WESTFIELD LEADER EIGHTH YEAB-^No, 34 Kour«4 >• Second Clua Matter Tib* Leading and Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Nmnmmer in Union Count* Poit Otflc*
WESTFIELD LEADER EIGHTH YEAB-^No, 34 KoUr«4 >• Second Clua Matter Tib* Leading And Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Nmnmmer In Union Count* Poit Otflc*. W«»ta«td. It. J, WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY i, 1958 32 PagM—10 C**U mcil Adopts $505,500 Public to Take Bailey To Head County Republicans Voters Approve School Addition Part in CD Charles P. Bailey of Westfleld, •rovement Measures former freeholder, was named Re- TestTuesday publican county chairman las Westnarco to Note week of the county Republican Follows committee which organized in the By Narrow Margin; Pool Defeated Silver Anniversary Activity to Halt Winfield Scott Hotel in Elizabeth. With "Take Cover" Mr. Bailey, former Wcetfield ts Voiced Wesmarco, Westfield married mayor, outpolled Harry V. Os- Varied Programs To Highlight ,354 Co to Polls, couples club, will celebrate its sil- Signal at 10:30 borne Jr. ot Cranford by a 271-25 ver anniversary tonight at the vote which was made unanimous Ordinances New Jersey's population will at Mr. Osborne's request. Give New Building YMCA. A series of highlights Music Week Observance take cover Tuesday for about 10 The crowd of almost 300 com of 23 ordinances, provid from annual plays of the past 25 minutes when the sirens wsll at mittee members, out' of the largcs Varied programs have been 17, and the 'Boys' Gleo Club of the 205-VoteEdge 500 for town improve- years will be presented. Ruth Gil- 10:30 a.m. Acting State Director in years, heard Freeholder Alber planned for the local observance high school will present a program is adopted by the Town bert, program chairman, and her of the Division ot Civil Defense J.
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