JUNE. 1967 lliiwtii-lhnr 71ms C o lu m n On May 6th, it was my pleasure ber of ballots ever cast, counted this "W 1o “Bonanza” to Concord, California year. But more important than having and officially present the newest ballots to count, is the importance chapter, Mt. Diablo, with their char­ of your VOICE! ter. The weather was beautiful both Have been receiving letters from ways and the charter banquet was a our Overseas members who are mak­ JUNE, 1967 great success. They had 185 present ing plans to attend our convention. each one an enthusiastic booster The fact we are an INTERNATIONAL THE NINETY-NINES, Inc. of the 99s. FRED GOERNER spoke organization, plus the convention be­ International Headquarters on “ The Search for Amelia” . The ing in our NATIONAL CAPITOL, has Will Rogers World Airport leadership of the chapter is in the created a lot of interest. Plan oni join­ Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159 very capable hands of BETTY BOG- ing us for the biggest convention ever. GESS who, I'm sure, will do a very It may be the only opportunity we Headquarters Secretary fine job. have of meeting some of our mem­ DARLA BULLARD For those of us who knew AUTRIE bers. Let’s give them a big welcome. LEHR, it was with a deep sense of Then it is only a short distance to personal loss to learn of her death. the race start in Atlantic City. Whe­ Editor The Ninety Nines received a letter ther you are racing or not, it would PEG ONG from KARL LEHR, her 49%er, and be a good opportunity for you to take 2900 Rockbrook Drive I am sending it to the News so you a few extra days and see a start! OR, Plano, Texas 75074 might all share the reading of it. if you must wing your way home, and INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS I am so pleased to report our mem­ if you do live in the Western part of President bership is over 3000 ! ! HOW ABOUT our country, plan to be in Torrance ALICE ROBERTS THAT ! ! ? ? and see a race finish. 9828 North 19 Avenue By the time you receive this News This will be the last opportunity I Phoenix, Arizona 85021 . you WILL HAVE ALREADY CAST have to remind you the time is run­ YOUR BALLOT . (I'm sure there ning out for your contribution to the Vice-President is no doubt you will vote) . the AE Scholarship Fund to be counted DONNA T. MYERS computor will be spinning it’s wheels in this years business. Every chapter Aurora, Colorado 80010 counting . and the officers for intends to give, why not right now so Secretary 1967-68 will be elected. I can’t im­ your name can be read at convention. GENE NORA JESSEN press upon you enough the importance Suppose we could be 100% in contri­ 2814 Cassia of voting. Lets’ have the largest num- butions ? ? ? ? Boise, Idaho 83705 During the Exposition of Flight in Las Vegas, there were two awards Treasurer Amelia EarharJ given, and both recipients were chil­ RUTH RUECKERT Mountain dren of Ninety Nines, and both were 2037 Rivera Street eighteen or under. Both received their San Francisco, Calif. 94116 Official dedication of a peak north of Yosemite in California will take awards for flying across country solo. Executive Board place on July 1, 1967 at the Smith­ The girl was TERRY LONDON, Long LYDIELLEN “LYGIE” HAGAN sonian Institution in Washington, D.C. Beach, daughter of BARBARA' LON­ DON. The boy was RON CANTRELL, South 1907 Oneida Place The onslaught of this peak was un­ aon of PHYLLIS CANTRELL. There Spokane, Washington 99203 dertaken last year by two San Fer­ are hopes this award will be an an­ nando Valley Chapter 99s, MARY BETTY W. McNABB nual event. ELLEN TRINDLE, our KEMPER and LOIS MILES, accom ­ 926 Third Avenue Public Relations Chairman, was priv­ panied by some experienced mountain Albany, Georgia ileged to present the awards. climbers. A flag and a plaque were In just a few more days we will DORIS RENNINGER placed at the summit dedicating this be seeing each other . have a safe 10-01 162nd Street peak to AMELIA EARHART, in honor flight to Washington. Beechhurst, N. Y. 11357 of her courage and accomplishments. On the day of official dedication at Sincerely, the Smithsonian a two-way communi­ ALICE. DEADLINE FOR NEWS — cation via satellite from Howland The 20th of the Month Island, the last place any communi­ cation was received from AMELIA, Have YOU Returned Send Copy to: is planned. PEG ONG YOUR ballot for A painting of AMELIA EARHART 2900 Rockbrook Drive done by the mother of LOIS MILES, International Officers???? Plano, Texas 75074 will be placed in the Smithsonian. DO IT NOW ! ! Frank Blair Miss R. Mildred Alford Mr. E. Tilson Peabody (Photo by Fabian Bachrach) HONORARY JUDGES CHOSEN We have three very prominent peo­ taught science and physical education ing to New York. ple as Honorary Judges for the 1987 before resigning to go into defense E. TILSON PEABODY is Director AMELIA EARHART SCHOLARSHIP work during World War II. of the Air Transport Section of Gen­ AWARDS and the following is a brief FRANK BLAIR of NBC Television eral Motors Corporation at the Wil­ summary of their biographies: Network. FRANK BLAIR started with low Run Airport. He is a graduate MISS R. M ILDRED. (MILLIE) AL­ the “ Today” show in 1952. He also of the Naval Air Training Station, FORD rose from the stewardess ranks is heard on NBC’s “ Emphasis” and Pensacola, Florida and served aboard to become top woman executive in is the Sunday night host of “ Monitor” the U. S. S. Lexington and the U. S. S. American Airlines — and a leading on the NBC Radio Network. Enterprise in 1936 thru 1938. He also woman in the airline industry — in Despite a full broadcasting sched­ served at the U. S. Naval Air Base little more than a decade. She is the ule, he finds time to volunteer his at Squantum, Mass. as Base Officer, first woman Director of Stewardess services for worthwhile fund-raising Recruiting Officer, and Pilot-Instruc- Service, and has held the post since events. In 1964 he received the Epi­ tor. In 1942, he was an Experimental 1962. Both the training of new steward­ lepsy Foundation’s Distinguished Ser­ Test Pilot for Pratt & Whitney Air­ esses and the job performance of all vice Award and in recognition of his craft and later Chief Test Pilot of the line stewardesses are her responsi­ contributions to the broadcasting in­ Eastern Aircraft Div. of General bility. She received America’s Dis­ dustry, he was presented the South Motors Corp. tinguished Service Award, the com­ Carolina Broadcasters Association’s MR. PEABODY was the recipient of pany’s highest honor in 1963. She also Good Citizenship Award for 1963. 1962 Michigan Aerospace Award for serves on the Women’s Advisory Com­ Also he has received the Amelia “Outstanding Achievement in Aero­ mittee of the Federal Aviation Ag­ Earhart Medal for his contribution space Education” presented by Mich­ ency. to aviation and he was presented the igan Aeronautics and Space Associa­ MISS ALFORD worked in the air­ 175th Anniversary Medal of Honor tion. line’s General Office in New York from Georgetown University (Wash­ MR. PEABODY is currently affili­ for three years, developing stewardess ington, D. C.) for his services to the ated as a member of Aviation Com­ procedures and training techniques, school. mittee of the Detroit Board of Com­ with emphasis on their application to FRANK BLAIR entered the Navy merce; Member of the American In­ the upcoming commercial jet trans­ in 1942, serving first as a flight in­ stitute of Aeronautics and Astronau­ port. She personally taught cUrline structor and later as a transport pilot tics; The Army and Navy Club; Mem­ safety and emergency procedures to in the Pacific. After the war he re­ ber of the Society of Automotive En­ each student. She also trained many turned to Washington and originated gineers; Members of the Business cf the women who work at the man­ “Georgetown Forum.” He then joined Advisory Board of the Flight Safety agement level in the Stewardess station WSCR in Scranton, Pa. as Foundation, Inc.; Member of the Corps. General Manager. When “Today” Society of Experimental Test Pilots; A graduate of Alabama State Col­ started in 1952, BLAIR becam e its Members of the Armed Forces Offi­ lege for Women, MISS ALFORD Washington correspondent later mov­ cers’ Club, and The Wings Club, Inc. 1967 Internartonal Ninety-Nines, Inc. Congratulations, Miss Alice Roberts, President Convention 9828 North Nineteenth Avenue Dottie ! ! The Dean of Women Pilots from Phoenix, Arizona 85021 Among the first ten women to re­ Brazil, ANESIA MACHADO, was in ceive a Gold Seal Certificate was Washington, D. C. recently and plans Dear Ninety-Nines: DOTTIE YOUNG, Oklahoma Chapter. to return for our International Con­ The Gold Seal Program was started Autrie Lehr looked forward to join­ vention, June 28- July 2. From across in 1966 by FAA to identify flight in­ ing you at the International Conven­ the ocean, we received word from structors with superior records in tion June 28- July 2, 1967. Her death HELEN FAULKNER in Germany that training and proficiency, and to moti­ in the crash of her plane April 7, FRAU MUTZ TRENSE, MADAME vate others to improve their qualifi­ 1967, has made it impossible, but I LIESEL BOCH (Germany’s No. 1 cations as flight instructor. am sure she will be with you in spirit. Stunt Pilot), FRAU GRASSMAN and Gold Seal Certificates are award­ DR.
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