A.U. Umeodinka,Nsukka B.M. Mbah,Working & C.U.Papers Agbedo in Langu – Sociolinguisticage, Linguistics, analysis and Literatureof institutional (NWPLLL), support Vol. for 8,Igbo, 2020 1800 -1961 (PP.1-13) Nsukka Working Papers in Language, Linguistics, and Literature (NWPLLL) Table of Contents Sociolinguistic analysis of institutional support for Igbo, 1800-1961 A. U. Umeodinka, B. M. Mbah, & C. U. Agbedo (pp.1-13) Qnadx {nq Ala N’Olu Nsxka Ọssa[ Mercy Nnedinsq, B.M Mbah, E.E. Mbah (pp. 14-28) Self-Actualisation in Igbo Novels as Evidenced in Omenxkq and Ụkpana Okpoko Buuru J. I. Obidiebube, C.N. Okebalama, E. S. Ikeokwu (pp. 29-46) Text Messages for Users of English as L2 in Nigerian Universities Ali, Abubakar Kadiri, C.U. Agbedo, Olusanmi Babarinde (pp. 47-68) Thematic Analysis of Satire in Selected Written Igbo Poems J. N. Okafor, B. M. Mbah, E. S. Ikeokwu (pp. 69-85) Semantic analysis of animal connotations in select Igbo proverbs in Krisagbedo’s Ogwu Ndubuisi O. Ahamefula, Chris U. Agbedo & George O. Iloene (pp. 86-103) Nsukka Working Papers in Language, Linguistics & Literature Vol. 8, 2020 ISSN: 2204-9399 0 A.U. Umeodinka, B.M. Mbah, & C.U. Agbedo – Sociolinguistic analysis of institutional support for Igbo, 1800-1961 (PP.1-13) SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT FOR IGBO, 1800-1961 *A. U. Umeodinka1, B. M. Mbah2, & C. U. Agbedo3 1Department of Igbo & Asian Studies, Nnamdi Aziknve University Awka, Nigeria 2&3Departmenl of Linguistics, Igbo & Other Nigerian Languages, University of Nigeria, Nsukka *E-mail of the corresponding author
[email protected] 08039563380 Abstract This paper is on the role of institutional support for the Igbo language within the period 1800 to 1961.