AT BENTON HARBOR SEKVIC Which $4,500 Is Paid In, It Is Di South Bend Monday.; the Ind Degree This Evening
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BUCHANAN, PRIDE, OF THE BOOST BUCHANAN ST. JOSEPH, VALLEY', ' ' t* - j J i . i L / W*% i>*»; IT’S' f / GOODA* - FRACTICE. TRY IT." -/ And the- Berrien- County *v.Recqrd...«$ .. It’s Mouthpiece „r • » Agta.". - jS” '■» - -Si - 4 At-.least,-it,-doesn’t* cost anything . BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN, -’1MI D.ftSDAY, % 20, 192S. SIXTY-FIRST YEAR NUMBER 3 ssesss BUCHANAN STUDENT IS Associate Editor of Record Arrives HONORED AT SOUTH SEND •Semore Gross-, Buchanan. stu arid Takes Over News End of Paper dent registered at the University of Notre Dame, has been honor- Walter C. Haxves, associate tory of Wyoming which AAras in ed by election to the post of publisher of the? Record, ,ai*rixred corporated in a collection oil' his president of the Young Poa.le in Buchanan last Aveek from his tories of several states and pub Zion. Society at South Bend. lished by “ The Nation,” .several Speaker for the occasion was Ben home at Wheatland.. Wyoming, years ago. In this compilation of and. assumed charge of the news Godor, national president o f the state histories, Minnesota Avas society. Marvin Gross, 12 year- end of the Record’s service to its covered, by Sinclair Lexxds, Ne 0UGH BLOG. readers. old brother of Senrore and ,a mu braska by Willa Gather and Kan sician of rare promise-, entertain^ Following collegiate training at sas by William Allen White. the. University of Colorado, Mia ed A\rith several piano selections Mr. Haxves’ delightful verse has Bakertown. Hatchery is Mov of his .own. Hawes has, had. varied- experience been widely quoted in newspapers ^Mangled Body o£ Martin. in neAvspaper and; publicity xvork, i *• ■ of the Avest. Ilis stories and Averse ed Here; Enlarged and Music Department Presents Houck Found in Wheel including experience, on eastern have been published in a num . Modernized and Avestern nexvspapers. He is ber of periodicals of national cir Annual Operatic Offer Now Here’s Pit at Power Plant the author of a number of essays culation. ^ ing at Auditorium on Wyoming history and of a his Harrv L. Hayden the BLOOD TEST FOR T. B. ! NT0 FOUL PLAY SURMISED TROOP II GIRL SCOUTS GOOD HOUSE TURNS OUT Proposition HIKE TO MOCCASIN BLUFF .W.D. Applies to State lor Permit The Girl Scouts, Troop II, hik To Install Poultry Discovery Ends Ordeal of KINDERGARTEN ROOM WINS Buchanan H. S. Caste Enters ed out: to Moccasin Bluff Monday Feed Plant THE HOME TOWN TEAM Uncertainity which Grip afternoon, under the sponsorship DIES SUDDENLY FOR GETTING MOST OUT Zestfully inta Operatic-- Bi Haws. ped Town Two Days of Misses Clayton and Boltz, the TO ATTEND MEET Production SCout leaders. The girls' mak * Installation of Buchanan’s first Parents- of Buchanan school When the back boards, plunk as ing the trip xxrere Alene Riley, AT NILES SUNDAY -modern poultry hatchery started the balls are sunk and its The- mystery which, has sur children, xvho Axrant to demonstrate Former Residents of This Freddie Portz, Madeline Hamil this week at the quarters of the one, two, three for us rounded the disappearance of ton, Margery Campbell, Kather that they are “ on the job” will Place to Meet in Colorful youth scintillated and When the score is; right and a, Martin Houck,,, six year old son of ine Portz, Josephine Dunlap and SON LOSES RACE AGAINST former Michigan Toy and Manu have the ’opportunity by putting- sparkled,—not to say flamed,— Avin’s in. Ave all can J. E. Houck of Berrien Springs, in appearance next Monday night Windy Gity sight, Doris Campbell.. The girls took DEATH BY HOURS FROM facturing company in -the old on. the auditorium stage at the raise7 -a, fuss from his home Sunday afternoon, at the meeting of the. P. T, A., a lunch Avith them. Avhich they ate Rough Wagon factory building on high school last night, before, -an For it makes it nice Avhen the was cleared up Monday night at the Bluff. CALGARY, CAN. which resumes its sessions after game’s on ice, and all is a l when, the bruised and, mangled Main street, to xxrhich location two months interval, due to the audience of appreciatixre friends Kent L-. Kennedy is transferring BANQUET FEBRUARY AA-edding bell i body of the boy was found in one interference of the holiday sea and® patrons who applauded every When the balls fall through like ' of the A\*heel pits of the great In- Mrs. W„ D. Bremer, well. knoAvn his plant from Bakertoxvn. son. they ought to ds>, Ave’ all can diana and Michigan pawer plant, Buchanan lady, died: suddenly Mr. Kennedy is enlarging his good bit and appeared to enjoy STATE COLLEGE early Sunday morning _ at the plant, and by the end of next The contest feature between the whoop and yell. Avhere he had evidently fallen- on rooms of the school continues. Gathering to be Served With the production throughout. Sunday afternoon. home of her daughter, Mrs. E. week plans to have- three Mam The production xvas the annual W. Dawes at Crescent Hill farln, moth. incubators installed, xvith. a Honors in this contest xvent last Chicken Dinner in Home But whether the score is less or ! The boy had been seen last by LANDSCAPE MAN north of Niles, where she had year to the Kindergarten room, operatic offering of the high; more, and Avhether Ave’re up total, capacity of 14,000 chicks, Town Style his father, an employee at the been spending part of the xvinter. and more units to come later. xvhich Avon: first for encouraging school. This year a typical,scliool or down poAver plant, about 11a. m. Sun Mrs. Bremer had been serious the .largest attendance of par I’m the sort of a guy that, li\re or day, when the lad brought him The operator has been hatching ents. The prize Avon xvas a copy theme xvas selected, with love and ly ill for several months, but. the chickens for the local trade for Former Buchanan people living baseball .and a xvebb of intrigue die, will root for my own his lunch -and A\-as dispatched end Avas unexpected. Her only of Stevenson’s “ Child’s Garden of home town. homeward Avith instructions not the* past txvo years. Verses.” in Chicago xxrho are organized in intermingled through xvhich the HILLS CORNERS CHURCH AND son, 0. F. Bremer- of Galgary, to loiter. The disappearance of Canada, receix-ed notice and start The establishment o f a hatch The program of music xvill be to the Chicago-iBuchanan Society xvell selected caste danced and Now. T am not down, on the other- WAGNER* GRANGE TO xvill again observe the noxv xvell the lad was not discovered until: ed at once, but arrived here sev ery here that will accommodate as follows-: . sang xvith -evident ’-zest in. their town, for 1 know it is no i the father arrived home at- night. IMPROVE; PLAN T IN eral hours after his, mother’s the needs, of all local poultrymen Vocal duet; Mrs. .Qrmiston and established custom of the annual crime is a fine asset, xvhiclr should not dinner, according to a notice re- work. Soft blue spotlights en- State police and: other officials SPRING death. Mrs. Charles King x-eloped the singers during the I f they cast their lot in another were notified, and all the roads in ‘fail of patronage. Developments Piano- solo, Mrs. Kelley- ceived this xveek by the Record spot “that is not as good as Mrs. Bremer and her husband, from the secretary, G. B. Roe, f requent solos and duets 'That il this section: were guarded, Avhile in the poultry business are noxv Vocal solo, Mrs. Thelma. Peck. lustrated the more sentimental mine. Professor O. I. Gregg* of the had celebrated their golden wed-, tending toxxrard local hatcheries xvhich explains the details. The searching parries of neighbors ding anniversary Sept. 4. 1927. Violin solo, Harry-Frew, passages. They can't he blamed if their landscape department o f the to which imported baby chicks are The following selection from letter in -part, folloxvs : were organized to drag the river She is survived by her husband, Quartets ol young men typify choice Avas lame and their unci comb: the country., Michigan State Agricultural ’col to car- -,'">r community needs, ■■ of Ber.ton Braley is con 'Chicago, Jan. i l , ’28. judgment Avasn’t good: lege at Lansing, Mich., met Weds W. D. Bremer, the son, 0. F. avoiding ihereby the heavy losses ing college youth txvined arms and When all these resources failed, Bremer, and by three daughters, tributed by one of the members The Record Go., They can x*aise a noise for their nesday morning Avith committees liable, through the exposure Avhich of the P. T. A. as fine statement Buchanan. sang ballads in the blue moon OAvn home boys as a loyal the giant wheels, of the plant representing the Hills Corner- Mrs. W. J. East of South Bend, is not axroidable in such cases. light and groups of dancing maid Avere stopped and search institu of the purpose of the organiza Dear Sirs and Friend;: ens f urnished interludes. rooter should churchh and the Wagner Grange . Mrs. G. W. Schopback of Kala_ • Kennedy disposes of his hatches:; tion : I ’ll grve a hand Avhen they chance ted in the pits, Avhere the body to layay plans, for ornamental • niazoo, and Mrs. E. \\ . Dawes ox In Chicago xve have an organi The singing and acting was un Avas at last located. Physicians Niles, One son died in infancy, at the door - of his, plant, Avhich Here’s a mind and soul you’ve zation called the Ghicago-Buclian- to land, bnt takin’ it as a, rule plantings to be made on the greatly insures the chances of iformly good, hut the -palm 'fo r I’ll bloAY my -steam for the home Avho examined the remains said Seven grandchildren also sur_ given to the busy world xve an society and it happens that I grounds of those buildings: in the thrifty, undamaged chicks.