A iitwff to PnrlMi Pnaale FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS U- S. b, BIosM | Army Group j SENATOR PROPOSES X C • TftAINj And LOOK AT THE EAGER BEAVERS WAITING FOR. If hiloa Tried wooing Those publicity seekers give me a IN i radio HORIZONTAL WILL BE ANY / HIM To AIM HIS CAMERA ! THEY THINK THAT ANY HIS ATTENTION like that PAIN l A IDT OF <5000 fT VERTICAL J MINUTE ! ,-GAL WHO GETS HER. MUG IN MAGAZINE * — 1 N H JOBS fMR-TENNY'S RLE AUTO- to haul her. off n a METO MEET THE 1400-KC 1,7 Depicted is Magnitude CABINET BECOMES A MOVIE QUEEN / PHOOEYl ROWDY CART/ TWVIN IN , WMFD insigne of the 2 God of love ^MATICALLY — KINGSTON/ U. S. Army 3’Epistle (ab.) WASHINGTON, May 26 — (JP) WILMINGTON 4 Short sleep Four new cabinet posts were pro- *7 to- SUNDAY, MAT 11 Symbol for 5 Three times posed by Senator Aiken (R.-Vt.t ^rvv. iridium (comb, form) day as desirable in a reorganiza- 6 tion ’^NewfSugary 12 Native Show of the government. Around th. of Arts (ab.) mimics in general Paris disapproval ^^p Expressing approval jojlBluTCorrespondents 27 42 of for a But 7 Wolframite Shakespear- Surrender President Truman’s request to Coast on 15 Sun '0- roast god 8 ean '* to the execu- of Prophecy Upon fairy 43 Exist | authority reorganize HCvoice Record he 10: on the 16 Zoological 9 Thrust queen tive branch, Aiken said hoped Slstrictlv Serenade™ 44 Female horse ““f'orange Crush garden 10 the chief executive would add to 10:53-0”— rs Lutlieran church. Satiate 28 Entire 46 Those persons War Jour- the cabinet: Network Weekly 18 Gun 13 Sainte (ab.) 30 Pillak 47 Affirmative 11:0(>'?’„eP12:00—l^iue 19 14 Type of moth 31 Before votes 1. A secretary of transportation “votet from a Diary Decay and communications to coordinate 20 Slave 17 Attack 35 Fish eggs 49 Encountered 1!r Piano Playhouse and water trans- 12:4 r*,hn B Kennedy—News 19 36 air, rail, highway 22 Symbol for Military units Symbol for 50 Preposition Inter- BARNEY GOOGLE AND SNUFFY SMITH !:M'reorEe B Hicks Reporting 21 portation. Aiken said the Bv BillT UtUeck j.lj-George Serenade Greek letter samarium 51 Seniors nTh'lu,,hi,.ilU.IIW, .,'1,1,1,1.11...... ■ -, ,s Tangee selenium (ab.) state Commerce Commission and News Extra with 23 Males 37 Exclamation 52 5IR-RFC. ROSEVWATER VJOAAL--SUEAR \N 1:?tlyour Sunday 23 Native of Matched the Federal communications com- / 25 12 months 38 Scottish iiii«ii|w / IS RESIGNED TO HIS NEVW AFTER VJdORWN' A0UR6 Revival Hour Media pieces mission should be brought under (11^^ ^ 1;>ordFasrned Peace Conference 24 (ab.) 55 The OMUTARV STATUS AND AN’ UJARCYT OP WORE Welles Pigpen sheepfold gods this department. iJSlorsen 26 Bachelor of 41 One who PFC. ROSEUURTER S'RRCVA TU* Forum 26 Ehtreat 56 From 2. A of banking and VWOULO 0E MOST GRATEFUL OC CUAVR EOTTOCYT/ Hattie secretary UOUR -.■>0_Miss *< REQUESTS URRWMW FER TO REMAIN ATTACHEO SOT OON'T FERGYT-- for Dough renaming to insurance whose duties would in- inaJJarts SUPREME ERR, REVUES RN' i Sisters Show the cheek clude administration of the recon- TO THESE OFFICES FOR 1 COUNT TU' {: ^Andrew Revue SVR 1 Small 29 and SWOUJ VAim ^ -UH SENTIMENTAL SEEGARS J'jTiaarv Greenwood Show Infirm struction finance corporation :Charlotte 32 HJlphilco Summer Hour Winglike part other lending agencies. REASONS ^Drew Pearson-News 33 Blemish 3. A secretary of welfare who IrrC 1ter h-VHP^ J 34 Village Choir Smears would administer social security. I^GreenMd 37 Mountain 4. A secretary of public works Show. to Way- • crest to administer all public works pro- Journal with Walter Win- 5-2* 39 1 ji^Jergen's Gazelle grams. fee a Time “In the war’s ...._Hollywood Mystery 40 Fowl view of changes tAiueeu-* I q-45—Jimmy Fiddler 41 Pain end will necessitate, President of Riley IrnJn.e Life Truman will have a beautiful Foot in Heaven 43 Part of "be" Slone chance to reorganize the govern- 11:00—U. P- 45 Girl’s name New^_ 48 Fondle ment on more businesslike lines if 49 Swamp Congress will let him,” Aiken com- OVER THE NETWORKS 53 Ifcnid mented in an interview. MAY 27 He should re- SUNDAY. 54 said Congress also One Editor (ab.) Time P. M.—Subtract its but should By Hamlin 55 organize machinery, ALLKYOOP___ CWT. 2 Hr, for MWT. Postponed U>lZ "r wait for the reorganization of the ALL BUT A SO 57 __ RIGHT. NOBODY BUT AHA? I GOT IT/ THERE'S OL' as listed are due Early English in programs executive departments. , NOT WITHOUT WONMUG CAN changes networks made (ab.) RUN DOC AN' TH' GRAND WIZER/, to corrections by -V- GET A MOVE ON. MY PANTS-- THIS to incorporate. f TIME-MACHINE, SAY/ BY GOSH, THEM TWO too late 58 Acquit / OSCAR/ ANYTHING EVEN IF HE EH? BY I Cone.—NBC GUM, Air OLD QUACKS LOOK AS H Leopold Spitalny <59 Reveres .' issuance Uf 1 CAN HAPPEN WRECKS THE DOIN' Call, Exchange CBS Canning SO BAD/ MUCH ALIKE AS ^Trans-Atlantic BLU V WITH OOP LOOSE IN JOINT / S" from a Diary, Vocalists fcTWQ PEAS/ Services — MBS Rations Pushed iTHE LABORATORY/ i tutheran Half-Hour Sugar Yff .5Piano Playhouse Trio BLU 1 Newscast NBC : o riftecn Minutes The War Price and Rationing Air Sermons CBS I of the Still Tiie Church Japanese Capable board yesterday announced that -v,,, b Kennedy and Comment—BLU — MBS Stanley Dixon in Commentary coupons for home canning sugar United, a Forum NBC ] ,5-America are now being issued as rapidly Hicks Weekly Comment—BLU Of FEA c,for«e Long War, Says as possible with the clerical help (15 m.l—MBS-basic To Be Announced — NBC j.30_U of Chicago Roundtable available. in Commentation—CBS t vman Btvson have been laid Predicting that it probably would Serenade: News-BLU Part Of She Japan’s war effort, S romv Kaye’s Big Industry be June 10 before the present work S fuSv Afternoon Song Time MBS waste. ... — CBS is the board stated that 1'iV-Ed Morrow’s Commentary Had At Time Of Pearl “To meet this threat from the completed, Concert & Guests — NBC to receive 2-e'fi—Bennett war lead- it would not be possible Lavalle Concert — CBS air, however, Japanese Tito Paul new or to correct er- — Harbor Intact in applications Washington Story. Interpreta’n BLU ers long ago placed operation — rors ndw. Chaplain Jim. u- s- A- Drames MBS an extensive dispersal program. MICKEY FINN Lank Leonard — NBC By i Chas. Thomas & Song Persons who receive coupons in _ j-O—John — Plants have been established in se- Olin Downes — CBS WASHINGTON, 26.— News of World; May — dates for Forum BLU and nouncement in June of 0-son Welles CondUQts from her stolen sources of rub- churia China. & for correc- 2M Air Force Time Doosty—MBS “In recent months the dispersal new applications and Hour by the Army—NBC ber, oil and tin, the Foreign Eco- 3:'»--Official tions of errors. • — has been accelerated, and Ethel Barrymore's Miss Hattie BLU nomic Administration said today. program Dramatic — MBS some localities have Dcte-tive Mysteries. of the war in- in key plants — “A large portion Born to Be a Star, Feature MBS she had at Pearl Harbor been put underground.” 4:00—Set o Music—BLU-New England dustry _\r_ Dart for Dough, a Quiz—other BLU is intact,” said a report by the — Your America, Variety Guests MBS branch of the — enemy agency. 4 20-Music America Loves Best NBC Church Will — Baptist Nelson Eddy Variety & Guests CBS In addition, key raw materials Andrews Sisters Program — BLU The are available in the so called Service — Dedicate What’s Name of the Song Quiz MBS Flag — Ko- 5:00—NBC Symphony, Dr. Black NBC “inner zone”—Japan proper, Munsel — CBS north Family Time & Patrice rea, Manchuria and part of Dedication of the service Revue — BLU flag.of Mary Small in a Sunday China—where war indus- — Japanese Let’s Face the Issue, a Forum MBS the First Baptist (Negro) church, — there before the 1:30—Charlotte Greenwood Show BLU try was organized at Fifth'and Campbell streets, will Nick Carter, Detective Drame — MBS war. JOEPALOOKA — be held at 3 m. at the Bt Ham f isiu'i 5:45—Bill Shirer in Commentary CBS p. today, OUCH.OOVD J.H — Ill LC U1 ■■■- —. 6:00—The Catholic Radio Service NBC opi lliajui church. .. *_ -- Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet—CBS cuttihg off Japan from the resour- Music will be furnished by the WELL.KIDDO. IN JUST THREE CAYS \J r WELL,WHY DONTCHA SAY SOMETHIN', TOMMY? F I SPOSE YER NERVOUS. I-1 WONDER MR. Kail of Fame. Paul Whiteman — BLU TH' KEEP ces of the East Indies, Malaya and WE'LL BE FK3HTIN' FER TITLE IN YER GONNA WIN THAT CROWN, KID. YER BUT VA OUGHTN'T TBE. ITS ] WALSH. PEOPLE — senior choir of the church and as a Flash. Show MBS Quick Quiz The MADISON SQUARE GARDEN. 16UESS J SENSASHUNUL. NOTHIN'S IN hr=a»i ~7A A TOUGH 6R1ND, MEDICAL ASKING ME-UH- AW — NBC the FEA said. Al- read Catherine 1 6:20—Great Gildersleeve Comedy Philippines, poems will be by T I'M Show—CBS While joe VER PRETTY PROUD, HUH ? SCHOOL AN' BOXIN, BUT HECK- ALL TWISTED Fanny Brice and Comedy lies so far have liberated less than Robinson: The dedicatorial sermon His Concert—MBS AND JERRY GONNA BE WORTH it. r~ UP MENTALLY. Upton Close and 7 cent of the nearly 3,000,000 6:45—Dick Brown with His Song—MBS per will be preached by the Rev. C. D. ARE BEING terri- 7:00—Jack Benny Comedy Show—NBC square miles of conquered Barclift, of the Fifth Avenue Meth- SHOWN THE / .1 Kale Smith Hour for Variety — CBS enemy. tory controlled by the _ odist church. RUBBER Drew Pearson and Commentary — BLU WAVE THEATRE i In the inner zone, moreover, are PLANTATION * — The C. M. of the To Be Announced (one hour). MBS Rev. Coles, CAROLINA BEACH for 15 Min.—BLU oil with an esti- LETS TAKE A } 7:15—News Summary synthetic plants Chestnut Presbyterian church, will 1 7:30—The Bandwagon Orchestra—NBC of more than 21,- MAY 27 QUICK LOOK mated capacity make the dedicatorial prayer. SUNDAY, Quiz Kids and Joe Kelly M. C.—BLU BACK IN | 000,000 barrels in 1944. 8:00—Chas. McCarthy. E. Bergen—NBC Services will be closed with the "OUR HEARTS WERE NEW YORK. Skit—CBS \ Blnndle-Dsgwood Comedy “With the loss of the major part singing of the National anthem. YOUNG AND GAY" The Greenfield Chapel Service—BLU and the reduction of — of her navy Alexander & Mediation Board MBS Gail Russel — Chas. Ruggles Comment — BLU her merchant Marine, this quanti- 8:15—Raymond Moley EBQ v — — 8:30—E. Bracken Comedy Show NBC be sufficient to meet re- MONDAY TUESDAY ~4frN*agt>l Sr*Itwlc, tar. ty may N Crime Doctor. Dramatic Series—CBS for the approximately John Wayne ■iiiiiiiiime. The Jerry Wayne Music Show—BLU quirements Ann Dvorak 8:45—Gabriel Heatter Comments — MBS 2,000,000 tons of Japanese shipping In 8:55—Five Minutes News Period — CBS remaining in the reduced area o 9:00—Sunday's Merry Go Round — NBC the went on. STARTS \ — report Magazine Theater and Guests CBS operations,” L—q—— TODAY! W __ — shorten Walter Wmchell’s Broadcasting BLU Food scarcity will not Now At Regular Prices! YB — MBS By Chick Horizons, Sunday Cone. Show Japanese ability to resist, FEA An Unforgettable Story! \B BLONDIE Young — BLU -.. 9:15—Hollywood's Mystery Time the rice of Burma, “The Song Of Bernadette” 11 ...... ——-—ii im •-■“'■rmiiiiininim. —■ 9:30—Album of Familiar Music — NBC said, although with Jenifer Jones in M the Al- , Alec Templeton — CBS now occupied largely by Her Academy Award Role! JM Cedric Foster’s War Comment — MBS lies,: Thailand and Indo China is Wed. "THE PRINCESS JM •:45—Jimmie Fidler’s — BLU THE AM Hollywood the AND PIRATE" Dorothy Thompson & Comment — MBS denied Japanese. difficul- 10:00—Phil Spitalny & Girl Orch. — NBC “This will increase the Baker’s __HHiI Take It or Leave It—CBS ties of the present short food sup- HELD in Japan, but will not seriously ply SUNDAY ONLY! YI with the war effort and interfere Errol Flynn in \1 WEDNESDAY—THURSDAY will not result in starvation in the "OBJECTIVE BURMA” ahd /Ijgj "ROUGLY SPEAKING" inner zone. Monday Tuesday! Meet Modern Eve! Rosalind Russell—Jack Carson the whole of the The JM “Practically Ann Miiler in jM m processing capacity of the Japa- EVE KNEW HER APPLES”^M FRIDAX nese empire, as well as adequate "Adventures ei Kitty O'Day" SENSATIONAL lies in of raw materials, t PLUS supplies BARGAIN in l!UlfcTB TODAY FOR the inner areas. It is true that SHORT TIME ONLY industrial cen- JACKPOT terms of individual Ml A of m Labor Strange Story shortage makes of- bomb damage has If Adventure ahd of II DOUBLE FEATURE SAT. fflr necessary regardless of ters and plants |t/f/ II Love and Hate iSCi Profit or loss. Act now—get a been devastating, and many square J fu! 200 brilliantly colored Rainbow Mix W "ESCAPE IN THE FOG” "MARSHALL OF RENO" p as Na- | up....;o!ins bulblets. all first year growth, at a price miles of such cities Tokyo, B with AND Varieties jJj iR,!fnr#i°J?rt(!reained Possible. normally and Kobe, all vital to I Nina Foch M ,l10 ln older bulbs. Make your flower gar- goya, Osaka "HIGH POWERED" Ri'Kniwi01 the town with the not of color only irnr rviii fan bring. Gladiolus and Bendix BLU ^M •HftJS7iiIlxJBla A'EH- WE FI — Donald O’Connor in I I CAN'T What’s Good Word, Grammar MBS |j i THAT PLACE A y* Pay only *149 Plui "THE MERRY MONAHANS” i MEAM"YOU JEST COT postage and News (2 hr.)-NBC |\ MANOR OUT SEEM TO '•endDrp^P a(U^Lus and 3 Ranunculus arrive, ur 11:00—Variety M With Peggy Ryan M COTTA CO'.' HERE, GET OF gi we Pay Money Dance (2 h.)—CBS-BLU * back ?rder- Postage. News, Variety, B —Monday Only— JM • • THIS STORM ■ MAKE ANY guarantee.Supply limited. Mall order today to Music Ore. (2 h.)—MBs. Today Only PLUSHIE? Depreciation; "MADE ME A CRIMINAL” AM V ^DEARIE SUGAR. ■ HEADWAY MICHIGAN BULB CO., Dept. A-736 -v- ^ 'flonro«AveniJ# N.W., Grand Rapid* 2, Mkh r BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS A6AINST ( Queen BLOW I f A J LIKE of the THIS, , YOU'LL MEET FRIENDS! 4 I I YOU & And You’ll Be Delighted With the Pleasant L KNOW! B Atmosphere At The St. John’s. You Can Gambling] Get min Halls... Sanday Lunch $1.25 Why Not Banish Home Cooking Worries Today and Bring The Family To The

You Came! — St. John’s? You’jT Be Glad f- —^c _ MTTLE ANNIE ROONEY Bv Brandon Wush ~ j——■ ■ ■■ u!»-™— ■ » --m | —»»■<■— '■ ■■ IV 1 GLORYOSKY! ALMOST ■ TAVERN OH, GOODY, 8HESCOMIN' ST. JOHN'S George Brent HE5 BACK TO d EVERY PLANE SWOOPS I GOODY' % Pricilla Lane TURNING TAKE A DOWN TO READ, HELLO, RESTAURANT AROUND! GOOD, sinbad! some day i'll -' BETCHA SIN PAD WILL 2-8085 look! 114 Orange Street—Phone “SILVER COME SWOOPIN'DOWN- ^~*\r TUFN WEiL A Place Where Old Friends Meet, | FEELGLAD Where Strangers Feel More At Home all over! Are QUEEN” I And A Spot Where New Friends —--- Made! _ I SUNDAY DINNER WEEK DAYS 12:30 to 2:30 Luncheon 12:30 to 2:30 MONDAY—TUESDAY j-30 to 8:30 Dinner 6:30 to 8:30 SATURDAY "AFTER MIDNIGHT Luncheon 12:30 to 2:30 — Dinner 5 to 8:30 F? UARREIL WITH BOSTON BLACKIE" M<=CLURE CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH! — Plus — .w ir. EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT "HAUNTED HOUSE" ■T'rte V r J I Copy. 194?, Kim FaturCT Syfidkitf. lit.. Worfa rtghtt ttimtd.