jr. of Newnan Ga.; and airfare from Raleigh, full-time Wilson. In addition to his Fry Saturday, Oct. 22 one sister, Amy Hughes of tour director, eight overnight parents, he was preceded in Hampton Va. The Fair Bluff United stays in hotels, comfortable death by his brother, Don GOSPEL SINGS FUNDRAISERS Methodist Church will motor coach and three meals Winston Wilson. hold its annual fish Fry on per day. Alvin worked for various Central Middle School will Saturday, Oct. 22 from 10 a.m.- Black Nativity For information, contact companies in food sales for Randy Ward will be in concert hold a chicken bog plate sale on 2 p.m. Lake Waccamaw Depot Mu- 35 years. He enjoyed league Sunday, Oct. 21 at 11 a.m. at Thursday, Oct. 20 from 11 a.m.-2 Plates are $7 eat in or take coming to seum at 646-1992 or visit EF bowling for many years. He Emanuel Outreach Church in p.m. Plates can be delivered or out. Tickets are being sold for Educational Tours and type in was a member of Philadel- Ash. He will also be at Cedar picked up behind the gym. Call this event. Elizabethtown Kandle Rogers at 770-1581 or tour #1069634 for itinerary and phia Presbyterian Church Creek Baptist Church at 6 p.m. in Nichols, S.C. the school at 642-3546. additional information. in Mint Hill, where he community served as a deacon. He had Mayers to perform at Auditions are being held for been a member of Forest actors, singers, dancers, stage Tabor City getting ready Hill Presbyterian in Char- Baldwin Branch BC manager, costume designers Divorce recovery lotte for eight years and and others for the Black Nativ- Indian Trail Presbyterian Oct. 19 ity production scheduled for seminar planned for the N.C. Yam Festival in Indian Trail for 24 years. Brian McClure Mayers will Dec. 16 and 17. DivorceCare divorce re- Tabor City is gearing up for Yam Festival souvenirs, Taste He served as an elder at In- perform one of the characters Auditions will be held Sat- covery seminar and support the annual N.C. Yam Festival of Tabor tickets and more may dian Trail for two terms, of The Cycle Wednesday, Oct. urday, Oct. 22 at 11 a.m. at group meets at Peace Baptist in October. Yam Festival T- also be purchased online at and served as chairman of 19 at Baldwin Branch Mis- Baldwin Branch Missionary Church, 653 Love Mill Road, shirts, caps and Taste of Tabor www.ncyamfestival.com. the property and grounds sionary Baptist Church, 4047 Baptist Church, 4047 N.C. 242 Whiteville, each Monday from tickets are available at the The Yam Festival parade at Indian Trail and Phila- N.C. 242 Hwy. South in Eliza- Hwy. South in Elizabethtown. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Childcare is library and chamber office, will be held on Saturday, Oct. delphia. bethtown. The production is being di- provided through fifth grade. and the “Tabor City Cooks” 22. Vendor and parade forms A celebration of his life Mayers is the director of rected by Brian Mayers. DivorceCare features na- cookbook is expected to be are available at www.ncyam- will be held at 11 a.m. Mon- the Elizabethtown Community For more information call tionally recognized experts available soon. festival.com, along with more day, Oct. 17 at Philadelphia Production of The Black Nativ- 964-6818. on divorce and recovery top- The Taste of Tabor will be information about Yam Festi- Presbyterian Church in ity scheduled for Dec. 16-17. ics. Seminar sessions include held Thursday, Oct. 20 from 6 val events. Mint Hill with the Revs. Dr. Facing My Anger, Facing My to 9 p.m. at the home of Jason The Tabor City Chamber Charles C. Williamson and Loneliness, Depression, New and Shawn Elliott, 30 Ridge of Commerce is selling tickets Lee Koontz officiating. Visi- Veterans meet Drive, Tabor City. The Holiday for a 15-inch laptop. Tickets Vietnam Veterans of Amer- Relationships, KidCare and tation will be from 6-8 p.m. Band will provide entertain- are $1 or six for $5 and may be ica meet the first Tuesday of Forgiveness. Sunday, Oct. 16 at McEwen REVIVALS each month at 7 p.m. at 1028 S. For more information call ment. Tickets are $25 each and purchased from any chamber Funeral Service, Mint Hill Madison St., Whiteville. Peace Baptist Church, 640- may be purchased from First director, or at the chamber Chapel. Burial will be in 2877, Pastor Chip Hannah. Bank, the Visitors’ Center and office or library, both on 5th Chadbourn Memorial Cem- Smyrna Baptist Church will the library. T-shirts and other Street near the Town Gate. hold revival Wednesday, Nov. etery at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 2-Friday, Nov. 4 at 7 p.m. Dr. 18 with the Rev. Paul Wood- Rondal Jones, former pastor FAMILY REUNIONS all officiating. of Langston Baptist Church in CGBC to hold Fall Harvest Day He is survived by his best Conway, S.C., will be the guest Harvest Day, a tradition a career young adult; Turkey worship service. Also, Sunday friend and wife of 45 years, speaker. Rev. Ray Best is the Shoot; senior adults day trips evening worship services are Janice Brown Wilson. pastor. The Price Family Reunion for Cherry Grove Baptist since the to various locations in the held each Sunday evening at Memorial contributions descendants of John and Susan 1960s, will be held Saturday, B. Price will be held Saturday, surrounding areas and Adult 6 p.m. may be made to Philadel- Nov. 12. A luncheon will begin Oct. 22 at Mt. Olive Freewill Education Classes sponsored The public is invited to at- phia Presbyterian Church at noon with the Harvest Day Baptist Church fellowship build- by Southeastern Community tend all special events. Cherry (Van Fund), 11501 Bain auction following. The auction ing on Old Glade Road. Lunch College. Activities also of- Grove Baptist Church is lo- School Road, Mint Hill, HOMECOMING held every other year brings will be served at noon. All paper not only interested individu- fered are choir and mission cated on Swamp Fox High- N.C. 28227 or Hospice of products, ice and tea will be fur- als from the community, but programs for preschool, chil- way (904), near Tabor City, Union County, 700 W. Roo- Happy Home Baptist Church nished, Bring a covered dish to others who have heard of the dren, youth, young and senior Cerro Gordo, Fair Bluff, North sevelt Boulevard, Monroe, in Nakina will hold its homecom- share with family and friends. For ing on Sunday, Oct. 23 at 11 a.m. adults. G.R.O.W. University Carolina and Green Sea, S.C. N.C. 28110. more information call 646-3419. special event from surround- There will be special music and ing communities and states. Adult Bible Study is held each For more information on any Condolences may be of- a fellowship lunch following the upcoming special or ongoing The 26th annual Cribb Family Church members and mer- Wednesday evening with spe- fered at www.mcewenmint- homecoming service. Richard Reunion will be held Sunday, chants from throughout the cial programs and TeamKids programs or events, call Rev. hillchapel.com. Collins is the pastor. Oct. 30 at the Shrine Club on area contribute an array of in- activities for preschool, chil- Josh Phillips at the church Mill Pond Road in Whiteville from dren and youth. Sunday School office at 649-7910, visit the Smyrna Baptist Church will teresting items to be auctioned, classes for birth through se- church website at www.cher- Zion Hill Missionary hold its 125-year anniversary 11 a.m. until. All descendants of such as baked and preserved rygrovebaptist.org or e-mail and homecoming on Sunday, John Wesley, Anthony (Tony), goods, toys, furniture, cloth- nior adults are held each Sun- BC to hold free Oct. 23 at 10:30 a.m. The guest George Thomas, Isham Green ing, gardening and lawn tools. day morning beginning at any questions or comments to winter giveaway speaker will be Dr. Thomas and Benjamin Franklin Cribb are Also many homemade arts, 10:45 prior to Sunday morning [email protected]. Ward. Lunch will be served after invited to attend. Gather at 11 crafts and needlework, house- Zion Hill Missionary Bap- a.m. with lunch at 1:30 p.m. Each the worship service. The church hold items and many other tist Church, 2000 Zion Hill is located at 4934 Peacock Rd., family should bring food and Rd. in Bolivia, is accepting drinks. Ice and eating utensils items will be available. Door Whiteville. For more information prizes will also be given away. donations of clothing, shoes, call 642-6266. Rev. Ray Best is will be provided. For information This year the funds raised food and etc. The is to benefit a the pastor. call Charles Cribb at 642-7660 or free winter giveaway. For more 640-6115. will be applied toward the information contact Utrillia Whiteville Freewill Baptist churchs new Worship Center/ Bryant at imleaningonjesus@ Church will hold its homecoming The descendants, other rela- Sanctuary with construction tives and friends of the family of atmc.net. on Sunday, Oct. 23 at 10 a.m. presently underway. Visitors Singing will be by Carla and The Henry Ernest and Josie Clewis are invited to the meal and Redemption. The church is locat- Blackman/Blackmon will hold the auction. This years motto ed at 419 East Columbus St. For their family reunion on Sunday, is Food, Fun and Fellowship. more information call 317-2461. Oct. 30 at 12:30 p.m. at Shi- The day begins with commit- loh United Methodist Church, SERVICES Danny Jeffers is the pastor. tee members on site at 9 a.m.to Hallsboro Road South in White- accept items for the auction. Trinity Original Freewill Bap- ville. Those attending are asked New Zion Missionary Baptist tist Church will hold its home- to bring a favorite side dish, a For more information call the Church in Riegelwood will hold coming on Sunday, Nov. 6 at 10 drink and a dessert. A ‘pig-pickin’ church office at 649-7910 or its ushers’ anniversary Sunday, a.m. and special singing at 11 that includes BBQ chicken will Berry and Charmin Strickland          Oct. 23 at 3 p.m. Rev. Gordon a.m. A covered dish lunch will be provided by the hosts. Family at 649-6134.      Griffen and Moores Creek Mis- be held in the fellowship hall fol- members are encouraged to at- Additional fall events      sionary Baptist Church family of lowing the service. The church tend and bring family photos and planned by the church’s vari- Currie will be in charge of the is located at 1049 Hwy. 646 off other memorabilia. For more in- ous departments include Tues-     service. The church is located of Hwy 410 between Tabor City formation call Jim Blackman at day Night Visitation (S.T.E.P.); along Old Lake Road. Rev. Clar-        and Green Sea, S.C. Rev. Larry 646-1567 or Thurman Blackman Fall Festival; Fall events for ence Ganus is the pastor. Greenwood is the pastor. at 425-5610. children, youth and college/ www.mckenziemortuary.net The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 – 9-A McDonald’s Presents Whiteville High School East Columbus High School West Columbus High School South Columbus High School

Robert Jana Austin Aubrie Williams Freeman Davis Gore

Sophomore Robert Williams is the 16-year-old Senior Jana Freeman is the 18-year-old Sophomore Austin Davis is the 15-year- Senior Aubrie Gore is the 17-year-old daugh- son of Robert Williams Sr. He earned frst-place daughter of Harry and Carla Freeman. She is old son of Billy and Mickie Davis. Active ter of Phil and Diane Gore. A marshal, she trophies in Special Olympics for athletics and captain of the varsity cheerleader squad and on the varsity baseball team, he is also a is in the top 5 percent of her class academi- bowling. He is a member of the Dry-Land Ski number one seed on the tennis team. She member of the Future Farmers of Ameri- cally. A North Carolina Scholar, she plays Training Team for special Olympics in Boone. He fnished all of her required math and science ca and the Beta Club. He is also a North volleyball and is a member of the National sings in the men’s gospel group at his church, courses by her junior year. Honors English IV Carolina Scholar and a member of AIG. Honor Society. She said she likes the teach- where he also helps with Bible school. He is a is her only remaining class. She said the best computer assistant for his teacher and a volun- thing about school is sports. “We have great He said he likes sports the best at WCHS. ers best at school. “They are always willing teer assistant for wheelchair-bound students. coaches who push the students to their max.” “It takes all the stress off for a little while to help you.” Clinicals for Allied Health II is Art is his favorite class and he enjoys working Her favorite class was pre-calculus. “Math is and it keeps me out of trouble.” His favor- her favorite class. “We have a lot of fun and with computers and being around friends. He my strongest subject. Miss Chestnutt is a great ite class is algebra. “I have a great teacher we learn a lot. It better prepares me for what said the most interesting thing about him is he teacher.” She said the most interesting thing and it is my favorite subject.” He said the I want to do.” She said the most interesting is nice to everyone. “My daddy is a preacher. about herself is she tries to make everybody’s most interesting thing about himself is he thing about her is her creativity and that she He taught me well.” Basketball with friends is day better by making them laugh. Her favorite is an independent person and easy to get “talks ... a lot.” Her favorite activity is piano. his favorite activity. “I am a pretty good player.” activity is dancing. She plans to go to a four- along with. After high school, he plans to “I have played for 10 years. It’s something I After high school, he said he wants to get a job year college to become a chemical engineer. attend North Carolina State University and love to do and it takes my mind off stressful and “make lots of money. I want to take care of “Once I receive my degree, I want to further earn a degree in engineering. things.” She plan to attend Campbell Univer- my sisters and my family.” my education and become a pharmacist.” sity for pharmacy.

Now with Columbus Students two Whiteville locations to serve you 1408 1110 North Of The Week S. Madison St. JK Powell Blvd. County GOP installs Pvt. Stephens completes basic new chairman Army Pvt. Fredrick O. Ste- By NICOLE CARTRETTE phens has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Staff Writer Sill, Okla. The new face of the Colum- During his nine weeks of bus County Republican party training, the soldier studied just got younger. the Army mission and received Matthew Lovett, 21, of the instruction and training exer- Cherry Grove community has cises in drill and ceremonies, been elected chairman for the Army history and core values. local GOP. Also, Stephens studied tra- “I think I am the young- ditions, military courtesy, mili- est in the U.S. I know I am in tary justice, physical fitness, North Carolina,” the UNC- first aid, rifle marksmanship Pembroke student said. and weapons use. In the second semester of Training was completed his third year at the univer- with map reading and land sity, Lovett is not new to the navigation, foot marches, political scene. In his teens, Matthew Lovett armed and unarmed combat Lovett began organizing Tea and field maneuvers and tac- Party events in Columbus While Lovett’s grandfa- tics. County – something his pre- ther Thomas Elliot shared a Stephens is the son of Bren- decessor, Tristan Patterson, Republican affiliation with da Stephens of Whiteville and former GOP chairman, was his grandson, Lovett is quick is a 2010 graduate of West Co- also known for. to point out his parents are lumbus High School. Patterson resigned and “staunch Democrats.” Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist Lovett said he was the only one “Some teenagers rebel by to throw his name into the hat. getting tattoos and nose rings Carousels at the county fair offer children of all ages magical times, flled with beautiful Lovett said while Columbus but for me it’s that I am a Re- music, colorful lights, and rides on their favorite painted ponies. SHORT County is “overwhelmingly” publican,” Lovett jokes. “I’m BROS. Democrat it is made up of just more conservative on many “conservatives” and his social and economic issues.” RENT-A-CAR goal is to appeal to the increas- The Columbus County GOP Wilmington Shipping’s Chadbourn ing number of independent meets Nov. 1 at 6 p.m. at the voters along with registered CBA Lodge off N.C. 410. “Ev- $ 95 Democrats. eryone is welcome,” Lovett plans part of commissioner agenda 19 DAILY “We are slowly building the said. Lovett can be reached at Hwy. 701, South of Whiteville party up,” Lovett said. “I hope lovettmatthew@rocketmail. Columbus County Com- agenda include setting a (See related story). (Nicole we can have a candidate for com or 840-0107. missioners will be asked workshop date for the pro- Cartrette) 642-4175 every race ran in Columbus to accept a $48,000 building posed land use plan, set- reuse and restoration grant ting a public hearing for County,” Lovett said, adding Nicole Cartrette that he believes “more and at their regularly scheduled text changed to the mobile 910-642-4104 ext. 225 meeting tonight. home park ordinance, set- more people are attracted to [email protected] the Republican Party.” Wilmington Shipping will ting a hearing date for the Meet Our August reonvate the former Eudy’s county’s multi-jurisdiction- Cabinet facility located at al hazard mitigation plan, 5650 Chadbourn Highway consideration of a grant Star Performer DSS for use as one of its facilities. resolution related to the Continued from page 1-A The company will create sheriff’s departments use four new jobs, according to of the Governor’s Highway at the Monday meeting. “We could not say how many com- County Economic Develop- Safety Program, a register of have got to and probably will plaints. ment Director Gary Lanier’s deeds presentation and the call another meeting to see The News Reporter has request. Columbus County Depart- what we have got,” Lewis learned that a DSS worker Other items on the board’s ment of Aging. said. who was terminated for pro- Lewis said Fogle had not fane postings she made on been contacted. Facebook about clients and “The only time we call him her job has filed a complaint County’s cotton crop is when we decide what we with the Office of State Per- are going to do,” Lewis said. sonnel. After a closed session The investigation appears rated good this year last month at the Columbus to be linked to her complaint County Department of Social that suggests her firing was By RAY WYCHE move the seed from the fiber, Services, Fogle was placed on racially motivated. Staff Writer and the fiber is compressed paid administrative leave. Stephens may have the into bales and stored for the Lewis could not say at that responsibility of responding Columbus County’s 5,711- farmer. time how long Fogle would be to that complaint while serv- acre cotton crop is generally The cotton gin operator on leave but indicated it could ing as head of the agency and considered to be a good one, usually keeps the cotton be anywhere from “a week” has the authority to reinstate despite a shortage of rainfall seeds as his pay for the gin- up to “30 days.” the terminated worker but it during the crop’s early grow- ning operation. The seeds are Kenny Hammonds Income Maintenance Ad- is unclear if the county DSS ing stages. later used in livestock feed ministrator Joan Stephens has taken any action on that “It’s not a great crop but I and fertilizer. Wayne E. Bailey Produce Company has been named acting di- complaint. think it’s a good crop,” Exten- rector and was given a pay Fogle said in recent weeks: sion Service Row Crop Agent is pleased to announce that Kenny increase while the investiga- “Let them do what they are Michael Shaw said. Ray Wyche Hammonds was chosen as the Star tion is ongoing going to do. I certainly don’t The market price of cot- 910-642-4104 ext. 229 Performer for August 2011. “We want to free up the think there has been any ton “is a lot better” than it environment,” Lewis said wrongdoing. I’ve simply tried was during the spring, Shaw Thanks for all the hard work you do!! of the board’s decision to in- to make Columbus County added. struct Fogle not to speak with DSS better, not just for the “Compared to last year at Legion Post 137 employees or be at DSS while employees but the clients we this time, the price is up,” to meet Tuesday the investigation is ongoing. serve as well.” Shaw said. Wayne E. Bailey Last month, Lewis did Cotton growers normally American Legion Post 137 confirm that the investiga- Nicole Cartrette do not sell their crops until will meet Tuesday, Oct. 18 at Produce Company tion hinged on complaints 910-642-4104 ext. 225 the spring; soon after pick- 7 p.m. Members are urged to [email protected] made by employees but Lewis ing, the crop is ginned to re- attend. Chadbourn Editorials Te News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 Pre-K funding, incentives and Ask us Q. I would like to raise rabbits for sale as food. Who do I contact so responsibilities I may learn the proper way to raise, care, purchase and breed these ani- Gov. Bev Perdue was in Whiteville mals for the above purposes? last week, and while the loss of Project Soccer was hardly mentioned, economic A. Professionals in any agricul- incentives were, just not the traditional tural undertaking for profit say the incentives that are associated with indus- first step to success is KNOW YOUR trial recruitment. MARKET. First, find a buyer for Perdue told the audience of a major what you are growing. The local business prospect that has Asheville at Cooperative Extension Service the top of its list. The CEO told Perdue can provide you with information that his company will come to Asheville that will answer your above ques- as long as the state doesn’t allow its pub- tions, and can also advise you about lic education system to slip to the levels marketing. At present, it is believed of some Southern states. Being able to no one is raising rabbits commer- hire educated workers was more impor- cially in the county. Phyllis Creech- tant to him than cash up front. Greene, Extension livestock agent Perdue reiterated that a motivated, for Columbus County, can give you educated workforce means everything advice as well as literature on rab- to most The point bit raising. employers, Q. Where do you find birthday and that Gov. Bev Perdue tells annoucements online of The News supporting audience about a warn- Reporter? I thought if it is in the education 0ct. 6 edition, I could find it online. is perhaps ing about slashing the most education funding from A. We post about half of what important a CEO looking to locate is published in The News Reporter economic his company in North Two days ‘til Christmas in the dynamic news areas of investment Whiteville.com. The item you are the state Carolina; then, there’s looking for is on the website, but By JEFFERSON WEAVER special for many reasons other still hunters of my family as can make… the constitutional and in another publication, and not a not to men- Staff Writer than just the meat. well, as the annual competition moral question of cut- If you have never been in the is already on. The only question free one. tion that The News Reporter E-edition is providing a ting More at Four when Robert Ruark said it best when woods on a fall morning, when will be if Johnny gets to shoot a he called this time like Dec. 23 the squirrels argue and the birds deer this year, rather than chauf- an exact copy of the A, B and C sec- sound edu- studies show that it is tions of The News Reporter, and can cation to — close enough to Christmas to gossip, you have my sympathies. feuring hunters to their stands, working. make you lose sleep. There is something satisfying and hauling their harvests back be accessed under the E-editions the state’s tab on any page of Whiteville.com. children is As I write these words, my and atavistic about quietly mak- to be hung and skinned. There mind keeps drifting. There’s the ing your way to a stand, trying to may be food better than a piece A one-year subscription to the the moral and right thing to do. E-edition is only $39, but to suit The Asheville-bound CEO may have spot down on Worth Canal across be silent so of venison sent straight to Sister the big beaver dam — not the re- nothing re- Vicki’s kitchen from the skin- your needs, we have a two-week been wary of North Carolina’s commit- subscription for only $4. ment to education as the result of bad ally big one, the one by the huge alizes that ning rack, but I know there is no gum tree — where a woodswise something greater time than a family gath- For people reseaching older national publicity the state has received articles, all editions of The News this year when the General Assembly cut five-pointer likes to hang out. A w h i c h ered around a table thanking the veritable interstate highway’s doesn’t re- Lord for a good hunt — and teas- Reporter are on microfilm at the More at Four, regarded by many as the Carolyn T. High Memorial Library model pre-K program in the country for worth of does and small bucks ally belong ing those who didn’t see a thing have been going past the funnel, — a man or worse, missed. in Whiteville. Stories are cross- at-risk kids. referenced and can be reproduced. Time magazine writer Kayla Webley if the tracks are any indicator. — is mak- I know there are those who The big fellow is still making the ing his way look forward to the camaraderie Call the library at 642.3116 for reported that for every dollar spent on details. pre-K programs, $30 to $600 is paid back rounds of a half-dozen points i n t o t h e of hunting season more than which are and shall remain name- midst of the hunt itself, but I for one am in terms of increased earnings, crime Q. A reader recently noticed a sur- and welfare reduction, plus other ben- less, lest I give away too much the long- Weaver jealous of my alone time. One information about a buck whose l e a f a n d of my favorite hunts was from charge on his Verizon cellular bill efits. for the Columbus County Telecom More at Four, now known simply as antlers look like the branches of oak cathedral. a rock-strewn roofless camp on a tree. Many of nature’s hunters – of the headwaters of the Cape Fear, Sales Tax, and was curious about the Pre-K program, prepares at-risk the charge. 4-year-olds for kindergarten so they Yes indeed, as I write these which man is one, despite tree- where the ground is rough red won’t fall behind when they arrive. Study words, I’d rather be in the woods hugging, bunny-worshipping clay instead of sand. with a gun, awaiting a candidate protests to the contrary — do On my first trip there I was A. According to Columbus Coun- after study shows that if a kid can’t read ty Tax Administrator Richard Gore, well or do basic math skills by the third for the freezer or the rough-cut their best work at night. The other alone, without even the compan- plank where I keep antlers. predators are usually on their ionship of a dog, and it was a the tax is not levied by the county. grade, they’re essentially doomed to We did some further digging and failure. I am ashamed to admit that I way home, or at least to take a nap, grand adventure for a teenager have largely let the time for muz- as the sun flirts with the horizon just turned deerhunter. The sea- discovered the tax is paid to the After the General Assembly cut More state by cell phone providers, and at Four, Wake County Superior Court zleloading-only shooting slip past and the black of night turns to the son had just opened in that area, me without once taking a flintlock blue-black of a twilit pre-dawn, so deer were not as plentiful as the cost is passed on to consumers. Judge Howard Manning ruled that the It is used to fund emergency state constitution guarantees every child fusil to the field, although by the followed by the yellow promise they are now. There were actu- time you read these words, I hope of a new day. Man, on the other ally some deer worth shooting up communications, primarily the in- the same rights to a sound education. As terface between cellular communi- a result, Perdue has ordered the state to to have strangled the last few min- hand, makes his way to work as in that area back then, too; deer utes from “smokepole” season. A the other carnivores make theirs whose antlers would elicit a front- cations and dispatching equipment, find more money for the Pre-K program, according to the N.C. Department which currently has more than 13,500 young man is eagerly awaiting to the den. page newspaper story here were his chance at a deer with the cub I will never forget one of my worthy of but an admiring nod at of Revenue. children on waiting lists. In Fiscal Year 2009-2010, Co- But the leadership in the General rifle I keep around for just such first solo hunts, when I decided the country store christened, well, purposes, and my beloved Isabelle to trail a bear along a path that Country Store. lumbus County received $58,100 Assembly is ready to fight Perdue’s from this funding source. The tax initiative and has instructed a reluctant has not honored her 18th century meandered back and forth to the Not even a “the” but just Coun- ancestors with a shot in several Black River. Imagine my dismay try Store. They didn’t waste words is separate from the state telecom- Attorney General Roy Cooper to appeal munication sales tax, which goes the case to the North Carolina Supreme years. I have a promise to keep to when I smelled something rotten in the well-named community of my little buddy, and hope I can be and heard the bear snort just a Buckhorn, whether it was over to infrastructure. That sales tax is Court. Manning’s ruling led State GOP similar to the franchise fees paid Senate president pro tem Phil Berger to good to my word. few yards away — after finding a decent rack or an extraneous Since I am rather ritualistic his tracks overlaying my own. article in the name of a store. by cable companies to local govern- incredibly state that, “Judge Manning is ments. clearly determined to create a new mas- about black powder hunting, Even a modern-day Dan’l Boone That trip was my first “real” spur-of-the-moment hunts are far needs to know when he might deer hunt, since previously I sive welfare program from the bench”... Q: I heard there was an elk farm for 4 year-olds. more difficult — and at the same not be the biggest predator in had basically been dropped off time, special. the woods. And yes, you’re darn at the farm of an indulgent fam- near Whiteville. I thought it was ille- Webley’s story cited a 40-year Michi- gal to have wild animals in captivity. gan study that found that children in 1962 Even with the snakes and skee- straight I ran, since bear season ily friend and pointed toward a who attended a pre-K program consis- ters, the period between archery- wasn’t in yet. stretch of woods where I might only and everything-else deer I like my solitary hunts, don’t not kill anyone. Those hunts pro- A: There was, until recently, a lo- tently attained higher levels of educa- cal man who raised elk in captivity tion, had better jobs, higher IQs, and seasons is a time when I can at get me wrong, but I do look for- vided more than their share of least get a taste of what it was like ward to that crisp morning when memories as well, although there under a license. The combination were more likely to own a home and stay of the failing economy and fear of out of jail than those who did not attend when the only thing between the I’ll park the truck at Olyphic weren’t as many deer as there earliest American Weavers and a Hunting Club with my friend Jim should have been. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) pre-K. has crippled the elk meat market. The story went on to interview a Ra- growling belly was 65 grains of Murph. I have related before how Mr. powder and a chunk of lead. After a few handshakes, some Ernest, who drove a 1960-some- Lt. Matt Long of the N.C. Wildlife leigh kindergarten teacher who said she Resources Commission recently can tell within the first hour of the new Although my muzzleloaders coffee and cumshawing, someone thing police car with bullet holes likely will take their turns in the will draw the casts for the day, and in the fender, was leading me to said the farmer will soon be butch- year which kids have had pre-K instruc- ering his last animal, if he has not tion. “When they come in, they know woods this fall, I expect Saturday the ebullience of the hound wait- a “guaranteed” tree stand over a will involve something a little ing in truck boxes and kennels cornfield when I poodled the hunt already done so. how to sit down and put their eyes on the “The gentleman was always in adult who is speaking. They are expect- more modern, if no more effec- will be rewarded with a dropped for both of us. tive. Thankfully, our grocery lar- tailgate and the individual hunt- We turned a corner, the griz- compliance with all state regula- ant. They know something good is about tions regarding captive cervids,” to happen, and they are excited to learn,” der doesn’t depend on my hunting er’s command to seek. skills, but the “modern” hunts are There is fellowship with the Continued on next page Long said. “His animals were never the teacher said. “The others come in fast infected with CWD. For that matter, and furious. They don’t know where to Thumbs down there has been no evidence of CWD start. They are like deer in headlights.” in North Carolina.” Many schools systems, including CWD is sometimes confused Whiteville City and Columbus County, I remember Hazel with epizootic hemorrhagic dis- have still been able to provide some level ease (EHD), commonly called blue When his car was back on the road of pre-k instruction. The Whiteville BY RAY LUNDY Myrtle Beach, we came to a road tongue. The latter disease has been with its side dented and scratched, school board shifted money from other NR Writers Group block and the officer in charge told found in North Carolina, but is no- the trooper said, “Preacher, you programs for pre-k after hearing an emo- Daddy to turn around and go home. where near as dangerous as CWD. need to get back into your car and tional plea from the Whiteville Primary It has been 57 years since Hur- “Arthur, everything is torn all to Whitetail deer, elk and other cer- go home. Come back in a day or principal. ricane Hazel pounded the Carolina pieces. We haven’t even gotten to vids may be kept only with special two and see what you can do. You’re Next year, however, will be the year coast on Oct. 15, 1954. I had just the beach yet. There are too many permits issued by the state. The going to get hurt.” that federal stimulus money runs out, turned 12 and was old enough to houses in the way. It will take us a rules are strict and complex, and The preacher, being the man of and the pain will be inevitable and obvi- remember the terrible devastation. while to get there.” are designed to prevent the spread faith that he was, replied, “Brother, ous. After the storm had passed, They were using bulldozers to of diseases like CWD and EHD. thank you for being concerned for Then it will be solely up to the General I rode with my dad and mom to clear the roads. Power company and Wild, native whitetail deer may be me, but I am not afraid. I have the Assembly to determine how far North Myrtle Beach, and it looked as if maintenance crews were pouring kept only by licensed rehabilita- Lord riding in the car with me.” Carolina’s public education system will an atomic bomb had been dropped in. Construction crews and road tors, and must be released back into The trooper, being the sharp man sink to the level of “other Southern on the area. crews were all around, as well as the wild. Other species, including that he was, shot back, “Preacher, states,” not only in the eyes of CEOs Through Daddy’s friends in the law enforcement and the military. farm-raised whitetail deer, must if you have the Lord riding in your looking to move their companies where National Guard and law enforce- People from everywhere were be kept in strict confinement to car with you, you’d better put him they can find educated workers, but also ment, we were able to see the area, coming to help. In the mix there prevent their release into the wild. in my patrol car. You’re going to for the sakes of at-risk 4-year-olds when but we never got to the beach. was a preacher who had slipped off For more information about kill Him.” the evidence is clear that many will suf- Pieces of houses, blocks from the road and into the ditch. One of states which have reported cases This was the only bit of humor fer a sad fate without early help. the ocean, were in the tops of the big trucks pulled him out, and a of CWD, as well as what to do if I recall coming out of that terrible trees. There was utter devastation highway patrolman was there over- you suspect an animal has either storm so long ago. all around. A mile from downtown seeing the preacher’s rescue effort. disease, go to www.ncwildlife.org.

The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 Christmas Continued from previous page Smart Start ready zled older gentleman and the fresh-faced chubby young’un, to open ELF Center to see a deer silhouetted by the rising sun not 20 yards The Columbus County Part- away. I dropped to one knee nership for Children will soon and cranked off the safety unveil its new Smart Start on my ancient Mauser, but I Early Learning Center (ELF). couldn’t see any antlers. Located at 107 W. Main St., in “It’s a doe!” I hissed, and Whiteville, the ELF, formerly before Mr. Ernest could tell me the Smart Start Resource and Spanish. otherwise, the deer startled, Lending Library, will open for “The Columbus County turned his head to show a rack limited hours during the first Partnership for Children is like a rocking chair, and leapt week of November for invited thrilled to open the Early into the woods, unscathed. Mr. groups from pre-kindergarten Learning Facility,” said Wil- Ernest never took me hunting education programs and early bur Smith, executive director again, for some reason. education advocates. Everyone of the Partnership. “We en- Just as Christmas is a time is invited to the grand opening courage community members for revisiting family, friends celebration on Saturday, Nov. 5 concerned about the health, and favorite memories, the Pecan marshals from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more education, and general wel- start of hunting season is the Parade marshals for the North Carolina Pecan Harvest Festival this year are volun- information, call 642-8226. fare of our young children to same way for me. teers who have been actively involved since its inception 19 years ago. Pictured are, The ELF is undergoing a become familiar with and take The mornings, I hope, will front row: Evelyn Troy, Sara Thompson, Cindy Walker, and Frances Burge. Back transformation that will make advantage of the services of- it a one-of-a-kind resource in fered,” he added. usually be a time of prayer and row: Thomas McLam, Cathy Pierce Lashley, Rhonda Dutton and Bill Thompson. Not solitude, and the evenings a the county. It will be accessible Beginning Nov. 7, the ELF time for exhausted dogs, laugh- pictured are Ginger Littrell, founder of the festival, and Tina Pridgen. The late Gil to early educators in pre-K will operate on the following ter, and stories by firelight of Beresoff is also included in memorandus. The festival committee is honoring these programs and child care facili- schedule: Monday through stores with no name, bears that volunteers for longevity as the city celebrates its bicentennial. The parade is at 10 ties as well as families needing Thursday from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; educational materials and hunt the hunter, and the things a.m. Saturday, Nov. 5. The marshals will also be recognized at the queen’s luncheon Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. we recall during that magical resources for teaching their and on Saturdays from 10 a.m. time that’s just like two days on Friday, Nov. 4 as well. young children in the home. to 1 p.m. before Christmas. A variety of children’s The Columbus County Part- books, videos, prop boxes, nership for Children is part of resource kits, toys and mate- a statewide effort that works Te Expendibles rials on specific topics related with families with children to children will be available ages birth to 5 to ensure that By DEMIR BASTUG depend on to not only keep us men and police officers placed by our teachers, firemen and through a check-out/check-in children are healthy and ready NR Writers Group safe but to help us when in need at risk? After all, we pay our police officers was not the loaner program. Access to a to succeed when they enter and to educate our children. taxes (except Tim Geithner, intent. Whether the federal laminating machine, comb kindergarten. Teachers, firemen and police And of course, when one makes our Treasury secretary) for government should be fund- binder, Ellison Die-Cut ma- To reach the ELF, call 640- officers. Apparently these are reference to anything “for the the services our government ing these services is the topic chine, art supplies, copier and 3663 during the posted hours all people we can do without. I children,” it is implied that provides. Certainly our local for another day. But since it access to online resources may of operation. To learn about make this assumption because they are a paladin wearing the property taxes haven’t seen a does, it is only in the Bizarro be available to ELF members the other activities of the Co- they are the first to be laid off Sword of Righteousness, ready decline. One would think that world of D.C. Comics that at a nominal fee. lumbus County Partnership or fired when the government to smite those opposed. we can all have the essential withholding funding makes ELF staff will offer training for Children, call 642-8226, visit cannot afford their services. A demagogue is a leader services continue. sense. Since they are not doing on all equipment and demon- the office at 109 W. Main St. After all, in our personal lives, who uses false claims and prej- Maybe some don’t think all their jobs, it would make more strate its appropriate use. Con- or the website at www.colum- don’t we all get rid of non-es- udices in order to gain power. those services are essential; sense to withhold the salaries sumer awareness materials bussmartstart.org. Like us on sential expenses when money Demagoguery is the act of after all, if one was retired and of the executive and legislative on subjects such as early care Facebook to keep up with the gets tight? That $5 Starbucks doing it, such as giving a speech had no children in the school branches of our government. and education, health, family special events and other infor- latte may be good but the $1 where you use the implied system, teacher’s salaries may To me, “The Expendables” support and child wellness mation about the Partnership. McDonald’s coffee has the same threat of losing our sense of not be considered “essential.” is a Hollywood movie starring will be available in English caffeine kick and saves you safety if you don’t get your way. And it’s only when your house Sylvester Stallone and Jason money. I heard our President Of course this is a tactic used is on fire or you have been in Statham. A shoot-em-up action recently speaking about his by politicians of every party an accident that the fire depart- movie about has-been merce- latest jobs bill. He said that if and has in fact been around ment becomes “essential” to naries. Let’s stop allowing our New Bladenboro clinic now open since at least the 17th century many people. The cruiser with politicians to use scare tactics it wasn’t passed, teachers, fire- Southeastern Regional Med- Southeastern Health Center in American politics. its lights on in your rear-view to get their way. men and police officers would ical Center has opened new pri- Clarkton, provides care at the It is important that one mirror is not ‘essential’ to the Let’s all be more informed lose their jobs. Is that the truth mary care clinic, Southeastern Bladenboro clinic on Mon- listens not to words of fear but speeder either. and not buy into the dema- or is it a threat. I would say the Medical Clinic Bladenboro. days and Tuesdays. Certified to solutions to the problems Article 1, Section 8 of the goguery. And let’s stop relying latter. Scare tactics are effective The clinic, which opened Mon- Physician Assistant Heather facing our economy presented U.S. Constitution refers to the on federal largesse for short- ways to sway the ill-informed day, October 10, is located at 302 Pait provides care at the clinic with logic and reasoning. Do “general welfare” with this term funding for our long-term masses that make up this great South Main Street. Wednesday through Friday something “or else” are words concept defined in the pre- needs. That is what is essential. country. After all, if it were Family Medicine Spe- each week. of desperation. amble. It is clear that holding Contact Bastug at demir. true, how could anyone be cialist Dr. Susan Aycock, of against it. These are people we Why are our teachers, fire- hostage the services provided [email protected]. (EALTHIER#OLUMBUS Safe Sleep Top 10 Smokers’Risk sleep in the same room as you. If you bring the baby into bed with you to breastfeed, A Clue to Why Smokers’ Babies put him or her back in a separate sleep are at Greater Risk of SIDS area, such as a bassinet, crib, cradle, or a bedside co sleeper (infant bed that attach- Most moms-to-be have heard the SIDS es to an adult bed) when finished. warnings to never smoke during preg- Sudden Infant nancy. Though it may seem like a common-sense rule to follow, many still Death Syndrome Think about using a clean, dry paci- aren’t heeding their doctors’ advice. And fier when placing the infant down to 6 when an expectant mother opts to light sleep,but don’t force the baby to take Here are 10 ways that you and others up, it puts her unborn baby in harm’s SIDS is the sudden and unexplained death it. (If you are breastfeeding your baby, wait of an infant who is younger than 1 year who care for your baby can reduce the way. until your child is 1 month old or is used to old. It’s a frightening prospect because it can risk of SIDS. Babies of smoking moms are more strike without warning, usually in seem- breastfeeding before using a pacifier.) likely to be born prematurely and have ingly healthy babies. Most SIDS deaths are Always place your baby on his or her low birth weight, grow slower, and be associated with sleep (hence the common Do not let your baby overheat during at greater risk of sudden infant death back to sleep, for naps and at night. reference to “crib death”) and infants who die 7 sleep. Dress your baby in light sleep syndrome (SIDS, the sudden and unex- 1 The back sleep position is the safest, of SIDS show no signs of suffering. clothing, and keep the room at a tem- plained death of an infant). and every sleep time counts. While most conditions or diseases usually perature that is comfortable for an adult. When babies are born too soon, their are diagnosed by the presence of specific lungs aren’t as developed as full-term symptoms, most SIDS diagnoses come Place your baby on a firm sleep sur- Avoid products that claim to reduce BABIESBORNTOWEEKSAFTERTHE only after all other possible causes of death face, such as on a safety-approved* 2 the risk of SIDS because most have mother’s last menstrual period, or LMP). have been ruled out through a review of the crib mattress, covered by a fitted 8 infant’s medical history and environment. not been tested for effectiveness or So preemies’ lungs often don’t func- sheet. Never place your baby to sleep on When considering which babies could be safety. tion as well and they’re more likely to most at risk, no risk factor is likely to pillows, quilts, sheepskins, or other soft have breathing problems. Looking at the surfaces. be sufficient to cause a SIDS death. Rather, Do not use home monitors to reduce oxygen levels of premature babies born several risk factors combined may contribute BETWEENTOWEEKSBOTHTHOSE 9 the risk of SIDS. If you have ques- to cause an at-risk infant to die of SIDS. Keep soft objects, toys, and loose of smoking and non-smoking moms), tions about using monitors for other Most deaths due to SIDS occur between 2 bedding out of your baby’s sleep area. researchers found that the infants whose 3 conditions talk to your health care provider. and 4 months of age, and incidence increas- Don’t use pillows, blankets, quilts, mothers smoked during pregnancy had es during cold weather. African-American sheepskins, and pillow-like crib bumpers in a hard time coping when their oxygen infants are twice as likely and Native Ameri- Reduce the chance that flat spots your baby’s sleep area, and keep any other levels dropped — their heart rates rose can infants are about three times more likely will develop on your baby’s head: items away from your baby’s face. 10 and they had pauses in breathing that to die of SIDS than Caucasian infants. More provide “Tummy Time” when your lasted longer and were harder to re- boys than girls fall victim to SIDS. baby is awake and someone is watching; Do not allow smoking around your cover from. This, say the researchers, change the direction that your baby lies may offer insights into why babies born Other potential risk factors include: baby. Don’t smoke before or after the 4 in the crib from one week to the next; and to smoking moms are at greater risk of sSMOKING DRINKING ORDRUGUSEDURING birth of your baby, and don’t let others pregnancy avoid too much time in car seats, carriers, SIDS. smoke around your baby. sPOORPRENATALCARE and bouncers. sPREMATURITYORLOWBIRTH WEIGHT sMOTHERSYOUNGERTHAN Keep your baby’s sleep area close to, Fast Facts About SIDS sTOBACCOSMOKEEXPOSUREFOLLOWINGBIRTH 5 but separate from, where you and oth- s3)$3ISTHELEADINGCAUSEOFDEATHININFANTSBETWEENMONTHANDYEAROFAGE sOVERHEATINGFROMEXCESSIVESLEEPWEARAND ers sleep. Your baby should not sleep s-OST3)$3DEATHSHAPPENWHENBABIESAREBETWEENMONTHSANDMONTHSOFAGE bedding in a bed or on a couch or armchair with s!FRICAN!MERICANBABIESAREMORETHANTIMESASLIKELYTODIEOF3)$3ASWHITEBABIES sSTOMACHSLEEPING adults or other children, but he or she can s!MERICAN)NDIAN!LASKAN.ATIVEBABIESARENEARLYTIMESASLIKELYTODIEOF3)$3ASWHITEBABIES

Brought to you by: The Columbus County Health Department 12-A – The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011

Hunting injuries and fatalities have dropped since North The orange cap worn here by Johnathan Littleton of Carolina began requiring blaze orange clothing for hunt- Delco makes sure other hunters don’t mistake the young ers. The state is now recommending orange hats, caps sportsman for a game animal. Hunting fatalities and ac- or vests for others out enjoying the fall of the year, espe- Ryan Carter shows how an orange cap helps others see cidents have dropped since North Carolina established cially on public lands. you in the woods. its blaze orange rule. Hunters Continued from page 1-A

Columbus County, and wild all times during the hunt. decreased, non-hunter use vest or other marker to their hogs are fair game all year. Archery hunting is permit- of gamelands has grown horse tack before heading Hunters of most species ted on Sundays during bow, in recent years. Equestri- out. are already required by law muzzle loading and conven- ans have made use of the Non-hunting use of game- to wear a garment of blaze tional deer seasons. gamelands in the Green lands has increased to the orange material that is vis- Hunters must wear or- Swamp, Bladen Lakes and point that in planning meet- ible from all sides. ange when pursuing deer, elsewhere for years, and ings hosted by the WRC, The law is considered re- bear, quail, squirrel, grouse, off-road runners, hikers, stakeholders from outdoors sponsible for helping reduce pheasant, wild boar, or rab- geo-cache competitors and groups other than hunting the number of hunting-relat- bit. Even though it isn’t others have increasingly and fishing often participate. ed deaths and injuries in the required for other species, turned to the state-managed Rules vary between game- state since orange became Long said it is still a good gameland areas for access to lands as to permitted uses, required in the 1980s. idea. the outdoors. but there is always a chance “It’s required that all Trappers, predator hunt- Some of those folks have of a hunter running up on a hunters must wear a cap or ers, and waterfowlers are started wearing blaze orange non-hunting gamelands user. hat made of hunter orange not required to wear orange during hunting seasons, to Long encouraged the use material or an outer garment clothing, but many do while lessen the chance of being of the safety color, regard- of hunter orange visible on their way into and out of mistaken for a deer or other less of the outdoors activity. from all sides,” said Lt. Matt the field. wild game. “You are not the only per- Long of the WRC. “It’s the “Many outdoorsmen hunt B i c yc l i s t s p e d a l i n g son in the woods,” he said. law, and it’s a good safety game that requires the use of through the Singletary Lake “Blaze orange stands out practice.” blaze or safety orange,” Long State Park Gameland area against an outdoor back- The state also points out said. “It’s not a big deal—you commonly wear blaze orange ground and studies have that orange is required for probably have something safety vests during the fall proven it increases the vis- bow hunters who take to the you already wear during and winter, when cyclists ibility of the wearer in low- woods during muzzle loading deer season, and most hunt- and hunters both turn out in light conditions. Being seen season, as well as on Sunday ers already have a favorite large numbers to enjoy the means being safer.” hunts. hat.” Johnny Littleton of Delco helps his son Johnathan take wilderness area. Orange must also be worn A quick survey of area re- a steady aim. Horse riders in the Green by an archer heading to and tailers showed blaze orange Swamp also regularly sched- Jefferson Weaver 910-642-4104 ext. 227 from a stand during bow baseball caps are by far the clubs and organizations use As land that is readily ule trail rides around deer [email protected] season. most available and popular a blaze orange cap as a way accessible to the public has seasons and add an orange During the other seasons, article of safety clothing. or promoting their organiza- the garment is required at A number of retailers, tion or business. How do you REALLY know if you have a hearing loss?

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She for their second win in nine is the daughter of Frankie games this season as well as Boone. their first win in Three Rivers West Columbus got a third- Conference play. quarter touchdown on a 32- Junior back Davon Dawson yard pass from Lesane to Daw- scored three touchdowns, and son to make the score 20-0. junior quarterback Harvey The Vikings got fourth- Lesane threw for a touchdown quarter scores on Green’s 20- and ran for another six-pointer yard pass interception return, in the shutout victory. and on a 38-yard sprint to the Senor Ronnie Parker, play- end zone by Dawson. ing his final regular-season It marked the Vikings’ sec- home game, rushed for 120 ond straight win over the Mus- Viking Royalty yards and on 17 carries. tangs in as many seasons. Senior Raven Boone was West Columbus’ only win West Columbus, now 1-2 in crowned 2011 WCHS the conference and 2-7 overall, last season came over the Mus- has conference road games at tang squad. Homecoming Queen dur- St. Pauls and Red Springs re- “I thought our guys played ing Friday night’s halftime maining on its schedule pretty well,” Williamson said. ceremonies. Coach Wayne Williamson’s “The fact that we got a pretty Vikings kept the winless South good win in our homecoming Robeson team out of scoring Ronnie Parker game makes it more special. position. Staff photos by Mark Gilchrist “Our players have put in a another good effort that might South Robeson suffered six lot of hard work since August help us in getting a state play- turnovers, including two that halftime. and they have improved a lot,” off spot.” West Columbus defensive lineman Josh Tart (right) brings came on its first three posses- In the first quarter, Dawson said Williamson, who is now Both Viking wins to date down a South Robeon ball carrier at the line of scrimmage sions. In the fourth quarter, scored on a five-yard run and in the first year of his third have come on their homefield. in Friday night’s Three Rivers 1A-2A Conference football West Columbus’ Travon Green Jamal Eady added the two- tenure as WCHS head football Their other win was a 14-12 game at West Columbus. WCHS claimed a 32-0 Homecom- intercepted a Mustang pass and point conversion run for an coach. decision over Fayetteville ing victory over the Mustangs for its frst conference win returned it for a touchdown. 8-0 lead. “Hopefully we can go to Christian. of the season. West Columbus led 14-0 at In the second quarter, St. Pauls next week and get East Bladen hands South Columbus frst conference loss DAN BISER McKoy scored on the next play. Scott Beasley’s extra-point kick Sports Editor gave the Eagles a 7-0 lead with 5 minutes, 39 seconds left in the South Columbus, East Bladen and South Brunswick first quarter. are now tied for frst place in the Waccamaw 2A-3A VINEGAR HILL - Having to play from behind was a situation South Columbus’ next possession resulted in a safety, getting that the South Columbus Stallions had not had to bother with downed behind their goal line after being backed up deep in their Conference, all with 3-1 league records. in its last four games. own territory. That made the score 9-0. This past Friday night was a much different story. The Stallions got their first score after an Eagle fumble at The visiting East Bladen Eagles grabbed a 16-6 halftime lead the SCHS 26-yard line. Behind a big pass play from McKever and extended that margin to 29-6 before the Stallions fought to Dashaun Stephens, the Stallions drove 74 yards and got the McKever to Tanner Duncan that gave the Stallions the ball at their way back into the game, cutting the deficit to 29-21 with touchdown on a three-yard keeper by McKever. The extra-point the EBHS 10-yard line. Two plays later, Duncan made an over- just under four minutes left to play. attempt failed. the-shoulder grab on an eight-yard pass from McKever in the But East Bladen back A.J. McKoy broke loose for a game- East Bladen scored again with 21.2 seconds left in the first end zone, and Rasheed Williams’ extra-point kick made the score sealing touchdown in the game’s closing moments to seal the half when Burney threw a 29-yard pass to a wide open Tyrell 29-21 with 3:49 left in the game. Waccamaw 2A-3A Conference victory 36-21. Shipman. The scoring drive had been kept alive by a face-mask South Columbus failed to successfully convert an onside It was the first conference loss for Coach Jake Fonvielle’s penalty against the Stallions on third down. Beasley’s extra-point kick attempt, and East Bladen sealed the win four plays later Stallion squad, who are now in a three-way tie for first place kick made the halftime score 16-6. on McKoy’s 32-yard scoring run. with East Bladen and South Brunswick in the league standings, The Eagles added another touchdown early in the third quar- “Give East Bladen credit for the way they played,” Fonvielle each with 3-1 records. ter on a 55-yard pass and run play Burney to McKoy. The Eagle’s said. “They made some big things happen early, and we weren’t South Columbus, coming into the game with a four-game next possession resulted in a 58-yard scoring drive. Murchison unable to come across with some things at some crucial points. winning streak, saw its season record dip to 5-3. East Bladen got the touchdown on a two-yard run by Murchison. Beasley’s The bottom line is that we made too many mistakes ... the kind improved to 6-2. PAT made the score 29-6 with 5:29 left in the third quarter. of mistakes you can’t make against a good football team.” “We made too many mistakes,” Fonvielle said. “We had to It took South Columbus just over a minute to answer with Veteran East Bladen head coach Lenon Fisher said his team play from behind, but I’m pleased with the effort our kids gave a touchdown as it moved 59 yards behind a 23-yard pass from had played probably its best overall game of the season. in the second half. We had our chances.” McKever to Makiel Bell and a 14-yard run Reggie Frink. The “We made a couple of turnovers that could have hurt us, but The East Bladen defense applied a lot of pressure on South touchdown came on a 23-yard pass to a high-leaping Frink in I was pleased with the way we came out and played hard from Columbus quarterback Pharoah McKever during the game, and the end zone with 4:20 left in the third quarter. On a two-point the start,” Fisher said. “This is a huge win for us.” the Stallion offensive attack was diminished when running back conversion play, McKever passed to Bell to cut the lead to 29-13. South Columbus will travel to play archrival Whiteville at 7:30 Rontonio Stanley turned an ankle in the early going. Early in the fourth quarter, the Stallions came up with a huge at Legion Stadium. The Stallions have won 14 of their previous East Bladen went ahead to stay on its second possession of goal line stand, keeping the Eagles out of the end zone after East 19 meetings with the Whiteville squad. the night as it drove 80 yards in just six plays behind a 32-yard Bladen had a first and goal from the four-yard line. East Bladen will play host to the South Brunswick Cougars pass from Daron Burney to Allen Stephens. Antonio Murchison South Columbus took over at the two-yard line and drove 98 on Friday. South Brunswick put its season record at 6-2 Friday followed with a 22-yard run to the Stallion three-yard line and yards in 13 plays. The march was keyed by a 31-yard pass from by outlasting county rival North Brunswick 41-36. Pack romps past W. Bladen ’Dogs blister Gators ST. PAULS - St. Pauls quarterback Jacob Locklear passed for 291 yards and four touchdowns in the Bulldogs’ 40-14 Three Rivers 1A-2A Conference football win over the East to even conference record Columbus Gators Friday night. The win highlighted St. Pauls’ Homecoming evening. DUBLIN - In just one eve- yards. The Wolfpack finished Knights since 2001, including scored from that point with It was the second straight loss for the Gators, who played ning Friday, the Whiteville the night with its third straight. four seconds left. Maggioli’s the game without starting quarterback Ricky Ratliffe and High football team rolled up Senior quarterback Jacob Whiteville took the lead PAT gave the Wolfpack a 29-14 back-up quarterback T.J. Wilson almost half the point total it Long threw touchdown passes with four minutes gone in the halftime lead. Starting running back Dereck Young stepped into the had combined to score in its of 17 and 21 yards to senior game when Long connected Whiteville extended its lead quarterback spot and connected on touchdown passes to first seven games. Zanary Adams and junior with Adams on a tight-end pat- in the third quarter on Ciamil- Ronald Ratliffe and John Mitchell, but both came after After getting a touchdown Matt Morris and had a total tern for 17 yards and a touch- lo’s 24-yard touchdown run and Coach Trey Sasser’s Bulldogs had acquired a four-touch- with four seconds left in the of 61 yards passing. Long also down. Maggioli’s extra-point Smith’s 42-yard scoring sprint. down cushion. first half to extend its lead to scored on a quarterback sneak. kick made the score 7-0. West Bladen cut the Wolf- Along with Locklear’s four touchdown passes, including 29-14, Coach Baxter Morris’ Whiteville got its final score West Bladen answered six pack lead to 43-22 early in the three to Antonio Henderson, the Bulldogs also got a 62-yard Wolfpack dominated second- of the night on a 24-yard burst minutes later when Cromartie fourth quarter on 24-yard pass kickoff return for a touchdown by Jahmal Leonard and a half scoring to land a 63-22 vic- by fullback Patrick Coleman. rambled over from five yards from Robinson to Allen and a 70-yard return of a Gator fumble for another TD by Deonte tory over the host West Bladen A 52-yard kick-off return out and Clint Allen added the two-point conversion run by McMillian. Knights in a Waccamaw 2A-3A by Marvin Parker helped set extra point. Cromartie. After a scoreless first quarter, St. Pauls erupted for 20 Conference game. up the Wolfpack’s key score in With just under seven min- After Whiteville recovered points when Locklear hit Henderson on scoring strikes of It marked one of the larg- the final seconds of the open- utes left in the first half, Long an onside kick attempt by the 68 and four yards, and followed that up with a 40-yard TD est single-point totals in WHS ing half threw his second touchdown Knights, Smith took a hand- throw to Roy Lowder. football history. Kicker Gerardo Maggioli, pass of the game, this time off on the next play and ran 52 St. Pauls opened the scoring in the second half with a 50- In 1986, the Wolfpack drilled brought up from the WHS ju- to Morris for 21 yards. Smith yards for another TD. yard TD pass to Locklear that gave the Bulldogs a 26-0 lead. West Brunswick 62-7, and in nior varsity team, kicked seven made good on a two-point con- A pass interception return East Columbus got its first points on a 25-yard pass from 1989 it thumped Hallsboro 62-0. extra points. version run for a 15-7 lead. to deep in WBHS territory set Young to Ronald Ratiff. Nick McClure ran a two-point con- In 1998, WHS bounced South Coach Pat Byrd’s Knights, Whiteville was in the end up Long’s quarterback sneak version to make the score 26-8 Brunswick 61-12 to avenge a who played on even terms with zone two minutes later on for a touchdown and a 57-22 However, St. Pauls answered quickly with Leonard’s 62- 70-7 loss to the Cougars a year the Wolfpack for much of the Ciamillo’s nine-yard TD run to advantage. yard TD kick return to all but put away the win. earlier. first half, finished with 173 make the score 22-7, but West Coleman’s 24-yard touch- The loss dropped the Gators to 1-2 in the conference and Friday’s result marked the yards rushing and 128 yards Bladen put up a late scoring down run came with 1 minute, 3-5 overall as they suffered their second straight loss. Prior Wolfpack’s second win in three passing. drive that was culminated by 17 seconds left after the Wolf- to their loss at Red Springs on Oct. 14, Coach Toby Kasell’s conference outings and put its The Knights got two of their Robinson’s 21-yard scoring pack had halted the Knights Gators had run off consecutive wins over Whiteville, South- season record at 3-5. touchdowns on passes of 20 pass to Jared Allen. Clint Al- on a fourth-down play. west Onslow and West Columbus. West Bladen suffered its sev- and 17 yards from Blake Rob- len’s PAT kick made the score Whiteville will play host “St. Pauls came out throwing and we have some issues enth straight loss as the Knight inson to Jared Allen. Running 22-14, with 33 seconds left in to South Columbus Friday in in our secondary that need to be addressed,” Kasell said. season record slipped to 1-8 and back Travis Cromartie got the the half its annual Senior Night game “Some recent injuries, especially to our top two quarter- conference record to 0-5. Knights’ first score on a five- The Wolfpack got a big lift and will close out its regular- backs haven’t helped, but that’s no excuse for the way we Whiteville junior running yard run that tied the score at on the ensuing kickoff when season schedule with an away have played our last two games. back Robert Smith rushed for 7-7 in the opening quarter. Parker returned the ball 52 game with South Brunswick “We’re still a young team, and we know we have to get 161 yards, including scoring Wesley Rice led West Bladen yards and deep into Knight on Oct. 28 better,” said Kasell, whose squad will play host to undefeated runs of three, 42 and 56 yards. rushers with 69 yards on 11 territory. West Bladen will close out Fairmont Friday in the annual ECHS Senior Night game. Senior fullback Tony Ciamillo carries. Runs by Long and Ciamillo its schedule Friday when it Fairmont won its ninth straight game Friday with a 40-34 added 101 yards rushing with It was Whiteville’s seventh helped advance the ball deep travels to take on West Bruns- overtime win over Red Springs. scoring runs of nine and 24 win in nine meetings with the to the three-yard line. Smith wick. 2B - The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 Waccamaw Conference Tree Rivers Conference AAW meeting football standings football standings Conf. Season Conf. Season set for Oct. 24 Fairfax W-L W-L PF PA W-L W-L PF PA South Columbus 3-1 5-3 245 147 Fairmont 3-0 9-0 343 132 The Athletic Association South Brunswick 3-1 6-2 252 207 Red Springs 2-1 6-2 292 196 of Whiteville will meet on East Bladen 3-1 6-2 230 165 St. Pauls 2-1 4-4 192 213 Oct. 24 at 7:30 p.m., in the WHS West Brunswick 2-2 3-5 209 245 East Columbus 1-2 3-4 168 170 cafeteria. Whiteville 2-2 3-5 191 256 West Columbus 1-2 2-7 110 189 All members and prospec- North Brunswick 2-3 6-3 298 227 South Robeson 0-3 0-8 50 277 tive members are urged to West Bladen 0-5 1-8 127 357 attend. FRIDAY’S RESULTS FRIDAY’S RESULTS West Columbus 32, South Robeson 0 East Bladen 36, South Columbus 21 St. Pauls 40, East Columbus 14 Whiteville 63, West Bladen 22 Fairmont 40, Red Springs 34 (oft) Hall takes frst South Brunswick 41, North Brunswick 36 West Brunswick - OPEN in football contest THIS FRIDAY’S GAMES Jennifer Hall of Whiteville THIS FRIDAY’S GAMES Fairmont at East Columbus Gold Medalists came out the winner in last South Columbus at Whiteville West Columbus at St. Pauls East Columbus High School tennis players (left to right) week’s J.S. Mann’s Pigskin West Bladen at West Brunswick Red Springs at South Robeson Cheyenne Cox, Natalie Malpass and Jana Freeman Picks Football Contest. South Brunswick at East Bladen Games begin at 7:30 p.m. North Brunswick at Jordan-Matthews emerged with championships in the recent Three Riv- She will receive the $25 cash Games begin at 7:30 p.m. ers Conference 1A Girls Tennis Tournament bracket at prize along with four large piz- St.Pauls. Freeman was the conference singles champion, zas, 20 wings, and two 2-liter drinks from Domino’s Pizza. defeating Lady Gator teammate Stormy Jacobs in the Central defeats fnals, and Cox and Malpass came away with the doubles Pack booters rally Williams 22-6 championship. The Central Middle School S football team stayed unbeaten to win over NBH last Thursday as it defeated LELAND - The Whiteville play. Willimas Township 22-6 in JV football Whiteville, S. Columbus netters High School soccer team ral- Coach Ronnie Todd’s White- a Columbus County League qualify for East Regional play lied for three goals in the final ville team battled its way back game a Tabor City. Whiteville 34 Taylor Smith, Nate Powell, seven minutes of the match to with a goal at the seven-minute West Bladen 12 OCEAN ISLE BEACH - Four Whiteville High School players J.T. White and Reaqwon McAl- pull out a 4-3 Waccamaw 2A- mark and that set up the strong and two from South Columbus gained high finishes in Thurs- lister had solid nights running 3A Conference win over host finish. day’s Waccamaw Conference 2A Girls Tennis Tournament at the football. Heading the Hor- South Columbus 34, North Brunswick last Wednes- Collin Rowland scored two Ocean Isle Sports Complex. nets’ offensive line were Con- East Bladen 24 day night. goals for the Wolfpack while Their conference tournament finishes qualified all six for the nor Grainger, William Jenkins, After a scoreless first half, Tanner Morningstar and Brett East 2A Regional Tournament, which is scheduled for Friday Hunter McPherson, Andrew East Columbus 32 North Brunswick came out Council each scored one. and Saturday at Snow Hill. Powell, Aron Harrelson and St. Pauls 6 strong and in the second half, The win put Whiteville’s In the girls singles finals, Whiteville’ Olivia Butler defeated Garrett Wilson. outscoring the Wolfpack 3-1 conference record at 4-2-2 and teammate Carly High to give the Lady Wolfpack a sweep of the Helping lead the Central over the next 33 minutes of season record at 7-9-2. South Robeson 46 gold and silver medals in that bracket. West Bladen’s Hannah defense were Hunter Cartrette, West Columbus 0 Dowless took the bronze medal. Nydir Carr and J.T. White. In doubles play, the South Columbus duo of Jaclyn Koonce WHS spikers get two wins and Anna Naughton got a silver-medal finish after bowing to West Bladen’s Erica Tanner and Lexi Storms in the champion- ship round. The Whiteville High School volleyball team broke out of its The Whiteville twosome of Maleah Murray and Kianna Wash- recent losing slump by posting back-to-back Waccamaw 2A-3A 701 Bowling ington grabbed bronze medals after topping West Bladen’s Robin Conference victories on Wednesday and Thursday. Coleman and Josie Ludlum in the third-place round. On Wednesday, Coach Cindy Faulk’s Lady Wolfpack topped OCTOBER 12 OCTOBER 12 Coach Pam Merritt’s Whiteville team will open play in the East Bladen 3-1. In the match played at East Bladen, Whiteville Fall Youth League Wednesday Morning Seniors state 2A dual-team tournament Tuesday at 4 p.m. when it plays won by scores of 21-25, 25-10, 26-24 and 25-18. W-L W-L host to the runnerup team from the Carolina 12 Conference. Kayla Inman served up 22 points for Whiteville, followed by Lady Rockers 13-2 Hurricanes 17-3 Sam McCumbee with nine points and Tina White with seven. Maclukie 13-2 Pressing On 12-8 SINGLES BB Boys 8-7 Golden Girls 12-8 First round On Thursday, the Lady Wolfpack closed out its regular-season 2 Sons 8-7 Two Ships 11-9 Olivia Butler (W) def. Nicole Wyatt (WB); Carolina Siarimento (EB) def. home schedule with a 3-0 Senior Night victory over South Co- Lil Reaves 2-8 Wannabees 11-9 Dericka Spivey, (SC); Hannah Dowless (WB) def. Aaliyah Kelly (EB), 6-0, 6-0; lumbus. Mac Attack 9-11 Carly High (W) def. Vanasha Graham (SC), 6-1; 6-0. Whiteville swept the match by scores of 25-19, 25-20 and 25-18. Boys High Rollers 9-11 Second round Inman had 13 service points and Sam Bass had 11, followed by Top scratch games: Luke Insley, Barb & Lilly 9-11 115; Mason Insley, 102; Bradley Butler def. Sarimento, 6-1, 6-1; High def. Dowless, 6-1, 6-0. Jenna Watts with seven and Sam McCumbee and Angel Philips Roby O’s 5-15 Reaves, 91; Blake Barnes, 72. with five each. Top scratch series: Luke Insley, Third round 273; Mason Insley, 253; Bradley Men Dowless def, Sarimento (third place), Reaves, 217, Jameson Reaves, 165. Top scratch games: Mac Mc- Butler def, High, 6-4, 6-3 (championship). Dowell, 170, Richard Threadgill, 162; Girls John Worthington, 148; Bobby Ship- DOUBLES Top scratch games: Lynn Soles, man, 134. First round 106; Kaylee McCullen, 96; Kennedy Top scratch series: Mac McDow- Jaclyn Koonce-Anna Naughton (SC) def. Bereonna Johnson-Tyndall (EB), Reaves, 152; MacKenzie Barnes, 56. ell, 457, Richard Threadgill, 456; John 6-0, 6-0; Robin Coleman-Josie Ludlum (WB) def. Jessica Bowen-Khadijah Top scratch series: Lynn Soles, Worthington, 383; Alton Shaw, 346. David (EB), 6-3, 6-1; Maleah Murray-Kianna Washington (W) def. Abby 296; Kaylee McCullen, 257; Kennedy Leonard-Kendre Taylor (SC), 4-6, 7-5, 6-3; Erica Tanner-Lexi Storms (WB) Lady Wolfpack Reaves, 152. Women def. Margaret High-Madison Hege, 6-1, 6-1. Top scratch games: Augusta takes volley win OCTOBER 13 Burnett, 155; Vivian Lawson, 337; Second round Monday Night Mixed League Geri Reid, 124; Sarah Shipman, 119. Koonce-Naughton def. Coleman-Ludlum, 6-1, 6-0; Tanner-Storms def. W-L Top scratch series: Augusta Murray-Washington, 6-3, 6-2. Beep-Beep 20-5 Burnett, 420; Vivian Lawson, 337; Geri 3 Guys & A Gal 18-7 Reid, 336; Pat Roby, 295. Third round Alley Oops 13-12 Murray-Washington def. Coleman-Ludlum, 6-1, 6-3 (third place). We Think We Can 12-13 Tanner-Storms def, Koonce-Naughton, 6-4, 6-7; 6-4 (championship). Castaways 11-14 SCC League results to be Maybe Baby 9-16 inlcuded in Oct, 20 issue. Just Us 7-18 The Untouchables 7-18

Men Top scratch games:David Dun- can, 223; Bill Skipper, 216; Billy Che- nier, 202; Arvell Duncan, 180. Top scratch series: Bill Skipper, 599; David Duncan, 532; Billy Che- nier, 520; Jimmy Evans, 510.

Women Top scratch games: P a t Ridgeway,190;Sharon Formyduval, 182; Jackie White, 173; Vickie Har- Krystal Hawkins photo relson, 165. Hallsboro Middle School player Derrick Spaulding (right) Top scratch series: Sharon For- sprints to the outside in a Columbus County Middle myduval, 526; Jackie White, 487; Iris School league game against West Columbus. Hallsboro Freeman, 483; Pat Ridgeway, 472.. Open 7 Days A Week won 20-6 on homecoming. October Specials - Prices Good Oct. 1-31, 2011 Central takes win Amp Energy Drink 1.8 Oz. Junior varsity football results 16 Oz. Wise Chips 2/$3 89¢ 32 Oz. L&M Cigarettes Gatorade $ 24 $ 50 Pack League champs Central Middle School won the middle school girls soccer championship for the ffth 3 1 consecutive year, not having lost a game in those fve years. Coach Van Davis led the squad to its undefeated season behind a balanced offensive attack and a solid defense, which allowed only one goal. Team members are, front row: Amber Torelli, Sam’s Pit Stop Riley Lanier, Morgan Britt, Chasity Potter, Bre Tolley, Elizabeth Hensley, Lauren DiMuzio, and Grace Nance. Back row: Chaley Honeycutt, Dellasia Freeman, Eden WHITEVILLE - 2 Locations: 503 Jefferson Street & 1707 South Madison Street BOLTON: 1128 Green Swamp Road • HALLSBORO: 4236 Sam Potts Hwy. Brown, Carmen Inman, Jane Woodard Hawthorne, Ashlin Floyd-manager, Mia Shel- • DELCO: Hwy. 74-76 • LAKE WACCAMAW: Old Hwy. 74, across from post offce ley (co-captain), Ashley Carter, Abigail Owens, Madison Hinson (co-captain), and • CHADBOURN: 101 Strawberry Blvd. Virginia Savage.

The Whiteville Parks and Recreation Department has finished collecting responses for their 2010-2011 Master Plan Survey. Over the next four weeks, recreation staff and a few members from their Advisory Board will be holding public forums to discuss results and take any questions. The schedule for remaining -The News Reporter, Whiteville, North Carolina, Monday, October 17, 2011 The News Reporter Scheduling a community event? TV EVENING VIEWER Check out our 24-hour WUNC-TV - Oct. 17 - 23, 2011 Community Calendar at:Whiteville 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Monday Antiques Rd. Atlantic City, NJ Antiques Rd. Salt Lake, UT Craft In America As Time Goes BBC WN . com Whiteville Tuesday Saving The Bay Frontline Lost In Detention Women, War & Peace Waiting for God Wed. Nature Radioactive Wolves Nova Finding Life Beyond Earth Part 1 & 2 Keeping App. BBC WN Thursday Our State Exploring NC NC Weekend This Amer. Land Saving The Hansen House Outnumbered BBC WN Friday Wash. Week NC Weekend NC People NC Bookwatch PBS Arts Seattle: American Masters Pearl Jam Twenty Saturday As Time Goes Waiting God Keeping App. Are You Being Foyle’s War White Feather Mi-5 Friday Evening October 21, 2011 Sunday Nature Radioactive Wolves Masterpiece Mystery! Case Histories Part Two Eastenders 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 WWAY/ABC Extreme Makeover Extreme Makeover 20/20 Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Monday Evening October 17, 2011 WILM/CBS A Gifted Man CSI: NY Blue Bloods Local Late Show Letterman Late WECT/NBC 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 Office Parks Dateline NBC Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late WSFX/FOX Kitchen Nightmares Fringe Local WWAY/ABC Dancing With Stars Castle Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live Cable Channels WILM/CBS How I Met 2 Broke G Two Men Mike Hawaii Five-0 Local Late Show Letterman Late A&E Jewels Jewels Family Jewels Family Jewels Jewels Jewels WECT/NBC The Sing-Off Prime Suspect Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late DISC Gold Rush: Alaska Gold Rush: Alaska Gold Rush: Alaska Gold Rush: Alaska Gold Rush: Alaska WSFX/FOX Terra Nova House Local DISN Wizards Phineas Jessie Random Vampire Good Luck ANT Farm PrankStar Wizards Phineas Cable Channels ESPN College Football SportsCenter Baseball A&E Family Jewels Family Jewels Jewels Jewels Family Jewels Family Jewels FAM Hocus Pocus Beetlejuice The 700 Club Whose? Whose? DISC American Chopper American Chopper American Guns American Chopper American Guns FOOD Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Crave Diners Diners DISN PrankStar Halloweentown ANT Farm Shake It PrankStar Vampire Wizards Wizards HGTV Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters ESPN Countdown NFL Football SportsCenter HIST American American American American Hairy Bik Hairy Bik Around American American FAM The Lying Game The Lying Game The Lying Game The 700 Club Whose? Whose? NICK SpongeBob Kung Fu '70s Show '70s Show My Wife My Wife Friends Friends Friends Friends FOOD Halloween Sweets Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners SPIKE Gangland Gangland Gangland Gangland King King HGTV House House First First House Hunters House Hunters First First TBS Browns Browns Payne Payne Madea's Family Meet the Browns HIST Pawn Pawn American Pickers Pawn Pawn Hairy Bik Hairy Bik Pawn Pawn TCM She Prehistoric Women The Viking Queen NICK SpongeBob SpongeBob '70s Show '70s Show My Wife My Wife Friends Friends Friends Friends TLC Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Randy Randy Say Yes Say Yes Randy Randy SPIKE Kill Bill Kill Bill: Vol. 2 The Chronicles of Riddick TNT Law & Order Failure to Launch I Love You, Man TBS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Conan Office Office TRAV Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures TCM Horror of Dracula House on Haunted Hill The Tingler House USA NCIS NCIS NCIS CSI: Crime Scene CSI: Crime Scene TLC Lottery Changed Lottery Changed Cake Boss Cake Boss Lottery Changed Lottery Changed WGN 30 Rock 30 Rock How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Sunny TNT Law & Order Law & Order The CSI: NY CSI: NY Premium Channels TRAV Bizarre Foods Bizarre Cook Tour No Reservation No Reservation Bizarre Cook Tour HBO Unstoppable Bored Real Time/Bill Maher Real Time/Bill Maher Hung The Book USA NCIS WWE Monday Night RAW Law & Order: SVU NCIS MAX Back-II The Transporter Strike Back Chemistry Skin-Max Strike Back WGN 30 Rock 30 Rock 30 Rock 30 Rock WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Sunny SHOW All Good Things Nowhere Boy Boxing Premium Channels ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it HBO Real Time/Bill Maher Bored Enlighten Sing Your Song MAX Robin Hood Dinner for Schmucks Sin City Diaries SHOW I Am Number Four Dexter Homeland Dexter Homeland $ ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it 40.00/year Tuesday Evening October 18, 2011 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 Take us for a year. 642-4104 WWAY/ABC Last Man Man Up! Dancing With Stars Body of Proof Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live WILM/CBS NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles Unforgettable Local Late Show Letterman Late WECT/NBC The Biggest Loser Parenthood Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late HOME DELIVERY WSFX/FOX The X Factor Local WHERE Cable Channels A&E Jewels Jewels Family Jewels Family Jewels Jewels Jewels The News Reporter AVAILABLE DISC Auction Auction Auction Auction American Guns Auction Auction American Guns DISN Wizards Halloweentown II: Revenge Random Shake It Wizards Vampire Wizards Wizards ESPN Charismatic World, Poker World, Poker SportsCenter Baseball Saturday Evening October 22, 2011 FAM Unbrkable The Sixth Sense The 700 Club Whose? Whose? 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 FOOD Cupcake Wars Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped WWAY/ABC College Football Local HGTV House First Property Property House Hunters-Esc. House Property Property Property WILM/CBS Two Men Gentleman Hawaii Five-0 48 Hours Mystery Local HIST Sniper: Bulletproof Top Shot Top Shot Sniper: Bulletproof WECT/NBC NICK SpongeBob SpongeBob '70s Show '70s Show My Wife My Wife Friends Friends Friends Friends College Football Local Saturday Night Live WSFX/FOX 2011 Local Hell's Kitchen 30S Local Cable Channels A&E Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Hoggers Hoggers Storage Storage DISC Area 51 Monsters in Alaska Alaska: Most Extreme Monsters in Alaska Alaska: Most Extreme DISN Jessie Jessie ANT Farm ANT Farm PrankStar Phineas ANT Farm ANT Farm Jessie Jessie SPIKE Auction Auction 2011 Auction Auction Scream Awards 2011 ESPN College Football SportsCenter Football Final TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Office Office FAM The Addams Family Addams Family Values Death Becomes Her TCM Bigger Than Life The True Story of Jesse James Wind Across the Everglades FOOD Chopped Chopped Chopped Iron Chef America Chopped TLC Extreme C Extreme C 19 Kids 19 Kids Couple Couple Extreme C Extreme C 19 Kids 19 Kids HGTV Halloween Blk Grt Rooms Novogratz Dina's Pa Donna Dec Hunters Hunters Grt Rooms Novogratz TNT Bones Bones Bones CSI: NY CSI: NY HIST Top Shot Top Shot Top Shot Top Shot Top Shot TRAV America America Mysteries-Museum Off Limits The Dead Files Mysteries-Museum NICK To Be Announced '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Psych Law & Order: SVU WGN 30 Rock 30 Rock How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Sunny Premium Channels HBO Gulliver's Travels Enlighten REAL Sports Gumbel Bored Boardwalk Empire Latino MAX The Saint The Final Destination Inception Skin-Max SHOW The Back-up Plan Dexter Homeland Piranha SPIKE The Fugitive Fighting Fighting ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it TBS Men in Black II Fast & Furious 2 Fast 2 Furious TCM An American in Paris Illegal TLC Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life Dateline: Real Life PREGNANT? DON’T KNOW WHERE TO TURN? WE CAN HELP YOU. TNT The Longest Yard Get Smart Miss C 2 TRAV The Dead Files The Dead Files The Dead Files The Dead Files The Dead Files USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Duplicity WGN Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos Funniest Home Videos 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Sunny CALL 910.642.2677 24 HOURS A DAY Premium Channels HBO The Rite 24/7 Boxing MAX Gladiator Strike Back Wall Street: Money Strike Ba Wednesday Evening October 19, 2011 SHOW Piranha Homeland Homeland Homeland Dexter 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it WWAY/ABC Middle Suburg. Family Happy Revenge Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live WILM/CBS Survivor-Pacific Criminal Minds CSI: Crime Scene Local Late Show Letterman Late WECT/NBC All Night Whitney Harry's Law Law & Order: SVU Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late WSFX/FOX 2011 World Series Local We Repair We Install Cable Channels A&E Storage Storage Storage Storage Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Hoggers Storage Storage Flat Screen TVs & Computers Car Stereos DISC MythBusters MythBusters Penn & Teller MythBusters Penn & Teller DISN Jessie Halloweentown High ANT Farm Shake It Jessie Vampire Wizards Wizards -0$"-3"%*04)"$,%&"-&3t8IJUFT$SPTTJOH1MB[B 8IJUFWJMMFt ESPN E:60 E:60 NFL Live SportsCenter Baseball FAM Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars Pretty Little Liars The 700 Club Whose? Whose? FOOD Halloween Wars Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Sunday Evening October 23, 2011 HGTV House Hunters Income Kitchen Property Brothers Property Brothers Income Kitchen 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 HIST Ancient Aliens Ancient Aliens Brad Meltzer's Dec. Brad Meltzer's Dec. Ancient Aliens WWAY/ABC Once Upon a Time Desperate Housewives Pan Am Local NICK SpongeBob SpongeBob '70s Show '70s Show My Wife My Wife Friends Friends Friends Friends WILM/CBS The Amazing Race The Good Wife CSI: Miami Local SPIKE King King UFC Unleashed BlueMount BlueMount King King WECT/NBC Football NFL Football Local Dateline NBC TBS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Conan Office Office WSFX/FOX 2011 World Series Local TCM The Big Combo Border Incident The Black Book Cable Channels TLC Medium Medium Extreme C Extreme C Extreme C Extreme C Extreme C Extreme C Extreme C Extreme C A&E Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds Criminal Minds TNT The Mentalist The Mentalist Law & Order CSI: NY CSI: NY DISC Gold Rush: Alaska Life on Mike? Storm Chasers Life on Mike? Storm Chasers TRAV Man, Food Man, Food Man v Fd Man v Fd Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man v Fd Man v Fd DISN Good Luck Shake It ANT Farm Jessie Good Luck Good Luck Shake It Shake It Wizards Wizards USA NCIS NCIS Psych NCIS NCIS ESPN SportsCtr Countdown Boxing The Real Rocky SportsCenter SportsCtr WGN 30 Rock 30 Rock How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Sunny FAM Coraline Beetlejuice J. Osteen Ed Young Premium Channels FOOD Challenge Halloween Wars Iron Chef America Sweet Genius Halloween Wars HBO How to Train Your Dragon America Boardwalk Empire Real Time/Bill Maher Enlighten Bored HGTV Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection House Hunters House Hunters Holmes Inspection MAX Ninja Date Night Dinner for Schmucks Chemistry Skin-Max HIST IRT Deadliest Roads IRT Deadliest Roads Around Harvest IRT Deadliest Roads SHOW Homeland Inside the NFL NASCAR Teller Inside the NFL Dexter NICK My Wife My Wife Nick News George '70s Show '70s Show Friends Friends Friends Friends ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it SPIKE King King King King Desperado Turbulence TBS Transformers Transformers TCM College High Sign Go West Frozen Battling Butler Thursday Evening October 20, 2011 TLC Sister Wives Sister Sister Medium Medium Sister Sister Medium Medium 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 TNT Wedding Crashers Wedding Crashers WWAY/ABC Charlie's Angels Grey's Anatomy Private Practice Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live TRAV Making Monsters The Dead Files Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures The Dead Files WILM/CBS Big Bang Rules Person of Interest The Mentalist Local Late Show Letterman Late USA NCIS NCIS NCIS Pirates-Worlds WECT/NBC Community Parks Office Whitney Prime Suspect Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late WGN How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met News/Nine Replay The Unit Monk WSFX/FOX 2011 World Series Local Premium Channels Cable Channels HBO The Rite Boardwalk Empire Hung America Boardwalk Empire Hung America A&E The First 48 The First 48 Border Border The First 48 The First 48 MAX Wall Street: Money Mercury Rising DISC Sons of Guns American Chopper Auction D. Money American Chopper Auction D. Money SHOW Homeland Dexter Homeland Dexter Homeland DISN Good Luck Return to Halloweentown Random Shake It Good Luck Vampire Wizards Wizards ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it ESPN Coll. Football Live College Football SportsCenter FAM The Goonies Hocus Pocus The 700 Club Whose? Whose? FOOD Chopped Chopped Sweet Genius Sweet Genius Chopped HGTV House First House Hunters Selling L Selling House Hunters House Hunters HIST Harvest Swamp People Harvest IRT Deadliest Roads Harvest Now you can NICK SpongeBob SpongeBob '70s Show '70s Show My Wife My Wife Friends Friends Friends Friends SPIKE King King iMPACT Wrestling MANswers The King of Queens TBS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Office Office Check your TCM Mask-Dimitrios The Southerner Colt .45 TLC Hoard-Buried Undercover Boss Sister Wives Undercover Boss Sister Wives TNT Bones Bones Bones CSI: NY CSI: NY TRAV Man, Food Man, Food Truck Stp Truck Stp Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Man, Food Truck Stp Truck Stp local listings at: Whiteville USA Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Burn Notice Law & Order: SVU WGN How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine 30 Rock Scrubs Scrubs Sunny .com Premium Channels Whiteville HBO Harry Potter Bored Hung Taxicab Confessions America Enlighten MAX Black Swan The Blind Side Life on Top SHOW An Unreasonable Man Red Gigolos Old Porn Gigolos Old Porn ©2009 Hometown Content, listings by Zap2it 4B -- The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 š-š®  £-

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Washington at Stanford CONTEST RULES GOODBYE 1. Football games are placed in the ads on this page. Pick the winner of each game (not the scores) and write the team BROWN Hello Hot Lunch! name opposite the advertiser name on the entry blank. The entrant picking the most correct answers each week will be BAG awarded $25 and any other prize specified. 2. Pick a number which you think will be the highest number of points scored by any one team in the games listed and place the number in the space provided on the entry blank. $ 99 This will be used to break ties. 4 Lunch Specials Grand Prize 3. Only one entry per person per week, either in print or online. The contest is open to all except employees of The Monday --- Ribs , cole slaw, baked beans, texas toast Drawing based on Tuesday --- Chicken salad on a bed of lettuce, wafers and fruit News Reporter, VIP pickers and their immediate families. Wednesday --- Baby Lima beans n ham, rice ,cornbread highest overall score. 4. Print entries must be received by The News Reporter by 4 Thursday --- Pork Chop ,rice, stewed tomatoes, bread Friday --- Chicken bog with sausage , vegetable , bread p.m. each Friday. Entries may be mailed to The News Report- Drinks are included with meal! All Entries Are Eligible er, P.O. Box 707, Whiteville, NC 28472. For $100 Drawing. (Print entries will be entered into the online game and winners will be chosen from Waffe International The Best Little Bite In The Whole World all entries) Winners will be Çä£Ê Þ«>ÃÃ]Ê7 ˆÌiۈiÊUÊÈ{ӇÇä{È notified by phone. For full contest rules, go to http://newsreporter.upickem.net 6B - The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011 Sell it, find it...in the Classifieds NOTICES 180 Farm Supplies AUTOMOTIVE 435 Water Front Homes 010 Found 190 Farm Equipment 320 Cars 440 Commercial 020 Lost 200 Computers/Software 330 Trucks 460 Lots 030 Personals 210 Heaters & Firewood 335 Vans & SUVs 470 Land 060 Special Notices 230 Miscellaneous 340 Vehicle Accessories 480 Farms WANTED 240 Produce 350 Travel Trailers 490 Auctions 360 Motorcycles 070 Wanted To Buy EMPLOYMENT RENTALS 365 ATVs SELLIn theYOUR classifeds... HOME 080 Wanted To Rent 250 General Employment 500 Houses SALE ITEMS 255 Drivers & Delivery MARINE 510 Resort Homes 370 Boats 085 Auctions 260 Health/Medical 520 Apartments 375 Jet Skis 090 Lawn Mowers 270 Employment Wanted 530 Manufactured Housing $ 95 100 Pets & Animals 380 Trailers 540 Condominiums 110 Appliances SERVICES 390 Motors 550 Rooms 120 Antiques 275 Financial Services 400 Accessories 570 Commercial Your ad runs29 3 times (twice in the News Reporter, and SAMPLE 130 Yard & Garage Sales 280 Child Care REAL ESTATE 580 Land once in the News Times) and reaches practically all the 140 Clothing 290 Business Opportunities 590 Equipment households in Columbus County. It’s working for others; 2000 Redman Silverlake double- 295 Schools/Institutions SALES 150 Furniture 410 Permanent Homes 600 Farms why not give it a try? wide. 1680 sq. ft. Wind Zone 2. To 160 Musical Items 300 Insurance 420 Manufactured Housing 610 Manufactured be moved. $30,000.00 or best offer. 170 Televisions, Satellites 310 Business Services 430 Resort Homes Housing Lots Serious inquiries 910-840-4107. 315 Farm Services Call 642-4104 Te News Reporter www.whiteville.com CLASSIFIEDS Simple To Pay! Don’t Wait To Call... CORRECTIONS "  Persons should check their adver-  All major credit cards accepted Monday tisement for accuracy the frst time it as well as Visa debit cards. appears in the newspaper so that any  "  Deadline: Friday, 2 pm necessary changes can be made. The 642-4104 newspaper will not be liable for mis- "  #!!!!   Thursday takes in an ad beyond the frst issue. Deadline: Wednesday, 10 am If a mistake is found, please notify  !   WANDA or HANNE at 642-4104.


ESTATE SALE!! - 203 Maple Street - APARTMENT MANAGER needed PT MOBILE HOME - 2000 14x80 sin- Whiteville. Saturday, Oct 15 from 8 a in Lake Waccamaw area. Affordable glewide, new carpet, laminate floor- - 2 p /Sunday, Oct 16 from 10 a 2 p. multi-family housing experience pre- ing. Comes with all appliances, some ferred but will train the right person. Furniture, vintage collectibles, tools, Lowered, furniture, 2 porches. Must be moved. Applicants need the following skills: UNARMED SECURITY OFFICER 2007 YAMAHA YZF 600 R. $200 REWARD - MISSING female kitchen items and MORE!! All MUST TRAINING at Bladen Community Col- 4,000 miles. Very clean. Call 642- $24,000. 910-640-8628 Supervision experience, marketing German Shepherd, answer to the GO!! Caring Transitions Southeast lege (East Arcadia Site.) 16hrs get you 9830. skills, excellent written and verbal SEVEN DRASTICALLY REDUCED name Gypsy. Last seen Wednesday NC. 910-270-1200 Check details at a state certification. Classes start on communication skills, and Microsoft homes left. Won’t last long... Let’s night, Hallsboro area. Gray & white. www.estatesales.net October 25th. Cost is $65.00. Call Word, Excel, and Outlook experience make a deal. Call Richard or Judy for Walks with a limp. If found please call 910-655-5770 for details. 646-4224. preferred. Required to pass a criminal, details. 910-755-3344 or email r241@ and drug background check. Please claytonhomes.com fax resume to 910-892-3727. EOE BED 2 PC, BRAND NEW. Full mat- WE NEED YOUR TRADE-IN home tress sets $99. Queen $109. King paying top $$ for your trade. Free Columbus County’s largest car *** Dee Watts Backhoe $189. Can deliver. Call 910-794-4111. John Donoghue Automo- 3BR, 1 BATH HOME, 1.28 acres. appraisal on your home Call Richard 52 YEAR OLD MALE looking for a DEALER, Service **** Chadbourn City limits, 411 E Institute or Judy. 910-755-3344. r241@clay- lady 40-55 for friendship that may Dealer. tive, is experiencing a new wave of Insured, tree removal, bucket truck, Street. Call 910-754-9587 tonhomes.com develop to more. Call 654-4440. business. Due to recent marketing top soil, fill dirt, marl for driveway, CHERRY/MAHOGANY WOOD efforts. We need someone who wants Sleigh Bed with nightstand, only slept land clearing. Also mowing & yard HOME PLUS 1 ACRE up to 200 to work hard and make a lot of money. work. 640-2463 or mobile 770-0534. on 5 times. Also, a floor model Toshi- We will train the right individual to take acres available. Land O Lakes area. ba big screen tv. Serious inquiries only advantage of this opportunity. Apply 910-499-3506 Bobby Hinson Construction LOT FOR SALE: Williams Township/ call 910-770-1448 in person @ John Donoghue Automo- Lot clearing, pond building, bushhog- We have changed our Minds. Mollie area. Large lot, nice commu- tive on Hwy 130 Whiteville. KIDS WOODEN BUNK beds set with ging, lots and hedge rows with mini Price $70,000, Country Club Estate, nity. Call 642-2872 or 653-3582. excavator. Call 640-7606. steps and drawers & mattress. $400. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION 176 Brown Maultsby Rd (off 701N) Call 640-3428. Whiteville, NC 228472. Brick home, MOBILE HOME w/lot for Sale By !BUYING JUNK CARS, trucks, vans SUPERVISORS AND Carpentry Work 100x200 corner lot, Kitchen with built Owner Union Valley Dr. off Smyrna & tractors. Any condition. Paying top ELECTRICIAN Roofing, painting and wallpaper. No in appliances, large livingroom with Rd, Whiteville. For more information dollar. Will meet or beat any price. The NC Department of Corrections is job too small. Workmanship guaran- dining area, den with fireplace, 3BR, call 910-612-5792 (910) 770-3131. accepting applications for all trades teed. Call 642-4226. including General, Electrical and 2 ba, attic, Sep. utility room, carport, STANDARD WURLITZER PIANO sep. storage building. REDUCED PRICE - LOTS FOR *CATALYTIC CONVERTERS Plumbing Supervisors for a time lim- CHAINSAW SHARPENING with bench. Cherry finish. Excellent Call 843-330-6552 SALE - Timber Cove at North White- We also buy insulated wire, cop- condition. $500 OBO. Buyer respon- ited contractual basis. Must have a 1003 JAMES ST. WHITEVILLE ville. Call 910-770-6029. per, brass, aluminum rims, radia- sible for moving. 770-5863 minimum of 5 years of experience in 910-640-0794 tors, batteries. Call 910-642-3560 heavy multiple construction trades. Positions are located in Tabor CI in LARRY HINSON’S BACKHOE Columbus Co. and Lanesboro CI All types of backhoe work, lot clear- 16 WIDE WIND ZONE II starting at CORBETT TIMBER COMPANY in Anson Co. All positions will be ing, sand, top soil and marl. $29,995.00 Oakwood Homes, Chad- Buyers of land and timber. We buy responsible for the supervision of Call 654-4503. bourn, 910-654-4128 pine saw timber, hardwood saw tim- COASTAL HAY FOR SALE for live- stocks. Call 499-3506 inmate labor. Please mail or fax (919- ber, and pulpwood - 5 acres or great- MARSHA’S CLEAN TEAM - Need 716-3978) application (PD-107) to the 4BR HOME, full sheetrock Energy er. Call days 642-2909. home or business cleaned. Free esti- 3 BR, 2 BATH, upstairs unit, lakefront NC Department of Corrections, Cen- Star only $44 per sq. ft. Call Richard mates. Call 910-212-0957 or 910- with pier OR 2 BR, 1 bath, downstairs 230 Miscellaneous tral Engineering Division, and Attn: or Judy for details. 910-755-3344 or I BUY JUNK CARS - scrap metal. I 207-6273. unit, lakefront with pier. 910-617-5105 pay $170-$600. 100% guaranteed. Donta Walters, 2020 Yonkers Road, email [email protected] or 910-602-3437 COMMERCIAL AIRLESS PAINT Open 7 days a week. 910-385-8585 MSC 4216 Raleigh, NC 27699. To MICHAEL’S CUSTOM PAINTING, SYSTEM (never been used), $250. obtain an application visit the state pressure wash, decks staining/ JACKPOT HOME is here 2 or 3 BR 4 BEDROOM, 2 1/2, 2 car garage. Call Richard 625-8606. TIMBER - WANTED TIMBER. Large website at www.osp.state.nc.us. Or sealed. Ref. 642-5831, 770-1108. $29,777. Must see to believe this Great location. Near hospital. No or small tracts. Please call 910-520- call 919-716-3400. pets. $950 per month + deposit. Call GUNS FOR SALE - Hi Point 45 cali- deal. Ask for Richard or Judy. 910- 4728 day or night. Grading 910-840-1433. ber, automatic pistol, $175. North Rufus Young Construction 755-3344. [email protected] Jackson Hewitt Tax Service & excavation, screened topsoil, sand, WE BUY BATTERIES, OLD BUST- American Arms 22 mag., stainless Tax Preparers Needed 6 BR, 3 BATH house rent to own, 3 stone, land clearing, and tree removal. LARGE SELECTION of singlewide, ED BATTERIES. Even fence wire steel, mini revolver, $175. Call Rich- No Experience Necessary houses, 3 BR & 4 BR Mobile homes Free estimates! 910-770-3332 doublewide, modular homes. Land and much more. Call Kevin at 910- ard 625-8606. Will Train, Part time or Full time for rent. Also Lots: rent to own & land home packages available. We take 625-5560. Bilingual students & lots for sale. Owner financing Call JAZZY POWER CHAIR with charger. care of everything. Oakwood Homes, encouraged to enroll 910-770-2227. $400. Call Richard 625-8606. Chadbourn, 910-654-4128 Whiteville, Chadbourn, Tabor City UNFURNISHED 2 BEDROOM, 1 NEW LOCATION Ray’s used fur- Please call (910) 221-8080 LOT MODEL CLEARANCE sale, BATH HOUSE. Whiteville City lim- niture, Hwy 130 past Brunswick save thousands $$$$ Oakwood its. $475 monthly, $475 deposit. Call Electric, Living, dining & bedrooms, LOOKING FOR Homes, Chadbourn, 910-654-4128 910-641-1925. tables, chairs, curios, etc 840-5356 PART-TIME 100 Pets & Animals PROPERTY MANAGER for Section 8 apartment elderly com- 2004 LINCOLN TOWNCAR Signa- 8 PIT/BOXER mixed puppies for sale, munity in Whiteville. Competitive ture. V8, auto, 78k. $9,900. Fair Bluff Want a Career - Not a Job? Apply Now. 6 wks. old. White heads & brindle. Call wages. Section 8 or tax experience Ford. 910-649-7531 910-770-5527. DOLLAR COLLARDS Guaranteed helpful but not necessary. Strong SALES CONSULTANT POSITION NOW - Fresh from the field. You pick administrative skills and computer 2008 HONDA ACCORD EX-L, 2.4L BEAUTIFUL GRAY CALICO indoor - we cut. Call 918-5353 skills a must. To apply send resume auto, 4dr, leather, 49k, $19,900 Fair ~ Serious Inquiries Only ~ kitty. Very gentle. Lap cat. Was found to: [email protected] Bluff Ford. 910-649-7531 • Commission • Bonus • Health Insurance & needs a really super loving home. GREEN PEANUTS - Washed & ready • Vacation • Discounts For Employees Call 640-1909. to boil. Also sweet potatoes. Ready PHARMACY TECH POSITION avail- 2010 CHEVROLET CAMARO LT 2 dr. now. Call 910-770-1950. able with good hours and competitive 3.6L V6 auto, full power, 34k. $24,800. CHOW CHOW PUPPIES for sale. 3EE"AIRD+INGs.O0HONE#ALLS pay. Please submit name, address Fair Bluff Ford. 649-7531 Parents on premises. Stop paying for NEW CROP - SWEET POTATOES & and resume including education and your burglar alarm! 612-1867. fall peas - Red Ripper and Dixie Lee. work experience. Work experience 2010 CHEVY MALIBU LT, 4 dr, all Call 642-7548 CKC CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES. Par- preferred. Mail to B-1013, News power, chrome. 38k, $15,800. Fair Quality Ford ents on site. Dewormed, 1st shots, RED RIBBON SUGAR CANE. Call Reporter, PO Box 707, Whiteville, Bluff Ford. 910-649-531 Ready to go! 910-234-4684. 910-642-5187 NC 28472. 1242 S. Madison St., Whiteville 2010 FORD FUSION, 4dr, sedan Full Blooded Boxer Pups WE STILL HAVE COLLARD, RUTA- auto, 29k. $18,800. Fair Bluff Ford. for sale! Tails docked & BAGA PLANTS. Call 642-2597. 910-649-7531 dewormed. 910-840-2336 YOU-PICK OR WE-PICK, fall field CNA/SITTER/HOUSEKEEPER with 2010 MERCURY MILAN Premier 4dr, peas now available, Dixie Lee, Top 20 plus years experience. Available 34k, SYNC, alloys. $19,900. Fair Bluff PONY FOR SALE with saddle and Pick and Cox peas. Fowler Farms part-time or full time or on as needed Ford 649-7531 bridle. Very gentle and great with kids. Fresh Produce, 669 Wright Rd., Tabor basis. 910-918-3667. Call 910-640-6794 City, NC. (910) 653-5795. SHIH POO PUPPIES for sale. $250 LAKE POINT ASSISTED LIVING each. Call 910-317-1589, email: Lake Waccamaw, NC 2008 FORD RANGER XLT long bed, [email protected] Openings for 1 owner, 56k, $14,900. Fair Bluff Ford Med Techs & CNA 910-649-7531 Please apply in person Michelle Hurst, Administrator No Phone Call REFRIGERATORS & FREEZERS for sale. Excellent condition. Good price. $$$ WANT TO MAKE extra money. MEDICAL OFFICE LOOKING for an 2009 FORD ESCAPE XLT, 4dr, V6 910-914-1193 cell, 910-648-5718. P/T work with full pay. Call 866-515- experienced CNA II/Medical Assis- auto, moonroof, 49k, $16,500. Fair 3190 leave msg. tant. Send resume to Box B-103 , Bluff Ford, 910-649-7531 INSTRUMENTATION AND @The News Reporter, PO Box 707, 2010 FORD ECONOLINE 350 SD, ELECTRICAL TECH Whiteville, NC 28472. 3dr van, 38k. 15 passenger $22,900. ANTIQUE ITALIAN BLACK walnut Strong background in troubleshoot- Fair Bluff Ford Mercury 649-7531 table & chairs, $550. Antique Oak Bar, ing, calibration and setup of Instru- SERVICES $300. Magic Genie Organ, $100. Call mentation. Bailey and PLC knowledge 2010 FORD EDGE Limited, auto 3.5L Richard 625-8606. and a plus if Medium to High voltage V6, 4 Door SUV, 32k. $26,800. Fair experience is available. Must be able Bluff Ford 910-649-7531 to install rigid conduit and cable tray. Day to day maintenance support and capital project work. Working in MCGEE’S CLEANING SERVICE ARE YOU HAVING A YARD SALE? a Food Grade Chemical Facility. Fax Need your house cleaned. Free REDUCED! 27 ft 2007 COACHMAN List it in the classified section. Place resume to 910-454-1025 or e-mail to Estimates. Satisfaction Guaran- travel trailer with 14ft slide. $9500.00 your own ad at www.whiteville.com [email protected] teed. Call 625-9282 910-654-3363 The News Reporter, Monday,, October 17, 2011 - 7B

OFFICE BUILDING WITH RAMP for WHITEVILLE, COLUMBUS COUNTY, Commissions in the amount of $.45 Page 831, Columbus county Registry, ROBERT W. TERRY; PENNY TERRY- rent, near hospital. Long term lease. NORTH CAROLINA per $100.00 of the purchase price (up the above described property being HUDSON a/k/a PENNY HUDSON; Call 642-4923. ON OCTOBER 27, 2011 to a maximum amount of $500.00), a portion of the property conveyed RURAL HOUSING TRUST, 1987-1, 1 BEDROOM furnished apartment STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT. 12:00 PM required by Section 7A 308(a)(1) of the in said deed. Assignee-Beneficiary (Lienholder); with living room, kitchen, bath. No Fenced in area. Great for boat, car or the real estate and the improve- North Carolina General Statutes. If There is also hereby conveyed an BANKERS TRUST (DELEWARE), Pets. Call 640-3421 or 914-0200. truck storage. Covered shelter and ments thereon encumbered by the the purchaser of the above described easement over and upon that pri- Substitute Trustee (Lienholder); opened areas. Call 770-6029. Deed of Trust, less and except any property is someone other than the vate easement designated as West STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Judg- 1 BR, 1 BATH UPSTAIRS apt. Appli- ances & water incl. $400 Whiteville of such property released from the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust, End Drive, said easement being mentholder (Lienholder), City Limits. 646-1049. lien of the deed of trust prior to the the purchaser shall also pay, to the for the purposes of ingress to and Defendants date of this sale, lying and being in extent applicable, the land transfer egress from subject property to SR NOTICE is hereby given that the 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. No pets. Columbus County, North Carolina, tax in the amount of one percent (1%) 1554. Said easement is non-exclu- COUNTY OF COLUMBUS, as body DEER LEASE. Call after 7 pm. 910- Please call J.L. Powell & Co., Inc. Call and being more particularly described of the purchase price. sive and shall inure to the benefit of politic incorporate of the State of 642-4049. 642-5323 as follows: To the extent this sale involves resi- the Grantees, their heirs, successors North Carolina, is exercising its power Cypress Village Apartments BEING all those certain tracts, par- dential property with less than fifteen and assigns. and authority to assess, levy and col- 197 Orange St., Fair Bluff, N.C. cels, or lots of land situated in the (15) rental units, you are hereby noti- PROPERTY ADDRESS: 88 West End lect taxes against real and personal 1 and 2 bedrooms. City of Whiteville, Whiteville Town- fied of the following: Drive, Whiteville, NC 28742 property located within its boundar- Free laundry room + Community ship, Columbus County, North Caro- a. An order for possession of the The record owner of the real proper- ies in accordance with the laws of room ****24 hour maintenance*** lina, and more particularly described property may be issued pursuant to ty as reflected on the records of the the State of North Carolina and the Rental Assistance Up to 100% Columbus County as follows: Section 45-21.29 of the North Caro- Columbus County Register of Deeds Judgment entered on the 1st day of Seniors 62 years and older October 2011 FIRST TRACT: Being Lots 8 and 9 lina General Statutes in favor of the not more than ten (10) days prior to September, 2011 and is foreclosing 910-649-7971 of the subdivision of J.T. McKenzie purchaser and against the party or the posting of this Notice is Marco on the following land of ROBERT W. Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am-2 pm Landfill Gas property recorded in Plat Book 2, parties in possession by the clerk of Rooks and Starr Rooks. TERRY and PENNY TERRY-HUDSON TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962 Equal Housing Opportunity End-Use Page 3, Columbus County Regis- superior court of the county in which TERMS OF SALE: a/k/a PENNY HUDSON, in order to try; being the same as conveyed by the property is sold; and Should the property be purchased satisfy the properly assessed but Greenhouses and L. Baggett, et al, to Joe D. Sikes by b. Any person who occupies the prop- by a third party, that purchaser must unpaid taxes and/or special assess- Landfill Gas Boiler Deed dated August 28, 1950, record- erty pursuant to a rental agreement pay, in addition to the amount bid, the ments upon certain lands. Pursuant Attention Greenhouse ed in Book 187, Page 451, Columbus entered into or renewed on or after following items: (i) the fee required by to Judgment entered on the 1st day County Registry. October 1, 2007, may, after receiving N.C. Gen. Stat. § 7A-308(a)(1) of For- of September, 2011, William E. Wood Contractors and Being the same property conveyed by the notice of sale, terminate the rent- ty-Five Cents (45¢) per One Hundred has been appointed Commissioner 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent Heating Specialists near down town Whiteville. No pets. Joe D. Sikes and wife to Grey P. Wil- al agreement upon 10 days’ written Dollars ($100) or major fraction there- with the authority to sell the follow- Call 910-234-5973. liamson by Deed of 30 October 1950, notice to the landlord. Upon termina- of of the bid amount up to a maximum ing land at the Courthouse Door, recorded in Book 190, Page 210, tion of a rental agreement, the tenant fee of Five Hundred Dollars ($500), Columbus County Courthouse in the LAKE WACCAMAW 1 house divided The County of Columbus is soliciting proposals for the design and con- Columbus County Registry. is liable for rent due under the rental and (ii) the excise tax on conveyanc- City of Whiteville, Columbus County, into 2 1BR apts. W/D hookup, chair Being the same property described agreement prorated to the effective es required by N.C. Gen. Stat. § 105- North Carolina at 12:00 o’clock noon rail wall paper. No pets. Call 640- struction of a Greenhouse system in a Deed dated 16 June 1951 from date of the termination. 228.28 et seq. of One Dollar ($1) per on the 27th day of October, 2011 and 8646 or 654-6792. to be heated with a methane fueled boiler at the site of the now closed Paul J. Williamson and wife, Grey P. This 27th day of September, 2011. Five Hundred Dollars ($500) or frac- will sell to the highest bidder for cash, MADISON HILL APARTMENTS Columbus County Landfill in White- Williamson to Marvin E. Ellis and wife, POYNER SPRUILL LLP tional part thereof of the bid amount. the following described real estate: 206 S, Madison St., Whiteville, NC ville, NC. The RFP is posted on the Ruth P. Ellis, recorded in Book 191, By: Deborah Sperati Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § Being that certain lot or parcel of One Bedroom Apts. Page 42, Columbus County Registry. Attorneys for Spruillco, Ltd. 45-21.10(b), and the terms of the land in the City of Whiteville, White- "1+%.3"$()(0(&/4,**1+(03 Columbus County website http:// www.columbusco.org and is found on SECOND TRACT: Beginning at the 130 S. Franklin Street Deed of Trust, any successful bidder ville Township, Columbus County, r,,*4 ',1./*"(+0&+"+$& Southwest corner of Lot No. 7 of the P.O. Box 353 may be required to deposit with the North Carolina and more particularly Rental assistance up to 100% the upper left side of the home page. subdivision of J.T. McKenzie proper- Rocky Mount, NC 27802 Substitute Trustee immediately upon described as follows: based on income. For direct download of the RFP use Seniors 62 years and older http://www.columbusco.org/green- ty, recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 3, Telephone: (252) 972-7067 conclusion of the sale a cash deposit Beginning at a stake in the South   houserfp.pdf. Columbus County Registry, and now FCB021-00000144 in the minimum amount of $1,000.00 margin of Clay Street at a point 208 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9 am to 2 pm Proposals are due by 12 PM (Noon) owned by Mrs. Ruby Mae Gunter, Oct. 17, 24, 2011 and not to exceed ten (10%) percent feet West of Franklin Street, and runs &)"3   on Monday October 31, 2011 and said corner being marked by an iron of the amount of the bid. Any suc- Westwardly with Clay Street 57 feet must be submitted as directed in the pin; thence North with the West line Notice of cessful bidder shall be required to to a stake Berryman’s corner; thence RFP. Procedures for asking questions of Lot No. 7, seven feet to an iron pin Substitute tender the full balance purchase price South parallel with Franklin Street 150 and other information are in the RFP. the said line; thence an East course so bid in cash or certified check at feet to a stake; thence East parallel Submissions may be for all or some of about 150 feet to the Southeast cor- Trustee’s the time the Substitute Trustee ten- with Clay Street 57 feet to a stake; NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS the line items listed in the Cost Sum- ner of Lot No. 7 to an iron pin at said ders to him a deed for the property thence North parallel with Frank- for a two bedroom apartment with Foreclosure Sale of mary on page 2 of the RFP. The Coun- corner; thence West 150 feet with the or attempts to tender such deed, and lin Street 150 feet to the beginning, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher and South line of Lot No. 7 to the BEGIN- Real Property should said successful bidder fail to and being Lot # 17 of the resubdivi- washer & dryer hook-up provided. ty reserves the right to delete any item as needed to stay within budget. NING corner. pay the full balance purchase price so sion of the Lewis Place, recorded in No pets. References and deposit The above tract being carved out of bid at that time, he shall remain liable Book of Deed 110, Page 12, records required. Call 910-642-5844 or 910- Funding for this project is through an Lot No. 7 and described in a Deed STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA on his bid as provided for in N.C. Gen. of Columbus County. Reference is 234-1117. EECBG grant from the NC Depart- COUNTY OF COLUMBUS ment of Commerce, administered by dated 1 February 1952 from W. Stat. § 45-21.30(d) and (e). also made to deed recorded in Deed Carl Batten, single, Marvin E. Ellis Under and by virtue of an order of the The property to be offered pursuant Book 167, Page 590, Columbus the NC Energy Office. Address ques- Clerk of Superior Court of Columbus tions to [email protected]. and wife, to Mrs. Ruby Mae Gunt- to this notice of sale is being offered County Registry. er, recorded in Book 193, Page 485, County, North Carolina authorizing for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS Reference is made to the Estate of 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME North Bill Clark Columbus County Registry. foreclosure in SPECIAL PROCEED- IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Substi- Mary Thompson as will appear in the of Hallsboro. No pets. References County Manager Being the same land described in a ING NO. 11 SP 153 entitled “In the tute Trustee nor the holder of the note Office of the Clerk of Superior Court required. Call 910-642-5801 or 910- Submissions may be for All or some of Matter of the Foreclosure of the Deed 640-9435. the line items listed on the preceding Deed dated 24 November 1962 from secured by the Deed of Trust, or both, of Columbus County in File 90-E- Mrs. Ruby Mae Gunter, widow to of Trust from Marco Rooks and wife, being foreclosed, nor the officers, 290. See also the Estate of O’Ferrall 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME, East- page. Columbus County reserves the Starr Rooks” which Deed of Trust was right to delete any items as needed to Marvin E. Ellis and wife, Ruth P. Ellis, attorneys, employees, agents, or Thompson as will appear in File 99-E- over Park. Call J.L. Powell & Co Inc. recorded in Book 195, Page 177, recorded in Book 641, at Page 652 authorized representatives of either 116, in the Office of the Clerk of 642-4049. stay within budget. Columbus County Registry. in the Office of the Register of Deeds the Substitute Trustee or the holder of Superior Court of Columbus County. Oct. 17, 20, 2011 of Columbus County, North Carolina BLADENBORO RENT TO OWN 2008 Being the same property described the note make any warranty relating to See also Book 582, Page 49, Colum- 3BR, 2bath singlewide located in fam- as First Tract and Second Tract in a (the “Deed of Trust”) and the power the title or any physical, environmen- bus County Registry ily friendly community. OPEN HOUSE! Notice of Deed dated 20 May 1983 from Gregg and authority contained in the Deed tal, health, or safety conditions exist- The property to be offered pursuant to Oct. 22, 11-2pm. Located @ 200 Len- Foreclosure Sale Thomas Tarquinio to Ernest D. Prid- of Trust; and after a hearing pursu- ing in, on, at or relating to the property this Notice of Sale is being offered for non Dr. Discounts for fire, police & gen and wife, Thelma S. Pridgen, ant to the provisions of Article 2A of being offered for sale, and any and all sale, transfer and conveyance: “AS teachers. No pets. $485 to $585 per STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA recorded in Book 349, Page 164, Chapter 45 of the General Statutes responsibilities or liabilities arising out IS, WHERE IS”. Neither the Commis- month. 910-316-9058 COUNTY OF COLUMBUS Columbus County Registry. of the State of North Carolina; and of or in any way relating to any such sioner nor the County of Columbus, MOBILE HOME FOR RENT. 14x70 IN THE GENERAL COURT OF For chain of title see Deeds recorded because of default in the payment condition are expressly disclaimed. nor the officers, directors, attorneys, on private lot. References required. JUSTICE in Book 349, Page 892 and Book 376, of the indebtedness secured by the The property is being sold subject to employees, agents or authorized rep- Call 642-5320. SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Page 13, both references Columbus Deed of Trust and failure to carry out all prior liens, unpaid taxes, matters resentatives of either the Commis- BEFORE THE CLERK County Registry. or perform the stipulations and agree- of survey, restrictions, encumbrances, sioner or the County of Columbus 11-SP-134 Being also those same lands descried ments therein contained and pursuant leases and easements of record, and make any representation of warranty IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLO- in a Deed dated 18 November 1987 to the demand of the owner and hold- assessments, if any. relating to the title or any physical, ROOM FOR RENT SURE OF A DEED OF TRUST FROM from Ernest D. Pridgen and wife, er of the indebtedness secured by SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD environmental, health or safety con- Weekly or Monthly Rates. MICHAEL E. PRIDGEN, TO HENRY J Thelma S. Pridgen to Michael Prid- said Deed of Trust, the undersigned, TENANTS: ditions existing in, on, at, or relat- Bedrooms furnished. No Pets. Kurt B. Fryar, Substitute Trustee, will No calls after 9 pm EDMUND, TRUSTEE, DATED JANU- gen, a single person, said instrument If you are a tenant in the property, be ing to the property being offered for ARY 14, 1999 RECORDED IN BOOK being recorded in Book 388, Page 76, expose for sale at public auction to advised that an Order for Possession sale, and any and all responsibilities 910-642-4932 the highest bidder for cash on the Or 770-1140 0579, PAGE 0266, COLUMBUS Columbus County Registry. of the property may be issued in favor or liabilities arising out of or in any COUNTY REGISTRY In the Trustee’s sole discretion, the 27TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2011, AT of the purchaser. Also, if your lease way relating to any such condition Pursuant to an order entered Septem- sale may be delayed for up to one (1) 2:00 P.M. at the Columbus County began or was renewed on or after expressly are disclaimed. ber 27, 2011, in the Superior Court for hour as provided in Section 45-21.23 Courthouse, Columbus County, North October 1, 2007, be advised that you Also, this property is being sold free Columbus County, and the power of of the North Carolina General Stat- Carolina, the real property of Marco may terminate the rental agreement and clear of all taxes, special assess- COMMERCIAL BUILDING for rent sale contained in the captioned deed utes. Rooks and Starr Rooks, described upon ten (10) days written notice to ments, prior liens or encumbranc- Whiteville. 2000 sq. ft., potiential for as follows: 5000 sq. ft. Call 910-642-2276 of trust (“Deed of Trust”), the under- The record owners of the real prop- the landlord. You may be liable for rent es of record against said property signed Substitute Trustee will offer erty not more than ten days prior to SCHEDULE A ATTACHMENT- due under the agreement prorated to except as may exist under Federal FOR RENT Downtown Commercial for sale at auction, to the highest bid- the date hereof are Michael E. Pridgen MARCO M. ROOKS AND WIFE, the effective date of the termination. Law, if any. Building. Spacious parking. Call J.L. der for cash, and Spouse of Michael E. Pridgen. STARR BALDWIN ROOKS- COUN- This sale will be held open ten (10) A cash deposit of 20% of the pur- Powell & Co., Inc. (910) 642-4049. AT THE COURTHOUSE DOOR IN A five percent cash deposit, or a TRYWIDE HOMES LOANS, INC. days for upset bids as required by law. chase price, or $750 whichever is cash deposit of $750.00, whichever Being all of that 1.08 acre tract of This the 22 day of September, 2011. greater, will be required at the time of is greater, will be required of the last land, more or less, total, (0.94 acre, Kurt B. Fryar, the sale with the balance remaining and highest bidder. The balance of more or less, exclusive of right-of- Substitute Trustee, due to be paid in full by cash or cer- the bid purchase price shall be due in way), the same being shown on 106 Water Street, Suite 110 tified funds at the Office of the Com- Beautiful Light Inn that survey entitled “SURVEY FOR full in cash or certified funds at a clos- Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 missioner within three (3) days after ing to take place within thirty (30) days MARCO M. ROOKS AND WIFE, Telephone: (910)763-8350 the entry of the Judgment of Confir- NOW OPEN! of the date of sale. The undersigned STARR BALDWIN ROOKS”, dated October 17, 24, 2011 mation by the Clerk of Court. Substitute Trustee shall convey title February 1, 2001 by Soles & Walker, Hearing before the Honorable William 150 Beautiful Lane to the property by nonwarranty deed. P.A., P.L.S., a copy of said plat hav- Fairley, District Court Judge presid- ing been attached hereto and incor- Notice of Tax Whiteville, NC 28472 This sale will be made subject to all ing for the Thirteenth Judicial District prior liens of record, if any, and to all porated herein by reference. The Foreclosure Sale was held in connection with this fore- 910-642-2588 unpaid (ad valorem) taxes and special above described tract of land being closure on the 1st day of September, assessments, if any, which became a combined description of Lots 7 & 9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 2011 at which time the Honorable Ofce Hours: of West End Estates, the same being COUNTY OF COLUMBUS Tues - Turs 8:30 am - 5 pm a lien subsequent to the recordation William Fairley, authorized this fore- of the Deed of Trust. This sale will shown on that survey for West End IN THE GENERAL COURT OF closure sale as required by statute. be further subject to the right, if any, Estates, dated March 22, 2000 by JUSTICE This the 4th day of October, 2011. NEW Beautiful 1 bedroom apartments for Seniors of the of America to Soles & Walker, P.A., R.L.S., recorded DISTRICT COURT DIVISION WILLIAM E WOOD ages 62 & older. Rent is based on income. Central redeem the above-described prop- in Plat Book 67, Page 59, Columbus FILE NO.: 11 CV 638 COMMISSIONER County Registry. Reference is made COUNTY OF COLUMBUS and Heat/AC, Appliances, Carpet, Electric and Water erty for a period of 120 days follow- 100 COURTHOUSE SQUARE ing the date when the final upset bid to said plats for a more complete and CITY OF WHITEVILLE, WHITEVILLE, NC 28472 Included in Rent. period has run. accurate description of the premises Plaintiffs TELEPHONE: (910)-642-3965 described herein. Reference is also vs Located of of W. Hay St. The purchaser of the property STATE BAR NO.: 5901 described above shall pay the Clerk’s made to deed recorded in Book 538, October 10 & 17, 2011. Petition for LANDMARK KENT PLACE THOMPSON Termination of ESTATES APARTMENTS ESTATES Parental Rights Covey Run APARTMENTS State of North Carolina APARTMENTS Now accepting 103 Jones Place County of Cleveland 621 Nolan Ave. applications for Whiteville, NC In the General Court of Justice Whiteville, NC 28472 1 and 2 bedroom Now accepting applica- District Court Division File No. 11-JT-000112 Apartments units with rental tions. 1 bedroom units, Elderly Households In the Matter of Bryson Jamaud Jolly (62 or older, or assistance available. handicap accessible units A Petition for Termination of Parental 1 and 2 Bedroom Units Total electric with available. Total electric Rights has been filed and is pending Persons with Disabilities) in the aforementioned court. range and refrigerator with range & refrigerator 1 Bedroom Apartments furnished. Head of house- Notice is directed to Amos Dale Mur- Reduced rent furnished. phy, father of a male juvenile born Units for Persons with hold must be 62 or older. on or about January 17th, 2001 in (910) 640-1656 Disabilities Available A limited number of Rent based on income. Cleveland County, North Carolina. handicap units Office Hours Respondent is hereby directed to 117 Covey Run Lane Rental Assistance Available Tuesday & Thursday answer the petition within thirty days when available. 8:30 am - 5:00 pm after, October 24th, exclusive of such Whiteville Please Call date. Respondent’s parental rights to Office Hours: 1-910-641-0450 640-3315 the juvenile will be terminated upon Mon-Fri 8-1 failure to answer the petition within HHMOVE IN SPECIALSHH This Institution is an Equal the time prescribed. Visit our website at Opportunity Provider and Employer. Phone: 642-8891 The McIntyre Law Firm, PLLC 221-4 South Lafayette Street www.norcomanagement.com EQUAL HOUSING Shelby, NC 28150 OPPORTUNITY Dynamic Property Management October 10, 17, 24, 2011 8B - The News Reporter, Monday, October 17, 2011

licensed and unlicensed contractors ing to the property being offered for sico, E!, Encore(East), Encore(West), subscription to Playboy. Playboy On Cooking Channel HD Channel 1353, Notice of Tax may submit bids (however, if an indi- sale, and any and all responsibilities Encore HD, Encore Action, Encore Demand Channel 782 will be available DIY HD Channel 1356, FEARnet HD vidual unit bid is greater than $30,000, Foreclosure Sale or liabilities arising out of or in any Love, Encore Mystery, Encore Drama, with a monthly subscription to Play- Channel 1644, Playboy On Demand the bidder must be licensed as a NC way relating to any such condition Encore Westerns, Encore Wam, Erotic boy. Penthouse and Penthouse On Channel 782, Penthouse Channels General Contractor). Contracts will STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA expressly are disclaimed. Networks, FUSE, FUSE HD, The Golf Demand channels 783 and 784 will 783 and 784, Penthouse On Demand be awarded based on a competitive COUNTY OF COLUMBUS Also, this property is being sold free Channel, The Golf Channel HD, NHL be available with a monthly subscrip- Channel 784, TEN, TEN On Demand bidding process. IN THE GENERAL COURT OF and clear of all taxes, special assess- Network, NHL Network HD, NHL Cen- tion to Penthouse. TEN and TEN On Channels 785 and 786, REAL and Bid packages may be obtained by JUSTICE ments, prior liens or encumbranc- ter Ice, RetroPlex, Sprout, Starz(East), Demand channels 785 and 786 will be REAL On Demand Channels 787 calling Holland Consulting Plan- DISTRICT COURT DIVISION es of record against said property Starz Cinema, Starz HD, Starz Kids & available with a monthly subscription and 788, Here TV On Demand Chan- ners, Inc., at (910) 392-0060. There FILE NO.: 11 CV 633 except as may exist under Federal Family, Starz Kids & Family HD, Starz to TEN. REAL and REAL On Demand nel 796. is no charge for receiving bid pack- COUNTY OF COLUMBUS Law, if any. In Black, Starz Edge, Starz Edge HD, channels 787 and 788 will be available October 17, 2011 Plaintiff A cash deposit of 20% of the pur- Starz Comedy, Starz Comedy HD, with a monthly subscription to REAL. ages. Bids will be opened and read vs chase price, or $750 whichever is Starz On Demand, Style, truTV, truTV On or about December 1st, the fol- Bids Wanted promptly at 2:00 PM, Friday, Octo- DAVID DUNCAN; JANICE DUNCAN; greater, will be required at the time of HD, Youtoo, Zee TV. lowing addition is planned as a Pre- ber 28, 2011, in the Whiteville City CITIFINANCIAL SERVICES, INC., the sale with the balance remaining In addition, from time to time we make mium On Demand Channel: Here TV Housing Repair Hall Council Chambers, 317 South Beneficiary (Lienholder); GRADY I. due to be paid in full by cash or cer- certain changes in the services that On Demand Channel 796. Contractors Madison Street, Whiteville, NC 28472. INGLE or ELIZABETH B. ELLIS, Sub- tified funds at the Office of the Com- we offer in order to better serve our The new services listed below can- The City of Whiteville is an equal stitute-Trustee (Lienholder); UNITED missioner within three (3) days after customers. The following changes not be accessed on CableCARD- The City of Whiteville is seeking opportunity employer/service pro- STATES OF AMERICA, Department of the entry of the Judgment of Confir- are planned: equipped Unidirectional Digital Cable general contractors for the rehabili- vider and encourages participation by the Treasury, Judgmentholder (Lien- mation by the Clerk of Court. On or about November 3rd, Pre- Products purchased at retail without tation of homes funded under the historically underutilized businesses, holder), Hearing before the Honorable William School Kids On Demand Channel additional, two-way capable equip- city’s FY2009 Community Develop- including small, minority, and female- Defendants Fairley, District Court Judge presid- 231 and 1051 will no longer be avail- ment: The Weather Channel HD ment Block Grant Community Revi- owned businesses. NOTICE is hereby given that the ing for the Thirteenth Judicial District able as a standalone channel and its Channel 1418, G4 HD Channel 1311, talization (CDBG-CR) Program. Both October 17, 2011 COUNTY OF COLUMBUS, as body was held in connection with this fore- programming will move to Kids On politic incorporate of the State of closure on the 1st day of September, Demand Channels 230 and 1057. North Carolina, is exercising its power 2011 at which time the Honorable Cutting Edge On Demand Channel and authority to assess, levy and col- William Fairley, authorized this fore- 341 and 1046 will no longer be avail- lect taxes against real and personal closure sale as required by statute. able as a standalone channel and OCTOBER IS . . . property located within its boundar- This the 4th day of October, 2011. its programming will move to Enter- ies in accordance with the laws of WILLIAM E WOOD tainment On Demand Channels 340 the State of North Carolina and the COMMISSIONER and 1050. Judgment entered on the 1st day of 100 COURTHOUSE SQUARE On or about November 3rd, Big Ten September, 2011 and is foreclosing WHITEVILLE, NC 28472 Network On Demand Channels 549, on the following land of DAVID DUN- TELEPHONE: (910)-642-3965 1073 and 1549 will be rebranded as CAN and JANICE DUNCAN, in order STATE BAR NO.: 5901 Sports Pass On Demand. to satisfy the properly assessed but October 10 & 17, 2011 On or about November 3rd, Nature & unpaid taxes and/or special assess- Knowledge On Demand Channel 425 ments upon certain lands. Pursuant NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND will move to Channel 276. to Judgment entered on the 1st day DEBTORS OF GEORGE REAVES On or about November 3rd, the fol- of September, 2011, William E. Wood DECEASED lowing addition is planned for Basic has been appointed Commissioner STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Cable: The Weather Channel HD with the authority to sell the following IN THE GENERAL COURT OF Channel 1418. land at the Courthouse Door, Colum- JUSTICE On or about November 3rd, the fol- bus County Courthouse in the City of COUNTY OF COLUMBUS lowing additions are planned for the Whiteville, Columbus County, North SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Digital Tier: G4 HD Channel 1311, Carolina at 12:15 o’clock p.m. on the BEFORE THE CLERK Cooking Channel HD Channel 1353, 27th day of October, 2011 and will sell 07 E-352 DIY HD Channel 1356. to the highest bidder for cash, the fol- The undersigned having qualified as On or about November 3rd, the fol- lowing described real estate: Administratrix of the Estate of George lowing additions are planned for Being that certain lot or parcel of Reaves, deceased, late of Columbus Movie Pass: FEARnet HD Chan- land situated in Whiteville Township, County, this is to notify all persons, nel 1644, FEARnet HD On Demand Columbus County, North Carolina firms and corporations having claims programming added to Movie Pass Who couldn’t use a little pampering to and more particularly described as against said Estate to exhibit them to On Demand Channels 650, 1026, ease the stress that life brings? follows: Donna LeSane, Administratrix, Post and 1650. Lot # 9 on a plat entitled “Survey of Office Box 219, Chadbourn, North On or about November 3rd, NHL Cen- Beauty Salon Month is a great time a Subdivision for Doug Rooks and Carolina 28431 on or before the 10th ter Ice/MLB duplicated Jerome Rooks”, dated April 6, 1990, day of January, 2012 or barred from channels 569 and 1569 will move to for a makeover. prepared by Shelley Surveying Com- their recovery. All persons indebted channel 1555 and duplicated chan- pany, which plat is recorded in Plat to said Estate are asked to please nels 570 and 1570 will move to chan- Let potential customers know what Book 51, Page 7, Columbus Coun- make immediate payment to: Donna nel 1556. Also on this date, NBA ty Registry, and incorporated herein LeSane, Administratrix. League Pass duplicated channels 581 your salon, spa, shop or supply store for particularity of description, said Donna LeSane and 1581 will move to channel 1571. lot consisting of 0.36 acres, more or Post Office Box 219 On or about November 17th, Discov- has to offer with an ad celebrating less, according to the foregoing sur- Chadbourn, NC 28431 ery Fit & Health will move from chan- your special month. vey, together with the right to use William L. Davis, III nel 521 to channel 523. that street designated as “Private Attorney at Law On or about November 30th, the fol- Street B”, as shown and delineated Post Office Box 1363 lowing channel changes will occur in on the foregoing plat, for the pur- Lumberton, NC 28359 all Wilmington area channel lineups: Your ad can be included on pose of ingress to and egress from Telephone: (910) 738-7776 TBN will move from channel 74 to the aforesaid lot. Fax: (910) 671-9039 channel 43 and INSP will move from Being the same property as described Email: [email protected] channel 75 to channel 53. our Full Color Page in the Deed from Frances D. Walker to October, 3, 10, 17, 24, 2011. On or about December 1st, the fol- Jerome A. Rooks and wife, Barbara lowing channel changes are planned: for only C. Rooks, dated November 2, 1989, Time Warner Cable Adult On Demand will move from and recorded in Deed Book 405, Page channel 792 to channel 775. TEN will 812, Columbus County Registry. See Time Warner Cable’s agreements with move from channel 785 to channel $ also Book 633, Page 59 Columbus programmers and broadcasters to 789. SexSee will move from channel County Registry. carry their services and stations rou- 786 to channel 790. Penthouse will 69.00 The property to be offered pursuant to tinely expire from time to time. We move from channel 787 to channel this Notice of Sale is being offered for are usually able to obtain renewals or 791. Vavoom will move from channel sale, transfer and conveyance: “AS extensions of such agreements, but in 788 to channel 792. Outrageous On IS, WHERE IS”. Neither the Commis- order to comply with applicable regu- Demand will move from channel 798 Call The News Reporter’s sioner nor the County of Columbus, lations, we must inform you when an to channel 799. Playboy will no lon- nor the officers, directors, attorneys, agreement is about to expire. The fol- ger be offered as a pay-per-view ser- Advertising Department employees, agents or authorized rep- lowing agreements are due to expire vice on channels 780. Instead, Play- resentatives of either the Commis- soon, and we may be required to boy will be offered as a monthly pre- at 642-4104 sioner or the County of Columbus cease carriage of one or more of these mium subscription on channel 780. today! make any representation of warranty services/stations in the near future. Playboy en Espanol will no longer relating to the title or any physical, Service: BBC America, BBC America be offered as a pay-per-view service environmental, health or safety con- HD, BBC America On Demand, Ban- on channel 781. Instead, Playboy en Deadline to be included is October 20th. ditions existing in, on, at, or relat- damax, De Pelicula, De Pelicula Clas- Espanol will available with a monthly

To have your business THE included, call us at 642-4104, ext. 236, 237, 238 or 239 BusinessCONNECTION B O BLADEN COUNTY Rouse Counseling N D & Consulting Service E State Licensed Mental Health Facility D LOCK & KEY Rickie G. Rouse, CSAC, ICADC, CCJP Certified Criminal Justice Addiction Professional Joe Higgs Certified Substance Abuse Counselor % Financing Certifed Internationally Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor Locksmith Pre and Post-trial DWI assessments • DWI evaluations • Individual Substance Available abuse counseling • Short and long term out-patient substance abuse treatment 0 NCLLB# 1103 • Adolescent out-patient treatment • Alcohol/Drug Education Traffic School Jacobe Higgs Provider for the Criminal Justice Partnership Program (CJPP) CHIP KEYS 805 N. Franklin St., Rm 7 For Appointments Phone: 910-642-9008 862-5915 For Domestics Call & Asian Vehicles Post Office 732 Fax: 910-642-9901 Walk-ins Welcome AUTOMOTIVE-RESIDENTIAL-COMMERCIAL Whiteville Cell: 641-2288 Pregnant? Your Ad Could Be FEATURES: Starting at tReliable dual hydrostatic drive We can help you! system Free Pregnancy Testing & Counseling t4QFFEVQUPNQI $ Here For Only LœÀ̈œ˜ÊÌiÀ˜>̈ÛiÃÊUÊ >ÌiÀ˜ˆÌÞÊ œÌ ià t&SHPOPNJDBMMZEFTJHOFE 5995 DPOUSPMQBOFM >À˜Ê7 ˆiÊ9œÕÊi>À˜Ê,iÜ>À`ÃÊ*Àœ}À>“ t5XJOHBMMPOGVFMUBOLTXJUI $28 Per Week! (Earn a Car Seat ~ Crib ~ Supplies) FYUSBMBSHFöMMFSOFDL A Woman’s Choices (Minimum of 13 Weeks) PREGNANCY CARE CENTER ££ÈÊ*Ài“ˆiÀiÊ*>â>]Ê7 ˆÌiۈiÊUÊÜÜÜ°>ܜ“>˜ÃV œˆViðVœ“ SINGLETARY SMALL ENGINES, INC. 24 Hour Helpline: 910.642.2677 9511 James B White Hwy S (701) t 642-3278