FOR HOBOKEN Old Coal Piers Sold a Year Ago "Paper Street" on Municipal Purchased by Sears Wi by the Town Which Had Acquired Maps, for Industrial Expansion Secaucus

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FOR HOBOKEN Old Coal Piers Sold a Year Ago VOLUME 6, NUMBER 3 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14, 1964 TEN CENTi BOY SCOUTS TAKE OVER CITY HALL BOY SCOUTS were in control of city hall for a day last week with Frank sado, all from Brandt School; Joseph Kemp and Sieven Bacigal, frim Musumici taking over the mayor's chair. Mayor Grogan is at his left Our Lady of Grace School, David Montroni from St. Ann's School;^ - and on his right is Council President Ed Barrone. Frank is an Eagle nard Competello, Thomas Ayenda, Harold Mayer and Gabriel Moll fr m Scout. The city officials in the rear are Thomas Gallo, Councilmen Demarest High School where "Mayor" Musumice is also a student; Pat- William Matthews, Rudolph Ranieri, Frank Finnerty and Chief Ambrose rick O'Connor and Julio Vasquez, No. 9 School; Gerard Sogliuzzn, Hici.- Ryan and Director Arthur Marotta. Scouts participating in the national ken High School Anthony Penna, Wallace School. John Vicini, St. Fri-:is Boy Scout Week program are Allen Pflug, Thomas Haefel, Louis Ro- School and Scour Gerald Dryer of Troop 4ft »'**»«* THE GIRL SCOUTS in the above picture presented a "Know Your Neigh- Marilyn Lambiase. Linda Hockstadter Patricia Raines Rnsf>an bor" program in Our Lady of Grce School Hall and won the admiration Elizabeth and Sara Palombella, Kathleen Green? Ma'ry luen of the audience wrJi their sincere performance. At the piano is Elyse Mary Ann Diomede. Debra Branda, Marv Anne Nichols Marv Lambiase who provided the musical background for the young entertain- reverde «-nuis. wary ers Others in. the group arp Reglfla ant} Mary Finnerty, Annette and, * PAmrr H, lfM Parents Organize To Launch Swim Team Coach Leo Genese announced that a parents' dub vulaunched last week to help sponsor the' swim team «t Hoboken YMCA. Genese, with Physical Director Joseph Futigllano, has been de- veloping a stronger —©gram for , the boys' department In recent months , and a full schedule of competition Is being arrangedfor the gwim team. The parents' group will hold a series if fund-raising activities to buy swim suits and sweat shirts for the team, Genese said, and he added that a party is being scheduled for next month so that trophies may be pre- sented. At the initial meeting, Harry Berg was elected president; Richard McGuire, vice president; Mrs. Lucy Peterhoff, treasurer; Mrs. Peggy Miller, secretary, and Mrs. Alice Bode, hostess. Rutigiiano also announced that Stephen McGuire, 11, and his brother Wayne, 12, were selected as the two outstanding members of the boys' department. They DAVID L. CANGI, president of Hudson County Press Club, live at 1229 Park Ave , Hoboken. eecond from left, thanksMicky Carrol for arranging club PRESS CLUB ENDORSES luncheon at Pollak Hospital, Jersey City, tnrough Mr. Hanley, superintendent of the hospital. End left is Milt 39 On Honor Roll Kerzner, and, end right, Ed Dayis, the co-chairmen of GALLAGHER SPEECH At Leinkauf School the club's annual Memorial Awards dinner to be held at Hotel Plaza on May 2. At the meeting the club passed a Borrone Assn. To PROUD PARENTS ' 39 pupils of Sadie P. Leinkauf resolution endorsing Rep. Cornelius Gallagher's speech Hold Valentine Party Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Piccf- School, Hoboken, have made the in Congress attacking the man-handling of a photographer ninni, welcomed a daughter, Na- honor roll. The students whose covering the integration of a school In Notasulga, Ala. by Auxiliary of Edward J. Borrone call Ann into their home at 508 __ names were announced by Sal* Assn., Hoboken, will hold a St. Bloomfield St., Hoboken. a law enforcement officer. David Cangiwillhead a dele- Valentine's Day party and dance vatorl R.Calabro,principal,are: gation of Press Club members to Dublin, Ireland, next Mrs. Picclnlnnl is the former Joseph DeSomma, Anthony DiLeo Saturday in Court Grill Hall, Eiaine Mlsercola Charles Jones, Elaine Nlehaus, month where they will carry a 25 foot banner in the city's Hoboken. Susan Pino, Daniel McKevitt, annual St. Patrick's Day parade. Immediately following Mrs. Nellie Cavanagh,president Charles Sansevere, Florence the parade in Dublin they will return via jet to participate of the women's club for the past MARRA SHOES Bassin and Karen Kurash. in the St. Patrick's Day observance in Jersey City. 25 years, will be on hand to FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY greet members and guests. Ho- Victoria Certtsimo. Arnold Al- Traveling with the Press Club group will be many offic- WE CAN GET ANY SIZE & fano, Barbara Fernandez, Pas- boken Councilman -at- large ials from Hudson County, among them former Mayor Edward J. Borrone, club standard WIDTH FROM THE 0 1 quale D'Achille, Dominick San- SEL.1 ER IN COUNTRY. toro, Victoria Bucci and Rozin James F. Moore, Secaucus Democratic leader. bearer, and other city officials, ! Parry are invited guests rhat nighi. i Orthopedic Service Also Anthony Raccula, Law- HOLY NAME SOCIETY DINNER DANCE SET Patricia Bayone Weds i CUSTOM, ALTERATIONS rence Mersch, Louis Ayende, James Hallihan, president at Lou Garbarlni and The Byrnes and REPAIRS, DOCTORS . Mauro Gasbaro, Donna Farese, Brothers. Anthony J. Rinaldi Sandra Sansevere, Joseph Com- Holy Name Society of Our Lady PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED of Grace Church, 410 Willow Rev Daniel F. Meehan, pastor Anthony J. Rinaldi, son of Mrs. ;Formerly with Coward Shoe Co.) petello, Davor Dragovcic, Gail , and Spritiual director, is honor- Anthony j. Rinaldi, 502 Hudson Goette, Carol Pisciotta, Lenka ' Ave., Hoboken, has announced that the society's dinner-dance ary chairman. Rober Per^lch St.. Hoboken, took Miss Patri- 415 First St., Hoboken ' Skroce, Casimo Valente, Maur- is chairman, and Ed Sullivan and cia Bayone, dauehxer of Mrs. een Lavelle, Donna Kleva, Ida will be held Saturday, February Cor. Adams St. Tel. OL 6-5622 22, at 7 p.m. in the school au- Tom Mooney are co-chairmen. Peter Bayone, Jersey City, as Mead, April Seidenzahl, Andrew Martin Gill is in charge of tic- his bride, in a ceremony per- DeStmone, James Petrane, Ste- ditorium, corner of Fifth St. and Willow Ave. Dancing will kets and reservations, with re- formed in St. Paul's Roman Ca- ven Brereton, FrankChirichella, freshments under Bernie Moore. tholic Church, Jersey City. OL 0-2707 Michael Ruggiero, Janice Krecz begin at 9 p.m. with ..lusic by and Pamela Schuster. IS YOU! FU8HUUU SMITH-BARRY A GIFT FOR HIZ HONOR NUPTIALS HELD Robert Barry, son of Mrs. An- FASHIONED jia Barry, 105 13th St., Hoboken, recently wed Miss Frances Smith 3 daughter of Mr and Mrs. James Smith, 1038 Garden St.,Hoboken, in Our Lady of Grace RomanCa- Repairing Iholic Church, that city. m Couple will reside in Hoboken Re-upbolstering on their return from a wedding trip to Bermuda. COME SEE JOE DECORATOR «. UPHOLSTERER PROSTATE 1010 WASHINGTON ST TROUBLE H380KEN, N.I. EXPLAINED IN NEW BOOKLET MARCUS AS a health service, all men suffering from prostrate troub- JEJTELERS INC le are offered a new 20-page !06 WASHINGTON ST. illustrated booklet which de- HOBOKEN OL 6-3180 scribes prostadtis and tt» cau- ses. Every Purchase A The booklet also explains the Bragg course of treatment .which has won national fame for a- DIAMONDS cMerement in cases which are not advanced to a surgical state i or where cancer is not evident. At the Bragg Institute of Tam- • WATCHES pa, all branches of healing are correlated for best results. For • JIWIWY arthritis, as many as 20 indi- vidual modalities may be pre- IF MARCUS CAN'T scribed. FIX IT H you can visit Tampa, send now for free bookies which ex- EAGLE SCOUT FRANK MUSUMICI, acting mayor for a day in observance of Boy HE WILL GIVE VOU plalM fees. No obligation. Write Scout Week, thanks Mayor John i. Grogan for courtesies extended him and other A NEW ONE Dept. P-207, 2124 Grand Cen- scouts during their day- In City Hall. Mayor Grogan had presented Frank with a tral, Tampa 6, Florida gift and Frank, In turn, presented the mayor with a token of appreciation. Pog« 2 Hotoko WE BELIEVE IN . ... Needleeraft News Firs* we believe in FREEDOM OF THE PRESS and the FIGHTING OF ANY LAWS WHICH WOULD HAMPER THE PRESS IN ITS RESPONSIBILITY TO THE PUBLIC SECONDLY, we believe in a STATE LOTTERY for New Jersey. THIRDLY, we be-. Baxter Ueve in FREE ENTERPRISE. LASTLY, we believe the N. Y.-N. J. PORT AUTH- ORrrY_SHOULD PAY TAXES TO MUNICIPALITIES WHO LOSE RATABLES TO THE OW IS THE TIME for ait good women to pick up their crochet EXPANDING BI-5"f ATE AGENCY. hooks and make something wonderful. Yes, now because this. Nis the time of the year that isn't too full of holiday rosh. And this »s the time for you to catch your breath and just do things you like EDITORIALS to<l0- WHY NOT CKOCHET?^ BY DOROTHY SEXTON Let's suppose ycru'Ve never crocheted before. Then this is the. time to ^^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^BJJJJJJJK begin — and here are the FREEDOM TO SEARCH f JBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSH. slipper socks for you to begin with. The whole secret of crochet work is The prescription drug industry has served notice that the firms In- that it looks difficult but is volved intend to defend their freedom to pursue their "medical goals." really simple to do. And An officer of* the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association says this these socks, believe me, are has been made necessary, and is vital to the national health, because of more than simple. All it hasty and ill-considered proposals and actions, on the administrative and takes is a beginner's stitch. legislative levels of the government, that in one way or another frustrate the development of new and better drugs.
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