Members Appointed for Another Term of Supervisory Board

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Members Appointed for Another Term of Supervisory Board LC CORP S.A. phone: +48 71 798 80 10 UL. POWSTAŃCÓW ŚLĄSKICH 2-4 fax: +48 71 798 80 11 53-333 WROCŁAW [email protected] KRS 0000253077 - Sąd Rejonowy dla Wrocławia -Fabrycznej VI Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego NIP 899-25-62-750, REGON: 020246398, wysokość kapitału zakładowego: 447.558.311,00 PLN 1 (Current Report No 051/2012) June, 25th 2012 Members Appointed for Another Term of Supervisory Board Legal Basis: Current and periodic information The Management Board of LC Corp S.A. ("the Issuer") reports that on 25 June 2012, the Ordinary General Meeting elected for a new 3-year joint term the current Members of the Supervisory Board of the Issuer i.e. Mr Leszek Czarnecki as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Mr Andrzej Błażejewski as Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Mr Ludwik Czarnecki, Mr Remigiusz Baliński and Mr Zbigniew Dorenda effective as of 25 June 2012. Supervisory Board Chairman - Leszek Czarnecki, PhD Mr Leszek Czarnecki is a graduate of the Wrocław University of Technology and has a PhD degree in economics obtained at the Wrocław University of Economics. He started business activity in 1986 by establishing Przedsiębiorstwo Hydrotechniki i Inżynierii TAN S.A. He was the founder and main shareholder of Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy S.A. – the first and largest leasing company in Poland, operating since 1991. In 1998 Dr Leszek Czarnecki won the title of one of the 10 best managers in Central Europe: “The Best CEO in Central Europe”, with the prize awarded by “The Wall Street Journal”. In the same year he won the finals of “Young Business Achiever”, a global competition held in Beijing. In April 2004 “The Financial Times” recognized Leszek Czarnecki as one of 25 emerging stars of European business, who in the near future would be setting the directions of development of financial markets. Mr Czarnecki was the only Pole to be included on the prestigious “FT” list. In November 2004 Leszek Czarnecki was one of four individuals awarded by INSEAD (one of the best business schools in Europe) and awarded by the French Minister of Finance with the title “Businessman of the Year from Eastern Europe”. In September 2005 Leszek Czarnecki received the prestigious Lesław A. Paga Award for outstanding achievements and his personal contributions to the development of the financial services market in Poland. He was chosen “The Player of the Year” in the ranking organised by the Polish edition of the Forbes magazine in the years 2005, 2006, and 2007. Mr Leszek Czarnecki is not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept under the Act on the National Court Register. Vice Chairman - Mr Andrzej Błażejewski Mr Błażejewski graduated in 1974 from the Wrocław University of Economics with the master's degree in economics; he also completed studies at the Postgraduate School of Organization and Management. Since 1985 he has been a statutory auditor (No. 415/1217 in the registry of statutory auditors); he is also a member of the National Chamber of Statutory Auditors (KIBR). Mr Andrzej Błażejewski began his professional career in 1974, working in succession for: Predom-Polar in Wrocław (1974-1978), PAFAWAG Wrocław (1978-1979), and WPB (1979-1982). During the years 1982-84 he was the Chief Accountant at DZBM Wrocław Fabryczna. From 1985 to 1988 he worked as the Chief Accountant/Chief Economist at Biuro Projektowania i Kosztorysowania-SP in Wrocław. In the years 1988-1989 he was the Economic Director at TAN Sp. z o.o. based in Wrocław, and in the years 1989-1990 he was the Chief Accountant – Director at Spółdzielnia TAN in Wrocław. Since 1990 he has been working for Agencja Konsultingu i Auditingu Gospodarczego Accord’ab Sp. z o.o. in Wrocław, where during the years 1990-1995 he held the post of the Chairman (co-owner), during years 1995-1999 – the President of the Supervisory Board, and in the period from 1 February 2000 to 12 December 2002 – Vice-President of the Management Board. During the period from 2003 to 2006 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of Getin Holding and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of that company. At present Mr Andrzej Błażejewski is a co-owner and member of the Management Board of Biegli Rewidenci Accord’ab Sp. z o.o. (former ‘Agencja Konsultingu i Audytingu Gospodarczego Accordab Sp. z o.o.’) as well as a member of the Supervisory Board of Getin Holding S.A. and LC Corp S. A. Mr Andrzej Błażejewski also co-owns a transformer plant (Fabryka Transformatorów w Żychlinie Sp. z o. o.) and a farm in Kobyla Góra District. Mr Andrzej Błażejewski conducts no activities competitive to the Issuer’s business. Mr Andrzej Błażejewski is not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept under the Act on the National Court Register. Member - Remigiusz Baliński Mr Baliński graduated from the Piastów Śląskich Medical Academy in Wrocław and Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu w Nowym Sączu, and National Louis University Chicago (MBA). Since 1996, he has been the President of the Management Board of RB Investcom sp. z o.o. in Wrocław. In 1993-1994, he was Member of the Management Board of Gliwicki Bank Handlowy. In 1993-1996, he performed the duties of the Advisor to the President of the Management Board of Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy S.A., and in 2001 he became a Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of that company. In 1997-2001, he was the President of the Management Board of EFI sp. z o.o. (a member of the EFL S.A. Capital Group), and in 2001-2002, he was an advisor and sole commercial proxy of that company. Remigiusz Baliński has knowledge of strategies and customs of financial companies, both with respect to their creation and operation. Owing to his many-years cooperation with capital market institutions he became familiar with the principles of their operation, approach to customers and market capture methods, as well as knowledge of financial aspects of business, legal regulations, and Polish capital market system and customs. He has experience in managing multi-person teams of professionals, their training and motivation. Presently, Remigiusz Baliński is performing the duties of: President of the Management Board of RB Investcom Sp. z o.o, President of the Management Board of Fundacja Jolanty i Leszka Czarneckich, Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Getin Holding S.A., Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Getin Bank S.A., Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of TU EUROPA SA and TU na Życie EUROPA SA, Member of the Supervisory Board of LC Corp S.A, Member of the Supervisory Board of Powszechny Dom Kredytowy we Wrocławiu S.A., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Open Finance S.A., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Getin Leasing S.A., Member of the Supervisory Board of Arkady Wrocławskie S.A., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Home Broker S.A., Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Tax Care S.A., Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Noble Securities S.A., Member of the Supervisory Board of Idea Bank S.A., Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of GetBack S.A., and Member of the Supervisory Board of LC Corp Sky Tower Sp. z o.o. Mr Remigiusz Baliński is not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept under the Act on the National Court Register. Member - Ludwik Czarnecki Mr Ludwik Czarnecki graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering (1967), and Road Construction (1969) at the Technical University of Wrocław. He holds construction qualifications. He began his professional work as a construction site manager at Zjednoczenie Robót Inżynierskich (Engineering Operations Union) in 1949. In 1955-1969 he was a designer at Biuro Projektów Ceramik "Drobprojekt" (Ceramics Design Office) and Agricultural Construction Office in Wrocław. In 1970-1988, he headed the design office and was a member of the verification team at the Health Care’s Study and Design Office. In 1989-1993, he worked as a construction calculations&settlements specialist at Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Hydrotechnicznych "TAN" S.A. of Wrocław. Between March 1994 and June 2000, he was Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Europejski Fundusz Leasingowy S.A. of Wrocław, and from May 1995 till December 2001, he was Member of the Supervisory Board of Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeniowe EUROPA S.A. of Wrocław. Between the period from February 2003 to February 2004, and from October 2005 to date he has been Member of the Supervisory Board of Getin Holding S.A. Between the period from March 2006 till April 2008, he was Member of the Supervisory Board of LC Corp S.A. Mr Ludwik Czarnecki’s knowledge and skills ensure proper execution of his duties as a Supervisory Board member. He also has sufficient experience to hold this position. Mr Mr Ludwik Czarnecki is not entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept under the Act on the National Court Register. Member - Mr Zbigniew Dorenda Mr Zbigniew Dorenda graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Wrocław Medical University. In 1970-1975 he practised competitive rowing, winning the Polish Junior Championship in 1972. After graduation, in 1981-2007, Mr Zbigniew Dorenda worked at the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care in Wrocław. Meanwhile, in 1987-1991, he worked as a professional diver taking part in inspections and repairs of water engineering structures in Lower Silesia. In 1989-1991 he fulfilled the function of Deputy Director at Przedsiębiorstwo Inżynierii i Hydrotechniki TAN. He has worked in Leszek Czarnecki's Foundation since its establishment in 2007, initially as Vice President and since 2009 as President of the Management Board of the Foundation.
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