Working Paper 2018:3 Department of Statistics A mixed-frequency Bayesian vector autoregression with a steady-state prior Sebastian Ankargren, Måns Unosson, Yukai Yang Working Paper 2018:3 November 2018 Department of Statistics Uppsala University Box 513 SE-751 20 UPPSALA SWEDEN Working papers can be downloaded from Title: A mixed-frequency Bayesian vector autoregression with a steady-state prior Author: S. Ankargeren, M. Unosson, Y. Yang E-mail:
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected]; A mixed-frequency Bayesian vector autoregression with a steady-state prior∗ Sebastian Ankargreny,M˚ans Unossony, and Yukai Yangy,x yDepartment of Statistics, Uppsala University, P.O. Box 513, 751 20 Uppsala, Sweden (e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]) xCenter for Economic Statistics, Stockholm School of Economics, P.O. Box 6501, 113 83 Stockholm, Sweden October 9, 2018 Abstract We consider a Bayesian vector autoregressive (VAR) model allowing for an explicit prior specification for the included variables' `steady states' (unconditional means) for data mea- sured at different frequencies. We propose a Gibbs sampler to sample from the posterior distribution derived from a normal prior for the steady state and a normal-inverse-Wishart ∗Special thanks to Johan Lyhagen for helpful comments on an earlier draft. Yang acknowledges support from Jan Wallander's and Tom Hedelius's Foundation, grants No. P2016-0293:1. We also wish to thank the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) through Uppsala Multidisciplinary Center for Advanced Computational Science (UPPMAX) under Project SNIC 2015/6-117 for providing the necessary computational resources.