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Notes on Some Aspects of the Ecology of Acanthodactylus Opheodurus Arnold, 1980, from the United Arab Emirates (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae)

Notes on Some Aspects of the Ecology of Acanthodactylus Opheodurus Arnold, 1980, from the United Arab Emirates (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae)

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Zeitschrift/Journal: Herpetozoa

Jahr/Year: 2001

Band/Volume: 14_1_2

Autor(en)/Author(s): Cunningham Peter Low

Artikel/Article: Notes on some aspects of the ecology of opheodurus Arnold, 1980, from the (: Sauria: ). 15-20 ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

HERPETOZOA 14 (1/2): 15 - 20 15 Wien, 30. Juni 2001

Notes on some aspects of the ecology ofAcanthodactylus opheodurus ARNOLD, 1980, from the United Arab Emirates (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae)

Bemerkungen zur Ökologie von Acanthodactylus opheodurus ARNOLD, 1980 von den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae)


KURZFASSUNG Acanthodactylus opheodurus ARNOLD 1980 ist im Gebiet zwischen Al Ain und dem Jebel Hafit (Emirat Abu Dhabi, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate) lokal regelmäßig anzutreffen. In der heißen Jahreszeit ist die Art aus- schließlich morgens (07.30 - 10.30) an der Oberfläche aktiv und erbeutet die Nahrung (vorwiegend Ameisen) so- wohl aktiv jagend als auch als Lauerjäger. Zum Zweck von Thermorégulation, Beutefang und Feindvermeidung wird am häufigsten das Requisitangebot buschförmiger salicornicum und Acacia tortilis genutzt.


Acanthodactylus opheodurus ARNOLD, 1980 is locally common in the area between Al Ain and Jebel Hafit (Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates). During the hot season these are exclusively active in the morning (07.30 - 10.30) and follow an active as well as sit-and-wait approach to hunting. Ants form the basis of their diet. Structures most commonly used for thermorégulation purposes as well as to secure prey and to avoid predators includes Haloxylon salicornicum and Acacia tortilis shrubs.

KEY WORDS Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae: Acanthodactylus opheodurus; ecology; behaviour, Arabia, United Arab Emirates


Acanthodactylus opheodurus ARNOLD, the vicinity of Jebel Hafit at Ain Al Fayda 1980 occurs throughout Arabia, Sinai, Is- (a spring and entertainment area on the rael, and (ARNOLD 1980, 1986; southern periphery of Al Ain). No other re- BAHA EL DIN 1996; LEVTTON et al. 1992; cords of this presently exist any- WERNER 1986, 1987) with the holotype de- where else from the UAE. scribed from the Jazir coast in the Sultanate Very little ecological work has been of . Though documented as being conducted on from the United Arab widespread in Arabia (ARNOLD 1987), A. Emirates with this recently discovered spe- opheodurus was first recorded from the cies being no exception. This present paper United Arab Emirates (UAE) in 1989 by deals with some aspects of the ecology of TIEDEMANN (1991) who found this in A. opheodurus as observed in the UAE.


The general area in which A. opheo- the northern part of Jebel Hafit are fluvial durus is found in the UAE is located be- deposits including various aeolian sands, tween Jebel Hafit (± 1,200 m - mountain wadi alluvia and infill gravel with silts and massif straddling the UAE-Sultanate of clays derived from Tertiary sedimentary Oman border) and the town of Al Ain in the rocks, mainly limestone and marls (EL Abu Dhabi Emirate. The soils surrounding GHONEMY 1985; KIRKHAM 1998). The more ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

16 PETER LOW CUNNINGHAM frequently recorded communities proximately 70 observation hours spent dominating the Al Ain geomorphological studying the lizards. Notes were taken from zone include Calotropis procera (domi- a distance of 5 -10 m so as not to interfere nant) with Haloxylon salicornicum (co- in the lizard's normal activities. A binocular dominant) and Pulicaria glutinosa (domi- (8 x 40) was also used to facilitate observa- nant) with Acacia torti Us (co-dominant) tions. The time an individual was sighted as (BÖER & GLIDDON 1997) (figs. 1, 2). well as the ambient temperature was re- All results reported are based on 29 corded. The distance from vegetation when observation events (n = 29) conducted on first observed was noted, as well as the 29 A. opheodurus individuals during the hot plant type. The lizards were also captured season between mid May and mid July (by noosing them) measured and marked for 2000. This study was conducted for twelve future mark-recapture studies envisioned. days (mornings and afternoons) with ap-

RESULTS Distribution and microhabitat Hunting technique Acanthodactylus opheodurus were lo- cated in 3 areas directly north of Jebel Hafit Acanthodactylus opheodurus followed between the mountain and the town of Al an active as well as a sit-and-wait approach Ain in the Abu Dhabi Emirate. They inhab- to foraging. When actively foraging they ited a flat area consisting mainly of hard moved jerkily, seemingly following a ran- compact soils and gravel areas with sparse dom course, often stopping to secure prey vegetation cover. Haloxylon salicornicum on the soil surface. They also chased after and Acacia torti I is shrubs dominated the prey when spotted at a distance. These dis- vegetation. tances approached 2 to 3 meters. The the lizards were most often When passively hunting (usually observed closest to are Haloxylon salicor- when temperatures increased) they used the nicum (66 %) followed by Acacia tort His shadows of the vegetation for concealment, (24 %), Ochradenus baccatus (7 %) and dashing from cover to secure their prey. other (3 %). Haloxylon salicornicum ac- They most often returned to their original counted for approximately 80% of the plant ambush position, in the shade of vegetation, species composition of the area. Acantho- facing outwards. Positions were changed dactylus opheodurus were usually found regularly. close to vegetation as indicated by 83 % of observations closer than 1 m from vegeta- Diet tion when first observed while 17 % were between 1 and 2 m. Ants (17 sightings versus 2 sightings of Coleoptera) were the prey items most Activity pattern often observed being taken by A. opheodu- rus. When the prey item was too big to In the hot season the main bout of swallow immediately (in the cases where above ground activity was registered during Coleoptera were taken) they subdued it by the morning hours (first observation - smashing the prey item, clamped securely 07:30, mean - 08:25 ± 0.1 - last observation in the jaws, on the ground. 10:00) with the ambient temperatures ranging from 35°C to 40°C (mean 38.6 ± Predator avoidance 0.2). Sunrise was at approximately 06:00. Acanthodactylus opheodurus foraged When pursued (by the observer) they throughout their above ground activity pe- moved extremely quickly, using vegetation riod with long spells spent waiting for prey as cover to escape. They also doubled up, or utilising shade for thermorégulation pur- with a quick scurrying motion, and lay still poses. No individual was seen during the using the shade of vegetation to avoid de- afternoon. tection. When pressed continuously they ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

On the ecology of Acanthodactylus opheodurus in the United Arab Emirates 17

Fig. 1: Typical Acanthodactylus opheodurus dominated by Haloxylon salicornicum shrubs limited to the shallow drainage lines. Note the Al Ain Cement Factory in the background. Abb. 1: Typisches Habitat von Acanthodactylus opheodurus, dominiert von Haloxylon salicornicum Büschen, deren Vorkommen auf die seichten Senken beschränkt ist. Im Hintergrund die Zementfabrik von Al Ain. r i

Fig. 2: Acanthodactylus opheodurus habitat near AI Ain dominated by Acacia tortilis shrubs. Abb. 2: Von buschförmiger Acacia tortilis dominiertes Habitat von Acanthodactylus opheodurus nahe Al Ain. ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at


made use of rodent burrows, located at the momentarily. They retreated below ground base of plants, or their own inconspicuous once air temperatures approached 40°C. small burrows to escape underground. Bur- rows were often blocked from the Inside by Competitors and predators using the tail to dislodge sections of the en- trance or by passing material from the in- The only other diurnal species side to the entrance. More than one burrow observed in the same general area were the was used to retreat underground. The tail, insectivorous adramitana (Bou- which has a reddish colour ventrally, was LENGER, 1917) and the herbivorous Uro- moved laterally from side-to-side after mastyx aegyptia microlepis BLANFORD, bouts of movement as well as when being 1874. Nocturnal reptile species observed in pursued and when approached by another the area were the geckos Bunopus tubercu- individual. Home-range size is roughly es- latus BLANFORD, 1874 and Stenodactylus timated at 200 m2 with individuals typically leptocosymbotes LEVITON & ANDERSON, being found within 10 - 20 m from each 1967. Possible avian predators observed in other. the area include Shrikes, Rollers, and Kes- trel's. According to KHAN (1998), diurnal Thermorégulation reptilian predators known to occur in the area include Psammophis schokari FoRS- Most of their foraging time (approxi- KÂL, 1775, Malpolon moilensis (REUSS, mately 80 %) was spent in the sliade of 1834), and Varanus griseus (DAUDIN, vegetation where overall temperatures as 1803). well as soil temperatures were much lower than in the direct sunlight. The most shady Size of the specimens observed areas were regularly used to lie up in. There the body was either in direct contact with No differentiation was made between the ground with the legs spayed out or the the sexes during this study. The following front end of the body was raised high ofif measurements were taken (minimum mm - the ground. When actively pursuing prey on mean ± SD - maximum mm, n]: snout vent- warm surfaces they often rested their bodies length (48 - 52.6 ± 0.4 - 58, 29], tail-length on the ground and raised their forelegs (76-110.5 ±2.6-141, 29].

DISCUSSION The fact that A. opheodurus is most substrate and moderate vegetation cover often associated with Haloxylon salicorni- dominated by Acacia tortilis in the Al Ain cum and Acacia tortilis is certainly a result area of the UAE. of these species being the dominant plant During this study A. opheodurus were species in the area. According to ARNOLD encountered on hard compact soils inter- (1980) there is little direct evidence on the spersed with sandy areas, especially around habitat requirements of this species. He also tufts of plants as well as gravely areas in states that as a result of certain morphologi- shallow drainage lines. cal adaptations A. opheodurus favours nei- Acanthodactylus opheodurus is de- ther really very soft sands nor quite hard scribed as a diurnal ground-dwelling lacer- surfaces indicating that its substrate niche is tid (ARNOLD 1980). Being diurnal and not very strict. However, it avoids the Rub exothermic, temperatures directly influence al Khali sandy (ARNOLD 1987). the lizard's above ground activities. When WERNER (1987) includes A opheodurus in ambient temperatures reach 40°C, soil tem- a habitat described as "sand dune units" peratures often approach and/or exceed with them probably also occurring in sandy 60°C, which results in A. opheodurus re- riverbeds and non-sandy soils. HORNBY treating below ground for the rest of the (1996) describes their habitat as being day. It still has to be determined how sea- gravel plains in the UAE. According to sonal changes affect their activity patterns. BAH A EL DIN (1996) the species was only The lack of a bimodal activity pattern (as found in wadi desert with firm gravelly observed for A. scutellatus (AUDOUIN, ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at

On the ecology of Acanthodactylus opheodurus in the United Arab Emirates 19

1809) and A boskianus (DAUDIN, 1802) by ance. During this study only one A PÉREZ-MELLADO 1992, and A. schmidti opheodurus individual had a damaged tail HAAS, 1957, pers. obs.) could be ascribed or showed any signs of tail autotomy. They to the extreme ambient and soil tempera- most often make use of their speed to es- tures experienced during summer in the cape and/or their rapid "doubling-up" tech- UAE. Morning activity might also be an nique, using the shade of vegetation and. advantage because energetic costs of for- their camouflage to remain concealed. Re- aging activities would be lower during the treating underground is generally used as a morning (PÉREZ-MELLADO 1992). last resort. The use of vegetation plays an Observations during this study sug- important part in lacertid predator avoid- gest that A opheodurus are both active and ance strategy, something confirmed by passive hunters with last mentioned strategy ARNOLD (1984) for A schmidti. The dis- being used when temperatures increase. tinctive lateral movement of the tail could According to ARNOLD (1980) and Ross also be a strategy applied during predator (1989) A. schmidti, A. gongrorhynchatus avoidance. ARNOLD (1980) and TIE- LEVITON & ANDERSON, 1967 and A. haasi DEMANN (1991) have also documented this LEVITON & ANDERSON, 1967 are described movement of the tail previously. Similar as active hunters. PÉREZ-MELLADO (1992) tail movement has also been documented describes the foraging behavior of Acan- for A gongrorhynchatus (Ross 1989). thodactylus species from eastern Morocco No body temperature readings were as an active search for prey in the vicinity taken during this study, although work by of vegetation and not a random search. It is ARNOLD (1984) and PÉREZ-MELLADO thus interesting to note that A opheodurus (1992) indicates that body temperatures for follows both an active and passive hunting Acanthodactylus species are often lower strategy. It still however has to be deter- than for other reptiles inhabiting the same mined how this strategy might change with habitat. ARNOLD (1984) indicates that A the seasons. schmidti utilises shade once they have Ants seem to be the favoured diet of reached their normal activity temperatures Acanthodactylus species as indicated by with body temperatures then increasing ARNOLD (1984) for A. schmidti from the very little over the period of activity. With eastern UAE and PÉREZ-MELLADO (1992) the excessive soil temperatures experienced for A boskianus, A. scutellatus, and A lon- in the UAE during summer this utilisation gipes BOULENGER, 1918 from Morocco. of shade is understandable. Formicidae, Isoptera and Coleoptera are Meselina adramitana inhabits the same often the main prey items in desert ecosys- general area as A opheodurus in the Al Ain tems (PIANKA 1986). Ants are possibly fa- study area although only a few individuals voured as they are fairly common artliro- of Mesal"ma were sighted. They are gener- pods in arid zones (SALEH & SABER 1988). ally smaller, with an average snout-vent- PÉREZ-MELLADO (1992) notes that the sea- length (SVL) of 40 mm (n = 5) compared to sonal change in diet is negligible for Acan- a mean SVL of 52.6 ± 0.4 mm (n = 29) for thodactylus species from Morocco. A opheodurus. Ecologically, competition Acanthodactylus opheodurus is a fast between the two species may be reduced by moving lacertid and difficult to catch (pers. their different size. ARNOLD (1980), TIEDE- obs.). ARNOLD (1980) states that they take MANN (1991) and WERNER (1986) state that refuge at the base of bushes when dis- A boskians is usually sympatric with A turbed. is known opheodurus, although this was not encoun- to have a fragile tail, that can regenerate, tered during this study. and that could be used in predator avoid-


ARNOLD, E. N. (1980): The reptiles and am- ARNOLD, E. N. (1986): A key and annotated phibians of Dhofar, Southern Arabia.- J. Oman Stud- checklist to the lizards and amphisbaenians of Arabia. - ies, Muscat; Special Report No. 2: 273-332. Fauna of , Basle; 8: 385-435. ARNOLD, E. N. (1984): Ecology of lowland liz- ARNOLD, E. N. (1987): Zoogeography of the ards in the eastern United Arab Emirates.- J. Zool., reptiles and amphibians of Arabia; pp. 245-256. In: London; 204: 329-354. KRUPP, F. & SCHNEIDER, W. & KINZELBACH, R. ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at


(eds.): Proc. symp. Fauna and Zoogeography of the PÉREZ-MELLADO, V. (1992): Ecology of lacer- Middle East, Wiesbaden (Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas tid lizards in a desert area of eastern Morocco.- J. des Vorderen Orients, Reihe A; 28). Zool., London; 226: 369-386. BAHA EL Dm, S. (1996): Terrestrial reptiles of PIANKA, E. R. (1986): Ecology and natural Abu Dhabi; pp. 124-147. In: OSBORNE, P. E. (ed.): history of desert lizards: analysis of the ecological Desert ecology of Abu Dhabi - a review and recent niche and community structure. Princetown (Prince- studies. Newbury, UK (Pisces Publications). town University Press), 208 pp. BÓER, B. & GLIDDON, D. (1997): The vegeta- ROSS, W. (1989): Observations on three species tion of Abu Dhabi. Environmental Research and of Acanthodactylus (Reptilia: Lacertidae) from eastern Wildlife Development Agency - Internal Research Re- Saudi Arabia. Fauna of Saudi Arabia, Basle; 10:423-432. port No.7, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 46 pp. SALEH, M. A. & SABER, S. A. (1988): The EL GHONEMY, A. A. (1985): Ecology and flora structure of the sand dune ecosystem of Wadi El of Al Ain Region. Internal Report, Department of Bi- Raiyan, .- J. arid environ., London; 15: 283-296. ology, University of United Arab Emirates, 205 pp. TTEDEMANN, F. (1991): First record of Acan- HORNBY, R. (1996): A Checklist of amphibians thodactylus opheodurus ARNOLD, 1980, and Coluber and reptiles of the UAE. Tribulus, Abu Dhabi; 6(1): 9- ventromaculatus GRAY, 1834 (Squamata: Lacertidae, 13. Colubridae) from the United Arab Emirates. Herpeto- KHAN, M. A. R. (1998): The reptiles of Jebel zoa, Wien; 4 (3/4): 167-175. Hafit. In: The Natural History, Geology and Archae- WERNER, Y. L. (1986): Geographic sympatry ology of Jebel Hafit. Emirates Natural History Group of Acanthodactylus opheodurus with Acanthodactylus Report - Abu Dhabi, UAE. boskianus in the Levant.- Zoology in the Middle East, KlRKHAM, A. (1998): Geology of Jebel Hafit. Heidelberg; 1:92-95. In: The Natural History, Geology and Archaeology of WERNER, Y. L. (1987): Ecological zoogeogra- Jebel Hafit. Emirates Natural History Group Report phy of the Saharo-Arabian, Saharan and Arabian rep- Abu Dhabi, UAE. tiles in the sand of southern ; pp. 245-256. LEVITON, A. L. & ANDERSON, S. & ADLER, K. In: KRUPP, F. & SCHNEIDER, W. & KINZELBACH, R. & MlNTON, S. A (1992): Handbook to Middle East (eds.): Proc. symp. Fauna and Zoogeography of the amphibians and reptiles. Oxford (Society for the Study Middle East, Wiesbaden (Beihefte zum Tübinger Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles), vi + 252 pp. des Vorderen Orients, Reihe A; 28)..

DATE OF SUBMISSION: August 7th, 2000 Corresponding editor: Heinz Grillitsch

AUTHOR: Peter Low CUNNINGHAM, P. O. Box 17258, AI Ain, United Arab Emirates. < [email protected] >