Recent results on galactic cosmic rays with the DAMPE experiment

Xin Wu

Department of Nuclear and Particle Physics University of Geneva, Switzerland

XSCRC2019, CERN 14 November, 2019 Outline

• Introduction to the DAMPE experiment

• Description and performance of the detector

• Recent cosmic ray results

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 2 DAMPE Launched ~4 years ago (17/12/2015)

High energy particle physics experiment in space

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 3 The Detector Plastic Scintillator Detector (PSD)

Silicon-Tungsten Tracker (STK)

BGO Calorimeter (BGO)

Neutron Detector (NUD)

ü Charge measurements (PSD and STK) ü Precise tracking with Si strip detectors (STK) high energy g-ray, ü Tungsten photon converters in tracker (STK) and cosmic ray ü Thick imaging calorimeter (BGO of 32 X0, 1.6 l) nuclei telescope ü Extra hadron rejection (NUD)

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 4 The Collaboration • – Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, Nanjing – Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, Beijing – National Space Center, CAS, Beijing – University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei – Institute of Modern Physics, CAS, Lanzhou • Switzerland – University of Geneva, Switzerland • Italy – INFN Perugia and University of Perugia – INFN Bari and University of Bari – INFN Lecce and University of Salento – INFN LNGS and Gran Sasso Science Institute

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 5 The DAMPE Satellite

EQM, Oct. 2014, CERN Integrated satellite, Sept. 2015, Shanghai Weight : 1450/1850 kg (payload/satellite) Power: 300/500 W (payload/satellite) Readout channels: 75,916 (STK 73,728) Size: 1.2m x 1.2 m x 1.0 m

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 6 The Orbit • Altitude: 500 km • Inclination: 97.4065 • Period: 95 minutes • Orbit: -synchronous

Launched Dec. 17 2015 • Dec. 20: all detectors powered on, except the HV for PMTs • Dec. 24: HV on! • Dec. 30: stable trigger condition Xin Wu XSCRC2019,• Very 14/11/2019 smooth operation since! 7 Particle hit counts vs orbit

• 15 orbits/day, 96 minutes/orbit • ~50 Hz average trigger rate, ~5 M events/day – Main high energy trigger and prescaled low energy and MIP triggers Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 8 Plastic Scintillator Detector (PSD) 2 layers (x, y) of strips 1 cm thick, 2.8 cm wide and 88.4 cm long Sensitive area 82.5 cm x 82.5 cm, no dead zone • Strip staggered by 0.8 cm

Readout both ends with PMT, each uses 2 dynode signals (factor ~40) to extend the Xin Wu XSCRC2019,dynamic 14/11/2019 range to cover Z = 1, 26 9 Silicon-Tungsten Tracker (STK)

• Outer envelop 1.12m x 1.12m x 25.2 cm • Detection area 76 x 76 cm2 • ~7 m2 of silicon • Total weight: 154.8 Kg • Total power consumption: ~85W

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 10 The STK structure • 12 layers (6x, 6y) of single-sided Si strip detector mounted on 7 support trays • Tungsten plates (1mm thick) integrated in trays 2, 3, 4 (from the top)

– Total 0.85 X 0 for photon conversion 192 ladders 768 silicon sensors 95 x 95 x 0.32 mm3

1,152 ASICs

73,728 channels

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 11 BGO Calorimeter (BGO) • 14-layer BGO, 7 x-layers + 7 y-layers – BGO bar 2.5 cm2.5 cm x 60 cm, readout both ends with PMT • Use 3 dynode (2, 5, 8) signals to extend the dynamic range – Charge readout/Trigger: ASIC with dynamic range up to 12 pC Detection area 60cm60cm X Layer (22 BGO bars)

Y Layer

14 Layers

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 Total thickness 32 X0/1.6 l 12 Neutron Detector (NUD) • 4 large area boron-doped plastic scintillators ( 30 cm30 cm1 cm) – Detect the delayed thermal neutron capture signal to help e/h separation – Gating circuit to detect delayed signal with a settable delay (0-20µs) after the trigger from the BGO

n + 10B → α + 7Li + g

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 13 On-ground calibration • Several weeks at CERN PS and SPS beams from Oct. 2012 – Nov. 2015 (EQM) – Plus many cosmic data (FM)

Nov. 2014 Oct. 2012

Nov. 2015 XinMarch Wu 2015 XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 14 Electron energy linearity and resolution

1-20 GeV 50-243 GeV

Linearity DE/E < 1.5% for > 100 GeV

Good linearity and resolution, good agreement between test beam and simulation Xin Wu Energy correction:XSCRC2019, ~6-7% 14/11/2019 for 100 GeV – 1 TeV 15 energy resolution

Good agreement between test beam and simulation

Proton energy cannot be easily corrected. Need unfolding!

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 16 BGO in-flight MIP calibration • “MIP” calibration: ADC → MeV and equalization, use events near the equator, 20

MIP spectrum of a BGO bar Geomagnetic MIP MPV shift % cut-off effect

MPV of a BGO bar After “temperature correction” MeV ADC

BGO Helium MIP

Xin WuProton “MIP” MPV vs temperatureXSCRC2019, () 14/11/2019Helium “MIP” mean vs time, stable17 <1% Absolute energy scale validation • Overall energy scale can be checked with geomagnetic cut-off effects – Charge particles detected in a geomagnetic zone have specific cut-off in the flux (deflection by the magnetic shield) • Use L in 1 – 1.14, cut-off ~ 13 GeV • Measured cut-off compared to MC simulation with IGRF-12 model and back-tracing code

Cdata/Cpred = 1.0120.017(stat.) 0.013(sys.) McIlwain L shells Energy scale agrees with expectation within 2%

Stable with time (small decrease in cut-off due to solar modulation)

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 18 PSD in-orbit charge measurement

Astropart. Phys., 105, 31 (2019) Element sZ H 0.07 He 0.10 Li 0.14 Be 0.21 B 0.17 C 0.18 N 0.21 O 0.20

Excellent for cosmic-ray measurements

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 19 STK noise very stable since launch

1 year

Average noise 2.84-2.88 ADC Very small temperature variation

Xin Wu ~4 year in orbit, >99.5%XSCRC2019, channels 14/11/2019 are still working perfectly! 20 STK in-flight alignment • Good thermal stability guaranteed a good short term mechanical stability 300 x2 x1 Re-align every 2 weeks to x3 x6 200 x4 y1 correct for long term shift x5 y6 y2 aligned m) y3 non-aligned µ y4 y5 100 90 80 70 60 Outside layers with larger extrapolation errors

Effective resolution ( 50

40 Intrinsic position resolution 40 -50 µm


10 20 30 40 50

θx(θy) (deg) Unbiased hit residual of 12 layers before/after (re)alignment, as function of incidence angle

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 21 X Residual width variation: aligned

1.6 0° < Q < 10° 1.6 10° < Q < 20° 1.5 x x1 x2 1.5 x 1.4 x3 x4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 x5 x6 1.2 1.1 1.1 1 1

2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 1.6 Dec-3120°Jul-01 < QDec-31 < 30Jul-01° Dec-31 Jul-02 Dec-31 Jul-02 1.6 Dec-3130° Jul-01< Q Dec-31 < 40Jul-01° Dec-31 Jul-02 Dec-31 Jul-02 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.4 1.4

(January,1st) 1.3 1.3

1 1.2 1.2

s 1.1 1.1

/ 1 1 1

s 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019

1.6 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-02 Dec-31 Jul-02 1.6 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-02 Dec-31 Jul-02 40° < Q < 50° Q > 50° 1.5 x 1.5 x 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1 1

2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 Xin Wu Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-02 9thDec-31 DAMPEJul-02 Workshop,Dec-31 15/06/2019Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-02 Dec-31 Jul-02 22 X Residual width variation: not aligned

1.6 0° < Q < 10° 1.6 10° < Q < 20° 1.5 y y1 y2 1.5 y 1.4 y3 y4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 y5 y6 1.2 1.1 1.1 1 1

2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 1.6 Dec-3120°Jul-01 < QDec-31 < 30Jul-01° Dec-31 Jul-02 Dec-31 Jul-02 1.6 Dec-3130° Jul-01< Q Dec-31 < 40Jul-01° Dec-31 Jul-02 Dec-31 Jul-02 1.5 y 1.5 y 1.4 1.4

(January,1st) 1.3 1.3

1 1.2 1.2

s 1.1 1.1

/ 1 1 1

s 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019

1.6 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-02 Dec-31 Jul-02 1.6 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-02 Dec-31 Jul-02 40° < Q < 50° Q > 50° 1.5 y 1.5 y 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1 1

2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 Xin Wu Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-02 9thDec-31 DAMPEJul-02 Workshop,Dec-31 15/06/2019Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-01 Dec-31 Jul-02 Dec-31 Jul-02 23 Very stable operation • Basically no important down time for 46 months and counting …

Energy bins

DAC calibration

STK threshold update HV reset

~5.2 M events recoded per day

More than 7 billion events collected Skimmed datasets: number of events per energy interval very stable Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 24 Proton flux • Published in 17 September 2019 in Science Advances (Sci. Adv., 5, 9 (2019)) • ) Measurement of the cosmic ray proton spectrum from 40 GeV to 100 TeV with the DAMPE satellite

Cross-checked with 3 independent analyses

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 25 Proton flux measurement

• Key steps of the analysis – Preselection • High Energy Trigger • STK track selection: crucial for linking BGO shower to the correct PSD hit – Charge selection • Proton selection based on the charged measured in PSD – STK charge used for validation • Helium background: template fit of the PSD charge – Helium contamination ≲1% for deposited energies at <10 TeV and up to ∼5% around 50 TeV • Electron rejected based on BGO shower shape variables, residual < 0.05% – Energy unfolding • Bayesian unfolding (D'Agostini, NIM A362(1995), 487) – Systematic uncertainties • Three independent analyses gave consistent final proton flux results

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 26 Trigger efficiency

• Trigger efficiency is validated with data using the unbiased trigger

1 MC Proton Flight Data 0.8 HE Trigger Efficiency




1.2 102 103 104

MC/Data 1.1



0.8 102 103 104 BGO Energy [GeV] Good data-MC agreement, use 2.5% as systematic error

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 27 Tracking efficiency

• Trigger efficiency is validated with data with a proton selection using “BGO tracks” 1


0.6 Track Rconstruction Efficiency

0.4 MC Proton Flight Data 0.2

3 1.2 10 102 10 104

MC/Data 1.1



0.8 10 102 103 104 BGO Energy [GeV] Data-MC consistent within 3.5%, use as systematic error

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 28 Charge selection efficiency • PSD charge templates from proton and Helium MC (corrected for back scattering) 447 – 562 GeV 4.47 – 5.62 TeV 20 – 63 TeV

• Cut: • Efficiency validated by data using first layer of STK

1 1 Charge Efficiency Charge Efficiency 0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6 Good data-MC agreement, MC Proton MC Proton Flight Data Flight Data 1.8% systematic error 0.4 0.4 PSD layer-y PSD layer-x

1.1 10 102 103 104 1.1 10 102 103 104

MC/Data 1.05 MC/Data 1.05

1 1

0.95 0.95 1%Xin Wu 1.5%XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 29 0.9 3 0.9 3 10 102 10 104 10 102 10 104 BGO Energy [GeV] BGO Energy [GeV] Background fraction and effective acceptance

0.05 sr] 2 Helium Contamination 10 G4 FTFP_BERT Electron Contamination 0.04 Contamination [%] 1 0.03 Effective Acceptance [m

10-1 0.02

-2 10 0.01

10-3 0 102 103 104 102 103 104 105 Deposited Energy [GeV] Incident Energy [GeV] • Helium background varies between ≲1% • Effective Acceptance (GF x Eff) evaluated for <10 TeV to ∼5% around 50 TeV with G4 with the FTFP_BERT physics list – Electron negligible

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 30 Energy unfolding

• With a homogenous detector, the energy resolution is relatively good. • Unfolding performed with the Bayesian method (D'Agostini, NIM A362(1995), 487)


Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 31 Systematic Uncertainties

• Selection efficiency: 4.7%

– Charge selection became important above 50 TeV

• Background only relevant at highest energy: 1-4% from 40 -100 TeV

• Statistical error 2-6% from 10 -100 TeV

• Hadronic model: 7-10%

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 32 Hadronic model uncertainty • The largest systematic uncertainty is the hadronic model – Low energy (<1 TeV): ~7% by comparing 400 GeV test beam data and GEANT4 FTFP_BERT (baseline model for <100 TeV) simulation. – High energy (>1 TeV): 7-10% by comparing FTFP_BERT and FLUKA • FLUKA is baseline model for >100 TeV, used only for unfolding – Further check with comparing FLUKA and CRMC

DAMPE simulation preliminary • G4-CRMC interface implemented (A. Tykhonov) 0.5 – CRMC (DPMJET) and GEANT4 (FTFP_BERT) has good agreement 0.4 – No significant differences between DPMJET and 0.3 EPOS in CRMC – FLUKA energy deposited softer than G4-CRMC 0.2 GEANT4 (FTFP_BERT) • Likely due to low-energy hadronic models

0.1 GEANT4--CRMC (DPMJET_FTFP_BERT) • Also the geometry implementations of G4

Mean Deposited / True Energy and FLUKA is different FLUKA (Fluka-DPM & DPMJET) 0 103 104 105 106 Primary Energy (GeV) A. Tykhonov et. al. ICRC2019, Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 33 Comparison of proton flux measurements ] 1.6 DAMPE

GeV ATIC-2 (2009) -1 s

-1 PAMELA (2011) sr

-2 AMS-02 (2015) [m 104 CREAM-I+III (2017) 2.6 NUCLEON-KLEM (2018) E × CALET (2019) Flux

DAMPE Uncertainties (Stat.+Syst.)

10 102 103 104 105 Kinetic Energy [GeV]

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 34 Preliminary Helium flux

• Analysis in progress, final result will extend to higher energy (~25-50 TeV/n)

39 months of data

M. Di Santo et. al. ICRC2019,

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 35 Electron + positron flux • Published in 29 November 2017 in , 552, 63 (2017) 10−3 broken power law DAMPE (2017) single power law 10−4

10−5 ) -1

GeV −6

-1 10 sr -1 s -2 10−7 A break at ~0.9 TeV is observed Flux (m −8 10 17 months of data

10−9 To be updated soon with more than 2 data 10−10 103 Xin Wu Energy (GeV) XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 36 Electron + positron flux • Published in 29 November 2017 in Nature, 552, 63 (2017) 10−3 broken power law DAMPE (2017) single power law 10−4 H.E.S.S. (2008) H.E.S.S. (2009)

10−5 AMS-02 (2014) ) -1 Fermi-LAT (2017)

GeV −6

-1 10 CALET (2017) sr -1 s -2 10−7 A break at ~0.9 TeV is observed Flux (m −8 10 17 months of data

10−9 To be updated soon with more than 2 times data 10−10 103 Xin Wu Energy (GeV) XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 37 Conclusions • DAMPE is working extremely well since its launch about 4 years ago – A precise electron + positron flux in the TeV region has been measured • A clear spectral break has been observed at ~ 0.9 TeV • Update with more data, extend the measurement to 10 TeV soon – Direct high statistics proton flux up to 100 TeV has been published • A spectral softening at ~13.6 TeV is observed – Direct high statistics Helium flux up to at least 25 TeV/n is coming soon • DAMPE has provided several new pieces of puzzle to understand many mysteries in cosmic ray physics • Direct detection of TeV – PeV cosmic rays is entering a precision era – Validation of hadronic interaction models in the TeV – PeV range will be key to reduce systematic errors

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 38 Thank You!

Xin Wu XSCRC2019, 14/11/2019 39