GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA Report on Business Register,Odisha (Co-operative Societies Act) Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Odisha Bhubaneswar SURESH CHANDRA MAHAPATRA,IAS Tel : 0674-2536882 (O) Development Commissioner-Cum- : 0674-2322617 Additional Chief Secretary & Secy. to Govt. Fax : 0674-2536792 P & C Department Email :
[email protected] MESSAGE I am glad to know that Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Odisha has brought out the final Report of "District wise Enterprises Registered under Cooperative Societies Act" for publication of Business Register, 2013-14 in the State. It is an important source of information for the statistical analysis of the business population and its demography. The gigantic task of Survey on Business Register undertaken by the officers and staff of DE&S is praiseworthy. I hope this publication would be useful for policy making in the Government. (Suresh Chandra Mahapatra) ସଙ୍କର୍ଷଣ ସାହୁ, ଭା.ପ.ସେ ଅର୍ଥନୀତି ଓ ପରିସଂ孍ୟାନ ଭବନ ନିସଦେଶକ Arthaniti ‘O’ Parisankhyan Bhawan ଅର୍େନୀତି ଓ ପରିେଂଖ୍ୟାନ HOD Campus, Unit-V Sankarsana Sahoo, ISS Bhubaneswar -751001, Odisha Director Phone : 0674 -2391295 Economics & Statistics e-mail :
[email protected] Foreword Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India have introduced for preparation of National Business Register. Preparation of Business Register at State Level is a part of it. It aims to verify the physical existence of the establishments registered under seven Registering Authorities in the State. Directorate of Economics & Statistics (DE&S),Odisha conducted field survey on Business Register,2013 throughout the State on complete enumeration basis for collection of data on establishments and enterprises registered under seven Registering Authorities as on 2011-12 and functioning in the areas.