1 YUKON-KUSKOKWIM DELTA ALASKA FEDERAL SUBSISTENCE 2 REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING 3 4 PUBLIC MEETING 5 6 7 VOLUME II 8 9 10 Yupiit Piciryarait Cultural Center 11 Bethel, Alaska 12 February 26, 2015 13 9:00 a.m. 14 15 16 17 COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: 18 19 Lester Wilde, Chairman 20 Robert Aloysius 21 John Andrew 22 David Bill 23 William Brown 24 James Charles 25 Annie Cleveland 26 Dorothy Johnson 27 Raymond Oney 28 Michael Peters 29 Greg Roczicka 30 Dale Smith 31 Anthony Ulak 32 33 34 35 Acting Regional Council Coordinator, Carl Johnson 36 Adrienne Fleek 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Recorded and transcribed by: 44 45 Computer Matrix Court Reporters, LLC 46 135 Christensen Drive, Suite 2 47 Anchorage, AK 99501 48 907-243-0668/
[email protected] 1 P R O C E E D I N G S 2 3 (Bethel, Alaska - 02/26/2015) 4 5 (On record) 6 7 CHAIRMAN WILDE: Call the meeting to 8 order. The time is now 9:00 o'clock. First on the 9 agenda this morning is usually we have at the beginning 10 of the we have public and tribal comments on non-agenda 11 items. 12 13 Is there anyone here besides I think we 14 have one. Mr. Alex Nick. 15 16 MR. NICK: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, 17 members of the Council and the Staff. Audience. 18 19 I appreciate this opportunity to 20 provide some comments on behalf of myself, my family 21 who lives here in Kuskokwim area and also in Yukon 22 area, as well as elsewhere within the area.