JUNE. 1967 lliiwtii-lhnr 71ms C o lu m n

On May 6th, it was my pleasure ber of ballots ever cast, counted this "W 1o “Bonanza” to Concord, California year. But more important than having and officially present the newest ballots to count, is the importance chapter, Mt. Diablo, with their char­ of your VOICE! ter. The weather was beautiful both Have been receiving letters from ways and the charter banquet was a our Overseas members who are mak­ JUNE, 1967 great success. They had 185 present ing plans to attend our convention. . . . each one an enthusiastic booster The fact we are an INTERNATIONAL THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. of the 99s. FRED GOERNER spoke organization, plus the convention be­ International Headquarters on “ The Search for Amelia” . The ing in our NATIONAL CAPITOL, has Will Rogers World Airport leadership of the chapter is in the created a lot of interest. Plan oni join­ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 very capable hands of BETTY BOG- ing us for the biggest convention ever. GESS who, I'm sure, will do a very It may be the only opportunity we Headquarters Secretary fine job. have of meeting some of our mem­ DARLA BULLARD For those of us who knew AUTRIE bers. Let’s give them a big welcome. LEHR, it was with a deep sense of Then it is only a short distance to personal loss to learn of her death. the race start in Atlantic City. Whe­ Editor The Ninety Nines received a letter ther you are racing or not, it would PEG ONG from KARL LEHR, her 49%er, and be a good opportunity for you to take 2900 Rockbrook Drive I am sending it to the News so you a few extra days and see a start! OR, Plano, Texas 75074 might all share the reading of it. if you must wing your way home, and INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS I am so pleased to report our mem­ if you do live in the Western part of President bership is over 3000 ! ! HOW ABOUT our country, plan to be in Torrance ALICE ROBERTS THAT ! ! ? ? and see a race finish. 9828 North 19 Avenue By the time you receive this News This will be the last opportunity I Phoenix, Arizona 85021 . . . you WILL HAVE ALREADY CAST have to remind you the time is run­ YOUR BALLOT . . . (I'm sure there ning out for your contribution to the Vice-President is no doubt you will vote) . . . the AE Scholarship Fund to be counted DONNA T. MYERS computor will be spinning it’s wheels in this years business. Every chapter Aurora, Colorado 80010 counting . . . and the officers for intends to give, why not right now so Secretary 1967-68 will be elected. I can’t im­ your name can be read at convention. GENE NORA JESSEN press upon you enough the importance Suppose we could be 100% in contri­ 2814 Cassia of voting. Lets’ have the largest num- butions ? ? ? ? Boise, Idaho 83705 During the Exposition of Flight in Las Vegas, there were two awards Treasurer Amelia EarharJ given, and both recipients were chil­ RUTH RUECKERT Mountain dren of Ninety Nines, and both were 2037 Rivera Street eighteen or under. Both received their San Francisco, Calif. 94116 Official dedication of a peak north of Yosemite in California will take awards for flying across country solo. Executive Board place on July 1, 1967 at the Smith­ The girl was TERRY LONDON, Long LYDIELLEN “LYGIE” HAGAN sonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Beach, daughter of BARBARA' LON­ DON. The boy was RON CANTRELL, South 1907 Oneida Place The onslaught of this peak was un­ aon of PHYLLIS CANTRELL. There Spokane, Washington 99203 dertaken last year by two San Fer­ are hopes this award will be an an­ nando Valley Chapter 99s, MARY BETTY W. McNABB nual event. ELLEN TRINDLE, our KEMPER and LOIS MILES, accom ­ 926 Third Avenue Public Relations Chairman, was priv­ panied by some experienced mountain Albany, Georgia ileged to present the awards. climbers. A flag and a plaque were In just a few more days we will DORIS RENNINGER placed at the summit dedicating this be seeing each other . . . have a safe 10-01 162nd Street peak to AMELIA EARHART, in honor flight to Washington. Beechhurst, N. Y. 11357 of her courage and accomplishments. On the day of official dedication at Sincerely, the Smithsonian a two-way communi­ ALICE. DEADLINE FOR NEWS — cation via satellite from Howland The 20th of the Month Island, the last place any communi­ cation was received from AMELIA, Have YOU Returned Send Copy to: is planned. PEG ONG YOUR ballot for A painting of AMELIA EARHART 2900 Rockbrook Drive done by the mother of LOIS MILES, International Officers???? Plano, Texas 75074 will be placed in the Smithsonian. DO IT NOW ! ! Frank Blair Miss R. Mildred Alford Mr. E. Tilson Peabody (Photo by Fabian Bachrach) HONORARY JUDGES CHOSEN

We have three very prominent peo­ taught science and physical education ing to New York. ple as Honorary Judges for the 1987 before resigning to go into defense E. TILSON PEABODY is Director AMELIA EARHART SCHOLARSHIP work during World War II. of the Air Transport Section of Gen­ AWARDS and the following is a brief FRANK BLAIR of NBC Television eral Motors Corporation at the Wil­ summary of their biographies: Network. FRANK BLAIR started with low Run Airport. He is a graduate MISS R. M ILDRED. (MILLIE) AL­ the “ Today” show in 1952. He also of the Naval Air Training Station, FORD rose from the stewardess ranks is heard on NBC’s “ Emphasis” and Pensacola, Florida and served aboard to become top woman executive in is the Sunday night host of “ Monitor” the U. S. S. Lexington and the U. S. S. American Airlines — and a leading on the NBC Radio Network. Enterprise in 1936 thru 1938. He also woman in the airline industry — in Despite a full broadcasting sched­ served at the U. S. Naval Air Base little more than a decade. She is the ule, he finds time to volunteer his at Squantum, Mass. as Base Officer, first woman Director of Stewardess services for worthwhile fund-raising Recruiting Officer, and Pilot-Instruc- Service, and has held the post since events. In 1964 he received the Epi­ tor. In 1942, he was an Experimental 1962. Both the training of new steward­ lepsy Foundation’s Distinguished Ser­ Test Pilot for Pratt & Whitney Air­ esses and the job performance of all vice Award and in recognition of his craft and later Chief Test Pilot of the line stewardesses are her responsi­ contributions to the broadcasting in­ Eastern Aircraft Div. of General bility. She received America’s Dis­ dustry, he was presented the South Motors Corp. tinguished Service Award, the com­ Carolina Broadcasters Association’s MR. PEABODY was the recipient of pany’s highest honor in 1963. She also Good Citizenship Award for 1963. 1962 Michigan Aerospace Award for serves on the Women’s Advisory Com­ Also he has received the Amelia “Outstanding Achievement in Aero­ mittee of the Federal Aviation Ag­ Earhart Medal for his contribution space Education” presented by Mich­ ency. to aviation and he was presented the igan Aeronautics and Space Associa­ MISS ALFORD worked in the air­ 175th Anniversary Medal of Honor tion. line’s General Office in New York from Georgetown University (Wash­ MR. PEABODY is currently affili­ for three years, developing stewardess ington, D. C.) for his services to the ated as a member of Aviation Com­ procedures and training techniques, school. mittee of the Detroit Board of Com­ with emphasis on their application to FRANK BLAIR entered the Navy merce; Member of the American In­ the upcoming commercial jet trans­ in 1942, serving first as a flight in­ stitute of Aeronautics and Astronau­ port. She personally taught cUrline structor and later as a transport pilot tics; The Army and Navy Club; Mem­ safety and emergency procedures to in the Pacific. After the war he re­ ber of the Society of Automotive En­ each student. She also trained many turned to Washington and originated gineers; Members of the Business cf the women who work at the man­ “Georgetown Forum.” He then joined Advisory Board of the Flight Safety agement in the Stewardess station WSCR in Scranton, Pa. as Foundation, Inc.; Member of the Corps. General Manager. When “Today” Society of Experimental Test Pilots; A graduate of Alabama State Col­ started in 1952, BLAIR becam e its Members of the Armed Forces Offi­ lege for Women, MISS ALFORD Washington correspondent later mov­ cers’ Club, and The Wings Club, Inc. 1967 Internartonal Ninety-Nines, Inc. Congratulations, Miss Alice Roberts, President Convention 9828 North Nineteenth Avenue Dottie ! ! The Dean of Women Pilots from Phoenix, Arizona 85021 Among the first ten women to re­ Brazil, ANESIA MACHADO, was in ceive a Gold Seal Certificate was Washington, D. C. recently and plans Dear Ninety-Nines: DOTTIE YOUNG, Oklahoma Chapter. to return for our International Con­ The Gold Seal Program was started Autrie Lehr looked forward to join­ vention, June 28- July 2. From across in 1966 by FAA to identify flight in­ ing you at the International Conven­ the ocean, we received word from structors with superior records in tion June 28- July 2, 1967. Her death HELEN FAULKNER in Germany that training and proficiency, and to moti­ in the crash of her plane April 7, FRAU MUTZ TRENSE, MADAME vate others to improve their qualifi­ 1967, has made it impossible, but I LIESEL BOCH (Germany’s No. 1 cations as flight instructor. am sure she will be with you in spirit. Stunt Pilot), FRAU GRASSMAN and Gold Seal Certificates are award­ DR. MARIE-LUISE WESSEL are Letters and cards from all over ed to flight instructors who have: hoping to represent their country. Also the United States, Canada, and many (a) An instrument rating; (b) Hold coming from Europe are: SHELIA foreign countries and territories show an advanced ground instructor cer­ SCOTT from England; EBERTHA an insight that has been a great solace tificate; (c) Have attended a flight NIJENHUIS SPIELE, LUCIE WY­ to me and both our families. A long instructor clinic since the last issu­ MANS and IDA VAN LANTEN from time ago Autrie said, “ if anything ance or reissuance of his/her flight the Netherlands; and HELEN HUNDA should happen to me, I don’t want instructor certificate; and (d) Within from Greece. Then there is RAY flowers; I’d rather have donations the past 24 months: Trained and JANKS from South Africa, YVONNE made to the Amelia Earhart Scholar­ recommended for certification at least GALLOT from Morocco; ALI SHUK- ship Fund” . Wd let this be known and 10 successful applicants for pilot cer­ RIA from Pakistan; EDITH DIZON they are still arriving. tificates or ratings, at least 80 percent from the Philippines. EDITH DEN­ Many people did not understand of whom shall have passed their tests NY, Governor of the Canadian Sec­ Autrie’s way of life and when asked on the first try; or conducted at least tion states that the Canadian Section about it she would quote her favorite 20 flight tests as a designated pilot and First Canadian Chapter officers poem, “ High Flight” , and say, “ this examiner, or 20 graduation flight tests are all coming. They and our mem­ is how I feel” . as a chief flight instructor for an bers from Australia: NANCY BIRD But also, she wanted flying to have approved pilot school course; or a WALTON, FREDA THOMPSON, a practical significance to modern combination of tests and trainees (two MARIE RICHARDSON, MARGARET man and particularly for women. To tests equal one trainee). KENTLEY, ROSEMARY DE PIER­ her, it was woman’s freedom. She DOTTIE is Chief Pilot of the Pri­ RES, OLGA TARLING, CORINNE promoted general aviation at every mary and Commercial Approved Pilot Courses for Catlin Aviation Co. in Ok­ DRUCE, ANNE CARTER, CARMEL opportunity and worked long joyous lahoma City and will be headquarter­ BROWN, EDITH COOPER, CHRIS­ hours at it. The Ninety-Nines meant ed at Wiley Post Airport, beginning TINE HENDERSON, KATHERINE everything to Autrie, and she tried to this month, with Catlin’s new expand­ HENDERSON, BRENA ANDERS, BO­ live up to the purpose of your organ­ ed school facilities (supplementing the ZINA KRAJCA, and BARBARA ization, as written inside the cover Will Rogers World Airport school op­ SHELBY-BROWN will make up the of your Membership Directory. largest contingent of foreign mem­ erations). DOTTIE was the first In her purse, amid the wreckage bers attending the convention. woman to be approved as an FAA of her plane, we found a clipping from examiner for helicopters and is a These girls are making a supreme the Xenia Gazette, a quotation from charter members of the FAA’s Wo­ effort to meet you, to be with you, the “ Upper Room ” . It reads as fol­ men’s Advisory Committee on Avia­ and to learn more about the Ninety- lows: tion. She holds an Airline Transport Nines of which they are a vital part. “ Fear none of those things Rating for airplanes and rotorcraft, Now it is up to you as American pilots which thou shalt suffer—Be thou is a past NEWS Editor and currently to be here to greet them and to show faithful unto me, and I will give a member of The Ninety-Nines Head­ them the hospitality of our country. thee a crown of life”. (Revela­ quarters Committee. tions 2:10) My greatest strength comes from Notice to Governors, Chapter ALL NEWS REPORTERS the realization of the true understand­ Chairmen, Membership Chair­ TAKE HEED . . . ing that one person, even a stranger, men, and New Members: No June 20th deadline but can have for another’s grief. This don’t take the summer off! The supply of 1966-67 mem­ was so well demonstrated by all your Next deadline is July 20th for bership directories is depleted. cards and letters. the big combined July-August Although grateful the supply My most sincere thanks to so many issue. Please try to keep re­ did not meet the demand, we people. God bless you all. ports concise (no more than 2 sincerely apologize to those new Sincerely, double-spaced pages) as we members who did not receive Karl E. Lehr, 49% have more printing than budget a directory. The next printing 1809 Parkview Drive left in this fiscal year! will be in the fall, 1967. Xenia, Ohio Thanks, Peg KEL:lf AMELIA EARHART MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP COMING EVENTS

June 10 San Dlego-Reno Fun Race WOULD YOU BELIEVE? June 23 Sky Lady Derby Ft. Worth, Texas

June 28 - July 2 International Convention PAT GLADNEY — First Winner of the Amelia Earhart Memorial Washington, D. C. Scholarship obtained her Instrument Rating in 1941. “I am cur­ July 1, 2, 3 and 4 rently instructing and teaching Instrument Flying for the Duncan National Air Races School of Flying and Palo Alto Flying Club in Palo Alto, Cali­ Chicago, 111.

fornia.” July 4-8 AWTAR Atlantic City, N. J. to Torrance, Calif. JEAN HIXSON — 1948 Winner — applied Scholarship to­ Aug. 4, 5 and 6 wards obtaining her Master’s Degree. “I have directed avia­ National Air Races tion workshops for teachers in Ohio and advised on curri­ Washington, D. C. culum changes. There is seldom a week that goes by that my August 28 and 29 Northwest Section Race knowledge in this field is not brought into use.” Sept. 1, 2, 3, and 4 National Air Races Cleveland, Ohio

JAN DIETRICH — 1952 Winner — “Winning the Amelia Sept. 15, 16 and 17 North Central Fall Sectional Earhart Scholarship started me on my flying career as Pheasant Run Inn I then accepted a full time instructing job. I currently (adjacent to DuPage Airport, 111.) fly as First Officer on a four engine jet for one of the Sept. 15, 16 and 17 largest corporations in San Francisco.” Southwest Sectional Holiday Inn Stockton, Calif.

Sept. 23 and 24 DOROTHY WOODHAMS — 1954 Winner — “This Northwest Sectional Anchorage, Alaska Scholarship has benefitted me a great deal as I am sure it has all the others who won. It enabled me Sept. 29, 30, and Oct. 1 South Central Fall Section to obtain my Commercial and Sea Ratings and thus Albuquerque, N. Mex. own and operate a small airport and seaplane base October 7 in Michigan.” AWNEAR Norwood, Mass.

October 7 Michigan SMALL Race RUTH WIKANDER — 1962 — “Receiving the Grand Rapids, Mich.

Scholarship helped me better my aviation ca­ Oct. 13, 14, and 15 reer. I am Chief Corp. Pilot for McFab Manu­ National Air Races Los Angeles, Calif. facturing Co. and when they are not using me, I am instructing or giving Flight Checks as October 21 Fairladies Annual F.A.A. Examiner in Oregon. I have not had Indiana Race one full day away from Aviation in the last Bloomington, Indiana year.” October 28 Dallas Doll Derby Powder Puff Derby The air race may be followed on to say. If you are off to the races, the Ham Radio frequency which will you might designate a friend or rela­ Marion Andrews Lopez, Reporter be operating at each stop on the race tive to jot down any broadcasts heard. Thirty three entries were received route. The Amateur Radio Net will Otherwise, we have no way of knowing operate on 40 meters on 7.217 MC. ing what our radio coverage is. with the opening day postmark. First In the event conditions on 40 meters We’ll soon be off to Atlantic City. in the drawing for No. 1 position was are not good, an alternate frequency The Race Program is rolling on the PAT McEWEN, No. 2 team YVETTE on 75 meters 3.993 will be used. presses. HORTMAN and KATHLEEN STRU- We would like to have a report at ZINSKI, No. 3 LOIS SHAFER and AWTAR Headquarters of any radio In the meantime send all requests KIT HEACOCK, No. 4 PAT JETTON news of thef race that you might hear. and clippings to AWTAR Headquar­ with JOAN HUCKEBA, No. 5 PAU­ Please send name of station, an­ ters, Teterboro Airport, Teterboro, LINE GLASSON and JEAN BECK. nouncer, and what the announcer had N. J.

Membership Report A number of inquiries have come for that of aviation in general.” Ask in asking “how do we know if a wo­ her if she will work for a close re­ Alberta Nicholson, Chairman man pilot qualifies for membership lationship among women pilots. Ask in the 99? After all, we don’t want her if she will support any project In case you didn’t notice, please turn just anyone.” True. I suggest that to promote aviation, or women in to the last page of the April News­ you refer to page 140 of the Directory, aviation. If she is interested in sup­ letter and take a look at the long list Article III, Section 1,A, states, “ if porting the 99s in the purposes for of new members for March, 1967. she is of good character” , and Article which we are organized, then she II, under PURPOSE says, “The pur­ should qualify. If she is for promoting Isn’t that great!—about 80 new mem­ pose of the Ninety-Nines is to provide aviation, chances are she will not bers in one month. Thanks to all for a close relationship among women join this year and drop out next. your great effort toward our goal of pilots and to unite them in any move­ Thanks to all who are working for 3,000. ment that may be for their benefit or new members! ter and is able to attend at least 3 dent, Vice-President, Secretary and COMMITTEE meetings in a 6 month period, she or Treasurer, or Secretary - Treasurer. the Chapter may request that her (See Art. IX, Sec. 2-A, Const, for REPORTS name be returned to the Chapter Rost­ Sections and Chapters.) Resolutions proposing changes to the er. Reason: Constitution and By-Laws of the Ninety- b. Any action described above re­ (San Fernando Valley Chapter) Nines, Inc., to be voted upon at the quires a 2/3 majority vote of the Chap­ International Convention 1967. ter membership. We propose to change the titles of the Chapter officers from Chairman 1. THE NINETY-NINES, INC. CON­ Reason: and Vice-Chairman to President and STITUTION as printed in 1966-1967 Rost­ There are 99s in almost every Chap­ Vice-President. er. ter who fall under the category de­ Article IV — Officers and Elections scribed in the proposal. Some are mem­ This change would conform to com­ Section 1. B. Officers shall be AC­ bers. who contribute greatly to the mon usage and would thereby reduce TIVE members in good standing. image of and promotion of women in explanations to non-members, parti­ aviation, but because of the na'ure cularly reporters. This would ease AMENDMENT PROPOSED of their work are unable to attend getting Ninety-Nines material into by The Bay Cities Chapter meetings or participate and contribute news media and improve publicity. Section 1. B. to Chapter activities. Officers shall be ACTIVE members This change would also standardize Action would be voluntary and al­ in good standing for two consecutive Ninety-Nines usage of “ President” and lows the Chapter the choice of taking years, and shall have had experience “ Vice-President” with that of “ Secre­ this action or choosing to retain such a as a Section and/or Chapter Officer. tary” and “Treasurer” . There has been member on its rolls. no confusion in the past with the title Reason: Chapters should have some means “Secretary”; where it is doubtful It is felt such a qualification is of sorting out of their roster persons whether the International officer or necessary for an International Officer. who never attend meetings and show the Chapter officer is meant, we com­ Resolution Committee Findings no interest in The Ninety-Nines once monly use “International President,” The committee is NOT in favor of they become members. This proposal Etc., at present. this proposal as written. The 2 year might discourage the practice non­ requirement of active membership interest and non-attendance of mem­ Reason: would strengthen the Present Consti­ bers knew that Chapters were not (Dallas Chapter) tution wording. However the restrictive required to retain them on their rolls. There is one International President clause of having been a Section or Resolution Committee Findings of the Ninety-Nines, Inc. This is as it Chapter officer seems unnecessary, ac­ The committee is NOT1 in favor of should be. However, for the purposes tive participation within the organiza­ this proposal. The Member-at-Large of easy identity, publicity, public re­ tion should be stipulation enough. classification was established so that lations etc., the name Chairman of Ex-Board Remarks foreign memberships could exist in the local chapter should be changed A good recommendation in our col­ areas where the 99s do not have to “President of the local Chapter” . lective opinion. established groups, or for reasons ac­ The name “President” somehow lends 2. THE NINETY-NINE, INC. BY­ ceptable to the Executive Board. Do­ more weight in the eyes of the news LAWS as printed in 1966-1967 Roster. mestic problems of attendance and media and others who come in con­ Article II — Classification participation should be handled by the tact with our organization, than does Section 1. D. local chapter. This amendment would chairman. A local chapter president Member at Large: An applicant re­ only create a category for non-partici­ will in no way detract from the in­ siding in any country in which no pating members, it would only create ternational office, but if anything, Section has been organized may join a category for non-participating mem­ should enhance it. A check of other in­ The Ninety - Nine’s Inc., when her ap­ bers, it would not solve or remedy ternational or national organizations plication has been approved by the the “ reason” for the existence of these will disclose that they refer to the Execu'ive Board and will be consider- members in our organization. local head as “President” for the rea­ a Member at Large. Ex-Board Remarks son named. Appears to us cumbersome and un­ AMENDMENT PROPOSED Resolution Committee Findings workable. by The South Louisiana Chapter The committee is in favor of this 3. THE NINETY-NINES, INC. BY­ Section 1. D. proposal. It provides simple clarifi­ LAWS as printed in 1966-1967 Roster Member at Large: (retain present cation of our chapter officers positions. Article IV — Chapters wording) We will feel that the double use of Section 2. A. Officers (1) Any member of a Chapter who President and Vice-President will in Officers of the Chapter shall be does not attend any meetings for a no way detract from the stature of our Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary period of 12 months, for professional International Officers. and Treasurer, or Secretary-Treasurer. or personal reasons, or as a result of


Yvonne van den Dool, Reporter Welcome visitors to Durban were WALLY FUNK of Oklahoma, and her companion, ANN COOPER. WALLY and ANN are on a world tour, travel­ ing in a “ Camper” —converted Combi- caravan, with their dog TOOTS. WALLY and ANN spent a very en­ Some of the 99s arriving at the Natchez-Adams County Airport for the South­ joyable evening at the Durban Wings east Sectional May 5, 6, and 7. Left to right, PEGGY McCORMICK, BER­ Club with ANN WHITE, AURIEL MIL­ NICE KELLY, NITA STAHLMAN, BEE REID, ETHEL RADZEWICZ, JANET LER, JACKIE JENSEN (formerly GREEN, MARGARET SHIPLEY, and JEAN HODGES. HUGHES), and MARIE GODWIN. Our American friends parked their “camp­ er” in ANN WHITE’S driveway for and is now based at Linate Airport, PAMELA is investigating the sex life three nights, while they acquainted Milan and would love to see any visit­ of the lobster! Apparently she is try­ themselves with Durban. WALLY was ing Ninety-Nine. Back in this country, ing to found a home for lobsters and able to catch up with her 99 news SHEILA has been on the receiving SHEILA has promised her that the through the medium of the Newsletter end of yet more awards . . . the Royal British Section will present her with and the latest Roster. They are mak­ Aero Club Silver Medal for her world a male lobster! ing their way to Kenya. En route, flight and the Geoffrey de Havilland GILLIAN CAZALET was on hand WALLY intends climbing Mt. Kili- Trophy for her performance in the at the Biggin Hill Air Fair as First National Air Race last year. SHEILA Officer on the Skyways DC3 which received these awards from LADY was busily employed giving “joy­ BRABAZON of Tara at the Royal rides” to the public. Aero Club last month. Very many BERYL SANDERS has become in­ congratulations to her! volved in aerobatics. She has been It was a great pleasure meeting practicing hard with the Tiger Club ALICE DAVIS, Michigan Chapter and came 6th out of a field of 13 in Chairman, during her recent visit to her first competition. Keep up the London. PAMELA HUNTLY took her good work, BERYL. for a flight in her Comanche, .ELIZA­ CAROL KOCZON has been very ac­ BETH OVERBURY met ALICE and tive with the Tiger Club and is samp­ her 49%er for lunch, and SHEILA ling all their different brands of sport­ SCOTT, PAMELA HUNTLY, SUE ing flying. PHILLIPS and I met her for dinner DIANA BARNATO WALKER has on her last evening in London. We just started her second year as Joint all much enjoyed our time with Master of the Old Surrey and Bur- ALICE. -stow Foxhounds. Although this can’t PAMELA HUNTLY is going to the in any way be connected with avia­ by helicopter, which tion, it’s a pretty unique achievement sounds as good a way as any of get­ for a Ninety-Nine all the same! ting there. Apart from this news, it One of our “Sixty-Sixes,” EILEEN seems like she has developed a new HOULDER, now has her Private Li­ interest . . . SHEILA reports that cense—in fact, she achieved it in rec­ ANN WHITE of Durban. won the Marie Mills Trophy for forced landings at Brits in 1965. These com ­ petitions were the S. A. National Championships and the Marie Mills Trophy is a Women’s Aviation As­ sociation Trophy. After ANN landed on completing the tests, she thanked her judge for being her first passen­ ger—he had to depart hurriedly from the aircraft for refreshments after that! Later in 1965, ANN came 5th in the Natal Championships at Ladysmith. In the 1965-66 Durban Wings Club Cham­ pionships, she was placed 6th, and during the 1966 National Champion­ ships, she reached the semi-finals. She was also awarded the Rosamund Everard Steenkamp Trophy for Ladies with over 100 hours experience. In the D. W. Club 1966-67 Champion­ ships, ANN took 4th place and will, this year, represent the Durban Wings Club at the South African National Championships, together with AURIEL MILLER, who took 3rd place in the D. W. C. Championships. So this year Durban will be represented by 2 men and 2 lady pilots at the S. A. National Championships to be held at Port Elizabeth during June. ANN is waiting for the results of her Commercial and Instructor ex­ aminations she recently wrote and has already started studying for her In­ strument rating. Husband, PETER has also written the above exams and is also studying for his Instrument rating. MYRTLE BROOKS for Johannes­ burg started flying in 1958 on Tiger Moths. After soloing on Tigers, she converted to the Super Cub for cross­ country exercises. She has since flown Left to right, WALLY FUNK, LES MILLER (C.F.I. of Durban Wings Club), the Colt, Tri-Pacer, and the single ANN WHITE, ANN COOPER. In front, AIJRIEL MILLER. seater Turbulent. MYRTLE is the first and only woman! in this county to have manjaro. The highlight of her stay moved to Durban to take up her flown the Turbulent. in Durban was flying ANN and career. She is a qualified Chemist In 1960, she flew her Tiger Moth to PETER’S Tiger Moth. and Druggist and is now Managing Durban to take part in the W. A. A. Director of a large Pharmacy in Dur­ Championships and won the Marie ANN COOPER has completed 42 ban. ANN and her husband, PETER Mills Trophy. MYRTLE enjoyed this hours flying, and on receiving her started flying 2% years ago—some­ flight so much, that she has since license, will no doubt, become a 99. thing they had always wanted to do. completed 3 more flights to Durban WALLY has 7,000 hours to her credit While still a Student Pilot, ANN won in the Tiger, bringing her hours to —instructing, charter work, crop the Winifred Osborne Trophy in the 220. We expect MYRTLE to be our spraying, etc. She was also one of the Student’s section of the Club Day future aerobatic champion. She also 99s who were chosen for the American competitions at the Durban Wings managed to have two babies without Space Program, and when the Amer­ Club. When she had 42 hours, she letting her license lapse! icans continue this program to in­ Great news! RAY JANKS of Jo­ clude women, WALLY is likely to be hannesburg has been invited to act as in orbit! Next NEWS Deadline co-pilot in the Powder Puff Derby ANN WHITE, who was educated at July 20 (not June) and has, of course, accepted. She will Potchefstroom High School for Girls, be flying with SALLY BUEGELEI- SEN. RAY will report her experiences during the race, and from then on, she will take over the job of news re­ porting. At the moment she is too busy and too excited! Yours truly will also be in Wash­ ington for the Convention and the “ getting-to-know-you” tour of the States during July. NINETY-IV Ed Note—Hope you include Dallas.


CONNECTICUT CHAPTER Ruth P. Buckley, Reporter We have two new members! NINA HETMAN of Norwalk, Conn., and BOBBIE HERBERT of Armonk, New York. NINA will be flying in the IAR with TRINA JARISH. CHRIS WIN- ZER displayed our newly printed guest invitation cards at the most recent meeting. CHRIS plans to fly to the Conn. airports and talk to the FBO people and leave these cards. Wel­ come aboard to NINA and BOBBIE! PEGGY DAVIDSON was responsible for the arrangements on April 15 in Shown at the head table during the New England Sectional were left to right, New Haven for the New England Sec­ ISABEL BLODGETT, Vice-Governor; MARY ALMA SMITH, Governor; and tional. While the guests toured Yale University, the business meeting for guest speaker, MR, FRANK BLAIR of the Today Show. the Section was in progress. Our Chapter report showed significant attempting to catalogue this collec­ MR. DEVINE spoke to each of us in­ gains in membership growth, and the tion. formally about his trips to the Pa­ establishment of a RUTH NICHOLS We did not supply a good weather cific. MR. HOWARD GROSS of Hart­ project. Our Chapter Chairman, PRIL welcome. Nevertheless, it is encour­ ford was also a guest of the Chapter. LOVERIDGE reported the Chapter aging to listen to those “sunny” re­ With the IAR due here this month, had gained six members this year, ports of the other chapters, such as MR. GROSS has been assisting the NANCY HOPKINS TIER, a Charter those given by BEVERLY SHORES committee with arrangements con­ member of the Ninety-Nines, and of the NNE, and FRAN PORTER of cerning the stop. ADAH MURPHY joined our Chapter ENE. The Connecticut Chapter has CYN­ by transfer. TRINA JARISH, MARY FRANK BLAIR was our guest THIA KEMPER arriving as their con­ NEIL, LORRAINE JENCIK and KAY speaker. MR. BLAIR is News Com­ vention delegate. Happy Convention LITTIN are our new members. mentator of the Today television pro­ CINDY. See the ceramic tiles men­ MARY HORTON reported the Con­ gram, and one of the judges for the tioned in NOTAMs column — CINDY necticut Chapter hopes to give RUTH Amelia Earhart Scholarship this year. will have some with her. NICHOLS her rightful place as a dis­ Ho shared his early flying experiences tinguished pilot. With the aid of the with us, mentioning that he gen­ EASTERN NEW ENGLAND Norwalk EAA Chapter No. 130, we uinely enjoyed hangar flying. We en­ CHAPTER were able to salvage many certified joyed listening! One of our guests, Lois D. Auchterlonie, Reporter documents, news clippings, and me­ MR. THOMAS DEVINE of West mentos, plus the vertical fin and rud­ Haven was featured in the recent book GOV. ALMA G. SMITH and MAR­ der from the Lockheed Vega "Akita.” "The Search for Amelia Earhart.” GARET DAVIDSON joined Chapter There were also many documents per­ members to attend the Boston Zonta tinent to the founding of this organi­ Join the International Fly-In Club’s 40th Birthday luncheon, at zation, such as early constitutions, and which our own BLANCHE NOYES of newsletters. RUTH NICHOLS, as an to Convention Washington was guest speaker. Join­ aviatrix of the 1930s held numerous ing them on April 8th, at Pier 4 Res­ June 28 - July 2 records. The Chapter membership is taurant were CHM. FRAN PORTER, MILLIE DOREMUS, RIPLEY MIL­ LER, DOROTHY PULIS, LOIS AUCH- TERLONIE, GERT McGRATH, HAR­ RIET ABBOTT, and CHRIS SEAVER On April 15th the birds walked and the 99s drove to New Haven for the Spring Sectional, but when GOV. SMITH called the meeting to order, there was a goodly representation of all chapters. The Chapter reports in­ dicated many projects are cooking, and some excellent suggestions for future meetings. The Connecticut Chapter had FRANK BLAIR for guest speaker—it was well worth the trip —even on four wheels. Welcome aboard to NORMA WIL­ COX from the San Gabriel Chapter; NORMA is now living in Bedford, Mass. Also, a welcome to new mem­ ber CORA CLARK who received her pin from CHM. FRAN PORTER at the May meeting. May 13th meeting held at Norfolk airport, between airmarking efforts. A good day (the weatherman goofed) resulted in a good turnout, and the Chairman had an informal meeting on the grass while we ate our packed lunches. Our thanks to RUTH CRO­ WELL and PAM BUGG for arranging for the Governor’s proclamations. Our airmarking season began with a blast—two airmarkers in one day! Arranged by MILLIE DOREMUS, Disembarking at the Flying W Ranch is COL. F. GERARD, Dir. Div. of Aero­ Air Marking Chairman—Medway and nautics, State of N. J. Greeting him are left to right, Garden State Chapter Norfolk (airport). With lots of paint­ members CHICKIE ALPER and NANCY SMYTH, WENDELL LEACH, Flight ers (about 18), the painting was done Safety Dept., State of N. J.; and “ Start” Chairman .JUDY MELTSNER. (Photo in a hurry. by Doug Smith, Delran, N. .T. RIPLEY MILLER is drying the ink of her new Commercial rating. She had to wait out our ‘damp’ spring to those participating for a long, long find enough good flying days. time. ISABEL BLODGETT loaded her N.Y. - N.J. On March 12th, a “Kick-off Brunch” daughter and children into the 172 was held at the Claridge Hotel in and started ‘South’ only to run into SECTION Atlantic City. The Claridge will be one of spring’s unforecasted snow­ the headquarters for all operations storms. She elected to make an in­ GARDEN STATE CHAPTER connected with the Race. This affair strument approach to Bridgeport, Annette Ginsburg filling in was for the working committee, local Conn. when her passengers became for Nancy Smyth dignitaries, and the press. airsick. To recap what has been taking place PAT JONES is flying the IAR with KAY BRICK, LOIS FAIRBANK, in the Garden State Chapter during NORMA WILCOX as co-pilot. CHRIS BARBARA EVANS and MARION LO­ the past five months, in connection SEAVER is flying co-pilot for IRMA PEZ of the AWTAR Board Were in with the Powder Puff Derby will be SELIG of Montreal; they are sponsor­ attendance. ed by Field Aviation of Montreal. Sev­ quite an undertaking—but—here goes. There were representatives of ra­ eral Chapter members plan to be on With the full cooperation of the hand at Hartford for the LAR stop AWTAR Board and the very capable dio, television, newspapers and mag­ activities. assistance of COLONEL FRANCIS azine publications in the group. Ad­ GERARD, Director, Division of Aero­ vance Tip: watch for the June issue nautics, State of New Jersey, the of Flying Magazine—be sure to get it. Chairman of the Start Committee, The Mayor of Atlantic City, RICH­ Next NEWS Deadline JUDY MELTSNER has outlined a ARD JACKSON, welcomed us and as­ July 20 (not June) Start that will be remembered by all sured us that all will be done to make gagements, trailers, toilet facilities, guards, lowers, luncheons, cocktail parties, banquets, sponsors—these are just a few of the facets that revolve around the Start of the Powder Puff Derby. We here in the Garden State are learning about all of them.

Since our last printing, many things have been happening—our Public Re­ lations Chairman, GAY MAHER has been busy arranging coverage via ra­ dio, newspaper, TV and even window displays. GAY and JUDY MELTSNER, Start Chairman, have had many speak­ ing engagements to local civic clubs.

In Atlantic City, preparations are being completed with the help of “ Mr. Atlantic City,” MAL DODSON, of the City Press Bureau, to make this start unique in every way.

I forgot to mention in last months column about our Mascot. You have heard of teams having donkeys, ele­ phants, etc., now it’s Butterflies. JUDY has a “Thing” about butterflies—I Ribbon cutting ceremonies during the “Kick-off Brunch March 12. Left to think she says their wings increase right, CURT YOUNG, owner and operator, So. Jersey Airways, JUDY MELTS- her lift or something, but she loves NER, Chairman ’67 AWTAR Start, MAYOR RICHARD JACKSON, Atlantic them and you never see her without City, and JACK WEBB, Dir. NAFEC. her Butterfly. It could be a pin, ear­ ring or you never know what, so don’t our stay in his city a memorable one. morning hearing JUDY say “Send a be surprised if Butterflies keep pop­ Also present was MR. CURT letter to ,” and she goes to bed at ping up. YOUNG, owner and operator of South­ night hearing JUDY say “ BARB, send ern Jersey Airways at Bader Field, a letter to ,” but the job is in very Money - money - money—how to and MR. JOE TRAPPY, General Man­ capable hands—she’s a fabulous Sec­ raise it for all the things that have ager of operations at Bader. These retary. Another important job, our two dynamic men have offered their money—that is being handled by ANN­ facilities to us and their utmost co­ ETTE GINSBURG. Helping JUDY to operation. One thing we must remem­ prepare a complete social agenda is ber—Atlantic City is a summer resort NANCY SMYTH. A more complete list —July 4th their biggest week of the will be printed at a later date. year—so in advance we say “ Thanks There is much more to tell you but for everything” to the people of Bader. it will have to wait till next issue, hope MRS. JOHN ALTON and her group you’ll be looking for it. of women were introduced. These There is one thing I must leave you ladies are the official Atlantic City with. Our Chapter is a small group Hostesses. They will assist with the and we are so very young to have Hospitality portion during the days assumed such an undertaking as the the contestants are in Atlantic City. Start Committee for the Powder Puff Other V. I. P .’s in the group were Derby, but we are sure that with the MR. JACK WEBB, Director of Nation­ help of our surrounding chapters, the al Aviation Experimental Facilities 1967 Start will be the greatest ever! Co., HAROLD ZWICKER, Chief Flight Happy landings and see your next Service at Millville, and WENDEL month------LEACH, State Board of Aeronautics. Meetings, phone calls, speaking en- Now to mention who’s doing what —GAY MAHER, Chairman of our Have YOU Returned Chapter is handling Publicity and Public Relations. Assisting GAY, are YOUR ballot for 1987 AWTAR “Start” Chairman BERNICE ALPER, MARY ROSE International Officers???? MYERS and ANNETTE GINSBURG. JUDY MELTSNER and some of her DO IT NOW ! ! BARBARA CUBBISON wakes up each ‘mascots.’ GREATER NEW YORK CHAPTER Dolores M. Madden, Reporter Everyone is getting that restless feeling that comes with Spring and which usually manifests itself in a desire to get up and go, to work on that new rating, to start thinking about that flying vacation, and Ninety-Nines are no exception. In the new rating line, CHARLOTTE McCOLLUM is about to take her In­ strument flight test, 49%er JIM took and passed his Commercial flight test and 16 year old son BRUCE soloed a Cherokee. Other candidates for an instrument rating are PAT WILSON and AGNES ZWEIDINGER who have just completed the Instrument Ground School course at Somerset Airport; add new member BETTY LOU SCAND- LING working on her MEL rating for their newly purchased Aztec. Your Reporter spent a perfectly de­ lightful afternoon at the Flying W Ranch Luncheon and Fashion show given by the Garden State Chapter to raise money for the Powder Puff Derby start. It was well attended and During the “Kick-off Brunch” AWTAR Board Chairman, KAY BRICK cuts the Greater New York Chapter well the 21st Powder Puff Derby cake. In background, left to right, JUDY MELTS- represented—Scenes caught at random NEB, Chairman - Start, WENDEUU LEACH, (partially hidden) State Div. JULIA WILSON showing pictures of of Aeronautics, GAY MAHER, Chairman Garden State Chapter, and JACK her St. Croix home, MARJORIE WIL­ WEBB, Dir. NAFEC. SON displaying AMELIA EARHART'S flying suit left in MARJORIE’S care to be done. So far we have sold candy, tees, 1 never knew there could be so before her last flight, and SELMA had cosmetics demonstrations, sold many—The following is a partial list CRONAN handing out the precious cookies, and even opened “Bader of who’s doing what—■ few copies of her book “A Helicopter Canteen.” The 99s at Bader Field sell Decorations — NANCY DIEMAND; Can Be” to those who reserved one. coffee, ice tea, and all sorts of goodies Education—ANNE SHIELDS and DR. Back at the helm, guiding the Great­ every week-end to help the treasury HELEN ZUBROW; Hotel Hospitality er New York Chapter, is JEWEL VOM grow. The gals at Lakewood, FLO — DORIS RENNINGER; Impound — SAAL after four weeks spent touring WALSH AND ANN WHISTON have MINA ELSCHNER and JEANNE Spain with 49% er FRED. done a tremendous job sending letters SPIELBERG; Junior Volunteers — Present at the unveiling of the for financial support. RUTH HILL; Operations—FLORENCE bronze bust of WILBUR and ORVILLE WALSH and ANN WHISTON; Inspec­ On April 29th, a Fashion Show and WRIGHT, were DORIS RENNINGER, tion—MADELINE WILCOX; Program Luncheon was held at the Flying W SELMA CRONAN, VIOLA GENTRY, Sales—BERNICE ALPER; Publicity— Ranch in Medford, N. J. MARILYN LUCILLE WRIGHT, and KAY HIL- GAY MAHER; Social — NANCY TEES, one of our 66s was Chairman BRANDT; The occasion: the inclusion SMYTH and Transportation—DONNA and did an outstanding job. We were of the Brothers Wright in the New JOSS. pleased to have so many of the York University Aviation Hall of AWTAR Board among us. A special At this writing we are concentrating Fame on Sunday, May 7th. DR. IGOR “Thanks” to the New York Chapter on a social agenda, which will include SIKORSKY was the principle speaker for their overwhelming support. MAR­ luncheons, Bar-B-Q, Cocktail parlies, at what must have been an impressive JORIE DAVIS, of the New York Chap­ Clam Bake, and of course the Ban­ ceremony. ter displayed a Flying Suit worn by quet. When this schedule is completed, Part of the spring picture, getting her personal friend, AMELIA EAR­ a whale of a good time will be wait­ up and going, were SELMA CRONAN HART. ing for everyone in Atlantic City. at the Twenty-ninth Annual Meeting of Another item of interest that after­ the Aviation Space Writers Associa­ noon—BARBARA CUBBISON, Start tion in Las Vegas, Nevada, May 14th Meet Your International Friends Secretary, received her Private Pilot 18th; DORIS RENNINGER attending License and became a 99. So nice to at your the Twenty-third Annual National For­ have this great gal with us! International Convention um of the American Helicopter Society Committees, committees, commit­ in Washington, D. C.; and MINA 49%er RONALD ABBATE, builder of Convention Displays & Exhibits, need­ ed help at a display he was in the process of installing at Atlantic City, who came to the rescue but our fair 99, DORIS ABBATE. She flew a car­ penter down to Atlantic City in a Cherokee 140, and thus saved the day. The Red Baron and Snoopy will never generate as much flying fun as 99s JOAN FLEISHMANN, HELEN MOXIM, along with friends and 49%ers did, the day they flew to Kobelt in 3 Cessna 150s. ELLIE McCULLOUGH has been her usual busy self, what with audition­ ing for Long Island Networks per­ taining to Air Traffic Watch, and guest speaking for the Aviation Post of the American Legion at the Wings Club in New York City. With the advent of fair weather, Members of the Greater New York Chapter who attended the Fly-In Fashion GUS ANDERSON and THELMA Show at the Flying W Ranch. BAKER have dusted off their 140s, and are familiar sights around Zahn’s ELSCHNER off to St. Croix for a two LONG ISLAND CHAPTER Airport once again. week stay. Helen Maxim, Reporter After flying to the Bahamas in their Looking forward to some interesting WESTERN NEW YORK CHAPTER Debonair for a family fun vacation, events at this writing: Agnes Denier, Reporter HONEY KATE TRATTLER returned 1. Commemorative day in honor of in time to preside at the May meet­ The April meeting of the Western CHARLES LINDBERG at Garden ing as our new Chairman, and did New York Chapter was a dinner party City, Long Island on May 20th, spon­ an excellent job. An Instrument Rating at the Airways Motel. The featured sored by Hofstra University of Hemp­ was awaiting her return, and with its speaker was MR. STANLEY KAKOL, stead, New York. This will incude a acquisition, HONEY KATES’ next ven­ Chief Test Pilot of Bell Aerosystems, symposium on Aviation in the morn­ ture is working on an Instrument who spoke and presented a film on ing, and a luncheon and movies in Ground Instructors Rating. Bell’s experimental VTOL, the X-22. the afternoon. With plans for the 21st Powder Puff We were further honored to have 2. The spring meeting of the New Derby shifting into high gear, we’re MRS. KAKOL as our guest, and to be York-New Jersey Section in Buffalo proud of our two entries, DOTTIE able to give her a first opportunity on June 3rd hostessed by the Western JULICH and ELLIE McCULLOUGH, to hear her husband speak, and see New York Chapter. On the agenda will and wish them success. Local business’ the film. Seems the other occasions be a talk by MR. WARREN HALL, adjacent to the Long Island Airport were for the gentlemen only. Aeronautical Engineer and Test Pilot are sponsoring ELLIE, and her entry Our Chapter welcomes a brand new for the Cornell Aeronautical Labora­ plane will be very aptly named, “The member, a pilot of many years ex­ tory, and a film on “ The Role of Spirit of Long Island” . perience, ARLENE BRAY from Ar­ Variable Stability Airplanes in Air­ A word of thanks to JO O’BRIEN cade, N. Y. ARLENE and her hus­ craft Designs” . for time and effort expended hostess­ band have a dairy farm, their own 3. Washington Convention of the ing a “Flying Can Be Fun” exhibit at landing strip, and a new Sky Hawk. Ninety-Nines. Greater New York Chap­ the Walt Whitman Shopping Center. Now there is a new member who has ter members will hostess some ten New member, DONNA FLAUM from everything! Australian, Ninety-Nines (in their homes Maspeth, (a former 66), is busy work­ DORIS CULP and her family took from June 25th to June 28th, before ing on her Commercial. DONNA earn­ advantage of the Spring weather to the convention. ed her Private Pilot License in July make flying trips to Ann Arbor, Mich­ Another new member: GAYLE of 1966, and has logged 110 shining igan, to see their daughter who is at BLUMBERG of Elizabeth, New Jersey. hours of flying to date. school there, and also to make a Husbands take note: Wives can be Husband JOHN is a Doctor and a pilot. weekend trip to Purdue University to useful as well as decorative! When GAYLE is journalist by profession and visit their son. hails from Los Angeles. TERRI PIRRUNG and NAOMI A warm welcome goes to GAYLE Next NEWS Deadline MEEKER flew to Toronto Island Air­ and to HARRIET MILLER who trans­ port so that NAOMI could pick up ferred to Greater New York Chapter July 20 (not June) tickets for Expo '67. from Western New York! The May meeting was all work, planning, and excitement. Our Chap­ ginia’s Commissioner for Aviation, a local station? Setting off the fire ter is preparing to be hostess chapter, JUDGE JESSE W. DILLON. MARIE siren is part of her job . . . ELYSE for the first time, for the Section D'ALTERIO and JOYCE ROGGIO ar­ and LINC CHAPMAN are flying to Ft. meeting to be held on June 3rd. If rived in time to go in search of more Lauderdale over Memorial Day in the weatherman tries as hard as the paint; seven gallons were used on this their Cherokee 180 . . . SISTER MARY girls have, it should be a great suc­ particular roof which was at second- THEODORE (PEGGY BOREK) was cess. story height. Upon their return, lunch among a group of Dominican nuns Two of our Rochester, N. Y. ladies was eaten and an informal meeting who appeared on television singing attended this meeting, JOAN PREHN, held while members sat on logs in the several folk songs which they have and SYLVIA MACDONALD. They parking lot. Others joining the group recorded . . . HELEN and BILL brought us the news from their area. were HELEN ZUBROW, ANN WIN- PRICE jetting to Los Angeles in June ROSALIE TYGERT, the Powder Puff SOR, (taking pictures of some very to attend a relative’s graduation . . . Derby co-pilot from Rochester in 1964, ungainly positions), SALLY HULL at­ JOYCE and VIC ROGGIO were plag­ has been married to FRANK HARRIS, tending her third meeting and WIN­ ued with severe weather conditions also a long time pilot. GLORIA SAN- NIE STRICKLAND who came from on their return trip from Michigan in TUCCI, our Ground School Instructor Newark, Delaware, to attend her first. the Baron . . . ALICE and RAY MIS- at the Hylan Airport has been aver­ BARBARA FARQUHARSON and ENHEIMER had a terrifying exper­ aging 100 students for the past six BETH STURTEVANT were selected as ience in the Bahamas when the yacht months—10 per cent female — which our delegates to the Convention and she and RAY were aboard hit coral proves aviation is flourishing in that plans to attend the Convention Ban­ reef and capsized . . . KATE and area. quet and meetings were discussed. A TOM MACARIO off to see the antique JOAN PREHN has been designated suggestion for having an alternate airplanes at Old Rhinebeck Airport, by Ray Hylan School of Aeronautics, place rather than an alternate date N. Y. then to West Point to visit 99 and approved by the F.A.A. to per­ for our fly-in meetings was met with member ARLENE and ARNOLD form the duties of Chief Pilot. She much approval. ANNE SHIELDS FELDMAN before they are transferred is working on her A.T.R. rating. Con­ “dropped in” after working to 8 to 4 to San Antonio, Texas in June. gratulations JOAN! shift at Philadelphia Flight Service FRANCES WILSON was a guest at Station. GINNIE SWISHER arrived in WASHINGTON, D.C. CHAPTER our May meeting. She is the proud time to say Goodbye to a few and Ruth Freckleton, Reporter owner of a Cessna 172, and we hope was disappointed she couldn’t make Special from Las Vegas, Nevada that she will join our group. it any sooner. 49%ers JIM SPIVEY . . . Aviation/Space Writers Conven­ Your reporter is a brand new “99” , and LINC CHAPMAN passed approval tion . . . having a fine time, wish you with a brand new license—April 4th, on our paint job as they flew in for were here! hoping to make up in enthusiasm what their wives; another Air Marking well- she lacks in experience, and doing done! Just had a flight from the parking her bit by writing the News Letter. PERSONAL PATTER: MAJOR lot (next door) with “DOE” MORRIS, Thank you. JAN KAPUS has been transferred our own HELEN MORRIS’S 49V2er overseas from the Dover Air Force from Ft. Worth. This Wren is a fab­ Base. We’ll miss JAN at our next ulous aircraft, taking off and landing XMIDIX.E EAST Penny-a-Pound in Wilmington . . . . in a few feet. Wish they would come LIBBY DUVAL mailed in $3.00 and down in their price range! It has tri­ 'f SECTION two crusts all wrapped up for the box cycle gear and 240 HP. lunch auction that she missed . . . . Also, attending this writers conven­ EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA NANCY DIEMAND and LIBBY are tion are: Powder Puff leader, KAY CHAPTER using NANCY’S Bonanza instead of a BRICK (Greater NY Chap.) along Kate Macario, Reporter Cherokee in the IAR .... CONNIE with SELMA CRON AN; TONY PAGE, With so much rain the past month, WOLF and MRS. ANDREWS BLACK Publisher of the Cross Country News we were most fortunate to have an of Denver will be flying a Debonair who never loses her sense of humor; ideal day to air mark the Perkiomen in this International Women’s Air (I lost mine near the gaming tables Valley Airport on Saturday, May 13th. Race from the Expo ’67 city of Mon­ . . . ah, me!) LORETTA SLAVICK BARBARA FARQUHARSON, BETH treal to Miami .... ANNE SHIELDS from Greater St. Louis, who leaves STURTEVANT, HELEN PRICE and and HELEN ZUBROW are also par­ soon for Russia but promises to tell BARBARA MORRISON arrived early ticipants in this event .... JANICE us about it at the Convention; also to lay out the letters with the Chap­ MUNTZ now settled in a house in spotted RUTH KESSLER TAKSEL ter’s templates. They were soon joined Chestnut Hill and has her Cessna 172 from St. Louis; and RUTH DOWNIE by ANNA SPIVEY, our newest mem­ back, intact . . . Ever hear BETH from San Gabriel Valley is here busy ber, and ELYSE CHAPMAN, attend­ STURTEVANT relate some of her ex­ with her 49%er collecting material for ing her third 99 event. KATE MA­ periences as a Police Dispatcher at future stories. While we have been CARIO arrived next, after returning lectured so far, tomorrow we see Jack­ from Richmond, where she was a ass Flats. Tell you about it at the guest of the Virginia Chapter at a Meet Your International Friends Convention! Banquet the night before, during at your Speaking of the Convention; FAY which this chapter was presented its WELLS had a fine get-together at the Charter (for the second time) by Vir­ International Convention American Newspaper Businesswom- cn’s Club in Washington to tie up 1he many of the Grasshoppers who are Georgia Ninety Nines had a fly-in loose ends for the last minute rush also 99s from the Sun Coast and Gold reception in Macon to publicize the of the International Convention. All Coast Chapters. International Air Race stop there May Committee Chairmen were there, in­ MARY BLACKWELL gave us anoth­ 24-25-26. MYRTLE CAGLE master­ cluding MITI KELLER, who just re­ er instrument lesson. Five girls sign­ minded the affair and it was beauti­ turned from Rome. Two days before, ed up to take a crash (surely, crash fully done. There were city and coun­ JEAN ROSS HOWARD had an inter­ was the wrong word to use when ty officials, Macon’s beloved Airport esting tea with the Australian Embas­ speaking of airplanes!) an intensified Manager, MR. WILSON, and his love­ sy people for all the high-flyers. See (better word?) instrument course. CY ly wife, Air Force representatives, you at the Convention! said her goal was for all of us to get FAA and Weather folks, and just plain PS. Maybe we can get HELEN an Instrument rating. Do you suppose aviation-interested people. MORRIS (and the PICKERINGs) to she will accomplish her goal? Of Ninety Nines flew into S'mart Airport, fly with DOC to cur Convention in the course, she figured without old stupid in North Macon, were lunched there Wren and take everyone for rides. It me. Well, I may never be an instru­ by the Fixed Base Operator, MYRTLE has slotted wings, spoilers, and re­ ment pilot, but I can fly a Cessna 170 CAGLE, and BETTY LARRY. BETTY verse prop . . . makes it Back Up! with cross wind landing gear, yet. is an inactive 99 who hopes to be back What a thrill! Besides the three new members, CY with us soon. Then we dashed over BEERS, MARY BLACKWELL, BAR­ to WMAZ-TV for one of DALE WARD’S BARA HAZARD, RICKY CUNNING­ clever interviews and then all flew HAM, MARDA SALISBURY, ANN over to Municipal for the reception CONWAY, BETTY SHERMAN, BET­ itself. TY TRACY and your reporter, DOT Piece de resistance was a beautiful MACNAMARA were at the meeting and delicious cake made by CARO­ in Ormond Beach on May 10. Our next LYN HASKINS, Ham Radio Operator meeting will be in Orlando on June 14. who has worked with Powder Puff communications and will assist with FLORIDA SPACE PORT GEORGIA CHAPTER IAR radio-waves. The tiered cake, dec­ CHAPTER Betty W. McNabb, Reporter orated in blue and white, was topped Dot Macnamara, Reporter with an exquisite little angel. The following telegram is self-ex­ Sounds to me as if the Mississippi planatory: “PAGE SHAMBURGER, Interesting guests at the reception, Chapter was trying to put the rest of Carolinas, joins Georgians CAROLYN the flying kind, included DICEY MIL­ the Southeast Section to shame with KENNEDY, CAROL LOWERY, HOL­ LER and DOTTY EPPES of Hunts­ their wonderful Sectional Meeting. LY SMITH and BETTY McNABB in ville, Alabama, with their Eppes Fly­ Boy, the Space Port Chapter will real­ deploring IFR weather. Were all set ing Service Mooney decked out for ly have to go some to come up with to go to Natchez. See you this fall.” the I.A.R., FRANK B. WOOD of Pan­ anything as wonderful as that meet­ We understand the IFR gals, some ama City, Florida, BETTY McNABB’S ing. Just wish that I could have gone Alabamans and probably Memphis father, famous for soloing at 82, seeing with CY BEERS, BETTY TRACY and made it — but not Georgia, Tennes­ the Wright Brothers fly, and lately CHARLOTTE CORBIN. see Chapter and Carolinas, as far as as a school lecturer about the history Since JOAN DAVIS of Vero Beach we know. We were so disappointed, of transportation, and two prospective has taken a full time job, she had to Mississippi had planned a wonderful Ninety-Nines, both in the FAA, CARO­ resign as our Secretary. We really do Sectional. LINE FINCH whose voice is so famil­ rriiss her, but we do have an able re­ HOLLY SMITH is now enjoying her iar to users of Macon Flight Service placement in BOBBI STEEN of Or­ new job in the office of Albany Flight Station Facilities, and HAZEL FER­ lando. Service Station. GUSON who is in Maintenance. Three new members were accepted: BETTY McNABB after a couple of Flying in were CAROLYN KEN­ LUCILLE THOMPSON of Orlando, abortive home - study attempts, has NEDY and CAROL LOWERY, Parrott LOUISA TAMM of Daytona B ea ch - passed her Instrument written. Take and Albany, (Comanche); JANICE hooray at last LOUISA got her Pri­ heart, all ye exam-flunkers. She went MASSEE (Skylane) Atlanta; BETTY vate license! (She kept putting off to MR. L. J. MERCURE’S Airlines JO ALLISON, (Cessna 172), Griffin; getting her flight check) and JUAN­ Aviation Academy, Atlanta Airport, and BETTY McNABB, Albany (Bon­ ITA DIESBOURG of Orlando. Just and with a few days guided and con­ anza) who brought her father. last week JUANITA got her Instru­ centrated study, emerged with an 84. Next: I.A.R. with Georgia Ninety ment rating. Congratulations to JUAN­ Flight check next!! Nines officiating the stop. ITA! JUANITA also flew to New BETTY McNABB’S home in Pana­ York week before last and last week ma City, Florida, for June Meeting. she flew to Melbourne where she got her first actual instrument flying since Have YOU Returned BETTY and CAROLYN to Washing­ getting her new rating. ton for International June-July. YOUR ballot for MARGARET STANNAH, DOT MAC­ August meeting at CAROLYN’S in NAMARA and JUANITA flew to the International Officers???? Parrott. Grasshopper meeting in Crystal River Come join us at any of our meet­ DO IT NOW !! in April. It was lots of fun to see so ings if you are near! MEMPHIS CHAPTER laces around the table. We don't un­ help from DOT and LUCILLE, to Ann Hatten, Reporter derstand what it’s all about but we Starkville to give to MIRIAM LOE, Natchez, antebellum city on the Mis­ love the way she says it. who ferried them home to Natchez, sissippi, site of the Southeast Section­ thus making them the most-traveled, al, welcomed six Memphian 99s flying MISSISSIPPI CHAPTER highest-priced souvenirs in the Chap­ ter’s history. But, we hasten to add, their six little planes and endeavor­ Margaret Shipley, Jean Hodges, ing to meet their ETA’s for a profi­ and Peggy McCormick, Reporters the most fun project in years. On April 30, about twenty 99s and After arranging this extra special ciency prize. MARTHA TOBEY only guests enjoyed the discussions and ex­ program, LUCILLE WOLFE had to two minutes off her estimate (submit­ planations of the experiments in pro­ be away on business. We missed her! ted a day before take-off) won 3rd gress at Mississippi State University With scarcely time to catch our place. CHRIS BROWN took 5th best at Starkville. Because the weather be­ breath, we (P, J and M) found our­ guess on wind and weather. MARTHA came marginal VFR about 25 miles selves in Natchez at the Sectional. TOBEY, ROSEMARY WILLIAMS and out of Greenwood, MARGARET SHIP­ Convention Chairman MIRIAM had JUNE PENTECOST won attendance LEY did a 180. She and student pilot the situation well in hand as the ceil­ nrizes. Seven new ratings among the EMILY FLOWERS had planned the ing began to lift about noon, Friday, Memnhis Chapter members won the trip using 2 planes for one of EMI­ May 5. JANET GREEN, BERNICE roving Southeast Section proficiency LY’S cross-countries. As it turned out, KELLY and ETHEL RADZEWICZ, trophy. Comments were in the super­ it was no weather for a student. We the Fly-in Proficiency Race Commit­ lative from those attending the Section­ hope soon to welcome EMILY to our tee, were at the airport to welcome al. Chapter. members and guests. PEGGY AND On May 13, LOYCE O’NEAL and This meeting was a tour of the Aero- JEAN manned the registration desk HAZEL WAGNER hosted a luncheon Dynamics Department, with talks by at the Holiday Inn. JESSIE MILLER for POLLY DUNCAN, IAR participant, PROFESSORS CLIETT, MERTAUGH, and SAMMIE DANIELS made every­ INA WALKER and VIRGINIA PROC­ BOATWRIGHT, and MURPHREE. Of one welcome. NITA STAHLMAN was TOR AWTAR participants at the Mea- special interest were the several wind hostess of a marvelous party on Fri­ dowbrook Country Club in West Mem­ tunnels, each adapted for specialized day night. Natchez pilots (regrettably nhis. CHRIS BROWN, MARY STAN­ research. The laboratory concentrates not 99s) EMILY KELLY, LUCILLE LEY, VIRGINIA PROCTOR, MARTHA on high-speed high-temperature prob­ WEAVER, HELEN SIMMONS and TOBEY, ROSEMARY WILLIAMS and lems of flight and re-entry, while the ROSE POWELL were of invaluable as­ JUNE PENTECOST were in attend­ aircraft in the school’s hangar are rig­ sistance to MIRIAM and NITA in ance to wish the guests of honor ged for experiments on the other end planning and execution of activities smooth air and tailwinds in their up of the speed line. There are approxi­ for the event. BILLY SIMMONS, man­ and coming competitive pursuits. mately 25 craft, ranging from a single ager of Natchez-Adams County Air­ INA WALKER and HELEN BUR­ place glider to a Twin Beech, on port, sent each departing planeload on TON winged over to Wynne, Arkansas which and in which boundary layer its way with a gift of a “ snack-pack,” to go strawberry picking with VIR­ control surfaces and aids are built which served in lieu of lunch for some GINIA PROCTOR. Each picked twelve for STOL purposes. of those who had far to go. ALICE quarts of strawberries in a matter of An added attraction at Starkville FULBRIGHT of the Memphis Com­ an hour and a half. VIRGINIA PROC­ Municipal is the hangar where the mercial Appeal was the guest of TOR estimated her total cost per Bums Mid-wing twin was developed JUNE PENTECOST, and wrote a quart was $5.50 considering the over­ and now is nearly ready for certifica­ great story for the Monday, May 8, head of liniment, heating nad and two tion. edition, complete with picture of her, chiropractor treatments for resultant Arriving with PEGGY McCORMICK JUNE, and S-E Governor MARTHA sore back muscles. LOYCE O'NEAL in her Sky lane was 49%er FRANK, TOBEY. and HAZEL WAGNER flew to Dyers- son FRANK IV, LESTER SHIPLEY Everybody please refer to another burg for strawberry pie reportedly de­ III, and Chairman DOT ETHERIDGE. section of 99 NEWS for more details licious at the airport restaurant there. Incidentally, DOT ventured as far as on the Natchez meeting. We are all anticipating a fun time at GRW in her newly completed clipped- We hope our guests enjoyed it, be­ MARY and JOE STANLEY’S 3 June wing Cub in time to ride with PEGGY. cause we had a ball. for their annual fly-in picnic. MARY DOT built the plane especially for her By the way, MARGARET enjoyed an tells us the Curtiss Pusher has a frac­ aerobatic act, which will be seen at unexpected brief visit with MARTHA tured undercarriage. It was taxied a air shows this summer. and 49%er FRANK the other Sunday. little too fast and we won’t be able to PEGGY, MARGARET, and JEAN The TOBEYS had landed at GRW to see it airborne for a1 while. HODGES had flown to Greenville sev­ wait out some thundershowers in her DR. CHRIS BROWN has been hon­ eral times for help from student pilot, beautiful Debonair, a gift from Santa. ored with an invitation to present a ORA VEST, in making ceramic ash­ Congratulations to DOT ETHER­ paper at an International Meeting of trays for use as favors at the South­ IDGE for doing so well in the National Biochemists in Tokyo, Japan in Aug­ east Sectional in Natchez. PEGGY Womens Pylon Race. DOT flew the ust. At the West Memphis luncheon we took them, plus 72 goody-filled litter- standard 2% mile course in a Chero­ asked CHRIS to tell us the title of her bags prepared by the three of us with kee 180 — This is a speed race with paper and she obligingly recited a no handicaps. Nine women pilots technical title with a long string of Next NEWS Deadline from across the country competed in fifty cent words. There were blank Ju ly 20 (not June) this event. TENNESSEE CHAPTER to be in Nashville by noon so . . . in meeting, a short film titled “Wichila Edna Davis, Reporter your car and on the road. Two hun­ Ramblers.” This we hope to view Our Chapter has started a project dred miles to drive and as always, again. It was the photo record of six that we think will be fun and make the further we drove the better the Cinci gals, who ferried new Cessnas someone very happy. Annually we will weather. from the factory to Cincinnati. select one person, male or female, By the time we arrived at Berry LEE and JIM ROCK spent a de­ whom we think has done the most for Field, there was not a cloud in the lightful 10 days in the Everglades Na­ aviation in Tennessee and honor that sky. RUTH and FERRIS drove by tional Park, which for naturalists and person at one of our meetings. the airport in Knoxville and decided fishermen is a paradise. The Mooney At our meeting in Nashville, Satur­ to wait for the weather to clear; they performed perfectly — I.F.R. — down day, April 22, we made our first pre­ were the lucky ones. GENIE RAE and back, with tail winds both ways. sentation to MISS LILLIAN WARD of O’KELLEY arrived after lunch. That wasn’t the case about 2 weeks the Federal Aviation Agency, District GEORGIANNA McCONNELL had all again, when the ROCKs were return­ Office in Nashville. The presentation, arrangements made for a room and ing from Baltimore. Their ground a lovely plaque, bore this inscription: lunch at the Sky Chef. speed 90 knots. JEAN and DOC BO- “LILLIAN WARD/In recognition of We have a new member, JESSIE NAR were returning from Washington her unselfist devotion to Aviation Saf­ DRAIN. She was a student of EVE­ about the same time, and that “ S” ety/By the Tennessee Chapter of 99s LYN BRYAN JOHNSON. EVELYN Bonanza would do only 99 knots! So —1967.’’ MISS WARD is not a pilot gave JESSIE the flight tests for the you see, those typical western winds but has done much to influence our Private certificate and handed her an sometimes get to the east, too. The aviation lives. She has worked in application blank for the 99s. I say BONARs home briefly, and off then this office twenty-six years and has that is the way to get our new mem­ to Florida for a meeting. done more actual work in Aviation bers! Welcome, JESSIE! We also have MARILYNN and BOB MILLER, Safety Division than anyone we know. a reinstatement from BETTY WICK­ sons RON and TOM, flew to Eau For the past several years, MISS ER of Kingsport. We are pleased to Claire, Wisconsin over Easter week­ WARD’S health has not been the best have BETTY back with us. end. but she has not let this stop her good LADY McREYNOLDS has been in MARIAN PETZEL spent a week in work. When we were discussing her New York visiting her son and his California, and did some flying while for our award DOT JONES said, family. out there. Then, spent two days at “ There is no one in aviation in Ten­ EDNA DAVIS spent Easter vacation the Piper Aircraft plant in Lock Hav­ nessee that MISS WARD has not help­ in New York City with her daughter en on business. ed at some time.” This statement is SUE CAROL. SUE CAROL is an ac­ DON and PAT FAIRBANKS spent so true! tress and is presently with the Ted a few days in Toronto touring different Our member RUTH THOMAS, has Mann Company. air fields for new and different air­ a very talented husband, FERRIS. He Our member and State Senator, craft. designed and made the beautiful pla­ MARY ANDERSON, was very busy JoANN STYPE spoke and showed que. Since you can only look at a and could not be with us for the last slides to the Wooster Lions Club in plaque, as a more personal memo, two meetings. April, regarding women flying and the we gave MISS WARD a sterling sil­ JANE HILBERT was disappointed IAR and AWTAR. She also spoke to ver necklace bearing the same in­ because she could not be in Nash­ the Junior Progress League during scription. ville for our meeting and help honor April. This outstanding lady was delighted her long-time friend LILLIAN WARD. BUNNY FOLEY presented a paper to be the chosen one for our first pre­ GENIE REA O’KELLEY, the very at the Aerospace Medical Association sentation. She was taken by surprise proud leader of a group of Girl Scouts, in Washington, D. C. in April. and we were pleased that the news is boasting of the accomplishment of MARGE COMPTON attended the did not get to her in advance. Secrets her girls — all have earned their Avi­ National Aerospace Education Council are hard to keep when so many peo­ ation Merit Badge. Conference held in Tucson, Arizona, ple are :helping with the plans. March 29-31. The conference concern­ Other distinguished guests at our ed aviation education in the high meeting were, Messrs. JAMES E. schools. Leaders in the field reported MARTIN, Director of Tennessee Aero­ on successful programs and outlined nautics Commission, JOHN HORNA- the approach used in courses struc­ DAY and BILL WHITMORE, our Saf­ tured for varying objectives — ground ety Inspectors, Flight Division, FAA school type — fundamentals with flight Nashville District Office, MAX WAUL- training, low-achievers program, pro­ KE, Inspector in Charge of Mainten­ ALL-OHIO CHAPTER grams with and without lab work. It ance from the Nashville Office, FER­ Edy Maxim, Reporter became clear that the fundamentals RIS THOMAS, pilot, JOHN FLEWEL- Our WX—we always talk about that of aviation must be presented in our LEfJ, owner of the Dalla^ Bay Airport in Ohio — for April was good, good, high schools, if students are to be ade­ in Chattanooga and his daughter good. Landed at “ Sunken-Lunken” and quately equipped to take their places BERYL. had a fine meeting and smorgasbord in the aerospace age. This was another “one-of-those- at a nearby restaurant. Many thanx CONNIE JONES spoke to the West days” — bad weal her! We just had to all the Cinci gals. Following the Park Radio Club in March — ham operators. They were interested to THARPE in the ROCKs’ Mooney; was dynamic and awe - inspiring. hear about the hams’ part in the Pow­ CONNIE JONES and JANICE Thanks again! Now girls, don’t forget, der Puff Derby. KUECHENMEISTER airlined in. we’re having the Fall Sectional the CONNIE JONES went to NYC and Weather again. However, we still 15, 16, and 17th of Sept. at Pheasant Miami Beach in April on business (via had a good attendance at the May Run, DuPage County Airport! commercial). In Miami she present­ meeting in Akron. Many thanks to Now for our local news, and thanks ed a talk “ Analysis of Hydrogen-Rich MARILYN COLLETTE, MARY to MARY SHUMWAY for collecting it Refinery Streams by Gas Chromato­ SCHAEFER and all the Akron 99s for me. Spring vacation found NAN- graphy” to the Petroleum Division of who hostessed a fine meeting. All en­ CYE NELSON at the Convention of the American Chemical Society. joyed, too, the lovely carnation cor­ the Am. Ass. for Health, Physical Ed­ In Cleveland on April 4th, CONNIE sages. Our pleasure to have as our ucation and Recreation at Las Vegas, received one of the five 1966 Aero­ very special guest at the meeting, Nev. Then on to Travis AFB, Calif, space Awards presented by the Cleve­ EDITH DENNY, who is Canada’s 99 to visit her family where her dad is land Squadron of the Air Force Asso­ Governor. Many of us will soon see flying C-141. ciation. At the luncheon, her again—at the start of the IAR An­ A panel discussion was presented at FRANK BORMAN was the speaker. gel Derby in Montreal. State CAP Convention, Chicago-Shera- In April, BOB and RUTH SITLER MARY SCHAEFER, co-pilot for ton, April 15th. Members of panel — showed the Powder Puff for Joan film MARILYN COLLETTE on the IAR, HELEN BURRACK (UAL) Steward­ and gave a brief talk to the Kiwanis will hurriedly leave the terminus for ess, BOBBIE JOHANSSON, WILLIE Club of Kent and to the University San Antonio, Texas to see her son, DYE, KATY BOYD, and GERRY RY- Flying Club at Kent State University. HARRY, commissioned a 2nd Lieuten­ BERG. Panel was project of Air-Age ant in the Air Force on the 27th of A new bird in the MENSCHING fam­ Education Comm., Chicago-Area Chap­ May. HARRY, SR. will get his first ily. RUBY said that Apache will make ter. There were 125 girl cadets at­ airline trip for the trip. their frequent trips to Macon, Geor­ tended the session. MUGS, ANYONE? gia, non-stop. RUBY and JIM still GEN BOWMAN had a lovely Easter have their beautifully - equipped Tri- vacation in Puerto Rico and Virg’n Pacer. CHICAGO AREA CHAPTER Islands via Eastern and Caribai”. Virginia Roth, Reporter The BONDs are another Mr. and MARY SHUMWAY, busier than us­ The April Meeting was held at Joliet Mrs. airplane family. FLO flies the ual, is flying for husband JOHN’S Municipal Airport and thanks go to Tri-Pacer and DOC flies the Coman­ foundry, taking castings all over Mid­ Chairman VIRGINIA COFFEEN and che! dle West with the truck strike on. her Hostess Committee. Spot landing CONNIE JONES passed the Ad­ MARY and GERRY KRAUSE flew was won by MARY PANCZYSZYN and vanced Ground Instructor’s written. both their planes down to Indianapolis the drawing by HELEN SAILER. Af­ ELIZABETH McCANN is President with castings and merchandise for ter coffee and rolls and the business of the Columbus Chapter of New both their husbands’ companies; then meeting, LOIS SEKETA presented Neighbor’s Club (a national organiza­ both came back loaded down with comments regarding the upcoming tion). bird cages. Some publicity shots were Spring Sectional at Peoria and urged JOAN HRUBEC, who is Chief Timer taken for the “ Indianapolis Star” to for a good attendance. at tha Cincinnati Lunken AWTAR stop, illustrate how some companies were and EDY MAXIM, one of her assis­ Well — the all-round turn out in getting merchandise into Chicago. tants, had the exciting pleasure of wit­ Peoria was excellent (considering rain MARY, JOHN and two of their chil­ nessing the drawing for the take-off and poor visibility) and the harried dren flew to Wichita recently for an in­ positions for the lst-day entries for hostesses were much relieved. We vited tour of Cessna Aircraft and the Powder Puff Derby. CHARLES came in a close 2nd to winning the MARY had the opportunity to person­ HUBBELL, aviation artist, who is so attendance Trophy. Speaking for all ally consult with JOE LATACE, chief well-known for his paintings on the of us, an especially big thanks to all areodynamicist regarding Cessnas and TRW Inc. calendar, did the honors in the wonderful girls of the Central Illi­ racing techniques in particular—yeah, Cleveland recently. PAT McEWEN nois Chapter for an exceptionally de­ yeah! Look out you "Brand X’s.” lightful week-end. Everyone was so lucky No. 1, Ohio will have: MARION GINNIE and DUTCH KRAFT have cordial and considerate and every­ BETZLER; PAT FAIRBANKS and traded their Cessna 180 for a 210. Con­ thing ran so smoothly and flawlessly. VIRGINIA TOOPER; CONNIE JONES gratulations! GINNIE says it will take The programing, transportation, lodg­ and PAT COLLIER; JoANN STYPE some doing to get use to a tricycle ing, favors, gifts and food was extra­ and MILLIE KLAYMAN. gear again. They are still reminiscing ordinarily good and well planned. The All-Ohio was far from winning that over their wonderful trip to Hawaii. speech BRIGADIER GENERAL HOW­ Travelin’ Trophy at the N.C. Section DUTCH’S eyeballs are still sore from ARD T. MARKEY gave at the Banquet meeting in Peoria, but we did have: watching all the hula gals! in her Skyhawk JoANN STYPE, her ESTHER NOFFKE is making avia­ guest ISLA, and MARILYNN MIL­ Have YOU Returned tion history at PalWaukee Airport. As LER; in MARILYN COLLETTE’S Bo­ YOUR ballot for of May 1st, the FAA has taken over nanza also MARY SCHEAFER and traffic control at the airport. This is DOTTY HAUPT; JOAN HRUBEC and International Officers???? the first time that positive control by EDY MAXIM in JOAN’s “Pee-Wee” ; the FAA is being provided at a pri­ DO IT NOW ! ! LEE and JIM ROCK and CLARA vately owned airport; thus the start of bringing the privately owned air­ the North Central Sectional in Peoria, in the hospital, but happy to hear too port in the refined network of public 111. And it wasn’t easy! You know how that she is now home. Wc missed her airports. She extends an invitation to weather has been all Spring — well at several meetings. all 99s to stop in, visit the tower and we managed to fly three planes in — DONNA RAE HOPPER’S fiance, use the new ultra modern motel with actually two and one-half if you take JOHN HENKE, is in the Navy now, their elegant dining facilities, confer­ into consideration one only got to at Great Lake’s Training Center, and ence rooms, and pilots’ lounge. Springfield, 111. and the girls, (RUTH DONNA plans to fly up and get him ELLEN O’HARA spoke to 150 girls TAKSEL and AMY LAWS) let Ozark when his leave comes up. Airlines take them the rest of the way. of the Glenbard East High School Teen NORMA BRAUCH of STL and NOR­ Before IFR closed in, LOIS SHAFER Club on March 14th regarding Aviation MA WORLAND got to know each oth­ and FANNIE JENNINGS made it, and how we gals can participate in er at the Sectional when N.B. lent and VAL JOHNSON and JOAN LAMB flying. The group was very enthusias­ N.W. of Kentucky Blugrass Chapter asked for a special VFR approach. tic and ELLEN found the experience her door prize, a raincoat. Seems Heard others from various quadrants rewarding—everyone holding an avia­ NORMA WORLAND couldn’t find her had similar experiences. Two of our tion license today should attempt to again and so sent the raincoat back spread the word! members came in with girls from oth­ by mail with a cute letter. Incident­ YOURS TRULY and husband JOHN er Chapters — LORETTA SLAVICK ally, we hope to fly down to Kentucky flew to Flippin, Ark., fished the White with LOIS FEIGENBAUM (Cape Gir­ Lake this fall and have a joint meet­ River and got our limit of rainbow ardeau Chapter) and DOROTHY ing with their Chapter. HAUPT with All-Ohio members from trout in 2 days. JOHN caught a 5- LOIS BARTLETT told a funny story Cleveland, O. Girls driving were: pounder on (of all things) kernels of which maybe we shouldn’t mention — MARY LOWE, KIT HEACOCK, JAN corn. We and our 182 made it home in but just can’t resist. LOIS was flying POCOCK, JANE NOYES', ROSE record time, average ground speed 200 around last summer up in Northern JOLY, JEAN LENNERTSON, NORMA m.p.h. Good tail wind, what! Illinois and landed at private airstrip BRAUCH. May we tell the Central 111. Ed. Note—Look! for BARBARA HEA- which turned out to belong to a Nud­ Chapter how very much we all enjoyed LY who’s just moved to Naperville ist colony (the only one to have one) ourselves, and how we hope that they from Kentucky Bluegrass Chapter. and she said everyone was “ au nat- all come to STL in Fall 1968 when it urel,” even the line boy. Before you will be our turn to entertain at a Sec­ all start a “ treasure hunt” type of ex­ GREATER ST. LOUIS CHAPTER tional? Amy Laws, Reporter pedition, LOIS warns this strip (that’s Huge crowd at: our May meeting — an appropriate name) is not on the Our girls had a fly-in for the April JOAN LAMB’s home with SUE MATH- charts, and she just happened on it meeting—over at Highland, 111. where EIS as co-hostess. They surprised us accidentally. BETTY WILLISTON and MERLE with champagne and canapes to cele­ FRAME hold sway as “ queens of the Seems like we had a number of our brate the Trophy from- the Sectional. gliding buffs.” MERLE and BETTY members visiting the West in the last We voted in another 99 — BETTY not only provided an excellent lunch, few months. DOROTHY WHEELER BROWN who flies from Lambert Field they also saw that most of the mem­ toured California for three weeks, and has a Private license. Several bers got rides in the beautiful soaring starting in San Francisco and ending guests too, all Private pilots — JOY plane their club owns. Couldn’t make in Tia Juana, Mex. before heading KRIEG, HELEN POOLER (who it, but understand it was all great, un­ home. Ditto GRACE COYVEAU in brought the best home - made candy til a strong cross-wind halted opera­ both March and April with her 49%er. with her) and DOROTHY CLARK. The tions. Those attending were: JAN PO- MERLE FRAME and 49V2er, BILL, girls liked them so much, quite a few COCK, ROSE JOLY, VAL JOHNSON went with a group in a DC-3 to Las put in their order. While not a uni­ (who also conducted a brief meeting), Vegas to attend the International Ex­ form, they felt it would be great to NORMA BRAUCH, MARGE JONES, position of Flight and to do some have a jacket to wear to set them IRENE RAWLINGS, JEAN LENNER- gambling. MERLE reports the air apart as 99s while attending functions TSON and JOAN LAMB. (Anyone shows were fun and she won $150. as a group. else?) Seems they all enjoyed it, ex­ MERLE gets her kicks checking out cept JAN griped in our local newslet­ Our hostess, JOAN LAMB, belongs in different airplanes—added to her ter that she got “ mighty tired of fall­ to a Book Club and gave us a delight­ collection and on her charm bracelet ing on her face in the soppy grass, ful review of “The Search for Amelia is a Cessna 140 and a Luscombe. She helping to tow the glider off.” KIT Earhart” by FRED GOERNER. does things backwards—first experi­ HEACOCK was scheduled to do some Looks like our next few meetings ence was in the right seat of a Sab- aerobatics, but that old wind post­ will be in the nature of fly-ins. ROSE reliner, then a twin Beech (which she poned that. JOLY has lined us up an air marking now has a rate in), then her Private Congratulations to JOAN LAMB for job at Ironton, Mo. for June 17th. in a Cessna and now tail-wheel. passing her Commercial Ground She’ll be hostess and supply lunch, if RUTH TAKSEL brought back an School Instructor exam, and to we’ll all come and paint. July will be Aero Commander 100 for her new deal­ MERLE FRAME who achieved her over at Greenville, 111. to visit. MARY ership—had such bad weather she was Multi-Engine rate in a Beech Travel LOWE, and Aug. will be in Collins­ grounded in Muscle Shoals and found Air. ville, 111., for a swim party and meet­ she was locked in. She managed to Here we go bragging again — our ing at LOIS SHAFER’s home. pass the key out to the line boy Chapter won the Traveling Trophy a I Heard that DEL SCHARR has heen Ihrough a vent window—RUTH says she had visions of staying locked in nix Gazette. She was a guest at a superb spring flying weather, but the the plane through a thunderstorm that cocktail party given by MR. and MRS. rain and wild winds seem to have was in progress. If anybody flies a EUGENE C. PULLIAM. calmed down at last, and our flying 100, please don’t turn the key in the New member, MINERVA MAHO­ summer is under way. lock prior to closing the door or you NEY, and SOPH PAYTON flew to Our Chapter enjoyed seeing the TV might find yourself in the same pre­ Madison, Indiana to have lunch with documentary, “A Powder Puff for dicament. As the manufacturer said MINERVA’s sister. They also enjoyed Joan” at the March meeting. Every who would do that? a very interesting tour of Madison “ 99” should have a chancel to see this, So far, we have two teams for the which is one of the most picturesque as it is so well-done — fascinating to Sky Lady Derby—JEAN LENNERT- spots on the Ohio River. watch. In April we flew to the races SON and GRACE COYVEAU; and ADELLA NEFF has been spending at Keeneland in Lexington. Perhaps VAL JOHNSON and RUTH TAKSEL. some time at Kentucky Lake, trying we could persuade our neighboring Also two teams for the AWTAR: VAL out her luck at fishing. “ 99s” to join us at the next racing Fly- JOHNSON and RUTH TAKSEL; and MURIEL DYKEMA’s 49y2er CARL In. You’d have a ball, and we enjoy LOIS SHAFER and KIT HEACOCK :'n is off on another ferry trip. He is fly­ visitors. Our annual Rough River Fly- a Cherokee 235. VAL and RUTH plan ing a Beech Baron to South Africa In is on the agenda for May — wonder to take VAL’s Bonanza in the Powder and is really looking forward to over­ if the wind sock down there will be Puff and RUTH’s Commander 200 in flying the whole continent of Africa. working this time. Some days there the Sky Lady. Good luck, girls! Despite the weather on Friday of isn’t even any smoke. MARGARET WALSH is another of the Spring Sectional at Peoria, Illinois, We’ve been working, too, particular­ our members who gets around. MAR­ several of the Indiana members made ly BETTY THORNBERRY, who’s GARET flew to Las Vegas to pick up the trip. PAUL SCHLUNDT with TAN- been instrumental in organizing a her brother and attended a wedding in NIE flew the Queen-Air and took as Wing Scout troop. She’s set up a de­ San Luis, Mexico, where they had to passengers, Chairman DOROTHY tailed ground school program lasting drive due to windy weather. While in SMITH, ETHEL KNUTH, BILLIE several months, and we’ll help her Vegas, MARGARET had a visit with SMITH and DELIA SANDERS. MID teach the various classes and supply FRAN JOHNSON of the 99s there. CASSIDY and ESTHER BERNER the air transportation needed to ac­ FRAN who was Charter Chairman in came later in the evening while BET­ quaint the girls with the joy and won­ Las Vegas, says she plans to be in TY and ELLIOTT KAY - SMITH ar­ der of flying. Torrance, Calif, for the AWTAR ter­ rived on Saturday morning. The Cen­ JEAN and JIM COVERT are always mination. In Palm Springs, MARGAR­ tral Illinois Chapter did a marvelous off somewhere in their Baron; one of ET also saw 99, ILA MAE CARO- job in planning the convention and their best trips this spring was to the SELL of Coachella Valley Chapter. we can only hope that their members Jekyll Island Fly-In, which they real­ enjoyed it as much as we who came ly enjoyed. BOBBIE and HARRY INDIANA CHAPTER to the meeting did. KLETTER flew the Aztec to Dayton, Delia Sanders, Reporter ETHEL and RUSTY KNUTH have Ohio for a bowling tournament, and Our April meeting was held in West just received word that their son RON subsequently flew their children to De­ Lafayette at the Purdue Union build­ is being transferred from Santa Rosa, troit. ing with MARTHA HOLST as hostess. California to the Control Tower at The fishing at Kentucky Lake was MINERVA MAHONEY was made a Phoenix, Arizona. reported as good, so RITA and DOUG full-fledged member of the Indiana Two planes from Indiana are en­ LeNEAVE took their Aztec down to Chapter by being pinned by the Chair­ tered in the Angel Derby otherwise try it out. The flying was fine, but man, DOROTHY SMITH. Guests from known as the International Air Race. the fish weren't there — only three Indianapolis at the meeting included Entry No. 48 with RAE CAWDELL, little crappies. LOIS KENNARD, a new pilot from pilot and MINERVA MAHONEY, co­ MARIE REISS won an hour of fly­ Sky Harbor Airport and PRISCILLA pilot, will be flying a Cherokee 140. ing instruction at the March meeting, BARR who flies from Metropolitan SOPHIA PAYTON, pilot and PAUL­ shared her ride with DORIS SHAKE Airport. EMMETT BLACK gave a talk INE MALLORY co-pilot will be race and JoANN KINNISON, and they all on the history of Purdue Pilots, Inc., team No. 5. had lunch at Rough River, one of our a flying organization composed of A Fly-in - Drive-in breakfast was most favorite Fly-to-lunch places. In­ members from, the students and staff scheduled for Sunday,. May 14th at the cidentally, DORIS just passed her of Purdue University. After the pro­ Bloomington airport by the Monroe Commercial check ride. It was a, tough gram we met again in the library County Pilots Association. A rain date ride, but DORIS came through as she where ANN BLACK showed us a dis­ was set up for May 21st. Much activi­ always does. play of mementoes of AMELIA EAR­ ty was anticipated with prizes and The American Association of Air­ HART’ si flying career. There were pic­ raffles. This very active group of pi­ port Directors had our Executive Of­ tures and newspaper articles taken lots are doing much to promote the ficers — NORMA WORLAND, DORIS when she was associated with Purdue. Indiana Fair Lady Race that will be SHAKE, MARIE REISS, and NANCY A flying suit, jacket, scarf, etc. were held in October. CRAIG — as guests at the speakers’ also displayed. table when INDIA EDWARDS spoke RAE CALDWELL recently flew air­ KENTUCKY BLUEGRASS CHAPTER in Louisville on airport beautification. lines to Phoenix, Arizona for a short Nancy Craig, Reporter This is a project we’re becoming in­ vacation visiting friends associated Those errant jet streams nave de­ terested in, and we went to listen and with the Arizona Republic and Phoe­ prived us Kentucky “ 99s” of our usual learn. June means a trip to instrument and told of her experiences on the WISCONSIN CHAPTER school at Columbia, S.C., for DOT S.S. Hope during 1966. She just man­ Ramona Huebner, Reporter rr.d TED ARNETT; they’ll pick up aged to get to this meeting before April meeting: was combined with where they left off last December. leaving for two years with Medico in the annual conference of the State We were represented at North Cen­ Malaysia. Aeronautics Commission held at She­ tral Spring Sectional by Chairman Attending her first meeting as a Pri­ boygan April 23-24. MARIE GRIMM NORMA WORLAND, Historian RUTH vate pilot was MARIAN NEWMAN and RAMONA HUEBNER attended as SOLLEY and their flying 49%ers KEV­ from Kalamazoo. She has her very well as two prospective members. The IN and DOUG. They came back full own 172 (husband has a plane of his meeting was informative and the Com­ of enthusiasm, as we all do from Sec­ own, too) and a private strip. mission expressed its appreciation for tional meetings. HELEN TENNIES and LINDA the interest and cooperation shown by NANCY CRAIG is getting her M.S. MARKHAM were pinned. pilots. from the University of Kentucky this We were sorry to hear of the pass­ North Central Section meeting at spring and will begin work next fall ing of WILMA BAUMANN of Battle Peoria, Illinois was attended by Gov­ at an experimental school which U.K. Creek. Our sympathy is extended to ernor ANNE ROETHKE, EHREN is opening. She reports that getting her loved ones. FATH and RAMONA HUEBNER. We her Private was really more of a chal­ JEAN FENDT was welcomed as a were impressed with the fine conven­ lenge than the degree, but fortunately 66. tion planned by Central Illinois Chap­ didn't take quite as long. BARBARA Those flying the I.A.R. this year ter and benefited from all events as HEALY has left Kentucky for Naper­ will be WINNIE DuPEROW and DOR­ well as inspiration received from other ville, Illinois; we hope she finds some OTHY LIGON, MARGE HATFIELD Ninety-Nines in our Section. Illinois “ 99s” very soon, as she and and JULIE AUERBACH, JEAN REY­ Aviation Education and Public Re­ JIM are fine people to know. NOLDS and DOROTHY REAUME, lations: DARLENE BRUNDAGE gave Please don’t forget about our abso­ PAT CLARK, SAMMY McKAY and talks to elementary school children lutely elegant “ 99” cigarette lighters; her co-pilot, KRIS LUDINGTON of in Neenah on May 12th. She was in­ we’ve had orders from the four corn­ Georgetown, Exuma, Bahamas. spired by their response and we ap­ ers of the country, and offer complete MARILYN FRINKEL was honored preciate this contact in education in satisfaction and quick service. Just with a tray as a wedding gift from another Wisconsin school system. send your checks for $3.75 each to: the Michigan Chapter. MRS. HARRY KLETTTER May 13th EHREN FATH and RA­ Also honored with a tray will be 1208 Park Hills Ct. MONA HUEBNER flew to Mitchell DONNA WESTERLUND, who really Louisville, Ky. 40207 Field at Milwaukee. They had been surprised everyone. She was married P.S. Just back from a Rotary Club invited by the Air Force to partici­ on Friday, April 21st, to Kamal El-Din luncheon in Louisville where JERRIE pate in the day-session given by the of Cairo, Egypt. He was the head of MOCK was the featured speaker, tell­ National Guard for Girl Scouts work­ A.T.C. in Cairo, and has been in Ok­ ing of her round-the-world flight ex­ ing on their aviation badge. TRACY lahoma City taking courses from FAA periences. JERRIE commented that PILLURS of Chicago joined us and at their schools. DONNA was doing this was the first time she’d address­ talked to the girls on women in avia­ work in Aviation Medicine for her ed an audience of this type where all tion. When the Scouts toured the Master’s degree in Oklahoma City, the women present were pilots. Ninety-Nines aircraft, it was the first and met him. Their plans are indefi­ contact for many of them with private nite, although they will be coming planes. EHREN and RAMONA enjoy­ back to Detroit in June when their ed giving their autographs. This was courses will be finished. DONNA will a fine opportunity for Ninety-Nines and LAST FLIGHT return to Ford Hospital as a physical we hope next year more members will therapist and her new husband hopes be able to participate. WILMA BAUMANN to get into aviation in the Detroit area. National Aerial Photo-Contest: A We still have blankets for sale. fair number of photos have been sub­ Member And don’t forget the AMELIA EAR­ mitted from Wisconsin. Wisconsin HART FILM. Contact HELEN WETH- Chapter is proud to report that we Michigan Chapter ERILL for rentals. have a prize for the Photo-Contest. A week-end and dinner at the Sheraton- Schroeder Hotel in Milwaukee, a din­ MICHIGAN CHAPTER ner at Eugene’s Restaurant and 2 bus Mary Petto, Reporter tours on Milwaukee’s unique Skyliner Bus. All members were pleased when It seems that every time we plan a MARIE GRIMM reported that North meeting, the weatherman finds out Central Air Lines will sponsor Wis­ about it and sends us terrible weather. Even our two gals with their brand consin’s table at the Banquet at In­ new Instrument ratings drove to Lan­ ternational Convention. sing. JESSIE BOWEN and WINNIE During the coming months, we plan to place emphasis on Flying Activities, DuPERiOW are to be congratulated for their accomplishments. better attendance at meetings and an DOROTHY REAUME showed slides increase in our membership. SO. CENTRAL Tfp of Texas Chapter SECTION ]oy Elaine Needham

SOUTH CENTRAL SECTION Please correct the address of Louise Bickford, Section Air Marking Chair­ man in your rosters. She’s a member of the Houston Chapter and her address should be 4802 Viking Dr. rather than 2802 as shown.

ALBUQUERQUE CHAPTER Georgia Tillery, Reporter The Romantic old city of Santa Fe was the setting of the May meeting, with MURIEL GUGGOLZ as hostess. Santa Fe’s Palace of the Governors is the oldest continually occupied home in the United States (now a museum) but has the modem new capital which is the newest in the United States. Entrants in the AWTAR, the Albu­ querque Chapter is eargely awaiting with open arms! Best wishes for all smooth flying and landings! Plans are snowballing, also for the Fall Sectional at which we hope we have lots and lots of 99’s. There was a very small group at the May meet­ ing, but various committees were good about sending in their reports.

COLORADO CHAPTER Marion C. Tankersley, Reporter This reporter had the special thrill of seeing all of the Civil Air Patrol cadets in the Puerto Rico Wing pass in review in San Juan. Made me very proud of my CAP membership. Thirty members and guests met at BETTY JO RE ED ’S home for a short business meeting and program April 27th. MR. CHARLES HJELTE of Colo­ rado game, fish, and parks, presented a movie and excellent talk on survival. The use of aluminum foil as a signaling device was but one of the many very practical ideas presented. Colorado Chapter will be flying to Yuma, Colorado the 20th of May for lunch and a program on South Ameri­ ca. Sounds like l'un if sun cooperates. Our Treasurer, CAROL TILFORD is working at Cole Aviation at Columbia Airport, and reports she’s having a ball! CAROL is flying Co-pilot for JAN GAMMELL in the forthcoming AW­ TAR. MARGE BLUE will do same for BETTY JO REED. JAN and ILOVENE them in blue, for $4.50 plus .35 post­ bush pilot in Alaska, and can keep POTTER will fly the International Air age. CAROL TILFORD is the contact you spell bound hours on end with his Race in May (Montreal to Miami). for all of these items. hanger flying. When you fly in to Sounds as if JAN will be one busy RONNIE and RAY JOHNSON spent Mena, say hello to HAMP while you’re gal for a while. the week-end in Las Vegas for the In­ there. JO DENNIS, JEAN FERREL, and ternational Exposition, RAY being one RUTH McADAMS has earned her MARION TANKERSLEY spent a com­ of the speakers. Subject: The need for Commercial ticket. SALLIE SIMMINS bined total of 40 hours last month more airports for General Aviation. and MARGE NIELSON attended the South Central Section meeting in Tul­ searching the mountains (via CAP’S Jefferson County Airport will dedi­ sa. They had a wonderful time. The 182s) for a downed Cherokee Six. Our cate their tower June 3rd, and our Tulsa girls did a terrific job there. 99s are keeping those CAP birds fly­ Chapter feels privileged to have The entertainment was by the local ing quite often lately. (MARION, JEAN, MARGE: BLUE, (BETTY JO REED 99s and just great. Their vaudeville and MARY FRENZEL flew to San and DORIS LAN'CHER participating. Francisco in same, to ferry medical show just about brought the roof supplies to POE for the volunteer down. ARKANSAS CHAPTER Doctors in Viet-Nam. The supplies ori­ MARGE NIELSEN was house guest Marguerite Nielsen, Reporter ginated at Pennsylvania Wing & were of EDNA GARDNER WHYTE over the I’d say you all love EVA HUGHES flown by them to Chicago, where Illi­ weekend in Fort Worth. EDNA was of Mena as much as we do here in nois Wing picked them up and flew competing in the First Annual Texas Arkansas, judging from the many them to Kansas City. Kansas Wing National Air Races, Ladies Pylon Race. cards and letters she has received from brought them in to Stapleton, and Colo­ Other girls competing were, JUDY rado’s three Skylanes proceeded to you after her poetry was printed in WAGNER, DOT ETHERIDGE, Ninety Nine News. So, here’s another San Fran with 1100 lbs of cargo. Was ELAINE LOENING, PAT ARNOLD. one for you: a fun trip with stops at Albuquerque, MARILYN STONEBERG, DOROTHY Prescott, Bakersfield on the going Compulsion JULIGH, and M YRA CULP. The girls end, and Reno, Salt Lake, (and due Don’t hold me too tight, flew a good race. It was a wonderful to snow storms) Gunnison on the re­ For I have to go, week-end and the “ Greatest Show In turn end. Even managed formation Where the sky is clear, The Air.” MARGARET RITCHIE of flying! And the wild winds blow. Riverside, Calif., Womens Aeroba­ Best news at the CHOUN and NORD­ tic Champion, was flying each day. STROM homes is the acceptance of Don’t bind me to earth, Her aerobatic demonstrations are real RANDY CHOUN at Princeton and of For the call is too strong, good. Also doing aerobatic demonstra­ CRAIG NORDSTROM at Northwestern: And a whispering wing, tions were HAROLD KRIER, National both for the fall sessions. Is a siren’s song. Champion, CHARLES HILLARD, BILL MARIE ENGLEIMAN’S Aircoupe was IORNOFF, and BOB HOOVER. Won­ 1 cast off the bonds, weathered in at Hill City, Kansas a derful. Of my earth bound feet, few weeks ago, and as far as we know, Arkansas Ninty Nines and Ft. Smith And I ride the wings, is still there. I like the way MARIE Unit of W.N.A.A. will hold a joint Of a phantom fleet. says that the ‘airplane’ was weather­ meeting this month in Ft. Smith, to ed in! How about M ARIE? Well, she make plans for working together in The nomad in me, borrowed a car and drove home. Most Arkansas to do a bigger, better job Don’t try to possess of us aren’t that lucky, eh? here. Five of the W.N.A.A. members For I have to fly— are student pilots and we expect them GAIL MITCHELL and BARBARA And I have to be free. MARION hope to see lots of our over­ to become 99s before long. Our special —EVA HUGHES seas 99s when they take off for Eur­ guest at this meeting will be ARLENE Mena, Ark. ope this summer. M ore lucky guys!. WALKUP, South Central Section Gov­ EULALIA NICHOLS son, STEVE, The city of Mena is really getting ernor. Another special at this meet­ earned his gold altitude badge (25,250 with it. The taxi-way has been paved ing, will be a review of “The Search ft.) at the Black Forest Glider Port. to HAMP EDWARDS’ Hanger, and For Amelia Earhart” by HAZEL Mc- He and EULALIA soared to 30,000 ft. there will be many more improvements KENDRICK of the Dallas Chapter. together. The NICHOLS are enjoying a of the airport. This makes the Ark. We are expecting many other 99s to new Skyhawk. 99s very happy. For you girls who fly in from Texas, Oklahoma, and Mis­ sissippi. Until next month, Good Fly­ BETTY JO REED never quite gets don’t know HAMP EDWARDS, he is ing. unpacked. Latest trip was to Chicago a dear friend of all pilots. He is a with husband, CARL, for a reunion. 73 year old Flight Instructor who taught Just missed the tornado, and felt so aeronautics at Pan American College DALLAS CHAPTER great that they’re going to try for 30 years before retirement and now Hazel H. McKendrick, Reporter California in May. does just what he wants to do, which Gloppy weather didn’t daunt some of is teaching people to fly, hunt and Our Amelia Earhart film has been our “hale and hardies” and four mem­ fish. HAMP spent several years as a busy around the country. Hope every­ bers showed up to airmark Bowie Air­ one enjoys it as much as we did. We port. They were EJETTY and POSIE are renting the film for $7.50 plus Meet Your International Friends HUNDLEY, REV TAYLOR, and ELI­ return postage. Also, have name at your NOR JOHNSON. There was a swinging party (so I heard) at PEG ONG’S badges for $1.10, and white blouses International Convention with the 99 compass rose screened on that night complete with a combo from Plano High School. For those El Paso was the next stop where Julia GRACE SANDER, EMMA UDOVICH. of us who were tending the store at worked in Testing and Guidance E-IETTY SCOTT and EVALINE LYNN I he Friendly Flight Service or for other at Texas Western College (now Uni­ COFFEE riding with her. WANDA reasons missed out on the party, it versity of Texas at El Paso) for a year. GARSON will be flying her Bonanza was our loss and we hated not being Since 1960, she has been with Hu­ to Lafayette, Indiana, later this month there! man Resources Research Office (Huim- to attend, as a delegate, the Presbyter­ DOROTHY WARRENS and NANCY R.RO) at Fort Bliss doing work for ian Women’s National Conference. WISE are all packed and ready to go George Washington University Wash­ Then she flies to South Bend to visit to Montreal. HAZEL McKENDRICK ington, D.C. relatives. On an earlier trip to Padre got a wind fall via BETTY VAN JULIA’S interest in flying started Island, she and her 49%er, JOHN, BUSKIRK 'Puget Sound) having to when a friend took her flying in a stopped off in Kerrville and toured withdraw, and will also be on her Mooney and pointing to an airstrip the Mooney plant. way to EXPO 67 and the IAR with (it was Las Cruses Municipal) said: NEVA PETERS and her 49% er, HO­ BETTY CURRAN. How lucky can I “If I have a heart attack, that’s where WARD1, flew their Aircoupe for a vaca­ be? KATHY LONG and MARGE MIT­ you have to land” — JULIA admits tion at Lake Havasu, Las Vegas and CHELL having been “ doing” Canada she did not land the plane that day— Lake Tahoe. with their Bellanca. So “ hail!” KATHY but within two weeks she started les­ The last meeting of the 66s was held whereever you are! PHYLLIS EM­ sons—first at Westside Airport, where at FRAN BRANDT’S home. NORMA MERY and her 49% er are on the way she had experience in a Beechcraft McREYNOLDS is now a “Wise Loose to a Denver meeting in their Cessna Musketeer — later finishing her stu­ Goose” (passed her written) and LOR­ 182. dent work at El Paso Aviation flying ENE ROGERS got her ASEL. Besides We talked to DOT ETHERIDGE while a Mooney Master. She soloed Jan. LORENE, three others have received she was here for the Texas National 12, 1965 and received her license July their certificates: LIZ NETCHER, Air Races. For those who went out 5, 1965. She was the first student MARY LEE WINSTON and SHELIA and watched, it must have been more at El Paso Aviation to get a license, DUYKA. Congratulations Girls—may fun than anything. Being a big chicken, and since has been checked out in a that 66 soon be turned to 99. I still think I would prefer to be in Mooney Mark 21. JULIA’S work re­ JACK SCOTT of FAA showed two the grandstand. It was a shame that quires her to go to Fort Huachuca, films on weather (Stability in the the finals were rained out, but I un­ Arizona where she attends Combat Atmosphere and Thunderstorm Turbu­ derstand they will be rescheduled later. Surveillance School and it was there lence) at our last meeting. LELA and Our beloved “GUV” will be here she had an opportunity to fly as an ob­ KAY BOND came from Las Cruces for 1he May meeting and since I will be server in one of the Army’s electronic joining RUTH DEERMAN, JUANITA on my way to Canada, I know that I observation planes. BURDICK, WANDA GARSON, new will miss a good meeting. She is bring­ ELLEN JANE ANDERSON, our In­ member MARY BESS CLAYTON and ing MEMA MASONHALL with her and ternational Flying Farm er Queen, has this reporter for the program. we will be delighted to have them been visiting in South and North Dak- One lovely evening, the OLMSTEADS both with us. otaa, Montana, Alberta, Saskatchewan decided to fly to Las Cruses and say Know all of us who attended the and Manitoba. On April 20th—ELLEN “ hello” to the young Albuquerque March meeting and heard STU MADI­ JANE and her 49% er RONNIE and couple who are operating the largest SON, Chief Experimental Test Pilot another couple left on a “People to of Las Cruces’ three airports. It was for LTV, were shocked and saddened People” tour of Europe which took a pleasure to meet charming MARY over the “ Last Flight” of this gentle­ them to Holland, Russia, Hungary Ger­ JSABELLE HART and her 49% er man last week. They were on a rou­ many and England. THEO and their two young daughters, tine simulated rescue mission in the LELA CARWARDINE of Las Cruces and be invited to have refreshments V/STO'L when something happened. flew her pink and silver bird to Las and see the MARION & BOB AUBURN We’re going to do a story for the Vegas for Mother’s Day. color film of Western United States. Cross Country News on the IAR and LOUISE CROSS and WANDA GAR- LARRY BARTLETT flew his 195- from things, so check that publication to see SON each flew a plane in the 35 plane. El Paso with his wife, son, and BOB whether I can find the Atlantic Ocean El Paso Aviation Association’s Fly- GILMORE as passengers. We all join­ on schedule or not. Last summer I Over of the Loyalty Day Parade on ed the 75-80 wonderful people of Las was looking for the Gulf and found the May 8th. LOUISE had her 49%er and Cruses, including LELA CARWARDINE Atlantic. This summer, who knows! “ DOC” COLE as passengers in the 182— and KAY BOND and her family who WANDA and her son, KIRK, flew the drove over to see the beautiful pro­ EL PASO CHAPTER family Bonanza. In the parade was gram the ANBURNS presented. Here’s Mary Olmstead, Reporter JUANITA BURDICK driving her car to THE HARTS—a happy and suc­ cessful life in Las Cruces. We are happy to welcome another with Chairman, MARGARET THOMP­ new member, JULIA SHELTON HAR­ SON and NEVA PETERS for the Nin­ RIS. JULIA was bom in Louisville, ety-Nines. RUTH DEEHMAN drove HOUSTON CHAPTER Kentucky, and graduated from the her car for the S'IXEY-SIXES and had Martha Akins, Reporter University of Louisville in 1954 with a WIN GRIFFIN, LORENE ROGERS, We have special pride in our new degree in Business Administration. Fol­ member CHARLOTTE SMITH who is lowing her marriage, she and her hus­ Join the International Fly-In a physiologist at the bio-medical branch band moved to Minneapolis where she to Convention at the Manned Spacecraft Center. Get­ did graduate work in Educational Psy­ ting a license is a special accomplish­ June 28 - July 2 chology at the University of Minnesota, ment for CHARLOTTE, since she is confined to a wheelchair due to polio The main speaker for the day was show performed by our own 99s, at the age of 10. She flys using a spe­ FRANK KINGSTON SMITH who lived JOYCE CASE FUNSCH and MARY AIKINS. Third participant was DON cial hand control. LOUISE BICKFORD up to his introduction as “The Bob Hope of Aviation.” The dedication was PITTMAN. The new airport is about is beaming since she received the planned a very happy and bright oc­ four miles west of Augusta and the $150.00. Petticoat Pilot Scholarship casion, but we were all touched by welcome mat is always out for each which she will use toward an Instru­ the last item on the program. The Uni­ of you! ment rating. Chapter Chairman MARI­ versity of Texas Glee Club, the Tom- Congratulations to PAT McEWEN LYN STONEBERG flew in the Texas ball Band, and all the people stood to who drew first place far the Powder National Air Races, a pylon ace in sing “ America the Beautiful.” Just as Puff Derby! PAT plans to fly the race Ft. Worth. MABLE EDITH OLIVER we started to sing, ARNOLD PALM­ in her Bonaza; and, also entered from and 49y2er JIM flew in a C119 to ER’S white Jet Commander, with 99 our Chapter (No 28) is JOYCE FUN­ attend a Civil Air Patrol meeting in DEDE PERKINS as passenger, did a SCH in a Debonnair. Her co-pilot will Hot Springs, Ark. Liberty has a new fly by—headed for a large blue hole be DOTTIE BIRDSONG from Tampa, airmark and the girls painting were in the sky and disappeared behind a Florida. treated to Bar-b-que and all the trim­ big beautiful white cloud that seem­ Our Chapter will divide this month. mings. This air marking is getting ed to have been placed there just for Saturday, May 20th will find members better. the occasion. That song took a new from the northern and western parts We had one of the most exciting week­ meaning for all of us that it never had of the state going to Lyons to air mark ends our Chapter has experienced with before. In fact, life takes a new mean­ and the rest of us to southeastern Kan­ the dedication of David Wayne Hooks ing for all who fly—don’t you think? sas, namely, Moline and Elk Falls to Memorial Airport, formerly Houston air mark. W e’re praying for the weat­ Northwest. DAVID made his last flight KANSAS CHAPTER herman’s cooperation! in March 1965 shortly before his six­ Mildred Early, Reporter teenth birthday on which he had plan­ These have been busy times for our NEBRASKA SECTION ned to solo several types of airplanes Chapter: Air Marking, Spring Sec­ Lois B. Durham, Reporter including the twin engine Apache in tional, regular meetings and all. On Our May meeting was held in con­ which he, his instructor, and two oth­ M ay 1st, MARILYN COPELAND as­ junction with the AOPA Clinic at Lin­ ers were killed during an engine out sisted GARETT HASTINGS with the coln, and 99 emblems were much in procedure near the airport. He practi­ Wing Scouts, who were given their an­ evidence. Not only did some of the cally lived at the airport and so his nual rides — this time in a Queen 99s double as drivers, projector oper­ parents decided to make it a memor­ Air, courtesy of Beech Aircraft Corp. ators, registrars and greeters, but BER­ ial to DAVID. The dedication was a Eighteen Wing Scouts enjoyed the rides NICE BAUER was so busy giving beautiful and well planned occasion in spite of a very windy day. On April flights instruction that she didn’t even and held special meaning to those of us 29th, JOHN and MARILYN COPELAND make the meetings. Our Nebraska who knew DAVID. The Houston Chap­ opened their beautiful home for a fare­ weather acted normally, and most of ter stood out beautifully in their bright well party for GENE NORA and BOB the girls drove to the meeting. blue dacron knit dresses and were JESSEN. Thirty-four 99s, husbands June meeting is scheduled for Nor­ really honored to hostess the affair. and guests attended and GENE NORA folk on June 11. Plans for a display, The 2500' people went away knowing was presented with an engraved AME­ hand outs, and pretty girls in attend­ exactly what a 99 is after hearing LIA EARHART medal and a smalt ance are being formulated. Inciden­ Charter Member BLANCHE NOYES, desk radio, also appropriately engrav­ tally, an air show is scheduled and Chief of FFA Air Marking, speak about ed from our Chapter and the Wing there will be some entertainment for women pilots and present the film ScoWs. the whole family. Hope you neighbor­ “ The Stamp of Friendship” to the Uni­ We are happy to welcome EV SCH­ ing girls fly in too! versity of Texas film library. We all- NEIDER into our Chapter. She has It’s hard to believe that snow stops enjoyed BLANCHE’S visit and the pri­ transferred from the Western Washing­ lady pilots, but SHIRLEY AMEN and vilege to show her some of Houston. ton Chapter. EV’s new address is JEANNE GIVEN both cancelled a trip While here, she was interviewed by 7048 E. Kellogg, Apt. H, Wichita, Ks. to St. Joseph, Mo., due to a late snow­ a local radio station and did a beauti­ 67207. And, we also very happily wel­ storm. SHIRLEY had two more hours ful job plugging the 99s. Also a local com e the following new members to before the commercial at last meeting paper had her picture with a write our Chapter: OLIVE KEMPER of . . . another upgrade. up. On Saturday evening our Chapter Wichita and RAE SHAFFEH of Rus­ The favorable comments from the gave a reception for BLANCHE in the sell! Tulsa trip made envious. We’re all en­ Bonaparte room of the Continental The new Augusta (Red Wing) Air­ thused about scrapbooking, air mark­ Houston Hotel. You talk about mixed port held open house May 6 and 7. ing, and border buttermilk. Haven’t emotions—back at the airport the Good­ on Sunday, May 7th, about 10,000 peo­ been able to get much more news, year blimp was coming in—We all ple were there to see and hear Gov­ everyone is out flying . . . wanted to be at both places at the ernor DOCKING and watch the aerial same time. Many of us did get to OKLAHOMA CHAPTER ride in the blimp on Sunday. What Sorry so many of you missed the a thrill! There are only two blimps Join the International Fly-In in the world. This one has 2 170 HP Sectional in Tulsa; they really had to Convention Continental engines and goes 35mph. a nice one and loads of fun for all! It is 160 ft. long and has a crew of June 28 - July 2 MEG GUGGOLZ, ABQ, 99, was a 18. houseguest of ERONETA and NAMA’S and attended the Sect. with them, where' she presented ABQ’s bid for the Fall Sectional, Sept. 29-30-Oct. 1. Congrats to LYNN ROGIE for win­ ning the NIFA Top Woman Pilot Award in the Annual Meet held at Carbondale, 111. Also to POLLY RUBLE and SAUNDRE NIX on being brand-new Shiny Commercial Pilots. Regrets that we are losing LYNNE to the Colo. Chapter, but know she will be in good hands and we wish her well. T’wont be too long before we have two Mother-Daughter 99s in our midst; PAT, MARY LESTER’S daughter and LINDA, MARIE KETCHUM’S daugh­ ter, both nearing that Private License stage and 99 membership. Wally is still abroad, touring by this time, up the African East Coast, pos­ sibly enroute to India from there. (See S. African report) ARLENE and NEMA had the very pleasant experience of visiting the Ark. 99s at Ft. Smith for luncheon and a review of the “ Search for AE” ably giv­ en by HAZEL McKENDRICK of the Relaxing as they watch Shreveport 99s check out in Citabria are left to right, Dallas Chapter. That’s a real fine 24% STEVIE SNOW, 49l/2ers DAN SNOW, HENRY SAUR, GEORGE HEN­ bunch of 99s, our neighbors to the LEY, “ WHITEY” HEWITT, DAVE CARROLL, CHARLIE WRAY and “ MULE” East and we enjoyed our visit. From NEALEY. (Unidentified stranger in background heard the cheering and came there we 383TD-alta-ed to Dallas to be to watch). house guests of PAT JETTON for the Sect. ER and Dallas Chapter Meet­ Stinson Field located South of San off first, followed by MARTHA CHRIS­ ing. So good to see so many of our Antonio. TY, HAZEL NEALEY, HELEN Texas friends and enjoy that good WRAY, JERE SAUR, SARAH HEN­ old Texas hospitality. That’s about it for “flyin’ news” for the month. By the next News letter LEY, HELEN HEWITT, DOTT1E Cessna-ed up to Ada for a visit with we hope to have lots of air race PORTS, CORINNE STRICKLAND, MARTHA THOMASON and thence to news and other summer flying plans and EVELYN SNOW. 49Y2er BUD our Chapter Meeting at VELMA’S of the San Antonio Chapter. PORTS and RAY CHRISTY and FFA cabin on Lake Eufaula for the week­ Inspector CECIL ROSS donated their Ed Note — Look for arrival of Arlene end of fun and frolic along with a time as instructors — all they got was Feldman, Eastern Pennsylvania Chap. little sunburn and you know what. some schmaltz and a sandwish and Details of this in the next issue along some lemonade, but we think they with a report of our Guest Day at the SHREVEPORT CHAPTER know how grateful we are. They were OCGOC, June 4th. Evelyn Snow, Reporter wonderful, and patient! Money for rental of the planes was earned by SAN ANTONIO CHAPTER We know you’ve all been on pins and needles waiting for the unveiling sale of rummage (JERE SAUR head­ Marian Burke, Reporter ed this big task). HELEN IIEWITT of our Secret Project that we have “Powder Puff Derby” news! . . . mentioned in our column in past deserves a lot of credit for coordi­ MARY CSASZAR and CAROL YOUS nating the whole project, arranging months. Well, the big day finally are flying in the “ Powder Puff Derby” arrived May 13th and now we can tell for planes and people to be at the this July. It will be their first race you all about . . . OPERATION TAIL right place at the right time, and and they are certainly excited. We keeping track of who flew how long in WHEEL! Yup, we all got checked out wish them luck and a wonderful time. what with whom, etc . . . A job in the conventional gear Citabria as We will be waiting to hear all about part of our program to update and stay well done! It was altogether a fun the big flight. APT. Cheered on by a rooting gal­ day and w e’re rarin’ to go back and (Sunday, May 21st will be the San lery of 49%ers ensconced on lawn Antonio Chapter fly-in at Stinson Field. fly that thing again. chairs along NAYLOR’S Airstrip, our Each year before it has been held This is exactly what HELEN WRAY fearless leader JOAN CARROLL took at MARIAN’S ranch but Stinson Field and DOTTIE PORTS did—they went was the location for this year. We cer­ off on their own and kept at it til tainly hope that the weather is good Next NEWS Deadline they soloed the Citabria, adding more and we are looking for a big “ turn out.” Fly in and eat lunch with us! July 20 (not June) feathers to their caps (already full We’ll be at the Terminal Bldg. at of feathers). However HELEN was in­ national Airport proved most interest­ ing and informative. The FAA person­ nel were cooperative and pleasant and we enjoyed an almost 3-hour tour of their facilities — from the Control Tower Cab and down in the basement where their radar equipment is located to the Weather Bureau. And it was at this meeting that we found out that our Chapter is going international this summer. PATSY and DEE are going to Montreal for the start of the IAR, YVONNE RYDER is going to San Juan for vacation, and GINNY SMITH is going to Honolulu for vacation. Then we found out that FOY and PHIL WEST are going to Europe for 3 weeks toward the end of the summer. The flying grapevine tells us that JAN PHILLIPS has gotten checked out in the CAP T-34 in Lafayette. Our 66 MARGARET RUTH, from Lafayette, was in Baton Rouge recently in the T-34 on a training flight. She re­ Proudly posing before one of the Citabrias they flew recently are Shreveport ports that she is almost ready, but 99s (standing left to right), EVELYN SNOW, JERE SAITR, SARAH HENLEY, still has to pass the written. HELEN HEWITT, DOTTIE PORTS, JOAN CARROLL, CORINNE STRICK­ Our May meeting was held at ROY LAND. In the foreground, left to right, are: Instructor CECIL ROSS, Instruct­ and PHIL WEST’S lovely home in Ba­ or BUD PORTS, 99s HAZEL NEALEY, MARTHA CHRISTY, HELEN WRAY, ton Rouge. PHIL is an expert on the and Instructor RAY CHRISTY. barbeque pit and we enjoyed the most delicious meal before our tour of the advertently given a Multi-engine rat­ Chairman, for all their help and ad­ Louisiana State University resesarch ing by this generous reporter in last vice. Without their help we would labs where the WESTS work as a month’s column, so that’s one feath­ never get our air marking projects team. Their project is concerned with er we’ll have to take back—sorry, off the ground (or should we say on air pollution. DR. WEST was inter­ HELEN! But at the rate she’s going, it?) . . . anyway, thanks a bunch, viewed by WALTER CRONKITE on it won’t be long til she does have that gals. CBS television on May 18th with his Multi-engine rating anyhow. Looking to the future, MARTHA discovery of cancer-causing materials JENNY McWILLIAMS flew a brand CHRISTY and HELEN WRAY are in cigarette paper. FOY’S project has new Skylawk back from the Cessna planning to enter the Sky Lady Derby to do with the use of silver for purifi­ factory at Wichita . . . that’s work?! . . . HELEN HEWITT is going to fly cation of water. They are interesting More on education and informa­ the AWTAR . . . All of us are look­ people, and we are proud of our as­ tion . . . SHV 99s gathered at Down­ ing forward to the BARBQ Fly-in at sociation with them. town Airport to view two films, “ Den­ Naylor Airstrip Majy 27th, Monroe Our best wishes to the chapter in sity Altitude’ ’ and “ Wake Turbulence.’ ’ Fly-in (MARION COLE will be there) Canada with their Pilots Poker Run. Then our regular monthly meeting June 10 and 11, and Barksdale AFB We’re been communicating, ALICE, was held M ay 15 and PEGGY HAR­ Fly-in July 16th. Come join us! with HILDA DEVEREUX in London, RIS was hostess in her snazzy little Ontario, Canada, to lend our asist- apartment, all jammed full of gadgets ance as much as we can. We sort of SOUTH LOUISIANA CHAPTER for the new baby (to be). HELEN figured that since they’re so far away HEWITT led us through a refresher Last month we said that we hoped to they wouldn’t be taking any of our session on the computer, just to keep be able to report this month that prospective entrants for our own 2nd us on our toes. (Some of us were GLORIA HOLMES had passed her Annual Pilots Poker Run next year, standing on our heads before it was Commercial Written. Well, she “ dun and we were happy to assist them in over). JENNY McWILLIAMS, Air good,” and passed it, and is now put­ an advisory capacity. Marking Chairman, outlined plans for ting the finishing touches on her prac­ Due to a midnight phone call on air marking Center Texas Airport, tice for her checkride. Congratula­ Friday, May 5th, PAT WARD was which the Houston Chapter has graci­ tions to her and also to PATSY JONES pursuaded to have lunch in Natchez ously offered to let us do, since Cent­ who passed her Commercial Written with the SE Section girls the next day. er is really closer to us than to them. since our last writing. We’re always She enjoyed seeing the gang again, We do thank MABEL EDITH OLIVER, proud of a member who goes that even though CHRIS BROWN (Memp­ Houston Air Marking Chairman, and one step further to improve her fly­ his) couldn’t stay awake long enough LOUISE BICKFORD of Houston, who ing ability. to go to the airport to see PAT off is South Central Section Air Marking Our meeting at New Orleans Inter­ that afternoon. Seems she stayed up all the night before calling people on proceeds will be also. Pilots with WHITE, ANNAHLEE JONES, AGNES the phone! Was happy to learn that plane loads will depart from Topeka and me, we had six guests; BETTY CHRIS will be going to Japan (his and have three hours to scavenger their RIDDLE from Chicago, CHARLOTTE summer for some very important work loot from airports. Snacks and prizes THOMPSON from Pryor, ANN MILLS, in her field of medicine. Also good to will follow the “Raid.” GEORGIA HEDRICH and D. A. see MARTHA TOBEY and JANET Welcomed into our 66s at last Wed­ STARK from Bartlesville, and SUSIE GREEN and all the girls in the Miss. nesday’s meeting was EULA BARGER, EDWARDS from Tulsa. The room was Chapter again. It looked like a lovely bringing our 66 membership to a grand full so we all kept warm. We still Section meeting. Wish we could have total of two. (No chuckles please, haven’t gotten rid of Winter up here attended all of it. We’ll keep you posted that’s a 100 per cent increase in one and are getting mighty tired of bump­ on the plans for the Spring SE meet­ month.) ing our heads on the fog. ing which might be hosted by the Also on the agenda was an inform­ NANCY CAIN and LEE BROWN Memphis Chapter in New Orleans (?) ative trip to the Weather Bureau which escorted 13 Flying Priests to the FAA with coordination by our Chapter. We’ll included a talk on forecasting, chart Center in Oklahoma City the other day get a meeting in New Orleans yet!! reading, and general briefing proce­ and I understand they had a ball tour­ We had to cancel our air marking dure. ing part of the facilities. project in Houma for May since so When BETTY JEAN, our Chairman, We are now brushing our teeth and many of our members are vacationing told us that our new friends in the combing our hair for the Powder and in other Spring activities. There Chamber of Commerce had asked us Puff. Hope a lot of you gals are plan­ just wouldn’t have been enough woman- to hostess and explain the N.A.S.A. ning to stop. We’d hate to get all clean­ power there to be effective. PAT Space Capsule (Mercury Spacecraft ed up for nothing, besides we gotta lotta CHRIST is going to help us set it up No. 8) at the Airshow last Sunday, we Wampum and dodads for you. again in the early Fall. laughed. Someone probably did have See you next month. PATSY JONES, Pilot—DEE COM­ the last laugh because it was no EAUX, Co-Pilot, IAR No. 40, in an joke. We did! It actually wasn’t so Aero Commander 200 furnished by difficult though, I did just fine when JACK LAWS of The Aircraft Co., Ba­ a little six-year-old asked how the mon­ ton Rouge! And sponsors they did get: key drove it. Dow Chemical, Holsum Bakery, Bak­ JOAN RUSSELL,, our Vice-Chair­ er Bank, La. Metal Culvert, Aero man, came up with a darling idea Transport, and FRED BANTON who which we adopted. A “traveling bas­ ket” (money kitty included) has start­ is Aviation Advisor of the B. R. Cham­ ALASKA CHAPTER ed making the rounds to all Chapter ber of Commerce. They’ve made TV Kathryn W. Wayer, Reporter members. Upon receiving the basket appearances, been named Ambassa­ Our May meeting was held at the with enclosed item, the member places dors of the City and the State by the home of MARY GANGE where we a money token of less than two dol­ Mayor and the Governor and all sorts had great fun as well as enjoying the lars in the kitty. She then makes some­ of exciting fun things. Their air­ company of MARY who has moved thing herself (food, apron, token, etc.), plane sparkles like new and they have back to Anchorage. She had been liv­ places it in the basket, and takes the a whoppin’ big cheering section. No­ ing in Tok which is at the Yukon Ter­ basket to the next person on the list. body can know, unless they’ve enter­ ritory Border. She is happy to be Sounds fun eh? ed a race what a lot of work it is for back with her Chapter again, re-new- Wish us luck on our scavenger hunt. months ahead, and what a lot of hid­ ing acquaintance with old friends, and den expense, but what a thrill and an getting back into the swing of acti­ experience. Everybody ought to do TULSA CHAPTER vities. it once, anyway, and if you’re like Jean Engler, Reporter Plans for the Air Pioneers Banquet, DEE and PATSY, you’ll try it again. Many thanks to HAZEL McKEND- to be held June 24, are progressing. This is their 2nd IAR, and perhaps they RICK for such a good reporting job We are honoring one hundred of our are more excited this year than they on our Sectional, but I think I should early pilots, living and dead. We feel were the first time. This year they apologize to the Salvation Army. My fortunate that we do no, have to know what to expect and already band was made up of airplane parts choose the honored ones as this would know how much fun and excitement that I borrowed from MARVIN SUL- be difficult job to say the least. The that’s in store for thdm. Their Chapter LENGER, so I called it the Salvage banquet is in connection with the Ala­ is sure proud of them. At this writ­ Army Band. Don’t blame me though, bama Purchase Centennial Aviation ing the race hasn’t even started, but my sister thought that one up. We do Week. The 99s have been appointed let us say this one thing our Chap­ appreciate the nice report and thanks to make arrangements for the banquet. ter doesn’t absolutely have to have to all of you letter writers who took Many aviation notables from outside a winner, even though that would be time to send us one. Now that you Alaska are being invited to attend. nice, but we’re just as proud that we know we’re house-broken please come We are also workgni have someone in there playing the back to see us. We are also working the Sectional game! We dropped in on AGNES HELL- Convention for September. Things are MAN for our May meeting. Besides shaping up slowly. Hope you are all TOPEKA CHAPTER LOIS BOOTS, MARY SHADDOCK, coming. (Jinny Maddox, Reporter DOROTHY JOHNSON, JAN MAURIT- We enjoyed TERRY KELLOGG when Plans for our “Pilots’ Raid” on SON, NANCY CAIN, BETTY PLUM­ she was here. We all had lunch with May 21st, are hot — as we hope the MER, LOIS MARTIN, COLLEEN her. Just like old times! CATHY KIPPENHAN has been out EMMALYN has completed teaching the radial out of Pullman VOR while in the Cessna 140 enjoying the late a Ground School Course to ten flying her passenger, TERRIE BECKER, Spring f ying weather. She made a aspirants EMMALYN has many ac­ was s ill recovering from her long IFK recent trip with a prospec ive pilot complishments and is a read and ap­ Dual to Nevada from Lewiston, Idaho Eklutna Lake and Mt. Alyeska to see preciated asset to Ninety-Nines. under actual conditions and on oxygen, how much snow was left on the moun­ Our Chapter boasts a new member in the Cessana 182. MINNIE had been tain for the skiers. from Pocatello. ELAINE PARTRIDGE flying school teachers out of Felt’s MARY REID has been trying, or obtained her Private License in Febru­ Field on a scenic tour of the area, probably striving is the word, Not to ary. She is a full-time school teacher a part of the program of aerospace ground loop her 180 Cessna. Quite whose husband is, also a pilot and they education given by BILL TOTH, educa­ a jump from a T-Crafi to a 180! So are the owners of a Cherokee 180. Wel­ tor and pilot to teachers attending the far she hasn’t bought any runway come, ELAINE, to Ninety-Nines! County Conference. lights — thanks to JAY HINYUB’S M ore proud owners are the GLENN LYGIE HAGAN flew some teachers quick recovery of her boo-booa! Fish­ .TEXES who have purchased a J-3 Cub, to Montana a month ago under a ing season is approaching so getting N6254 Hotel! With this little number, similar program. After being forced checked-out is a must. DIANE plans to wrap up untold hours to fly Commercial to the Phoenix meet­ MARION ZAEGEL and RUTH all summer long. And, ONITA pro­ ings, LYGIE was happy to be flying O’BUCK have recently returned from mises coffee and cookies every time the Commanche 250 with CORNIE to Lockhaven, Pennsylvania, where they DIANE lands on that enticing, 2000 the International Exposition of Flight picked up a Super Cub for Safeway green strip at Rainbow Ranch which in Las Vegas. Some of the events Airways and ferried it to Anchorage. is such good practice for spot-landings. were limited because of high winds, They were weathered - in in Minnesota 'and that goes for all others, too) but the lectures were most interesting but otherwise the weather was beauti­ The JEXES have been ferrying air­ especially the ones on turbos and trans­ ful. craft about Idaho and adjoining states ponders, and the Thunderbirds always MARION has been sailing on Sand as a side-line and, I suspicion, for delight pilots with their show. MILLIE Lake and thus has acquired a beauti­ fun, too. SHINN flew in with LYGIE and help­ ful tan. She manages to keep several FRANCES CUNNINGTON and hub­ ed to welcome two of RENTE'S guests sailboats and a float plane right ir by, KEN, spent some wonderful time who flew in together, EDNA ABRAMS her own front yard. in Hawaii in March. There is no place and MARGIE GRAZIER. They de­ RiUTH HURST has been busy, busy, where an ever-changing panorama is parted from EDNA’S private landing busy, flying. Business is good!. more pleasing to the eye than Idaho. field among the wheat fields near Mead Come once and you will come again! in the Cessna 172 with EDNA as And do. Pilot-In-Command and MARGIE was EASTERN IDAHO CHAPTER Ed. Note . . . The Eastern Idaho Chap­ planning to fly the return trip even Onita Hoff, Reporter ter recently lost a loyal and enthusias­ through she generally flies a Cessna The May meeting of the Eastern Ida­ tic 49%er when J. MARK HOFF pass­ 140 or a Bonanza. Their small study ho Chapter was held at Rainbow Ranch ed away. The entire area feels the group procures free film from the with ONITA HOFF the hostess. Attend­ loss of a pilot, community worker, and FAA (paying only for postage) which ance was good ARLENE BAILEY and friend to all. This untimely death fol­ they use as an aid toward the Com­ guest. JANETTE CHRISTOPHERSON lows by 2 months, the loss of the mercial and IFR written. RENIE in­ (Idaho’s Flying Farmer President) HOFF’s son, also a pilot. We all ex­ stigated the idea and brought two drove from Pocatello; DIANE JEX, our tend our sympathy to ONITA. films to show us. MARY JANE AP­ Chairman, from Blackfoot; FRANCES PLING could not make the meeting CUNNINGTON, “ PAT” DUKICH, and but sent her projector instead for RE­ EASTERN WASHINGTON CHAPTER MARCIA SPAKQSKI from Idaho Falls; NIE to use. We learned what not to Mary Jane Becker, Reporter and EM1MALYN PAYNE from fara­ do after seeing the one on “High way Wilson, Wyoming. Hostess HOFF “Who are you?” shouted some local Density Altitude” and on “Vortises” . and little JANA CHRISTOPHERSON citizens from the observation platform We hope to have some more for our made nine unless “FRITZ”, ONITA’s of the sleek new Pasco Terminal Build­ future meetings. mascot German-Shepherd puppy, who ing to us, as we were leaving a lively MYRA ROEHL had to fly around entered JANA most energetically, can and informative Fly-In. After explain­ rain squalls again near Yakima in be counted. ing who we were, they were still doubt­ order to make the meeting in the Ces­ A light luncheon was served before ful that we should take-off in gusty sna 172. We were delighted to see the business meeting. Plans were ms- air. We did so after thanking MR. E. that her navigator was none other then cussed for participation in the Flying RICHARDSON, the Airport Manag­ HELEN CRUM. HELEN has been fly­ er, for making a special trip to open Farmer Air Proficiency Program to ing a Cessna 310 to various Western be held May 27th and Aero-Space Day, the luxurious conference room. With States to watch her grand-daughter sponsored by the Air Force Associa­ five guests, hangar flying started ride in horse show competitions. She tion, July 27th-28th, both to be held in the lunchroom before the meeting. invited us to the Yakima Pilot’s Semi­ at Pocatello. And now, news about our RENIE ANDRODE flew NANCY nar on June 3 so we decided to hold a lively members: HARBERT down in the Comanche 250. short meeting in Suokane on June MARCIA passed her written Com­ NANCY has twenty hours toward her 2 and then all go to Yakima for the mercial and is now reaching for her Private in her husband’s Cherokee 140 Seminar. Our Pasco guest, WANDA Flight Instructor’s Rating while lov­ and loves it. MINNIE BOYD’S Chero­ SMITH is now working on her Com­ ing every minute of it alL kee 180 stayed right on course flying mercial and is flying a Mooney instead of 1he Cessna 172 she flew to our Spok­ ane meeting with ANNE CLEMENT from Richland and MARTHA BERT- SCH from Kennewick, as passengers. BEV PAULSON had to leave her Commanche in Tacoma where she flew it for the Daffadil Festival and did not make the meeting. KATHLEEN HITCHCOCK has a brand new Beech Barron and a new Bononza but the weather wasn’t co-operating around the White Swan area. GINI RICHARD­ SON wrote saying she is busy flying her daughter JILL to ice skating com­ petitions when not attending to their flying business since GINI is Presid­ ent of the Yakima Figure Skating Club this year. RALPH is still spraying in Greece on their Five Year Contract. Even though the wind was gusling at thirty knots in Spokane and Pull­ man, all our girls made expert cross- wind landings so the citizens on the Flying Farmer Queen, ELLEN JANE ANDERSON, EL Paso Chapter on the observation platform worried needless­ left and LOIS CHISHOLM, South Dakota Chapter at Havre, Mont., on their ly. return trip from Canada.

FAR WEST CHAPTER a financial report. Other members Jo Ann Burkharft, Reporter present were, PAT JOHNSON, VI- IMARY KOCHANEK and her sister-in- VIANNE SHRANK, MARTHA law, JERRY KOCHANEK, have been GAUNCE, ELSIE JOHNSON, MARY asked to have an art exhibit in Port STEVENSON, KARIN RIBI, BETTY Angeles in May; they are painting NUNN, ROSEMARY BOWMAN, JO diligently to prepare for the showing. WALDEN, CAROL SCHWARTZ, NITA ELENE' DUNCAN and her husband HUBBER, JOANNE ORLEY, PEARL visited San Francisco and other points MAGILL, LAULETTE: HANSEN, BEV. in late January, and JOANN BURK­ LEDBETTER, ANN HAFER, NORMA HART, and her 49V2er visited San ROWLAND, BOBBY KRAMER, MARY Francisco and Los Angeles in mid-Feb­ COMBS and JOY LUECK. We had the ruary. MARGARET LAYTON’S plane pleasure of meeting CAROL RAYBURN developed an oil leak and — one thing from South Dakota Chapter and three leading to another, like a major, a guests. re-upholstering job, etc. — it is still The President of the Montana Pilots not airborne in April. BARBARA LA­ Assoc., RED DUPREE greeted the RUE is on Cloud Nine this month, be­ group and welcomed us to Billings. cause an antique-r let her fly his PAT' JOHNSON gave a report from CAROL RAYBURN, South Dakota Aetna. She’s not sure of the exact RON ADAMS, Supervisor of Aviation Chapter member and Chief pilot for vintage of that aircraft, but believes Education for the Mont. Aeronautics Missoula Skyflight (left) and PEARL it to be in the 1930’s. “ What fun!” was Commission, concerning the Aviation MAGILL, bookkeeper for Wokal Fly­ her reaction. VIRGIE HAYDEN has Workshops to be held in cooperation ing Service, Glasgow attended the been flying a Piper Cub on floats this with the State Dept, of Public Instruc­ Fifth annual Flight Instructors Sem­ winter, between ski trips to various tion and units of the University Sys­ inar held in Great Falls. points in the Northwest and to Sun tem at Dillon, Havre, Billings and Boze­ Valley. A fly-in meeting to Olympia man colleges this summer. He has is scheduled by Chapter members for asked 99 members to assist in any BIG SKY FLYING April 20th. way possible with these workshops. LU NELSON was absent from the The Nominating committee, VIVIAN- April meeting but was enjoying a flight MONTANA CHAPTER NE SCHRANK, LAULETTE HENSEN to Jackpot, Nevada with husband KEN Bev Ledbetter, Reporter and PEARL MAGILL were asked to and friends. She reports a handy sod Almost half of the members were appoint a member for the Sectional strip where you can taxi right up to present at the April meeting held ini Nominating Committee and prepare a the back of Cactus Petes Place. Con­ Billings. Chairman ELSIE CHILDS list of names for the Chapter election venient! LU and KEN had just returned presided over the meeting, HELEN which will be this year. the week before from Lansing, Mich­ DUNLOP, Secretary, took the minutes There was discussion on the pic­ igan, returning daughter No. 2 back and Treasurer, ANN HAFER gave ture contest and Sectional Air Race. to college after spring vacation. St. Ignace was an overnite stop due to I had the pleasure of visiting with ROEMER, ELEANOR GREENING, poor weather over and around the International Flying Farmer Queen SHAREL BITZ, BEV. LEDBETTER, Lakes. ELLEN ANDERSON, member of the JO WALDEN and DOTTIE PAYNE HELEN and GENE DUNLOP flew to El Paso Chapter and LOIS CHISSOM, whose husband JIM was elected to Great Falls with two of GENE’S wo­ South Dakota Chapter, who’s husband, the position of State President. men students. HELEN is busy prepar­ DAYTON, is the Immediate Past Presi­ My family and I spent Mother’s Day ing for a trip to Hawaii the end of dent of the International Flying Farm­ in Great Falls where we enjoyed the May with the Sapphire Temple, Daugh­ ers. They were checking through Cus­ buffett dinner in Victors and had the ters of the Nile Oriental Band of which toms after attending the Alberta Fly­ pleasure of watching the Great Falls she is a member. ing Farmers Convention in Edmon­ Hanger giving rides for two-cents a pound. They had a large crowd of pas­ DOTTIE PAYNE and husband JIM ton. The speaker at this convention was BERNICE STEADMAN, Michigan sengers and plenty of willing 99s to flew to Havre where they attended 99 member and winner of last year’s help with the rides; namely, JO WAL­ a meeting of the Havre Hanger of the AWTAR. The CHISSOMS had spent the DEN, ROSEMARY BOWMAN, DOT­ MPA. JIM is Vice-President of the previous nite with ELEANOR and BILL TIE PAYNE and LU NELSON. state MPA and gave a short talk on BAILEY in Calgary. LOIS and DAY­ the private pilot’s place in aviation The dedication of the new Gt. Falls TON conducted a tour of flying Farm­ in Montana. control tower was held in conjunction ers to Europe last fall and had just with Aviation Week. This ceremony (MARY JORDON missed the meeting returned from a conducted tour to Yu­ was held in the afternoon and drew in Billings but visited with the group catan, Mexico. many interested flying personalities during lunch. She and her mother SHAREL BITZ flew several plane plus hundreds of Great Falls people. were lunching and visiting in the air­ loads of Havre High School Geo­ port dining room. graphy students on a field trip observ­ It looks as if Montana will soon PUGET SOUND CHAPTER ing different types of farming and ter­ have a Whirly Girl to add to the fast Jeanne Reeves, Reporter rain in the area. growing of women helicopter pilots. 99 members who have been elected Our monthly meeting was held at Many of you will remember PEGGY to fill offices in their local Hangers the home of MILDRED PEARSON. KRUEGER who flew in last year’s of the IMPA are MARJ SWARTZ, Our Chapter was honored with a visit race but has been too busy too got Sec-Treas. of Missoula Hanger, PEARL from IiLOVENE POTTER, Northwest her membership in to our group. She MAGILL Sec.-Treas. of Glasgow Hang­ Section Governor, at our last meet­ recently solo’d in a Brantly. JOY LUE- er, and RHODA JOHNSON, Vice- ing. ILOVENE had many interesting GK is taking instruction too and has Pres. of the Malta Hanger. things to tell us and we enjoyed hav­ reached the “ frustration point” but ing her very much. ILOVENE has visit­ PEARL iMAGILL had many interest­ hopes to get beyond that point soon. ed almost every chapter in the North­ ing stories to tell about the Flight west Section which is quite a fete. Dual instrument time was logged by Instructor Seminar that she and CAROL ELIZABETH TIMM with her father RAYBURN attended. 19 General Avi­ We welcomed a new member into as instructor on a trip to Denver ation Instructors from Montana were our Chapter at our last meeting. JUNE with her family. Two other Instru­ selected to attend the seminar. PEARL COFFMAN started flying last May, ment pilots who enjoy logging a little and CAROL were the first women in­ received her license in October, and is hood time are MARY and JACK structors to attend the seminar but starting to study for her instrument STEVENSON. They logged time in the according to reports, won’t be the last. rating. We are very proud to add her company 180 on a trip to San Fran­ to our membership. There is a different Bonanza in the cisco and also on a pleasure trip to ORLEY hanger and JOAN and family, BETTY CURRAN and BETTY VAN Mexico in their own 182 in February. are enjoying it every chance they get. BUSKIRK flew to Los Angeles with They visited in Tuscon with 99 mem­ One last news note, BETTY NUNN their 49%ers, JOHN and LYLE, to ber CAROL EWING and husband DON, and family will be moving to Billings attend a one week medical conven­ former Montana residents who have at the close of the school year. Better tion. BETTY V. said they had a ball. taken up flying themselves after being get to Great Falls soon for that BETTY CURRAN flew IFR both ways visited by the STEVENSON so many taxi service to town. and is really logging up the instrument times on flying trips. Would you believe I missed the dead­ time. IMARTHA GAUNCE hopes to enter line last month, by two day . . . The MARGARET AMES and husbandS the I. A. R. again this year. MARTHA first time in two years and I am PERCY are in San Francisco enjoying and her daughter placed No. 8 in last crushed. With two months news to the sunny climes. They really enjoy year’s race. She would also like to en­ be printed in one issue I will make the flying and are off on many jaunts ter the AWTAR this year and is work­ news for May short. across the country. ing toward that goal. We have three new members wel­ NITA MATHESON jetted to Hawaii The Billings Hanger of the MPA come to our group. JOANNE MESSING- for ten days and how we envy her advertised their Easter Breakfast by ER, Plentywood, along with two Can­ soaking up the sunshine. Our weather saying “ Don’t let the Mrs. cook on adian gals from Calgary, Alberta. here has been steadily improving and Easter morning.” LAULETTE HAN­ DR. JEAN BLENKINSHIP and RE­ more flying is being done. SEN was lucky enough to have hus­ GINA JORDON. MARCHINE DEXTER passed the band ERMAL fly her there from The Montana Pilots Convention held written for her Commercial and has Havre, enjoying the fine weather that in Havre was attended by 10 Chapter only a few more hours in the air morning and the good food served in members, LAULETTE, PEARL, VI- to nail down her rating. She still is the Combs - Pickens hanger. VIANNE, MARY STEVENSON, PAT actively working at Willards Flying Service and has started teaching ground to smart, but what you can learn school. We wish her hick in her new something." venture. Our May meeting will be at the SOUTHWEST Seattle Radar Control Center where June Coffman, Reporter ROSETTA made friends while work­ SECTION Inasmuch as our regular Reporter, ing on her Instrument rating. She JEAN REEVES, was not able to attend will act as hostess this time. BAY CITIES CHAPTER our last meeting, as newest member Loretta Gabrielson, Reporter of the 99s, I was unanimously elected WYOMING CHAPTER to send to you all our greetings and RUTH RUECKERT airlined to Phoe­ Dorothy Misner, Reporter nix Tuesday, the 18th, to attend the news. Wyoming Ninety-Nines haven’t had NITA MATHESON just returning Executive Board meeting at ALICE a meeting since February 11th. The ROBERTS’ new home. Then the Sec­ from a lovely vacation in the Hawaiian weather just hasn’t been cooperating Islands. Her stories of the enchanted tion Meeting — the Phoenix Chapter a bit as you all probably know from islands were such that we were all did an excellent job on all arrange­ the news reports. ready to climb aboard and head for ments, including a pot luck dinner for March 11th meeting planned for Po­ the land of sun and fun. the EB members. A real fun deal. well. Guess What? Snow storm! April RUTH stayed an extra day and visit­ BETTY CURRAN, our courageous 8th meeting planned for Powell. Guess ed her uncle, a resident of Phoenix. Chairman, is taking off this month What? Rain storm! May 8th meeting FRAN GRANT was delightfully sur­ for the “ Angel Derby.” We all wish planned for Casper. Guess What? Snow prised at the Phoenix Sectional to re­ her best of luck and know she will storm! Alternate weather date May ceive a Life Membership from our In­ do a tremendous job. 20th, Worland. Believe it or not it looks ternational President, ALICE RO­ iMARSH DEXTER is very busy at like Spring has finally sprung, tem­ BERTS. It seems her nice 49% er, Willard’s Flying Service where she peratures are in the 80’s and ole Sol NORM, wrote to Alice requesting the has embarked on a new career of is greening things up. VIRGILEA membership for FRAN. What a mar­ teaching ground school. I hope she can SWORTS says, “ Come rain, hail, sleet, velous 49% er! recruit more female fliers. or snow, weather the storm, and be MARY FIELDS and DONI PEREZ MILDRED PEARSON is busy with there.” flew with MYRTLE WRIGHT in her her work but managers to get in DOROTHY MISNER and two pros­ Cessna 172, to the Phoenix Sectional. flying time. She has related stories pective 66, MRS. JERRY TOLMAN Although the weather was not too to us newcomers that gives us cour­ and MRS. BILL HUHNKE did start out warm, they had a lot of fun. age to keep flying. for Powell on the 8th of May and get DOROTHY FULLER and two other ANNETTE SCHMITT' is a prospec­ as far as Greybull, 38 miles north of teachers from San Leandro, joined tive new member. She has her Pri­ Worland. Ninety-Nine PAULINE PO­ DOT in an Easter-week flight to Las vate license and is working at Cal WERS met them at the airport and Vegas in a Cessna 172. It was delight­ Aero, Paine Field. We certainly hope they enjoyed a visit at her home and ful to be on a cross-country at last, she will decide to join our group. then after lunch scooted back to Wor­ on this coast, in spirte of two six-hour Yours truly is busy with instrument land with about a twenty-five knot tail weather delays at take off. ground school and about this time wind. JAUNDA BIGELOW flew her daugh­ wondering if flying on sunny VFR (Chairman MABEL ANESI has been ter, ELIABETH, and son, IRA, to the days isn’t the only way to go. in Missouri for surgery and while there Nut Tree for lunch and to celebrate her Our Chapter is anxiously awaiting the contacted Ninety-Nine DOROTHY birthday. Good flight and smooth land­ Fall Sectional in Alaska this Septem­ STRATTON and had a wonderful last ing! JAUNDA was delighted to hear ber. We hope to have quite a dele­ day in Excelsior Springs. DOROTHY that a friend, wham she had flown gation attending. took her for a drive around town and to lunch a couple of times, is now tak­ Hopefully next month, our regular to the airport and a flight over town ing flying instructions. Reporter will be back to greet you all. in a Cessna 150. DOROTHY and her BARBARA LaPOINT entered a spot husband operate the airport there. landing contest sponsored by Fly Ten, WILLAMETTE CHAPTER MARIE ENGLEMAN and husband Inc. at Tracy Airport. These are her Jane Capizzi, Reporter vacationed for a month at points South, words — not mine — “ terrible — came Our last meeting was held in Eu­ Las Vegas, etc., and MARIE is now in 12th—ugh!” gene with the Southern Oregon Chap­ back from a visit with her Mother DEBBY BYRAM’S cousin, LYDIA ter as guests. Our Sectional Governor, in Detroit. Welcome back MARIE. O’NEIL, of Pittsburgh, Pa., on her ILOVENE POTTER, flew in from If the weather holds, our meeting way home from a world tour, spent Seattle to be with all 26 of us, and on the 20th will start with a spot some time with DEBRY in San Fran­ watch the film on the AMELIA EAR­ landing at the Worland Airport and cisco. Naturally, a flight to our unique HART Story. lunch at the home of NIKI WEAVER. Nut Tree was in order. HIALEAH POLLY PEERCE is back from 2% Bye for now. REILICH was delighted to be able months in El Paso, Texas. to fly the gals up there — it was a LOU WICKS has received her Com­ perfect flying day!! mercial rating and ROSETTA VEN- Meet Your International Friends RUTH JACQUOT spent an interesting ELL, her Instrument rating. at your day, to say the least! She was invited CAROL FLEMING summed up her to go on board the aircraft carrier adventurous flight to Kerrville, Texas International Convention Orishany. The Navy was honoring JIM­ and back by saying. “You never get MIE DOOLITTLE, his wife and the Raiders. This is a sampling of what happened that day — first a B-25 flew between the bridges to salute the Raid­ ers. Then they sailed out to the Faral- lon Islands where the A-3 performed refueling in mid-aid with the A4E. The F82’s came by, and made touch and go landings on the carrier—what a breath taking operation. After the F82’s landed, the A-D’s landed, then they catapulted all the aircraft off— what a thrill! As they were returning, between the Bay Bridge and the station, The Blue Angels put on their show. How can one top a day like that? RITA HART is recovering from her recent illness and operation. Also, GLADYS COBB’S 49%er, RAY, is on the mend from an operation, in fact, he has taken the 235 out on a flight. As you so aptly said it PEG, How can the 20th arrive on the 20th, and so soon too. ? Ed Note — Haven’t found out yet—!

EL CAJON VALLEY CHAPTER Dottie Sanders, Reporter Such a busy month! The weekend of April 21-23 was most delightful for LYNN COULTHARD and DOTTIE SANDERS who were our Chapter’s representatives at the Southwest Sec­ tional Spring Meeting, hostessed by Things are looking up, high atop the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway (and in the the Phoenix Chapter. Phoenix really snow, too), as three members of the Coachella Valley Chapter enjoy watching proved itself as the Valley of the the start of the first International Balloon Race in which six aeronauts took Sun and gave us bright sunshine the part, representing Canada, Denmark, Switzerland, and the U. S. The balloon whole weekend for the wonderful pro­ watchers, who are members of the Palm Springs AWTAR “ Stop” Committee, gram planned by the Chapter. It was are, left to right, BOBBI TROUT, a Charter 99; ILIA MAE CAROSELL, Com­ so nice, and such a great honor, to mittee Chairman; and DR. GRACE SONG LINE. see the entire International Executive Board there. Our April meeting, held at the home the airport management’s having ycu me, it’s a good navigation drill to of JEAN BUSSY, was most enjoy­ marked the letters out for us, we have your husband following you—you able with home movies shown by were through in record time and be­ don’t dare get lost! 49% er, FRED BREISE, when he was fore the weekend traffic becaime hea­ With EOB working in El Centro tem­ an instructor of Wasps during World vy. FREDA flew FLORENCE and your porarily, DOTTIE has been commut­ War II at Sweetwater, Texas. We writer over the field after we were ing to El Centro on weekends after her even saw a picture of JACQUELINE through to admire our handiwork in work week is over, flying trusty ’36C COCHRAN in one scene! It was so one of BREISE and JOHNSON’S Cher­ over on Saturday night and returning interesting to see the WWII vintage okee 140’s. Monday AM’s. airplanes in which they trained. Incidentally, FREDA and FLOR­ Honeymooning in Spain after a beau­ FRED also commented that he had ENCE both have become grandmoth­ tiful wedding on May 6 are AILEEN been the Examiner for most of the ers again—'FREDA with a grandson, SANDERS FREEMAN and our new girls present at our meeting. DEVON WAYNE BREISE, and FLOR­ 49%er, AL. We wish them both many April 29, after a light, early morn­ ENCE with a granddaughter, CHRIS­ years of happiness! (AILEEN will hos­ ing rain, we drank coffee in the con­ TINA RAE FRASER. tess our July meeting at their home trol tower at Gillespie Field until the with a potluck dinner and swimming runway dried sufficiently to do our Airplane ferries of the month—BAR­ in their pool.) second air marking project. On hand BARA and RON HILL delivered a new with lots of muscle, vim and vigor Citabria from Wisconsin to Stardust San Diego Chapter members, LOIS at 7:30 AM were FLORENCE FRA­ Aviation, and DOTTIE and BOB SAN­ BARTLING, MARIAN BANKS, RUBY SER, Co-Chairman of Air Marking, DERS flew two new Cherokees from KEAVENY and their prospective mem­ FREDA BREISE, BOO CHRISTEN­ Vero Beach to BREISE and JOHN­ ber, MARIE LEWIS, joined our Chap­ SEN, BARBARA HILL and DOTTIE STON, formation all the way, with ter in welcoming San Fernando Valley SANDERS. With the cooperation of “you know who” in the lead. Believe Chapter members at Gillespie Field for their May fly-in, transporting them to state of Massachusetts, MRS. E. C. beautiful Singing Hills Country Club LOCKE, who is an aviation writer for for lunch. Those from our Chapter who the Patriot Ledger in Quincy, Mass. could attend were FLORENCE FRA­ LOIS BROWN reports a new addi­ SER, FREDA BREISE, LYNN COUL- tion to the ever-growing fleet of air­ THARD and DOTTIE SANDERS. We craft. Her 49%er, MIKE, purchased had a total of 20—a good round number another Sea-Bee for their Scenic Ride for lots of good hangar flying. Come Tours at Lake Tahoe. This one has again, girls! been modified so even LOIS can reach LEAH LIERSCH has moved to Pt. the rudder pedals. They usually build Loma to share an apartment with a them for giants. And speaking of gi­ girl friend, so after the trials and tribu­ ants, MIKE just completed a giant task lations of moving, she spent Mother’s of obtaining his A & P rating. This in Day weekend in Sacramento with her addition to all of his other ratings. parents. Congratulations, MIKE! The weekend of May 13th commem­ From Carson City we report JOAN “ Flight 99, this is San Diego Radio,” orated the Spirit of St. Louis’ having REID and HAZEL HOHN diligently may be the voice of El Cajon Val­ been built in San Diego prior to Lind­ working on a fly-in to be held at Car­ bergh’s famous flight in it to Paris. ley Chapter’s LEAH LIERSCH, if son Municipal Airport on May 19 and Its replica, built by FRANK TALL- you hear a pleasant and distinctive 20th. HAZEL says her 49%er, WER­ MAN, was on display at Lindbergh female voice on your call. LEAH is NER, is now the official sky divers’ Field, and among those standing by former Chairman of the Chapter. pilot for Sierra Para Skydivers. HA­ with pamphlets, etc. were IDA GAY ZEL also told us about being a guest and DOTTIE CAMPBELL from our I accompanied my 49% er, STAN, to of the Wings Club and The Women’s Chapter. In addition, IDA GAY was Las Vegas for the International Expo­ International Aviation Association for official photographer in a Pacific South­ dinner while she was back East. She sition of Flight, April 27-30th. STAN west Airline (PSA) who donated flights was actually the guest of Greater New is Chairman of the Reno National in a fund-raising campaign for retain­ Championship Air Races in September, York Chapter member, PHYLLIS ing this replica in San Diego after the CROUCH. While there she saw many and we manned a booth at the Ex­ Paris Air Show is over. She was thrill­ 99 friends, including KAY HIL- position, handing out circulars and pro­ ed to have been able to sit in the BRANDT, Governor of the New York, grams describing this fall’s events in “ jump seat” of the Electra during the New Jersey Section, DORIS RENIN- Reno. We met lots of old flying friends, landing. The PSA pilot, not being used GER, former Governor of the N.Y.- plus many 99 members who stopped to flying at the low altitude of 2500 N.J. Section and first professional wo­ by the booth. RONNIE JOHNSON, Col­ feet, said it was a “ Sky full of Cessnas man helicopter pilot in N.Y. City, and orado Chapter, was the first to stop down there.” 49%er, DEL GAY, flew SELIMA CRONAN, Greater N.Y.-N.J. and chat. Her 49% er, RAYMOND, their Cessna 182 and conversed with Chapter, who is the authoress of “A Manager—Air Carrier Division for Pi­ the PSA pilot for the entertainment of Helicopter Can Be,” published by Ran­ per in Denver — made a convincing the passengers on the PSA flights. dom House plus others coming out speech during the symposium on the Next exciting event—San Diego-Reno shortly which will be textbooks on avi­ need for more private airfields. I also Fun Race! ation for young children. The guest met AULEEiN HALL, who is a new speaker was HERE FISHER, well member of the San Fernando Valley known test pilot and Asst. Director of FALLON CHAPTER Chapter. Her 49% er, AL, is Superinten­ the New York Port Authority, Avia­ Elaine L. Brown, Reporter dent of Flying Training for American tion Division. He showed films of his This month’s report flies to you be­ Airlines in Los Angeles, and I guess test flights and many interesting clip­ tween ferrying trips to the Little you know, with AULEEN and I both pings of his whole aviation career. League park, guitar, drum and ballet ex-A.A. stewardesses, we all had a lessons, plus checking on trophies, pub­ good chat. Soon after the HALLs left We conclude this list of events with licity, etc. for our forthcoming Fun our booth, GINNY COOK, Tucson our consistent winners of our trip of Race on June 10th. Ah, for summer Chapter, arrived and we managed to the month award, DOROTHY and CAR­ vacation and a screeching halt to the keep ourselves enthralled until long af­ ROLL STAUFF, who made their almost old worn treadmill. ter everyone closed their booths. Seems weekly pilgrimage to Palm Springs. DEE BAER took time out from her GINNY’s 49% er is a retired American There’s a slight rumor aloft that DOR­ moving plans to Phoenix to give a Airlines Captain, so that started us off. OTHY’S ideas of physical fitness don’t talk on private aviation for a group of Then I learned that LOLA RICCI coincide with her 49%er’s, particularly second graders. DEE reports a most (Southwest Section Governor) has just after a 14-mile job in 100-degree heat attentive audience, so much so that appointed VIRGINIA COOK Chairman just to check an airplane. She has a when the recess bell rang they didn’t of the Contest Committee for the South­ beautiful tan to show for it, however. move a muscle or even an eyeball to­ west Section. They’re giving a new an­ Their trip home in the Cessna 210 was ward the door! After an hour and a nual award for Women Pilot of the interesting, particularly after the tower half she had to excuse herself in or­ Year for the Southwest Section. Blanks at Palm Springs informed them of their der to make a flight to Phoenix to see will be sent out to each chapter to wide open gear doors! After an over­ 49%er, RICK, who is attending a Bo­ submit names and a committee was night in Santa Barbara, they had an nanza's copilot school there. Great appointed to devise a point system. I uneventful gear door open IFR trip work, DEE! also met a lovely lady from my home home to Reno! FRESNO CHAPTER MARIE KEMPLE — Has made a few (he Powder Puff Derby, and now very Ixmoiel Freeman, Reporter flying jaunts here and there — using active in boating and marine writing. NEWS — at last — your reporter has the Shell map to navigate, and now VIRGINIA SHOWERS and BOBBIE awakened from her long nap with a she’s grounded — she decided to paint GARRETT went to the Southwest Sec­ lot of interesting news. We all as a the airplane. tion at Phoenix via Bonanza Airlines, group have accomplished so many KATHY McNAMARA — checking out and enjoyed a great week end, while things — such as Air Marking — Poker in her new 182 — planning to fly the the rest of us were grounded by the Runs — D.F. Steers — Treasure Hunts Fun Race. KATHY did real well with weather. — and flying ADF courses — Fun, Fun, the 170 so she’ll become a Pro with SUSAN OLIVER was official hostess and more Fun. And now for the sec­ 182—she’ll show her 49%er. for the International Exposition of ond year, the AOPA Pinch-Hitter CLAUDELL FALTER — Has been at­ Course. The Chapter has airmarked tending ground school toward a Com­ Flight, April 28-31 in Las Vegas. In Gustine, Sequoia Field, Coalinga, and mercial ticket — so we’ll soon have connection with this, she was flown repainted Madera with more to be done another — “better yourself gal.” around southern California in a King — busy — busy — this California liquid BARBARA FALLER — Made several Air, and met ELLEN TRINDLE and sunshine hasn’t bothered our activities. trips to the East Coast to visit with her other Ninety-Nines working in Public We welcomed three new 99s — LORI folks — experienced sadness with the Relations. SUSAN also appeared on PARSONS, THEOLA NUTT, and loss of her father. Channel 5 in spot announcements of MARY WILDER. LORI PARSON — another gal that's the Exposition, and on MAYOR SAM YORTY’S Sunday evening program. Our “Mr. 99” award was won by working for her Commercial — no hold­ CAL MacPHERSON — who belongs to ing back. She is being flown to New York to cur Chairman, BETTY MacPHERSON. SARA JANE CLOUSE — at long last tape some material for the JOHNNY He won it with his good looks—charm­ is getting her 49% er interested in fly­ CARSON show, and being filmed in ing Smile and hearty laughter, and ing. the new model Link Trainer. She at­ his ability to help we poor women out GINNY RUSSELL — and her 49% er tended the Stock Plane Races at — we all love you, CAL, really we do. are busy getting their new large Radio Shafter Airport on May 6 and 7. We have a couple of our girls who Shop and hangar completed — will be All this leaves SUSAN so much spare went out and exchanged their airplane the biggest at Fresno Chandler field — time that she’s working on her Muti- we are waiting for open house — as for a different flying machine. VOLINE engine rating, aerobatics, and plans soon as the contractors complete the DODGSON went from a Debonair to a for flying solo to Russia. For details, job. 260 Comanche, a beautiful spanking and an illustrated account of her new job, and KATHIE McNAMARA VI HUCKLEBERRY—Returned from activities, read “ Hi, There, Susie” , changed over from a 1701 Cessna to a Korea with her 49% er. Busy making in the May AOPA Pilot. 182 — then we have MARIE KEMPLE, plans for her son’s wedding. REBECCA HELD has logged more who has stripped her Bonanza down to MARY WILDER — Our newest 99 miles of flying, having just returned have it painted — please MARIE, hur­ member — she’s attending College of from a delightful trip to the islands ry up with the paint job, your baby Pacific at Stockton and commuting with United Air Lines. From Honolulu looks bare out in the open. back and forth by flying her Cessna — she prop-jetter to the Kona coast, re­ sounds like fun. And what have our charming girls LQUCIEL FREEMAN — Busy re­ ceiving orchids at room registration, been doing? CAROL BUGAY — A very placing hangar roof — which was com­ orchid leis, and going on orchid nur­ wonderful Air Marking Chairman—has pletely blown off by hard winds recent­ sery tours. She drove to Hilo, flew kept us women going with spray guns ly, but did not cause any damage to a prop-jet again to Maui for four and paint rollers — she does a lot of Navion—have been doing some cross days, then a Beech D-18 to Honolulu. air search work — keeps that plane country flying between spare time and She was thrilled with the sunset, views, flying all directions — received her lousy weather — but brighter days are and food, and returned with a mag­ Commercial license recently—Congrats! ahead. nificent tan. VOLINE: DODGSON—Getting checked Members and 49% er who attended TILLIE KLEMENTS also showed up out in her new 260 Comanche—Made a the Mt. Diablo Chapter Charter dinner with a beautiful tan, but for a slight­ recent flight to M exico City for a week were: BETTY and CAL MacPHERSON, ly different reason, having had an en­ with 49%er (by Jet). VOLINE is our VOLINE and PAUL DODGSON, HEL­ forced vacation after surgery. It’s Chairman for Airport Beautification — EN and JOE SMITH, CLAUDELL and good to see you looking so great, TIL­ (like planting trees at the base and end DAVID FALLER, SARA JANE and of runways). HELEN SMITH — Con­ LIE. DON CLOUSE, and MARY WILDER. gratulations—she received her Instru­ On May 6, fourteen from our Chap­ ment rating (now she can fly around ter flew in four airplanes to Buchan­ with her eyes half closed.) HELEN I,OS ANGELES CHAPTER an Field, Concord, California, to at­ also does Air Search Work, and holds Rachel Bonzon, Reporter tend the charter dinner for the Mt. a Ground School Instructor rating. Cur­ A few of our members attended the Diablo Chapter, hostessed by Sacra­ rently she is holding ground school for Torrance Hangar Session on April 20, mento Valley. They had ordered beau­ our Pinch-Hitter Course. honoring the Ninety-Nines, and kick­ tiful weather and arranged for a dy­ BETTY MacPHERSON — Has made ing off the Long Beach Chapter’s namic speaker, (FRED GOERNER: flights to Phoenix and down into old AWTAR Terminus activities. They The Search for Amelia Earhart) and Mexico. She has recently gone into were happy to have a visit with CARO­ a delicious prime rib dinner. We have business—yep—“ Mate Letter Shop” — LYN WEST, former Chairman of the it on good authority that just as the doing quite well too. Los Angeles Chapter, past winner of after dinner coffee was being poured, there was a pop, and a jacket button NORMAN HALFPENNY in their national Organization gave the invo­ from one of our members rolled on Cherokee 235; and SUE and BOB cation. Ihe floor. A sincere testimonial! JOHNSON, with their children, in their Chairman BETTY BOGGESS intro­ On Sunday morning, we flew to Nut Cherokee 235. SUE and BOB got wea­ duced the eighteen Charter Members Tree for a breakfast with Sacramento thered - ini and managed to stretch the who are JUDITH BIGBY (MRS. members and others who were able weekend to Tuesday. LYLE) of Concord; VIRGINIA to attend. From there two of our air­ GENEVA CRAWFORD hosted our BONDE (MRS. DUKE) of Pleasanton; planes set out on the Fresno Chap­ May meeting, at which we welcomed SYLVIA BREUNER (MRS. GERALD) ter’s “treasure hunt,” although we new member RUTH HUSTON from of Orinda who worked on decorations; had to drag DOROTHY LIMBACH Hollister. It’s a long drive over from JOAN GORE (MRS. WILLIAM) of away from the Nut Tree shops to get Hollister, but RUTH, ANNA MAY Lafayette Donations Chairman; BAR­ to the preliminary briefing. Our en­ PARK, and MARY PAINTER manage BARA GRABER (MRS. VICTOR) of tries were: HALDIS RAUCHFUS in to make our meetings frequently. Orinda Vice Chairman; MARTY GRA­ a Cherokee with TILLIE KLEMENTS April 29 finally arrived, and many HAM (MRS. JERRY) of Antioch, Trea­ and REBECCA HELD; and DOROTHY of us went for our first Stearman surer; NINA HADDON of Berkeley; LIMBACH in a C-172 with VIRGINIA ride. JACK JELLA offered all the PAT KEEBLE of Concord, Programs; SHOWERS and RACHEL DONZON. 99s a ride, and we enjoyed the loops, DARLENE KELLER (MRS. R. L. We had a lot of fun in this challeng­ snaps, and spins in his beautiful JR.) of Antioch; BARBARA LAGIER ing contest, and think that HELEN Stearman. HELEN SHROPSHIRE, of Concord, Publicity; PATRICIA SMITH and her Fresno committee LOIS BRADSHAW, TRISH MARKS, PETERSON (MRS. RONALD) of Or­ came up with some real goodies. SUE JOHNSON, GERI HALFPENNY, inda, Secretary; IRENE PIGATI (We’ll never forget the Spanish for GENEVA CRANFORD and 66s JO­ (MRS. ERNIE) of Antioch, Reception; “cow” !) The hospitality of the Fresno ANN HUSTED and BARBARA RES- MARIE PORTER (MRS. WALTER) of Chapter extended to the point of al­ TANI all donned flight suits and para­ Concord, Airport Reception; MAR­ lowing DOROTHY and her crew to chutes for a wonderful ride. Many, JORIE ROGERS (MRS. JOHN V.) of win first place. many thanks, JACK! DELL HINN had Walnut Creek; PEGGY WINTERS SALLY LAFORGE has passed her flown to Palm Springs that day and (MRS. LEE) of Lafayette; MYRTLE Instrument written. Congratulations! missed the Stearman rides; however, A. WRIGHT of Hayward, Secretary RACHEL BONZON is instructing she had earlier wangled a ride home Southwest Section. ground school for the UCLA Flying from Oakland in a Mustang, and slow WARREN BOGGESS, BETTY’S hus­ Club. rolled the whole 15 minutes it took band and Councilman of the City of We have three airplanes so far en­ to fly to Salinas. Concord then introduced our guest tered in the San Diego-Reno Fun Race, TRISH MARKS is working on her speaker, FRED GOERNER, KCBS June 10. They are: LYNNE OPPER Commercial rating, and congratula­ radio personality who spoke on his and LINA STROUPE in a Cessna Sky- tions to GERI HALFPENNY who has book “The Search for Amelia Ear­ lane, ANN LODWIG and JEAN IVAN- passed her written exam toward that hart.” OFF in a Cessna 170, and SALLY same rating. Congratulations, too, to The next morning we' flew up to the LAFORGE and RACHEL BONZON in the new Mt. Diablo Chapter, and their Nut Tree for breakfast rounding out a Comanche 250. very successful charter night! a wonderful charter weekend. Now At our May business meeting we we are looking forward to participat­ viewed the FAA films, “ Wake Tur­ MT. DIABLO CHAPTER ing in other fly-ins and meeting other bulence” and “Density Altitude.” Now Barbara Lagier, Reporter 99s all over the country. we’ll always carry our computers, and On the evening of May 6, 1967, the refresh ourselves on their use. 98th Chapter of the 99s, Inc. became NORTHERN ARIZONA CHAPTER an official members of the 99s when Ruth Smith, Reporter MONTEREY BAY CHAPTER President ALICE ROBERTS present­ This will probably be as brief a Sue Johnson, Reporter ed our Charter to Chairman BETTY newsletter as my last one was long, The friendly greeting as we alight­ BOGGESS. since it falls before our monthly ed from our planes at Sky Harbor Over 150 guests met at the Concord meeting and I just haven't seen many Airport in Phoenix started a wonder­ Inn for the Charter Dinner, with of the gals to catch up on flying ac­ ful visit for many of our members at forty-five guests flying in from Fresno, tivities. the S.W. Sectional. We wish to thank Los Angeles, Phoenix and Sacramento. MARY ELLEN LIKEN and JEAN the Phoenix Chapter for its hard work, Los Angeles Chapter took the honors KNOTT (66) attended the Southwest organization, and hospitality. Dodging for having the most members with Sectional at Phoenix in April. From rain clouds on the trip down was worth fourteen flying in from L. A. The wea­ the reports I have heard, it was one it for members and husbands: DELL ther cooperated and we had our first of the best ever. We’re looking forward and GEORGE HINN who flew down summer-like weekend. to seeing some of the Phoenix and in the PETTY’S 235 Cherokee with Mt. Diablo Chapter expressed their Tucson gals at our Fly-In breakfast JACKIE and LLOYD PETTY of the thanks to Sacramento Chapter for at Kayenta on the 21st. Santa Clara Chapter; HELEN and sponsoring them and to Chairman HELEN LAWRENCE has passed; the FRANK SHROPSHIRE took BETTY LARUE BROWN without whose help first half of her Instructor written and and DICK WORSTELL in their Com­ we could not have gotten off the was going to go to Prescott today to anche; GENEVA and DOUG CRAN­ ground. (No pun intended.) RUTH N. take the other half. Former 99, DOT FORD in their Bonanza, GERI and RUECKERT, Treasurer of the Inter­ WARD, was going to fly her down. ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER Ginny Chandler, Reporter The Southwest Sectional last month was well represented by our members. In spite of bad weather hovering over the entire Calif, coast, many stout­ hearted ladies found a unique "break in the clouds” right over the airport, and were in beautiful Phoenix before they had time to worry about the icing level. EDNA STENNETT, JOYCE NASH, VIRGINIA LANE, ANN CAN- TILLON, and NELL BROWN of the Chicago Chapter, were a few who took to the Phoenix sunshine like they were accustomed to it. It was indeed a fun Sectional, and we thank the Phoenix Chapter for making us so welcome. Speaking of NELL BROWN, let me tell you something about this inter­ esting lady. She has been flying for a good many years, and her stories of navigating by the “ concrete” com ­ Showing some of the members of Monterey Bay Chapter after a ride in the pass before aircraft radios were avail­ Stearman. Left to right, TRISH MARKS, LOIS BRADSHAW, 6S BARBRA RES- able, are tremendous. Now that was TANI, HELEN SHROPSHIRE, GG JOANN HUSTED, GENEVA CRANFORD, flying! and JACK JELLA of Air Trails in Salinas, who gave the rides in his Stearman. Orange County Airport Dedication Not pictured: GERI HALFPENNY and SUE JOHNSON.—Picture by FRANK Day was sparked by some very inter­ SHROPSHIRE. esting events. THON GRIFFITH, ANN CANTILLON, and MARGOT SMITH, HELEN isn’t quite able to handle all ROSEMARY has a farm in North Da­ gathered together another Penny-A- the controls yet, as her movements kota and commutes back and forth to Pound airlift. This was the second are somewhat restricted by her brace. oversee the planting and the harvest­ such events for us to undertake, and She can only fly in smooth weather ing of the wheat crop. ROSEMARY Californians by the hundred were in and today seems as though it will be had her first flying lesson on the line as early as 7:00 a.m. for their a good day. Good Luck! 26th of December 1962 and received rides. 99s were everywhere, and as usual, our 49%ers were there to assist. BETH and TEX WRIGHT’S Cessna her Private license on the 11th of July 1964. The KAHLE’S' have three The highlight of the day was a 150 Trainer was in a flip over recent­ daughters, ages 6, 8, and 10, the young­ performance by the BLUE ANGELS ly, so it is out of commission for a est has between 400 and 500 hours that was too awesome to describe. while. Just when JEAN KNOTT was in the air as a passenger. Besides “Goose bumps” is about the best word getting ready for all the work that to use to relate the feeling of the being active in activities with her preceeds the check ride. BETH re­ entire audience to the outstanding turned from Columbus the last week daughters, ROSEMARY enjoys needle­ maneuvers and precision flying. in April. work and is an excellent cook. A proficiency race for 99s and other ROSEMARY KAHLE and MARILYN Just had a call from the Flagstaff female pilots was organized by MARA BILLS are working on souvenirs for Chamber of Commerce and they have and DICK CULP for this special day. our Chapter to give to the Powder arranged to give a charm bracelet to All race planes were released at start­ Puff Derby gals who stop here in the occupants of the first five planes ing times that would bring them all Flagstaff. Our Airport Manager, that land here during the Powder Puff back over the finish line at the same FRANCES SHAMRELL, has offered Derby. Also they want to have some­ time. I imagine the tower boys got to top the tanks free for one of the one on hand to give the girls a real a kick out of nine planes of female contestants. Standard Oil donated welcome to Flagstaff. The Flagstaff voices shouting “Race 00 is approach­ $75.00 for a leg prize and MARY Jaycees have offered transportation ing the timining line now.” HELEN ELLEN has written to Headquarters for the gals—this includes those who HEDGES, and co-pilot KAY MALICK for their approval to break that down might want to leave as early as were the winners. It was the first race into two legs, $25.00 for one and $50.00 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. They also have an for both gals. Good Show! Second for another. old model car available if some would place was awarded to GINNY CHAND­ ROSEMARY and JOHN KAHLE like to ride to the Motel in that. All LER and SHIRLEY McCLUNE (a stu­ spent their Easter vacation in Canada the 99s plan an overnight stop in Flag­ dent with one hour flying time.) The and North Dakota, where they were staff or at least refuel here and re­ rest of the results are not available weathered in for five days. Ran into fresh in our cool and comfortable to me at this time. sand storms over the reservation in 80° (or thereabout) temp. We’re look­ Speaking of flying (as usual), I Arizona that reached up to 12,000’. ing forward to meeting all of you! sometimes try to think of what I did before I learned to fly . . . certainly nothing as rewarding as this. How fortunate we 99s are to be pilots and part of a unique organization such as this one. Ed note—Amen!

PHOENIX CHAPTER Marjy Crowl, Reporter Our May business meeting, held at TRUDY MURPHY’S house, was main­ ly devoted to re-hashing the Southwest Section meeting. From all reports it was a huge success in every respect. GINNY MOSER was "Chief Hostess” of the Greeting Trailer at Sky Harbor Airport which was in operation from Friday morning to Sunday afternoon, providing refreshments continually as a part of their welcome. The 49%ers were busy furnishing most of the transportation, for which we are most grateful. FREDA TOLIVER, in charge of publicity, said there was good radio and television coverage by KOOL and news stories in morning and evening papers. Registration appeared to go smoothly under guidance of MARY LOU BROWN, who also was “ in the saddle” the whole time. Those work sessions at ANNE DAVIS’ really paid MARGARET MEAD, Long Beach, and BILLIE HERRIN, Santa Barbara, are off, judging from the comments re: greeted upon their arrival at Sky Harbor Airport, Phoenix, Arizona to attend those products and the goody-bags un­ the Southwest Section meeting by PAT LAMBART, former Section Governor der direction of TRUDY MURPHY. and member of Phoenix Chapter. (Photo, Brian Lanker). Cculd spend the whole report lauding the efforts of the girls assigned by spent several days at the Waggoner All the International Officers, ALICE Chairman MARY VIAL, who not only Ranch in New M exico on company ROBERTS, President, DONNA T. did their jobs but helped on other business, as she has been doing about MYERS, Vice-President, GENE NORA committees as well. (This includes twice a year. (She informs us this is JESSEN, Secretary, and RUTH RUEC- MARY, who really worked hard!) the second largest ranch in the world, KERT, Treasurer and all the members Two interesting incidents occurred. 160,000 acres formerly an old Spanish of the Executive Board (LYGIE HA­ Seems that BILLIE HERRIN, from land grant loaded with white face cat­ GAN, BETTY W. McNABB and DORIS Santa Barbara, was selected to draw tle and antelope.) Aside from taking RENNINGER) were in Phoenix just for the door prizes because it was what some people refer to as a re­ prior to Sectional for their meetings her birthday. First one she drew was treat, JUANITA and 49%er ELGIN and were able to be with us for that MARGARET MEAD, with whom she have kept the route hot between PHX event. They and EDITH DENNY, Gov­ attended convention and with whom and Springerville in their Bonanza to ernor of the Canadian Section, were she plans to fly the race! At the Sat­ dip their poles in Becker’s Lake. honored by the Phoenix Chapter at urday night banquet the grand door MARGARET HLAVENKA and family a Buffet supper at MARY VIAL'S prize, a Sky-Ox portable oxygen unit, flew a sightseeing trip to Grand Can­ home. was won by MAYOR MILT GRAHAM, yon. Later MARGARET and 49%er MELBA BEARD, RUTH REIN­ a pilot! DICK flew into North Las Vegas Air­ HOLD and JUANITA NEWELL were Now for our Busy Bee section: port, where they found the Airport invited to express their opinions re: ANNE and TED DAVIS flew with Package deal most convenient. MARY the questions raised on the fate of friends to Las Vegas for the Inter­ LOU BROWN flew to Denver, Colo­ AMELIA EARHART as mentioned in national Exposition of Flight. EVELYN rado in the 182 with SUE HARPER Goerner’s book “The Search for and KEITH SASSER went to Grand taking this opportunity to start their Amelia Earhart,” on the Jody Noll Canyon Caverns with Flying Farm­ teamwork for flying the race. MARY Show on television, our Channel 12. ers. MAY DAVIS flew to Tucson LOU was tied up on business but SUE In addition to a lively discussion of for Arizona State Bowling Tournament took advantage of invitation of former that topic the girls got in a plug for for lady bowlers. ALICE ROBERTS Flight Instructor now working on the AWTAR. flew to Concord, California for the United Airlines training program to JOANN WINTERLING reports that charter presentation to the new Mt. tour their facilities. JOANN WINTER- the 66 meeting was held at home of Diablo Chapter. JUANITA NEWELL LING flew to Lake Havasu City. SARA MACCAM. Also in attendance were JAYNE OSBORN, JOSIE TANG, several more months, he is progress­ her first instructor, JACQUI BENDER, MILLIE DOVE and NANCY NUTTER. ing. Sometime read or study about was there to tell about some of her We have high hopes for this group. a wind sheer and just what it does first experiences. All very interesting! Didn’t tell you who attended the to one, if you happen to be unlucky ESTHER PHIPPS, our Woman Pilot business meeting: ANNE DAVIS, GIN- enough to encounter it; BUD MARS Of The Year, last year, was there to NY MOSER, EVELYN SASSER, LE- our injured instructor, can tell you. give her the lovely bracelet from all LIA REGER, WILMA BLAND, RUBY At least five of, our 18 members will our girls. Members who were there SHELDON, JANE WICK (guest), PAM be seeing you all at the Southwest to help celebrate were — BETH PETTY, MARY BATTY, MAY DAVIS, Section in Phoenix—wish I could make SCHOOF, MARIANNE McDONALD, NOLA EARL, MARGARET HLAVEN- it. DOROTHY ANDERSON, FLORENCE KA, MICAELA DOVER (former mem­ Our Chapter showed “Powder Puff BREEN, CAROL HAMMOND, DAR­ ber), ALICE ROBERTS, her daugh­ for Joan” to those of the public inter­ LENE GILMORE, DONNA MARTIN, ter BARBARA PINE, JUANITA NEW­ ested and we were delighted to see GLO FONG, JUNE DEVINE, DONNA ELL, FREDA TOLIVER, MARY LOU a shot of SANDY and PHYLLIS CAN­ PRITCHARD, LORAINE HERY, WIN­ BROWN, SUE HARPER, MELBA TRELL right at the start of the film, FRED SWETZER, DOROTHY HUNT­ BEARD, MARJY CROWL, TRUDY taken in Seattle just before the race. LEY, JUDY LAGOMARSINO, LIL­ MURPHY, JOANN WINTERLING, BETTY WORSEL, LOUISE MON- LIAN GRAY, VIJA BERRY, LaRUE MEG JACKSON, BEV PERIMAN, TERO, JUNE O’DONNELL and BROWN, RUTH WAGNER, VIRGINIA SUSAN STORM and MARY VIAL. ANITA WOREL did not end up on the TOWNSEND, ESTHER PHIPPS, AUD­ MARY and GEORGE VIAL plan to cutting room floor; they appeared with REY SNOVEL, THELMA CULL, JUA­ fly to Greeley, Colorado to see daugh­ two other teams with their sponsors. NITA BOWLER and MARILYN JAKS. ter and son-in-law, the latter a pro­ Sometimes things do not run as plan­ We had five guests with us. fessor at Colorado State College there. ned and though the show was planned The weather failed to co-operate, but Son CHARLES graduates from high for 7—it was finally shown at 9:30— we did have some of the girls and school in June. MARY will fly daugh­ No, most of the people stayed, only their husbands, make it to Phoenix ter MARGOT to Yellowstone in .Tune a few went home! Bless the people who to the Sectional Meeting. LaRUE and to join her husband, where the young love to fly. What happened? ANITA NORMAN BROWN, FLORENCE and couple will work for the summer. went to get the film from San Fran­ JACK BREEN, ESTHER and LEWIS cisco, since it was arriving by plane. JOANN WINTERLING plans a trip PHIPPS, DARLENE and WILLIAM Film was lost somewhere and then to Brigham City, Utah before the long GILMORE, RUTH and AL (M. D.) found after a 2% hour search—at last. flight to Indianhead, Maryland, where WAGNER, JUNE and JIM DEVINE, ANITA jumped in her trusty Bonanza they plan to live. JOANN will be miss­ MARILYN and CARL JAKS, AUD­ and rushed film back to Napa Airport, REY SNOVEL, CAROL BLOOM and ed by both the 99 members and the and then to Vallejo where the people 66, especially the latter as that was her guest. were still waiting. Really there are her pet project. It’s not goodbye, just May 3rd some of the Lady Bugs days when one should stay in bed! au revoir! flew over to the coast for lunch, land­ Our next meeting will be a “Get ing at Monterey, and driving to Car­ Acquainted Party.” Have many pro­ mel for lunch. It just happened to be REDWOOD EMPIRE CHAPTER spective members we will want to VIRGINIA TOWNSEND’S birthday, Hilda Casey, Reporter meet and become acquainted. and some one just happened to have Our thanks to PHYLLIS CANTRELL Had a beautiful flight over San Fran­ a birthday cake, birthday cards and for the fine job she did of reporting. some gifts. cisco and Bay area one night a few Due to a busy schedule of instructing, LaRUE and NORMAN BROWN plan months ago. Flew a Cherokee with she has turned this over to me. I to take off for Mexico again May 25th. two seasoned Air Force pilots and humbly accept the job and hope that my 49%er Instructor, and happy to Have fun! I can be a credit to the Redwood DONNA MARTIN and family are say, made a beautiful night landing. Empire in bringing bits of news about moving to Rochester, N. Y. Some of our Chapter to the other chapters over us haven’t even had a chance to see these United States. We are small in SACRAMENTO VALLEY CHAPTER the new baby. We will miss you number but our flying spirit flys high. Juanita Bowler, Reporter DONNA. Napa County is mentioned many For her participation and promotion DOROTHY HUNTLEY is planning a times in our Chapter, mostly because in aviation RUTH WAGNER was trip to New York this summer. I guess so many of our planes are based there; named Woman Pilot of the Year Wed., it is getting to be about that time. also it is a good central place to April 19, at our meeting at the Phea­ Even I am going on a trip, and to meet, plus many of us made our first sant Club. RUTH received her pilot’s Alaska again. This time commercial­ solo on good old Napa Airport. Our license in 1952, and joined the 99s the ly, my other twelve trips up there March meeting was held at Napa same year. She has been a busy one, were delivering Pipers from Lock County — oh yes, a good place to eat more than 650 hours, a Commercial Haven, Penn. Will be nice seeing my also. We were addressed several weeks license, two Powder Puff Derbys, along friends again. ago about the accident of one of the with loads of other things she does. instructors at Napa County. He sent RUTH came to the meeting, in much SAN DIEGO CHAPTER several of our members for their flight pain I am sure, as she is still wearing Evelyn Briggs, Reporter into the blue. We are happy to report a brace from the ruptured disk she LOIS really thought up a fun fly that though he will be grounded for suffered before Easter. As a surprise, day. On an unbelievably beautiful sparkly April Sunday ordered espec­ one. We adjourned so that our 49%ers gate at Lindbergh Field when the ially by LOIS BARTLING and DOT­ and other guests from El Cajon Chap­ “ Spirit of St. Louis” was here to assist TIE SANDERS, Co-Chairman, 18 air­ ter and Palomar Chapter could join in raising funds to buy it when it planes with 58 people aboard started us in seeing the film “A Powder Puff returns from Paris. out on the mysterious Picture Hunt. for Joan.” BETTY W. thinks she’s made some The mystery was where to meet for At our May meeting we were very kind of an unofficial record when a lunch. LOIS gave! each pilot (for $1,001 happy to welcome our new member, whizz of a tail wind latched on to an envelope containing a set of 10 pic­ VIRGINIA WHITE. She and her hus­ her 210 on the way to Holbrook, Ariz. tures which were to be identified by band, JACK, are Tri-pacer co-owners Flying at 11,000 feet, she made the an exact dot on the pilot’s chart and with MARGARET and JIM MOODY. 435 miles in 2 hours flat. numbered according to the picture. To We also voted to spend money as Twenty seven entries have been aid in direction, there was a brief though we had lots of it. Some went turned in as of May 15 for the S.D.- note for each picture. If you followed to AWTAR, some to the Amelia Ear­ Reno Fun Race, June 10. Gonna’ be correctly, you flew approximately 143 hart Scholarship Fund, and some to fun, better come! The Civil Air Patrol miiles (statute) north a bit, then east, the San Diego Aerospace Museum to has again, kindly volunteered to assist northeast, south and finally to the help buy an exact flying replica of at the race start. Salton Sea identifying pictures as you Lindbergh’s “ Spirit of St. Louis” which flew. The last clue was to head for was built by the Ryan Aircraft Co. SAN FERNANDO VALLEY home, but land at the nearest hard in San Diego forty years ago. We made CHAPTER surfaced airport, which was Borrego, plans to help entertain SRA. ANESIA Jeanne Day, Reporter where we had lunch. The cleverest MACHADO when she is here in June part was the smaller envelop accom­ for the S. D. Aerospace Museum Hall The Spring Sectional at Phoenix panying the pictures. On it was glued of Fame banquet. She was delegated was enjoyed by LOLA RICCI, VESTA a button with the words Panic But­ to represent the Secretary of the Air MALBY, LORELI CANGIANO, FLORA ton. This envelope was only to be Ministry of Brazil to accept a plaque HUTCHINSON, MARGARET WARD, opened if by 12:00 o’clock you had honoring the late ALBERTO SANTOS VIRGINIA RAINWATER, ELLEN not found the lunch destination — then DUMOT, a fellow countryman. Our TRINDLE, and JEANNE DAY. Three you could push the panic button. In own AMELIA EARHART is the only cheers for the sponsoring chapter for it were the direction to find Borrego woman to be honored by the Hall of working so hard to make the Sectional Airport. Fame this year. We have invited her such a success! At Borrego the judges checked each sister, MRS. ALBERT MORRISEY, to ANNETTE SEYDEL attended the pilot’s chart with a plastic template. attend our pre-S. D.-Reno Fun Race Torrance Hangar session which honor­ In case of ties, LOIS and DOTTIE banquet, June 9. ed the 99s. had wisely designated a secret spot MARTHA and JOHN MULLINS, in LOIS MAUER says that taxes and for the final point in winning. Every­ their Debonair, and MARIAN and the weather have shot her out of the one was all primed for a landing spot, JERRY BANKS, in their Twin Co­ sky, but not for long. LINDA DENS- but it turned out to be a spot on the manche flew to the Bakersfield “ 100.” MORE, who is leaving us for Wash., clock, 12:00 o’clock, or the plane land­ They plan to fly to the Nut Tree May D. C., flew a twin Beech before she ing nearest to that time. ISABELLE 26 for JERRY’S class reunion. left, and made some farewell trips McCRAE, El Cajon Chapter with BUD to Catalina. ELEANOR RICHARDSON and KIT­ and BETTY McNEIL and CLARENCE PAT GARLAND has been doing some TY SCHIEDING enjoyed trying out an PRESCOTT won first prize trophy; familiarizing with strange airports, antique Travelair at the Fallbrook MARGRIT GOODRICH with 49% er and so has JOY BAILEY who was Avocado Festival. They were also MURRAY, RUTH EBEY and LYNN treated with utmost courtesy when happy to receive the fruit bagged so BRIGGS, S. Diego Chap., in the GOOD­ she landed on a Naval Air Station, in­ nicely and given to them at the air­ RICH’S' Debonair won second prize; stead of at nearby Long Beach! port. JOHN TUCKER, BARBARA’S 49&er, PAULINE FLEMING reports that RON and BARBARA HILL in the Not all who would have liked to go, having a rear-view mirror is not such TUCKER’S new Twin Comanche won made it to the Sectional, but those a hot idea, especially when it reflects third prize. ELSIE and ED WATSON who did, thoroughly enjoyed the Phoe­ the nose of a 707 right behind you. in their Cherokee were awarded a nix Chapter’s hospitality. LOIS and NITA LOVELESS was assigned special prize called “Hopeless.” HARRY BARTLING in their Bonanza, lucky number 7 for the Reno Race. Thanks to the Sheriff’s Aero Squad­ RUBY KEAVENY and ELEANOR ABBY HADDAWAY advises pedes­ ron for arranging transportation from RICHARDSON flew with BETTY and trians to give a wide berth to the the field to the Casa de Zorros for CLAUD WHARTON in the latter’s 210. Thunderbird—and she is still combing lunch. MARIAN and JERRY BANKS took sand and sagebrush out of her hair guests, JACK and MARIE LEWIS, RUTH EBEY, BETTY WHARTON, to prove her point! ABBY flew a and STELLA HARDIN flew airlines. ELEANOR RICHARDSON, and our modern Waco to Las Vegas, and a loyal supporter, KITTY SCHIEDING MARGARET LANG has been putting Lear Jet back. aided the El Cajon gals in air mark­ in many hours working at the Aero­ LOIS MILES has been doing lots of ing Borrego airport. space Museum (a volunteer). BETTY flying, and took EDDIE WHITE with Our April business meeting at the W., RUBY, MARIAN, and LYNN of her to Las Vegas. LIZ CROWLEY has Aerospace Museum in Balboa Park the San Diego Chapter, with help from been getting in some Instrument time, was a very brief but a well attended some of the El Cajon girls staffed the and CAROLYN FORD is now Instrac- tor rated for gliders! Congratulations! SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY signments were handed out for the FLO STANTON has been doing local Helen McGee, Reporter Fall Sectional to be held in Stockton. flying, but not FLO DITTMAR: she At last clear weather has returned The dates are definitely set for Sept. and her hubby just returned from and though the soaring temperatures 15, 16 and 17 and there is no conflict island hopping around Hawaii in a make it look like we’ve skipped spring with the Reno Air Races. new Cessna 172. this year, we’re thankful for the Weather kept many who were plan­ AULEEN HALL worked for the LA change from cold damp skies. ning to attend the Spring Sectional Chapter Airlift, and flew to Durango, Our rummage sale, held May 8 in home, but LA VERNE and her cousin Mexico, in a 310. She also co-piloted Stockton, was a huge success and well managed to find room enough for her a Queen Air. worth the work days put in previous Debonair between the trees and the PAT HITCHCOCK soloed her 16- to the sale to get all the items in clouds through the Tehachapi pass. year-old son and is now teaching her shape. After mending and pressing MARIE and ALAN also flew over and 12-year-old daughter the fine art of the clothing at EV HENDLEY’S in Mo­ JEANENNE THOMPSON was there flying. She was victim of a radio theft desto, we hung it all in a bus for the too. She’s been living temporarily in from her 172. trip to Stockton — efficiency plus ! Chandler, Ariz., but will be home this JOY SILBERKLEIT passed her Com- The bus also proved handy for clean­ month. mercial-Instructor writtens and has up afterwards. Visiting the Las Vegas Air Show done local flying. LORELI CANGIANO One item that never made the sale, were CHARLOTTE, MARIE, and their says it is no fun trying to show an was a large heavy dining table that 49%ers. SHIRLEY and her family out-of-towner the sights in Special VFR LA VERNE GUDGEL was bringing up went with friends to the Bakersfield weather. ELLEN TRINDLE has been from Merced on a pick-up. When she Air Races. They took two planes so very busy as a representative of the pulled out to pass a truck on the free­ SHIRLEY flew the ladies down while 99s. She’s been to Phoenix, Las Vegas way, the load shifted. She spent the husband GARY piloted the other plane. and Santa Monica. next 40 minutes picking up splinters! JEAN and her 49y2er, HARVEY, VIRGINIA RAINWATER succeeded Since it stormed not only on our represented our Chapter at the charter in bringing her hubby to Phoenix April meeting date but on the alter­ dinner of the new Concord Chapter. and she flew! Another first! CHAR nate rain date as well, we’ve decided They also flew to the Nut Tree the DANIELS and CONNIE LEHMAN to do away with the rain date and next morning for the breakfast and were guests and we hope to see more meet on the second Tuesday of the start of the Treasure Hunt sponsored of them. month, regardless of the weather. Vice by the Fresno Chapter. BETTYE FRY reported on her Chairman PAULINE CHRISTENSEN ELAINE SMITH flew to Monterey Mobilgas Economy run, and says the presided at the meeting at the Mo­ for lunch but EVELYN JOHNSON has story will appear in a future Flying desto Airport. Chairman JEAN MUR­ been too busy helping her attorney Magazine. RAY was visiting her daughter in San husband and hasn’t flown since Jan­ Diego. uary. Now that the weather’s lovely The San Fernando Valley Chapter again she — and all of us — should finally ended the growing suspense by Congratulations to CHARLOTTE have lots of flying activities to report revealing the current year’s winners RYAN who received her Commercial next month. of the highest award for the Chapter. license on May 5, and to SHIRLEY MILLER who has passed the Instru­ ELLEN TRINDLE won the award ment written and has more than 15 TUCSON CHAPTER for Pilot of the Year. ELLEN is our hours work on her rating. Food Service Consultant Chapter Treasurer and is Publicity On Way To Viet Nam Director for the International 99s. She MARIE and ALAN McDOWELL took is a familiar sight at our fly-ins in along the American Field Service stu­ MAJOR MARY A. ARMSTRONG, her beautiful Debonair. Her husband dent from Gustine when they went to AMSC, volunteered — and now she’s and her son are avid flyers, too, and Disneyland with the California Flying on her way to Southeast Asia. She will enjoy many family activities together. Farmers. This is the fifth year they take over as Dietetic Consultant to the ELLEN has been a consistently strong have done this, but, for the first time, Surgeon, U. S. Army, Viet Nam. member of our organization, and has the student, from Chile, was familiar MAJOR ARMSTRONG is one of the worked unstintedly at whatever job with private planes. His parents often very few1 women in the Army who has has needed doing. fly in South America, even with stu­ her own airplane and a license to pilot dent pilots. MARIE is our candidate LIBBY SVENSON was the surprised it. She has been flying solo in the for Section Treasurer. recipient of the TRIXIE ANN SCHU­ Powder Puff Derbys for a number of BERT Award, which honors the girl We’re all going to miss GEORGE years. She traces her interest in flying who has done most for the Chapter ANN GARMS and PAULINE. back to high school days when she during the year. LIBBY is our Chapter GEORGE ANN’S husband, MICKIE, studied aviation history in a “Lindy” Chairman, and has done an excellent has accepted a position at Columbia Club. Her first flying lessons were job, and we are all so proud of her. University so New York will be her taken while she was assigned to the She has been a real working Chair­ destination when school’s out. PAUL­ U. S. Army Hospital at Fort Benning, man, and has kept our Chapter wea­ INE is moving to INGLEWOOD where Ga., in 1957. ther CAVU. Each of the members her husband will attend the Northrup MAJOR ARMSTRONG earned her share a delight that LIBBY was hon­ Institute of Technology for an A&P baccalaureate degree at St. Olaf Col­ ored and recognized. rating. lege in her hometown of Northfield, Congratulations! At our May meeting, committee as­ Minn., and taught Home Economics at Wabasha High School, Wabasha, Minn. “Whirly Girl No. 99”—who now has year. She always carries fresh bread During World War II she crrolled her Commercial license!! And all and similar commodities in the air­ lor a dietetic internship at Walter Heed done while coping with a husband and craft locker for people in areas where General Hospital, and served as a four young children. the Millionary Fellowship plane only dietitian on hospital ships in both the We are still swapping stories of calls once a week. She often takes Atlantic and Pacific. When she left the our flights home from our Autumn very sick people to the hospital and Army in the fall of 1946, she took a Sectional at Brisbane. The girls going they have so much faith in the air­ position as dietitian with the Veterans the longest distance—2500 nm — to plane and in EILEEN, that they some­ Administration Hospital in Marion, Perth, got home first. They were times ask her to fly an emergency Indiana. ROBIN MILLER, ROSEMARY DE m ercy flight in impossible tropical thunderstorms. Sometimes, after the Since her recall to active duty in PIERRES, and SUE FOLKS, who got storm passes, she is willing to take­ 1951, she has progressed from hospital away just before the weather closed off, find Wewak, and land by flare dietitian to Chief of the Food Service in on the rest of us. path—I just don’t know how she does Division of Army hospitals in the South I was marooned on a small country it! and Southwest and completed two airport with one DC - 3 service per tours of duty with the U. S. Army in week which happened to call on our My is just coming into Man­ Europe. first day there. My co-pilot, ALISON ila in the Philippines where I will post this. See you in Washington, D. C. MAJOR ARMSTRONG is a member HOLLAND, had to get back to Sydney, or on tour! —Cherio. of the American Dietetic Association, so we waited, ankle deep in water, and the Tucson Chapter of 99s. for the —600 miles from home — and would you ever believe it — the First Officer of this DC-3, was my 99 MEMBERSHIP LIST Australian son Peter!! How small is the world? MAY, 1967 ROSEMARY ARNOLD’S co - pilot, Section New JUDY LORDING, also had to get back ☆ to Sydney by airline, so ROSIE flew MEMBERS AT LARGE her Cherokee 140 home solo in lousy Van Zanten, Ida Laura (Miss) 46 Cannenburgerweg AUSTRALIAN SECTION weather and was greatly helped on ’S. Graveland, Noor-Holland Margaret Kentley, Reporter her long lone flight by chatting with The Netherlands, 02950-47253 and getting weather info from our AUSTRALIAN SECTION Excitement is mounting as the time "big brothers” flying on top, via her Brown, Carmel Pam (Miss) for our departures for Washington, VHF frequency. MARIE RICHARD­ 113 New England Highway D.C. draws near. I am already on my SON had radio trouble in her Chero­ Rutherford, Maitland, way — writing this in a Qantas Boe­ kee 206, just when she needed a clear­ NSW, Australia Crane, Ailsa Marita (Miss) ing while flying to Hong Kong, then ance to go through an Air Force Jet C /a Ansett Airlines of Aust. via Karachi (where I hope to see Training Control Zone. The weather Alice Springs, Northern Territory SHUKRIA ALI), Beirut (where KATH was too bad to go around it, but she Australia 2-1777 HITCHCOCK and MONIQUE REN- made it through all right. A few girls Delahunty, Frances M. (Mrs. Patrick Joseph) DALL are), Istanbull, Copenhagen, were licensed to go over the top — “ Glenreigh” London (and the British 99s)—and then a rare permit out here — but most Hughenden, Qtd, Australia the Paris Air Show where I hope to of us found we had to fly under the 15 Tangorin Edmonds, Beryl Mae (Mrs.) meet with the U.S. 99s on tour. Dur­ "isolated showers” at 100’ to get home 4 Ocean St. ing the next six weeks, Australian after the third day of weather. Cronulla, NSE, Australia 99s and members of AWPA will be 523-4272 Bus: 59-3367 This month, we had a letter from wending their ways to the U.S.A. by Krajca, Bozena (Mrs.) EILEEN STENSON in New Guinea. 22 Asquith Avenue Rosebery at least seven different routes around EILEEN was the second woman in Sydney, NSW, Australia 633-1173 the world — what a world —1 we seem Australia ever to be employed as a Williams, Ronette (Miss) to be loaded down with welcoming 293 Fitzgerald Avenue flying instructor back in 1954. At pres­ Maroubra, Sydney, NSW, letters from 99s everywhere and good ent, she is flying Convairs in and out Australia 34-2120 will messages to all 99s from those of the treacherous Highlands of New we have left at home. CANADIAN SECTION Guinea for Territory Air Lines—flying Carson, Mary Margaret (Miss) We hope that at least 4 Australians into very high altitude, small, one­ Faircrest Apartments First Canadian will fly the AWTAR, including an Aus­ runway, mountain strips, often on the 1833 Riverside Drive tralian team — ANNE CARTER and side of a precipice—up hill to land Ottawa 8, Ontario, Canada CARMEL BROWNE, in a C-182, spon­ H om e: (613 ) 731-3737 and down hill to take off! The Miss­ O ffice: (613) 822-0402 sored by Rex Aviation, the Australian ionary Aviation Fellowship gave her Clifton, Jeannette Cessna distributors. OLGA TARLING the original familiarization check-out (Mrs. Charles) 10 Cummings Street First Canadian is planning to fly with BETTY MIL­ on the Western Highland and Sepic LER, which is very exciting. Sept-iles, Quebec, River Area. She now flies mostly the Canada (418 ) 962-2090 Getting back to the Australian scene Garroka Area and on the East Coast Johnston, Audrey P. —All our heartiest congratulations go where they can carry heavier loads. (Mrs. Patrick L.) 4924-52 Street First Canadian to ROSEMARY ARNOLD — our first She does bits of shopping for people Red Deer, Alberta, and only woman helicopter pilot — who only leave their areas once each Canada, 346-2888, 346-6170 Schulze, Brigitte H. (Miss) Gray, Ruth F. Wyman, Carolyn G. GO Taunton Road First Canadian (Mrs. Edwin F.) (Mrs. Hal) Toronto, 7, Ontario, No. 2 Lenon Drive Arkansas 6121 Manton Avenue Long Beach Canada HU 3-1391 Little Rock, Ark. 72207 Woodland Hills, Calif. 91364 MO 3-0220 883-2136 NEW ENGLAND SECTION Clayton, Mary Bess Limbach, Dorothy D. (Mrs.) Herbert, Barbara M. (Mrs. Ralph S.) 12310 Marine St. Los Angeles (Mrs. Dana) 3044 Fillmore El Paso Los Angeles, Calif. 90066 26 Sterling Road Connecticut El Paso, Texas 79930 EX 8-2419 Armonk, N. Y. 10504 566-7814 Bigby, Judith J. 273-8436 Rogers, Lorene Glenn (Mrs. Lyle G.) Hetmanenko, Nina N. (Miss) (Mrs. Paul M., Jr.) 3336 Willow Pass Road, Mt. Diablo 4 Lloyd Road Connecticut 440 Ridgemont El Paso Apt. C Norwalk, Conn. 06850 El Paso, Texas 79912 Concord, Calif. 94521 847-3616 JU 4-4277 685-0221 NEW YORK - NEW JERSEY SECTION Smith, Charlotte R. (Miss) Rogers, Marjorie S. Cubbison, Barbara Ann 160,1 College, Apt. 51 Houston (Mrs. John V.) (Mrs. James G.) South Houston, Texas 77587 48 Cuesta Way Mt. Diablo 10 Sunset Avenue Garden State (713) HU 6-7701 Walnut Creek, Calif. 94596 Linwood, N. J. 08221 Shaffer, Laresta Ray 939-2530 927-7477 1091 Parkside Ave. Kansas Keim, Alva Rylee Blumberg, Beverly Gayle P. O. Box 703 (Mrs. William A.) (Mrs. John J.) Russell, Kansas 67665 7364 Bowen Drive Orange County 564 Westminister Avenue Greater (913) 483-4563 Whittier, Calif. 90602 Elizabeth, N. J. 07208 New York Yous, Capt. Carole J. 693-5365 EL 4-1324 2903 Hillcrest, Apt. 22 San Antonio Petty, Pamela (Miss) San Antonio, Texas 78201 338 W. Seldon Lane Phoenix MIDDLE EAST SECTION PE 2-4129 Phoenix, Arizona 85021 Wise, Gladys, E. 943-1305 (Mrs. H. Grady) NORTHWEST SECTION Root, Maude Rosser 3810 Sulgrave Drive Washington, D. C. (Mrs. Thomas E.) Alexandria, Va. 22309 Newell, Stephany A. (Miss) 46 South Pueblo Way Phoenix (703) 780-4680 2567 Loussac Drive Alaska (Mail) P. O. Box 1002 Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 SOUTHEAST SECTION Anchorage, Alaska 99501 945-0373 Diesbourg, Juanita A. (Mrs.) 272-2330 White, Virginia Louise 1216 Virginia Dr., Apt. E Fla. Space Port Partridge, Elaine H. (Mrs. Jack G.) Orlando, Fla. 32802 (Mrs. L. Clark) 3071 Larkin P'l. San Diego 425-6873 361 Parkway Eastern Idaho San Diego, Calif. 92123 Tamm, Louisa S. Pocatello, Idaho 83201 277-9769 (Mrs. John R.) 232-7709 Kay, Herma Hill (Mrs.) 612 So. Peninsula Dr. Fla. Space Port Farr, Joyce A. 405 Davis St., Apt. No. 1607 Santa Clara Daytona Beach, Fla. 32018 (Mrs. Leonard C.) Valley 252-7219 631 S. 10th Southern Oregon San Francisco, Calif. 94111 Thompson, Lucille R. Coos, Bay, Oregon 97420 397-2565 (Mrs. Sam) 267-7812 1050 Mayfield Ave. Fla. Space Port Barritt, Marion Irene Winter Park, Fla. 32789 (Mrs. Douglas Lee) Reinstatements 644-0136 2212 77th Ave. SE W. Washington Drain, Jessie Booker Mercer Island, Wash. 98040 CANADA SECTION (Mrs. Jack T.) AD 2-6005 Miller, Phyllis (Miss) P. O. Box 7067 Tennessee Holm, Pamela Karen 433 Sherbourne, St., Apt. 47 First Canadian Persia, Tenn. 37844 (Mrs. Sven N.) Toronto 5, Ontario, Canada 456-8136 4517 S. W. Admiral Way W. Washington 924-9980 Seattle, Wash. 98116 MIDDLE EAST SECTION NORTH CENTRAL SECTION WE 2-9378 Durham, Gloria S. Braum,Elizabeth R. (Mrs. J. Richard) SOUTHWEST SECTION (Mrs. Chester V.) Box 3693, Greenville Washington, D. C. 4 Sherwyn Lane Greater St. Louis Van Vleck, Luvena Mae Wilmington, Del. 19807 St. Louis, Mo. 53141 (Mrs. Wendell Grant) OL 2-5705 St. Louis, Mo. 62141 2655 Parkside Drive Bay Cities HE2-3443 Fremont, Calif. 94536 NORTH CENTRAL SECTION Fendt, Jean 797-5263 Sidwell Marilyn Mary (Mrs. Junior L.) Wilder, Mary Elizabeth (Miss) (Mrs. William D.) 34440 Bridgeman Michigan Grace Covell Hall-255 Fresno 25988 Jeanette Michigan Roseville, Mich. 48066 Farmington, Mich.. 48024 c / o U. O. P. 779-2969 474-0938 Stockton, Calif. 95204 Titlow, Eleanor Mae 227-6545 NORTHWEST SECTION (Mrs. Paul C.) Huerth, Christine M. Ward, Suzanne W. 46:i60 Shelby Michigan (Mrs. William G.) (Mrs. Robert T.) Utica, Mich. 48087 20903 Amie, Apt. 17 Long Beach 47 Ranch Montana 731-5683 Torrance, Calif. 90503 Clyde Park, Montana 59018 371-5881 247-3280 SOUTH CENTRAL SECTION Lorenz, Susan Lynn Gossett, Linda C. Bishop, Janis N. (Mrs.) (Mrs. Ronald V.) (Mrs. Lane E.) 1432-B Vassar Dr. NE Albuquerque 25032 Oak St. Long Beach P. O. Box 104 Oregon Albuquerque, N. M. 87106 Lomita, Calif. 90717 Forest Grove, Oregon 97116 268-9268 325-7616 357-8212 ‘O’fiG oAlinety - uMiies. $nc. BULK RATE U. S. POSTAGE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION OF WOMEN PILOTS PAID International Headquarters — Will Rogers World Airport Chickasha, Okla. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 Permit No. 4