OUT OF TOWN Set aside a day for a spectacular excursion that includes fantastical sculptures, an exquisite medieval village, and the crystal waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Tiffany Parks has the details. A If you love Gaudí, , and monumental crowded as the beaches parks, don’t miss the . Located in closer to Rome, and NOVELL

the southern Tuscan countryside, about 60 miles plenty of umbrel- A northwest of Rome and just a short drive from las for rent will LESSI

the sea, the park was the culmination of the life’s protect your A work of , a French sculptor skin from those who was highly inspired by Spanish architect fierce August Antoni Gaudí. After visiting Gaudí’s Park Güell in rays. When you’ve © PHOTOS Barcelona, De Saint Phalle was inspired to create had your fill of sand her own monumental sculpture garden, and and sea, hop over to construction began in 1979. The park contains 22 the neighboring town of . This tiny imposing works in steel and concrete decorated medieval village is impeccably preserved and has with glass, mirrors, and ceramics, each one repre- so few international tourists that you’ll feel you’ve senting or inspired by a different symbol from the stepped back in time. Have a hearty meal atop a tarot deck. The vibrant works explode with color medieval stone tower – with a view of the rolling and celebrate life, fantasy, and feminine power. hills that Tuscany is famous for – at Trattoria La Torre da Carla (Via V. Emanuele, 33), sample Since the tarot garden is only open in the Tuscan specialties at Trattoria al Pozzo (Via V. afternoon, start your day with a morning at the Emanuele, 17), or indulge in Mediterranean cui- INFO beach; it’s August after all! Ultima Spiaggia (liter- sine at homey Il Cantinone (Piazzetta Porticina, O Tarot Garden: ally the “last beach”) is a seaside establishment 4). Then wander the quaint narrow streets to Open daily, 2:30–7:30pm. €12 (€7 reduced). along a 5-mile stretch of pristine sandy beach. Its work off your lunch before heading to the main Strada Garavicchio (GR). out-of-the-way location means it doesn’t get as attraction. www.giardinodeitarocchi.it O Ultima Spiaggia: Località Chiarone Marina (GR). Getting there: By car: Via Aurelia (A12/S1), direction Civitavecchia/. Tel 0564890295. Take exit Fiorentina and follow indications. www.ultimaspiaggia.com