MJCBYOctober 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 NEWSVOLUME 112 Number 2


“Who is like You, G-d, who removes iniquity and overlooks transgression of the remainder of His inheritance. He doesn’t remain angry forever because he desires kindness. He will return and He will be merciful to us, and He will conquer our iniquities, and He will cast them into the depths of the seas.”

Inside High Holy Day News 6 SY News 13

Schedule of Services 2 Men’s Club 8 Quick Look Guide 14

From the Rabbi 3 LIFT Dedication 9 Sisterhood News 16

Meet the Presidents 4 Life Long Learning 10 Yahrzeits 18

Executive Director 5 Religious School 12 Contributions 19 Schedule of Services

Friday, September 30 Saturday, October 8 Tuesday. October 18 6:22pm Candle lighting 9:30am Services Second Day of Sukkot 8:15pm Services Sedra: Vayelech 9:30am Services

Saturday, October 1 Tuesday, October 11 Friday, October 21 9:30am Services Erev Yom Kippur 5:49pm Candle lighting Sedra: Nitzavim 5:50pm Kol Nidre Services 6:00pm Dinner in the Sukkah (Main Sanctuary and Ballroom) 8:15pm Services Sunday, October 2 6:04pm Candle lighting 6:18pm Candle lighting Saturday, October 22 6:30pm Erev Rosh Hashanah Services Wednesday, October 12 9:30am Services Yom Kippur Sedra: Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot Monday, October 3 (See Detail Schedule of Services First Day of Rosh Hashanah on Page 6) Monday, October 24 (See Detail Schedule of Services Eighth Day of Sukkot on Page 6) Friday, October 14 9:30am Services with Yizkor 5:15pm Tashlich at Speedwell Lake 5:59pm Candle lighting 6:53pm Candle lighting (rain date Oct. 4) 8:15pm Services 6:00pm Mincha/Maariv at Speedwell Lake Tuesday, October 25 (6:30pm at MJCBY if rain) Saturday, October 15 Simchat Torah 7:25pm Candle lighting 9:30am Services 9:30am Services with Hakafot Sedra: Ha’azinu Tuesday, October 4 Friday, October 28 Second Day of Rosh Hashanah Monday, October 17 5:39pm Candle lighting (See Detail Schedule of Services First Day of Sukkot 8:15pm Services on Page 6) 9:30am Services 7:03pm Candle lighting Saturday, October 29 Friday, October 7 9:30am Services with Minyonaires 6:10pm Candle lighting 10:30am Junior Congregation 8:15pm Services Sedra: Bereshit MJCBY Clergy and Staff CLERGY Todd Schleifstein, Treasurer SISTERHOOD Rabbi David J. Nesson Lewis Stone, Board Secretary Hilary Spain-Reilly & Rachel Richman Cantor Shana Onigman Robert Gelber & Ira Hammer Co-Presidents, Sisterhood Immediate Past Co-Presidents STAFF JUDAICA GIFT SHOP Mark Bender, Advisor Gerry Gross, Executive Director Sharon Barkauskas (973) 285-1877 Fern Spitzer, Advisor Michelle Nulman & Gail Sulkin, Donna Gross (973) 895-5553 Co-Directors, Religious School ARMS OF THE SYNAGOGUE & Vivian Laska (973) 984-8178 Flo Sager, Religious School COMMITTEE CHAIRS Dorothy Cohen (973) 361-4338 Administrator Heidi Fleischman, Board of Education KIDDUSH COMMITTEE Mia Mutascio, Office Manager Mark Bender, Facilities, Security & Michelle Usiskin (973) 543-5795 Tamara Goldberg, Bookkeeper Technology Kathy Neibart (973) 292-1933 Damon Brown, Custodian Meryl Balaban, Gemilut Hasadim Lewis Stone, History Committee SISTERHOOD TORAH FUND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Keith Usiskin, Kol Nidre Appeal Jill Frankel (973) 598-8849 Jeremy Diringer & Steven Gardberg Kathy Neibart, Membership Co-Presidents NEWSLETTER Howard Baum & Paul Green, Ritual Barbara Kavadias, First Vice President David Sagor, Editor Louis Bodian, Social Action Harvey Kellman, Second Vice President Donna Gross, Designer Michelle Nulman & Amy Weinstock, Kathleen Neibart, Third Vice President Debbie Brody, Marsha Lewin, Nancy Youth Co-Chairs Robert Berns, Financial Secretary Berns, Fran Loewensteiner, Copy Editors Becca Wanatick, LLL Chair 2 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 From The desk of the Rabbi

Look Back, Look Ahead, Look at the Present MORRISTOWN JEWISH CENTER BEIT YISRAEL he motto of the City College of New IS YOUR COMMUNITY. York are the Latin words: Respice, T Adspice, Prospice. The words mean, ur clergy is here for you. m Look back to the past, Look at the present moment, and Look to O the future. Please let us know when you need us—if someone is ill or in

As a motto for a university, it makes perfect sense. We need to the hospital—or when you want to share your good news: a study the past, our history, in order to understand how we got to new baby, a marriage, or other simcha. We want to know, but the present moment, in order to map out a plan for the future. you have to tell us. Please call the office at (973) 538-9292 or email [email protected]. With the Yamim Noraim upon us, I would rewrite the order of Look​ with​​​ this phrase. I would change it to Respice, Prospice, Adspice. Special note: Let us know if you or a family member would Seen through the lens of Rosh Hashanah​ ​ and Yom Kippur, the order like a visit from the Rabbi due to illness. HIPPA privacy laws should be readjusted to - Look to the Past, Look to the Future, Look prevent us from this information. to the Present moment.

Look to the Past: If anything, the first task of Rosh Hashanah​ ​ is Our Gemilut Hasadim committee is able to provide support for a Cheshbon HaNefesh, an accounting of our spiritual condition. those that need it. We look at the past year and ask ourselves: What are missteps I Please contact Meryl Balaban at [email protected] have taken, the ones that have hurt me, my family, my friends and colleagues? And, to be fair to our souls, we also ask: What are the ​ When you have experienced the death of a loved one, please achievements and​ blessings that have come my way? contact Rabbi Nesson at (973) 538-9292 or (973) 285-9772

before you make any plans. In this way, he will be most helpful Look to the future: But then these holidays take a leap. We skip over the present (at least for the moment) and go directly to the in making these preparations in a proper Jewish manner. future. Did you ever notice that the words of Kol Nidrei read: “from this Yom Kippur until the next?​​” We focus on our expectations for the coming year, on our promise to be better, to do better, in the year to come. MAZEL TOV! Only then,​​ do we return to the present moment. Notice that almost every service in the Machzor, the high holiday prayer book, ends Congratulations to Rabbi Nesson on being named a with a prayer whose title is HaYom, which means ‘today​.​’ Senior Rabbinic Fellow of the Shalom Hartman Institute in In the beginning, the middle and the end, it all comes down to Jerusalem during his studies there this past summer. today, to this very moment. Yes​,​ we can make amends for the past,​ and, yes​,​ we can vow to act better in the future, but it is this This year, Rabbi will serve on the Advisory Board of the moment, today, that is the key to unlock​ing ​who ​we​ really are. Greater MetroWest Federation and on the Religious Pluralism

Committee. So​,​ let this Rosh Hashanah and this Yom Kippur be your today.

With all good wishes for a good, healthy and sweet New Year, which Among his other activities in the community, Rabbi Nesson begins today. has also been appointed as Chair of the NJ Rabbinical Assembly Northern Section. Rabbi Nesson

October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 3 Meet our new Presidents


e are honored to serve MJCBY as Co- WPresidents this coming year. Our fo- cus is on membership retention and growth, and ensuring financial stability for the or- ganization.

Our predecessors have created opportunities for MJCBY, which we look to build upon ABOUT JEREMY ABOUT STEVE for our growth. Two recent examples that exemplify MJCBY’s commitment to remove Born and raised in Mt. Vernon, NY, Steve and his wife, Amy, have been barriers to our members include the Lift for Jeremy and his wife Judy moved to MJCBY members since moving from the Eastern Entrance and Free Membership Morristown in 2004, at which time they Chicago to New Jersey in 2001. They live to Shalom Yeladim Nursery School families. joined MJCBY. Their three children – in Morristown with their two children, With physical and financial barriers lowered Zachary (12), Elias (9) and Gabriel (4) – Jonah (10) and Leah (8), who both through these initiatives, our goal is now have been or currently are pre-schoolers attended Shalom Yeladim and currently to engage our members, giving them a at Shalom Yeladim and students in the attend the synagogue’s Religious reason to enter our doors. This requires synagogue’s Religious School. Jeremy’s School. Steve’s involvement at MJCBY leadership, coordination and support of involvement in MJCBY includes the reflects his experiences in Jewish and our clergy, professional staff and our corps Religious School’s Board of Education secular life: growing up in a Reform of volunteers, to ensure MJCBY’s offerings as well as co-chair of that committee synagogue in Skokie, attending JCC meet the needs of our Community. Some key and most recently as Financial summer camp in Wisconsin, enhancing areas are revitalizing Men’s Club, growing Secretary for the Board of Directors. his Jewish observance and studies in youth activities, inaugurating Musical In addition, Jeremy and his family Chicago, and working in the private Kabballat Shabbat and engaging all via Life regularly attend Shabbat morning and and public sectors in IL, NY and NJ. At Long Learning. holiday services. His involvement in MJCBY, Steve rebuilt and managed the MJCBY stems from Jeremy’s and Judy’s newsletter and website. Steve earned Because extra seats are always available commitment to provide their children degrees in journalism from Mizzou at our programs and opportunities to help with a strong Jewish identity and a and business administration from out are also abundant, we invite you to tight connection to the broader Jewish Rutgers. He works in school business participate in any way you feel comfortable. community. Jeremy earned degrees in administration in Prospect Park, NJ. We’re looking forward to a great year. bioengineering from Penn and business administration from Cornell. He specializes in B2B marketing and has spent more than ten years at Honeywell in various business management roles.

4 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 From Your Executive Director…

Yizkor for 9/11 The tired the poor I’ve welcomed to these shores. I’ve help raise their kids to believe that all is possible in n this month of Tishrei, we will ob- a land of purple majesty and amber waves. Iserve two Yizkor Services (on Yom Kippur and on Shemini Atzeret). As I But today I stood in silent horror, I saw it all. prepare my article for the October Newsletter, we had just ob- The heat scorched my heart, the cries of last farewells are served a “National Yizkor” on the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 still ringing in my ears. attacks. I wanted to share with you this reflection that I wrote a few days after September 11, 2001. It is a remembrance from But I must stay the course. the perspective of the Our Lady of the Harbor, the Statue of They will look to me and ask for the future of new Liberty. tomorrows. and I will remain for us all, I was there… the Beacon of Hope, the Lady of the Harbor.

I was there when our city was just emerging from being May the memories of all those who perished on that day, etched a kid to growing up. in our national being, never be forgotten. Our strength as a nation Full of energy and loaded with possibilities, comes from the shining faces and spirit of the next generation and I watched the hubbub of boats moving in and out of the remembrances of those whose lives may be gone, but whose the harbor, souls are with us always. From sail to steam, from ferry and tug to QE2. Gerry I heard the air thick with accents that would rival the tumult at Babel. They passed by me each and every one. Seamus and Maria, Frederich and Razel, Guiseppe and Colleen, Moishe and Gretel. Their eyes gleamed with hope and their hearts burst with expectation. Morristown Jewish Center has now begun its third I remember those days when the crack of the bat could year of the Create a Jewish Legacy Program, be heard led by The Jewish Community Foundation of Greater uptown and downtown and all around the … MetroWest and the Grinspoon Foundation. Oh! that smell coming from Coney in August as it made Please join our 36 donors over the past two years its way under my nose past Hoboken. and become member of our Legacy Society. Contact one our Team Members to have a conversation I saluted as the boys sailed to foreign shores for about how you can be a part of our Future. freedom’s fight. Team Members Over there they went and most returned to tree lined Robert Berns – [email protected] streets and barbeques, PTA and drive-ins. Irving Cohen - [email protected] Karen Gooen – [email protected] I stood with pride of 200 years; the rockets red glare Gerry Gross – [email protected] filled the night with the dreams of 200 more. Rabbi David Nesson – [email protected] I love the sounds of America, Fern Spitzer – [email protected] After all I’m just a NY kind of gal. Our commitment to building a lasting Legacy for Wall St is my neighbor and it never seems to sleep, MJCBY continues into a third year and beyond! so I always keep a light on in the window – much like WE HAVE ALL PLANNED AHEAD my two tall friends across the way. Just last year the whole world was waiting to see Join us all in Living a meaningful Jewish life. what I would wear to the big Party. As usual, I never Follow the lead of our 36 Legacy Members disappoint. and Leave a Jewish Legacy! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve cried before. The Future is Now! But today I weep. I’ve seen too much – October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 5 HIGH HOLY DAY NEWS 2016-5777

Rabbi David Nesson, Cantor Shana Onigman, Noam Marans-Guest Rabbi and Cantor Maimon Attias-Cantor Emeritus

Erev Rosh Hashanah ** Sunday, October 2 - Main Sanctuary Candelighting 6:18 pm Services 6:30 pm Services timed to allow a Yom Tov meal with family following services.

First Day Rosh Hashanah Monday, October 3 Pseukei and Shacharit ** 8:30 am Main Sanctuary Family Service* 9:30 - 10:15 am Frigand Hall Torah Service & Musaf 9:45 am Main Sanctuary and Ballroom Children’s Programs, Junior Congregation & Teen Discussion 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Religious School Classrooms Lunch with the Clergy 1:30 pm Frigand Hall Tashlich Family Program 4:30-5:15 pm Speedwell Lake (Rain date Oct. 4) Taschlich 5:15 pm at Speedwell Lake followed by Mincha/Maariv 6:00 pm Services - If it rains 6:30 pm at MJCBY

Second Day Rosh Hashanah Tuesday, October 4 Pseukei and Shacharit** 8:30 am Main Sanctuary Family Service* 9:30 - 10:15 am Frigand Hall Torah Service & Musaf 9:45 am Main Sanctuary and Ballroom Children’s Programs, Junior Congregation & Teen Discussion 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Religious School Classrooms

YOM KIPPUR - Kol Nidre - October 11 Parallel Services 5:30 pm Main Sanctuary and Ballroom Candlelighting 6:04 pm

Yom Kippur Day Wednesday, October 12 Pseukei and Shacharit** 8:30 am Main Sanctuary Family Service* 9:30 am- 10:15 am Frigand Hall Torah Service, Yizkor & Musaf 9:45 am Main Sanctuary and Ballroom Children’s Programs, Junior Congregation & Teen Discussion 10:30 am – 12:00 pm Religious School Classrooms Mincha 4:20 pm Main Sanctuary Ne’ilah*** 5:45 pm Main Sanctuary Ne’ilah*** 6:10 pm Ballroom Maariv ** followed by Havdalah & Sounding the Shofar 7:10 pm Main Sanctuary

6 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 HIGH HOLY DAY NEWS 2016-5777


Stay and enjoy lunch with Rabbi Nesson, Cantor Onigman and the visiting clergy and their families following services.

Enjoy lively conversation and a yontif meal. Monday, October 3, at 1:30 pm Order your Lulav & Etrog! Cost: $20 per adult $36 per set $10 per child (8-13) $5 per child (2-7) Deadline Monday, October 10

Names: ______Name:______Email______Email: ______#______of Adults @ $20.00 ______#______of Children @ $10.00 ______#______of Children @ $5.00 ______

October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 7 Men’s Club

MEN’S CLUB SUKKAH RAISING Sunday, October 9 - 8:00 am To Our New Members oin the Men’s Club as they Please add them to your directory: Jraise the sukkah for MJCBY. They need a lot of help so we can hold our events. Mark Tratenger and Samantha Lee Dinner & Laughter in the Sukkah, Scotch and Cigars and other fun events! 44 Prospect St. Apt. 313 Morristown, NJ 07960 Please give an hour or two and help us build our Sukkah. 973-699-2610 Send an email to [email protected] if you are able to help. Coffee and Bagels provided! Looking to Give Back to Your Community Through SCOTCH & CIGARS IN THE SUKKAH Good Deeds? Saturday, October 22 - 7:00 pm e serve less fortunate members of the Morristown commu- nity at the Morristown Soup Kitchen, the 4th Sunday of oin the Men’s Club as they enjoy W every month. If you’re willing to help out, please contact Lou premium scotch and cigars under the stars in the sukkah. J Bodian at [email protected]. We also provide services for Register by October 15, at [email protected] so we homeless people through our affiliation with Family Promise. have enough cigars and scotch to be enjoyed by all. If you wish to assist in this effort, please contact Keith Usiskin at [email protected].

GOOD AND WELFARE: Our SOUP-er volunteers for August were: David Ticker, Flo Sager, Rita Fand, Kim & David Ganz, Rachel Mazel Tov and Congratulations to: Richman, Kim Synalovski, Shelley Bienstock, Joel Schrieber, Joane and Stuart Fox on the birth of a grandson, Cole James, Fran Loewensteiner, Linda Griffler, David Leitner and Sergio to daughter Dana and Thomas McInerney. Bienstock. Joane and Stuart Fox on the birth of a granddaughter, Pippa Millicent, to daughter Allison and Grant Barratt. Karen and Kenneth Miller on the marriage of their daughter, WEEKLY WOMAN’S Michelle, to Edward Dougherty. TORAH Lisa and Norman Barta on the engagement of their son, Ross DISCUSSION Brown, to Danielle Alyssa Zipkin. Rachel and Bert Rosenheck on the marriage of their daughter, Stephanie, to Dr. Gary Puglia. Every Friday - 10:30 am Dr. Walter Rosenfeld on being honored by New Jersey Israel hat happens when a group of women get together to Bonds on November 1. Wread and discuss Torah each week? Condolences to: COME FIND OUT! Adam Kane on the passing of his beloved father, Bruce Kane. Larry Levin on the passing of his beloved brother, Mark Levin. We read, discuss, and wrestle with our primary sources: the Torah and Prophets. All backgrounds and knowledge levels Refuah Schlema to: are welcome. This is a very informal class; come whenever Steven Abend, Joel Beecher, Jacob Green, Murray Goldfinger, you can make it, even if you can’t be there on time or you Vicki Hart, Ellis Hoch, Phyllis Kopp, Nancy Medford, Sonya can’t make it every week. Bring your questions! Contact Oppenheimer, Marcia Samuels and Nancy Stupay. Cantor Shana with any questions.

8 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 Synagogue News

Join Us to Celebrate

October 16, 2016 at 10 a.m.

Please join the congregation and the Wolff Family to dedicate the Eastern Entrance Lift. A Festive Brunch will follow the dedication.

“Build a Sanctuary for me, and I will dwell amongst them.” – Exodus 25:8

Building at MJCBY continues into our 117th year as we dedicate the installation of the Lift and the renovation of the Eastern Entrance.

Join us as we commemorate this next step in the evolution of our MJCBY home and the next step in fulfilling the commitment to achieving full accessibility.

Please RSVP by Monday, October 10, to [email protected]

October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 9 Life Long Learning - Coming in November

A.W.E. SHABBAT You are Invited to our Congregational Family Shabbat Dinner and

SAVE THE DATE! Musical Shabbat

Shabbat - November 19 - 10:30 am

Prayers of Thanksgiving: Friday, November 4 Dinner 6:15 pm How Judaism reminds us to be thankful followed by services 7:15 pm in the season of Thanksgiving. $18 Per adult $10 Per child ages 6-12 under 5 free With Rabbi Leana Morritt. BYOB of Kosher wine rsvp to Gerry [email protected], 973-538-9292 by October 27 Please let us know if you would like a vegetarian option. You do not have to attend the dinner to attend the musical service. Morristown Jewish Center 177 Speedwell Avenue Morristown NJ 07960 973-538-9292 www.mjcby.org (Alternative Worship Experience) Open to the Community


Sunday November 6 - 10 am

Featuring an address by William R. Marks, Esq.**

In the pursuit of justice: Behind the Battle for Holocaust Reparations and Restitution

**William R. Marks, Esq., founding partner and principal of The Marks Law Firm, P.C., is a nationally-recognized expert in the field of German reparations and restitution, who began specializing in Holocaust-related compensation claims against Germany twenty years ago, after his historic success in the case of American Holocaust Survivor Hugo Princz.

*On November 9 to November 10, 1938, the Nazis in Germany torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses and killed close to 100 . In the aftermath of Kristallnacht, also called the “Night of Broken Glass,” some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to . Many see Kristallnacht as the beginning of the .

RSVP to Gerry by Wednesday, November 2, at [email protected], or call the office 973 538 9292. OPEN TO THE COMMUNITY

Morristown Jewish Center 177 Speedwell Ave. Morristown NJ 07960

10 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 Life Long Learning


ACROSS MJCBY! Sunday - October 30 - 7:00 pm


Save-The-Date: November 17 & 18, 2016 REMEMBER is a 2015 Canadian-German drama thriller film starring Christopher Plummer, Jürgen Prochnow, and Martin Landau. To unite and infuse us with the spiritual nourishment of The film, about an elderly Holocaust survivor with Shabbat, MJCBY invites you to celebrate Shabbat as a dementia who sets out to kill a Nazi war criminal, community. Start your observance of Shabbat on Friday received positive reviews and won a few film festival night, November 18, 2016, with other members of our awards. At the 4th Canadian Screen Awards, it received congregation. Celebrate with those you know and those you the Award for Best Original Screenplay and Remember don’t and make new friends. was also nominated for Best Motion Picture. This is a remarkable film which will keep you on the edge of Shabbat Dinners will be hosted your seats. Do not miss the ending which will lead in homes across various to a vibrant discussion. As always, the movie, along neighborhoods. Shabbat Across with popcorn and drinks, are free. MJCBY will take place several times throughout the year.

If you would like to host a Shabbat dinner at your home, please contact Kathy Neibart at [email protected]

To get us started there will be a Challah Bake on Thursday, November CONVERSATIONAL HEBREW 17, led by Debbie Marcus dmarcus@ FOR TEENS AND ADULTS mac.com.

Watch for more information as the date gets closer, or Weekly classes starting September 25 contact Kathy Neibart or Debbie Marcus. Sunday mornings - 9:30 to 10:30 IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO LEARN JOIN MJCBY’S THEATRE CLUB ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19, AT 8PM Religious School Parents & ALP Students - Free Members - $54.00 Non-Members - $100.00 Name______

Address ______


Email ______

Phone ______

For more information contact Michelle Nulman [email protected]

October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 11 First Day of Religious School

12 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 Religious School News OCTOBER 10/23 School in Session 10/2 No School Meet the Teachers Erev Rosh Hashana (9:30 - 10:00 am) 10/5 School in Session 10/26 School in Session 10/9 School in Session 10/29 Junior Congregation 10/12 No School 10/30 School in Session Yom Kippur Tefillah Together 10/16 School in Session 10/19 School in Session Meet the Teachers (6:00 - 6:30 pm) Youth News USY Morristown USY has a wonderful and talented Board that wants to see the chapter grow in its numbers and enrich its membership with great programs.

This month, we are focusing on Religious Education. On Wednesday, October 19, from 6:30-7:45 pm, we will be hosting a pizza dinner and Sukkah building competition. During the competition, we hope to review the laws of building a sukkah and the reasons behind the laws.

We look forward to hosting the first dance of the year on Saturday, October 15, from 8:30 pm to 11:30. We hope to see many of you there with your dancing shoes on.

The new Board Presidents, Daniel Rubin and Beryn Weinstock, are teaming up to create a fun and educational evening to help Morristown USYers connect to the holiday of Sukkot. We welcome or new USY team: Israel Awareness Executive Vice President - Jonathan Nulman, Social Action/Tikun Olam Vice President - Avianna Miller, Membership Vice President - Rachel Levy, Communications Vice President - Alex Nulman We look forward to seeing all of MJCBY’s teens at this event.

If you have any questions, please email Aly Greenstein, USY Advisor, at [email protected].

KADIMA Our next event will be on Sunday, October 16, 11:45 am where we will be making our own sukkas out of candy! After our first event I am excited to see what our year has in store! Thank you, Dania Rotherberg, Kadima advisor, email me at Dania@mjcby.

October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 13 MJCBY NEWS Quick Look Please tear out and save! For more information look inside your newsletter.






USY Regional Dance at MJCBY SATURDAY OCTOBER 15 8:30 PM









SISTERHOOD PAID UP DINNER SUNDAY NOVEMBER 6 6:00 PM Go to MJCBY.ORG for more information about events.



14 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 The Judie Gerstein Early Learning Center

Friday Mornings - 9:30 am Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 Now on THURSDAYS 9:30 - 10:30 am Nov. 4, 18 Dec. 2, 9, 16,23 October 6, 13, 20, 27

Saturday 10:30 - 11:30 am

November 12 with Morah Shari December 10

Sing Y Pray Y Craft The best way to begin Saturday morning with your preschooler! Afterwards, join the congregation for a Kiddush Lunch. Feel free to bring friends! Open to the Community! Shalom Yeladim, classroom 9

October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 15 Sisterhood News

Personal Shopping


To arrange an appointment at the Sisterhood JUDAICA Gift Shop during “off” hours contact:

Sharon (973) 285-1877 Dorothy (973) 361-4338 [email protected] [email protected] Donna (973) 895-5553 Vivian (973) 984-8178 [email protected] [email protected]

[email protected]

Have a Simcha coming up? B’Nai Mitzvah, Wedding, Baby... Why not consider setting up your very own “Simcha Registry” at the Sisterhood Judaica Gift Shop and let them know the “favorite things” that

are on your wish list! For information, please contact your Torah Fund Chair, Jill Frankel, 973-598-8849 or [email protected]



Another good reason to be a Sisterhood Member! Send Lois Lieberman your child’s name and undergraduate college address: [email protected]

16 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 Sisterhood News

SISTERHOOD DUES $36.00 INVOICE FOR 2016-2017 Make this year extra special by joining Sisterhood. Foster new friendships, participate in social activities and financial support of our synagogue by strengthening our community, and foster global identity through affiliation with Women’s League of Conservative Judaism. These are a few of the benefits of your membership. Active or not, for only $36.00, you are welcome to join us for our Paid-Up Membership Dinner in the fall, where the opportunity to win prizes from our awesome gift baskets is possible. Dorothy Cohen, Financial Secretary

Please send your $36.00 by October 16 to MJCBY Sisterhood-177 Speedwell Ave, Morristown, NJ 07960 Name ______Email ______Tel ______Address______

October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 17 Yahrzeits SHABBAT SEPTEMBER 30 & OCTOBER 1 SHABBAT OCTOBER 7 & 8 SHABBAT OCTOBER 21 & 22 Elul October Tishrei October Tishrei October 28 1 Emil Koupf 12 14 Ann Markel * 23 25 Barry Lief * Flora Weissman Charles Chasin Sheldon Brieloff Madeline Socol * Hyman Sokol 24 26 Bernard Mandelker * Max Rifshin * Laura Stone * David Fishlin * Meyer Rehert Lawrence Glasser * Etta Buxbaum Sarah Neibart Ralph Friedman * Fannie Cohn * 29 2 Abraham Glazer Phillip Goldstein * Abraham Spiegel * SHABBAT OCTOBER 14 & 15 Sam Herman * Arthur Krauser * Tishrei October 25 27 Daniel Lilie Grace Bandes 13 15 Dina Ginsberg * David Butensky Louis Dorf Khedouri Kazam * Emanuel Fried * Madelynne Schulman Marilyn Miller Frieda Epstein * Martin Sternberg Miriam Weine Nathan Stern * Minnie Adler * 14 16 Anita Miller Oscar Kaplan William Diamond Betty Press 26 28 Burton Rosenbaum Tishrei October Morris Abraham Joseph Brooks 1 3 Sam Lement * Rabbi Sheldon Weltman * Sarah Lipshitz * 2 4 Harvey Hess Sam Canier Sol Green Samuel Weingarten Stanley Laska 3 5 Max Eig * 15 17 Ben Goldman * SHABBAT OCTOBER 28 & 29 Stuart Salny * Gerald Cohen Tishrei October William Drucker * Jack Herman 27 29 Beatrice Levin 4 6 Ida Glick * Max Brenner * Elinor Levit * Louis Sager Pauline Guss Raymond Kahaner Mollie Smith * Simha Dashosh * Samuel Axelrod * Morris Miller Zelda Lantzman 28 30 Aaron Preiser 5 7 Beverly Gruber * 17 19 Joseph & Lina Weiss * Eva Geller Harry Fainglas * Sidney Perlow Mark D. Schwartz * Hildegard Rosenheck 18 20 Esther Finkelstein Murray Levy * Isidore Bashe Ruth Hoffman Rubin * SHABBAT OCTOBER 7 & 8 Pearl Candeub Scott William Cohen * Tishrei October Ruth Gotfried * Sol Hochman * 6 8 Anna Weinstein * 19 21 Gertrude Potter * 29 31 Melvin Kantrowitz * Ellsworth Castelbaum * Paul Simon * Robert I. Levy Irene Weingast Samuel Pomerantz Yisachar Dov Kornblum * Jack Stein Tishrei November Meyer Layne SHABBAT OCTOBER 21 & 22 30 1 Herman Smith * 7 9 Miriam Beecher * Tishrei October Leonora Kloder * William Richards 20 22 Ann Rappaport Heshvan November 8 10 Arnold L. Sutta * Benjamin Zev Adler * 1 2 Jeffrey Feis Harry Seiden * Frieda Newmark * Max Liebowitz * Irma Loewengart Louie Rieger Nathan Glass * Lee Brunswick Max Henry Finkelstein Roslyn Baumgarten * Sam Fogel Mildred Toffel Tessie Lyon 9 11 Francis Weinstein * Sophia Rosenthal 2 3 Alan Perlow Irene Stern * 21 23 Enzel Schall * Arthur Sachs * Philip Levine Mildred Pillar * Benjamin Mintz * 10 12 Joseph Gittel Rose Abraham Jacob Antin Devora Morchower * 22 24 Barbara Gettinger * 3 4 Albert Klein Mathilde Attias * Bess Layne Harold Weine Norma Rosenfeld * Ester Gorelik * Rose Feldman Lillian Cohen 11 13 Abraham Cohen Margaret Goldfinger * Jack Hirsch Solomon Baer * Seymour Gudis Sidney Levitt *denotes a plaque on the Yahrzeit wall.

18 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 to explore options for contributions see Contributions http://www.mjcby.org/about-us/donate/

BUILDING RENOVATION FUND GEMILUT HASADIM FUND RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Eileen & Ralph Goldberg in memory of Sol Shirley Linder Storgion to the Barkauskas Debra & Barry Rudich in memory of Albert Smith. family in honor of the birth of their Levinsky. Julie & Bill Lupatkin in memory of grandson, Grant. Beatrice Mintz in memory of Mary Jonathan Kelter. Joseph Notowicz in memory of Aaron Weinstein. Adrienne & Alan Chanin in memory of Notowicz. Lynn Graf in memory of Geraldine Graf. David Chanin. Mimi Freed in memory of Michael Freed. Roz & Michael Blick in memory of Albert MJCBY LIFT FUND Suzanne Jacobwitz in memory of Samuel Levinsky. Florence Rudich in memory of Louis Rudich. Cylinder & Walter Jacobowitz. Gillian & Manfred Steyn in memory of Barbara & Pat Stein to Ellen & Joel Charm Sandra Weingarten in memory of Dorothy David & Eve Looderman and Maurice & in honor of their son, Sam’s marriage to Weingarten. Betty Steyn. Sara Black & the Bar Mitzvah of their Nina & Peter Blank in memory of Jack Dorothy & Irv Cohen in memory of Hans grandson, Zachary. Tetelbaum & Gertrude Youngerman. Joseph. Roberta & Yoram Meyer to Janet Appelbaum David Beck in memory of Morris Beck. Fran & Howard Loewensteiner to Joane in memory of her husband, Mel. Fern & Donald Spitzer in memory of & Stuart Fox in honor of the birth of Linda & Larry Kornreich to Ellen & Joel Florence and Jack Suval. their grandchildren, Cole James & Pippa Charm in honor of the marriage of their SHALOM YELADIM FUND Millicent. son, Sam, to Sara Black; in memory of Fern & Donald Spitzer to Harriet & David Herman Frigand; to Vicki Hart “get well”. EDUCATION ENDOWMENT FUND Sakofs in honor of the marriage of their Fern & Donald Spitzer to Ellen & Joel Israela & Cy Halpern to Judy & Norman daughter, Rachel, to Joshua Schachter; Charm in honor of the marriage of their Schachtel in honor of the birth of their Julie & Matthew Schneider in honor of son, Sam, to Sara Black. great-grandson, Conor; to Ellen & Joel Sabrina’s Bat Mitzvah; Neil Frigand in Joane & Stuart Fox to Janet Appelbaum in Charm in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their honor of his birthday; Joane & Stuart Fox memory of her husband, Mel. grandson, Zachary. in honor of the birth of their grandchildren Joane & Stuart Fox to Fran & Howard Israela & Cy Halpern to Fern Spitzer on the Cole James & Pippa Millicent; to Karen & Loewensteiner in honor of their grandson, Yahrzeit of her parents, Jack & Florence Ken Miller in honor of the marriage of their Nathan. Suval. daughter, Michelle, to Edward Dougherty. Elaine & Arie Hochberg, thank you to Gary & Janice Kaplan in memory of Rebecca congregation. Kaplan. Janet Appelbaum & Sara Shapiro in Debbie & Doug Goldstein in memory of memory of Jacques Shapiro. Richard Bodner.

SOUP KITCHEN FUND Janet & Irwin Dorros in memory of Irene Dorros. Marilyn & Alex Miller in memory of Robert Miller & Philip Nadler. Betty & Arnold Goldstein in memory of Mildred Goldstein. Shirlee Sherman in memory of Helen & William Devor. Carol & Charles Leiwant in memory of Annette & William Diamond.

YAHRZEIT FUND Beth & Marc Alterman in memory of Herbert S. Alterman. Gloria & Paul Smith in memory of Albert Smith. Israela & Cy Halpern in memory of Regina Kesten Fisch.

October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 19

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20 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 Attorneys at law Susan M. Joseph Esq. Lovas, Akselrad & Joseph (973)927-8850 431 Route 10 East, Suite 2A Randolph, NJ 07869

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October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 21 22 • October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777

Beth Israel Cemetery Association

Ridgedale Avenue, Cedar Knolls

Preferred Rates for Congregation Members

For information call: 973-543-9740 Website: www.bethisraelcemetery.com

We are searching for stories about loved ones in our cemetery to publish in our newsletter. If you have a story, please email Alise at [email protected]

October 2016 ELUL 5776 - TISHREI 5777 • 23 Morristown Jewish Center Beit Yisrael • 177 Speedwell Avenue • Morristown, NJ 07960 (973) 538-9292 phone • (973) 538-3229 fax • [email protected] • www.mjcby.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID CALDWELL, NJ PERMIT #1379

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